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US-backed SDF Allegedly Seized Omar Oil Fields. But What Is Really Going On? [UPDATES]

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UPDATE 2: The SDF media wing released a new statement in English (source):

“Our forces carried out a large-scale military operation aimed at the concentration of mercenaries in the fields of Omar oil in the early hours of this morning (22 October 2017) in order to summon mercenaries and to miss the opportunity to commit acts of sabotage through their defeats in the liberated areas, Our forces, as a result, liberated the old fields of mercenaries and drove them out of the fields with little damage.

Our forces continue to hunt down their remnants who have taken refuge in the labor housing neighborhood adjacent to the fields where they are stationed in and protected by these buildings, while our forces clashed with them to expel them or eliminate them

Laila Al Abdullah, Official spokesperson for the Asefat AL-Jazeera campaign.”

To do so, the SDF had to cross the Khabur River and to capture al-Khurayzah, al-Maashiq, al-Qusayriyah and many nearby points. Only then, SDF units were able to enter the Omar oil fields.

Thus, the initial reports that the SDF could find a common ground with local ISIS members and to incorporate them into the ranks of “democratic forces” became more possible.

UPDATE 1: Reuters updated its article on the issue. Now, it quotes Lilwa al-Abdallah, one of the SDF spokespersons.

“Our forces managed to liberate the fields without notable damages,” Reuters quoted Lilwa al-Abdallah as saying.

The source of the  quote is this article released the SDF media wing. [Only in Arabic]

The Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) says the Omar oil fields are in hands of the SDF.


US-backed SDF Allegedly Seized Omar Oil Fields. But What Is Really Going On? [UPDATES]

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According to the mainstream media and some pro-Kurdish sources, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) seized the strategic Omar oil fields east of Deir Ezzor city on October 22.


The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said they gained control of al-Omar oil field, one of Syria’s largest, on the eastern bank of the Euphrates river.

With air strikes and special forces from the U.S.-led coalition, the SDF has been battling Islamic State in oil-rich Deir al-Zor, bordering Iraq. The SDF alliance of Kurdish and Arab militias has been focused on territory east of the river, which bisects the province.

The Syrian army, with Russian air power and Iran-backed militias, has been waging its own separate offensive against Islamic State militants, mostly to the west of the river.

The U.S.-led coalition and the Russian military have been holding deconfliction meetings – to prevent clashes between planes and troops – though the offensives have sometimes come into conflict.

Al-Omar oil field lies some 10 km (6.21 miles) north of the town of al-Mayadin, which government forces and their allies took earlier this month.

Reuters refers to some SDF statement in their article. However, the article released by the SDF media wing on the issue (http://sdf-press.com/en/2017/10/urgent-sdf-controls-al-omar-oil-field/) has been already deleted:

US-backed SDF Allegedly Seized Omar Oil Fields. But What Is Really Going On? [UPDATES]

Click to see the full-size image

The cached version of the SDF announcement can be found here. Screenshot:

US-backed SDF Allegedly Seized Omar Oil Fields. But What Is Really Going On? [UPDATES]

Click to see the full-size image

Furthermore the video, which is aimed to confirm the advance, is fake:

The video is old and shows the advance of Jabhat al-Nusra (the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda, now known as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) and its allies in the area.

US-backed SDF Allegedly Seized Omar Oil Fields. But What Is Really Going On? [UPDATES]

Click to see the full-size image

Meanwhile, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a hard-core anti-government media outlet, provides own version of the events.

According to SOHR, the Syrian army reached the vicinity of the oil fields from the southern direction after crossing the Euphrates near Mayadin, but was forced to retreat after the ISIS counter-attack. On the same time, the SDF entered the area from northwestern direction.

Thus, it’s clear that the SDF “success” in the Omar oil fields area does not exist. The situation has few explanations:

  1. The SDF and its media frieds have decided to spread fake reports in an attempt to slow down the Syrian Army and its allies that also want to capture these oil fields. In this attempt, they just copy the approach implemented by the Kurdistan Regional Government in northern Iraq (more here);
  2. Some local ISIS members operating on the Omar oil fields area joined the SDF and the mainstream media now tries to hide the cooperation with ISIS in the area. In this case, ISIS in the Omar oil fields need some time to re-brand itself into “US-backed democratic fighters”. The fake news reports about the SDF advance are needed to buy this time;
  3. Some reconnaissance units of the SDF really entered the Omar oil fields area but then were forced to withdraw from it by some reason. So, the reports about the control over the oil fields appeared to be premature.

The situation remains unclear. However, no doubts the real developments on the ground are very different to the coverage provided by the mainstream media.

