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US Deploying Heavy Military Equipment To Consolidate Its Presence In Syria’s Al-Tanf – Russian Foreign Minsitry

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The US is taking additional efforts to consolidate its illegal military presence in the Syrian area of at-Tanf, a spokeswoman for Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said during a press briefing on March 29.

“We are still concerned about reports that the United States and its allies are consolidating their illegal military presence in the territory of sovereign Syria. In particular, heavy military equipment is arriving to the zone established by the United States around the settlements of al-Tanf in the southeast of the country,” the spokersperson said.

The at-Tanf garrison of the US-led coalition is located on the Damascus-Baghdad highway, near the Syrian-Iraqi border. A number of US troops as well as US-backed militants [trained and equipped by the coalition] are deployed there.

The US-led coalition has declarted a 55-km “security zone” around at-Tanf and even attacked government forces operating in the area. The Al-Rukban refugee camp is located within the US-declared zone.

According to the Russian side, with this move, the coalition has isolated more than 50,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance. No delieries of humanitarian aid have taken place there.

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northerntruthseeker .

Just look at the maps, everyone.. The US will use the Al Tanf position in southern Syria as their jumping off point for their invasion and conquest of Syria! THAT is why they are not going to leave the Al Tanf area, and are presently building up a large amount of offensive forces for that planned invasion.

northerntruthseeker .

The Al Tanf position in the centre south of Syria is a key point for offensive thrusts into Syria, and can be used to attack the centre of the nation towards Palmyra and other key points to cut the nation in half…


Don’t forget whom the US must protect in Goutha -> https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/03/29/nearly-a-world-war-america-threatened-russia-over-israeli-underground-terror-base-deep-in-syria/


True – but as SAA take slowly back the remaining entrenched pockets then the militants trained and re-badged at al-Tanf will have no where to deploy to wage a sustained fight against SAA. After eventual SAA liberation of pockets – at a future point SAA can surround and isolate al-Tanf so that it would be suicide mission to drive out of US base at al-Tanf into waiting SAA contact lines. That is why US strategists considered pockets at East Ghouta so important.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes you hit the nail right on the head, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. The so called pocket of Isis in Hama and Deir ez-Zor have been using the 55km exclusion zone near this base to retreat to every time they’re attacked by the SAA, and are definitely not what everyone thinks they are. They’re going to be the ones to take a major city, either Deir ez-Zor or Palnyra, and commit the sort of atrocities that will give the US the perfect excuse to invade Syria via Jordan. But after the initial invasion, these guys will quickly disappear, only to reappear as legitimate rebels on the US’s side. I’ve been predicting this for a month now, enduring quite a few nasty comment for my troubles, but I’m glad to see some one else has been reading “between the lines”.


Some cruise missiles will make the job. But, don’t wait for Putin to do it. Putin will make a deal with USA to cut Syria into two parts.


Nostradamus anti-Putin has said.


I’m not anti-Putin. It’s just that I’m not pro-Putin.




War is peace Freedom is slavery Ignorance is strength


Banal Meaningless Cliches Slogans Abound


Nostradamus is outdated.


You didn’t create ballistic missiles ? You didn’t create nuclear missiles ? You didn’t create anti-aircraft missiles ?

You have prefered to pray 5 times a day and keep talking in coffee shops to say nothing and to believe that Russia will protect you ?

Too bad.

Keep trusting people who say to you not to build nuclear weapons whereas they have 1000 nuclear warheads ready to go.


Serious, go take a glass or maybe two of water, you are very excited


Don’t believe people. It’s a fact that most people lie.


Better, don’t believe in yourself, and confirm always, something that you are in serious need.


It’s stupid to believe in others people especially stupid people.


USA is saying to Iran “Don’t build nuclear weapons”. They even say “Don’t build ballistic weapons”. Do as I say, not as I do.

But, sadly for them, Iran negotiated their rights with the devil. So stupid to negociate your rights. It’s the beginning of the end.


Do as I say !! Don’t build weapons. Weapons are useless. Don’t learn, be dumb and watch the Kardashian. Knowing is useless. Learning is also tiresome. It’s better to clean the toilets and ask no question.


And also, those stupid rep, the first supporters of israel. They don’t understand that they will be removed.

“Repeal the second amendment” !!

I’m waiting for the day of gun control in USA. I will enjoy the death of the stupids.




Americans are doomed. There are two possibilities. Either, the globalists win and the world will become a global dictatorship. So, Americans will also loose their freedom and take the world down with them. Either, the big conspiracy is revealed and everyone will undersatnd that USA did WW1, WW2, 9/11, ISIS, …. And so Americans will appear to be most evil than the devil.



Or none of those things will come to pass and you will lay on your deathbed, regretting that you wasted your life fantasizing over doomsday delusions, while most of the world, while still having some minor problems will continue to move forward, becoming more prosperous with every generation.

And then you will die, having accomplished absolutely nothing of positive value or meaning in your pathetic life.


