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MARCH 2025

US Defense Undersecretary For Policy Confirms Russia Has Sensational Nuclear Weapons Technology

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On March 7, U.S. Defense Undersecretary for Policy John Rood de-facto confirmed the US had been aware that Russia had developed a sensational nuclear weapons technology.

“I think the statements made by Russian President Putin while not surprising were nonetheless disappointing. While we have been aware of the development of Russia’s capabilities […] it is nonetheless disappointing to see that the president of the Russian Federation chose to feature these capabilities in a way that he did,” John Rood told lawmakers during a budget hearing before the House Armed Services Committee.

However, the defense official emphasized the US still has a nuclear capability as well as conventional weapons capable of countering powers seeking to change “the world order and […] territorial borders.”

Rood’s words are a clear confirmation that Russia’s new state of the art strategic weapon systems, revealed by President Vladimir Putin, are the fact already influencing the balance of power between the two countries.

While some mainstream and Russian opposition media outlets have rushed to describe new Russian weapons as “fake”, the Pentagon is “aware of the development of Russia’s capabilities”.

On March 1, Putin revealed six new Russian strategic weapon systems, including hypersonic missiles, laser weapons and unmanned submersible vehicles. The systems are based on unique technological achievements. One of them is a “small-scale heavy-duty nuclear energy unit”, which enables the development “a strategic nuclear weapons system with a nuclear-powered missile.”

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lied. usual diplomatic behaviour.

jerry hamilton

Russia however has no interest in attacking or changing anything. That is the wishes of America and Israel. I would include Britain except we are pretty much worthless now.


bullshit. russia does not attack when is weak. when is strong, immediately builds empire. look at russian history.

jerry hamilton

I don’t see much Russian history. Most of it is jewish.


because you are cock and blind.

in russia jews had no rights. no power.

jerry hamilton

Yeah right. The Bolsheviks were just my imagination.


Stalin was now jew. Of course, i though, you will come with bolsheviks. You know nothing about centuries before. Bolsheviks continued the byzantian russian imperial politics. absolutely nothing changed. btw., stalin killed most of jews and transpoorted them to mingolian border into jewesh autonom region. from that time russians absolutel dominated in soviet politics.

jerry hamilton

Stalin was not a jew but everyone he knew including his wife WAS. If you don’t like it, complain to your Rabbi. Not me.


which wife?

jerry hamilton

The jewish one.

There are no actual documents to prove he legally married Ana Rubinstein because his personal documents were destroyed in the 1920’s.


and he killed her. no wife, no child had influence on psyhopath stalin.

stalin was antisemitic. and anticlerical.

shit try from you, russia was always the symbol of antisemitism. you and your stupidity brothers masturbate on internet, thet zionosts want to detroy russia, because in russia were jews persecuted.

how is it now? was russia under rule of jowes, or not? :DDD

bye child, finish first normal elementary school and learn basics of history.

jerry hamilton

You really are pathetic but funny in a vulgar sort of way. Yes Stalin was a monster amongst monsters. Yes he was anti semetic when he wanted to be. At other times he used the jews who were only too happy to help him. They murdered tens of millions for him. https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html

jerry hamilton

The jewish one.

Ana Rubinstein. Undocumented since Stalin’s papers were destroyed in the 20’s

jerry hamilton

I have replied to you twice now but they have been deleted. You know who she was.


Holy shit you know NOTHING, but you are blabbering so much SHIT, piss off.

John Whitehot

something that explains a lot about your hate.







Jews are still better than Zionists because Zionists have no faith. The true Jews burning the Zionist Israeli flags and demand to the world community to desmintal the illegal state of Israel.

jerry hamilton

Very true. I often miss it as the jews also often support zionists. By my side is one of Alan Harts trilogy. Zionism The real enemy of the jews.


They’re just controlled opposition, the Zohar and Kabbalah get Jews past the whole Messiah thing. The “Messiah” in Judaism is both a political and a spiritual figure, the Messiah reincarnates himself according to the Kabbalah. Their true messiah is the anti-Christ, because the Babylonian Talmud, Zohar, and Kabbalah are perversions of Judaism; the religion after all is more aligned with the beliefs and practices of the Pharisees they had adopted during the course of their exile to Babylon, rather than the Torah and the Old Testament (both of which are also supremacist material).



