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US-Backed Militants Attempted To Attack Palmyra From Al-Tanf

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US-Backed Militants Attempted To Attack Palmyra From Al-Tanf

FILE IMAGE: Syrian troops are in Palmyra

On September 1, the Russian Centre for the Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria announced that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) had foiled an attack by the US-backed Lions of the East Army on the ancient city of Palmyra in central Syria.

“Today, at 5:00 a.m. local time, 36 kilometers southeast of the city of Palmyra, clashes between Syrian government troops and a group of militants, who attempted to approach the city of Palmyra from the settlement of at-Tanf, took place… As a result of the clashes, two terrorists were killed, two more were detained and are being questioned,” the Russian center for reconciliation said in an official statement, according to the Russian new agency Sputnik.

The Russian center for reconciliation said that the two militants, who were captured by the SAA, confessed that they were trained and armed by U.S advisors in a camp near the US-led coalition base in the area of al-Tanf. According to the center, the militants were planning to carry out terrorist attacks in Palmyra in order to capture the city later.

“The militants’ objective was to conduct a series of terrorist attacks in the vicinity of the city of Palmyra and to ensure the passage of the main forces of about 300 militants to capture the city within the next week,” the Russian center for reconciliation said.

Last year, Damascus allies accused the US-led collation of facilitating a similar attack on the town of al-Qaryatayn in the southern Homs countryside. However, the collation and its proxies have never admitted that.

The U.S. and its allies are likely attempting to increase pressure on the Damascus government by plotting such terrorists attacks every once in a while.

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Terrorists based at Al-Tanf, where they receive their training, weapons and orders.

Trustin Judeau

This part of Syria will never be fully safe until the ISIS remnants in the desert and Al Tanf is cleared.Al Tanf first purpose was to spearhead the ” rebels” in capturing Bukamal but they failed.Now the purpose is to block Damascus-Baghdad directly highway from opening plus to create problems for SAA.

Tomas Kinoshta

Al Tanf is the shortest road from Iran to Lebanon. The main reason the USA is holding Al Tanf. After Idlib is retaken, Al Tanf is a possible target, but US is protecting Al Tanf with air power.

Jens Holm

True, but thos article maimupalte the semi FSAs into it. They never can by any treat for Palmyra and the oilfields around it.


Please Bro Take some English Lessons First…this is an embarrassment…. this really looks stupid… come back in a couple of moons…your Translation on your phone sucks too

Jens Holm

Thats not about enlish lesssons but about using my fingers.

You pamflet realy is an embarrassment…. it really looks stupid… come back in a couple of moons…


You got Fat fingers then…. lose sum weight…makes your posts a bit more readable I presume…


Maybe Jens needs a larger keyboard ? :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/585011ead136aeacc75eaaba4465333b234562e3054f346c7eee2993d5092f38.jpg

Concrete Mike

Oh my fyxk!!! I need one of these too!!!


Jens is Danish as we know Merijn and Denmark lost any relevance after the Vikings raped and plundered parts of Europe. :) Denmark has a total population the size of a medium city in the UK etc. Denmark is best known these days for rearing pigs .


And not to forget LEGOLAND…


One brick at a time Merijn :)

Brother Ma

Is there anything the Yanquis will not stoop to?


Diplomacy ?


Honesty, truth…


Those two words are not known to a Zionist, Zman :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

agree, after idlib, or hopefully at the same time, al-tanf needs to be neutralized

Trustin Judeau

It wont be so easy.Al Tanf is protected by the American army plus there are British and French troops there I beleive.If SAA attacks the Americans will kill a lot of SAA soldiers.The case can be resolved diplomatically.What I mean is deal between Trump and Putin so USA will leave Al Tanf and the other territory they occupy.The problem is that even if Turmps wants it ,Pentagon doesnt want to leave plus other forces in the American goverment like neo cons ( John Bolton,Pompeo) dont want so it is a dead lock situation for now


If is does come to violence it will be necessary for Russia to ensure many FUKUS troops and also Danish troops die in Al Tanf and elsewhere.

