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US Deploys More Troops to Iraq To Employ Its “Right of Self-Defense”

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US Deploys More Troops to Iraq To Employ Its "Right of Self-Defense"

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On December 31st, supporters of Kata’ib Hezbollah protested in front of and then subsequently stormed the US Embassy in Baghdad.

The protesters managed to successfully pass through the gate, and then carried flags of the Popular Mobilization Units and demanded that US leaves the country.

Dozens broke into the embassy compound after smashing a main door and setting fire to the reception area.

The US, to protect the personnel remaining inside the embassy sent AH-64 Apache helicopters to protect it, in addition to there being US soldiers present inside the embassy building. It is unclear how many remained inside the embassy, since many had been evacuated earlier in the day.

US President Donald Trump said that the US blamed Iran for the storming of the embassy.

“Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will,” Trump tweeted. “Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!”

He later tweeted again:

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Abbas Mousavi called the US allegation “obscenity” while “Iraqi people are overwhelmed with bloodshed [in which] at least 25 people died,” a reference to the death toll of US airstrikes on the militia, Kataib Hezbollah, in Iraq.

“How and on what basis do you expect the Iraqi people to remain silent on all these crimes?” Mousavi said, adding that the United States has “ignored” Iraqi independence and called on Washington to “reconsider its destructive policies in the region.”

The White House announced in a brief statement that the president had spoken with Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi about “regional security issues,” and that Trump “emphasized the need to protect United States personnel and facilities in Iraq.”

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also spoke by phone with Abdul-Mahdi and Iraqi President Barham Salih, a State Department spokesperson said in a statement, and “made clear the United States will protect and defend its people, who are there to support a sovereign and independent Iraq.”

A State Department spokesperson said there has been no breach at the Baghdad embassy, that American personnel are secure and that there are no plans to evacuate the facility.

The Iraqi government’s official Twitter account and attributed to the prime minister, Abdul-Mahdi said:

“While we condemn the US air strikes on Iraqi military units, and acknowledge that symbolic funeral marches for the martyrs is a solemn act of remembrance, those taking part must stay away from diplomatic buildings and compounds.”

Abdul-Mahdi added that Iraqi security forces “will respond to any act of aggression or harassment against foreign embassies in Iraq, and those responsible will face the full force of the law.”

In response to the situation, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper announced that additional troops were being deployed immediately to Iraq. An infantry battalion of about 750 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division had been authorized to deploy to the Middle East.

“This deployment is an appropriate and precautionary action taken in response to increased threat levels against U.S. personnel and facilities, such as we witnessed in Baghdad today,” Esper’s statement said.

“We have taken appropriate force protection actions to ensure the safety of American citizens, military personnel and diplomats in country, and to ensure our right of self-defense,” Esper said. “As in all countries, we rely on host nation forces to assist in the protection of our personnel in country, and we call on the Government of Iraq to fulfill its international responsibilities to do so.”

There are further reports that up to another 4,000 may be deployed to secure the situation. Prior to this the US had approximately 5,000 soldiers in Iraq.

After the US Embassy was secured, Iraqi protesters set up tents before it, preparing for a sit-in.

A spokesman for the Iran-backed militia, Kataib Hezbollah, told CNN that the embassy protests were only a “first step.”

“The American administration should understand the following: the first step was to protest near the American embassy, we are waiting their reactions to determine the second step,” Mohamad Mouhiye said, calling for the US to shut down the embassy and withdraw from Iraq.

“First, close the doors of the evil embassy, which we consider a spy building and an operations room to administer and sabotage Iraq’s wellbeing,” Mouhiye said. “We also call on the US to withdraw their military forces which are in Iraq illegally,” he said.

“This protest was a stand against US political dominance,” he said.

The storming of the embassy was in response to US airstrikes on five positions of Kata’ib Hezbollah, who are part of the Popular Mobilization Units and, thus of the Iraqi Armed Forces. The strikes in Syria and Iraq left 25 dead and upwards of 50 wounded. The group vowed to respond harshly.


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Zionism = EVIL

The deadbeat Americunt economy already run into the ground by the Jew leeches will literally go bankrupt as the costs of illegal occupations of Syria and Iraq mount and more rednecks are sent back in body bags courtesy of Jew scum baiting the morons into a swan song war.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i hope this is the beginning of the end for americunts in iraq and ME in general

You can call me Al

Happy New Year mate.


A very Happy New Year to you ,AL.

Is your Discus ‘comments reply’ system running ok? Mine froze a few days ago.

Reply on my email if you have any thoughts please.