[This is a fascinating radio broadcast given by an Orthodox Priest on the Judeo-Masonic (Kabbalah) Killing of the King Ritual and its impact on Society throughout history. From the killing of Christ to the killing of King Charles I, King Louis XVI, and Czar Nicholas II, right down to the modern day killing of fatherhood via feminism.]



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Maisara Mualil

I dont think so Russia President Putin .said very clear just to protect their country. We are very happy that RUSSIA is now Super Power. I hope US will think twice to attack Russia and mybe they will pull back the UN from Russia boarder….


Russia is not super power. Economy qualitatively on level Italy, quantitatively much less. Russia had to decrease military budget by 30%, so is minipower. Some new weapons and dozen of each will not make from russia superpower. superpower must be present in the world. ussr was superpower. russia is local power. nothing else. and if will not invest in civil industry and civil development, within 1 generation will be micropower. already now ruskies are not able produce armatas, enough night vision cameras, su57, etc. within 20 years will collaps their whole industry, if actual trend will cont. chinese are wise. they understand, first economy, later army. yanks were wise. built up enormous economy, later modern army. ruskies are stupid. they think, some weapons are enough. no, boy. ruskies lost cold war for this stupidity and putin, the c-class kgb agent continuous in this trend. yanks have 1 silicon walley. south korea 2. japan 3. china has already , willbuild up 13. russia has 0. in EU huawei had most patent last year. compare the 3rd world country russia with the first world and china in number of patents, innovations. ruskies in last 50 years gave nothen for menkind. they are parazites on menkind. only copy the work of others. also now ruskies copy the us army strategy fro. iraqi war. and only in 50% are able. look atr urski amy. how many % of ruskies have progressie helmets, equipment, night vision cameras? also the last american soldier is better equipped then the best russian soldier. there ere the russian limits. withoit high industry, without innovations no country is able to build up strong army. finaly, country, which is evonomical dwarf and has army in critical stage is NOT superpower. ;)


Russia would definitely not want an Empire as the thought of ruling over cretins like you would be just too much to bear.

Tis far better for people such as you to destroy the decadent and surreal societies you exist in yourselves.

Every other Empire has collapsed in this manner.

jerry hamilton

Putin himself said I have no wish to rule over America. Governing Russia is hard enough.


only europe


“Russia would definitely not want an Empire”



Russia is wise not to. Can you blame them??. Putin did his weapons for the same reason fat Kim want his

Claire Langoulant

USA are pissing in their Pampers !

jerry hamilton

What a wonderful thought.


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far not. they know, putin lied.

IF ruskied had those weapons, would keep in secret. this is normal behaviour an ruskies did it always. i remember, what panic was after mig-25. much bigger after ss-20 THOSE were REAL weapons. Putin is already senile old guy, who lies and lies and lies. i know exactly, how little weight had putins words in nato.

but you dream and lick the ass of this kremlindarf.

Albert Pike

One can say lot’s of stuff about Putin, but he is not senile…


“Putin is senile”

I strongly suspect Mr. Raptor knows nothing about either Putin’s speeches this year nor what senility is.

Mr. Raptor is an amusing little ankle-biter at least.


He is i see. And i see on his face the effect of alcohol and antipsychotics.


You wish.


We know. :P

Bro Zar

LoL. There is a big difference between letting the world know about your strategic nuclear capabilities and giving away info on most recent developments of conventional weapons. Your comparison is not a very good one here. The nuclear weapons have been a political, rather than military tool for a very long time, so there is absolutely no need to make this a secret. Quite the opposite – a high level of publicity would be a typical political goal. Look at nuclear demonstration done by the US back in 1945. Nuclear weapons were not kept in secret , but on the contrary – two Japaneses cities were bombed into oblivion to make a loud political statement about capabilities of the US at the time. Same here, but without killing a bunch of civilians to make a statement.


