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MARCH 2025

US-backed SDF Creates Idlib Military Council To Fight Turkish Forces, Syrian Army

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US-backed SDF Creates Idlib Military Council To Fight Turkish Forces, Syrian Army

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have established the so-called Idlib Military Council in order to conduct military operations in the Syrian province of Idlib.

According to reports, the council aims to fight the Turkish Army and the Syrian Army as well as pretends to establish own control ovre the province of Idlib.

Thus, the SDF shows its willingness to pretend on the control of this Syrian province.

First reports about the SDF idea to create the Idlib Military Council appeared last weekend when Abu Amar al-Idlibi, commander of the Free Syrian Army’s Northern Democratic Brigade (the group is a part of the SDF), said that the SDF is willing to operate in Idlib province. The SDF commander also blamed the United States for a lack of opposition to the Turkish actions in Syria.

In 2016, the SDF also created the Al-Bab Military Council in an attempt to prevent the Turkish Army from seizing this important town in nothern Aleppo. However, this idea failed.

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Prince Teutonic

Hope they get rect!

Don't read butthurt replies

I can’t wait to see Hezbollah/Syrian Army wipe out these Zionist/U.S. puppets Kurds. With the way they ran from the Iraqi soldiers just imagine how they will run from Hezbollah/Syrian Army.


Well, first of all SDF is not the pesh merga, just like SAA is not Iraqi Army and Hezbollah is not even Syrian.

Secondly, SDF has US airsupport, unlike pesh merga’s.

Thirdly, those same running pesh merga’s beat the sh*t out of PMU’s in Makhmour and elsewhere, so I think the running there has mostly been done.

SAA is a really weak military, badly equipped, badly trained, understrength, low morale, really bad command structure and only survives because of RuAF,Hezbollah, Iranians, Afghans, Iraqi’s. Their few crack units are not enough to save them without foreign helping hands, some 70k or more by now.


The war in Syria is international and the opposition started that. They can thank Assad for complying with the norms of international law by killing them.


The Rainbow Dildo is Very Thick.

Don't read butthurt replies

Keep your fantasies to yourself.


You didnt even get what i meant. So please, i dont want to read your “Butthurt” Replies on this. “Inside” joke, Hope you get it know too.


He is deluded, he is Dutch.


He watches to much MSM tv in his country and doesn’t get out much.


“..SDF is not the pesh merga..”

You’re right, they’re the YPG and Turkey’s mortal enemy.

“..SDF has US airsupport..”

Syria has Russian air support. There will be no intervention by either nuclear power in a fight between SDF and Syria.


Funny how Peshmerga has been chased almost completely back from whence they came by Iraq and it’s allies.

“..SAA is a really weak military..”

About as weak as the SDF without air support. Badly equipped, trained…… I feel you’ve been watching too much MSM.


That US air support could get stopped tomorrow.


from what i read they didnt run it was a deal with a Kurdish fraction…barzanis party killed many soldiers and destroyed tanks, vehicles etc in an instance

Gene Mosher

OK, so, the SDF declares war on Syria, Russia and Turkey, claiming that it is the government of Syria’s Idlib province and of all the land east of the Euphrates. The SDF is already stretched way too thin, has already pissed off Syria by crossing the Euphrates at the Assad Dam, and is ‘occupying’ some of Syria’s oil fields (from which it can neither extract the oil nor ship it anywhere), and is cutting deals with ISIS and obviously thinks the USA is going to back it up, no matter what. This should be fun to watch.

Don't read butthurt replies

It will be fun to watch, but these idiots have the U.S. that will probably respond/attack for them and Illegal state Israel.

I’m damn sure that Russia and Turkey will both have something to say about that, not to mention Syria. The Russians have learned an awful lot in 2 years, and have shown us a lot, too. The Syrian army, aided by Hezbollah and Iran, are a MUCH better force because of all they have learned from Russia. The SDF must be led by a bunch of idiots to think that they are going to move into Idlib, or even hold on to all the territory they are pretending to have control over in the Syrian deserts.

