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US Backs Down On Rhetoric, But Fails To Stop Escalation

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US Backs Down On Rhetoric, But Fails To Stop Escalation

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Recently, rumors have been spreading about a possible Western authorization for the Kiev regime to launch strikes against the “deep” territory of the Russian Federation. Until recently, NATO’s official position was to allow strikes only against targets within the territory the West recognizes as “Ukrainian” – which includes the New Regions and Crimea. However, a few days ago Washington changed its guidelines to allow strikes on Russian border cities. Now it remains to be seen at what range the strikes will be “allowed”.

Apparently, the US has already backed down from its initial plan. In a recent statement, US President Joe Biden made it clear that Ukraine is not authorized to use missiles supplied by Washington against targets “deep inside” Russia. Cross-border incursions had previously been authorized, but there was discussion about whether or not to authorize deeper strikes – such as against Moscow, for example. Biden, however, ruled out such a hypothesis.

Biden did not deny that Ukraine could strike targets outside the conflict zone. According to the US president, the proxy regime has the right to strike targets in border regions, with restrictions only on attacks in more distant areas. His policy seems to attempt to reconcile escalatory and conservative measures. Biden wants to both “allow” the strikes, but avoid angering Russia with possible Ukrainian maneuvers against Moscow or the Kremlin.

“[Ukraine can attack] only in proximity to the border when they [Russian weapons] are being used on the other side of the border to attack specific targets in Ukraine (…) We’re not authorizing strikes 200 miles into Russia and we’re not authorizing strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin,” he said.

On the same occasion, Biden also expressed concern about possible Russian reactions to the “authorization” of cross-border attacks. Previously, Moscow had already made it clear that such an initiative should be considered direct participation in the war by the West. During the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that he is considering the possibility of sending weapons to countries that are enemies of the US, if Russian territory is threatened by Western missiles. Perhaps, the fear of a possible Russian retaliation was the main reason why Biden decided to back down in his rhetoric and state that “only” border regions can be attacked, “preventing” more intense incursions.

To understand the case properly, we must consider the real circumstances in the border regions. Ukrainian attacks have been occurring almost daily since 2022. Cities such as Belgorod and Kursk are frequent targets of Kiev’s artillery. These cowardly attacks on civilian areas were the reason for Russia’s recent operation in Kharkov, which allowed it to expand the security zone for Belgorod. Washington claimed that the authorization of cross-border strikes was a “response” to the Russian incursion into Kharkov, which is indeed ironic, given that the West has remained silent in the face of all Ukrainian crimes on the Russian border.

In practice, the “authorization” means practically nothing. Ukraine has always attacked these regions and will continue to do so until Russia manages to neutralize all enemy positions near the border. However, the Western propaganda apparatus itself has put the US in an uncomfortable situation. The Western media began reporting the news as a major escalation. Public opinion was led to believe that Kiev was now “authorized” to attack Moscow – as if the regime had the capacity to do so. The rumors became so serious that the American president himself had to speak out and back down, making it clear that the Russian “territorial depth” allowed to be attacked is the border region.

In fact, Kiev has already attacked Moscow on several occasions, hitting residential buildings and the Kremlin itself. However, these were weak drone strikes, with no potential to cause major damage. The regime is extremely weakened and is unlikely to be able to hit strategic targets in the Russian capital, since the missiles would certainly be neutralized in time by Russian defense forces. In this sense, Biden’s statements sound actually obvious: Ukrainian attacks will remain restricted to the borders, simply because it is all Ukraine is able to do.

However, the US president is not being effective in avoiding escalation by saying this. By emphasizing his approval for Ukrainian attacks on the borders, Biden is taking responsibility for the deaths of Russian civilians in cities such as Belgorod and Kursk. The consequences of this move could be extremely serious for the West, since, as Russian officials have already warned, the scenario can be described as direct NATO involvement.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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creppy joe pedotard fell asleep in his bowl of mush again…

fk off muroidiots…

jens holm

very advandes comment. you are on vacation or battery upload?


no, i’m waiting for ur danish shitcake to arrive…

it’s called the crying game part six, u fkn eurofag idiot….

jens holm

no wonder many only send grenades.

are name us idiots and fags and in the most lying version want us to replace all maidan facts and erase what we have from 1000s of sourcer´about mainan too.

it same for goes for nazis and jews.

jens holm

0 id i ony write jibber monkey

Amarillo Armadillo

boy, you ain’t kidding. that jens id must suffer from mad cow disease or something else to make his brain into sponge cake.


watch “brainded” comic/fantastic series, it’s about politics in washington and seems like about jensy too. in short, swarm of alien insects eating half of brain of a human and manipulating by another half. how to come to bipartisan consensus? braindeads can easily do it!


