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MARCH 2025

US Casually Brags About Waging Information War Against Russia

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US Casually Brags About Waging Information War Against Russia

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“It doesn’t have to be solid intelligence,” U.S. official said. “It’s more important to get out ahead of them [the Russians], Putin specifically, before they do something.”

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Just last week, NBC News published a video and an article in which Ken Dilanian, a correspondent covering intelligence and national security at NBC News, casually explained how the US “outwitted” Russia by using “incomplete intelligence” reports on Russia’s supposed future use of chemical weapons in Ukraine.

The allegations never materialized, but the US still pressed on with the claims, just until last week, when US officials didn’t simply admit they were lying, but even boasted that this was good, since it “deterred” Russia’s supposed intention to use chemical weapons. Apart from blatant lies, the issue at hand is that Russia doesn’t have chemical weapons, at the very least since 2017, when it destroyed its last stockpile of chemical weapons. This was confirmed by the OPCW almost 5 years ago.


“President Joe Biden later said it publicly. But three U.S. officials told NBC News this week there is no evidence Russia has brought any chemical weapons near Ukraine. They said the U.S. released the information to deter Russia from using the banned munitions.”

In short, US President Joe Biden lied to the whole world about Russia’s alleged plan to use chemical weapons in Ukraine. The publication goes even further and stresses that this was necessary to keep the Russian President Vladimir Putin “off-balance”.

“It’s one of a string of examples of the Biden administration’s breaking with recent precedent by deploying declassified intelligence as part of an information war against Russia. The administration has done so even when the intelligence wasn’t rock solid, officials said, to keep Russian President Vladimir Putin off balance. Coordinated by the White House National Security Council, the unprecedented intelligence releases have been so frequent and voluminous, officials said, that intelligence agencies had to devote more staff members to work on the declassification process, scrubbing the information so it wouldn’t betray sources and methods.”

To make matters worse, NATO threatened to get involved, risking a world-ending conflict between two of the most heavily armed military forces on the planet. All of it over a blatant lie and the US officials themselves admitted it.

“Observers of all stripes have called it a bold and so far successful strategy — although not one without risks.”

The authors of the publication kept trying to justify US moves, inadvertently revealing more disturbing details about this supposedly “new policy”.

“The Biden administration began releasing reams of intelligence about what it said were Putin’s plans and intentions even before the invasion of Ukraine began.”

In other words, the US officials and intelligence services had no idea what Russia was planning to do, but they still kept insisting it would happen, even before Russia decided to intervene and prevent the ethnic cleansing in the two Donbass republics.

“‘The idea is to pre-empt and disrupt the Kremlin’s tactics, complicate its military campaign, undermine Moscow’s propaganda and prevent Russia from defining how the war is perceived in the world,’ said a Western government official familiar with the strategy.

Multiple U.S. officials acknowledged that the U.S. has used information as a weapon even when confidence in the accuracy of the information wasn’t high. Sometimes it has used low-confidence intelligence for deterrent effect, as with chemical agents, and other times, as an official put it, the U.S. is just ‘trying to get inside Putin’s head’.”

Again, the US admits that it is lying to the world in order to disrupt Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. But it gets even worse.

“Before the invasion, the U.S. asserted that Russia intended to stage a false flag attack against members of Ukraine’s Russian-speaking population as a justification for war and that the plans included a video featuring fake corpses.”

Western mainstream media routinely reject Russia’s legitimate concerns over false flags in Ukraine. However, when the political West makes the same allegations, these are taken at face value. Recent events with the alleged “Russian massacre of civilians” in northern Ukraine might as well be a disturbing Freudian slip by the US and NATO.

“But the strategy has its dangers. One of them, the Western official said, is that getting something clearly wrong would be extremely damaging to U.S. credibility and play into Moscow’s hands.”

In light of these revelations and a plethora of recent Western accusations against Russia and its military, including allegations of committing atrocities in Bucha, Borodyanka and Kramatorsk, how is one supposed to believe a single claim coming from the US and NATO officials?


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Nobody cares. The vast majority of people outside Russia, and I mean globally now, think Russia invaded Ukraine for no good reason and that they are slaughtering civillians. NATO are increasing their weapons orders and even giving money to Ukraine with which to buy weapons from them, effectively allowing Ukraine to buy on credit against the national debt. The military industrial complex is happy and the politicans are happy because they have a universal enemy to distract people from domestic policy. The war will drag on for years now that NATO is arming Ukraine. Russia will be poor and Eastern Ukraine will be destroyed. The end.