Thinking is never a waste of time. In life, there is nothing much to do. Thinking is the best think I enjoy. 100% of people have pathetic life. I’m not jealous of people and I don’t care what they do.


If the kind of drivel that you constantly spew forth is a result of so called “thinking”, then you need to get professional help. If well over 90% of your thoughts have zero basis in reality and are based off of the whims of an immature, mentally challenged approach towards anything in life, then yes, your life will end up being a massive waste of time.

Obviously the “You don’t care” line is a total lie. If you didn’t care, you would’ve offed yourself long ago. That’s still an option, I’d suggest you consider it.


I always laught when failure people tells others that they fail. XD.

I absolutely don’t care about people. Steve Jobs spend his life creating Apple and died in cancer. Now, Apple is a spy tool for the globalists. You think footballers have great life ? XD. These stupid people spend their life running behind a fucking ball. XD.

I don’t care. There is no goal to acheive unless doing what you enjoy.


All of those people you mentioned experienced life and contributed to the world far more than you ever will. You will look back on your life while you lay on your deathbed and think “what a piece of shit I really was… everything I said was retarded, useless nonsense. Would’ve been better had I never existed”.

The point is not about a “goal” achievement, its about the journey of setting goals constantly. But you’re just a useless piece of crap “enjoying” spitting out dribble concocted in your maggot infested brain.

I would rather enjoy watching you get your tongue cut off and then feed the tongue to your mother. At least that would be more enjoyable than listening to the same old dehydrated nonsense sputtering from your fat mouth.


I rather give credit to Linus Torvald, the creator of Linux for giving us absolute free and open source OS. Also, I prefer giving credit to Socrates and greek philosophers.

That’s why, I rather prefer that Scandinavians and Greeks rule the world than the 5 actual countries, which I give no credits for ruling the world.

Why do I have to give credits to Trump, Macron or Putin ? Absolutely no reason.


Article and source go out of their way to refer to the US presence as illegal, ever heard of journalistic integrity? The sole source of all this info is the Russian foreign ministry who has an unrelated squabble with Washington. ‘Security Zone?’ That’s not a term I ever heard of while I was in the army, is that how much space the Russians and Americans give each other? And US soldiers are as much a source of humanitarian help as, well, they can be given they have extra rations and medicine.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The so called security zone refers the 55km exclusion area around the base at Al-Tanf, the same area the last remaining pocket of “so called Isis” in Hama and Deir ez-Zor, uses to retreat to every time they’re attacked by the SAA. What a coincidence. When US troops eventually invade Syria via this base, and they will, the Russians will use those tactical nukes to incinerate the lot of them.


You’re a terrible liar, you know that?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

What do you find in my comment that makes you think I’m a liar. Your original comment shows an absolute lack of knowledge about international law, as well as any understanding of civilized behaviour. Stick to reading and watching the LGBTQueer media you obviously do, It’s better suited to your needs.


I’m a libertarian and a historian, I don’t know where you’re got that assessment.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You were in the US army and also a libertarian, most libertarians hate authoritative organizations, military, police and government, so you’re an unusual type of libertarian. You were in the most hated army in the whole world, and yet in your comment you said this, “And US soldiers are as much a source of humanitarian help as, well, they can be given they have extra rations and medicine”, are you for real. The PLO and the Australian military are well known for their humanitarian work, building schools and hospitals but I’ve never heard the same about the US military, all I hear is they kill lots of innocent people. You also defend your governments right to unlawfully invade Syria, [not to mention Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and a long list of other countries] and call it a lack of understanding of the real facts by other people. I suspect you’re about 14 years old, judging by the way you put a sentence together, and won’t be any ruder to you than I already have, but don’t try to tell me you were in the army, or know anything at all about what’s going on in Syria, or I’ll have to call you a liar.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just a fact their occupation in Syria is illegal as they haven’t been invited by the Syrian Government only recognized legitimate political leaders of Syria. US soldiers are no humanitarian help according to those who escape Rubkan Refugee Camp, have heard many horror stories from there. The US is very helpful in Afghanistan I notice take over a farmers field to plant Opium, real helpful.


And if the US supported Assad you’ll say that the US is supporting the oppressors. You think I don’t know your game?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Syrian Government never asked for their help and neither are they under UN authority, just self appointed tyrants trying to control the world.


That’s definitely a confession.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You are correct in assuming the US has made a statement to that effect as they do know they are in the Middle East illegally while violating every international law and UN article. Now go cry to home to your momma !!


You’re going on about this?


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well known fact that US supports Saudi Wahhabia and they have been linked by reports even from the UN just like Israel and the US is well known as many reports backed by hard and strong circumstantial evidence exists. Look who as openly admitted it Kerry, Hitlery ,Obama and even many Pentagon officials along with CIA and NSA seems there is way too much to disprove about NATO countries supporting these factions. Once there is audits this should unravel the behind the scenes financing thru USAID and other NGOs , 5 eyes are everywhere over this.


Did you open up the wrong comment forum? What does this have to do with with what I or the article said?!?!?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Here comes the invasion.

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