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MARCH 2025

US Defense Secretary Does Not Rule Out Military Action Against Assad Government

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US Defense Secretary Does Not Rule Out Military Action Against Assad Government

A screenshot from CNN’s video

The US has not ruled out a direct military action against the Assad government, US Defense Secretary James Mattis said at a photo-taking session in the Pentagon before a meeting with the emir of Qatar on April 9.

Mattis said the administration of President Donald Trump is consulting with allies in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere.

“I don’t rule out anything right now,” the defense secretary said responding to a question about a possible miltiary action against Syria.

“The first thing we have to look at is why are chemical weapons still being used at all when Russia was the framework guarantor of removing all chemical weapons, and so working with our allies and partners from NATO to Qatar and elsewhere we are going to address this issue,” he continued.

On April 7, pro-militant sources claimed that Syrian government forces had conducted a chemical attack in the district of Douma of the Damascus subrub of Eastern Ghouta. By April 8, the story had reached the maisntream media and the number of alleged casualties in the incident, according to the same pro-militant sources, had grown to 50-70 killed.

On April 8, despite a lack of any hard-rock evidence behind the reports, President Donald Trump threatened Syria and its two closest allies, Russia and Iran, with a “big price to pay” and slammed Assad as an “animal” on Twitter.

Early on April 9, the Israeli Air Force conducted a missile strike on the T4 airbase in Syria allegedly targeting Iranian forces deployed there.

Russia and Syria rejected the allegations of chemical attack in Douma. Moscow described the incident as a clear provocation.

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ron keramer

Seatch on YouTube : ‘ Mad Dog Mattis Barks At Russia ‘

US-Navy Revert Shia

Fuck A Madmutt

Carol Davidek-Waller

They don call him mad dog for nothing.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Fuck a Madmutt


Mattis says “The first thing we have to look at is why are chemical weapons still being used ” Doh – 2 options none were used its all fake by the white helmets or they were used by the militants not Assad in which case the Russians dont control the militants the US does.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Fuck you Madmutt


The bodies from the chemical attack (or at least blood samples and tissue sample collected by the American medical NGO on the scene) are now in labs across the West as I type. Just as with the nerve agent false flag in the UK, a few days will be allowed for PLAUSIBLE ‘scientific’ analysis. Then it will be announced that these women and children were indeed poisoned bu a nerve agent that ONLY a state could manufacture, never the rebels.

At this moment, Syria is DOOMED. Everyone at the UNSC, excluding Russia, will agree that Assad is a monster that must be stopped at all costs.

What did this false flag require? One british SAS operative on the ground with a container of the nerve agent. He infiltrated the underground shelter- having been friendly with the locals for a long time. Placed the container in the shelter and activated the time release mechanism on the valve.

It is ESSENTIAL the West have ‘proof’ of the nature of the gas attack this time- and any American policeman will tell you the very best ‘PROOF’ is the proof you manufacture youself to get a conviction.

Our side loses cos it always acts like this is a GENTLEMAN’S GAME.

Sebastian Vicente

Blood samples? Ok, organophospate, and? Is a proof the SAA uses it, or any militant uses? Is Sarin or VX from Irak, probable link between Al qaeda and ISIS, and Israel-USA? (Camp Bucca?). THe danger is Al Qaeda in possesion of those ind of weapons. Is the same “modus operandi” what in the past when SAA overrun Al Qaeda appears “the magic excuse” . Is difficult to trace the origin of the agent, but the concentration, the precursors shows are from Iraq. IN the UNSC China oppose too. If don´t like you is time of the good bye of the UN ( Jurassic institution). The Saddam Hussein State fabricates ( ask to the kurds). Indeed, why in the middle of massive assault against HTS the SAA uses chemical wepons? The State knows how to use, different Al Qaeda thanks god, they doesn´t know and use explosives of certain speed what destroy the chemical head.


They will not and can not come up with evidence because this time the time is too limited too little to make most timeline of the incident covered and evidence convincing. The best they can do is relying on their echo chambers.


If the Americans want to start bombing in Syria , the hot war will be on .The Russians will not back down as they know they are there legally ,the Americans are not.Regardless of the shinanigans with the Skripal affair, the false chemical weapons incident perpetrated by the terrorists , get ready for global war if they dare tom proceed with their plans and hope that it is more rhetoric and will not amount to much. If you are religious ,PRAY.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Fuck U Madmutt


After Israeli invasion of Syrian nation the US defense Secretory moral raised that its so easy to invade Syrian nation. Now US will also invade Syrian nation.