The Ukraine has been destroyed. The end.

Putin Chess 4D

Lavrov declares the special operation is against the US hegemony in the world


Which it is. Ukrotards are just too ignorant to understand it. But what can you expect in a third-world country but superstition and sentiment? The US is the greatest force for state terror on the globe, and has been for eighty years, and the Banderpite dream was to be rolled into their system as a weapon to be used against Russia. Now the country is being turned into a wasteland with a traumatized population, trauma that will transcend generations. Again.

Aunt Polly

Russia will prosper, and so will everyone attaching themselves to her. Not my country, sadly- we are firmly tied to the US dollar. I don’t think we will wake up until we are eating the bark from trees again.


Russia more prosperous —you stupid amerikans poor


The Ukrainian state has ceased to exist! No one will miss them…


you Oregon hillbillies become more stupid each month—no cure for stupidity

Timmy Temperance

People have been asking me what to read whilst taking a break from war. I would like to recommend Canton by a dear friend of mine, Khatiam. Available on Amazon Kindle.


Yup, and listen. I am older than most I belive, in a world ruled by the cave dwellers, resting in 5 star hotels, where the one eyed who leads the blind, talks about war, among the pissants, whom belives the royalitys lies, whom I have seen unfold for decades, the playbook dont even change, names comes and goes to it becomes a blury line, and events forgotten where we are blinded by everyday life, its easy to be conformative, you dont have to think for an bloody second, thats why I warned Ukrainians about the consequencess of doing nothing. Do you really undestand, do you, there is, I agree with Dante, an special place in Hell for people who is maintaining their indifference in times of truble.

Amen to it all J. Baud from the land of Ricola. https://www.thepostil.com/the-military-situation-in-the-ukraine/

And I cant say in any way that the RUF have failed, their initial “flowing water” is briliant, of course you will have losses, but never the less, conducted par-excelance, now, comes the real battle, not as much for the RUFs forces and others, but for the Ukrainians, and the western scums, and again, this forces are by no means incoent, incl the Ukrainian Army whom knows what they have done, have no ilutions about that, then, of course destiny have changed everything and now they are to be exerminated. Why then sympathy, of course to an POW things change, and surrender is acsepted, because they know whom is behind it all, we all know that, nothing new, its been so for centurys. And they talk to us like we are idiots. The thing they must understand, for once, just maybe the Ukrainians realise that they can indeed start up again, just kick/hang the western scums and their vassals, wipe the slates clean and be free.


Michel LeBlanc

Peace my brother.

Good to see you.


And all if it being done to preserve the $USD’s hegemony even if it risks Defcon 1. Insanity doesn’t begin to define these statements and actions.

Putin Chess 4D

Lavrov says the special operation is against the USD hegemony


Russia had to be eliminated to guarantee USD hegemonic control of Europe, and the Ukraine was weaponized as a means to achieving the eliminating the capacity of Russia to act as a rival to US power. Now the Ukraine is wrecked. Russia is fighting for its continued existence against the US and the Ukrainians believed it as all about their freedom to get bigger televisions and German cars. Sad.


Russia has eliminated the decayed USA hillbilly empire–dead immoral nazis


lol “messing with Putin’s brain” this poor lad has the brains of a poodle…

Us propaganda

I’m sure that he’s a Joe Biden fan or maybe a brain dead Trump fan either way they have idiots for president. iQ of zombie

Al Doobie

We lie, we cheat and we steal. Now we brag about it. Not surprised. Trust has been destroyed in so many ways. Endless war, endless lies.


The West can lie all they want, but the dead are still dead and will not be brought back to life.

Michel LeBlanc

Since when has the west cared about deaths halfway across the world?



when the lips move amerikans are lying

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri

For self-delusion this technique is excellent, though it makes no difference on the battle field. As my father always said, “Deeds not words win the day.” Russia’s winning the day.


that ken dilanian guy has the biggest case of pedoface yet

and his barely female counterpart needs to lay off the estrogen blockers

the USA has truly morphed into a grotesque beast

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