Don't read butthurt replies

Turkey always has something to say, but they are backstabbers. I don’t trust them. Everything else you said is correct though and I agree.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I think exactly the same as you about the reliability of the Turks, my friend. but of two evils, one always has to choose the least evil, and for now the Turks are the best option, for a logical and obvious reason, ” Americans ”, sponsors of all the syrian Kurds dedicated to stealing territories and vital resources wherever they go. Unlike Syria and its allies, the Turks can mistreat at will the Kurds without any American punishment for being a very old and strategic NATO ally. And however foolish they may be, the americans will never prefer the Kurds, with nothing more to offer than their servitude, to the place of Turkey.

Jaime Galarza

I am not sure about “…the americans will never prefer the Kurds, with nothing more to offer than their servitude, to the place of Turkey.” For one thing, Israel backs the Kurds and we know who wags whom.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Israel supports the Kurds for only one and shameful reason my friend. To buy them at low cost the oil and irregular resources stolen from kurds host country and for only that. What you believed then? That the very kindest and good Israel backed the Kurds for sharing religion, blood or moral values, or for wanting a better living condition for them, while having Israel the palestinians in hell, stealing from them lands and resources and any hope every day? Please be logical and objective and you will not be easily deceived by the enemies of truth and reality like Israel and the damn americans my friend.

Don't read butthurt replies

Well said.

Jaime Galarza

Oil is, I think, the least concern of the Israelis. There is something called geopolitics you know. And there are several projects of regional hegemony that Israel has been trying to achieve in the Middle East aided in this by the US neocons. With over 3 billion dollars plus other benefits courtesy of the American taxpayer, Israel could live until hell freezes without needing theb oil you are talking about.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I respect your point of view but there is a logic that does not fit with it. If the Americans a oil producer who are the richest in the world, dedicating 3 billion and other benefits to Israel, they need and try to benefite themselve from the oil of every producer country in the world, what makes you think that Israel, who need 3 billion of US money and does not produce neither a drop of oil, would not also like to take advantage and benefit himself with the oil of others if he could? Investigate well my friend before commenting in support of Israel without any objectivity and common logic. Because what I say is a fact, while what you are commenting about is nothing more than pure conjecture of yours and nothing more that, I fear.

Jaime Galarza

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem. At what point am I supporting Israel? I also respect your view, but it is hard to follow your train of thought. What do you mean by “If the Americans a oil producer who are the richest in the world, dedicating 3 billion and other benefits to Israel, and even so they need and try to benefite themselve from the oil of every producer country in the world, what makes you think that Israel, who need 3 billion of US money and does not produce neither a drop of oil, would not also like to take advantage and benefit himself with the oil of others if he could, for the sake of its supposed geopolitical project, and being the natural law of man: ” having more is much better,”? It would be a good idea to break your ideas into manageable units of thought -sentences they are called. I can hardly understand what you are trying to say. Do you mean that the US is the “richest” -I guess you meant the country with the largest production- or you meant that the US is the richest country in the world? When you advise me that I “investigate” -I guess you meant do research- you are discounting my opinion and your statement about respecting it is fake. I can say the same thing: do research before posting and also take a writing course.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I think my opinion is so clear and objective that anyone, however stupid it may be, can easily understand me, my friend. Unless you are such stubborn and blind people at will and in that case I wish you to have good luck elsewhere because on my part is all you will have of my opinions, I fear.

Jaime Galarza

In what way am I stubborn? I was just asking you to clarify your opinions. For one thing, you said I was suppporting Israel. My posts do not reflect that at all. Yes, good luck.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Okey my friend, I get it and accept it now. I thought you wanted to support Israel with your rebuttal to my previous comment, but I accept your clarification of the fact.


In effect it is Israel that has become the brain of the US with the US military as the teeth and NATO as the tail that is constantly wagging and smelling of shit.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Israel is a instigator rule by virus infected floppy drive Satanjahu.


“…the americans will never prefer the Kurds..”

I’m not so sure. The US did attempt a coup on Erdogan and Erdogan has been losing support in the ‘West’; just look at what’s happened between Turkey and the EU. The US might just be planning to substitute bases in Raqqah as a more pliant vassal in the region in lieu of Turkey.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

What you comment looks more to conjectures in the style of Erdogan, my friend. Whether it is true or not the alleged US coup attempt, nothing will changes the fact that Turkey and the Americans are two official NATO allies in the world’s eyes, and the Kurds are nothing more than a humble people watered without their own country with nothing to offer but their servitude to whoever is interested in them, as is the case with the Americans, right now, and in addition, strategically, geographically, economically and politically deprovised of the least real importance at all, I am afraid my friend. For all that ”the americans will never and ever prefer the Kurds” For more that hurts, that is and will be the only crude and unique logical and objective reality my friend.