Mario Ceva

you are dreaming…


Right, cos zonist appeaser Putin didn’t just kneel down at the feet of the jews, and allow them to murder Iranians in Syria. Obviously I just dreamt that.

Trump watched vile zionist coward do nothing- not even warn the iranian servicemen that a strike was heading their way. So Trump has the measure of the cowardly Putin, and Trump knows HIS jews are telling him the truth about current craven Russian policies.

The planned bold strike on Syria by the UK, USA and France will cause Putin to cut-n-run.

Today a number of infinitely brave Iranian muslim soldiers died, butchered by a power cult that has plagued Humanity for centuries. Whenever Putin speaks, he calls the jews the ‘master race’ and swears Russia’s undying loyalty to Israel. so it is of no suprise when he allowed Israel to mass murder once again.

The jews think they now have Humanity just where they want it. The fabians use the vicious jews in the service of the Deep State. And the masters of the Deep State want WW3, which they are convinced will pathway thru the coming Iran War.

King of the Fabians, Tony Blair, guided Putin to absolute power during his early days (don’t believe me – google it), protecting Putin from the wrath of the EU and USA when Putin was laying waste to Chechnya. Every watch Star Wars, and the ‘mentor’ program between young jedi and sith, and their jedi and sith masters. Blair mentored Putin until Putin became absolute master of Russia.

Blair is one of the demons who runs the Deep State (google Blair’s ‘demon eyes’ to see the most remarkable image from any election campaign in Human History- and once Blair won that election his first guest at no.10 was Margeret Thatcher- who was NOT his immediate predecessor).

Tony Blair was the architect of the Kosovo War, 9/11, the Afghan Invasion, the Iraq Invasion, the Syria War and the Libya Invasion. America has been his FIST- the reason America was made in the first place by the British.

Today Blair operates behind the curtain- allowing dribblers here, if they still recall his name, to dribble on about “america’s poodle” or “Bliar”- terms Blair’s own psy-op team came up with to dissipate dangerous sentiments.

Blair knows Putin intimately- built him from the ground up. Nothing in life is certain, but Blair feels he so perfectly has Putin’s number, he can puppeteer this zionist appeaser in any direction he so desires.

The importance of Syria to demon Blair and the other demons who rule the Deep State is only measured in the path to war with Iran- and that is 100% conditioning of Team Trump. America has wanted to war on Iran since the Iranian revolution, but has been frustrated at every stage. Blair needs to give the yanks the confidence to take the final step.


Cui Bono ? If they abandoned Syria Iran would be next then themselves as their encirclement completed. Might as well the reason why China boldly claimed nine dash line sea territory to ensure a direct protection towards their shipping line.

Hewal Neutralizer

Hahaha retards like you are my favourite. Israel just killed another bunch of SAA,where is the retaliation? Famous S400 crews were asleep looks like. zzzzZZZZ Massive pu$$ies. How many times Russia watched US or Israel killing it’s allies in front of him? You guys are lobotomized by South Front propagandas. Oh how can I forget,Russia said that they will retaliate if Russian base and personnels are targeted. How cunning right? So does that means US and Israel are free to kill as much as Syrian as long as they keep Ruskies safe?


Don’t get too comfy with your wet dream just yet .You are going to be in for surprise awakening , unfortunately it will be too late for you . Like pounding your chest don’t you .Typical ignorance.Can’t do anything about hat unfortunately .

Hewal Neutralizer

LOL Go read some bible and suck your priest buddy. You are a mindless fanatic,politics is not for you.

Sebastian Vicente

You suck your rabbi kippá. You support the new colonialisme? Israel moves 2 f-15 ( is a little number no?). Russia avoid escalation, you are irresponsible looking a big war. POlitics is not for you like you said to “Guy”. The acusser must probes, but you believe to “pro-militants of Al- Qaeda” (Twin towers remember?)

Hewal Neutralizer

What a pathetic bullshitter. Why mother Russia avoids escalation? If mother rossiya is too pu$$y to fight why they are in there in the first place? What a trustworthy ally keep letting his allied troops die left and right. Oh how can I forget,mother Russia must be too concerned of the fate of humanity incase a nuclear war break out,that’s why caring mother Russia don’t want to escalate and take the beating like a champ. Right? Begone asswipe.


ah one terrorist zionist!!

Hewal Neutralizer

Not very original,next.


Looking forward to seeing you on your knees in front of Issa.

