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MARCH 2025

US Coast Guard Vows To Challenge China, Russia In Arctic

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US Coast Guard Vows To Challenge China, Russia In Arctic

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On April 22, the US Coast Guard released an analysis entitled “Arctic Strategic Outlook“. The document, which came two months before the Pentagon is expected to release its updated vision for operations in the region, argues that “changes in regional geopolitical competition, economic drivers, and the physical environment required the Coast Guard to take a fresh look at our existing missions, activities, and strategic objectives in the Arctic”.

“The Arctic’s role in geostrategic competition is growing, in large part because reductions in permanent sea ice have exposed coastal borders and facilitated increased human and economic activity. The warming of the Arctic has led to longer and larger windows of reduced ice conditions,” the document says. “From 2006 to 2018, satellite imagery observed the 12 lowest Arctic ice extents on record. This has led to greater access through Arctic shipping routes.”

The US Coast Guard claimed that the country’s “strategic competitors” – China and Russia – are gaining advantage of the current situation and expanding their influence in the region. The US side also compared the situation in the region with the South China Sea where Beijing established a network of defense structures allowing to challenge the US influence.

“In recent years, China has declared itself a “near-Arctic” state and is pursuing a Polar Silk Road plan with a range of Arctic infrastructure activities to include ports, undersea cables, and airports. These plans are supported by the construction of a second multi-mission ice-capable ship, the announcement that it will construct a nuclear-powered icebreaker, annual deployments of research vessels into the Arctic, and investments in vulnerable communities. China’s attempts to expand its influence could impede U.S. access and freedom of navigation in the Arctic as similar attempts have been made to impede U.S. access to the South China Sea.

Russia dominates the Arctic geography and possesses the corresponding dominant surface capability and infrastructure. As an Arctic state, Russia has legitimate sovereign interests in the region, including navigation safety, search and rescue, and environmental protection. However, Russia has demonstrated a willingness to use its power globally to coerce other nations around the world in an effort to expand its sphere of influence. Additionally, the Russian government continues to expand its icebreaker fleet, which is already the world’s largest. They are also rebuilding and expanding other Arctic capabilities and infrastructure, including air bases, ports, weapons systems, troop deployments, domain awareness tools, search and rescue resources, commercial hubs, and floating nuclear power plants. As a strategic competitor, the United States must take heed of Russia’s actions and potential dual-use of its capabilities. The U.S. Coast Guard and the Russian Border Guard have a history of practical cooperation and should endeavor to maintain that collaboration within a framework of mutual respect for established international rules and national sovereignty.”

The US Coast Guard document as well as recent remarks by US top officials regarding the situation in the Artcic show that Washington is aiming to expand its efforts in this very region in the nearest future. In particular, in February, Adm. James Foggo, the commander of the U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa and Joint Forces Command Naples, de-facto called to limit Russian sovereignity and over its northern territories. The control over the North Sea Route, which mostly heads through Russia’s exclusive economic zone, was among the goals proclaimed by the admiral.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

“The U.S. Coast Guard and the Russian Border Guard have a history of practical cooperation and should endeavor to maintain that collaboration within a framework of mutual respect for established international rules and national sovereignty.”

Sounds like the U.S. Coast Guard and Russian Border Guard provides some hope for the future of benign U.S./RF relations.

However comments made by bathtub Admiral Foggo, points to possible internal U.S. inertia’s that require buttoning up.

peter mcloughlin

The United States’ ‘“strategic competitors” – China and Russia – are…expanding their influence in the [polar] region.’ When the core interests of rival powers clash those nations go to war. Washington sees Beijing and Moscow in these terms, from the Artic to Africa, from Europe to Asia. And the pattern of history forecasts another world war – nuclear war. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/


“The United States Coast Guard carries out three basic roles, which are further subdivided into eleven statutory missions. The three roles are:

Maritime safety Maritime security Maritime stewardship

The eleven statutory missions as defined by law are divided into homeland security missions and non-homeland security missions.

Non-homeland security missions include: Marine safety, search and rescue, aids to navigation, living marine resources (fisheries law enforcement), marine environmental protection, and ice operations)

Homeland security missions include: Ports, waterways, and coastal security (PWCS); drug interdiction; migrant interdiction; defense readiness; and other law enforcement.” -wiki

challenge RU and CN in the arctic

read all about the massive arctic ice-breaker force the USCG has: www(.)quora(.)com/How-many-icebreaker-ships-does-the-US-government-own

You can call me Al

I want to call out an all out fight between any aggressive, future partners up in the Arctic next week… lets see who makes it !!!

