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MARCH 2025

US-backed SDF Blames Turkey For Cooperation With Syrian-Iranian-Russian Alliance, Appeals To “Idlib People” To Stand Against Occupying Forces

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US-backed SDF Blames Turkey For Cooperation With Syrian-Iranian-Russian Alliance, Appeals To "Idlib People" To Stand Against Occupying Forces

FILE IMAGE: en.hawarnews.com

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have found who is guilty in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advance against ISIS on the eastern bank of the Euphrates. (MORE DETAILS HERE)

Now, the SDF is blaiming Turkey for cooperation with the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance and solding (sic) Idlib province to “the Syrian regime and its allies”.

On Monday, a hardcore pro-Kurdish SDF-linked media outlet “Hawar” released a short interview with Abu Araj, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Jaish al-Thuwar [a part of the SDF].

Abu Araj directly blamed Turkey for participating in the Syria talks in the Kazakh capital Astana with Syria, Russia and Iran and said that Turkey sold Idlib province and many other areas and “to the Syrian regime and its supporters”.

According to the SDF commander, Ankara is guilty in participating in a de-escalation agreemtents effort that has allowed to reach a ceasefire in many areas across Syria, especially in the recent effort aimed at establishing a de-escalation zone in Idlib province and combating Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in the province.

“We know that the federal project is now underway in northern Syria, and this is what frightens Turkey so it is doing everything to stand in front of this project so they give up everything to Russia, Iran and the Syrian regime,” Abu Araj started his speech according to Hawar. “Turkey has sold many Syrian areas to the Syrian regime and its supporters, repeating the scenario of Dariya, Maadamiyah al-Sham, al-waar, al-Zabadani, and Aleppo to Syrian regime and its allies after promising the Syrian people fake promises to fight and overthrow Assad.

Especially interesting is that the SDF commander has accused Ankara in failing to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad while the SDF itself has repeatedly cooperated with the Syrian government and the Syrian-Russian-Iranian alliance.

He also called on people of Idlib to stand against the forces that will implement the de-escalation agreement in the province.

Abu Araj continued his claims with a suggestion that Ankara aims to split Hayat Tahrir al-Sham into separate organizations “before entering Adlib [Idlib] to avoid fighting with them”.

In other words, according to the SDF, Turkey is guilty in that it has choosen to participate in diplomatic negotiations to solve the Syrian crisis instead of continuing its attempts to overthrow the Assad government and this allowed the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance to free forces that are now fighting against ISIS in Deir Ezzor.

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Zainab Ali

gosh are the kurds so dumb? all these countries do not agree with the establishment of a second israel in iraq


yes they are so dumb that they turned all the people who were friendly to them into enemies

Jens Holm

I see none being friendly to them at all. More like they are squized from all sides and only for the oil being there.


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Jens Holm

You may say so. But as I see it they are in a very fluid region split up and in ruines in almost all matters.

Murray Smith

What does he want sympathy? It’s the US that’s dropped him in it. That’s how they roll.


You know the SDF is a fraud because the “D” stands for “Democratic”. That’s Merka-speak for “Hey, we’re the good guys, you can trust us!”


While we’re at the meaning of the words, the name of their news agency, “Hawar”, in Persian means “Debris” or “Shouting desperately on top of your lung”.

Let’s all “shout” together: How dare Turkey participate de-escalation, negotiations and cease fires! How dare they sell Syria to Syria! Peace-mongers! Saboteurs!

Do you think Turkey is interested in selling Iraq to Iraq and Iran to Iran too? If yes, we must fiercely appose it! Signed: SDF, PYG, FSA, PKK, PJAK, CIA, IS, MI6, SH-B, DGSE, BND, NIS and co.


Not according to Google translator !! I get : Hawar = Hoover

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What kind of nonsense are you on since “Garga” is correct it was a Kurdish publication printed from 1932-45 Hawar means “the cry or shout” in English , Kurds speak a Persian-Arab dialect, most of the words are Arab though.

Jens Holm

Kurdish is no arabs dialect at all even they have taken in many words from there. The relations to persian is much closer even You forget indoeuropean language goes both ways.

You see the same adapting words by kurds living in Turkish Armenia being a part of them until they were killed. You have kurds having many words from them and some frases, but they are still based indoeuropeans.

You Geografi is wrong always telling things comes from Persia. Its not comming from east as persian and then have spread west.

You can say that with arabic and turkish language groups comming from arabian peninsula and Turkmenish across caucasus something.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They speak Persian-Arab Dialect , those around Turkey are Eurasian and those to the east are Indo-Eurasian you do know the difference don’t you. The languages of the Kurds don’t exist as many thought to be related tribes are from a different culture and language.

The unverified knowledge of them came under challenge as historians and Anthropologists, Archaeologists and DNA experts decided to investigate their claims and have found them to be misleading as none of the research done by Kurdish researchers can be verified. They have found various other links and unsubstantiated historical claims and many large cultural differences.

They believe the Zaza are an actual small tribe from Armenia, the Yezidi were also found to be a tribe totally unrelated to the Kurds since they have their own separate language and are being forced to be assimilated. The Khurmanji are even distinctly different from the eastern Kurds.

Jens even you are a Eurasian that’s why this is so funny , just love the world we live in full of bogus lies and all everyone wants to do is keep on believing them.


So you do not know any kurds probably…….you just name a few minorities within the kurds and abuse that for a fake proof that the language does not exist.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wow ! Seems you won’t even accept proven history and genetic evidence anthropological studies,so you are definitely a troll or very ignorant of current updated information. You are a classic case of one living in denial, delusional people are always the hard heads as they can’t except fact until they are proven wrong. The world history gets verified daily , where it was untested paper that has come under scrutiny and science as they say doesn’t lie, it can be misinterpreted but not when it’s peer reviewed by real experts.


OK, there is not one Kurdish language but there are several kurdish languages. the biggest are: Kurmanji and Sorani they are NOT a Persian Arab dialect but they all belong the Northwestern Iranian language family I do not know your sources, but if they do not exist as a group, why people call them Kurds?? And, why did the Peshmerga come and help the Syrian Kurds in the Battle of Kobani if they are not related?


