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US Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map – May 3, 2018

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This is the newst update of the ‘U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map’ exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups on a weekly basis. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map.

US Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map – May 3, 2018

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Carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is centered on an aircraft carrier and a carrier air wing (CVW) of 65 to 70 aircrafts. It’s composed of roughly 7,500 personnel, an aircraft carrier, at least one cruiser, a destroyer squadron of at least two destroyers and/or frigates. A carrier strike group also, on occasion, includes submarines, attached logistics ships and a supply ship. Carrier strike groups comprise a principal element of U.S. power projection over the world’s oceans.

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Pave Way IV

Good God… they’re swarming all over the USA. Why didn’t anyone notice this? We’re under f’king attack by the Israeli-firster, neocon-controlled navy! Damn you, Bolton!

Time for the US to get its latest and greatest supersonic BrahMos things. They’ll protect us nicely from those old, relic flat-tops.

Wait… what do you mean we don’t have any BrahMos? Raise taxes and build some more, God damn it! Oh, Russia and India, huh? Do you think they’ll sell us any? …couldn’t hurt to ask.

Daniel Castro

It means only they are n a retreated position, this can be because there is too much threat to them on the hotspots like middle east, korea, south china sea, etc. Or USA does not have the kind of money to repair the broken ones, or keep the good ones active on conflict zones.

I would say it is a little of both.


They are in a retreated position most of the time… but okay, they are old and expensive, not like the the state of the art Admiral Kuznetsov which is always in missions around the World!

Daniel Castro

“They are in a retreated position most of the time…”

Which beg us to question why do you keep so many of them in the 1st place… You know, if you keep them on home ports they are just sitting ducks for nukes or even conventional weapons.

Bringing Kuznetsov to the debate is useless as Russia has always been a continental power, for defense purposes they only need to counter US Navy with subs and destroyers, and they already do that.

The only purpose of carrier is projecting power, meaning they are an offensive weapon only, if you keep them retreated might as well scrap them.

Face it, this is an empire on steep decline.


When you say ‘us’, who other than you are you referring to?… Kuznetsov launched more planes into the water than cruise missiles.

Daniel Castro

“When you say ‘us’, who other than you are you referring to?”

Have you never heard of rhetoric expression?

The ship was damaged, never had been used on a real war, it was not made for this type of operations, the russians were only acessing its capabilities, they realized it had a lot of issues and sent it back for repairs and upgrades.

Kuznetsov role is to protect naval attack group on the open sea, the planes are supposed to fly with AA and anti-ship missiles, not to fly loaded with heavy gravity bombs.


“Have you never heard of rhetoric expression?” so when you say “us” referring to yourself it’s called ‘rhetorical expression’ ?

and one more “Or USA does not have the kind of money to repair the broken ones” – which ones are broken?


OR….They are scared shitless of Russian anti-ship missile tech !

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Harry s truman is getting closer to the med, I remember hearing how it left there a few weeks ago, wondering if it will be used for another syria strike

hope springs eternal.

The Harry Truman was reported to have entered the Med 22 April.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Nice username :))

hope springs eternal.

Manu thanks!!!


Notice how the US hasn’t had a carrier in the Persian Gulf since Russia fired the cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea. For all their tough talk, the yanks are scared.

hope springs eternal.

The Russians are tracking all the 14 carriers 24*7 by satellite, and have earmarked weapons dedicated for each. My guess is they can take them all out in short time if the balloon goes up. No need even to sink them, cripple them is enough.


I think that if hostilities were to break out, the US would order all its carriers back to the US. They are like WWI battleships, just too valuable to risk. Carriers are good at attacking unarmed nations, but as you said, Russia would sink them day 1. The real threat to Russia, is the American submarine fleet, I hope Russia knows where they are every minute of every day.

hope springs eternal.

Agree with you sir. Now with both these powers, (and China France, UK) having such long range missiles, once the shooting starts it will be very difficult to stop. Imagine missiles from submarines, ships, land and space. It would be a crazy, unstoppable kind of scene.

Miguel Redondo

Looks alike that Iranians and chinese have swept their waters clean from certain annoing vermins.

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