Russia, leave some space for someone else…..

but, but…Nobody else is coming…

American Coast Guard my arse; you wannabe Navy ponces.

Toronto Tonto

Nobody fears the little Russian dancing vodka fueled girls , they were shown who IS boss in Syria at the BBQ remember .


Perhaps you are ex white helmet guy in Canada. Who ran away after launching false flag gas attack to kill civs in Idlib,Syria?

Valery Grigoryev

Hey, stupid!:) Shut up, and go eat your maple syrup.

Shéamus Ó'Comhraídhe

Go to the back of the class Fool…. stop eating your Monsanto laced food,,, some serious intelligence problems you have there Tonto… baaahaaaa

Concrete Mike

Really all i remeber of syria is russian planes and helicopters bbq your jihadi friends daily for 2 years.

TOS 1A, flamethrower? Remember him?https://southfront.org/russian-tos-1-heavy-flamethrower-system-in-battle-against-isis-near-palmyra-photos/.

Toronto Tonto

300 + roasted wagner girls ring a bell ????

You can call me Al

300 roasted Canadian and Ukrainian faggots (funded by the US Yid army).

Fuck off wank stain.

Harry Smith

At the moment, there is one sure indicator of an Ukrainian troll: Putin. If you see that in somebody’s comments Putin appears without any strong reason, be sure you’re facing Ukrainian. They are just obsessed with him.

You can call me Al

No offence, but I do not give a fuck what you think.

If you were not so stupid and funny with it, I would block you.

Promitheas Apollonious

and they do this exactly how?

Harry Smith

They gonna send Kim Kardashian at the North Pole and her ass will melt down all the ice.

Promitheas Apollonious

i admit i never think of that.


If Kim Kardashian, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump all sat on the ice, the North Pole would become a sauna in hours :)

Just imagine the tourism opportunities for Americans. We should start taking deposits for the North Pole Sauna Cruises now Promitheas :)

Import a few thousand penguins from the South Pole as well, and we would have a holiday experience that would impress many Americans.

Concrete Mike

And the penguins would feed the hungry polar bears!!! Perfect!!


I was going to say that, but I am not as politically incorrect as you it seems :)

I also thought that the US holiday makers might enjoy fried, poached of boiled penguin eggs for breakfast and that the ‘real’ American men might enjoy a ‘Club a baby seal to death ‘ experience.

Daniel Martin

In February, Adm. James Foggo, the commander of the U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa and Joint Forces Command Naples, called to limit Russian sovereignity and over its northern territories.

In the Regan administration, this clown ? would be sacked by the president, directly after this speech was made for breaching protocol and for meddling in foreign policy affairs which he’s neither qualified for nor have the mandate to do.

Valery Grigoryev

Everywhere in the world there is a lot of fools. Especially among retired militarists:)

chris chuba

I thought the Coast Guard was supposed to 1. rescue people, 2. stop the Pirates of the caribbean from returning, and 3. stop drug smugglers. I guess everyone in the U.S. of A wears the World’s Sheriff’s hat. Oh and how exactly have the Chinese prevented us or anyone else from sailing in the South China Sea? We circle their reefs all the time.


The US Coastguard are patrolling the South China Sea as we speak.

The US now believe their coastguard should patrol other nations coastlines. Let’s hope the USN have given the USCG anti-missile missiles, but obviously the USG are using the USCG as fodder.

Toronto Tonto

Russia better stay away from MY property or else .


You should worry more about bankers taking your property, than Russia.

Toronto Tonto

I am the banker , alls good .

Olie H

Lol you’re an imbecile. Worthless, drooling imbecile with too much time and no brain at all. Nor life… Nothing to do but to troll this and other sites 24 hours per day. Really sad.

Toronto Tonto

Your wrong little feminine boy , I restore classic cars almost 24 hrs a day . You will amount to nothing your so called parents can be proud of or talk about , now go eat your rations Muscovy trash .

Olie H

Haha I’m sure you are, you little sissy tranny girl, but I’m not interested in your hallucinations and fantasies. Your so called parents were probably some hobos from Poland or some other immigrant garbage, plus they were close relatives. You’re just a pathetic little loser, and you’ll die like a pathetic little loser. Soon hopefully. Now go eat feces.

Yeah I know, I shouldn’t feed the troll – but in your case – eat shit.

Toronto Tonto

I see your still dinkin your hairy aunt with the moles from the Muscovy wasteland , did she ever get a toilet or running water .