As for the US ‘Self Defence’ nonsense, its akin to a thief breaking into my house and demanding the right of ‘Self Defence’ to stay there and attack me in my own home.

Total madness.

AM Hants

Having problems with mine. Assumed I said the wrong thing and received some form of shadow ban.

Happy New Year.


I thought the same thing at first, AM, but I then checked some profiles to see when their last posts were recorded, and saw that they too had recent posts that I could see on the main forum page, but not on their profile page.

AM Hants

Ditto. Well, after New Year Celebrations, it appears our comments are back to normal. Take care and once again, Happy New Year.


The way things are going ,it could be our last year ,AM.

The US is in a panic not seen before? What is the real driver for war NOW?

AM Hants

Ironic, my New Year’s Resolution, was a conclusion to my marriage in limbo. Did not take into account US stupidity, would get in the way of the other two scenarios.

I seriously cannot understand what medication Trump was on.

Timing, and that is without taking into account Russia, China and Iran holding military exercises recently.

Trump is off to Davos, to beg for money to stop US entering bankruptcy, on 31 January 2020. Zelensky, lent him Poroshenkos begging bowl. Davos, will be held in Klosters, Switzerland, on 21-24 January 2020.

Then you have his impeachment, with the US public, bored by it all and it having a boomerang effect on the Dems. Together with Rudi highlighting how the Dems and others, are so dependent on Ukrainian dodgy deals. So why did Trump decide it was just the right time to keep Israel Happy?

No doubt I have left loads out, however, first time I have ever agreed with Schiff, who pointed out Trump did not have the backing of Congress to declare war on Iran.

Whilst I am ranting, and seriously fuming, does Washington DC have no understanding of manners?

Trump hosts President Xi Jinping, at his golfing resort and whilst waiting for dinner, goes ahead with the entertainment. 60 cruise missiles, heading in the direction of Syria. 36 went AWOL, 23 arrived, with the missile version of brewer’s droop and impotent to boot. With the Syrian jets taking off a couple of hours after the US hit the airport. Not forgetting one got stuck in a tube.

Now, you have them invited as guests, to stay in Iraq and what do the guests do? Take out the friendly neighbours and Iraq Forces. Is that how a well mannered, well respected and courteous guest behaves?

Dr Strangelove and friends, believing Pinewood Studios, and the scripts within, dictate Pentagon policy.


Yes, the US appears to be in it’s own Reality TV Show. Its a puzzle as to what frightens the US so much though.

It could be as simple as a ‘Message from the US Mafia Boss ‘ to all the disloyal US vassals and also to those that directly oppose the US.

Support the US with tythes , or live to regret it. 2% of GDP on US weapons etc for the vassals, and dirt cheap resources given to the US by those who oppose the US.

As for Davos and Klosters, my parents took me on skiing holidays there from the age of 9 . Things were different then and not so brash as today. :)

AM Hants

Haha, so you were attending Davos from the age of 9? Whenever I hear the name, my first thought is Davos and Dr Who. He so looks like Soros, Albright and friends. Must admit, the only Dr Who bogeyman who scared me, were the original Cybermen. Remember, hiding behind the sofa, when I was around 6, absolutely terrified, but, just had to have another peak at them, to ramp up that scared feeling. Still remember it.

I am just reading an article over on ‘Moon of Alabama’, which answer those that were asking why he was there. He was attending the funeral of the 31 Iraq Forces that the US took out on the 29 December 2019. Which makes it even sicker. Together with the trolls who are in hysteria overload and gagging for war, so long it is not their loved ones coming home in the body bags. Not a happy bunny, where Washington DC is concerned at the moment.


So, was the attack on the border intended to bring the General to Iraq?

Its quite possible.

As for Davos, it was the first time I had slept in a duvet.

AM Hants

Gosh, the wonder of the duvet. Used to love sheets, blankets and bedspreads, for that cosy feel. Duvets for that cannot be bothered to strip and make bed from scratch feel haha.

Good point, with regards the attack on the border. Read one of the comments, I think on Zero Hedge or Moon of Alabama, that Lyndsey Graham was told in December, it was going to happen. They did not tell the circle of 8 or Congress, but, Madamme Graham was informed.

Still spitting blood, with regards it all and can honestly say not in a very good mood.


When one realises that the intent of the US, and presumably past empires with great power is for the US to , in the words of a zionist turd in Chicago a few years ago, create the desired reality, the vail of obscurity is lifted.