Sebastian Vicente

The USSR avoid nuclear war too, ( Cuban crisis), if you want the destruction kill yourself


Oh so you are afraid? So basically Syria should pay the blood price to avoid a major war? So technically you are saying Syrians lives have lesser meaning..

Sebastian Vicente

Where I said that, all lives are sacred.

Hewal Neutralizer

If you are too pu$$y to use them why build nuclears and brag about having them? Irrelevant retard.


Yes Israel too pussy to declare themselves a nuclear power.

Hewal Neutralizer

I was implying Russia,Putin and his “hypersonic” nukes.


And would any national interest to start nuclear war ? Did USA uses nuclear bomb against Russia ? Britain ? French ? None interested in a nuclear war.

Hewal Neutralizer

Then why build them and brag about having them? If no one is interested in a nuclear war then why Ru$$ia is scared of USA? They got nukes too right? You sound like as if only the US had nukes.


If we reverse that then why the not scared USA don’t uses it’s nuclear against Russia ?

Hewal Neutralizer

US already kicks the @ss of Russia,Ru$$ians are the one doing nothing. Nukes would be used in the next phase of a possbile war. But pu$$y ru$$ians can’t even respond in conventional warfare let alone nuclear one. lol You are just trying to avoid my question with another question.


Lol. No they’re not even once fighting in a conventional war. Do say where in recent times the US directly and decisively targeting Russian armed forces. I’ll just reverse that to you that you’re trying to avoid answering my own question. None would win nuclear war period.

Hewal Neutralizer

Ahh of course,my bad my bad how can I forget about Russia stating they will only retaliate if Russian troops and bases are targeted. What a staunch ally these Russians are. lol So as long as USrael keeps Pu$$ian troops safe they are free to kill as many RUSSIAN ALLIED TROOPS as they want. God bless mother russia. lol It’s you pathetically trying to change the subject because you have no argument. Russia doesn’t deserve the 1/4 of the credit it’s getting from fanatical retards like you.Period.


Shucks you don’t know what happened in Ukraine. What’s changing the subject ? I’ll just mirror your question which is why none uses nuclear. Russian allies ? Sure Syria wasn’t officially Russian ally until recently but yes fair point. US allies are more heavily armed and aggressive than Russian allies.

Until the US decisively defeating Russian or Chinese armed forces ‘conventionally’ there’s no which is stronger than the other in war (this is childish actually) only which one have more geopolitical influence than the other.

Hewal Neutralizer

What happened in Ukraine is similar to Syria,Russia only arms it’s proxies and watches from far away. If US begins killing Russian backed proxies in Ukraine pretty sure Russia wouldn’t do a shit there either. They are not even playing defensive against USA,they are simply out of the game only,their proxies plays the game while US itself in the game. It’s obvious Russia is trying to avoid a confrontation with USA,so why do you guys keep saying stuff like “there is a limit to Russians’ patience” or “god bless Russia” bla bla bla as if they are the saviours against US hegemony. Now I admire they speak against it but it’s only words. You guys are being lobotomized by the retarded grade biased propagandas of south front. What happens in reality is much different than the narrative of South Front. As an objective observor,by the look of it I can say Russia is not going to do anything against USA in near future. If they could they would already have. US knows this and keep provocating while South Front tells you that Russia can beat US and EU,don’t push Russians etc. to take people’s money. That’s basically telling people what they want to hear to take their money.


Then why can’t US intervene on Ukraine behalf directly by sending in their air force to strike uncooperative states ? Why it didn’t intervene when Crimea were annexed ?

Another cases why the US didn’t prevent the China building it’s military installations in it’s illegally claimed nine dash lines ?

Hewal Neutralizer

Why Russia can’t touch Estonia and other baltic states? Such things goes both way. Like it or not pro-jewish Putin and Lavrov plays a dirty game in Syria. You guys are just deluding yourselves.


See ? You do agree it goes both ways. We’ll see about it really. Cui bono ?

Hewal Neutralizer

Yeah we will see about it. And what I have seen so far is not really promising for the future of the independent Syria.

Tim Webb

US kicks the ass of Russia like it kicked the ass of the VC. And then couldn’t wait to get on board the last helicopter out of Saigon. The US is a great big nothingburger.

Hewal Neutralizer

At least 200.000 Vietnamese dead 58.000 American troops dead. What a decisive victory for Vietnamese.

Tim Webb

It was a Pyrrhic victory. But note the word “victory”.


His comments designed to provoke. Ignore them or just block them.

Hewal Neutralizer

I know reality hurts. Little fanatical apes.



