A fully armed MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle taxis down the runway at an air base in Afghanistan on its way to another wartime mission. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Brian Ferguson)
On February 9, two US combat drones were spotted flying over the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib where several terrorist groups are active.
Syrian opposition activist Saad Eddin Zidan released a video showing the drones passing across each other over Idlib’s city center. The video also shows a Turkish Bayraktar TB2 combat drone that was flying nearby.
The two US drones, both MQ-9 Reapers, appeared to be armed with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles. Each drone also carried two unidentified pods, possibly for intelligence gathering.
US combat drones carried out a series of strikes on prominent terrorist commanders in Greater Idlib over the last year. The most recent strike was on December 30. The target, who is yet to be identified, survived.
Last August, two MQ-9 drones crashed in Greater Idlib after colliding midair in a mysterious accident. Back then, some sources claimed that Turkish air-defense fire was behind the accident. However, this is yet to be proven.
US drones were likely tracking or searching for one of the many al-Qaeda leaders moving freely in Greater Idlib right in front of Turkish forces and their proxies.
MQ 9 and Bayraktar drones will be ineffective in case of a greater Idlib conflict. US has been trying to remove the terrorist designation of HTS, however, any attempt on part of the US to help HTS from being eradicated, will be ineffective and costly.
They will pay in Lira. Poeple will be happy to have some kind of toiletpaper there.
When the doctors preformed a lobotomy on you to help your schizophrenia and bipolar disorder did they explain why they also took 95% of your brain , or did they consider it a waste of time.. waste of time I guess..
Congratulations, you just made the most cringe joke attempt I’ve seen this year. I bet it was a pain to find an end for it.
Well it was easier than putting an end to Jens but thanks for your concern. Putting a bit of shit in a bottle doesn’t always mean you end up catching a fish..
Have you tried sitting on it?
The Turkish Lira shot up to over 8.5 to a USD in November. Since then, Turkey has been throwing a fortune at it to bring it down. It’s just over 7 to a USD now. There’s a massive amount of commercial debt in Turkey denominated in USD, so the effective borrowing rates get astronomical at 8/USD. It will be back up there in a few months. All financial interventions are temporary at best. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b05b867d646c53776f472b2224bfd3143c0eb7d1ad7b7bcec70419920e45e242.png
Haha. The curve is AKP too.
Hard svimming but at least they still can decline. They could make less war.
Tell Smeagol. He’s the one driving TRY into the dirt with his Ottoman logic financing and endless military shenanigans. Think he cares? The guy lives in a palace. He’s got money and gold stashed away all over the world. That f’king parasite doesn’t give a shit if ‘little people’ Turks are starving or not.
They are the biggest terrorists there. Time to shoot them out of the sky…
if that is tried, launching platforms would be instantly vaporized by AGM-88 HARM or SDB-53 glide bomb launched by US airforce F-16/F-15
In disney movies… S-400 and TOR is untouchble. Especially with the archaic toys you listed.
Because they are very rare on the battlefield.
You think? They cover 95% of the airspace of Syria.
really is TOR untouchable? Then how come Armenia lost over 6 Tor-M2KM last november? $25,000,000 state of art advance turned to SHIT scrap metal by CHEAP drones. And 4 S-300 launcher DESTROYED smashed by cheap shit. Get wreck
They didn’t lose TOR. S-300 was offline placed on the frontline to be hit eventho its a stand off weaponsystem…. They wanted to maximize their own losses to force Russia to step in, except Russia outsmarted their traitor asses. Thats what happens if your country is lead by Mossad/soros run trolls. Meanwhile isisrael keeps lising Flop-35 and F-16s to 60 year old S-200s lolz. State of the art Merkavas rebdered tin cans by 40year old ATGMs. Whoopsy…:)
That’s how it just about always is,but these narrow minded fools as per fkn usual never have the balls to reveal the traitormanship factual event,not only is this very dangerous plotting,but come the day it hit’s the fan just like hitler they will be the ones crying,sulking unto the point of suicides not the others:
Lol! The video showed TOR-M2 you shet! Over 24 Sa-8 geko, Krug and Tor destroyed by tb-2 drones in such short notice.
Israel launch over 500 airstrikes since 2013 and only lost 1 PLANE! big deal, truth hurts you i see, as it does all antisemitic fools
The majority of merkava lost in lebanon were not destroyed but damaged/disabled. read it and cry!