It is then easier to consider what events would benefit the US from a US, or US proxy action of some sort. I have the burden of a mind where all things are considered, however whacky they may seem. :)

AM Hants

Florien, my mind is open to all things considered, including the most whackiest views (which normally make the most sense).

I am still spitting blood, and rather peeved off, that Trump has ruined my flow of positivity for the New Year. I was expecting it to last long than two days. Even more so, is the fact that what they paid Bell Pottinger to spin the Iraq War in 2003, and do believe it was over $500 million, will no doubt seem like petty cash, with regards what is being spent on media disinformation trolls, to try and get Trump out of this one. Trump by name and Trump by nature, as a mega explosion of flatulence erupts from Agent Orange, (or is it all in my mind?).

Gateway Pundit, has turned into the Breit Bart Comment section and refuse to go over to Breit Bart. Daily Mail, the majority of the comments are from the same crowd. Just have difficulty coming to terms with the planet being taken out, on the whims of the media, however you look at it. Common Purpose, who were created by a Publishing Executive and his Advertising Executive Brother, ran Bell Pottinger. It seriously does not make sense that the planet is erased by the creators of ‘Beano’? Stanley Kubrick never came up with such a script.

Ralph London

AM, I thought you were the problem ha ha as to why I couldn’t read your latest comments even though your comment count increased, your latest ones were awol.

Anyway AM, I wish you and yours a Healthy, Good and Successful year 2020, including better than last year.

AM Hants

Hi Ralph, have a wonderful New Year, and using your words, Healthy, Good and Successful. Must admit, I was wondering if you had a similar problem, with comments going into hibernation, owing to you having a few problems a couple of months ago.

Ralph London

Thx AM. No, that was just with Gateway Pundit, not Disqus. Also, I couldn’t be as bothered to make comments etc. Now trump has done a very stupid thing in killing the Iranian General, and in his election year. But what was that man doing in Iraq??? And in Baghdad? He should never have been there, especially since the usa owns it. Poor OpSec too.

AM Hants

Enjoy GP when they are dealing with Ukraine and impeachment. Giving it a miss at the moment, as cannot handle ‘troll hysteria’ and no understanding of what they demand.

There was a comment, with regards the Iranian General, saying that he had no reason not to use his mobile, or go about his day to day business, owing to if anybody wishing to take him out, it would be state to state assassination.

Was saying to Florian, I just cannot understand the timing.

Davos – 21-24 January and Trump will be going with a begging bowl, owing to US bankruptcy due on 31 January.

Russia, China and Iran who have just finished a joint military exercise and the US feeling neglected.

Trump Impeachment, with the majority of the US public bored by it all and it backfiring on the Dems. Especially with Rudi opening up the Burisma Holdings can of worms.

The first time I have ever agreed with Adam Schiff, when he stated that Trump does not have the permission of Congress to stage war on Iran, whether he wishes or not.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

same here florian problem with disqus

Zionism = EVIL

In a speech to Iranian military leaders, Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated that the US CAN NOT DO A DAMN THING and the US, having spent “trillions of dollars on the conflict in Iraq, which was a total failure, wants to use Iran as a scapegoat to justify its failure. “Iranians will not accept to being treated as a scapegoat and Iran is not afraid of the US.” He said that the US has “committed the biggest crime” in Iraq and “its invasion and continuing occupation killed millions of Iraqis and is stealing their oil” should bear the consequences of its actions, referring to the protest around the US embassy compound – which came to an end on Wednesday as demonstrators left the area.

AM Hants

Happy New Year.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

happy new year mister AM Hants :)

AM Hants

Happy New Year to you as well, gr8rambino.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Many thanks!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

thank you mister Al happy new year to you too :) i dont know why disqus is not showing me my most recent upvotes or replies anymore, i have to go into my email and do it manually

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunts are in the region since 1928 primarily for OIL, the devious limey gits planted the toxic Jew entity in Palestine to create endless wars with Arabs and Muslims and now the Zionist cancer is mutating into a Wahhabi strain. Both are fucked beyond redemption. The lardass dumbass Americunt arseholes are in a similar quagmire to the Saudi morons in Yemen, they simply can not last long. The best way to get the Americunt arseholes out of the region is to increase resistance and also impose a steady attrition on the Zionist leeches. As I have said a million times, the Americunt arseholes are in no position to fight Iran in a region spanning 2.5 million sq kms from Zahedan to Beirut. All of NATO arselickers combined can’t do it. Iran knows it and will keep on the Chinese torture for the occupiers of Iraq. The whole idea is bleed the Americunt arseholes to death physically and financially. Why do you think China is supplying SAA with first rate weapons now? Sino-Persian strategic alliance is far deeper than meets the eye. China is far better, richer and bigger bet than Jew infested Russia. Interesting times ahead ;)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

I agree, I read on rt.com that the protestors withdrew what the hell?