Why did they commit genocide against the Armenians! Its been historically proven that Kurds did the “Dirty work” for the Turks! They tried to steal land from the Armenians! WHY??? What makes u think u deserve your own country? You are scum! You work for the same people who sold chemical weapons to Saddam and then used it on the Kurds! You are supported by Israel who also stole land and are committing genocide against the Palestinians! You are all going to die!


you?? i am european and non of my ancesters are from the middle east (and non were jewish, mostly atheist for more then a 100 years)


U seem to back them as if u are a Kurd!


That is because in your simplified medieval world view, people can only support their own tribe


WRONG! I am from Australia! I am white as white! My heritage is English and Irish!

I do not support my own tribe if I back Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq!

So thats shows how dumb u are!

I said I was an Aussie!

My “Tribe” is supposed to be the US coalition YET I DO NOT SUPPORT THEM ONE BIT!

So that totally fucks up your theory on me!

Try again dumb ass!


An aussie, that explains a lot

John Brown

No Matt that is your racist supremacist genocidal Jewish slaver world view where you will never remember the victims of shoas inflicted upon the innocent Goyims by racist supremacist genocidal Jews. You will never admit Israel should pay reparations to Russia and the former Soviet Republics for Jews killing 65 million innocent Goyims there. When will you also say racist supremacist world Jewry and Israel should pay reparations to Africans and blacks for the Jewish slave trading and owning of blacks in the Americas?? Oh that is right you will never say this because you are the superior master race, so if you the master race break a fingernail you get hundreds of billions but if you the master race murders and enslaves hundreds of millions of Goyims its ok because Goyims are inferior lower then animals compared to you, the master racist supremacist Jewish race.


ok, enough of your bullshit

John Brown

Part 1 Your start it by calling names and then your vile racism and hate explodes. There are good Jews that is where I get most of my best info from. I make sure to qualify my statements as applying only to racist supremacist genocidal Jews like you, as it is impossible for all Jews to be racist supremacists like you are. You try to pretend to be for humanity etc but you are clearly just a racist supremacist genocidal Jew. Why can’t you condemn right now on this board the racist DNA tests Israel has to become a citizen as wrong racist and a genocidal hate crime???? Why can’t you condemn right now on this board their sterilizing of blacks going on right now as wrong racist and a genocidal hate crime? Why can’t you condemn right now on this board their throwing black blood donations into the garbage as wrong racist and a genocidal hate crime??? . Why can’t you condemn right now on this board their slaughter of 65 million innocent Goyims in the Soviet Union as wrong racist and a genocidal hate crime and a crime against humanity? Why can’t you condemn right now on this board their enslavement and murder of tens of millions of Africans in the North American slave trade in the Americas as wrong racist and a genocidal hate crime and a crime against humanity? Because to you Goyims are inferior, lower then animals; compared to you, the master, racist, supremacist, chosen, superior, Jewish, race.

John Brown

(part 2) All the arguments you make are the same ones holocaust deniers make which makes you a shoa holocaust denier as well. But I must say most of them don’t completely deny Jews died / were killed by Nazis in World War 2, they just dispute how many. You completely deny that racist supremacist genocidal Jews have committed multiple shoas, holocausts against Goyims at all, making you the king of the haters! I think it is always wrong and racist to kill innocent people especially when this is done because of a racist supremacist genocidal ideology, just as I condemn anyone seeking to harm innocent Jews. I have corrected others on this board about such matters. I note how you try to rationalize and excuse, give free pass, to the racist supremacist genocidal Jewish crimes against humanity. Well all the haters and the racist supremacist genocidal Jews say that, which does not make it right or true. Thanks for your confession of your being an evil, racist supremacist genocidal Jew gotcha. Listen you evil, racist supremacist genocidal Jew, it is never okay, there is never any excuse to kill innocent people including innocent Jews.


Can we just call them “gypsies” and get on with it!

Fuckers committed Genocide against the CHRISTIAN Armenians! Suck the cock of their masters (USA) who sold chemical weapons to Saddam who then used it on the Kurds!

These fuckers have no soul!

They are the same as the Gypsies in Romania and the ones who spread into Europe! All they know how to do is steal! Steal from u as u grab ur money from the ATM, try to steal land from Armenia and now they wanna steal land in Syria and Iraq!

They are no different to both Jews and Nazi’s!

They commit Genocide AND they steal land! Thats a Nazi and a Jew rolled into one!

Fuck em!


Fuck you, white trash untermensch


Oh I’m sorry were my facts to harsh a reality to handle?

FACT Kurds committed genocide against the Armenians (Christians) with over 1 million murdered!

Now stealing land!!

And they say “Israel supports us because we have western values”

The West hates Israel too! Israel are scum too! They are committing genoicde against the Palestinians! FACT! Israel stole land!

Kurds have done the same thing (Genocide) and are doing the same (stealing land) as the Israeli’s have done!

Scum supporting scum! HARD FACTS!!!!!!!!! EVEN KURDS have atoned for their crimes!!! So its all admitted!!!!



And you are scum as well Humans are scum…


poor response! U must have had a poor education! My apologies!


So you shout like a madman calling whole groups scum and if i turn the favour, i have a poor education. Do you suffer from amnesia mayebe, not remembering what you wrote above my comment? Or are you just schizophrenic?


the people I label scum are:

Jews USA Kurds (for their genocide of the Armenians)! Saudi Arabia Wahhabi’s

If u back these groups then u are also scum in my view!

Im entitled to my own opinion!

Ive had this opinion since day 1 of this conflict!

I knew the Kurds were gonna try this 2 years a go! I said it would happen and it did because I know how this shit works! I enjoy researching history and geopolitics and I have my own view on how this world and its players really work!

I was labelled “crazy” in 2011/12 when I said the USA controls and supports Al-Quieda Now these people believe me!

But now the USA admits Al-Quieda works along the same goals as the USA but just says “even Al-Quieda hates Assad and Gadaffi”!


Then there are pictures to prove it fake propaganda these white helmets scum bags Israel not bombing ISIS which is right fucking next door to its border yet bombs Syria!



USA AND ISRAEL CONTROL AND AID AL-NUSRA AND ISIS and the Kurdish state is their end goal!!!


you have to be a dumb mother fucker to not know this!

So Matt, seriously, SHUT THE FUCK UP! You are either too dumb or ignorant to talk to about this shit!


thats all!

U will see. time will prove us all correct! And u will just have to deal with it! Have a nice life!