“braindead” of course.

Kyivian Cesspit

the great british secret is that the nation wide outbreak of mad cow disease many years ago has now finally reached its terminal stage at a governmental level.

jens holm

no i did not.

Amarillo Armadillo

will you just get lost with your idiotic posts in some proto-human language.

jens holm

much of mine is based in e n g l i s h and verbal and normal speech.

we use that very much in europe because e n g l a n d is here. its standard eu language in the german language grups.

we are ireland, uk, norway, sweden, denmark, netherland, half of belgiun, switzerland, luxemburg as austria.

usa english is a version. next most of us are not lawyers or doctors or cureacrats.

your problems is your support from us being in your infected and isolated russians level.

jens holm

and when i fx explain in pictures and more advanded terms, which we use here, its you which are no learners and demand we simplify our world into slavic even selfcreated dark.

i could understand, if we should need to learn at lot from you. i just tell you how its here and will continue with oppinons and easy look up facts.

its free education for those, which want to learn and understand how my part of the world is.


first open notepad, write in english what you want and save. then open the window of online translator and write the same text in danish, translate into english, check with your own text and finally realize that you are stupid. automatic translator can do it much better, use it.


why are ruskies such pussies? they shoot missiles everywhere into ukraine but scream “foul” at the slightest possibility that ukraine too might get da green light to strike back to everywhere inside russia. that shows that russian army & russian political positions is hilarious & fully braindead. if you send rockets deep into ukr then of course ukr too has the right to do the same to your country

Last edited 8 months ago by skidfoe95
Jens Bot

og når jeg f. eks. forklarer i billeder og mere avancerede termer, som vi bruger her, er det dig, der ikke er elever og kræver, at vi forenkler vores verden til slavisk, selv selvskabt mørk.

jeg kunne forstå, hvis vi skulle have brug for at lære meget af dig. jeg fortæller dig bare, hvordan det er her og vil fortsætte med oppinons og let slå fakta op.

dens gratis uddannelse for dem, der ønsker at lære og forstå, hvordan min del af verden


still stupid nazi.

jens holm

i am low monkey amerikan level

Amarillo Armadillo

“much of mine is based in e n g l i s h and verbal and normal speech.”

lmao. sure, if what you call normal speech is that heard a mental asylum for ghetto dwellers.


advandes? spanish language? let me speak from my heart in espanol (i don’t know it at all). el stupido advandes 0 id con 0 iq. el bobo excelente!

Last edited 8 months ago by Антон
Advandes LLP

advandes has engineering experts who can support customers in every stage of new product design. one of our first projects back in 1982 was an ai bot we named jens. he was based on a then state of the art intel 8086 chip. we’ve learned much since those days but we still send our jens 8086 out onto the internet for laughs.


i have a search too and found “advandes”, but seems it has no translation.

jens holm

i am advanced senile monkey—jibber lie 7 yr american


russian double think: russia is permitted to attack anywhere in ukraine but ukraine isn’t supposed to attack outside its own country. get real ivan. you started this war. you should have anticipated the obvious consequences. at least this author understands where the actual russian ukrainian border is.

jens holm

russians fire from far away. thats the sliding and only only something for something.

jens holm

moron amerikunt start war–russia finishes you off

V2 for Victory

maybe, i say maybe, because the russians use their weapons, while ukros use nato weapons, eh? not a small difference. even for a clown like you i mean :d


cry me a river, you foul-ass double-pussy head nonsense-stutterer. shooting rockets into another peoples country and now – that ukraine gets the green-light to do the same thing to you – you redflaged skunks play the butthurt blues ? why are you such an embarrasing sect of pussies ? cant take the payback of your own actions ?

Last edited 8 months ago by skidfoe95
Kyivian Cesspit

thank you for your support we will continue targeting civilians and first warning icbm launch sites with your weapons and hope the russians will eventually cry themselves into capitulation before we run out of ground meat.

Magilla Mozilla

oh, shutup, skidrow bum. ukraine is a corrupt mafia shithole that’s been shelling civilians in the donbass for over ten years now. war crimes.

’bout time russia cleaned out that nazi cesspool. better late than never.