We all hope that the US will see reason but I doubt they will. The hole FUKUS as dug for themselves is far too deep now.

Jens Holm

Danish troops wont die. We will kill by distance and are good at it.

Besides that, we only have fighting troops in Afghanistan and none in Syria.

We are in Iraq with a little more then 200. They use a radar of ours, they make logistics and IT for the coalition and are traineers for the lowers ranks incl.lower ranks officers.

But of course You can give a try by missiles.


All troops can easily die in a real war Jens. Danish included. Sniping from a long distance is akin to drone warfare.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

but they are there illegally!! USA has no right to respond and should not have backing in the UN for it

Trustin Judeau

Yes they are thee illegally and everybody knows it.UN is an useless organizations,plus look where their HQs are.They are not going to go against USA.I hope in near future the American occupation of Northeastern Syria and Al Tanf ends.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i know me too, russia has said so many times all uninvited forces need to leave, but they do not listen, so maybe bombs and missiles will? lol


That’s something we can all get behind…and the sooner the better.


AFAIK, they don’t have backing. They don’t require backing. They just do whatever Israel orders, whenever they order it. It has always amazed me that they always dis other countries that might do something without UN approval, but when it comes to them…the UN is irrelevant.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

that country is a cancer to the planet and human race as a whole


The Refugee camp at Al Tanf has circa 80,000 inhabitants and the US leave the administration of the camp to the Wahabi’s. Conditions there are awful and food etc are used as a constraint to force the unwilling to support US sponsored Wahabi terrorists.

This is why the US will not allow Aid Agencies FREE access.

Jens Holm

Thats. Not many recruits from there to the semi-FSA.

Its more complicated then that. Assads are close to the camp and allow no help as well.


According to the inmates of the camp, its Wahabis of all denominations who control the camp. ISIS have often CHOSEN to flee to Al Tanf where they are re-badged and rearmed.


“Militant and rebel factions opposed to the Syrian regime and ISIS police the camp. They include Jaish Ahrar al-Ashair, the Army of Free Tribes, a militia believed to report to an influential Syrian Bedouin businessman.”

Jim Bim

The Empire is desperate.

Jens Holm

You again has no idea of, whats going on and whats true or not around Palmyra as well. No idea.

Seemes You are like a goat or ´swine, which eat anything served.

Promitheas Apollonious

unlike you that eat only kosher, right?

Jens Holm

Kosher is very fine food. Its like the muslims eat but with many more pots and pans. Muslism eat ´Kosher food at airplanes and hotels.

Most of the rest of the world see You as very strange, becaúse You dont eat swine. I am with them. Swines are among the best cleaners eating alomost everything, and they make first class food too.

Low level from You to put food into this even Assads systematicly put fire in fields and farmers as it was kosher.


You should go check on your pigs Jens. They may be screwing up your garden again.

Jim Bim

Lol….your a funny little creep…but you should stay in your shite hole until you developed a brain. Right now your skull is full of rotten slime.

Jens Holm

I see no desperat Empire.


Hey Jens you little cockroach.. been to Palmyra recently?…. What is it with you & Swines btw? I thought your faith considered Swines not Kosher…

Jens Holm

I see no desperat Empire…

Gregory Casey

I notice your pals around Palmyra who were feeding you shxt about 300 of them retaking Palmyra over the coming few days had their asses kicked …… and hard!! at 5.oo o’clock on Saturday morning when Syrian Arab Army blew them apart. No retaking of Palmyra allowed whether it be by 300 or by 300,000 Salafist Wahhabi Terrorists.!!


First missile shot down. And the yankees really hate culture and history.

Jens Holm

Very naive. I even allow me to tell, the missile ramp or whatever will be knocked out first and even so, theyprobatly has more then 1 missile.


the only way u can/could clear al-tanf is by force…that is the ONLY language satanic jew slaves understand……..to be concrete…..4 short range ballistic missiles…SAA have them,hez has them, IRRG have them

Tomas Kinoshta

you forgot US air power.


