A member of the Bolivarian National Guard supporting Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed acting president Juan Guaido throws a tear gas canister during a confrontation with guards loyal to President Nicolas Maduro’s government (AFP Photo/Yuri CORTEZ)
Almost immediately following the start of armed coup attempt in Venezuela, the US declared its support to actions of self-proclaimed acting president Juan Guaido and soldiers supporting his attempt to seize power.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and President National Security Adviser John Bolton and even Vice President Mike Pence came with statements supporting the coup and desribing it as an example of “freedom and democracy”.
Today interim President Juan Guaido announced start of Operación Libertad. The U.S. Government fully supports the Venezuelan people in their quest for freedom and democracy. Democracy cannot be defeated. #EstamosUnidosVE
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) April 30, 2019
Venezuelans have made clear that the current path toward democracy is irreversible. Venezuela’s military has a choice: embrace democracy, protect civilians and members of the democratically-elected National Assembly, or face more man-made suffering and isolation.
— John Bolton (@AmbJohnBolton) April 30, 2019
To @jguaido, the National Assembly and all the freedom-loving people of Venezuela who are taking to the streets today in #operacionlibertad—Estamos con ustedes! We are with you! America will stand with you until freedom & democracy are restored. Vayan con dios! #FreeVenezuela
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) April 30, 2019
Menawhile, reports are appearing in social media that fighters loyal to Guaido have been engaged in some kind of clashes with Venezuela’s National Guard in the area of Francisco de Miranda Airbase in Caracas.
According to sufracing reports and videos, both sides employ vehicles, tear gas and even time to time open live fire.
#Venezuela ??: defected soldiers continue to hold the overpass at La Carlota, protecing protester and returning fire whenever pro-#Maduro forces attack. #30Abr #OperacionLibertad pic.twitter.com/hpIGb3V9sO
— Thomas van Linge (@ThomasVLinge) 30 April 2019
Pro-opposition sources also spread a video showing how a military vehicle slammed a crowd of pro-Guaido activists near the Francisco de Miranda Airbase.
!!! Intense clashes, a Venezuelan military vehicle just drove into a crowd of civilians on the highway. #Venezuela pic.twitter.com/pcSTd3TwMf
— Alejandro Alvarez (@aletweetsnews) 30 April 2019
It’s apparent that any casualties among civilians or even armed Guaido supporters will be blamed on the Venezuelan government led by President Nicolas Maduro.
Commenting on the recent developments, the government said it was “deactivating” an attempted coup by a small group of “treacherous” soldiers.
“We are currently facing and deactivating a small group of treacherous military personnel who took positions in the Altamira distributor road to promote a coup d’etat,” Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez said on Twitter.
“We call on the people to remain on maximum alert to — with our glorious National Bolivarian Armed Forces — defeat the attempted coup and preserve peace.”
The situation is developing.
How Guaido has escaped arrest and deportation back to Langley, is amazing.
Obviously Maduro can’t control the situation on the ground and Guaido has troops and territory.
Pretty messed up when you let it get that out of hand or can’t reign it in.
Syria taught us that government reaction to CIA proxy war should be quick and merciless in order to save lives of 1000s that would die in a protracted civil war.
The Venezuelan govt made a mistake to let Guaido act freely like this when he first appeared in public. Maduro seems to be too soft on him for some reason.
you are not soft when you let the enemy play its cards on the table, before you begin playing yours.
If the Americans(Guido) get the air base Maduro/Venezuela is fkd.
Aw yes, when (((they))) want us Goyim to do something to advance their interest in a country. We Goyim must obey them, for we are their eternal slaves. https://dailystormer.name/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/goblin-witch-1.gif
Neo-Nazis disgust me.
Me too – also people on high horses can fall down. Therefore ‘Brace’- and read this from today: https://www.timesofisrael.com/embracing-racism-rabbis-at-pre-army-yeshiva-laud-hitler-urge-enslaving-arabs/
“Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism… There are races in the world and peoples have genetic traits, and that requires us to try to help them,” he said. “The Jews are a more successful race.” In another clip from the Bnei David Yeshiva published by Channel 13, Rabbi Giora Redler can be heard praising Hilter’s ideology during a lesson about the Holocaust. “Let’s just start with whether Hitler was right or not,” he told students. “He was the most correct person there ever was, and was correct in every word he said… he was just on the wrong side.” Redler goes on to say that pluralism is the “real” genocide being perpetrated against the Jewish people, not Nazi Germany’s Final Solution. “The real Holocaust was not when they murdered the Jews, that’s not it. All these excuses — that it was ideological or systematic — are nonsense,” he said. “Humanism, and the secular culture of ‘We believe in man,’ that’s the Holocaust.”