And yet a statement must be made with these weapons. If not, our war mongering lunatics and other magical thinkers will continue their constant derge for war without counter or even a single nay-sayer. The media choir will join them in the chorus, and eventually they will receive their much desired weak minded leader who believes everything he is told, assuming they don’t have that already.


Nur we know, russia has nothing. dot. discussion is over.


The fire bombing of Tokyo and various other Japanese cities were more destructive than the alleged uranium and plutonium atom bombs dropped upon the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

“David Irving states Hiroshima bombing [nuclear assumption] was not justified – 2009”



“Hiroshima: Firebombed, Not Atom Bombed? Doubt in 1945 American cinema newsreel”


HighLord Gaz

Fuck, but you’re an idiot…. Its just hilarious, each day is a new adventure in congenital stupidity…. we get to tune in to read what new butt-fucked idiocy you will come out with today!!!!

Jaime Galarza

The fact that you get so mad speaks volumes about the real effect of those weapons on the psyche of your lords. What a great time to live. LOL


i se, you take drugs. bye!

Tudor Miron

Try harder trolly.


you, ugly fsb agent are lost. you ere not ebale write another sentence. :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

Concrete Mike

You cant write a decent sentence to save your life. But hey we know your doing your job. Have pork chops for lunch ok!!

John Whitehot

lol, deterrence is based on knowledge, not secret.

how can you be so low is beyond me.

“i remember, what panic was after mig-25”

then you’re probably near 70-80 years old and should go play bowls instead of spewing hate everywhere.


russians were always masters of secrets. they were never for deterrence. therefore for every body is clear, they lie. look at media. compare with histery after ss-20. russia always lied when west found their new weapons. russia lied and told, they does not exist. russia lied in cuba, with ss-20.

we in west are sure, there are not such weapons. BUT! when america will have the new generation ov moninukes, the war will come, they are able to eliminate russian icbms.

John Whitehot

deterrence isn’t about russians or americans, it’s a generic concept, but as such it does not suit your fascist agenda.

SS-20s were the answer to the US “euromissiles”.

Cuba was the answer to US Jupiter missiles in Turkey.

“we in west are sure, there are not such weapons”

first you aren’t west by any chance. second, everything the west may be sure always ends up buried in laughs.

“mininukes and ICBMs”

Lol, what a delusion. ICBMs need LARGE nukes, because they are either in deep underground protected silos, or on mobile platforms constantly moving around a territory 3 times the US.

I’m wasting time at replying to you, but i’m horrified that some young kid with no experience reads your ravings and believes even a small part of them.


As usual it is too bitter a pill to swallow and let your ostrich head be deep in mud.

Point is dare you play poker with this Putin?

Go ahead and try it

Enough said


again. west has no fear from russian bullshits. we know, these weapons does not exists.

and i know, our governments will use putins tales as excuse for development of new weapons agains russian tales. and those weapons will be real and russia wil lose again the cold war. russia is 30% of ussr. ;) nato is 130% of old nato. :P


Well matter of fact is even US has acknowledged such tests did take place. Successful or not no nations will tell you.

Putin has put his poker card on the table.

Your move ….

Another , if one two are not true, plausible but all 5 ?

Reality is that Putin in one stroke put entire US planning into head spin. and now the power is with Russia not US which only have outdated Tomahawks and giant carriers today only good for fighting Granada … That’s the verdict.

It hurts really …. to be outwitted by master Putin again.

Concrete Mike

IF NATO was not scared of Russia, Al Nusra flag would fly in Damas. Is that what you want. Are you velocigoatfucker??


Go learn yourself some english, u-crow!


It’s definately no pee that I smell……..


No, just ‘disappointed’



Finally !


The best part is USA has no reason to put out what they have. Putin already know USA is 20 years ahead of him. USA upset Putin used USA in his promo that’s all

Cheryl Brandon



uhuh america coward!!


Only if Muammar Gaddafi sought protection from Russia, Libya would have avoided the mess that it is in now.


How is Libya after democracy ? XD.

jerry hamilton

About the same as every other country America gives democracy to. Bombed out with internal strife.