You forgot IED’s. US airpower is powerless against that as we witnessed in Iraq :) The US is hated in Iraq for good reason.

Jens Holm

USA is not powerless about that. But of course its an escalation.

And they can escalate to. But of course that can be the option, You prefare.

Rabbi High Comma

So Jens – when can we goyim expect you kindly jewish folks to fight your own wars? It’s a bit much giving Israel $4B/year for “defense” AND doing the heavy/bloody lifting on the “Greater Israel” project. Besides we’re going to need the jew-weary soldiers here at home for Shoah 2 – Electric Boogaloo.


It is an option I prefer as it is proven to rid ones land from US invasion of a far poorer nation.

Jens Holm

Thats right. The other way too.

If some want to tell You something, they have to print it out and put it up in Your behinds.

Joe Kerr

Go back to your mommy’s cistern, and leave comments to those with a brain.


I said it before…Construct a berm surrounding the Al Tanf terrorist base…and kill anything that comes over it.

You can call me Al

A berm ?.


Perhaps a anti tank trench would be better. This one got stuck :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea19b5dc1b8dfa6774cd22981a82f57729f51a1e8a7d8448f119c9b9009eef04.jpg

Jason Sixx

Whose tanks are those?

Ivan Drago

WW1 British made MK IV tanks, captured by Imperial German Army.

Brother Ma

Berm better. People or tank coming over silhoutted against the sky. Great target!!


A berm with barbed wire on top. And a trench right behind it with many scorpions ?


Except that in Iraq War 1 the US tanks just bulldozed through them.

You can call me Al


Jens Holm

Kind of funny. Its wide open to Iraq.


These two that were captured should be video interviewed and widespread across the internet. We, US, can’t afford this type of exposure.

Jens Holm

Do You really believe crap like that. Nort even a single % viking in You.


Do you believe the US when they say they are in Syria to fight militants?


For sure Jens Holm beleives everything CNN and FOx news are saying.

Jens Holm

I dont. I read a lot of sources every day incl. lebanese, Syrian, Kurdish and Turkish sites and TV. Israelian, russsiand, saudi and Iranian ones too but more like now and then.

And as You see, I do follow fx Soutfront, which hardly is CNN.

I have more then 38.000 comments here.True too many here comment hardly able to read, what its all about.

To me CNN is in the mainly reliable part and Fox in the mainly non reliable part. And let me remind You that those sources is much more then commenting things in the ME, as if You were the center og the world.

Most of the time, You are not.

Our own news are seen as well. We have good TV and radiochannels having text TV added, so we get a lot of shortliners from You. By that I can link to more detailes about it.

Too often its like we dont have our own oppinions and newsfinders.

EU fx have more inhabitants the USA and the same GDP and we have Internet and can see most news in the world very well – even – as me – only in english.


No Doubt You are 100% Pure Fullblood Viking…

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e2886603e448edfb58b987eccb5588c3b5001d2b419a4e19ec533dc7341eaf0e.jpg The Tutu Looks Great on you….perhaps shave the beard?

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a68aafee9d23b364fcaad8e4be4feb43b1116acb65e98235bc740913100fad78.jpg Much better…

Jens Holm

In hot summers the skirt would be first class in my cadilac, but I already has 2 pairs of shorts.


Didn’t you know Vikings don’t wear underpants?


I imagine you do Jens :)


Is that a Danish style Kippah on his head Merijn ?


That’s how it all started… this is the Old Style Danish Kippa…. They later skipped the Horns… they were no longer considered practical… Source: the Evolution of the Kippah through the ages…


Ah I see. Funnily enough there was a report by RT from Sweden last night and a Belgian immigrant to Sweden stated that all Sweden was ‘too white’ and all should welcome the immigrants. The camera man was filming his face but the man turned his head slightly for a second and I noticed a white Kippah on his head . As its the weekend RT will likely repeat this report.