PS There is also that jewish story about you-know-who: ‘The Sabbatian ritual which conceived Adolph Hitler on the 9th of Av, fast Day for the destruction of the First and Second Temples on July 20,1888, Hitler was born 9 months later April 20, 1889. Accordingly, his real father was not Alois Shickelgruber and his Sabbatian roots are also maternal stemming from the Strones family.’ says Marvin Antelman about you-know-who with Haplogroup E1b1b1…
Some high horses are worth getting on. There are some fascist Jews. Mostly, but not all, Israeli; almost all Zionist. There are some fascist whites too. There are some blacks with ideologies a lot like fascism. Et cetera. But Jews, as Jews, do not have structural power in the world to that great an extent. The ultra-rich, of every race but mostly white, do. Nearly all of these ultra-rich incidentally are men rather than women. Some billionaires are Jewish, and they form one current in billionaire factionalism with some influence–but it’s far smaller than the Anglosphere group, probably at this point less influential than the Silicon Valley crowd. The key thing about what’s going wrong with the world has nothing to do with ethnicity or religion, it has to do with money–not to put too fine a point on it, to do with class.
Like most men, or most whites, or most Americans, most Jews you meet on the street are not billionaires, have no power, know nothing about the conspiracies people discuss in Davos and similar places. They’re just ordinary joes like everyone else, being exploited by the people with money, including the people with money of their own ethnicity–just like everyone else.
Everybody is a bid racist. We mostly do chose our partners with similar facial features and that includes race. That’s normal in my books, and yes also black and yellow and white and brown people are all the same in that regard. And I agree, all the jews which I usally met are normal people, if they talk about conspiracies – I wouldn’t know, because it’s a no go subject. But therefore to reason that there aren’t any secret plans for the world, that everything is random and unconected… No, I can’t agree on that.
Three races; Negro, Caucasian and Mongoloid. Brown people are mixed.
I didn’t say things were random and unconnected. There certainly are conspiracies, although they aren’t all that secret. The conspiracies are by the super-rich, for the purpose of becoming even more so and ensuring nobody is in a position to stop them. They take place at gala dinners, at $$$$-a-plate fund-raisers for well-connected politicians, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, at trade negotiations which always seem to be conducted behind closed doors except for the industry representatives who get to draft half the terms, at meetings of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group and the G20 and ASEAN. And, sure, some of them happen at meetings between various politicians and AIPAC. Just, not the majority. Overall, the picture is not of Jews managing by dint of some strange superiority managing to be behind everything, as if among all the wealthy venal people they’re supposed to be the only ones pursuing their own interests. It is of class warfare with, as Warren Buffett pointed out, his class conducting the war and winning. And incidentally, one of the tactics of class warfare is to get the different kinds of little people to hate on each other so they ignore who’s holding them all down. There would be racist rhetoric no matter what, I’m sure–but it wouldn’t be near as well funded and effectively spread if it wasn’t useful to the boys with the bucks.
I agree… – but not all motivations in life have $$$ signs.
Well done, Hitler was the best thing to happen for Zionism, the Nazis hate me for making the connection, so be it.
This is a strongly contested field of opinion if Hitler was the ‘Founder of Israel’. Fact is he came out of an area near Vienna, which had a high percentage population of jewish decent, and it wasn’t far from the town of Bruno, where the crypto jewish sect of the Frankists had their base. And Frankists where Zionists, but also Catholic or even Islamic. Many Frankists left Germany and Poland after the failed revolutions in 1848 and came to the states. Louis Brandeis was one, so where the forebearers of ZBic Brzezinski. Zionism and Hassidsm came, or are related to that same eugenics/ messianic movement following the lurianic kabbalah. Therefore to hear Rabbis talk like that isn’t a complete surprise, since the Rabbinic dynasties of the ‘Four Lands’ where based on arranged marriages – which was also for eugenics reasons. Hitler had eugenics ambitions – the hole superiority idea came out of eugenics. His race laws where the jewish halacha race laws. That’s the same coin – different side, and wasn’t a coincidant…
YUKKY YUKKY, is that what a Zionist looks like without it’s mask…..
Oh yes !!! – https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-R-4CFIhdSfQ/VrSz0iYVEaI/AAAAAAAAdHc/oIe7eDkSe2o/s1600/The%2BRothschilds.jpg
After Venezuela who will be next, Saudia, Pakistan, Iran or India?
Each time for the Jews of Washington it is very easy to invade individual country but together these countries cannot be invaded or sanctioned. This is a lesson from which they don’t wanna learn.
Cuba; the voice of freedom for decades.
This is my last territorial demand(Adolf Hitler) aka Donald Trump
Hitler was good to eliminate all Jews from this world because they have created these all wars in our world.