Cool disney story… Repeating the same lies wont make them anymore credible tho…
Russia’s best short range SAM systems (buk. kub, pantsir, tor, geko) failed miserable against cheap turkish drones so many times. Proven by many many videos
Most of those videos are fake CGI. They even used one from COD modern warfare. Only thing failed is Armenian leadership run by soros and mossad. Interestingly the same drones failed miserable in Idlib and forced Turkey to give up. Reality Check Trollstoy… Meanwhile the Iran dome fails time after time even against home made slinghots lol.
Lol CGI?! are you kidding!? that is an old excuse not working. These are real films taken from drone cam you mutt
Xozu only wish… Not even top quality CGI. Only cheapo crap…
you are beyond hope if u think bayraktar destruction in syira libya and armenia is fake
Most of it is fake. Thats why Turkey list Idlib and is in a tie for Lybia.
Only 1 video confirmed cgi was tampered according to “expert” all the rest is real you moot
Same experts who think Oswald was a lone gunman… Sure that Trollstoy ?
the favorite consipracy of all jew haters of course you mentionthat ok makes sense to us all
Indeed. Stop mentioning conspiracy theories, you jew hater ziorat.
again you do realise Armenia only had 3 systems opearional back then right? how can they lose 6? Also its confirmed that they lost only 1 and they lost it due to it beeing inacrive and inside a building.
lost so many tor and s-300 launcher. this verified on video! stop trying to save face it looks awkward and bad
wut? their is littearly only one video of one TOR beeing destoryed and it was not even active infact they needed to wait for it to go inside a building in order to attack it other wise they lost alot of their HAROP drones to it as well as 2 TB2’s. Also you do realise that the total numbre of vids of S300’s beeing destroyed is about 8 and half of them are form the same system but form diffrent angles.
If you’m right, you’re talking about very old S-300 Russia will never give Armenia new upgraded versions of these weapon systems.
still that s300 supposed to be very capable. a propeller NON stealth drone takes it out with ZERO problem. imagine how easy F-35 Adir can take them out now watch and see!
are you retarded? Why the hell wuld you use a fucking S-300 agains a drone…..you can but thats not a good idea since the missile you fire costs more then they drone you shoot down the S-300 even older versions can infact shoot down drones buy why? Its a stupid idea to shoot down drones with a large long range SAM. Oh and btw i love how you stoped replying to my comments.
stop reply? here i am shet HEAD
welllll why dont you try and refute what i said? Oh w8 you cant since i actually do my homework on these topics before i speak unlike yourself.
Oh look , the wanker is so DUMB he even downvoted himself.
LOL I corrected it! in the moment I was extreme now I see the error. thank you for telling me antisemitic wallace. Now cry even harder while I destroy you and these russki troll antisemt here with fact and logic 100% of time
The only thing being destroyed here is your credibility. It has dropped to zero already . Cry your heart out because we don’t care. You are just another in a long line that come here full of shit with no knowledge and just make comments of no relevance.. Nothing more than a raindrop in a thunderstorm. Dream on.. water on a ducks back to me.. Have a nice day dipshit..
P.S. U.S. Chair Force was renamed ISIS Air Force a few years ago..
“US drones were likely tracking or searching for one of the many al-Qaeda leaders moving freely in Greater Idlib…”
The al Qaeda leaders in our new ‘ally’: HTS? Or the old al Qaeda leaders in our old ally: FSA? There’s a lot of CENTCOM-financed al Qaeda ‘leaders’ running around Syria. Maybe they should wear different hats so we can tell them apart – at least on payday. I ain’t payin’ no double-dipping head-chopper.
Make a webshop for it
Fuck you are truly stupid. How are you capable of walking or does someone push you around..
Here I think you hit the nail on the head. I myself imagine that Jens is sitting in a wheelchair, eating strong medicine and being washed by his old mother after a toilet visit.
No they were looking for the Syrian army,they should be shot down on sight.
yeah because that worked out well for turkish bayraktar tb2 right? Last time they tried, bayraktar annihilated 10 pantsir, and over 10 tor/s300 in ngorno karabak
Disney called they want you back Shlomo…
Are they short of a real body on the Ghost Train.
Self voting is the give up,which makes you a blatant liar!
ummmmmmmmmm you do realise that armenia dosent own any panstir systems and only had 3 TOR’s and only lost 1 system to the azeris but the azeris lost 2 TB2’s trying to destroy it. Oh and btw the S-300 systems armenia has are old versions but even so very capeble issue is the armenians used them badly and did not protect them propperly.