“…Whether it is true or not..”

One only needs to review the history of the CIA on the world stage and subsequent results to make a very well thought out guess as to who sponsored that coup attempt. The goal of the US in the ME is to destroy all of the countries that Israel desires, leaving Israel the only power in the ME. To that end, the US will support the Kurds until the situation tells it that it cannot anymore.

Want to get a good thorough understanding of the CIA, it’s rise to power and the coups perpetuated in the world; read “The Devils Chessboard” by David Talbot. You could also read “War Is A Racket” by Smedley Butler; a highly decorated Marine General.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I understand your comment and the truth the world of the secrecy of the Americans sucks so much that there is no place in the world where you can not smell it. But the bad thing about it is that no matter what they do in the shadow, in the shadow there will also be the truth about and the proof of what they are evil will do. That is why I do not like to comment much on it so as not to evade much reality and objectivity and with it all common logic, my friend.


The US is in a worse position to assist the Syrian Kurds than it is to support the Iraqi cousins. The former have an active war on with Turkey that doesn’t exist, yet, in Iraq. In neither place is the current regime supportive.



Jens Holm

The ususal enemy talk. I think US think they have found some to trust in Syria and a good supplement to Turkey as well.


The US trusting Gypsy’s and vice versa :)

That is truly a marriage made in heaven :)


Wouldn’t it be a joke if Turkey admits the Armenian genocide and offers Armenia some ‘Kurdish’ parts that used to be Armenian majority parts as penance? After all the Kurds have already wholeheartedly admitted their part in the massacres.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Sorry my friend but more than I try I can not grasp and understand anything that you comment. Maybe the blame for not understanding is mine, I’m afraid and I apologize for that.


If you look at the map of where the Armenians were driven out by the Turks and the Kurds 100 years ago you might notice that those areas are all Kurdish majority areas now that the Kurds claim to be part of a future Kurdistan. Returning those lands to Armenian control would hurt the Kurdish cause a lot because then they would be spread out over 5 countries, not the present 4, with one being a Christian country. A lot of people in the West who support a Kurdistan now would be very opposed to taking lands away from Christians and giving it to Muslims.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Okey my friend, its fine.


Not Turks, But I can say Erdagan is. And I think he will go first election in Turkey.

Yes, Turkey is very unpredictable; I lay a lot of that on Erdogan himself.


Remember too that Turkey has setup camp south of Afrin and exists north of it as well with an eye on Afrin; a mighty tasty sandwich with Afrin as the filling. It would behoove the SDF to engage brains and realize their mistakes. Time for them to back off before it’s too late. Turkey by itself is the second largest military in NATO.

DJ Double D

Don’t count on the Russians to do anything contrary ‘until it is too late’.


You’re in for a surprise.


“..these idiots have the U.S..”

Nope, the US isn’t going to target Russia for the same reason Russia isn’t going to target the US. When it comes to the SDF taking on Turkey and Syria, it’s going to be their fight and their fight only. The SDF is going to find out what happens when they begin to substitute stupidity in lieu of brains. Both Russia and the US understand that if either one get’s involved, it will end all life on the planet and neither is eager to do that.

Jens Holm

I partly agree. US as well as Russia dont like to sing old dirty songs of 1923 or 1946 only try to calm down.


For the good of the planet, I hope sanity will prevail.

Robert Duran


Langaniso Mhlobo

USA nuclear launchers doesnt have the capability which Russians have.Unless Russia bomb USA rebels USA won’t stop the threat towards Syrian army.

Gene Mosher

Before Russia ‘got involved’ in Syria to years ago had you predicted that Russia would not get involved in Syria?


I hadn’t predicted anything though there was always hope. After watching: Russia, to weak yet to interfere, US & NATO destroy Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya; The US and it’s coalition supporting terrorism in Syria to destroy if for the sake of oil and Israel; The US sponsored coup in Ukraine (directly on Russia’s border); I think it was inevitable Russia would get involved in Syria, providing it was strong enough to counter the ‘Western’ sponsored overthrow and destruction of Syria. One also have to take into consideration Russia’s experience with terrorism in it’s country (and desire to stamp it out), the International Lawlessness of the Empire, the fact that Russia has a port in Syria, was an ally of Syria and that Assad only became a dictator after denying the US a gas pipeline to Turkey and from there to Europe to dislodge Russian gas in Europe.