I thought they were building microprocessors. They have sand. XD.




Gadaffi HIMSELF said: It was a Mistake to trust the West.


Attack USA this night by surprise. XD.

jerry hamilton

Ok, You go. Here’s your rifle.


I expected something bigger than a rifle.

jerry hamilton

Ohh. Hang on, I’ll see what I can find. Stink bombs?


” it is nonetheless disappointing to see that the president of the Russian Federation chose to feature these capabilities in a way that he did,”

The only reason that the US government is disappointed is because the whole world population including and especially the dumb Americans and Brits who thought that a nuclear war with Russia would be like a Hollywood movie where an American ‘ hero ‘ saves the day.

It will not and America and the UK will look like this :-


and the fat and overweight Americans will all look like this :-



It worths it. XD.


And the Aftermath for the “Survivors” will look like this….


Tudor Miron

That’s actually “zio friends” who try to mix Stalin into their evil doings. Same as Ioan Vasilievich and now Putin – those who are demonized by West the most – that’s Russia’s leaders who did the most damage to zio agenda. Stalin busted Khazarian Kaganat v2 that was recreated by Lenin, Trotsky and the rest of io bolshevik’s gang. Now zio liberals both in the west and Russia are trying to hang their sins (mass killings in Bolshevik’s Russia) on Stalin.

John Whitehot

look, for the west to demonize a russian leader it suffices one thing, that that leader loves his country.


Stalin was responsible too…. he was the leader at that time, and as a Leader you should always be held accountable. This Whole ZioNazi Concept of Conquering and Ruling us inferior Goyimbeings, that is shaping the earth for centuries is responsible for Uncountable Atrocities and Genocides Worldwide (with Russia & Native Americans being some of the most Horriffic of modern times)….the Perpetrators of Modern day Crimes should be Judged & Hanged if found guilty….. the Ones that already Died “in Peace”…… Burn in Hell forever…..!!!

Tudor Miron

This is a huge simplification about Stalin being an absolut leader – it took him roughly 20 years to become one. He wasnt saint but western and ruzionic gang are telling about him is nothing but them operating on 2nd governing priority (history/factology).


I like simplicity in these complicated days: black & white, Good & Bad, keeps things simple…..Sure I know who is the real enemy…They hide themselves in the shadows of darkness..hard to recognize and find (tip: follow the money)… but I also refuse to believe Stalin was a nice man….and I don’t listen to Western bullshit anymore…..any spoken or written word in the West is a Lie…they think we are all brainless idiots up here……So who cares any longer what the West has got to say….? I don’t…..

Tudor Miron

Problem is the world is not black and white :) What do you think about Ivan the Terrible?


He started with good intentions……along the way he became pretty psychopathic…. power corrupts…and in that perspective he went from white to black….. you can also be Bad and become Good….

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That was Krushchev and company back then they sold off the wheat to the west to make money and never bothered to save enough for the country and it’s people.


Really? When? The sixties? Never heard of it. Born in 1966 and raised largely in the secure, opulent seventies (with however occasional shortages of this or that), I remember that the sixties were often remembered as an even more opulent time, at least foodwise.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You can read the comment below , but you should know all the Ukrainian wheat seeds is what is grown in North America today and actually turned the west into a dominant agriculture society because of it.


This first deliberate mass starvation in Soviet times was in the late 1920’s/ early 1930’s Terra Cotta. It was called the Holodomor and targeted the Kulaks who were small to medium sized farmers farmers mainly in the very fertile Ukraine and was at that time Russia was still a largely agrarian economy . Many farmers were accused of hoarding grain to inflate the prices in the ever increasing populations of the towns and cities. The Holodomor though has a negative effect on food production as the new ‘Collective farms’ proved to be unproductive , partly due to the extermination of the farming elite.

There were many migrants from the collection of States we now know as Germany and Poland to what we now know as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus etc in the 16th ,17th, 18th centuries and many were farmers.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That’s why they moved west to North America as many had done for 2 centuries, the “collective farms” were only about collecting everything for the State and nothing for the people. The agriculture crops were sold off to foreign nations and nothing was saved for the people of Ukraine, much of it’s wheat types had helped Canada and the US grow into an agrarian nations back then.