All the wars have one common denominator, the USA. Trying to shift the blame for Americas crimes onto others(Jews Commies, Chinks) is the sort of thing all criminals do.
Most of Jews convert to Islam because of attrocities that by fake jews have brought to humanity by using Washington, London and Moscow as proxies.
Well, that’s it–they can’t avoid putting Guaido in jail now, and it’s going to look really silly when the Americans bitch about it. This is basically the reason for letting him wander around up to this point–sooner or later he’d have little choice but to do something stupid, at which point the diplomatic fallout for dumping him in the slammer would be much more limited. The Americans will complain anyway, and it will be interesting to measure the sycophancy of other governments by their response and the complicity of the media by just how far it spins this. But it’s really hard to make “Caught in the act of attempting a military coup” look good. I suspect the media will mostly just bury this instead of trying to put too much lipstick on it.
putting traitors as him in prison make martyrs out of them. is better one bullet in the head.
While I don’t particularly care if the creep lives or dies, it seems a little weird to claim jailing someone makes a martyr of them, but shooting them dead somehow doesn’t. You know what a martyr is, right?
The Guaido US whore has chosen the wrong moment lets hope for that. Would not be a pity if he got wasted
He doesn’t choose anything, the Americans tell him when to go to the toilet. Check out his vids, always a minder in the background making sure he doesn’t fkup. The Americans will probably kill him now and blame Maduro. No way is this moron going to grow old.
I see Ukraine. Maduro is already in Moscow, under Putin’s skirt
They lost Ukraine now they are trying to take over venezuela. But this time Russia and China know their game.
Is that supposed to mean something?
Yes, ‘they’ = Russia
I beg to differ,but then again you are the same retard whom claims the Admiral Kuznetzov will be scraped and claim its old even tho a third of the Nimitz fleet is older then it XD
How about that they are working?
And the Kuznetzov is not? Oh wait i forgot you will now say “hurrr durrr all US carryers are operational” well if going for a refit is considered not operational then half of the US carryer fleet is out of action following your logic. What is more amazing is that you think its in Russia’s urgancy to get a carryer operational,if that was the case they wold have just done the refit along time ago. I realise that your brain cant grasp the concept of differential war doctrines but for the love of shit try to.
I bet it will be scraped, or it will be the oldest piece of junk in the yard, without catapults and nuclear propulsion
….aaaanndd again with your complete retardation. yes it wont have catapults since they are more of a liabuilety then a advantage in Russia’s naval doctrine. Why do you think the UK’s carryer also has a ski jump?
Resons? they requier power and can be destroyed,they can launch 3 aircraft at once and while they can launc aircraft with a full fuel load and 2/3 combat load or vice versa they are alot slower at it. But i dont expect a retard of your magnetude to understand that. Also nuclear propultion is not needed for a defensive platform. Also ” or it will be the oldest piece of junk in the yard” yes so old its actually 15 years newer then the nimitz class witch is a late 60’s era ship ;)
I can’t compete with such solid argumentation
They have known their game for decades, the US always uses the same MO, because it works.
It is too soon to know exactly what is happening, but as far as I can tell this looks very reminiscent of the attempted coup in Turkey. It looks rather chaotic and could soon fizzle out.
The difference is, Erdogan rounded up the insurgents and shot them. Maduro tries to play mister nice guy, which is exactly what the Americans want.
I am inclined to agree with what you wrote. However, the coup does look feeble so may be Maduro will survive.
I misjudged, I thought it was going to be like Syria, where ISIS took the airbases so the US could bomb. It seems the Venezuelan military is better disciplined than the Syrian military.
I wonder how china and russia will react to this, beside declarations and words.
what do you suggest? nuking DC? land marines in Venezuela?
btw – seems that Maduro is doing fine so far.
only someone like you will suggest something like what you have just suggested. Maybe before you make assumptions, it be good to try and get some intelligence pills for a decade and stop watching too many american movies and instead use common sense as the base.
i didn’t suggest nothing you fucking sophist.
I asked you what you’d suggest you serf.
as I said only a moron as yourself would suggest something like this.
“nuking DC? land marines in Venezuela?“
As I said watch less movies and try and stay on mother earth every now and then.
I’ll take the first option please, and can we add New York?
I hope you aren’t doing the same dirt cheap language trick the other user is trying to do. The key is the interrogation marks after the sentences.
If this is all these people have, we are safe.
Just a joke.
You will understand it later. Nobody will give you the roadmap of their further action.
I dont need to understand what already it is obvious. as for the road map their deeds will build that road map and it will need no explanation… their actions will define their intentions.
How would you react being in Putins shoes, if you would know a great war is maybe unavoidable, and which will need all your military to make you weather the storm. And if you put more than words into it, then it all may happen faster. Would you waste resources far far away, in a divided country – whose leaders made grave ecconomic mistakes, out of ideological reasons?