Again shouting like an imbecil. I agree with you on a lot of your last comment about the war in Syria though. I will not shut up, sorry buddy boy


Hmm… Curious… That changes everything! Now that Google says so, I hereby declare that “Hawar” is brand a of vacuum cleaner. Although a bit noisy and may bring your house down! Use at your own risk.

Jens Holm

You always can find that if You want to. Isis means icecreme icecreme in my langugae. Many icecreme sellers has changed their names after those morons arrived.


Danish, huh?

You are right. Some words in one language have another meaning in a different one. For example the word “Danish” is pronounced “duh-nesh” in Persian and means knowledge. Sometimes it becomes hilarious: Kun in Persian means “butt”.

In this particular case I don’t agree. A lot of Kurdish words have Persian roots and more or less mean have the same meaning.

Mickey Dee

You forgot LGBTQ

Boris Kazlov

Spot on. ‘Free’ Syrian Army, Syrian ‘democratic’ forces, the only dissonant word here is Syrian, they should be called Zio-Yankistani forces. Enough using freedom, liberty, and democracy to cloak murder and pillage.

Jens Holm

Your balls are in strings – how long. Do You sit, when You stand up

Deo Cass

As much a I’m highly critical of the Kurdish leadership which has sold its soul to its Zionist Western colonial masters, I would refrain from making sweeping statements against the Kurdish diaspora, otherwise we would fall into the trap of the Zionist plan to wrack havoc and discord amoungst peoples for their own interests. Let us be precise that its the Kurdish leaders who are responsible and concentrate all of our criticism on them.

Rüdiger Preiss

Kurdish leaders only can behave like this if they have the backing of their people. Otherwise they wouldn’t stay their leaders for long!


The western war politician’s do not have the peoples backing yet they still beat their war drums at every chance. Who am I kidding, majority of people here listen to the propaganda and hate Russians and Iranians without these countries ever effecting them in any way.

Jens Holm

Thats very incorrect. You dont get how we are organized. We in Denmark do like most of the rest.A minimum is to ask for a new parlament and a new goverment every 4`t Year.

They decide being elected to it for us. Sometimes the majority of the population disagree with the parlament and the goverment. The public oppinion sometimes can change them. But we also has voted several times about being more and more EU and we also are members of Nato as well as UN.

You cant just say no to the “above states” agreements because we have signed them and have to be trusted. So if we want to leave and change that we also have to negosiate with them for change.

Here You obvius ignore we signed because we also got something for it and might loose or change that for the worse. ……………………………………………………..

You say Russians dont effect us. Russia is the reason why we like USA very much today.

And Iran. Yes we dont trust them being agressive as they are right now in Iraq, Syria, Yemen etc. having atomic bombs as well too.

Boris Kazlov

Who the fuck is “we’ like USA very much today. Stoltenberg about Iran you just parrot Zionist propaganda, BTW I am very well aware of the Ottoman occupation of Syria, yet it was always Syria, a millenary culture. Fuck you and the genocidal kurds, shotting at the Syrian ARAB army, and sucking Yankistani nigga cock like you.

Boris Kazlov

Kurds are brainwashed like Muricans and Europeans who keep voting the same shite over and over.

Jens Holm

Most of the rest are brainwashed since Muhammed arrived and made 11 versions of islam.

Boris Kazlov

Stoltenberg your ignorance is as big as your love of Yankistani nigga cock, the division in Islamic Empire started after the death of the Prophet, since he did not have any male children, some people the, Ahl -el-Beyt, thought that Ali ibn Abi Talib, son in law of the Prophet, should be Caliph, others thought that it should be Abu Bakr, a companion of the Prophet, hence the division.

Jens Holm

Thats right. Some Chief Indian said that too. Thats the good way ruling by trust in stead of fear.

Boris Kazlov

Kurdish leaders are a corrupt oil mafia, nothing else.

Jens Holm

How much do You get. Are You pain in opium or heroine.

Boris Kazlov

Just ruski Bodka

Jens Holm

All are responsable. Elected are responsible to more or less do what the voters say. If not,they are removed next time if there are anyone better.

Thats the smart thing about voting on fair and equal conditions even sometimes better can we worse as well.

You must light Your 7 armed candelear under Your bed blanket and see things more realistic. Well id You can. Much seemes to be tabu or hardly exist in Your narrowminded world of selfconflicted accidents.

Jean de Peyrelongue

If this true, Russia, Iran and Turkey have to be congratulated. Syria belongs to all Syrians wether they are from Kurd, Assirian or Arab ethnies or wether they are Muslim, Chritians or Jews and not to those who are sectarian and are for ethnic cleasing

Jens Holm

And the 3 last jews in Syria are all clapping in their hands. The rest of them – or actually grandchildren of them – are in the Israelian defence.

Jean de Peyrelongue

Those who have been running away to Israel were not true Syrian. They were really a sectarian fith column and that is good that they left

Rüdiger Preiss

Selfish opportunists! All they are concerned about is taking advantage of the crisis the Syrian people have to endure, created by Neocon Capitalists and Wahhabi Salafists who were trying to destroy this beautiful country. Shame on the Kurds, they have taken the bait knowing all too well what is being played here. Just another greedy pack!

Jens Holm

And the bait was to be overrunned by armies of others incl. ISIS supported by USA. You are far out.


He is asking for BOMBS!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Maybe he is pointing out that he is a stinkbomb!

Jens Holm

Could be usefull not to smell You by that.


C´mon everybody, sing along with Cindy and I ……… I see your true colors shining through, I see your true colors, THAT´S WHY I LOVE YOU…

Okaaaaaay, can they knock it off with putting the funky fix into the juice dispencer at the chow hall please?!?!?!? …………….. enough levity, it´s only Monday yet.

One after another, all the real bad guys are cracking up now. They are coming out of the shadows like somebody passed the all clear signal. At the end of this war, this incredible tragedy, I want to know who promised what to whom and when. The truth should come out. This type of monstrosity, needs to stop being part of the playbook. If these are the real thoughts and sentiments of that commander, then I want no part of that vision. I wish well to all.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

My personally thought is the Kurdish leadership passed gas silently and everybody is finally realizing they were the ones who dealt it after smelling it for so long.



Oh they are just going nuts.