Amarillo Armadillo

it’s just part of the american rules-based order, like the us can attack anywhere illegally by international law, just make up it’s under threat, kill tens of thousands of civilians and ten years later say ‘hmm, ok – it wasn’t such a great idea after all.”

Amarillo Armadillo

so eat shit johnny boy. if you want the world to go up in a thousand mushroom clouds, you’re on the right track. according to american rules, russia can do whatever it gets away with. if you don’t like it, step up to the line.

Karl Rove

we’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. and while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. we’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

Last edited 8 months ago by Karl Rove

the time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end.

Magilla Mozilla

he’s already one of the walking dead.

Amarillo Armadillo

not to worry. in the war of double think, america has a decades long advantage.


of course the idiot above me is a paid for degenerate. who started the events in 2014? no answer from western “apologists”…

jens holm

no. it started in 1991 in the rest of the world.

the base for that is from okt 1917. most of that is even erased and worse and biased too.

and # apologist # . your desperate problem is you want us find something which is not there and has never been and only exist in some basement in kremlin for internal use or theat aganst others.

millions of pages and videos are made and has all aspects.

Kyivian Cesspit

indeed it did start in 1991, when those stupid russians believed american lies that they would never expand nato to russia’s borders. we ukrainians always had plans to gift crimea to nato so we could help them control all the black sea and we at the top of our cesspit could live off their welfare forever.

Amarillo Armadillo

ukraine will go down in the history books as the country that singlehandedly destroyed american hegemony and the entire post wwii financial order.

Last edited 8 months ago by Amarillo Armadillo
jens holm

i am not idiot–i am senile nazi

jens holm

o id again.

too much lego time?

Magilla Mozilla

didn’t you try to build a patriot battery out of legos and send it to ukraine?

Magilla Mozilla

you’re a senile nazi idiot who speaks in riddles only a nazi can understand.

jens holm

not a well written article.

most of it is true. there are those choises and cmbinations.

as usual its added russian civile losses to cover up the many more killerrussia make in ukraine.

jens holm

i am inferior dumb nazi jealous–i wish i could be russian instead of amerikuntized scum

Magilla Mozilla

how would you know what well written in english is, fiddly dumb?

jens holm

because they are next next to us and usa is not.

its in culture and language in memes humor and many things. and makes them more adances but also make them old fashioned.

its simple. real real english describe and of the anvendes things much metter but sometimes describes newer things such a the computerworld not 100% well.

History's Non-Mysteries

whoever understands even a tenth of that mumbo jumbo he calls ‘real english’, please raise their hands.

the rest of you, line up to get the butterfly nets to catch that danish dipsy doodle.

Last edited 8 months ago by History's Non-Mysteries
Conan M

because if the u.$.$.a. could murder it’s own to obliterate afghanistan and iraq and blame it on 19 hijackers with box cutters that the bbc even exposed when jane standley’s moment of truth in front the building that hadn’t even collpased yet on 9/11 she already proclaimed had fallen… they will never be telling anyone the truth thereafter again!…

Last edited 8 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

this is why putin should have pushed harder for the truth of those events… he knew china and india would never do it as they both were too embedded in the western economies…

Conan M

and that it was only a matter of time given it’s energy that the u.k.u.$. would want to take over just as they did iraq!… again. who knows where we would be right now had russia made the relentless pursuit for an investigation of the demolition of the twin towers and building 7 how many lives could have been spared?

jens holm

russians is nothing in this apart they were lost in afghistan and didnt like stingers there.

its also eraded the al kaida were based on relatives from expelled checkens now living in the me regions. it was not ukras supported by fx makron in moska as well.

i agree. we should has left afghanistan, when the russians still were counting their deads.

jens holm

i goes for irag and libya as well. killing saddam and co was fine. gadaffy too – but not the rest.

syria is no state- it never was. i was a creating with wrong borders from wrong reasons. several small states as emirates or sultanates would have been better.

spritting kurds as well as turks was a totally mistake

Last edited 8 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

dumbmark=usa colony

Magilla Mozilla

usa gives dumbmark regular colonoscopies to make sure there are no free thoughts in their poopchute. they quite enjoy the experience.

jens holm

thats your illusion.

i could understand if we lived like you. we do not. we long linger and better-

we are not all. many in the ussrs dont do that. they npw has hopes.

you not even know how we run things here in most aspect and has nothing bettter.