Jens Holm

Actually some do that at parties and at football matches.

I see the picture as a shop for clothe to kinds of fiestas. It could be some tired father waiting for his daughter choosing clothe with her mother.

When I have to go to shops and kiosks for something like that not being involved,I would like, they gave a cup of coffee or at lest some cold water.

Joao Alfaiate

Looks like Jonathan Pollard.

Jens Holm

I see a toy shop in the ent https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9e8df66aeb38c4df8e2ddfb6f43fc975ca2acea336cdd162c15790ec563b533e.jpg ligted rezeising.


You are a very smart boy…. if you practise a bit more you can become a Spy or even a CIA-Agent when you grow up…. That is whole Fucking LEGOLAND in the Background… so this picture must have been taken in Kopenhagen…


You know full well its true Jens and we all realise that you love living in a zio paradise with lots of porn and prostitution etc.

Jens Holm

We do see the difference very well. Half of the rapes here in Denmark are done by a small group of muslims even muslims here only is about 8% incl. the well integrted ones.

You see exact the same for pedophipli. Your living i families makes Your crimerates much bigger. And above that its also almost ofen blamed the women.

So we have choosen to make the needs fulfilled and by that have reduce the well known things from ancient time withh that. We also learn the men, they not pr carrot definition are above females and women and by that are learned to behave.

A no is a no.

In stead of Your critisism, You should see our low crime by that as a very positive thing.

Noah, which made Semittes adding some foreigners, grew wine, it was not to make all the world into alcoholisme. It was because if You drink some of it You laugh and feeel better.

So Allah didnt trust muslims about that or what.

We mainly are not bound be old men and women like You. We once was. Its lees and less relavent.

And we can see porn from all over the world. We did not even invent being open about it. The prostituion is not wide spread as You assume.

Besides that all men and women as well as girls and boys are in the same rooms having lessons together, work together and can talk free and meet anywhere they want having no chaperones or personal protection.

So we can talk about most things free incl. that You know.

We only have mixted rooms for toilet visit and changíng clothe. By that we dont need many prostitutes.

We see muslim men here thing this is Sodama and Gomorra and they thibk they have right and needs as our women are low en has to be treated as prostitutes or even own by marrige.

We have rules for that. They go to jail right away for years and also have to pay for dammage.


Your post is to dam long Jens ! Sorry, I have no time to read it. Can you break it down to three sentences like mine ? LOL


In a few years Jens Denmark and Sweden will be hell holes and you only have the Khazars to blame for that. They are the reason for all the wars recently and consequence is mass migration as has happened for millennia.

Enjoy Denmark whilst you can Jens as it is a very small nation and very easy to destroy with alien immigrants with a sense of entitlement.

To your money :)

David Wadström


Igor Dano

Well integrated muslim? What does it mean?

Jens Holm

Thats says different from assimilated and non integrated.

Hard to make a list. Its very lomg list.

Its speaking the language to some level,so, You can educate and get a job and also have a job paying tax as anybody else here on the same level.

The children follow the schooll and not according to gender. When the school make arrangements fx cisiting things to learn more as well as sleep outside the home with Your school, kindergarden, scaouts and like. In that they learn selfcontoll, som they are not needed to be controlled by tha parents.

Children and Young and older vomen can go anywhere else they want but as the men mainly tell, where they go.

80% af the vomen has jobs and as they wish own bak accpunt for it. They mainly make a salery as men and there is no jobs for only men or only women.

Religion is a private matter. You can pray 5 times a day, if thats possible, but when You do at the job, its a non payd privarte thing. Here and there, thare are made rooms at least free for non muislims to do it.

If thats not enough You can – according to Islam – pray extra home, when and where You can. ……………………………

Thats a short list.You also can dress as anybody else or almost fx only covering Your hair only and fx kearn and do svimming in normal descent bath tub. That goes for men too. You dont use the smallest shorts.