Daniel Castro

Until now it’s everything on the script, everything.


Especially the ISIS part of the script.

You can call me Al

Maybe I am getting this wrong, but isn’t Idlib where the SAA sent the fighters that they let walk out after surrender to ?.

Anyway, the SDF made a huge mistake relying on the US, let Turkey deal with them.

Gene Mosher

Yes, that is the case. By the way, Russia is never going to allow the province of Idlib to represent any kind of threat to Russia’s long lasting presence in Syria and Russ long lasting commitment to the Syrian Government.


Judging by what Russia has done already, in their “bowing-down” to Israel and U.S, I cannot agree but we’ shall see

You cannot pacify PSYCHOPATHS with WORDS and PEACFUL gestures

Bullies only respect FORCE or the threat thereof

My 77 years of WISDOM tells me so

You can call me Al

I agree, but in my view, the Turks are doing the goodies a great favour.

Let’s just hope they keep their word and bugger off afterwards.


Seems like a story right out of Hollywood “Mosher”

You want to keep the GOY off guard, do you not, while your Zionist Brothers in Washington and Tel Aviv continue STEALING more Arab lands

Yeh, keep the Disney Fairy Tales going.

That is what you Ashkenazi are great at.

Gene Mosher

John Moger was a Hugenot (i.e., a French Reformed Protestant) in what today is Western France during the French Wars of Religion in the late 1500s. He and his family fled to England to avoid the wars waged by the Catholics against them. John Moger’s grandson, Nicholas, came to New England in 1636 from Cucklington, Somersetshire, England. He apparently didn’t actually know how to actually spell his surname but when his surname had to written for the church’s marriage record, he (or maybe the record keeper) made a best effort and spelled it with an sh instead of a g, hence Mosher. Some of the other Mogers from England also made guesses when the need arose to spell their surnames so these newly arrived descendents of the Hugenots acquired such surnames as Mosier, Moshier and Moser in the USA and Canada. It is common that anyone with these surnames is perceived to be Jewish, that the surname is Jewish, but this isn’t the case at all, as I have just explained.

Now you know that you and anyone else who makes the same assumption is making an incorrect assumption. I would thank you for the opportunity to provide the information you need to avoid having to make this incorrect assumption.


Just as Cockroaches scurry into the cracks and crevices to avoid the LIGHT ! ( of truth in this case)

We shall see, shall we not because one FACT I am very aware of, if you are “fibbing” you’ll reveal yourself ONCE again as you have in that comment of yours

I will say one observation,,-you are “quick on your feet”

Time is on my side

Gene Mosher

Google my name, fuckhead.


You must think I am American :-)


Well, SDF certainly has the right to try to eject Turkey from Idlib as even Assad protested against them being there. So legally, as Syrians they have the right to try to evict foreign invaders.

The same goes for declared terrorist groups like HTS.

Whether it is real? That is another matter.

SF correctly points to Al Bab Military Council, without mentioning however that SAA actively obstructed SDF advances towards Al Bab. But let us accept their point.

SDF also created Manbij Military Council and succeeded and as of now Manbij is liberated, florishing and an active ally of the SDF.

SDF created Raqqah Military Council and now Raqqah is liberated, reconstruction of Tabqah is on its way and reconstruction of Raqqah is about to start. Many arabs from the region joined both YPG and YPJ.

SDF created DeZ Military Council and now DeZ countryside is largely liberated and SDF is rapidly advancing beyond the Khabur river valley.

So, one smaller miss, two bigger scores and a big one about to be scored. Not bad I would say.

An Idlib MC would at the least put pressure on Turkey and islamists. I doubt any real fight will start soon unless Turkey attacks. An IMC gives the SDF a framework to use on its counterattacks on islamists in Idlib and on turkish invaders there. JAT claims they have sleeper cells from the time they were active in Idlib Governate.

A factor here would be that in Idlib it is hardly realistic to expect the US to provide CAS. On the other hand, TAF is operationally decimated for the next three years.