Syria I meant for the pantsir, armenia doesnt have it. but they have s300 geko kub krug and tor and lost many
ummmmmmm you do realise that Syria did not lose any Pantirs they had 2 damaged ones but they have been returned back into service while those systems shot down 6 TB-2’s and one ANKA-S drone during their confrontation with turky…
lol haha! IDF have destroyed 3-5. Turkey destroyed another 6-12! all confirmed you moot!
What?! Turky has only damaged 2 in syria. Also you never mentioned the IDF but ok lets take that into account a max of 4 have been destroyed 3 of witch have been inactive or relodeing but thats down to the badly trined syrian crews wrather then the systems fault. Also i love how you never mention how many IAF missiles have been shot down by thoe systems.
dont use “old systems” excuse. we heard that in gulf war, serbia 1999, iraq war 2003 lebanon 2006 syria now. bullcrap they are joke. IDF is superior
ummmmm its not really bull crap since its true but ether way the US lost quite a bit of aircraft to outdated SAM’s in the gulf war also in 1999 they lost a F117 to a 1960’s era S-125…thats noting to really be proud of same with 2003…..also ummm hezbollah dosent own any long range SAM’s wtf are you talking about? Also what does this have to do with the IDF?
IDF lost only 1 jet that made tactical error, in thousands of airstrikes against butcher syria regime since 2013. Cry
Others say more than a handfull,idf never have the balls to admit anything that goes wrong,just like cia,like I said don’t be so sure of what you don’t know,AIRHEAD!
antisemit head!
Typical. lose the argument and pull the old anti-Semite out of your arse, which is where most of your comments come from. Enjoying yourself , stuck at home and wanked out..
soon IDF will wank out syria iraq lebanon and iran from global earth map! and you will cry the day they be destroyd
Working a double shift today being a newbie. The only wanking going on is you pulling your pud while you sit on a dildo. Dipshit , really.
Don’t start cryin’ & moanin in here Shlomo…Do you realize that you AshkeNazis are No Semites…
wwwwwwhhaat? wtf you littearly just said gulf war????? WTF does this have to do with the IAF???? oh and btw the reason they the IAF lost a F16I was due to them getting bold and tryed to bomb systia by entering their airspace and they got punished for doing that by loseing one aircraft and a nother one suffering damage at the hands of a old S-200VE system.
You should know that when Russia delivered the S-300 to Syria, it was included in the agreement that they were not allowed to use these against Israeli aircraft due to political reasons. But what will happen in the future is uncertain.
they can yes, but they cannot use them effectively against F-35. Maybe they get lucky and score against an f-16, but it will be destroyed instantly like vaporized lightningz!!
Why Syria Isn’t Firing Its S-300 Missiles at Israeli Jets https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/syria/.premium-syria-s-300-missiles-israel-jets-iran-soleimani-hezbollah-1.8841093
not true its because the s300 radar CANNOT detect an F-35. S400 can only “see” an f-35 from 20 miles away. S300 even worse at 10 miles. Completely inferior
are you pulling these numbers out of your ass cuz its shure as hell seems like you are
look up Quora and airpower.net you shet
Quora is one of your sources? Wow you really are pulling numbers out of your ass.
written by abhirupt sengupta aviation expert and AEROINAUTIC engineer since he was 24 yes I think I know what I say unlike you
he debunked anti stealth nonsense of s400.
you mean this idiot? https://www.quora.com/profile/Abhirup-Sengupta-5
since when was bio tech related to with aerospace engineering? Also any moron on the internet can calim that they are something they are not.
However you seem to be confused since it seems like your only sources for this info is a military sight with only estemations and some idiot on quora thinking himself to be a aerospace engineer. yeeea m8 dont pull numbers out of your ass when you talk about these things.
you shet hed, Abhirupt is certified indian aerospace engineer who work on aircraft radar for a living wage! He knows classified estimate of stealth and debunk the overhy[e fanboy! The brochure of S400 MANUFACTURE states max ranges for their radars against size targets of square meters m2
He simply calculate range based of what we know radar section cross is of F-35 = 0.0001 m2
meanwhile SU57 is 0.1-1m2 thats bigger than a cheap alibaba drone!!!! JOKE
Yes ik he is some indian retard whom pretends to know what the is talking about also India dosent operate any stealth aircraft so what is the basis for his “classified estimate of stealth” as you call it?