Zionism = EVIL

The fucking Kurd turds are doing Americunt and Zionist bidding. Their “president” asked the puppet Iraqi military to have the demonstrators removed, but this is just the beginning as I said months ago. Ayatollah Khamenei just made a speech and said that Americunts can not do a damn thing. In any case China is now getting heavily involved on Iran’s side in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. Putin has been exposed as a Zionist stooge and there is even unrest in the Russian military in Syria who have bizarre rules of engagement against the Turkeys and Zionists and do nothing, even when their radars pick up Zionist and NATO aircraft. Russia colluded with the Americunt airstrike on the Kataib Hezbollah.

China will not send soldiers but will arm Iran to the max. The Chinese are upgrading an integrated fibre optic jam proof AD system in Syria and Iran that will do severe damage to any airforce.

Iran Has Lots of Ways to Kill the US Air Force (Thanks now to China)

How Iran is getting China’s best AD systems and has reverse-engineered the S-75 into the HQ-1 and HQ-2, HQ7 and HQ9 AD systems. Iran has acquired 14 HQ-2J launchers as well.

The Iranian spinoff: The heavily modernized Sayyad-1A features extended range (50–60 miles) and a new infrared-seeker.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

thats very good to know china is getting involved finally, i hope putin stops being a zionist stooge or is replaced with someone better. and is this kataib hezbollah different than regular hezbollah? or just another name?

Zionism = EVIL

Kataib Hezbollah is mostly the Iranian trained Badr brigades and subsequent Shia militias. They are localized and based on the Ansarallah and real Hezbollah model. There are no Iranians involved, but upto 2018, there were a couple of hundred Hezbollah advisers in Iraq, training them in small team and intelligence operations. Now they have a lot of volunteers from the region too. Like the Egyptian military the CIA has planted total stooges in the Iraqi army and that is why their “special forces” intervened to protect their Americunt masters. Not going to work as Sistani and even Muqtada Sadr and all Shia factions and even Sunni tribals are against the savage Americunt occupation and theft of OIL. Only the Kurd turds are licking Zionist and Americunt arse.


Didn’t I block you before? I might have been confused with another troll. Fixed it now :)


Keyboard warrior jacob wohl is back from molesting little kids.


I’m not Jacob, he’s too nice with your kind. I’m an IDF combat reserve soldier, and I go for the kill.


Jacob has many aliases online, so quit lying rat boy. Your a bum and worthless sack off shit who couldn’t fight his way out of wet paper bag.


Shut the fuck up already you son of a bitch, I block you as of now.


Oh your so scary mighty make believe warrior do it or fuck off Israeli child molester.

John Wallace

You can throw the shit but can’t take it in return. Your only answer is to block yourself from seeing the replies but everyone else can see them. What a waste of time and shows just what a gutless piece of shit you are. All talk about killing people but I bet you never have because those that have do not skite about it or if they do they are fucked in the head. Your choice for I care not which . Go back and clean the rust off your dick which is the most intelligent part of you. Big mouth little balls.


LOL and very childish hasbara troll indeed. How can the truth be blocked. These hasbara teenagers have a very thin skin. This guy is new since I was gone for a while, but the pattern is the same. The Jews are in real PR trouble in Europe and US and rising anti-Jew sentiment will only grow. They are perceived as parasitic and a danger to humanity with their endless lies and bloodlust. Even in the US, the average trailer trash evangelicals are now fed up as the US decline accelerates due to endless wars for Zionists. The only outcome will be the destruction of the Zionist entity sooner than later, and that is the best outcome for humanity.

Zionism = EVIL

Idiot Jew fuck, blocking is useless and secondly no one cares ROFLMAO……..


This guy is same rotten hasbara with a new name and the lies are also the same. They are mostly high school drop outs or pensioners. If you look at the pattern and boasts, it is definitely the same person or persons. Recent studies in Europe have shown that hasbara is more harm to the Jews and creating more enemies in the younger European generations and the same is true in the US, where attacks on Jews are rising. The totally fabricated “victim” card has been overplayed and the inevitable backlash is now underway.