This map provides a general look at the military situation in the area:

US-backed SDF Allegedly Seized Omar Oil Fields. But What Is Really Going On? [UPDATES]

Click to see the full-size map

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Bernd Herzog Römhild

Good Morning Friends.

MD Ranix

fakery is yankees/u.s. middle name


Great news!!! Thank for this scoop! SDF are thieves and cooperatating with ISIS.

Jens Holm

The mesaage dont say that. It says ISIS has given up and therefore are in the hands of SDF as prisoners.

Very hard again to read that Jihadist are able to join people which says praying 5 days a day or not is a matter between them selves and Allah, because dead ones dont arrive in flocks but as single persons.


Does it say anything like you wrote? Is there any mention of them being prisoners? It’s just the matter of changing cloths and banners. SDF is still too far to take any prisoners, don’t you think?

If it’s possible for a group to change from hardcore chauvinistic communists and Leninists into something “democratic”, it’s also possible that Jihadi head-choppers become like them. Not really far-fetched. Communists used to call themselves democratic all the times. Perhaps they didn’t change much in that case.



Terence Silvestre Jr.

After all, the two (ISIS+Syrian Kurds) are the same and exist for the same. To do the dirty work of Uncle Sam (damn Americans), so dirty that he would give to anyone else with some morale, a lot of disgust and shame.

Hamud Mohamed

thank you southfront for debunking the propaganda spreaded by YPG separitist traitors

Jens Holm

I think its fine trying to debunk things. But I would like its done much more. This isnt verified as such, because we dont know. Its verified, that the messages about things could be fake. I dont say anything else could be going on, which can be the situation.

I hope more things dfrom all can be debunked more and even people in the internet – time – can be punished putting in something completly falsein as facts.


The Kurdish factions disseminate a lot of outright questionable propaganda – generally aimed at claims of military victories with intent to boost their self morale and self representational image. Here is example from couple days ago:



By mixing KRG info with Northern Syria info, two completely different cases with different participants, you are confusing the issue. Might that be your purpose?


Different participants? Really? You mean to say that if there was an independent “Kurdistan” they wouldn’t link right up with “Rojova” and release well-produced PR materials celebrating the freedom at last for the poor Kurdish victims? Everyone here (almost) knows that these are two sides of the same imperial coin.


KRG has had a blockade with Rojava for some time. So who knows?


Got it in one.

Btw, there are no imperial coins in the area. You mean the IS coin?

Jens Holm

So Iraq is som oilfield south of Raqqa ?


For the people who make those claims, Iraq might as well be in Mars. That’s how detached they are from reality.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes the fake report on the Abrams tank which was destroyed in 2003,lol.


That’s because they are infested with CIA and Mossad – dirty tricks is their speciality. Too bad for them nobody believes this crap – we have SouthFront and Al-Masdar to help us! And RT and Sputnik which do pretty well.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

You’re very right, my friend. Very right.

Melika Azizi

You’re so tedious With several IDs And work for the ridiculous Zionist institutions


The Kurds are the new Kulaks. They need to be sent to Siberia.

Jens Holm

If You argue like that all syrian farmers are Kulaks incl. the kurdish ones. Millions of them were starved to death by Stalin and no rain.

When they came back all land was based on ineffective collective farming. The wish for PYD is Marxisme, where you in a more effective way make mainly food. By that and few emplyed the rest should be educated and have more advanced jobs.


Kulaks? Terrorizing farmers doesn’t sound like a good idea.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Kurds would be killed no problem for Siberia people.


Kulaks were traitors, Kurds are traitors. I see no real difference here.


Kulaks weren’t traitors. They were just 6 million peasants who owned a couple of cows that were murdered by the government.


Yeah, no. Tell me one reason why the Kulaks didn’t deserve the Gulags. There is none.


There’s a million reasons why govern mentioned shouldn’t murder 6 million peasants because they own a couple of cows. Or less. Modern studies have shown that Kulaks were only $150 to $200 richer than rest of peasants. It was just a crime to murder them. ***Also, it weakened Russia and allowed Germans to more easily invade.


Wrong. They actively damaged the economy and caused widespread famine with their greed. That more than overqualified them to be sent to Siberia.


The farmers didn’t cause the famine. Killing the farmers caused the famine.


Yes, they did by destroying all their farms and killing all their animals.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I do not know why so much noise and worries about whether the SAA lost or not the Omar field oil Because given the situation, the Kurds are being besieged, boycotted and hated on all sides and by the same allies of their sole sponsor, the Americans who can not do anything to change the fate of their faithful and submissive servants. Unless syrian Kurds learn to turn oil into water, I doubt it will be of any benefit the capture of the Omar field oil, both to them or to their owner and lord the Americans, my friend.