History's Non-Mysteries

magilla mozilla lives in the united states of america, your master’s land…dipsy doodle.

jens holm

we are well here.

if were are and colony and runned by the jews and nazis, i support it.


killing saddam & gadaffy was “fine” ? are you retarded, or what ? look at these two countries now ? they are fully destroyed, their society smashed, drowned in poverty & decline, when before they were strong and self-sufficient nations, with national pride and a functining economy. just because israel didnt like these financially independent countries&governments it sent the usa to destroy them.

Last edited 8 months ago by skidfoe95

moreover syria exists already in the pre-roman history as assyria – ok maybe in slighly differnt borders and english assyria sounds a bit jerky or vulgary, but point is, it did exist even long before usa or great britain existed.

Last edited 8 months ago by skidfoe95
jens holm

not at all. syria was a landscape all the to almost akaba covering jordan and the westbank of today.

it had no coastline. the coast line were own states. fx phonsia by triplis went to be khartago. it was faming and trade by ships and no arabs with dromedars from damaskus were there.

assyriens only ruled there for a while and as i recalled i with babylon.

jens holm

thats examply what has writtien.

dividing the osmans in the late ww1 had several choised. the wrong ones were picked.

fx they shoocen have chosen 1856 region borders – heriets something.

and you are completly wrong. they were as now and you forget they now are times a many as for 100 years ago. so very much is spend in more and more children as well as internal massacres – israel includes of course.


stop these convulsions, advandes el stupido! nobody understand such crap as fx shoocen choised heriets, even auto-translator.

jens holm

it seeme you real name is # nobody # with first name # none #.

its writtens for the millions which understand and will understand the world and themselves better.

you not even understand its a revalive free site and you are not forced to read fx mine.

you not even understand the system is we comment each other and are now owner as have some homemade patent.


“its writtens for the millions” — why not for billions? for billions of microbes on your hands.

Magilla Mozilla

saddam was a nasty guy, i don’t miss him but washington sold lies to the public, so it boils down to one rogue regime attacked another rogue regime based on lies and fabrications.

jens holm

thats right.

but it was true killed many in iraq and gassed them too.

next he went to war with iran and kuwait as well. that was enough for me.

History's Non-Mysteries

so, saddam gassed the kurds with gas precursors that america supplied saddam with.

and what do you call that, my little american monkey stooge?

jens holm

i senile–russia defeated muhjadin al qaeda—we lose to taliban—documented on wikipedia

jens holm

0 id wrote that


we americans are just toning down the rhethoric and delegate this issue to the eurotards, so that when the shtf, they are the ones that take the blame and the brunt of the hits. that way we eliminate one of our economic competitors. if they hurt russia somehow, its a bonus. but seeing how incompetent the eurotards are, i dont think they will.

anyways, toodless guillable eurotard flathead nazis from eu 😂😂😂💩

jens holm

fatal error from you.

the enomies are very integrated. we own you as well as we own you by the stockmarkets.

maybee you should add some danish insulin production to the the much fat in your brain. many of you drive mercedes or volkwagen too.

transport fx is maersk line by cantainers.

and hip for bill gates. he has a market here


you eurotards own nothing. you jump when we say jump. you put sanctions against your cheapest and most reliable suppliers because we demand it.

your shipping is nothing without our “freedom of navigation“ protection racket.

and i drive a ford f250. nobody cares about your volkswagen. do you danes even make your own cars?

jens holm

i wrote we support and compliment each other and also compete in the marked. i support kapitalisme – but with more descent way then usa.

fx has homes here. much less work. more people work here. more people are being educeaducated. if usa made santions on us many american shareholders will loose money and vice versa.

i mentioned shipping and cars as well know examples only.

jens holm

we invented windpower, which is in used wordwide. we are experts and experts i small very advanded this. fx there are 4 danish tools at that usa mars lander. we make minisattelites and medical equipment. we also export know how for cleaning almost any kind of water.

and why make cars? we just buy them. we also protect them and the drivers by licence high above your mickey mouse joke. it saves many lives even coffins might be cheepter then hospital treatments.

Fractured Faitytales

ha ha…you invented windpower outdone only by your invention of water running downhill and the ukrainian invention of the pyramids and wheeled carts.

the history of windmills reaches back 3700 years, all the way to the 2nd millennia bc when babylonian ruler hammurabi unveiled his plans to convert the power of the wind using an automated network of irrigation windmills that would provide water to his land.

Last edited 8 months ago by Fractured Faitytales

professor of ukrohistory bebik (his surname) insist that ancient hohols dug the black sea.

jens holm

they didn’t?