Zionism = EVIL

He is just a teenage zit faced Jew hasbara fuck… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/803695a89ea3049b2e419ad4a104ef0cc8b8a3763560a409d234dda5134d6f67.png

Shlomo Shekelstein

Bravo Jacob, always be ready to kill palestinian babies and little kids! That’s what Israel is all about!



Thanks for the link. Absolutely disgusting.

John Wallace

This video is from May 2015 so is there any advancement or improvement since then. Are there more waking up and standing up or are they being crushed by the system.


So basically you’re good at murdering unarmed civilians. I hope you are sent to hell this year. Worst wishes for 2020.


Make me, we are waiting for the order.

John Wallace

Just like a child , waiting to be told what to do..

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass Jew fuck, order a new playstation and fuck off…lol


As the defiled puppet you are.


I’m hardly a puppet bro, but I do fight for my country’s interests.


I’m not your bro. I’m just a goy that understands what you are.



Azriel Herskowitz

All you can do is wish, antisemite


That you talk so happily about killing shows your kind. That is enough to get an idea of the side you defend.


Pardon my doubts, as I tend to keep the conversation at an adult level, but you sound like a typical hasbara Jew from US who tends to have homo-erotic fantasies of war and violence. By your grammar and syntax, you write like a pensioner or teenager. Most of us who have really fought in wars tend to be pacifists and not brag about childish “reserve soldier” nonsense. Your Zionist parasitic entity is barely surviving in Occupied Palestine simply because the Jews have over-played the victim card since 1945 and milked the naive and gullible western tax payers. We old Soviets know the evil Jews have caused throughout history by sheer deceit and lies. The Zionists are creating enemies for the Jews everywhere as attacks on Jews are now increasing even in US. Most European younger generations now have nothing but hatred for Jews and the evil they are pushing in the world and creating mayhem. The Zionist entity is simply unsustainable and the Americans will not save a rotten carcass as US itself now is in permanent and irreversible decline, hasbara lies not withstanding.

Toni Liu

US out, Iraq are for Iraqis people, not US, 21st century colonialism based on oil


They need a few more to help the fat-a$$ diplomats get onto the roof & into the choppers.

You can call me Al

The diplomats and embassador went yesterday at the first sign of trouble. Now remembering the protests that happened recently, do you not find it strange that no Yanks were killed ?.

Happy New Year.


if you’re an occupying force, the continuous attacks are a corollary – ask vietnam, ask talibans and ask the palestinians (the israelis will be hounded out of what they have stolen or be 6 feet under pushing up daisies, either of which, a day to look forward to) and ask the americans that are shot at whenever the dare to put their noses outside the heavily defended compounds, be it afghanistan or be it iraq – born to lose – the unhinged states of america. what a larf!


Goodjob U.S secure your interests, I’m waiting for the day the stupid Iranians execute some of their plans from Syria towards us, we will light them up like the fireworks show yesterday.


What interests does US have in Iraq with Isis now defeated?


They lost too many good men and trillions of dollars, they deserve to take all the oil they want as a compensation, Syria included. About Israel, we are waiting for the Iranians to do their mistake against us, we are not Saudi Arabia and they better not forget that.

Wayne Nicholson

Son …. you are advocating war crimes.

You don’t get to steal from the people whose countries you’ve invaded nor do you get to enrich yourself by putting conquered people in concentration camps and working them to death.

Destroying an enemy by inflicting mass rape to produce a nation of sympathetic bastards is also frowned upon.

My wife’s father, an Austrian jew who escaped to the USA in 1938, worked with US military intelligence at the end of WW2 to hunt down stolen art and other property and return it to their rightful owners. He would be rolling over in his grave if I let such a statement go without rebuke.

He moved to Canada and had a very low opinion of Americans and especially the CIA for some unknown reason


You can support anyone you’d like Wayne, that’s democracy. All I’m saying, and the shias here better read carefully what i’m saying – is that we are ready to enter a war AT ANY MOMENT. As an IDF reserve I’m on high alert now to be called into duty, and if they call me then it means the real shit starts and this time it will be a catastrophe to our enemies. We have intel they plan attacks against us from Syria something like they did to the KSA, if they dare to do it then even Russia won’t save them from what’s coming, we will burn them down. Consider it as a threat, I’ll keep you posted if I do get called.


Democracy, your country is an apartheid fascist state, Jewish Nazis if you will. Also quit pretending your a soldier nothing more pathetic than a key board warrior with nothing to back it up. Your iron Zion persona or avatar is your most pitiful yet jacob.

Wayne Nicholson

You are right the Russians won’t save them …. militarily. They are not stupid …. you don’t do anything to stop an enemy as they are making a mistake. They’ll sit back, provide intelligence and run a rat line across the Caspian supplying Iran despite threats of sanctions.