Hewal Neutralizer

I will see you next time,when Ru$$ia let it’s ally get fucked right in front,again.


Why ?

Hewal Neutralizer

I am just curious how creative you guys can get. What was the excuse last time? Oh right,it was all part of a plan. Russia lets US and Israel kill SAA,everything according to plan right? Putin plays 5d chess right? I just love looking at fanatics’ faces when they are disappointed and laugh.


Lol. You’re a lively guy.

Hewal Neutralizer

Of course my dear.


And you’re gay too.

Hewal Neutralizer



I believe the eight missiles fired at the T4 airbase was a test run of the defenses. The terrorists and their supporting air force want to know if those Russian weapons are really real and how effective they are; 6 missiles downed out of 8 sounds pretty effective to me.

Brad Isherwood

That’s SAA point air defence at T4,….. Russian Radar could see IAF taking off in Israel. What did They do with that? ?. Maybe Russia passed on the IAF vectors to SAA airdefence, … Maybe Putin made deal before with Netanyahu to not pass on Russian Radar tracking.

Russia has area Jamming system which would crush Cruise missile attack. If IAF launch from Lebanon to T4….it’s probable Ivan sat on his ass again letting Israel have lead time advantage before SAA radar could work out intercept .

Putin needs to stop playing with F’ing Dreidels and Warn Israel No more IAF attacks Will be tolerated


I agree. Provocations will only get worse the longer Russia hold back. Knuckle-draggers only understand force.


I thought that Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Iran and Pakistsn gonna help Palestinians and Kashmiris against butchers Netanyahu and Modi. I was wrong, those that they cannot help themselves so how they gonna help others. To be honest from many countries particularly from Muslim side there is no objection on these Israeli airstrikes. Muslims are so much divided that Erdogan, Abadi, Haqan Abbasi, SISI, King Abdulla and Wahabi kingdom and so on nobody have condemned or retaliated on Israeli airstrikes. LOL

Manuel Flores Escobar

US would never attack if Russia threat with a strong response…we have seen how US was ready to attack NK and Kim jong un told that in case of US attack…all US military bases in the Pacific ocean would be destroyed!…so Trump forgot to attack Korea….US and Israel launch attacks because Russian contingent arent deployed along Syrian bases..beside they dont give to SAA and Iran..S-300 and better fighter jets!

Tim Webb

May God stand with the Russian Federation, her President, and her people. Russia, Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah are all that stands between this world and a new age of western-promoted darkness. Rather die than be a part of it.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Cowards in History Always Resort to the Scorched earth Act Rule of Thumb for Wicked Empires when they know it’s over The Nero’s of the world play the 3-Dollar NYC-Times sq. Fiddle while there Empire are Shitted On…..

Russie Unie

Moron ! Cockroach !

US-Navy Revert Shia

Fuck the Madmutt


FCUK OFF back to bankrupt land, Mad Dog, & get your army corps of engineers busy rebuilding some of the bridges falling down in your own sh1tehole cities, in your own mad U$Asylum cuntry.

John Doran.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Fuckoff you jew cock suckers


As far as I know, the entire US leaderships are all kids. as only kids believe such bs.

Smart kids do not though . Only dump ones like this one

Once Assad the silent and timid one got rid of the terrorists…then he will kick you out of his country

US-Navy Revert Shia



not kids, infantiles. That is already a mental stage.

Lao Tou

The situation is going to escalate this week: Israeli subs off the coast of Lebanon, Russian anti- sub ships and an American carrier group in the Mediterranean. The stage is set for real confrontation. And the mad dog Americans, French and British asking to bomb Syria.


FFS !!!

jerry hamilton

If you have a Toyota pick up truck and a big gun, you are cordially invited to join WW3. What do you think China will do?

Lao Tou

stay calm and observe.

jerry hamilton

You could have said “I don’t know”

Lao Tou

Listening to the Chinese envoy at the UNSC yesterday , China will just follow diplomatic channels and will not get involved in the Syrian conflict militarilly. For China to get involved the Wahhabi terrorists or Americans would have to be knocking at China’ s border. There are however unconfirmed reports in a French news outlet that there are Chinese warships present in tne Mediterranean (???)

US-Navy Revert Shia

Pal hold on to your hat before you puke on yourself its not that deep its all BS & Hype-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Does Trump have a grip of Mad Dog’s lead as Commander-in-Chief, or does the Mad Dog have a grip on the pussy Trump?