We will see and find out in due time.


some remarks…..reconstruction is difficult without foreign intervention, Arabs were always a part of SDF which icludes kurdish ypg, ypj etc but they have many problems controlling arab lands. clashes erupt among the kurdish police and armed militias-members of sdf. lately videos were released of arabs of unclear origin assassinating Kurds in cold blood. so the situation is not all roses as you present it to be.


He’s dutch and that’s so typical of them to sugarcoat and praise their own party/side, just look at the eu bs.

Jens Holm

I think its normal not to prefare to have ISIS or Qaida as neighbors.

Even big problems EU is to praise. Some others then You might remember it was a result of WW2 with millions of deads and You could see wholecities from a chair. Many died of starvation in Netherland by starvation because germany would not give up. Things like the start of EU healed a lot hat and demands for blind revenge,


I think that you have missed the point of my comment and have contructed your own, Eu is praising it’s own but demonizing and dissing everyone else who is not part of their shitty union, all signs of imperialistic system and it is expanding too, the methods have changed but the goal is the same, conquer and exploit all. If he doesn’t want alqaida or isis next door then he should tell his govmnt to stop funding them. His filthy govmnt. funds media in ukraine to spread anti russian propaganda.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Blame the US for carpet bombing everything that is why the starvation and millions dead.


well if they have something to praise their side about …why not…..but in Syria i think th whole world just became US puppets and just followed their lead….nothing t be proud about….fighting ISIS is something to praise for…..but hitting deserted huts and goats in the desert….isnt….destroying Syria because you dont like Assad is a big shame…..the world ddnt realise that US has its own agenda and puts more to the war mix just to create fog…..in Iraq you say the word ‘chemical weapons’…everyone takes the bait…..in Libya…..a mad president that threatens the world….a revolution is organised….and then you join in to help the weak guys….in Syria…you make up a good story…..’regime’ dictator etc….but its not enough…so you use the old trick….’chemical weapons’…the rest is known history….well to sum up…i you let yourself get fooled by the stupid US propaganda you are yourself stupid…plain and simple

Jens Holm

Yes, the sekular part is a really hard part of it. But the PYD choise is made now. They cant have a “Barzani Kurdistan” , a Big Kurdistan and a federacy at the sametime.

I think Dutchnational as well as me also represent, that there are some hope in the world.

As a private person, I would send some money for help, if they became more safe there and began resettling and rebuilding. The SDF possestion has a lot in the camps in Turkey. An estimate could be 2 mio.

Robert Duran

You arent fooling anyone.You and the dutchy are the same person..fake accounts


i thik that everyone is hoping for the return of all refugees to their homes, but what homes….they have devastated their country. The Kurds are the lucky ones since they managed to keep some part away from the war.

Solomon Krupacek


brother of Jens Holms died.


this could happen to you, too.

Jens Holm

It could be true. For of my Grandfathers siblings emmigrated to USA because they were poor, and one settled in Portland Oregan and renamed to Holmes.

Hard to see.The fellow could look like my cousin several years ago.

same kind of ears and beard but not hat. Both are and was lumbermen, but the one in Portland got his own businees with several imployed.

Robert Duran

No bro..Your Grandfather didnt go to Us..Barbarians didnt emigrate

Terence Silvestre Jr.

And who the hell is the SDF to do and undo at will in syria, my friend. Apart from dedicating himself to kiss and lick in full time the ass of the evil and damn americans, while stealing in his spare time all vital resources and Syrian territories in their path, I do not think they have or would have more qualities than that, I fear. How easy it is to forget that Syria is a free and autonomous country, a member of the United Nations, the supposed and hypocritical guarantor of the international law of each one of its members. So, calm down my friend and and be careful in overvaluing a lot of countryless guys that do not serve for anything more than to prostitute themselve with whoever is put in front them, while it suits them in the moment.


” and reconstruction of Raqqah is about to start ”

Raqqa looks like Berlin in 1945 Dutch. Devastation like that is not rebuilt in months, years or tens of years. It will cost billions of £/$ anyway and where will that come from ?

Perhaps you could donate your ‘Weed’ budget to help Dutch

Jens Holm

But they only killed about 1100 civilans and lost 2000 soldiers for taking out ISIS and 450.000 civilians.

I count that as a plus.

Robert Duran

You sound sure about these figures which makes you an idiot..Civilian casualties are most likely in the tens of thousands..just like Mosul

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Jens being called out for BS again.