Normally You also are total independent after 18 getting Your own small home. Of course parents often help a little as You can. Almost all education is free. You therefore get a job or educate and only are in the streets at fx disqotec.

Another one hard to understand are big muslim bpoys and men in groups. Many see them as a threat and many muslims – mainly young men – se it as a protection. But none need thois here at all. All can go here free almost all the time being not attacked incl. rape.

Thats a very big fifference. Our crime rates are very low. It make no sense for us naming us for porno and prostitution – And its forgotten, we have male pictures as well as male prostituion as well as pedofile against both genders.

Muslims seemes to be ignored, that they get raped as vomen and girts in % as men and boys.

And the autorities. We trust them and ask them for help. And when they arrive called in by noise or telephone we often help them even it for some are hard to go away. That goes for ambulances, firebrigades as well as family problems with the social service sometimes even moving children as well as arresting parents treating children and mainly wife not well.

And we do not have corruption here at all. A very good reason is, that we pay our public employed well and all know, that corruption is kept down in mínds as well as in punishments like paying back extra and jail.

This is not far enough about it, but my own fast John Wayne version.

If You have specific questions or anything else, I will get them in my mailbox and try to write back.

I also has to add thats how Denmark is. Not all are nice people here but things work as that almost all over.

You can not be here and make colonies, we pay for in a simple living style not even as a temporary refugee. Thats not allowed. You are a responsible person and an investment, which by tax pay back for free school, free education, almost free medical care and dentist and when You grow old, You get a minimum pension same for all, so Your children has no need to pay anything for You(but many has some pension extra themselves and children and granchildren often help some).

Today Denmark estimatly netto gives about 5 billion dollars a year for muslims comming here. 50% are not able to support themselves because they cant or wont change. Do we have to pay for, they comes from countries, where they should change, so it was not needed to go here in a total different enviroment.

I dont see its our fault fx 11 mio. Syrians are displaced or refugees outside. 500.000 has dies the last couple a year. Our fault? I see You acts like totally irresponsible by making no change.

Right now I see You even are going to bombarde Isdlib even more, theen You already has. But You just bombarde, what You have created Yourself by a heavy Dictatorship, which cant or wont handle the job to create a nation in trust.

It make no change russians or chinese take over. They have their own agenda as well. You have to raise men and women inside from birth to be different from now, so we get less displaced persons here.

You dont learn responsability but aboying and running things by fear and never no trust. Here You get same rights or almost for all matters. That makes trust and support for the state.


So… what is the problem then? If Sodom & Gomorra Folks do Bad things they go to Jail… in Kopenhagen right? Soon all Sodom & Gomorra Folks will be in Jail & there will be Peace in Kopenhagen…


Jens… look who I found! Your Auntie Barbara….ain’t that a surprise? https://youtu.be/85BKDj_1vVU

Jens Holm

I not even open that. But off course we can trade. I think I have some Comic Alis on a memorystick.


Just get me a copy…. thanks in advance

Jens Holm


Thats a You tube and better then the ones of mines from TV


The Jewish-Danish sense of Humor is definitely different than Dutch Humor….or I must have missed the funny part….

Jens Holm

We have about 6.000 jews here of 5,5. They hardly dominate at all.

Seemes like You dont know much about Duth humor even its well known the Dutch are very different people.


Jens, I asked you to check on your pigs earlier. And now they are running around downtown Copenhagen ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b928d55e4a10db507c184f401db17e6c1987592f5d066695fb7b4a49deade4b5.jpg


More importantly, the Russian delegation in the United Nations Security Council ought to confront the Murricans with their testimony. And also spread across the free media.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

SAA should directly request the U.S. to remove ISIS within Al-Tanf or get out. The Iranians could help assist them with the task. (if it is beyond them)

Jens Holm

Another stupidisme. First You create a lie by Your carrot below Your Niqab and then even blame them for it.