You and the 23 upvotes have been shown to be fools.


Are you jealous?


Well, it IS hard to be able to collect so much foolishness in one place and he succeeded.

So I am very jealous.

Wagner schmit

Yea are you jealous about Omar keep crying about it and make fake stories to save the little ego you have?

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Once again the SAA and all its allies were trusted and underestimated their enemies, capable of anything, conventional or not, to achieve their evil objectives, by force or by deception and by cheating. Knowing very well that ISIS is the same thing like SDF, American servants, why the SAA and its allies will wait so long to unleash hell itself to ISIS in Omar field oil, being only 10 KM from there, more than a week ago? The truth is that I am somewhat disappointed and very angry about the sad and rather shameful situation of my beloved SAA and allies. Because both ISIS and his peers Kurds and Americans are letting all Syrian government forces and allies, look like a lot of inepts and real stupid idiots, I fear.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Kurds wanted to link omar oil fields to Iraqi Kurdistan oil fields..but Turkey, Irak and Iran dont let them!..so Syrian kurdish need to sell oil to Syrian Goverment if they want to earn money..otherwise Petrol = Sand!..neither Turks will allow that Turkish kurds buy it!


Aren’t they several hundred miles away?


I think it’s still too soon to draw conclusions, we don’t have the necessary information and without confirmation-on the ground, or from more than two opposite sources- it’s really not wise to get angry or dissappointed, don’t you think?

We all know that the oil fields at the moment have no real value, the most important goal for Syria is to clear it’s territory of ISIS first and establish a life-line into Iraq and also that a few days ago there was some sort of deal between SDF and Syria through Russia regarding a field north of Khabur.

In the past, Syrian government said it has no objection regarding federalization and giving regional authority to the Kurds. If this report is true, there’s a possibility that SAA didn’t move to the fields on purpose (aside from it’s real value) or based on an agreement, so the Kurds have something to give, in return for autonomy.

One thing is for sure. preventing Syria’s fall into the empire’s hands is a matter of life and death to both Iran and Russia (different reasons for each). If they felt they cannot prevent it, they wouldn’t get involved in the first place. They came in, so as long as these two countries stand, they cannot let it happen otherwise all the sacrifices by them and specially Syria would be meaningless. Give it some time, a few days and we’ll know more.


OTOH, It probably wouldn’t matter very much at all if SAA pulled out now that Mayadeen has been captured. Taking Bukamel would be great but it’s not necessary to protect Deir Ezzor.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Many Kurdish supporters have their account access blocked for being fake with the info all the time.


It’s amazing how it’s easy for them to tell such idiotic lies. They are so notorious they even don’t think about the old pictures they re-post as the proof of new events, which will be revealed as false by a simple image search. I think that’s the difference between the people who believe in something, call it religion or ethics, and the ones who don’t.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I have to recognize that you are wiser and more objective in your comment than in mine. The truth is that anger is rarely good counselor. You’re right. We will have to wait for the development of the facts in the ground before we can formulate ourselves about while being more reasonable possible on this matter. Thank you, my friend, for calling my attention to my hasty comment while hoping for the good of Syria and its allies, that everything will end for good.

Policy Wonk

Until you have fought for precious ground, lost arms and legs, and trod the minefields yourself, you should not be critical of the Syrian Coalition, that has achieved miracles over the past few months. I am proud to support the Syrian forces, who have withstood NATO and the GCC for over six years. If you think you can advance more quickly, put on a uniform and offer your services.

Bobby Twoshoes

Figured as much, after the last few months I’m feeling really ashamed that I once thought the Kurds could be anything but yet another head of the zio-american hydra.

Jens Holm

They has become something now. You only has seen them as spendable as most in the Assads see them.

In the SDF zone they have gained a lot of respect among the moderate but not passive arabs.Kurds has changed and arabs too. Its kind of beautifull to me. The Counsils is also more democrasy then arabs there ever had.

And Assads hasnt defended them well. Even taking Raqqa, Deir El Zor as well as Mullah Omar killing fields has been in lowest priority for years.

They are confirmed by SAA being slow, Assads has to be helped by russians and shias and their military skill in the very low end.

In the other hand they have SDF raising from nothing. They didnt not even exist 2 years ago. Hamlets and deserts or not – ISIS are out – almost out. That part of non kurds in Syria see that as a big improvement. Therefore many has joined at least until ISIS is gone and probatly more then that.

They know they have big problems, but do the rest of Syria exept the fat cats of Assads dont have big problems too. Yes they have.

Robert Duran

the usual bias gibberish…

Jens Holm

If You say so.