Jimmy Braun

“Turkey has sold many Syrian areas to the Syrian regime and its supporters. What a moron, Syria is a sovereign State, the land belongs to the Syrian.

Dod Grile

Poor, poor Idlib. Have not its people suffered enough?

It is time for Murder Inc and all its murderous little cannibal sock puppets (such as the piece of excrement pictured above) to head back to the Langley cesspool.


General Surena


General Surena


Rafik Chauhan


Jens Holm

No. Wrong again.

Boris Kazlov

Stoltenberg, what he said is right, Kurds sold out body and soul to USrahell, you are the only Zionist shill defending them, maybe a paid CIA op, disrupting a Russian-leaning site. Useless to say that I am paid by the Kremlin, I wish I were, I just love the sacred Motherland.

Robert Duran

To think that not too long ago I thought the Kurds had good intentions

Robert Duran

Has anyone located the “dutchnational” today?


(((dutchnational))) got stuck in Tel Aviv traffic

Rüdiger Preiss



funny but I think he is a Kurd actually

George King

Last I heard is in Sweden protecting the no go areas and serving up the women to pacify the hordes.

Trustin Judeau

I never believe that I will say this but the SDF actions force me to like Turkey more than them . Congratulation morons

Jasminko Grdic

True, weeks ago i have try to convince all other that Kurds are the Syrian citizen andn that fight for Syria and freedom…now i see the CIA has done a great job but give great money to Kurds leaders who become idiots and puppets


I absolutely agree with your sentiments. I never thought anything could redeem Erdogan in my eyes, and yet, here we are, listening to some bitter Kurd as he finds excuses for what was plain to see a year ago, the US will not sacrifice existing allies, despised as they may be, in favor of new allies who are weak. You (the Kurds) were told by the Russians to keep a good foot in the door with Assad. You were told by the Americans that if you didn’t capture enough oil wells, they wouldn’t fight for you. And now this ridiculous statement from a commander of the SDF. For the YPG to continue existing at all in Syria, it needs to drop the SDF like a hot rock, and start denouncing SDF ties to ISIS immediately.


exactly the same for me


SDF is code word for Israel

Jens Holm

BL is babling in big letters.


Shut up kike

Carol Davidek-Waller

It’s the drugs talking. The ones consumed by US ‘leaders and the ones supplied to their proxies, the SDF. You have to be pretty messed up to talk about the Syrian Army reclaiming its own territory as an invading force. Even more messed up to think anyone would believe you. As everyone knows, both Iran and Russia are in Sryia at the invitation of the elected government unlike the U.S. and regime change armies/terrorists.

Jens Holm

Total rubbish enemy fear threat talk. No wonder so many kurds are working hard for changes.

And they are not the only ones which dont like You. Millions even prefare to stay among christians and sekulars in countries, they are not even able to understand.

Thats how low You are.

No peace, just kill on. Hardly time to wash friday.

Carol Davidek-Waller

Jens, Still can’t find a job?


elected government, hahahahahah with real elections there is a real opposition and the winner does not win with 88.7% of the votes

Carol Davidek-Waller

If you take the time to learn about Syria you’ll discover that Assad is very popular. He is looked upon as a savior of his nation. You can see why as forces outside their borders are trying to read their nation apart and steal their wealth. The nations engaged in this criminal exercise are no bastians of democracy themselves.


I took the time and helped syrian refugees. I think a part of the population supports him, but certainly not almost 90 percent

Tommy Jensen

Polls, votes and NATO reports says 70%.


The Kurdish “federal” project will be shut down in a bloodbath, Turdish imbeciles are to be crushed between Syria and Turkey. You know Kurdish leaders are ultimate scumbags when they manage to make fucking Turkey be a good guy (compared to them). Like really even the jihadist crazy sultan seems more reasonable then Sellout Dung Forces…

Jens Holm

I hope You Your thinking about it dont come therough and they reach something more peacefull.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The Kurd’s are the drug corridor between Afghanistan and Europe. Mi6 and Mossad and Kurd’s try to keep all indigenous Europeans on drugs so they are easier to conquer. The Kurd’s must be crushed and with them Mi6 and Mossad’s dream of further genocide.

Jens Holm


Divesh Kumar

Look who is speaking about Syrian people….is he so ignorant to think that Syrian are so ignorant……. Looks like a clear bearded turncoat ISIS

John Brown

What a great confession, admitting to be on the side of Al Qaeda and publically calling for an alliance with them and also ISIS at the same time. The Kurdish leadership have now destroyed themselves. Nothing beats the confession.

Jens Holm

Very hasty conclusion made by of the usual enemies of them being themselves in normal way.


Abu Araj is an Israeli ?? If any thing, he sounds like one and is just posing as a Kurd !! Kurds are supposed to be anti imperialists and anti zionists !! This guy is Not !!


Stupid Kurd haters, its just a matter of time untill the Kurds will change the artificial borders of the middle east, drawn by the colonial powers. Why the FUCK do you dumb asses defend those colonial borders??

Because in the end you are a bunch of degenerated white trash fascist idiots!!!!


Actually a number of us have been pro Kurdish , but their bad choices have lost that support . Inviting the USA onto Syrian soil , was the shift point , they started this war against Syria . They started the war in Iraq . They encouraged and supplied Saddam with the chemical weapons that he used on the Kurdish people . Kurdish leadership , having , “bought the story “, or “sold the dream “from the Americans will only lead their people to total destruction if they do not wake up .

Graeme Rymill

Who should the Syrian Kurds have turned to if not the United States? Turn the clock back to September 2014. Kobani was under ISIS siege.


Who was going to help the Kurds?

Not the Syrian Government and the SAA and the Syrian air Force. They were struggling on multiple fronts elsewhere.

Not the Turks who stood and watched ISIS attack and besiege Kobani . Not the Iraqis. Mosul had fallen in June 2014. There were genuine fears that Baghdad would be besieged or taken.

The Syrian Kurds totally lacked tanks and other armoured vehicles, artillery and combat aircraft.

Are you suggesting the Kurds should have simply surrendered to ISIS? Or should they have all become refugees in Turkey and let ISIS take over all the northern Syrian Kurdish towns and cities? Who else besides the US were the Kurds to turn to?


Your answer would be sensible if this was a civil war and if the Daesh was not a CIA/Gulf States/israeli construct. But as it is, this construct drove the Kurds into US camp, which was allied with Turkey at the time. So, really they too were played in the game of balkanisation of the entire area, not just Syria. But the best for world peace is that a kurdish state is not created in this fashion.