Yes and the main enthusiastic protagonists of this deliberate genocide of Christians were the Jewish controlled and dominated communist ‘security’ police.


Probably the same folks that made up a large chunk of Ivan the Terrible his secret police….there is something in this Evil that dates back many centuries…..every time it’s the same people that turn up….. strange isn’t it? Can it be a bigger plan? For perhaps 6000 years or so?


Is it also the rule of the jungle. Rats do what they always have done, as have tigers, horses, birds of prey and greedy and pernicious humans etc.

It is just the way of things and throughout history when the balance of power is altered the weight of change due to many factors comes into play.


There is no Evil in a Tiger….it doesn’t torture it’s prey before he eats it….I like the balance in the Chaos Theory (Rule of the Jungle & the Universe)… Mathematical Organisation of things is something of Humanity…..they took the maths from the Jungle that served them best…..which proved to be very effective in controlling & destroying our small Planet…


I did not say that there was evil in a tiger. I said that all animals and humans have certain traits that over time can become dominant wherever they live and that any Action always has a Reaction that pleases some and not others. This is when ‘change’ can occur.

Rex drabble

It was way worse than this.I remember back in the seventies being shown the human damage after both bombs in two movies,30 mins each, at school.It was terrible to see the bodies every where,burnt to near charcoal.Ours was the first and last class at school to see the footage,girls started crying and ran out of the projection room.I felt nausious,it was the most shocking thing I have ever seen. The school in (NZ) didnt let any of the other 40 0dd classes view it after that. I will never forget the hundreds walking around with their eyes melted and burnt black all over,sheets of skin falling off them.Camera men just walking around filming the damage.River full of burnt and boiled bodies. Have had no respect for the murderous US ever since. Have never seen that footage again.No where to be found.


What makes it even worse is the now accepted fact that the human destruction was largely a warning to the USSR.


Not a warning, a threat.

Lazy Gamer

Well, with the proliferation of “russian propaganda” and “fake news”, how can you blame an official source now?


Build mini bunker submarines. If Russia attacks, Brits must jump into the submarine and go deep into water and emerge near Spain. XD.

jerry hamilton

Russia has no desire to attack anyone.


All the current UK/US hysteria is I suspect the vanguard of a very silly assault on Russia somewhere by NATO forces Jerry.

Delusional people are very dangerous which is why we used to put them in asylums and not in government.

jerry hamilton

Yes. You put it so well.


Its ok, we have Theresa May and she is a great negotiator :) and also we have Boris who is right behind her :)

Russia would not dare respond to an attack by the UK as the UK has a very powerful navy in dry dock and a very expensive aircraft carrier with no planes. :)

We also have a diverse military and gender neutrality in the UK armed forces , so the UK is invincible except at weekends when the military is not at work .


The best moment to attack is during the match Manchester United-Liverpool. X.D



jerry hamilton

What a superb tactician.


I learned from the best. XD.

jerry hamilton

It does not get any truer than this.






buuuhuhuhuhuuuullllshiiihihihiiittt :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Notice how i have all the proof and you have none? That’s why you result to slander and nothing else. You’re only a low and pathetic, disruptive troll, nothing more.


Nobody is truly buying whatever revealed by Russia because it was an obvious bluff..

Russia will fold faster then anyone can imagine. They have economical crisis and basically a dying nation. They will soon have no other outcome then to attack Ukraine, Georgia, the Baltic states and perhaps even further into Europe due to economical survival




Come Mid-20s Russian coffins is completely dried up at that point. They will have 2 options fold from within or go for attack. They will definitely chose the later option of the 2


A little help fur ya Mountains.

Come the mid 2020’s, the supply of Russian coffins will have dried up. They will then be left with two options; accepting internal collapse or to strike out and attack the West and anybody else looking sideways at the. From what I am observing, they will choose option number 2.

Now, ……even when one presents their ridiculous take on the scene, give it some flair baby!!!! Put some whipped cream on it!!! A good evening to you Mountains.