Lower then worms in an ISIS tunnel. And the Irainians could do this and that. This is about facts and unrealistic videogame build on wishes only.

Jason Sixx

You love jihadists man its so obvious


Jens can feel the US anger as he is a journalist and wants a job with CNN :)

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something if his job depends of him not understanding it”

Jens is one of those creeps.


Jens would be perfect for CNN!

Jens Holm

Whar a joke. Those FSA semis never has attacked Palmyra, because they are not able to.

More a kind of dirtt rats telling, that if they are not there, the mice of FSA might take over.

Also are very good explanation for any slow or fast fiasco or succes around the bloodbaths from abouve in the Idlib province.


Could be they were just tourist who wanted to see the ancient ruins ?

Brother Ma

Yes ,they just happened to be dirty ,smelly and be shooting guns?


Or even Evangelical Missionaries ?

Jim Bim

For gods sake, either stop writing, or learn to spell…..but that`s probably to much to cope for you`r brainless skull.

Jens Holm

Thats Your world. If things are spelled correct, they are fine comments even filled with garbage.

Here its the opposite. If people wrote less of Your kind, there would be less conflicts in Your region too.

Joe Kerr

Wouldn’t waste more than a second on that moron’s dribble- almost 40,000 comments with just under 8,000 up votes says it all.

Jim Bim

You`r right :-)

Rabbi High Comma

You need a better pilpul translation app. The “here’s why it’s this false equivalency/logical fallacy which is 100% in my interests makes total sense.” function appears to be malfunctioning.


Hey U.S. your ISIS-Members Sang Like Canaries…and they shat their pants…

Christian Gains

STUPID! Our forces SHOULD BE JERKED OUT OF THERE!!! Regardless of whether Assad is “good” or “Bad”, It’s NONETHELESS his Country’s FIGHT!!

I agree with russ, {regardless his motives}; he’s correct AND! Our TROOPS NEED TO BE GOTTEN OUT OF THAT ENTIRE B.O.,[Duh Stink’a uh D.C.] stupidity!! TRUMP is be conned…AND! “We the People…”; are being suckered!! It’s the SAME OLE, SAME OLE Military Industrial Media Complex FOR $$$$!!!!!!

leon mc pilibin

Is there no limit to the Zionist evil agenda,if they are not stopped in Syria then its over for the resistance.Its now or never,who needs Zionists democracy?just ask the Palestinians what its like.

Feudalism Victory

Thats how you do it! They got caught with their pants down at suweida but seemed to have figured out the price of peace is constant vigilance


The price of peace, is the death of the USA.. As long as Mordor exists, it will send its Orcs to kill and steal. The only good news, is because most American men are chemically de-sexed, the rape numbers aren’t too high.

Feudalism Victory

The price of peace is the removal of the rapacious satanic cult that has seized power across the globe not just the US.


True, but the cult gains power through the USA. Without the USA, they would be what they have always been, greedy money changers(banks).

Feudalism Victory

Babylonians. Yes the us is their keystone host but their history is long and the us is just their latest one. They seem to be looking toward a global government so they can move anywhere.

Icarus Tanović

They manage to make problems in Al Suwayda from Al Tanf. Now it’s obvious that they came from Al Tanf area, where they smuggled them from Jordan and trained them.

Joe Kerr

A report in Sputnik says that Assad rejected a U.S. offer to evacuate Al Tanf if he evacuates Iranians, so this useless attack was probably arranged as a response.


When this operation in Idlib/Hama is over, Al Tanf should be the next target of attention. No, they can’t attack the base, because that is exactly what the US would like to see happen. Surround the damn thing, cut it off from all Syria and kill anything that comes out or tries to go in. Cover the Syrian/Jordanian border 150km either direction. Any terrorists trained there will have to be flown out…which means they can be tracked. When it becomes useless as an access point, it’s usefulness is over and the US will have to leave, as it will serve no purpose.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x