Jens Holm

You forgot one detail. Kurds didnt participate in the uprise and hasnt attacked Assads as well.

If You have a killer in Your street doesnt say You all are – You say so. Kurds were defending themselves against some, which in the beginning was hard supported by USA and being unprotected by SAA & SyAF.

Graeme Rymill

Let’s pretend I agree with your “construct”. Were the Kurds in late 2014 being attacked by ISIS or not? The same ISIS that had captured huge swathes of Syria and Iraq. Who were the Kurds to turn to? The answer is there was no one else…it had to be the United States.


Everyone was reeling from the attack of the construct (Daesh), Syrian government, Syrian Christians, the Druze, the Yazidis, and of course the Kurds. They have a huge amount in common, only the Kurds were separated by geography. But that ended some time ago, but unlike all the other communities who fully support the central government, the Kurds decided to take their chance and grab some land for themselves. They could do that, but only with US help. They took the bait. So US construct forced them to an alliance with US. Doesn’t that just smell fishy? US has often supported both sides against each other. US even helped Saddam (who is well known to have been a CIA asset) to kill Kurds with chemical weapons. In Syria the Kurds could get the support, but they had to agree to have US military bases on the territory they had taken from ISIS. That’s in Syria. The Kurds gave away Syrian land that was temporarily and fortuitously under their control! Their fighters and fought bravely but the land wasn’t theirs to give away. Particularly not to an entity that was fundamentally hostile and was trying to dismantle Syrian society and its old culture. Unfortunately they are US puppets now – it shows that it’s not enough to be just a warrior, lacking political savvy will cost them dearly.

Boris Kazlov

Sure, and now they are allies with ISIS via the USA, Russian command did not detect any hostility betweem SDF and Daesh, so what was SDF doing in ISIS -held territory when bombed by some Russian or Syrian plane? How come they got hurt and now they are whining and complaining abut big bad Russians?

Jens Holm

Mr & Mrs far out again. Your rela name is Karlof and from Transylvania ?

Tommy Jensen

Easy question. The Kurds should have turned to their Syrian government and its allies in Iran, Hezbollah and Russia.

Graeme Rymill

You are dreaming. The Syrian Army was hundreds of kilometres away in September 2014. They were in no position to help. The Russians didn’t

Graeme Rymill

Easy answer if you don’t know the facts. The Kobani attack by ISIS started in September 2014. Russia didn’t intervene in Syria till September 2015 – a year later. The Syrian Army… has 10 seconds looking at the map I provided above would have told you… was hundreds of kilometres away from Kobani and other Kurdish populated areas. In 2014 the Syrians could barely hold their own own the multiple groups they were in conflict with. The chances of the SAA or the Syrian Air Force materially assisting the Kurds was zero. Without Syria and Russia actively trying to assist the Kurds Iran and Hezbollah would do nothing by themselves.

Jens Holm

I havnt seen any support to kurds in fx Syria exept Assad allowed them to defend themselves against ISIS.

Iraqi kurdistan of today has only started because of the no fly zone and USA.

Now they are blamed being able to shoot back.

Kurds by SDF is even blamed to steel oil even its well know all oil in Syria was stolen by Assads and given to close friendsin damaskus and extra control of the spendables.

John Brown

You mean Israel and racist supremacist Nazi Jews like you, will redraw the borders according to the Yinon plan, for a greater racist supremacist Israel.

Jens Holm



Spoken like a true zionist. Kurdistan is a zionist project to create israel mark 2. It would be a sort of second class israel. Its purpose would be to draw the ire of arabs away from israel, and be a launch pad for all sorts of zionist mischief. It is a bad idea colonial borders or not. In fact those colonial borders were deliberately drawn through Kurdish areas, splitting it, so it could serve as a destabilising factor. zionists are trying to realise that part now. They will fail. Border changes should only be done when there is a benefit to both, or at the very least not to the detriment of either. Kurdistan would be to the detriment of all. Look how bad Korea is since it was forcibly divided. Look at your own country, israel. It is surrounded by enemies and most people in the world hate israel, because it refuses to follow sensible policies, choosing force over diplomacy, assassination over negotiation, destabilising other nations instead of trading with them. israel is the best example of how forced borders creates generational conflicts. Admit it, your rabbis and your leaders have made a mess of it again! They don’t look after your people very well. They never have. So save yourselves and start behaving like normal people.


Blind idiot!! Go to Iraqi Kurdistan and see it has nothing to do with Israel. You forgot how Saddam gassed the Kurds?? Read the work of Ocalan It has nothing to do with Israel, the Turkish Junta opressed the Kurds for too long. Father Assad as well and the fundamentalist regime in Iran alike. They will get their freedom, and offcourse the Zionist Regime will do anything to weaken their enemys. But they do not control history, fortunatly ONCE MORE, FOR ALL THE PATHETIC JEW HATERS HERE!!! I AM AGAINST ZIONISM!!!!! I NEVER AND WILL NEVER SUPPORT THEIR REGIME AND I AM AGAINST ALL 3 DESERT RELIGIONS JUDAISM IS THE MOTHER AND ITS TWO CHILDREN ARE EVEN WORSE!!!

Jens Holm

It might help to print it and put it up in his behind. The brain is there even hard to find.

Solomon Krupacek

your leaders are payed from tel aviv.

in iraq you have more rights then the rest of population. you desrve only death.


Who? I am european……derrrrr

Solomon Krupacek

kurd in europe?

i mead kurdish leaders.




“Borders should only change when it benefit both” Can you give me one example in human history where that happened????? And do not mention Pakistan/ India, because that was a huge tragedy and today, Pakistan is a true failure, just like Israel is.

Jens Holm

I can. After WW1 an lection gave Denmark many danes back and it made peace and friendly relations. We could have taken more, bacuuse we lost it incl.many danish-germans by own stupid reasons in 1964.

Our succes was close to be full not being in WW2 at all. Unfortunatly we were needed for germans as step closing the baltic sea and a step for taking Norway. Unfortunatly we after that were blamed supporting germans, which was a kind of truth.