Why do you think NATO has been heavily fortifying even deeper into Europe places like Romania, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria etc etc starting from baltic states?

I didn’t say they would attack the west but they will try to storm the closer by nations that are part of EU and Nato but necessarily not west europe to begin with. The closer by regions will be first annex’ed in such scenario. But hey Russia won’t have any motives to move out right now as they have everything they need but once they dry up. Things will change and they will tactically understand that it’s either moving forward or collapsing from within.

They know Russia will be knocking once the cash goes. This fact is unavoidable and natural outcome. They know this things.

What do you really think they have been fortifying these areas just for fun or hobby.



pffffft II

jerry hamilton

It is what America do. Countries they are unsure of, they intimidate instead of invade. America are the most murderous nation on planet Earth.


They are fortifying these areas because they know Russia inside and outside. It’s not actully to attack at all but just defensive wall from the white walkers once crash comes.

Russia is a very cold place and harsh place for an economy collapse or for a downgrading valuta once this happens to them they will come to the conclusion you either survive or you cease to exist.

Any sane person will go with 2nd option and they also pre-know their choice already hence why they setup defensive shield.

Nato has already taken all the scenarios and outcomes into consideration.

Not leaving anything to doubts. This is what you call tightening your seat belt and taking extra precaution

jerry hamilton

Is this what your media are telling you? Mine would probably be similar. Infact my media even now say that Lincoln went to war to free the slaves.


To sacrify the stupid slavic from Poland, Ukraine, ….

andy l

Your assumption makes no sense – you say Russia wont do anything now but once things dry up!! what are you talking about? Russia has the world largest natural resources


Fresh water resources included. He’s talking out of where the sun doesn’t shine. He must be paid to be so insistent in his spewings.

Tudor Miron

” but once they dry up. “(c) You’re in for a long wait.


Max a decade and half or less then a decade


So why do you comment on this site? Do you think you are educating us?

jerry hamilton



BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA…… thanks for the laugh bro………needed that….and why does everybody still thinks Russia got to solve it alone?! This whole War thing could end up really unexpected…… The West is Pretty Much on it’s own…… and many Citizens not too Happy with their governments…..if all people in the West find out about their Lying Governments……them will be in DEEP SHIT!!!

andy l

Ha Ha funniest thing Ive read in a while – why would Russia the largest country in the world wth the greatest reserves of natural wealth/resources need to invade anyone to survive. They are self sufficient & have adapted to all those US sanctions. Russia is looking to the east with China & the one belt project & BRICS etc. As to the weapons some aspects could be bluff but the pentagon doesnt share your assessment, They already have hypersonic missiles – have you forgot the Iskander or the Zircon anti ship missile!!


Putin does not do bluff. Not that kind of man


Russia is the WEALTHIEST COUNTRY on EARTH, they have everything metals, fuels, food. THIS IS WHAT EUROPE ALWAYS WANTED from them because europe has NOTHING in europe anymore. Coal – not much. Metals – nothing, Food – Poisoned by GM, Fuel – NOTHING. Gas – not much. Where do you Retard always gets your information from? Im really curious WHY you are such a Retard, who knows NOTHING.

Tudor Miron

Keep hoping for the best :) it may help you sleap at night but plans to invade Russia are going down the drain.


Hey, anybody got an extra tranquilizer dart for Mountains? I am out!!!!!


As if Poles, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, .. can fight. XD.


NATO is weakening Europe nations and make them chicken for Russia just like Japan army has been weaken by USA and now Japan is a chicken for China.


Putin made the mistake of the Century when boasting about the one big stick everyone knows Russia can never use.

Imagine your local policeforce is given a nuclear bomb but no other means of policing. The local villains would be laughing themselves silly at this total stupidity.

Russia is under greater Full Spectrum attack than even during the worst periods of the Cold War. And the enemies of Russia are working themselves into a frenzy of hot hatred that demands visible action. They fear Putin’s nukes like the imagined criminal above fears the policeman’s nuke. It is an option so extreme it can’t and won’t be used, so it may as well not exist.