“In the other hand they have SDF raising from nothing. They didnt not even exist 2 years ago”

That’s the beauty of US and co’s ops. They turn things into somethings else, far sinister than the original to create trouble for the ones they don’t like.

They turned Afghani Mujahedeen into Taliban and Al-Qaida by Saudi money, turned Saddam’s Ba’athist officers into ISIS by Saudi money, and turned PKK into various 3-letters groups, again by Saudi money.

Of course SDF didn’t exist 2 years ago, they didn’t cross the border from Turkey into Syria yet.


SDF did exist two years ago and was there before under the name of Euphrates Vulcano.

That cooperation was the result of the longstanding alliance between the Shammar tribe and the kurds and of the cooperation between a Syriac group and PKK in the 80ies and 90ies, that was later transferred to the PYD.


That’s what I just said. It’s name was PKK before re-branding.




I very much like the fact that you felt compelled to answer, but pretend it doesn’t matter at the same time.

Do it more sometimes.


Not only Shammar tribe; as there were other militias allied with YPG before adoption of SDF structure.


That is correct. I mentioned the Shammar as they have been allies as from the early 20th century.

Melika Azizi

You’re so tedious With several IDs And work for the ridiculous Zionist institutions..


Why are this sites doing so much false news about in name of SDF what is so special in this SDF – PKK terrorists

Tudor Miron

Nothing special but as soon as they became Israel’s lapdogs they enjoy “free” press support.

Jens Holm

Same nonsense rhetoric. They only became something because they were reliable and well motivated. You might light Your 7 armed for help.


Doesn’t have anything with reliability or motivation. PKK is just as reliable as the US is.

They only became something because the US didn’t have any other choice to hurt Syria, after the failure if ISIS.


Wow! Everyday I learn something new about you, Tudor.

Now Jens says you have not 2, not 3, but SEVEN freaking arms or something, frankly I can’t understand what he wrote but 7 arms? and you can light your armed? What do you eat?

Tudor Miron


Jens Holm

We know what a 7 armed candelear is here and dont know need more like candles and that too.

Some few here in Denmark use them with small light bulps because Jesus was born neing a kind of Jew. Could be one like that could help with a battery too. And of course a battery in your country is and artllery group.

We also only use cell phones for people in prison.


7 armed Chandelier. I wonder if you actually mean “חַנֻכִּיָּה” by that, “Menorat Hanukkah”, Hanukkah lamp.

I have no idea what you mean by cell phones and prisons, but whatever.

So, Tudor doesn’t possess 7 arms (what a freaky picture) but in fact, is a Jew?

Melika Azizi

You’re so tedious With several IDs And work for the ridiculous Zionist institutions

Jens Holm

Some might forget, that Assads was enemy nr 1 before ISIS grew out of hand. Here SDF by the program of PYD has a very good program to renew the SDF part.US has garantied SAA will never come into the SDF area(even the borders are not made).

Assads can only promise to kill all enemies and go on in the same style killing all opposition whenever they open their mouths and donr behave like spendable sheep.

Southfront is very good of that defence and by being reliable sober if You have filter one.

Some should remember thats sekularism is like a bomb in those areas, where most things are copying, how Your parents live.


An example for it comming to the parlament or taken is as such.

A man(reefugees) comming home married and with their children will get passport for her and the children. They are all citicensor can become soon.

A Voman(refugee) married to a foreigner man having children too, cant come home with him and their children. She can. So a mother should leave her husbond and children in Jordan, Syria, Turke, europe.


Thats impossible with equal rights

Melika Azizi

You’re so tedious With several IDs And work for the ridiculous Zionist institutions .

Jens Holm



Not much. Keeps us entertained though! Also every time a “victory” is announced on SouthFront we get a few stooges announcing how Assad’s “goons are finished” etc etc – march on Baghdad, or Damascus next blah blah. That’s what it’s all about. Don’t forget that at least two or three commenters here must be keyboard warriors for NATO or the Mossad – there is no way they would just let us discuss ideas freely about world events.


Southfront is the best!

Solomon Krupacek

In the West!


Best Western ?

Solomon Krupacek

Yest. :)


That doesn’t work in CZ (je).

Solomon Krupacek

maybe :)

but in russian yes, and the main goal was: the rime


Oy! SoutWestfront.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

That’s it, blunt and quite objective and informative. More than the very few outside, able to inform us, regardless of the malevolent efforts to silence them.


but sometimes wrong too.


SDF should not exist they are terror group, wait just to banish all Daesh from the country let us see where this Kurds will go. Assad will not leave half of his country to a Kurdish terrorists


It is Just 30%, no more. Maybe later.

Gary Sellars

soon to be 0%…. STFU terror sympathiser pro-Murican cock sucker


I love you too, almost.