Also expect lil’ Kim to test a missile or some other sort of hanky panky on the eve of US action against Iran to keep the USA off balance.

2 things I would do before going to war with iran is look up the millenium challenge 2002 war game and Marine Corps Lieutenant General Paul K. Van Riper. Then look at a map of the Iran Iraq war and note how far the iraqi’s got into iran before they were stopped. Iraq was supported with arms and intelligence by the USA and iran fought alone. That was the easiest terrain you’ll find in Iran and iran has a completely different force structure today based on how they’ve seen the USA fight in the ME.

I Hope this settles down you don’t get the call up and if you do keep us posted and stay safe.

Fog of War

Notice how Iron Zionist avoided commenting on your mention of war crimes, working captured people to death, and stealing resources. Wonder why ?

Wayne Nicholson

“Wonder why ?”

The way I see it it’s this culture of moral and cultural superiority bred in the USA … the Israeli’s are just following on the USA’s coattails.

Americans have this evangelical zeal about spreading “democracy” …. which if you have to spread at the point of a gun is anything but democratic …… and that can be perverted into believing denying Syrians their own oil in the middle of winter while at the same time sanctioning anyone that sells oil to them is a christian thing to do.

These guys don’t think for themselves ….. they let Fox News think for them. They no longer have the moral capacity to understand right from wrong. They shed tears for poor Syrian children pretending to be gassed by “butcher Assad’ but then beat their chests and crow about seizing oil and letting these same kids face a winter with no heat.

I know it makes no sense logically but these people can’t think for themselves any more and they let the TV / twitter tell them right from wrong ….. that’s assuming they could ever think for themselves in the first place

Ralph London

yank arrogance and pride GUARANTEES failure, it’s just a matter of time.


Thanks Wayne, I’ll do what is expected of me to protect my country. Well invading Iran is a different story and it would also be unrealistic to do it. Outside Iran however, they are weak and depend on militias to do the job for them. For example in Lebanon, people think we lost just because we didn’t destroy Hezbollah, but they forget we used only 5% of our firepower back then and still made them pay a heavy cost. Any action done by Iran towards the Golan Heights will cause a harsh retaliation, somehow I do hope they are stupid enough to do it.

Ralph London

You should be praying for PEACE, not war. The ksa is also a mass murdering shit country. There is NO glory in war. And I also hope you don’t get called up or harmed (physically).

AzrieI Herskowitz

Yeah, they deserve to be plundered by Israel, we shall take all their money and resources!


But you can’t, you can’t do more then occupy the small strip of Palestinian land you leech, your days are numbered when the U.S. empire collapsed you worthless shitstain.

John Wallace

Now you speak the truth. No point lying about true intentions anymore as no one can stop you.

Fog of War

” Yeah, they deserve to be plundered by Israel, we shall take all their money and resources! ”

For money and resources to be plundered they must be taken from their rightful owner. Thanks for clarifying what you rats are doing to Palestine and its people. Its Similar to how you rats ” plundered ” much of the old Testament stories from the Sumerians. Maybe ” Yaweh ” the demon god, actually gave the ” holy land ” to them ?

Ralph London

Isn’t that what you are doing in ukraine? Fucking up the country?

Ralph London

You’re fucked in the head: the usg LIED about Iraqi wmds, the invasion was for the FEW to earn massive amounts of money, the many to pay for it, including some with their lives. You support yankie THIEVES, LIARS and MASS MURDERERS.

AzrieI Herskowitz

U.S. interests are ISraeli interests… so called “America” is just an israeli biatch, a pathetic vassal full of dumb goyim expendable cattle owned by their zionist masters ;)


Well you are the parasite state, nice that for once in your worthless life your honest. When America falls because its been sucked dry by you parasites. Well then you end is close at hand since you can’t exist without the U.S. you dirty leech.

John Wallace

Now you speak the truth. So comfortable with your position there is no point denying it anymore.


it’s sort of ridiculous when an idiot like iron zion call someone else on this thread a troll when he in fact is the only troll around – the best thing would be to have southfront terminate his account since he adds nothing of value, in fact he’s just a common hymie sleazebag who the thread is better off without – give it a thought southfront!!!

Azriel Herskowitz

You want Southfront to ban people who aren’t assad worshipers and offer a viewpoint separate of pro-mullah, pro-assad, anti-Israel viewpoints?


Then fuck off jacob get a real job and leave you lazy jew.