And with Putin saying “this is all I have”, the enemies of Russia now are certain Russia holds a losing hand, and they feel free to move to a much warmer war.

The physical murderous attacks on Russian forces in Syria by Britain ,France and the USA now resemble the war on Russian forces in Afghanistan during the last century. Back then Britain and the USA were open about funding, training and arming the islamic terrorists in Afghanistan, and assisting them to the best of their ability to murder Russians. Now the same thing is happening in Syria (or do you really think the transport plane shot down on approach with the cream of Russian pilots was an ‘accident’).

A ‘nuclear’ arms race just means even more money for every aspect of the US war machine- and America effectively taxes the rest of the world to pay for everything. So no amount of ‘spend’ ever ruins the USA, as it would other nations.

Children cry “ooh look, Russia has the better nukes”- forgetting that while this is true, it only matters when Mankind is FINISHED, as Washington and Moscow exchange their best nuclear and plague weapons. Yet the dribbler making such a comment here has the highest uprating- god so many on our side are such idiots.


Can’t wait for WW3 to begin.

jerry hamilton

What is it you’re smoking?

andy l

Still making the bogus claim that the plane was shot down – what do you base this on??




Have you considered the impressive capabilities of the S-500 anti-air/ballastic missile system and the upcom A235 “Nudol” anti-ballastic missile system? Unlike the latter’s predecessor, the A-135 Amur system, the A235 can also be fired remotely from BAZ-64022 and MAZ-543M 16-wheeled tow-trucks, which will be almost fully replaced by BAZ-6910-021 “Voshchina” 16-wheeled tow-trucks over the next several years.

The S-500 has a total maximum range of 600 km in radius, 200 km in altitude, and fires missiles that can travel at a maximum velocity ranging between 5-7 km per hour (approximately between 18,000-25,200 kilometers per hour).

As for the A235, it has a maximum range of 1,500 kilometers in radius and 1,000 kilometers in altitude, with anti-ballistic missiles that can travel up to 7 km per hour.

Now imagine if Russia and China were to produce these air defense systems in large numbers, think of how many ICBMs they would be capable of intercepting at once.

Each Russian air defense brigade has 4 air defense battalions, while air defense regiments have 3 air defense battalions; there are 3 air defense regiments per every air defense division present in the Russian Aerospace Force and Navy. Each battalion contains roughly 40 vehicles (18 of which are anti-aircraft missile launchers) divided between 3 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each with 3 sections of missile launchers (2 launchers per section) and supporting vehicles. There are 18 Pantsir-S1/M anti-aircraft systems per air defense battaltion, 6 are assigned to the protection of each missile battery.


Have you not considered the impressive capabilities of the S-500 anti-air/ballastic missile system

until this minute russia has only s-400

John Whitehot

and you made the comment of the century under the category “bullshit spewn”.

Tudor Miron

No, not you again. Your bs is boring already. It’s already clear that you dream about vanishing support from a leader who managed to revive a fallen country which was on the verge of continuing to collapse into several souvenir states easily controllable and open to loot. You’re a troll that likes to type a lot but it is still nonsense.


The best place for your word salads is in the garbage can

Joe Dirt

Russia showing up late to the arms race again! Then trying to insert herself as big bad mama! hahahahahahahahaha silly putin step aside! USA! USA! USA! AMERICA FOREVER!


USA is a state of the past.

Joe Dirt

Russia will always be one step behind USA! LOL


USSR was the first to put a satellite around Earth. Only Russia can bring people on ISS.

When you talk about USA, you must says was. XD.

Joe Dirt

Serious not being serious! LOL

andy l

lol globalist controlled America you mean!

Tudor Miron

Now that’s what is called a fart in the puddle. USA! Lol! Zio-slave! Lol!

Joe Dirt

typical commie, enjoy your hard labor/death camps.

I’ll be here in the USA drinking a bud light, shooting my AR-15, eating chicken wings, watching NFL. :D


Let’s start WW3. Everyone throw a stone in USA. I think it can work. 6 Billions stones make a lot of damage I think.

jerry hamilton

They also make a small dint in the ocean. But 6 million voices can make a difference.