But I would say it would change a lot, that Ukraine for some compensation let the 2-3 provinces given to it by Krustjoff in 1956 vote most of them back to russians. Those has never been ukrainians. Many others has been Ukrain-russians and many other Ukrainian.

Im sure that could make some deeascalation there. I would also say that Tjeccia-Slocakia is fine as well as SeneGambia being 2 is a good thing as well as Tanzania again has ´Zansibar and pemba more or full independant.

I think we can find many of them, but not all are successes for a lot of things.


Ok, the best example is Denmark mayebe. Ukraine is complicated. Russians also live in Kiev and other places in Ukraine, i honestly do not know what the best solution is there. For Czechs and slovaks, they are both EU so…. SeneGambia, i do not know. Senegal is in a much better state then Gambia But de-escalation would certainly be the best everywhere. The problem is that All the regimes where Kurds live are corrupted semi fascist …..

Solomon Krupacek

splittung of czechoslovakia. forming of finland. if scottish plebiscit were successfull, another eyample. there were several in last centuries. and the biggest was born of east- and west-roman imperium :P


Hmm, in the short run Czekoslovakija was beneficial for both, BUT….they are both EU members and its just a matter of time before they will use the EURO and have a bunch of EU laws. So in the end it was not necesary to split up ;) Finland, after the failed Russification, the defeat of Russia in the war against Japan and after that the first world war and the bolshevik revolution, they had to give up Finland. Not because it was beneficial for both. And the biggest was only beneficial for the east Roman empire, because soon after the split, the west Roman empire fell apart, while the east lasted for another 1000 years…..

Solomon Krupacek

Finland, after the failed Russification,

this is not true. russia was the first ruler, who allowed finnish language in schools and bureaus. they allowed the born of codificated, modern finnish language. in russia there are 300 languages, littla nations have autonomic republic, autonomic land. how many indian tribes have such pissibilities in usa, can? yes, they gave up finland, and second time after ww2. they could take the whole country, but did not.


It is true, just read the history of finland. And the Russians killed most of the Natives in Siberia, just like the western Europeans did in the America’s https://books.google.nl/books?id=Mg6RAgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_conquest_of_Siberia https://books.google.nl/books?id=lpz5q44VVk0C&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

Solomon Krupacek

i dont open your links. the finnish schools teach what i wrote. perhaps they know it.


well, they are save, but not about finnish history. It is about the genocides in Siberia by the Russians This are two pieces of texts from a finnish website called: finland.fi main-outlines-of-finnish-history

The first part of Russian rule was positive, so you are not completely wrong: The enlightened Russian Emperor Alexander I, who was Grand Duke of Finland from 1809 to 1825, gave Finland extensive autonomy thereby creating the Finnish state. In 1812, Helsinki was made the capital of Finland, and the university, which had been founded in Turku in 1640, was moved to Helsinki in 1828.

The second part is the part that i was talking about: The obliteration of “Finnish separatism,” a policy also known as Russification, started during the “first era of oppression” (1899–1905) and continued during the second era (1909–1917). The 1905 Revolution in Russia gave Finland a short breathing spell, while a new legislative body to replace the old Estates was created in 1906. At that time this was the most radical parliamentary reform in Europe, because Finland moved in one bound from a four estate diet to a unicameral parliament and universal suffrage. Finnish women were the first in Europe to gain the right to vote in parliamentary elections.


Ok, you are not completely wrong. Here are a fiew pieces of text from a finnish website: finland.fi

The enlightened Russian Emperor Alexander I, who was Grand Duke of Finland from 1809 to 1825, gave Finland extensive autonomy thereby creating the Finnish state. In 1812, Helsinki was made the capital of Finland, and the university, which had been founded in Turku in 1640, was moved to Helsinki in 1828.

The Language Decree issued in 1863 by Alexander II marked the beginning of the process through which Finnish became an official administrative language. Although only one-seventh of the Finnish population spoke Swedish as its first language, Swedish retained its dominant position until the beginning of the 20th century.

The obliteration of “Finnish separatism,” a policy also known as Russification, started during the “first era of oppression” (1899–1905) and continued during the second era (1909–1917). The 1905 Revolution in Russia gave Finland a short breathing spell, while a new legislative body to replace the old Estates was created in 1906. At that time this was the most radical parliamentary reform in Europe, because Finland moved in one bound from a four estate diet to a unicameral parliament and universal suffrage. Finnish women were the first in Europe to gain the right to vote in parliamentary elections.

In August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact, which included a secret protocol relegating Finland to the Soviet sphere of interest. When Finland refused to allow the Soviet Union to build military bases on its territory, the latter revoked the nonaggression pact of 1932 and attacked Finland on November 30, 1939. The “Winter War” ended in a peace treaty drawn up in Moscow on March 13, 1940, giving southeastern Finland to the Soviet Union.

When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941, Finland entered the war as a cobelligerent with Germany. The “Continuation War” ended in armistice in September 1944. In addition to the areas already lost to Russia, Finland also ceded Petsamo on the Arctic Ocean. The terms of the armistice were confirmed in the Paris Peace Treaty of 1947.

So Russia played a positive role at first, but later they tried Russification and they also tried to take it in a deal with the Nazis


the links are about the russian genocide by the russians: here is a russian title about the siberian conquest: in case you do not trust the western authors…. Лѣтопись Сибирская, содержащая повѣствованiе о взятiи Сибирскiя земли Русскими при Царѣ Iоаннѣ Васильевичѣ Грозномъ; съ краткимъ изложенiемъ предшествовавшихъ оному событiй

And here is an english text about that history, in case you can not read russion The history of Russians in Siberia