I don’t know – there are reasons for it, and there are reasons against it…
PS …that’s always if Putin is really the real deal, and not some Zionist actor who plays the people who believe he is one of their own. Which has all happened before, with other leaders, at other times…
I dont have the illusion that I am a decision maker among those who play and their actions effect the global reality. I am not in putins shoes not do I have any desire to wear his shoes and become as all of them an international interest whore. It is work that need to be done and I study the ones who can play that game and learn from their mistakes.
So instead of having the notion you understand putin try and keep up with reality and make your own conclusions.
Generally appreciating your careful writing, I have to humbly reply that I see you as far to clever for not having your own opinion. Also why should you become an ‘international interest whore’ – it likely wouldn’t suit your character…
is one thing having my own opinion and another to rush into one before we know what cards are on the table. Assuming it is not my way of thinking get the facts analyze them yes, assume no.
Yes facts are great, but the cards are hidden, and the facts are seldom clear…
not to the ones who know what they looking at, they are not. Maybe you should begin to look in what every one does and what are the results of their actions rather than listen to words and theories (speculations) I am sure then much will be cleared for you.
I know this is harsh, but while America is busy killing Venezuelans, it’s not killing Russians or Chinese.
Event if Maduro having trouble coping with it, R&C won’t be able to help Venezuela militarily, it’s too far away from any of their bases. Cuba on the other hand is much closer, and definitely able to help militarily. Instead R&C has different weapon that they can employ against US, e.g: block rare metal earth shipment & titanium & rockets to US, vetoing US in UN, sells Treasury bonds or crash commercial property market in US, etc.. lots of painful things they can do in non military way
Cuba does not have the capacity to fight the USA. If you want to kill lots of Americans you need Russian firepower. The only way Russia could do that at this range is a massive nuclear strike.
Thats true. Cuba can probably help with military supply and training at most. Venezuela and its S300 are sufficient to deter US. American cant risk losing its flying lemons f35 to an S300
Very little,if anything. Whilst the US is making a c*nt of itself in the 4 corners of the globe, Russia and China are winning hearts in India Germany, and other places. Venezuela is merely a pawn, its loss wouldn’t be a major setback in the great game.
that is where you are wrong. americans getting the oil and natural resources of venezuela put them at the helm back again in the oil game and not only.
I’m sure that is their plan, but I think it is too little to late, nothing can save them now.
More like Operation Libtard…
Arab countries should take note here, any one of us is next on the list. The smartest thing any Arab country should do now is build better ties with Russia and China, and slowly abandon the dollar whenever they can.
Actually any and every country is at risk. As the US gets more desperate for money they will increase their invasions.
First thing FSA did in Syria was targeting SyaaF airbases, Maduro should have all the needed data to handle the situation and turn this gladio operation into dust
USA has quite human rights Organizations there any regime change or instigating people is terrorism and direct sabotage.
Guiado must be arrested for instigating and risking of human lifes.What ever protest he stage during economic hard times causes serious harm to the economy of the country.This is not time for fighting over the chair.USA who quotes human rights Organizations is forcing him to cause violence. Just to make easier for USA to steal gold and oil.
Very same USA tactic in Syria attacking airbases.Venezuela army should never sell out their country to USA it will end up like Libya and Syria Iraq.
Exactly knock out the air defenses so the US can bomb.
Just kill Guiado end of the story.
They will just find another meat puppet.
Yes but that will take months. Then kill him too.
All the good work of Chavez down the drain because Maduro can’t take charge of the situation.
well you can tell who is backing this attempted coup even black water huh??well you’ll still lose maduro is the chosen leader nuff said!!trump don’t you have enough of your own problems right now then attack one of my interventions???
USA must rebuild Yugoslavia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran and Germany include Palestinian, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa.
Pence, Pompeo, Bolton: “peace-loving people of V”, “quest for freedom and democracy”, “embrace freedom and democracy”. Vomit, vomit and vomit. PPB do nat have a single democratic bone in their collective bodies, and freedom for them is the freedom to indulge themselves in satanic privileges. Never have calls for democracy and freedom rang so hollow. But in any case, I have started to hate the words freedom and democracy. They have been dumped on so often by US puppet leaders I have no love for them any longer.
The fact that Maduro has allowed the American stooge to gather armed troops shows he has lost control of the situation on the ground.
The American stooge operates with impunity and the legitimate government is either too cowed by threat of direct American military action or simply lacks the will and power to put an end to the threat and disruptions.
This is much like what happened in the Ukraine and everywhere else the Americans sponsor a coup.
Really shows a lack of response or planning on the part of Maduro and his so called allies.