Jealousy is bad

chris chuba

Putin made a mistake.

He should have waited until the U.S. started laying the hulls for 3 new aircraft carriers so that we would be burdened with the expense of supporting new carrier groups for the next 40yrs. Now even our Admirals might re-think how to expand our navy. Maybe we should call the carriers, Poseidon’s foot stool.

I love how we act all innocent as if we haven’t been doing anything for 25yrs. We have invested over $100B in ABM systems and upgraded a chunk of our nuclear arsenal to that new W76 nuclear fuse designed to take out hardened targets like Russian ICBM silos.


Well most of the money is not even going into the Investment itself anyway. Just look up any weapon they try to promote for investment, they all cost the double+ at the end, even without the results they have promised. Thats why america is the land of the Free-slaves.


Putin had wait until russia really has these weapons :DDD

russia has no pak in service, russia is far from hypersonic rockets. btw., china is much closer and within some years chna wil have also hypersonic civil plane. THSI IS THE WISE WAY! the civil business creates profit, which can be used in military. ruskies take mone from basic thngs for army. and will die for hunger like noth koreans. commie is commie, the megaidiot of history.


All these weapons and no jetpack. It sucks.

andy l

The US Navy is renaming its aircraft carriers Sitting Duck 1-10 series

jerry hamilton

Stop it. I just choked on my tea.

Tudor Miron



After the famous native American chief…

Mister Pete

I’ll get some popcorn, this could be fun.


I suggest Argentina to watch the show.


Why are submarines black ?

jerry hamilton

Probably because Black does not reflect. Why did you ask?


I was thinking about yellow submarine. Liverpool => Beatles. XD. Does it not reflect all wavelength ?

jerry hamilton

Well ~Yellow certainly does have a wavelength. As every colour does. The Beatles were a magical era in England as they must have been world wide. Takes me back many years.


Reposting after it mysteriously disappeared:



Nice pepita dildo :DDDD


What a crude mind you have, you’re obviously a troll working for a government agency or one of the NGOs created, funded and controlled by scum like Soros and others like him.


problem. the propellers of baby submarine are running alread in dock. so it will be destroy the mother submarine. :))

jerry hamilton

The posts actually get moved around in the manner a human mind can not comprehend. I have lost many posts to see them resurface later.

well , it’s quite different making war against small weak nations and fighting unsophisticated insurgents with tanks and airpower…

it is another thing to fight a peer nation like russia or china , and not having your nice beautiful cities turned into irradiated rubbles


Even the underground cities for the Yankee/Zionist elite crushed by the collapsing mountains. What a pity, all that investment stolen from the American people to safeguard the Scum who wanted to rule what was left of the world from underground. with the surface of the planet uninhabitable. Just think of the free Health care systems the extraordinary education that could have been achieved for the whole population. The building of peace institutions and the sharing with other nations the technical know-how to do things better. Instead what America spawned was a corrupt deformed super greedy elite who picked our pockets clean and were poisoning us and our planet. Well hopefully it seems that the wheels have come off the Yankee Juggernaut and all of a sudden their MIC pipe dreams of “full spectrum dominance”, have gone up in smoke.

Cell without a Number

American Govt , in a fit on arrogance and stupidity , wasted the richness of america and it’s treasures into pointless and endless wars in foreign nations , for what ?

all those wasted money , if turned into investments in their own nation , will turn continental north america into a truly high tech self sustaining Utopia..

but again , too much money breed arrogance and decadence , thus just like old empires , US will fall into truly horrid self inflicted disaster in the near future..


The internet is replacing TV and newspapers as the new msm. A lot of Americans look to Russian and Chinese foreign policy leadership over credibility deficit Jew world order western Pax Jewmericana endless unnecessary fabricated war foreign policy leadership which they view as insane and detrimental to the US national good. And they view President Putin’s statements on Russian military modernization as a responsible action by someone trying to avoid conflict. Americans voted for better relations with Russia. The criminally insane Jew world order miscreants are trying to prevent it.

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