”…How easy it is to forget that Syria is a free and autonomous country, a member of the United Nations, the supposed and hypocritical guarantor of the international law of each one of its members. So, calm down my friend and be careful in overvaluing a lot of countryless guys that do not serve for anything more than to sell themselve with whoever is put in front them, while it suits them in the moment, please.”’ Well said Terence

Terence Silvestre Jr.

”dutchnational ”, how do you get southfront to erase my opinions from your comments, my friend, looking southfront rather partial and unprofessional about it? I think I’m going to reconsider my upcoming confidential monthly donations to southfront. What a sad and regrettable performance, both from you ””dutchnational”and from southfront, I fear.


What hapening here?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Your so clueless even the Kurds know Raqqah is in no way it’s gonna be rebuilt. The place is still mined and over 80% destroyed,keep dreaming.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Dreaming about a rather fictional and twisted world, this guy called ”dutchnational”


In other news, the alliance of shrinking pockets was formed to unite all losers of all nationalities, especially America and Israel, together in a new alliance so that they can all lose together.


Funny that USA at the same time supports SDF while SDF blames them for lack of opposition against Turkey. Both are mutually exclusive.

They are completely aimless, drifting in decision making. Hoping that the situation will by itself resolve into something where Washington can “win”. It will most likely not. They lose Erdogan anyway who has sealed leadership for the next 10 years. Either SDF is doomed or they grow tired of the Washington leadership, replace their own leadership and start making sensible, meaning realistic deals.


Peshmerga likely called for airstrikes on the Iraqi army and the US just ignored them. Something similar will happen with the “SDF” in Syria. The “SDF” long term future is not tenable because the US campaign will stop eventually and then they will have no air support.

Tudor Miron

Some are even more stupid than one think is possible.


Guess we know now where the next flashpoint is going to be, I suspected it will be like this.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

So… SDF declares itself in armed rebellion against the Syrian government. It is now clear what the SAA must do.


That was clear a long time ago. Probably the reason why they didn’t bother with the oil- and gas-fields much. They will have to be cleared anyway and having the population centres is more important now.


I am not agree. There must be other reason.

Tudor Miron

SDF will get what it deserves in its due time. Watch Turkey allowed to act by Surya, Iraq, Iran and Russia.


Nothing unites and makes you forget past wrongs as together beating a common enemy to a pulp.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Totally agree with you my friend

Tudor Miron

SDF and Kurds in Iraq had every chance to unite forces with Assad/Iraq government but they went another way. US through its usual bribery convinsed their leaders to side with evil but thats their choice.


Yup, and a bloody stupid choice too. Guess they don’t learn from history.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Yes man….


You can safely call it US-created forces. And :’) at the pic.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Who the hell is the SDF to do and undo at will in syria?. Apart from dedicating himself to be the full time servants of their evil americans sponsors, while stealing, in his spare time, all vital resources and Syrian territories in their path, I do not think they have or would have more qualities than that ever, I fear. How easy it is to forget that Syria is a free and autonomous country, a member of the United Nations, the supposed and hypocritical guarantor of the international law of each one of its members.


SDF leadership makes stupid statements all the time it seems. Afrin area is defensive in nature, and they are a good counter balance against the interest of the FSA in Syria. SDF is constantly talking BS for propaganda purposes.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Okey my friend. Thank you for reporting to me and to all of us commenting here, a little more data about the somewhat atypical behavior of those guys in SDF. It only remains to wait and see what so far, are they willing to go those men, for now.


Haven’t seen anything about fighting against the Syrian Army, so that’s a doubtful conclusion. *SDF has said they will fight the Turk invaders and AL Queda. **Turks & Jihadis have tried to take Tel Rifaat several.times from SDF, it has always resulted in truckloads of dead Turks & Jihadis.

Solomon Krupacek

so many armies in little syria :/


also in DEZ is bad day



DJ Double D

Again backed by the US coalition and again Russia/Syria will be on the defensive. This, unfortunately is a tried and tested scenario.

John Brown

Like I said and as I predicted Turkey is on the side of Syria, Iraq, Russia Iran and China. The Kurds are trying to establish a land bridge to their racist supremacist Master Israel as they have been ordered to do. .

Behold a Pale Horse

Good luck fighting Turkey.

Rafik Chauhan



Wait until that decides it’s better off ‘making friends’ with Assad, too.

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