Still do not get it that so many ass-adophyles here seem to be gay or obsessed by gay acts.

Is there a relationship between being pro assad and gay?


The best way for SAA to proove the news was fake is to take the fields themselves

Deo Cass

To prove to us. Because I don’t believe anything said by either side at this point.


Was a bit sceptic myself. Tend to think correct now as 75% change correct.

Jens Holm

I agree. Very hard to believe at least russians dont know, whats going on and have taken it long time ago.

They might have used their exhausted troops at Sukna and then use them in the Citycenter of Deir El Zor as well as covering Maydeen -Abu Kamal incl. the desert behind them.

OK fine. By why hasnt SDF`s taken it.

My guess is negosiations and at least SDF are in stand bye. A gues again v´could be that ISIS delay Russians & Co and not SDF.

Thats the same beep-beep artificial song we have heard from SAA almost took Al Bab deep covered behind many killed YPG`s.

Melika Azizi

You’re so tedious With several IDs And work for the ridiculous Zionist institutions..

Jens Holm



Copy pasting has its advantage in you not having to find something new to write.

Beyond that, it is rather boring.


The SAA should take the fields no matter who’s occupying them.


The fact SDF and other Kurdish groups are so “well covered” by mainstream media shows the obvious support, o rather prostitute bahaviour of this people, paid to please the client

Jens Holm

They do ? From when ?? Of course our western coverage is kind of biased, but its not as full of dirt as Yours.


Thank you for your opinion on my post. But next time be e little more creative and express yourself about the news

Jens Holm

Sorry, next time I will. I read a lot.


This is an old story – when US agencies pick up a client/proxy group or faction they have broad ranging programs to sponsor them. This involves the more obvious political and military support – but it also involves media and public relations initiatives. This can be done in-house by intelligence services and/ or contracted out to US public relations firms, but the general idea is to plant positive narratives about the client faction in western media whenever possible, and conversely to portray them as oppressed and victimized by a hostile aggressor, requiring US protective actions.

jhon malakiat

if kurd thingking they are independent state then they are in delusional accute. without become usa/zionist slave, kurd is nothing and coward. the case pashmerga in Iraq is as example. Kurd screaming like coward dog asking USA/europe help when Iraqi army take kirkuk…

Jens Holm

But they dont. Like You pretend You have 10 goldbars outside Your door, can go and get it and spend them.

Deo Cass

If this is true Syria has lost the war to the foreign colonial imperialist forces. It could just as well be fake news, but I’m still perplexed why after Liberating Mayadin the Syrian government forces did not immediately go for this vital asset for the survival of the Syrian state. My only explanation is that Russia turned its back on Syria and decided to join the arch enemes of Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.


No, Syria will not lose the war even if all the fields in Syria are captured by foreigners.

Syria has access to the sea and almost all major populated areas are under Syrian control. So many countries don’t have oil or gas sources. Omar’s output is what, 30k b/d? Although it’s much better for Syria to control it, Syria can perfectly live without it too. Don’t lose hope, don’t surrender to hasty reports.

Solomon Krupacek

belikeve in your fake dreams, but the reality confirms deo grass. and me.


It is you, after all. What a relief!

We were worried someone hacked your account, killed you and ditched your body in a gutter somewhere. Thank your G-d you’re still alive.


Serious – Solomon , we were worried . Another day , another dollar :)))

Solomon Krupacek

i am always the same. correct. only trith, no dreams, fakes. you are child. your life will be sad and full of disappointments.


You are your normal inspiring self , lets remake that thought into our lives will be as wise as thee .

Langaniso Mhlobo

It is true there is a deal under the table.

Jens Holm

It could be a very good reason. McGurk which is very prominent and well descriebed in those matters has just had at least 3 important meetings in Ain Isa.

He must be a busy man, if he has to solve Iraq too.


Even if true, aren’t they stuck in a cauldron with no way out? Wasn’t everybody writing Syria off 6 years ago, when the US and friends decided it would be a good idea to try and pillage the natural resources of Syria? What happened next?

Jens Holm

So whats winning 500.000 dead, 12 mio refugees and how many extra billions to rebuild.


Reports continue to Come in. Tend to believe it now. Short advance over the Khabur River. Maybe SF aan little too quick to label fake news?

Robert Duran

You cannot be take seriously..You tend to believe everything Kurdish.

Jens Holm

He didnt write that. You did put it into his mouth. He says it to him mainly seemes so. Im like that too -Seemes so.

And it doesnt matter if you are chinese, hindu or kurd. Its a matter of being able to read all few facts deep and Im sure many allover the world can.