Answers on a post card, please, to my LaLa land residence. :)

John Doran.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Folks wake up the Hidden Hand Behind the Throne is doing us all a Favor by Removing the Worlds ruling Cabal that has been in power for the last 100-yrs Bush, Clinton, May it out… France is going down Obimbo… Netanyahu-di is done ISISraHELL Has been a mess & is about to fall trump the Coward Rape-O Draft-Dodging Puke is a tool used to wage this war to clean out the US-Government, than trump will be Shitted on & gone

Mario Ceva

What can do USA?? Deliver some Tomahawk missiles like last time?? They can do quite nothing.


Where do we get these thickies from? Britain, France and the USA has a massive force stationed all around Syria waiting to blitz the nation into the stone age. It’s been in place for more than six months now. Britain’s biggest RAF base in British history is in Saudi Arabia (and is used daily to bomb Yemen).

Soon Britain and the USA will provide PROOF at the UN that the people killed in East Ghouta were poisoned by a nerve agent impossible for the rebels to have used. This nerve agent was released by a british SAS agent directly into the shelter to provide this ‘evidence’. Since 99% of the dumb-dumbs on our side deny the concept of false flags, this false flag play will work perfectly.

Once the evidence is shown, the UNSC will vote to finish of Assad. Russia’s objection just won’t matter.

Mario Ceva

Why do they do this before when terrorist where strong.?? I dont think that what you are write is possible. Russia Iran and Syria army are not easy to destroy even with the help of Israel. Not airforce can be used as Russia has S400 in Syria. You are dreaming.

Sebastian Vicente

Russia and China. The veto power its matter in the UNSC.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re right about everything especially the thickies. But there’s one point I’d make about the alliance of evil, that’s waiting to send poor old Syria back into a stone age. That’s what they might be hoping for, you’re right about that, but I don’t think it’s going to happen, instead, I think they’re going to be severely disappointed. I like to say I can read between the lines, and listening to Putin’s speech about nukes was telling me a different story to the one the media was. This is what I think Putin really said, Erdogan, if you stab me in the back again you’ll be really sorry. And to the US he said, if you invade the east of Syria, I’ll nuke that base at Al-Tanf and all it’s personnel, and you won’t get to build that pipeline you want to, for at least another 300 or 400 years. I hope you’re wrong and I’m right as terrible as that might sound, but I can’t see any other option for Putin, he can’t afford to lose in Syria.


There are two UNSC meetings scheduled tonight to discuss this gas incident. Expect the usual circus antics from drama queen Haley. Wouldnt surprise me if they table a draft resolution to blame Assad without any investigation, which Russia will not accept. The next few days may be critical but expect the worse


America is going to provide PROOF of the gas attack. It’s own NGO- the one that recorded the victims and provided treatment, collected blood and tissue samples that Putin forced Assad to allow to be shipped to West labs for analysis.

While dribblers on our side dribble on, the british agent on the ground released the toxin into the space of the confined shelter, ensuring a perfect kill- and manufactured the evidence that is now to be the direct cause of UN action against Assad.

The mouth-breathers that denied that the UK nerve agent incident was a false flag (and dribbled on about shellfish or the like) have condemned us all- for Britain simply repeated the false flag in East Ghouta- and now has the dead bodies of kids and women full of a nerve agent the rebels could NEVER have manufactured themselves.


An initial assessment by the United States has not determined whether a reported chemical attack in the Syrian town of Douma was carried out by Syrian government forces, Reuters reports.


Russia must be prepare right away for a very big confrontation with USA-NATO-Israel if Russia wants to keep Syria still living, otherwise, Russia will allow USA-NATO-Israel to totally destroy Syria and Assad family. If this happens,


If that happens the rest of the story is that Israel gets to keep the Golan Heights permanently and expands further .The media and Western governments clamp down on any derogatory remarks made against the Israeli state through the internet , printed matter etc. and it would be somewhat similar to hell on earth as the satanists would then rule . Stop the world because want to get off if this should happen .

Manuel Flores Escobar

The question is that Iran can launch ballistic misile attacks vs Israel during one month day and night….but Iran need Russian supplies from caspian sea to confront vs Israel…and Iran are not convinced that the Russian do it!…for other side Israel dont have capability to confront Iran as the distance( they have to fly and refueled aircraft over Irak)…thats why IAF never attacked Iran!