Decatur Guy

Can you imagine being a permanently disabled US Iraq-war vet unable to talk, feed yourself, maintain your hygiene, a complete invalid and coming to the truth that 911 was a US/Israeli staged, false-flag event? Just the thought someone being unable to express their anger about this is incomprehensible.


Iraqis should overthrow their collaborationist government and bring back some dignity to Iraq. The Alliance of Muqtada al Sadr and ICP (Sairoon alliance) would do a better job at serving Iraqi interests then the current stooges who allow their country to be occupied by USA terrorists.

Damien C

Muqtada al Sadr has always been the USAs finest asset in Iraq.

He rumbles points and accuses he threatens often but ultimately he never has nor never will act against USA forces. Even in the mayhem of the Iraqi war his milita never attacked US forces. They often attacked those attacking US forces however

Pave Way IV

Yeah… it must have been those evil Iranian PMUs all along… because why would the Kurds false flag K1 (=Kurkuk Pumping Station #1) that guards North Oil Company – the pumping station that Kurds were previously using to steal oil from Iraqis for sale to Israel (before Iraqis took it back over)? That’s just crazy talk.It’s Israel’s oil – God said so. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/229f96f6de92a48e8e7d0833eb6f68cce24bc35e4d9fb29db1111a9b29ee3a36.png

And those ‘Iranian’ 107mm rockets dated 2016 Lot 570 next to that curiously clean rocket truck DID show up once before. The Turks found them in a YPG ammo bunker in Afrin last year. Coincidence? Image on Getty: [link] https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3dcd4e600c01b607ef161a22dbc25dceb73aefedb58511c887979e3da434b94.png



K1 , where the contractor died, good post. Did you see;


Pave Way IV

The only claim of a death came from the US. That’s… er, problematic:

1) US lacks even the remotest shred of credibility from Zimbabwe to Iceland, i.e. it’s most probably a lie. Brain-dean US public doesn’t need no stinkin’ proof if the gov sez so.

2) WTF is with the weird-assed US ‘contractor’ spin? If it’s even real, I’m guessing Israeli terrorist-training contractor or maybe a MEK contract terrorist being trained by Israel. Even CENTCOM has enough shame not to call their ISIS crew ‘contractors’, FFS.

3) Why are ANY US personnel or contractors in Kirkuk? What the fuck business do we have THERE of all places? Isn’t Erbil big enough for our regional destabilization and ‘Attack Iran, Kill Shia’ base of operations? Oh yeah… the oil. Nevermind.

Re: VT – Gordon Duff confuses the evil Peshmerga (Barzani Mafia) and ‘good’ Peshmerga (PUK and all the rest). I really wish he wouldn’t do that. There are Iraqi Kurds that just want to be Iraqi Kurds and have good roads, not Goddamned oil/land/resource thieves that need to own everything like Barzani’s crew.

Pave Way IV

On a side note, does any one else notice the US sounds exactly like Israel now? Esper: “…We have taken appropriate force protection actions to ensure the safety of American citizens…and to ensure our right of self-defense…”

You don’t have a right to self-defense when you move in to someone’s front lawn heavily armed and set up shop. Iraq is not Palestine, you treasonous dual-citizen chickenhawk freaks.

Azriel Herskowitz

Mullah backed Shia terrorists thought they were tough trying to attack unarmed embassy personnel. They quickly got scared once US marines and Apache Helicopters showed up.


Exactly :)


Responding and self-congratulating yourself is the height of pathetic jacob.

AzrieI Herskowitz

Exactly :)


Good for you, you responded to yourself what an accomplishment, now go back to watching kiddie porn.

AzrieI Herskowitz

Exactly :)

Exactly :)


Jacob, making this as you huh.

John Wallace

Got to love that name though. The thought processes to come up with that must have had Azriel in stitches..


What’s that stink its jacob wuhl.

AzrieI Herskowitz

No, no, no.. all these accounts are totally not, I repeat NOT that pathetic dumb loser Jacob Wohl. We are all a real people, 1st IDF internet troll brigade!

John Wallace

I thought Jacob was your friend but now that he is off to jail you cast him aside like a worn out blowup doll.. Remind me never to be your friend

AzrieI Herskowitz

Jacob has no friends….

John Wallace

Well that is a sudden change of tune so I am intrigued as to what your compatriot and associate has done to deserve ostracisation .especially as the other day you were taking his back.. Jacob and I may not have seen eye to eye on some matters but I can admire some of his achievements irrespective of how morally reprehensible they were.