I also will assume, You mainly are propagandized to ignore facts. If Assad on day says the sun goes down in south, it does. If he says it goes in north You forget south and it north.

And when we tell You by screenshots, compas and GPS. we are kurdish, zionist, CIA liers.


A day later it has been proven correct to take it seriously.

Jens Holm

haha – Right now looking at it for more an hour i hate that lack of facts.


Commenters here would look very foolish if the news turns out to be correct.


Yes, indeed. On the other hand, the same would apply to the ones supporting this claim, if that’s not the case.

I for one, would come and tell all how foolish I look, if this news is true. I expect you to do the same if it turned out to be false. Fair?

PS. Maybe we meet in the middle, if SAA took the majority of this large field and SDF captured a part, huh? Do we both confess our own foolishness or do we pretend nothing happened?

Wagner schmit

Problem is news that SAA retreated from diban to maaydin btw https://twitter.com/VivaRevolt/status/922075931010793472


As I said, if that happened I’ll return and confess my foolishness. Just remember to come back if it proved to be wrong.


I will.

On this page.


It now is very clear that SDF has taken the Omar fields though there may be some outlying parts not taken yet. SAA is, at least for now, unable to take the fields that might remain.

So, where is your apology?


SDF didn’t capture the fields, but here you are:

I hoped that SDF is better than dealing with ISIS and absorbing and recruiting them. I was being silly, I was wrong.

I apologize.


I gave it 75% change of being correct.

I think with the available info at the moment it is close to 100% certain SDF took at least part of the Omar fields. I do not know how large a part that is at the moment.

Wether SAA took part of it, it is possible as they are or were in Diban, close to the fields. I have not seen any news about them capturing part of the fields though. Let us put that possibility at a low. A factor here is, I think, that SAA has no bridge over the river at Mayadin so has a very low logistic capacity for offensive actions.


Although I think the most important goal for SAA would be capture of Al-Bukamal and having a secure highway to Iraq (only possible if Iraqi side do the same for Qaim). I expressed this opinion before.

Oil fields have no real strategic value to Syria at this time. It has no value for SDF too, other than trying to get something in return for giving them back to the Syrian government, when they both sit at the negotiation table. The fields will revert back under Syrian control, one way or another.

That being said, I made a promise and intend to deliver.


I agree with you both on what should be SAA’s main ojective and have stated too that the agricultural complexes, strategic depth, a recruiting base and defensible borders are SDF main objectives. Not oil.

With you I think the wells will be at some time not under Assad military control but under his (or his cronies) operational control.


Apparently SDF’s main objective was only oil after all.

That’s the thing I apologized for, I’m not letting it go easily!

Rodney Loder

The Syrian Kurds have the protection of the Syrian Government at the moment, the key to total victory in Syria and the ME is Theological, IS are the inspiration of Allah to bring possible defeat to the US foreign policy in general if not even the complete annihilation of the USD as reserve currency, IS can be recruited by me as the vanguard esoteric ideological group as leaders of the Islamic International Caliphate, sure IS do need a few adjustments but Allah is supporting me to overcome the teething problems that IS has had up till now, I am the Apostle and Prophet of Allah, I am Isa son of Maryium I need assistance to meet up with my Brother Salafists in Damascus, where all Muslim are expecting Isa to appear, the fight for Damascus is over just like Libya, Allah has decided outcome declared.


Fake or not, the US is hellbent on capturing these fields. Will the Russians finally help the Syrian Army move and secure them or is Putin & co more interested in pleasing Uncle Sam than helping Syria?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I have a feeling that it will be Syria ALONE who will have to go against the invaders. However, there is nothing to stop Syria suddenly acquiring a powerful air-force to help the push, is there? There MUST be plausible deniability as the invaders are taught a lesson they will never forget. It must NOT be Russia and Iran that deal with the US invaders. Understood?


US directly supports its proxies. It is time for Russia to do the same.

John Mason

Russia is not a proxy to Syria. Ever heard of sovereignty? Elected Government? They decide.

Solomon Krupacek

it is

if would not be, from the beginning would help assad

John Mason

Managed to get out of the sewer, surprising.


The US is willing to use its ground forces to support its SDF clients. Russia provided limited assistance and as a result we get these strategic loss of the Oil Fields. This is a result off Putin’s failed “diplomacy of ceasefires” and unwillingness to commit enough forces..


Russia has its special forces at the front lines, same of USA. Russia’s assistance is primarily air cover and has not offered nor said it would provide ground troops. Russia is helping a partner but is not there to win the war for them.

John Mason

You need to get your thinking cap on. Syria and allies are slowly eroding the strength of the enemy to a size that can be effectively confronted. Have a good think about it, NATO on Russian borders demanding Russian response. US with NK, demanding Russian and Chinese response. As long as the US can use proxies to fight their wars the man power available to combat them is limited.