Russia’s contact with Siberia’s indigenous populations began long before the ill-fated military expedition to the Urals. The 14th-century Laurentian Codex, which is the oldest record of the history of Northern Russia, mentions Gurat Rogovich from Novgorod who went on an expedition to the “Ugra lands” in the 11th century. According to Russian historian Sergei Solovyov, the “great mountains and copper gaits” mentioned in the Codex are the Urals. In a subsequent period, the Ushkuiniks pirate warriors from Novgorod who traveled along the rivers in flat-bottomed boats would often raid those territories. In 1483, Muscovite warriors went on a military campaign to the Urals, and in 1555, the Khanate of Sibir, an ethnically diverse Muslim state made up of indigenous Siberian tribes, became a vassal of the Russian tsar. However, in 1563, a new leader, Kuchum, became khan and reasserted the independence of the Khanate. The first full-fledged Russian colonization expedition to Siberia was Cossack Yermak’s campaign against Kuchum in 1581. By that time, the khan had begun raiding bordering Russian lands. Yermak, who began his expedition with 540 Cossacks, gathered more troops as he moved further into Siberia, fighting local tribes and the khan’s forces along the way. In 1585, Kuchum’s men led a raid on Yermak’s camp and killed the Cossack leader and most of his soldiers. But it was too late to stop the colonization of Siberia. New Russian expeditions built forts in Siberia, which later evolved into large cities. In 1586, the city of Tyumen (current population 720,000) was founded; in 1604 Tomsk (population: 570,000) and in 1628 Krasnoyarsk, home to more than one million people today. Not a colony Unlike the British territories in North America, Siberia was not a colony. Russia did not divide its territories along such lines. The region just became a part of the expanding Russian Empire. The local elites were integrated into the Russian administrative systems. For example, Kuchum’s son eventually signed a peace agreement, and his grandson became head of the Qasim Khanate, a Tatar vassal state of Russia. Experts believe that before the arrival of the Russians, 240,000-300,000 indigenous people lived in Siberia on a territory of 5 million square miles. The Siberian tribes fought fiercely against one another, and many of them accepted Russian rule as a way to avoid further bloodshed. However, the further east the Cossack explorers went, the more resistance they faced from those groups who wanted to preserve their independence. The Russian government used forts and garrisons to spread its power, but indigenous tribes attacked and burn the forts, which led to retaliatory strikes by the Cossacks. Folklorist Georgy Ergis says that in the legends of the Yakut people, Russians are described as “people of battles and massacres.” The last holdouts The Chukchi were one of the most defiant indigenous people of Siberia. They fiercely fought the Cossacks and often even defeated them on occasion. The scale of the battles between the Chukchi and the Cossacks were not great in one serious defeat on the Orlova River, the Russian forces lost 51 men but eventually the imperial government had enough. In 1742, the tsar issued a decree: “Attack the restless Chukchi with an armed hand; eradicate them completely.” Like native groups in other parts of the world, the indigenous people of Siberia were vulnerable to diseases brought by Russian explorers. “The new illnesses weakened and demoralized the indigenous population,” historian John Richards wrote. “They destroyed 80 percent of the Tungusic people and 44 percent of the Yukaghir people.” Nevertheless, the aim of Russia’s expansion was not genocide or the enslavement of the Siberian peoples but to impose a tribute on them and include the new lands in the Russian Empire. Usually, Russians would resort to weapons only if their diplomatic efforts failed. Today approximately 10 percent of the population of Siberia is made up of native peoples. In the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia, for example, there are more ethnic Yakuts than Russians.

Solomon Krupacek

Thanks for your long answer. i saved it and during weekend will read again, slower. I dont think, russians were angels. but if i see the result of their politics and yanks the russians came out better. and also in alaska the russians were better to aborigines and eskimos than amerians. and with finnish language is truth, what i wrote. russians were the first, who accepted as local official language.


Well, i think all cultures are similair when it comes to power. All cultures take over the other if they get the chance or – in the case of the kurds for instance- are used by the more powerfull to do the dirty work for them. History is full of similair examples all over the planet..

Solomon Krupacek

you are right

Richard M

The story of Siberians undefended against European disease is just leftist propaganda. Over 300 years prior to Russia’s conquest of Siberia, Russia and Siberia were part of the Mongol Empire. Trade and travel throughout the empire would have spread any plagues. In fact, the reverse was true. The Black Death of the 1350s was brought to Europe from Asia.

You evidently have the ability to cut and paste, though not the ability to think and reason. Unsurprising for an acolyte of Fuhrerin Merkel and through her, to her Swine Master Erich Honecker. Well done, you slave of evil Communism and Salafism!


You talk about yourself i think. Humans are one species and their behaviour is more or less the same everywhere


Your pathetic namecalling is not really the outcome of reason and thinking i hope….

Jens Holm

You are one of the reasons why I sometimes think Damskus should be a a lake.a


Matts not playing with a full deck. Trying to carry out a rational debate with Matt is a losing proposition.


Agreed. Try anything once! It is noticeable that now that Daesh is losing and liberation is nearer every day those that are supporting shady or questionable agendas are becoming more and more irrational by the day. Hope they can join normal humanity again one day. Not holding my breath though.


here is Richie Desperate for a meaningless debate again, HAHAHAH


This is a comment from another thread a couple of days ago to matt that matt hasn’t replied to and doesn’t want to reply to. Let’s see what kind of answer or evasion from matt happens this time:

“You keep evading the primary issue that has been the central theme of this debate. And with your credibility deficit your blanket condemnation of religion doesn’t mean much.

How do you think that Jew pedophile rape cult mass rapes of new borns, that far exceeds anything similar other than abortion, should be stopped? Or are you in favor of Jews having an exemption from all of the applicable laws that everybody else would be and is arrested for under similar circumstances?”


You are a filthy ex jew liar and now you became a sleezy pedophile catholic!!!! the catholics are the worst pedphiles in human history with their UN- human pedophile priest cult, that abused milions of children!!!!!!

How many times do i have to repeat to you!?!?!?!?




Because the Catholic church condemns pedophilia and prosecutes pedophile priests. Jews authorize it. Do you support outlawing the Jew pedophile rape cult and enforcing the 100 UN resolutions against Israel to replace Israel with Palestine?


At last, to save their ass, they finaly start to condemn the ancient filthy pries behaviour And NO i will not AGAIN condemn the JEWISH Circumcision, because i ALLREADY did!!! There is one big diference between the filthy jewish behaviour and the catholic crimes!! THE priest did it for sex and the jews did it for following ancient backward rules, just like the other backward circumcision that BY THE WAY!!!! YOU STILL DID NOT CONDEMN!!!!!!!!


I didn’t ask if you condemned it. I asked if you support outlawing their evil pedophile rape cult that widely practices it. And if you support replacing the Jew pedophile mass rape crime state with a Palestinian state that doesn’t mass rape their children like the Jews do.

The church prosecutes and expels pedophiles. The Jews don’t, they officially authorize it.


Read carefully!!!!


I did, and you didn’t answer the question of whether you support outlawing the evil Jew pedophile rape cult. I’ve asked you this question numerous times. And you don’t answer it.