India wanted to work together to make SU-57 but it was a joke, overpriced and was not even STEALTH! So they dropped it haha like you are drop on head to!
ummmmmmmmmm no it never worked on the SU-57 since Russia refused to give any technology to the indians so the indians do like they do and threw a hissy fit but that did not shift Russias stance on things.
Why didn’t Putin replace Shoygu with you yet?
Why are the US even there is the biggest question. They used to support most of these groups with military equipment and intell in the early stages but that supposedly stopped sometime ago. Are they not happy with the slice of Syria they have taken and kept. I know they are upset about the part they left for Turkey but was mostly taken by the SAA / Russia . (yes I know they left that so Turkey could attack the Kurds and draw SAA / Russia into a confrontation with Turkey ) Are they observing for an impending battle that may or may not arise or have they been watching Pirates of the Caribbean, some know as ‘Salazar’s Revenge’ but HTS are learning it as ” Dead men…. ..”
The US Zionists are hunting down the IS commanders who knows all about their dirty secrets.
funny how russkies who have watched idlib since 2015 for 5 years could not find al bagdadi terrorist. But USA using DRONES found him and eliminated him last year easily. Russkie incompentent
Funny jow mossadisis was annihilated and the greater Israel Project failed… Oy gevalt…
Also Nibiru failed to destroy Terra in 2012
Good observation…
The US Zionists have always known where Al Baghdadi has been and protected him. But now he and the commanders who know about their secrets are no longer needed. Is now cleaner for gangsters to use Kurds in their dirty business.
Where is Bilal “Al Terrorist”, the daring neo-liberal journalist and Al-Qaeda PR man? Remember how far he has outlived his usefulness to the US-NATO MSM?
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e933b756b8288b3224b89944877d00df253704e607cb12dd77f876124cf60006.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilal_Abdul_Kareem
Another Troll who must upvote himself so it doesn’t appear he is alone.. Upvoting yourself just shows what a pathetic wanker you are..
I upvote because I am always right, as you fail logic and alwys wrong!
Thats more the sign of mental ilness by definition,even hitler thinks he was reight,mr useth blowflys in the bottle up the rear for the self interst buzz,always right,get off the fkn drugs,dead set are killing you,always reight:
and to piss off you go! where u belong
I am where I belong,policys are local and keeping the peace not insulting ok! How many times must one turn the cheek before busting the others wrist?
it seems you render the parasitical mob don’t belong,bottom line,
get the fk outta syria phaedo reserve minions of creed,DON’T BELONG!
Before many others invade you degenerate muvafkrz and end up eaten alive by hispanics there,without the faintest of idea about karma revolution!
I think that is a little too far over his head. Need to take him swimming in Kakadu.
Go get your $hekels boy….
How old are you. No really , how old. Going by that comment I would think maybe 12 or is that giving you more credit than you deserve,
He’s about due to be killed again isn’t he ?
Why wouldn’t it be easy for America to find him you were working together after all.
LMFAO your mother sleep with all of them so yeah STFU.
BTW, the guy joined Feb 10, 2021 only commented in SF just some days ago….
Very easy to find someone you are giving a monthly paycheck.
Clearest picture here with your comment, simple yet true, but why expose Reaper technology to the Russian EW and monitoring.
drone needed; American pilots serving root beer at bowling alley for al Qaeda allies in Idlib
a reminder of whats coming for butcher regime of assad if he attacks Idlib again. US will ally with Turkey, sky full of bayraktar tb3 tb2 and MQ-9 reaper will annihilate irgc soldiers and syrian troopers
keep dreaming pal
Thats a lot if salty tears mossadisis boy… Are you on your period? Need a Tampax…?
Turkey sides with palestine,lol!
What would a Yank with half his dick chopped off know about what’s going to happen in Idlib. dreams of desire are a little to reality on the ground. A new fresh troll replacement with even less knowledge than those that have failed before you.. I think you will have more success if you go preach in a synagogue about handing Palestine back to the real owners.
Adam Prisbit voted himself up. Is just a new loser working for the IDF on internet forums in his spare time while serving in the military.
yes you speak empty words of trash as you are mullah shia regime mouthpiece of crap
Assume that John Wallace wants peace and justice rather than providing support to religious denominations.
How old are you ten? or a brain damaged thirty year old?
He was probably mentally destroyed when he was circumcised as an infant without co-determination over his own body. May have strange effects in adulthood.
you must be younger than a piece of crud
Beats being a homosexual wannabe turd,anytime,anyday,fekn lieing p00fta!