Syria is not Russia’s proxy. Russia is there to help at Syria’s request. OTOH the USA is not invited so it uses the SDF and/or Daesh as proxies to invade and occupy territory something they don’t want to be seen doing themselves. You do see the difference, right?

You can call me Al

Actually I read somewhere that it was Hezbollah leading the result and they had actually overtook the processing units…. hold a mo.

You can call me Al

Rev 1 – https://www.almasdarnews.com/

You try and get onto it, surprise, surprise, I cannot.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I did check the site about an hour ago and they reported that IS had defected to SDF to give them control of the Al-Umar oilfields. What a surprise! Now I cannot access the site. There must be reason why almasdar is under attack again. Someone does not like the IS defection news to US and SDF proxies!

You can call me Al

How TF did you get 5 upticks and I ended up with none.

FFS – is this site racist against White Englishmen, against straight men, skinny, middle aged men ?

That’s it, we ae finished.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Don’t be so upset! Maybe because I’m a Londoner, or a Science teacher? It is in the lap of the Gods, Al!

You can call me Al

Not another Southern p**ce ?

Science – BS, g into the real World and be an engineer.

No further comment as that would be sacrament, but in my head, it was funny.



They were hacked. They’re back up and running now.

You can call me Al

Cheers for the info.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Although I do not think Putin can do something like this, I think you may be right in what you say, my friend, because I can not find any real explanation for such a complete failure resulting in the capture the Omar field oil by the Kurds, servants without dignity, at the service of the Americans


The oil fields are not captured by the SDF. Their forces are not physically there. Local tribal militants have defected from ISIL and claim to have handed the fields to the SDF which prompted SDF’S propagandists to claim they have taken the fields.

This report originates from Beirut and is posted on AMN https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/exclusive-isis-tribal-fighters-defect-hand-al-omar-oil-fields-us-backed-forces/

Instead of slowing down the SAA’s push to Omar, I think this ploy is a fail and the SAA will be more determined than ever to kick some ISIL/SDF butt.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I hope with all my heart that you are very right, my friend and that in the end, the SAA and allies, can leave with their heads up high at the end of all those developments.


If the Omar Oil field is lost it will be a testament to the ineptitude of the Russians in supporting their allies achieve victory and the fact that Putin and his cadre only care about appeasing the Americans (or as Lavrov says “our Western partners”).

Solomon Krupacek

emmarble your words

Jens Holm

Still filled up with skizzofrene lying propaganda of the most evil one. None shows what You write at all.

SDF hasnt demanded and own country. If they took all the oil, how should it some out to the world market.

You make so many stupid ones of those selfconstructions. The value of Mullah Omar field today is, that its hard buildings and steel are very good as defence, if ISIS has troops for it.



eric zweistein

Good catch, SouthFront.

Fact is, the SDF is not represented in large number southeast of the Euphrates. Only a bunch of demoralized ISIS fighters not exactly knowing where to go, what to do, and local tribes who, until the SAA arrives and liberates the area, earn some pocket money by pretending to proud Kurds.

Jens Holm

Yes, and who did that reduction too. Half of SDF`s are arabs.Im sure its arabs of SDF`s which has insisted in not stopping killing ISIS there.

You cheeat Yourself. Kurds are not as they were as farmers at Kobane 2 years ago at all. They seemes to be equal and even better then You, when they get the same conditions.

Besides that, they are several very different groups. Here its PYD in the Syrian moderated version.

Melika Azizi

You’re so tedious With several IDs And work for the ridiculous Zionist institutions

Jens Holm

No Im not x 3.


Half Arab? You mean Saudi mercs?

Jens Holm

No, they are locals and they are locals from their possesion.

There are small bunches of foreigners having same conditions.


Half. Right. Most of the new Arab recruits of SDF are underage kids, not even 15 years old, according to General Townsend and CENTCOM pics. Old habits die hard. Just like PKK which snatches the children to turn them into soldiers.


You are correct in this.

The Syrian kurds have been changed by the relentless attacks by islamists, IS, Turkey and others.

They have been changed into a warrior nation and there is no going back. Will they become the Prussians of the region?


Well, even the up till recently limited numbers of SDF southeast of the Euphrates are way beyond the almost non existant numbers of SAA south east of the river.

SAA just has the small contained bridgehead north of DeZ city and is not even capable of taking Saqr island and has the small bridgehead north of Mayadin where they have no bridge, only boats. That is unless and until they can rebuild the part destroyed fixed bridge of Mayadin.

