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MARCH 2025

US Congress Withdraws RT America’s Capitol Credentials. Russia Plans To Retaliate

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US Congress Withdraws RT America’s Capitol Credentials. Russia Plans To Retaliate

RIA Novosti. Ilya Pitalev

The US-Russian war regarding media rages on, with the US Congress withdrawing RT America’s Capitol credentials, and Russia planning to retaliate.

This particular bout started rearing its head in late October, when Twitter cut the advertising from all accounts owned by RT and Sputnik, under suspicion of alleged interference into the 2016 US Presidential Election on Russia’s behalf. “Early this year, the US intelligence community named RT and Sputnik as implementing state-sponsored Russian efforts to interfere with and disrupt the 2016 Presidential election, which is not something we want on Twitter,” the company elaborated in a statement, announcing the decision.

This act of media warfare kickstarted one on an official level: Washington followed up on its threat first issued in September, and decided to apply its Foreign Agents Registration Act to RT America channel. The channel was forced to comply and registered as a “foreign agent” on November 13. RT’s editor-in-chief, Margarita Simonyan, previously said that the channel was being forced into “conditions in which we cannot work” in the US, and called Washington’s demand an attempt to “drive [RT] out of the country.”

Russia responded by adopting an amendment that allows it to treat media outlets funded by foreign countries as foreign agents. According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, the new foreign agent law for media became a forced response to repressive measures against Russian media. “We were forced to take these steps, these response measures in light of the blatantly repressive actions, steps against Russian media, first of all Russia Today [RT’s former name] television channel,” she told journalists.

The US did not rest on its laurels though. On November 29, the Executive Committee of the Congressional Radio & Television Correspondents’ Galleries said they unanimously voted to withdraw RT’s Capitol Hill credentials.

“The rules of the Galleries state clearly that news credentials may not be issued to any applicant employed ‘by any foreign government or representative thereof.’ Upon its registration as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), RT Network became ineligible to hold news credentials,” the committee said in the letter addressed to T&R Productions LLC, the production company behind RT America.

This stops the channel from efficiently covering the Congress, limiting its access to members of Congress the one enjoyed by general public, and barring entry to the Speaker’s lobby, the press galleries of the House and Senate Floors and other areas. It’s also often a precursor to other credentials, including permanent White House press credentials.

Russia’s Federation Council plans to retaliate as soon as possible, with Igor Morozov, a member of the Commission on Information Policy, saying that Russia should respond “as soon as possible, without delay.”

“We can stop the US media from getting access to the Federation Council on demand,” he said.

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Wouldn’t that apply to BBC and every other foreign journalist?

That’s it for the 1st, toss it on the pile with the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 14th.


The BBC was the first thing that came to my mind as well. What about all the other state owned news services that basically all the US European allies have?


Time to ban CNN from reporting in Russia.

L'Obelisk Jewellers



The Syrian Arab Baathist Army and the syrian NDF will be victorious ! https://theuglytruth.wordpr… http://www.holywar.org Reporting the truth: smoloko.com purestream-media.com syriatruths.com informationclearinghouse.info electronicintifada.net http://www.12160.info to fight and resist the evil zionists ZOG ,the evil zionists rothschild’s evil israHell and and the evil house of saud crypto-jews in saudi arabia wahhabia who do nothing but damage ( who’s king in the late 1960’s addressed all the UN and arab countries requested them to recognize and accept israHell as a country) and their allies’s control/occupation of governments and the arab land of palestine and its neighbouring arab countries, to fight and resist those zionists is to fight to remove them from governments and economic power without removing them out of these office from these positions and freezing their USD currency assets monopoly dominanting global markets and trades( the 1 dollar bill has shapes of the stars of david ) wars instigated by zionists bankers on sovereignt independent states and and against their territory’s integrity will continue and the zionists’s scheme to establish a one global government control could be all set .

they must be removed from these positons (by us who are fighting them and only by us ) in order to get international peace progress prosperity and a good better and more positive dialogue between all countries and their peoples who their own peoples will lead and decide what to do by and for themselves. manage what their internal and foreign affairs to other countries and people’s would be and not led by some private zionists’s monopoly organisation who wages wars on whoever they want and on behalf of whoever they control and whoever bans rothschild influence and rothschild’s-controlled banks into their country!

should such a future international peace progress proccess dialoge between countires is to be then israHell turkey saudi arabia eritrea/ethiopia and pkk-rojava-peshmerga-kurdistan could be excluded because of their evil role of their tyranny and the logic of them even not being officialy recognised as countries (or maybe even by then they would already cease to exist before that) but rather occupiers of stolen lands by wars of aggression who occupy arab Palestine land and other neighbouring arab countries’s lands and their natural resources assets illegally from wars of aggression like e.g. Yemen and Somalia afghanistan with daesh and AQAP muslim-brotherhood-extremists and taliban and other plots of the the mossadistic so called “alliance of periphery” with their puppet collaborators alCIAda and MI6 .

all of Western Sahara and its people will be freed from the corrupt dynasty government of morocco’s illegal occupation which has a long history of collaborating with the zionists’s mossad and will be a recognised country by all nations ( hassan II and the mossad were behind Mehdi Ben Barka’s dissapperance / kidnap / assassination !

The jewish autonomous oblast in the far east isn’t enough for the evil zionists’s obssesion of world domination conquest . . History wasn’t written in ink , history was written in blood


The evil zionists’s commenting network “spot.im” (if you don’t belive it yandex it, it’s made in from occupied arab Palestine lands is) in RT’s website don’t use it ! boycott it ! why do you think so many comments in there are deleted? because the zionists are monitoring the users , it’s an evil zionist company ! .boycott zionists’s companies !


oh joy, more russophobia based on nothing, what else is new?

Gary Sellars

Muricans are busy depleting their karma account…


Perhaps Russia should be more proactive than reactive in this matter?


I think Russia plays it right. Let the world see what the USA is really all about.

Tommy Jensen

Bad bad losers. Like America only lost the Vietnam war because “Russia helped them with weapons”. America this time only lost the wars in Syria, Iraq, Crimea, South China Sea, because of Sputnik and RT.

By the way, in reality America won the Vietnam war, because they could just have used this secret weapon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z4y8o0jOKc

Eskandar Black

Blatant attack on Russia. I dont understand why the US plays these stupid games.

Emmanuel Moyana

Perhaps Russia started first. It’s price that has to be paid for interfering in another country’s affairs.

Eskandar Black

Perhaps I don’t want a new cold war because Hillary lost the election and had to make up an elaborate lie to justify her epic defeat. Perhaps no real interference happened in 2016. Perhaps U.S. interferes in the entire globe. Perhaps your comment is stupid and isn’t worth the time it took to respond to it. Perhaps attacking media organizations does nothing but conceal the truth. Perhaps you should drink some poison and go jump into a river with a brick, fuktard.

Emmanuel Moyana

I wonder what causes so much hate in a person. Anyway i wont sink to your level and dignify you with a response. Nothing you wrote is worth engaging. The sound of it tells what kind of person you are. No further comments.

Eskandar Black

Thanks for responding re not responding, off you go.

AM Hants

LOL Reverse blame/mirror tranposition. Guess you are not upto speed with the Soros funded regime change programmes, here, there and everywhere?

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