US has been conducting military action against Syrian government, army and it’s people, non-stop since 2011. There’s really no need for re-announcing it regularly since US sponsored proxy aggression lasts for better part of a decade. US army occupies large swaths of sovereign Syrian territory preventing legal government to re establishing it’s rule and withholding Syrian resources from it’s people. So thanks Mad Dog for heads up, but only MSM brainwashed morons failed to notice that US is at illegal war of aggression with Syria…


These satanic zionist scumbags are like thieves in the night,you must always be prepared for their visits,or they will leave you with nothing.One good thing will come out of this,,Goodbye israhell.

Dušan Mirić

I think it is the time for Russia to start to rattle with its swords too.

Hewal Neutralizer

It’s time? This is like 192317th attack US or Israel committed on SAA. Don’t you think it’s way past time?

Dušan Mirić

I said it with cautiousness because I believe Russians knows better what they have and what they are prepared to do. Bullets are not buzzing over my head.

Real Anti-Racist Action

When our Jewish masters ordered us to invade the indigenous European tribes home lands, we obeyed the Jews. When the ordered us to do it again and level every single one of their cities, we obeyed our Jewish overlords. When the Jews ordered us to start nuking Japaneses cities, we were ordered to start with the only Christian city in all of Japan. We obeyed the Jews. When the Jews ordered us to go to war against Koreans, we obeyed the Jews. When the Jews ordered us to use their newly developed gas on the Vietnamese, we blindly obeyed the Jews. When the Jews ordered us to start a war between Iraq and Iran, we were obedient to our Jewish masters. On and on,… Perhaps it is time to stop listening to Jews, and send all the Jews of the world to Tel Aviv and get them out of our indigenous tribal lands. Then the shark will have no more teeth.


Mattis you are a disgrace to America, a traitor to the Constitution that you swore to uphold and an Enemy of the Republic. Keep your dirty hands off of Syria and go home!


I think this time they will conduct strikes. They don’t give a damn about evidence. They have been repeatedly warning about the chem attacks, which meant only one thing that a false flag attack was coming.

The real question is “How Russia Will Respond”.

Russia should have shot down the Israeli missiles this time and this would send a message to the US that Russia will protect SAA. But the lost they chance. Now Israel has sent a message to the US …. strike Syria and Russia will not respond.

Let’s see how this goes. Let’s see whether or not the Russians respond.


Yes this would be the real point.


Russia should demand today, at the UN Security Council, that UN inspectors go to the alleged chemical attack site before there is any military response by the US. The area of the attack is now controlled by Syria. Russia should also demand that the UN inspectors take a look at the Rebel chemical lab discovered last month in Eastern Ghouta, just a few miles from the alleged chemical attack in Duma.

This will delay, and perhaps cancel, the planned US attack on Syria.

Here is a link to the rebel chemical lab: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/421515-ghouta-syria-chemical-weapons/ …..


The fuc*ing mad dog can go and *u*c*himself in his $$s


What do you want to do Mattissss??!!! You Sssnake…

Patrick Gibson

This current administration has been longing for another war. As long as the MIC is in control of the republicans, wars will continue. The real threat is a global war that will destroy nations and destabilize the entire planet. With so much destruction to humans and their ability to survive, another world war will push us over the edge.

Alessio Simonato

russian force can’t legit any of unconventional arms , and it’s doing a good job at the moment, i don’t think it’s a good idea to keep sirian territory under a war not declared and without a specific subject. peoples die in there, and need to finish in time to recostruction end a new govern. this is not trascurable at the moment. espionage and counterintelligence are not a problem at the moment , maybe for the policeman died in england , but not for cia and not for ex kgb, espionage and counterintelligence are a dangerous job , and sometimes there’s no way … but …it’s extremely impossible find a solider with sarin on his bag! …simply use a glock or a beretta…ecc ecc…it’s dangerous the sarin. for second , a father with his son female on england, about 60 years old, with a past about espionage, have no way…no possibility. can only die. with or without sarin, because can only protect his son frome an attack in exchange of his life. and that’s it’s very very strange! (impossible) simply are not arguments valid to move 120’000 infantry or 12 frigates. a wolrd conflict based on sirian territory it’s ridicolous, realy ipossible. to expensive. about the unconventional arms by assad there are much more to find, for first his legit govern, peoples don’t accept his position not now. he chose the bad way 10 years ago. can only go away, (after recostruction , process ..ecc ecc ) iranian’s army at the moment are quet ..and this is good , very good. the American army is annoyed by the treatment that has been inflicted on the Kurdish fighters, this is the reason that is being discussed. Kurdish soldiers have cost a lot of money, and have achieved good results, and vulgar not to recognize their military value. see you

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