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MARCH 2025

US-backed Militants Launch Attack Against Syrian Army From Jordanian Territory

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Jaysh Ahrar al-Ashayer announced on August 18 that it launched a new operation against the SAA in the northern Suwayda countryside and captured many positions on the Syrian-Jordanian border.

On August 19, US-backed Jaish Ahrar al-Asha’ar captured 15 soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the northern Suwayda countryside near the border with Jordan.

US-backed Militants Launch Attack Against Syrian Army From Jordanian Territory

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US-backed Militants Launch Attack Against Syrian Army From Jordanian Territory

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US-backed Militants Launch Attack Against Syrian Army From Jordanian Territory

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Jaysh Ahrar al-Ashayer destroyed a tank and an armored vehicle of the SAA with TOW missiles.

A source in the SAA claimed that Jaysh Ahrar al-Ashayer attacked the SAA border positions from inside the Jordanian territory.

Sa’ad al-Haj, a media director for Jaysh Usud al-Sharqiya, said that Jaysh Ahrar al-Ashayer didn’t tell them about the attack upfront. Furthermore, al-Haj confirmed that Jaysh Ahrar al-Ashayer was in Jordan and that they entered the northern Suwayda countryside from Jordan also.

Al-Haj statement is a clear evidence that the SAA was indeed attacked from Jordan.

OnAugust 20, the Hezbollah media wing in Syria confirmed that the SAA repelled Jaish Ahrar al-Asha’ar attack and recaptured all the lost positions on the Syrian-Jordanian border.

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That Jordan is aiding the terrorist we knew from the beginning so there is no surprise there. Better close of the borders VERY well. Or build a wall and make Jordan pay for it.

Bobby Twoshoes

Make Syria great again! :)


Are these terrorists keeping these prisoners within a US base within Jordan? (see the pictures of the building) I notice they take away their clothes just like ISIS would do.


They are as well the same type of mercenaries as ISIS, just a different flag.


And another great propaganda victory for the FSA. Oh wait, are those actual prisoners? Where is the picture of all the captured military ID’s?


“Jaysh Ahrar al-Ashayer destroyed a tank and an armored vehicle of the SAA with TOW missiles.”.

Of course, USA is giving weapons to FSA but Russia doesn’t give weapons to SAA.


Russia have given many many weapons, tanks, airplanes, and other vehicles to the SAA, compliments from the Russian tax payers. Else they would have been beaten by now.


Of course, beaten by USA-NATO-Israel terrorists, with BOMBUSA bombing everywhere on Syria land with the excuse of being bombing ISIS (its creation).

Gary Sellars

“Russia doesn’t give weapons to SAA.”

What a fuckwit… seriously…. Russians provide a huge amount of logistical and material support, and you’d have to be a fucking idiot to not see it. Why do you think the rats are now LOSING?


USA will win in Syria.


Serious Did you just switch sides on us, or are you drunk? :DD


I don’t know how you will win if you do nothing to win.

Gary Sellars

Retard… do nothing to win? If you haven’t been paying attention, ISIS is crumbling in Central Syria and the push to liberate Deir ezzor is fast approaching.

Your filthy regime change op has FAILED. Admit it and dry yer eyes….


You will win when you expel USA from Syria. Otherwise, I don’t call that a win but a loss.

Gary Sellars

Yes, but first things first. Defeat ISIS and crush them utterly so the US can’t use them as an excuse to stay.


Gary Sellers, you should reply to Gary Sellars on this site! I have to admit the “Voice of the Blues” is way cool. :)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You need to prioritize each enemy and then work from there , but the US is playing dirty and it could cost them their country , the people are so divided over anything the Media says via hatred between the two sides. This will have to take on another avenue and that is by having the international media to stop focusing on US stupidity and time to ignore the tantrum throwing child.

Tudor Miron

Do you remember predictions (not my) that I posted here several times before? It is already starting to happen.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This will be in tomorrows SF but the FSA has tried storming 3 garrison points while the US/Coalition watched from afar and they had to retreat to the Jordanian border the groups involved were Jaysh al Sharqiyah and Ahmad ‘Abdo brigade , shows they are connected to Jordan and are sponsored still by the US.


Could you repost those predictions as I couldnt recall them. Id like to see where we are heading in your perspective. Its been pretty easy to see whats going to happen next if you just think for yourself and have an understanding of history. It always repeats itself.

Tudor Miron

That was about some local experts (in some respect) were saying that GP is moving its power center out of US. Tramp is global elite candidate and there’s fight between US local/country level elite that mistakenly thought that they ARE global :). What they sais was that Tramp is tasked to reformat US (don’t confuse it with reform) to a different entity. May be through civil unrest/war. At that point when I first heard the above (just before Trump won elections) I said to myself – well it all sounds interesting but HOW on Earth will it happen? Lately I can see how. US has no foreign policy whatsoever. US actually acts in the way that even their vassals are finding it very hard to obery and also there’s no clear orders coming from oval office… Only kicks like those sanctions (anti Iraq, Russia, NK) that insulted Germans, Italians and othersthat wanted to make some money trading with Russia (investing in energy projects). That’s how US looses it’s place of world dominator – simply by not doing what’s expected from him. Now look at whats going on in US internal politics. What I see now (various sources) are huge quantities of people marching against each other. My point is that a prediction that looked loonish a year ago now is starting to become less outlandish and it’s actually visible that there is movement in that direction – US removed from world leader role and drastic changes in US itself. Most probably level of consumption by sheeple will be reduced within next 8-10 years.