Fortunately, now that Raqqah has been taken, SDF can and has redeployed many of the troops there. At least part of those are redeployed towards the Khabur river valley.


Still they had better get a move on. The tribes fear a reckoning if the govt comes back, with some reason as they have colluded with IS.


Why not? SDF crossed the Khabour in multiple places over a week ago and has plenty of extra forces now that Raqqa has been liberated. SAA made good progress over the past few weeks; but appears to have stalled. The almost daily reports of dead Russian, Iranian & Syrian officers can’t be a good thing either. **Trump probably offered SDF a bonus for continuing to fight further south since it is more important to SDF to go to idlib.

Wagner schmit

That is why SAA stalled.


While There could be many reasons why SAA didn’t finish the job and take Bukemel yet, the most likely is lack of manpower and concerns over Turkish invasion of Idlib. Plenty of Kurds were not enthusiastic about taking Raqqa, and I haven’t seen anything to suggest the Kurds care about going to Bukamel. Especially now that McGurk betrayed the KRG in Iraq. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if SDF quit Dez region completely after taking Khabur River Valley.


Likely they will go to the Iraqi border as a favour to the US and to create strategic depth and natural internal borders with Assadistan.

Jens Holm

I ignore Trump in al decissions. All the real ones are mainly made by their Parlament by the warfare commity runned by McCain.

People like McGurk locally has more power then Trump too. Trump accepted him as a high ranked Office, but could have replaced him with another high ranked Officeman. And thats it unlees they make wrong stupid things.

Thats the good thing about a democrasy. Even You get a Trump, the rest goes on as usual and often are able to cover and damagecontrol other parts.

We have seen it before. Nixon had to resign. The president has big power but is no dictator.


Congress has ceded a significant amount of power to the President over the last 77 years. While not technically a dictator, the President as the Executive does control numerous things. Foreign Policy is particularly under Presidential control, subject to minor Congressional input. Congress itself is dysfunctional.

Langaniso Mhlobo

I support SAA, Allies and Russia. But we’re having meetings with USA and SDF without Syria government representative.Russia also favour only five veto power countries just as USA.Russia also lies about countries who opposed USA by discouraging and saying Iran or North Korea war against USA wil only ladt three days or either quick. That’s a Russian lies their said thatt about Afghanistan and Iraq but wars still drag on. USA always use this rebels as terrorists to full fill USA evil desires.Just yesterday SAA we’re attack and force back but Russia never say a word or support SAA.Russia also wants oil pipeline through Iraq Kurdistan.Without out Omar oilfields Syrian economy will suffer.The plan is to force Syrian to accept new Kurdistan and begging for sovereign oil from SDF Kurds.I don’t cars about world war 3, 4 of 5 the technology will enable the small countries to be more power full then this hypocrite overstretched useless superpowers.

Jens Holm

You really dont get the powerplay here. Russia, turkey and Damaskus has had many meetings without SDF as well.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Thank you, you are right.This whole new development is really confusing for me.

Jens Holm

I worked with people having scleroses. They have virus in their brains. When they get ill, the brain try to repair itself. But every time it has to repair the connections get slower.

If thats the version, they all will be tired of war, but paralysed not even able to take oxygen in themselves :)


This is strange , as the Washington Post ran a story on the 10/19/2017 , called “After Raqqa” , in which is said the Omam fields have been taken by SAA , and they (SAA) have cut SDF of from proceeding to Al Bukamal . Yesterday read in Imam.com and Fars News. that SAA had done a helicopter drop in , after extensive Russian / Syrian air force preparation , and held the fields . SDF dis – information , after loosing Kirkirk , Kurds are striking foul .




AMN “SDF has not reached the Al-Omar oil fields , but tribal fighters joined the “Arab Liberation Council ” . So they don’t even need to put on a SDF uniform , just pledge .

Solomon Krupacek

like former isis-friendly arab tribes in west eir ez zor now enjoying the firenship of saa. the receipt is same.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Two weeks back Russia cautioned SAA and Hezbollah not tovtsje revenge against Israel because of ww3 scenario but still Israel attacks SAA and allies.Yesterday advancing SAA and allies were stop and attack secret meeting holder Russia disappears.Iran or North Korea or Iran will inflict heavy loses to USA but Russia always state it otherwise just to protect USA loopholes.

Jim Bim

Is the SAA/coalition sleepwalking?

Jens Holm

Its not handed over. Those from ISIS has given up an impossiblefence. It could be the usual procedure in SAA, not here.


They could not cross the river in sufficent numbers, only having a few small boats. Is the same reason why they have not taken Saqr island, no bridge.

Leon De Elias

Its time to take action against the zio-Kurd illegal land grabbers and show them where is their place..

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