And now i suddenly also have to support a palestinian state??? No i will not. I support a country for both jews and palestines with a french type constitution, no religions in the constitution!!!! No backward believes, cults, rituals, or any other backward behaviour, just behind your front door or in your place of worship with your fellow idiots. Freedom of worship, with limits to protect children and also adults with mental issues. NO religion classes, payed by the government! NO worship buildings payed by the government!!


That sounds like you do not support the continuation of a Jewish state for Jews. Which is what Israel is. And that you support dissolving it and replacing it with a secular state. Is that correct?




Happy now?


You’re a big hypocrite. You’ve criticized and mocked me with dozens of posts for exposing Jew crime and evil and supporting enforcing the law against them. And then agreed that they’re guilty and should be prosecuted. Do you support outlawing their evil pedophile rape cult and replacing their crime state with a Palestinian state that doesn’t commit these mass crimes against humanity?


OK, now i had enough of your crap. You should just FUCK OFF


You’re a coward, a liar and a hypocrite evading your own lies and immorality.


You’re a truth hater, that’s your problem, not mine.


It looks like matt has run away with his tail between his legs afraid to debate the issue of whether he supports outlawing the Jew pedophile rape cult. With all of his hypocrisy and flip flopping I think that he’s a very confused person.

It’s really a very simple black and white yes or no question. Yes it should be outlawed to stop mass rape or no it shouldn’t be and the rape allowed to continue with arrests that matt favors when you can catch the cultists raping the cult children.

I’m man enough to take a stand on it and say that as long as Judaism is a rape cult. It should be outlawed. Allowing it to continue with an exemption should be stopped. matt on the other hand won’t even answer the question. When you press him on the issue he tells you to fxxk off.


You are just one more Jew pedophile rape cult supporter talking out of both sides of your mouth. There are several here who jump all over people like me exposing Jew crime and evil. And when you press them on it they either deny that it’s happening, like you did, say that they’re against it, like you did, or evade the issue like you did.

Harassing and condemning people as you are, who are exposing Jew cult crime and evil and who’re trying to get the problem corrected. Makes you a Jew pedophile rape cult supporter just like all of the other ziotrolls here.

Tommy Jensen

It seems London has promised the Kurds a treaty that allows their historical right to get a big piece of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria if only the Kurds will use their influence in US to get US military to defend the Kurds new Israel area.


Interesting! Do you have any links?

Boris Kazlov

Syria is no artificial border you idiot yankistani, it has been there for thousands of years, what is artificial is the US-backed occupation of Golan and the separation of Lebanon from its motherland


Go back to school or read this page. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria The classic Assyria has nothing to do with the Bhaatist regime that was created after the failed union with Nasser’s Egypt. The state before that was created by the French and the British. The ancient Assyrian empire had other borders https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Assyrian_Empire

Jens Holm

How so. Its wasnt even a country for many 100 years. You ca get the Ottoman rule of it and see Yourself, if You ever has heard of them and they are not censured away as well. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4e7b2761f0a8436d37d30a594ebfcb91225fb836f33b19128ae7587a73da990.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/575d2195b455a2ed927a1bb7eb8e2c878ce4e70e7412416c35b1cce4974f2f6d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13fa14c1e5718db274578585734ab8c2f08d55cc8a5199ba991bc3dc09f1e63b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8188c793cb3e85f5e73cb8ad5e0c9c483c05c0f0050fa2dd3c7cf2f6dfc7e878.jpg

I think you should look at all 4 maps. Syria being a province os Ottomans didnt have Aleppo as well as any land beyond Eufrat and they didnt have Al Tanf and the borderline there.

But the were with Jordan of todayand there not as palestina coast byt 2 other regions in other colors and local rule.

Boris Kazlov

Syria never lost its identity even under Ottoman Rule, like you lost yours under Yankistani rule, now you consider yourself a Yankistani LGBTQ, nigga and Zionist lover, fuck you.

Boris Kazlov

The USA is the heir of fascsim, immediately after WW2, was plotting to nuke the Soviet Union and invade it with the Whermacht. I am white Russian, no trash you fucking LGBTQ cunt. Stalin deterred the plots with its own nuke tests. Eat shit Zionist scumbag muricans, you are paid with food stamps to eat rat meat burgers.


Like the Belorussians, working with one (or his father was, at any rate) in UA. Their territories east of Minsk were recovered in 39 from Poles, then later Bagration from Germans. Never been, as I did not have the money at the time of opportunity to get the entry visa, it was very expensive.


White Russian, an artificial country created in the time of the Soviet Union and ruled by a dictator. Nothing to be proud of….

Solomon Krupacek

and from which country are you, little hater?


I am from EU

Jens Holm

Hahaha. US only had those 2 nukes and some few in west had the idea taking east europa and reducing the bolsjevick by that.

But it was never an option in the deciding part. You lie against all facts about it.

You also ignore Sovjet in stead reduced Finland ignoring where finnes live, took Baltic Countries as well as Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumenia, thekkoslovakia and more.

Boris Kazlov

Lying Zionist, Stalin was aware of their intentions since 1942, when Roosevelt mentioned the new weapon to Stalin he said nothing, knowing all about it already. Google Operation Dropshot or Operation Unthinkable, go back to sucking nigga cock, you LGBTQ Zio-idiot. 30 nukes on Russian cities were planned , fucking POS.

Boris Kazlov

Red Army liberated those countries from nazi occupation, probably you liked that better, having the rod in your ass, LGBTQ troll.

Boris Kazlov

Google Plan totality , plan dropshot ,and operation unthinkable, only 2 nukes, ha, imbecile ignoramus LGBTQ


Your inbred monkey parents are degenerate trash you ugly mutant pile of shit.


Blah blah blablablablaaaaah

Cheryl Brandon

What happened ;SDF are losing so, they do like USA lies. 1.Lies about a fake attack 2. Turkey is not supposed to be in Syria? They 1. Committed treason by inviting an enemy into Syria 2. They joined with the USA to murder Syrians who got in their ethnic cleansing way 3. They continue to work with the terrorists until they are ready to kill them over the OIL. After doing all those crimes to the Syrian government has left them to self govern;That is how they repay Syria????

Jens Holm

I cant see SDF has lost anything. They are neutralized.

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