They already did by creating their Kurdish protectorate. The only “legal” way the Syrian government can do something about this is to have Russia give the green light for the Turkish sponsored goons to attack Kurdistan. This of course will never happen on a larger scale.


People don’t anticipate and then cry. I was telling that since the first day. So, if I can understand that, the syrian gov and Russia should have understood it way way before and should have build a massive anti-missile system in Syria to prevent USA to enter Syria.

And, do you think that all these weapons were not entering Syria 10 years before the war. These weapons were entering Syria secretly to make stock and attack the syrian gov during the “uprising”.


No one dares shooting down a US plane (except Israel of course). For sure they have been stockpiling weapons in advance, however only with Russia’s help from the beginning they might have been able to resist this invasion of 200k fighters, but I guess Russia was waiting for the US to establish Kurdistan first before they were allowed to help.


If you don’t dare then you have lost. You give Syria S-300 and you shoot this f…. plane and you say “THE F…. RIGHT TO DEFEND”. Period. If you are sacred of USA, then you have already lost because they will exhaust you until they win.


If they wanted to do this they would have done it long ago. The SAA would not dare attacking the US even in self defence. The US have attacked them on several occasions without any consequences.


If they attack, you shoot them again.


Normally yes, but then it’s game over, so what would you choose?


Why it’s game over ? You shoot every foreign plane in the sky and Russia pressure USA in the uN saying that USA is genociding the Syrian people and want to kill the president of Syria, that USA doesn’t respect syrian people choice and is anti-democratic and criminal.


The US don’t need planes to attack, they have plenty of long range missiles. The UN is on the terrorists’ side so Russia can complain as much as they want. The US army has been waiting for a chance to fully attack the Syrian army. The western media would spin it so that it’s Syria’s fault. Facts and reason don’t matter.


I don’t think so. If Russia and China pressure USA, it will work. And Syria has also enough friendly countries to pressure USA in the UN. You must absolutely pressure USA on medias. Otherwise, they will never stop.

Can't Comment

I Think Russia should remind Jordan there a mere sand dune.


Jordan is a US ally, so they won’t do a thing to them.

Can't Comment

What? So what? It’s like you really believe you can just do what you want. Even you American people seem to believe that? You’re in for one hell of an awakening yet because of your lack of an education you don’t even know it. You won’t believe it until it’s too late! I really am starting to believe that the annihilation of the USA is necessary. You simply have no idea at all about anything. Yet we have to read idiotic comments like yours over and over again. I know the US education system now ranks down among some third world countries but you insist on proving it!


How do I believe I can do what I want? I’m not American and I’m actually against their foreign policies. Instead of your rant, could you tell me what you think they would do? You believe SAA would attack Jordan and start a whole new war?


As near as I can count there are 28 people in the room, who are supposed to be prisoners, not 15 as stated in the article. I have inventoried prisoners more than once, and these men don’t look like prisoners. They are too clean, too well fed, and hydrated, and they don’t show any evidence of battle shock. This doesn’t look right to me.




Sorry, but it was an itch that really needed to be scratched.

Gary Sellars

These are FSA men waiting for their turn to rape their units goat.


Maybe these are deserters? And basically surrendered themselves?

northerntruthseeker .

Well, there you have it.. Now the US is attempting to save their failed situation in Syria by launching their fraud rebel groups from neighbouring Jordan…

I wonder what the Russians and the Syrians will say about this change of events? If Jordan is harbouring these frauds then the entire Syrian battle is changed and Jordan itself now legitimately is a battle ground….

Richard M

The time of payback is coming soon for the Jordanian dawgs!

Alex Black

I like the idea of finding the rebels responsible, and launching a helicopter operation to collect pieces of the rebels after a caliber cruise missile strike from the sea.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

These are all civilians they arrested for no reason in the area by accusing them of being pro govt military supporters sounds like an ISIS group when they use those terms. Which most of these failed losers are backed by the US , from Abu Kamal area and Humimeih etc. ISIS dogs dressed up as the New Syrian Army but still ISIS underneath and trained in Jordan.


What’s important is that the Syrian government coalition is winning and is unlikely to stop winning. NATO has been in Afghanistan for 15 years and the Taliban still control half the country. The only NATO/US presence in Syria is a small number of spec ops and marine units. There is unlikely to be any NATO/US presence in Syria of any significance.

I’m sure that preparations are well under way for cleaning out the remaining land locked and border pockets of Jew world order regime change elements and dealing with the Kurdish issue once the push to the Iraq border is complete. At the rate that things are going the Iraq border will be reached in months not years. If necessary the Syrians can head north up the Iraq border to the Turkish border to isolate the Kurdish area.


The photos look much more like a fighters’ recruitment centre than a bunch of guys heading for the lock-up.

Bill Rood

Either Jordan can not control the terrorists within its own borders, or these are actually military units under control of the Jordanian government and this was an act of war perpetrated by the Jordanian state against the Syrian state. In either case, international law and past UN bylaws and resolutions can now be used to justify a Syrian invasion of Jordan and airstrikes.

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