Lena Jones

Shekeled tonto lol.

Valery Grigoryev

You are sitting on the bank of shitty creek. According to that you are the banker, I agree.

Joe Kerr

Hey Tonto banker, is this you?


Olie H

or else you are going to cry some more stupid little troll .

Toronto Tonto

I wont cry , but the Muscovy vodka fueled losers will when I help Russia fall , and the big shitthole wasteland turns into a bunch of little lawless rouge shittholes . soon .

Olie H

Well you are already crying little troll. “big shithole” = your mouth. You will help Russia fall? hahaha poor little idiot, Russia survived Mongols, Swedes, Poles, Napoleon, Hitler, it will existed 1000 years after you are buried and forgotten. Oh wait, you are already buried and forgotten ?

Toronto Tonto

They WONT survive putin and pals , good luck .

Concrete Mike

Sure you are, you mad porky lost election?

Concrete Mike

Haha what are you going to do?

What me to come south and kick your ass while were at it? Thats more likely to happen than what you wish.

Who the fuck are you to wish ill on another pll across the world.

Wtd has russia done to you? Steal your job kill your neighbors?

No your just some morron that listens to corporate media too much. Corporate media represents coporate interest not interests for you and me.

So i will let you return to sucking anna marie tremontie’s sagging breasts .

We have enough problems here at home, we can leave the russkies alone, let it go!

Toronto Tonto

I don’t like shittholes and azzholes .

Valery Grigoryev

Your property is your shitty pants. Nobody cares about it.

Joe Kerr

Your property? https://c8.alamy.com/comp/RBERP8/vancouver-police-check-on-homeless-man-sleeping-dtes-hastings-street-vancouver-british-columbia-canada-RBERP8.jpg


The US does not recognize the waterways surrounding the many islands in Canada’s north as internal waters. They are international waters to the US, and they do sometimes send warships through, without notifying Canada to prove they cannot be stopped. So I would suggest your property is more at risk from the gringos south of your border than Russia.


Notice how Denmark via Greenland claims a large chunk of the Arctic? Rumours suggest the US threatened to take Greenland from Denmark if the Danes didn’t play ball. That’s why they have been trying to stop Nordstream2. The Americans will steal Greenland anyway, you can’t make deals with the devil.


How did Denmark get Greenland and not Norway, since the vikings where there first. The population seems to have stabilized at 56,000, but the ice sheet is still losing mass. Do you live next to the coast in Kangaroo land?


I sat down and worked it out once, that if all the ice melted, including Antarctica, I would be living on not quite an island, but all the valleys around here would be under water.

It would be great fishing and boating. Also Australia might get its inland sea back.

It would be very positive for rainfall and agriculture.

People always look on the dark side but I like Eric Idle try to look on the bright side.



LOL Hope you have your fishing gear ready. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4LLyBCz9tw


There are some ancient rivers on the east coast that still enter the ocean out at sea. The ancient library of Alexandria has reportedly been found underwater. The earth is not static it cycles on scales that are beyond the comprehension of man. The earth had a warming period about 12,000 years ago, that caused the tropics to grow deserts and to form in north Africa, AND empires to rise and fall.

You can argue about weather climate change is man made or not, but it is happening.

Concrete Mike

Excellent point, it is happening, to claim that” we know enough about the climate ” and then say were changing the climate is laughable.

That being said our greedy.consumption is unsustainable and it should be talked about. Climate change has highjacked the debate i feel.


And funnily enough, Greenland is rich in mineral resources that are increasingl more accessible doe to the retreat of the Ice Sheet. Not that the US is interested in that of course :)

Olie H

I’m surprised Denmark didn’t claimed Siberia as well. Shitty little country, was conquered by Germany in one day (or one hour actually) and now they serve another master.

Toronto Tonto

The Chinese are going to get Siberia back .


lol this is hilarious I’m sure the Russian Navy is trembling in fear XD retarded muricans

Toronto Tonto

HA HA HA did you say Russian navy , you funny mang .


you funny kike :)

Lena Jones

Another ape show from the colonizers of the Americas.

Valery Grigoryev

“The U.S. Coast Guard and the Russian Border Guard have a history of practical cooperation and should endeavor to maintain that collaboration within a framework of mutual respect for established international rules and national sovereignty.” – Very good, nice to read. As I can see from the claims picture, Russia and the US haven’t any discrepancies in Arctics. With Canada – very small discrepancy, and it may be agreed in amicable way. While Denmark’s demands are stupid and not realistic. Too much for Denmark, they already have more than enough.

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