Line Backer

strange, their descendants can’t even did a trench line.

apparently, the only line zelensky understands is one with white powder.

jens holm

its already describes well by many many good sourcer.

konstantinpel has been cloced and open several time and ships could to the aral arace.

volga too the ice from the artic and help to make fertale land for many people and own states with big towns and casten. it also was the grass bade for turks, mongels etc moving west as hundians, bulgars and turks.

jens holm

2. by no extra ice volga is more and more dry and the desert will be come desert again. parts of that can we avoided by better land use – less crops and pigs and cows.

jens holm

not at all.

windpower of today a big step up fx covering 6000 household and their full time moders production.

your old windmills and ours were for good reasons replaced by wood, coal and and later on with oil and gas. its also true ships used wind. not many do that that.

windpowers it a new level. you try to compare the old mailman to mail of today or better hay to the horses and camels would replace the cars.

jens holm

large scale – where is wind – more then 50% af electricty is covered by wind and it sence to bould much more for warming-cooling ferriwa and the many non fossil cars.

in windy areas in the world they are a micracle for everthing. the next step is using too much wind into hydrogen, methatole and diesel. thats is not ready and so far to expensive.

i do respect old days use of´wind and water.

History's Non-Mysteries

you’re using too much wind into hydrogen.? just build some hindenburg blimps to carry your people back and forth and soak up all that extra hydrogen your wind is producing. simple problem, simple solution.

who ever let this jens creature with his dunce cap out of the corner of his school room?

by the way, don’t forget the methane. danes break wind into much methane too.

Last edited 8 months ago by History's Non-Mysteries

“we invented windpower”. may be you also invented electricity? moron! you can’t invent natural powers, they are existing even if you have no clue.

A Wise Observer

you’re so stupid that you confuse a negative trade balance for denmark with a positive trade balance.

that explains every fubar fool fact coming out of your broken keyboard and brain.

jens holm

and of course can compare.

china is only a small businees partner. usa is bigger one and we make a lot of plus ny that.

china is no center of the world for us.

adding my keybord and brain a replace well written facts just show your own level well. its a waste.

we know and in facts. unlike russia nthe china make the cake to share bigger bigger and parly better. very good for the many mao chineses.

History's Non-Mysteries

jens is a classic freudian masochist. i looked his symptoms up and he’s a textbook case. the more you ridicule him, the more he posts in his jibber jabber.

History's Non-Mysteries

that’s telling the little toady. put the bugger in his place.

jens holm

i made fatal error when i decided to vote for cleaning america’s dog poo off the world’s sidewalks.

jens holm

0 is there again.


us give weapons and authorize kiev but says the opposite to blur their responsabilité in escalation. russia should give zircon to houthis, paint it with différent colors, change a couple of minor things on it, give the ‘new’ missile a yemeni name and prétend they never give it. both parts can play that silly game.

jens holm

my rhetoric is lbbt jibber like monkey

jens holm

why am i rotten potato?

jens holm

i the jibber jabber monkey of danemark. have school prize to proof.


the children of the fuhrer will not stop, this will be a battle up until the bunker again. last time germany became a wasteland, maybe now the usa as well.

efihenya jensova holmenko

the cuск party last night was huge, geee, and where is my hub now? yep you guess it, watching bestiality porn (it’s legal here in dk)

Kyivian Cesspit

biden has a nice set of teeth. people will vote for his teeth.

A Wise Observer

americans are a very wise people and will vote for nice white teeth, even if they’re not his own.

it tells them that he will take care of the country just like he takes care of his teeth.

Last edited 8 months ago by A Wise Observer
Curious George

but lying behind those nice white lying teeth is a lot of bad breath. how will that affect the vote and the future grimaces of pre-teen girls on the campaign trail?

Last edited 8 months ago by Curious George
jens holm

me no like voter results on eu and move to democritical ukraine soon.

Amarillo armadillo

eu voters have spoken, “fuck y’all and your war in ukraine and a double fu for nuland and her gang!”

macron so panicked that he dissolved parliament. next stop, elba! hehehehe


the author carrefully avoid to say lord cameron initiated the missile escalation (as all previous escalations) with his shitdog (macron) following suit zealously. the timing of the escalation is correlated with us election to avoid trump coming to us presidency

History's Non-Mysteries

cameron, a lord? more like a loud obnoxious street urchin whose sole education consists of lying skulduggery..

in merry old england, if lords were cords, they’d all be hung by them.


why jens holm more stupid than us amerikan?

History's Non-Mysteries

sniffing so many american behinds has undesirable consequences for frontal lobe development in childhood.

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