AzrieI Herskowitz

He tried to steal my money!

Lazy Gamer

with emphasis on bullshitter. lol

John Wallace

The spots on a scam artist never change and certainly one going to jail is the last one to trust when it comes to money.. Well done on avoiding a loss.. I found that bullshitters were the easiest to bullshit. So busy telling bullshit they never knew what was the truth and what wasn’t.

Ralph London

How did he try that?

Ralph London

What, you up voted your OWN comment???

John Wallace

Every US Embassy in the world is staffed by fully armed Marines at all times. The number depends on where the Embassy is and this one would have heaps to protect the civilian staff. No civilian armed with a stone or a lighter is a match for any armed chopper..

Rhodium 10

We have seen many attacks vs PMU in Syria and Iraq along these years…many of them by Israel ..others by US….Its clearly that USA show 2 faces….once kurdish have been abandoned and USA take control of oil fields in Syria….USA and Israel have pointed PMU as it main target!…therefore Iraqi armed forces should protect PMU assets( as part of the armed forces) or face a new occupation war!


Give Catalanyans freedom, and stop mumbeling about the PMU. Catalanya is not Spain, give them independence you Spanish conqueror. Atleast we Israelis are ready to give the Palis a state.


Give the Palestinians their freedom or their equal vote in you fairy land democracy, otherwise fuck off jacob whul.

Rhodium 10

Iraqi govern must know that USA and Israel have declared the war vs PMU….they cannot stand with Allah and the Devil and the same time!…the main target of US forces once ISIS have been defeated is to destroy the Shia militia which guarantees the non-emergence of ISIS/Al Qaeda in Iraq!…

Peter Jennings

Different horse, same blinkers.

The Trumpster needs to have something up his sleeve to atone for his behaviour and rhetoric towards Iran, otherwise he will be seen as just another warmonger. The Trumpster has a duty to protect american lives, but he needs take them all back home and protect them there.

Grunts are told that they are ambassadors for their country whilst abroad. Let’s hope that at least some grunts understand English so lives can be saved, not just those of americans.

The USMIC and its forces in the ME is now the turd in the punchbowl and have outstayed its welcome by a long mark.

john jarecki

The only right we have is to get the fuck out of Iraq.


So jacob and his pathetic aliases is on troll tare in this comment, wuhl the one man Israeli troll farm lol. Whether as Azriel bullshiter, PH.D idiot, Flabby Zion, it just goes to show how low these Israelis will sink in what the do, lazy and stupid.

Luke Hemmming

Unbelievable to accuse Iran responsible for the protesters in Iraq. I spose Iraq is only 1 letter difference replace the ‘q’ with a ‘n’. Maybe he is confused?


Do you know what would make it even easier to defend US personnel? – Send them to the USA.


This mindeless nonsense humped with crappy propaganda and even wurse eh… evidence/s witch reaks of been just made to have something, no matter how bad or wrong it is, they needed something, anything, and the fascinating tale from the Chimp in Charge of the imperial banana republic, whom is doing what they have done for 8 years, taking care off and protecting their assest, the so called Deaesh aka ISIS/Al-CIAeda, so this, isnt something new, its just become or in our face true, and somehow, even the Trump suckers are weirdly silent, but they as the equally insane Fake Left, is salviating about the prosect of bombing Iran back to the stone age, for, of course we arent barbars, humanity and democrasy.

Hurmf, after 18 years of occupation, the UssA is stil ruining/running the basket case called Iraq, drives the game of dividing and stealing, and makes shure they throw some few millions on the locals so the banana republic can continue to steal oil and gass, of course, its the Iraqis fault because AmeriCunts are only doing this for the sake of humanism, right, and now, the Chimp in the WH states that Iraqis must pay for everything, incl the cost of war against you. How dysfuctional and delutional is it possible to be, Iraqis, yeah, and this eh….. Mahdi, an friend of the Saudi-barbarians, and thereby an alie if the invading forces, incl ISISrael whom is everywhere down there, and to be frank, I dont trust this Mahdi for an split second, and thinks He is nothing but an usefull whore for the devils spawns, period, like the rest of the pack of imbesils running the Iraqi Gov.

And I expected this, and I also know that King Bibis little bitch Trump and others like Trumps MiniMe Bozo the Turk to Mutti Morekill, and that little shit thing from France, “lett them eat cake” MaCrony will do everything they can to continue to undermine the ME, and all for ISISrael. The thing is, Iraqis, you will never have any kind of progression in every aspects of an normal society as long the Yankikes rules your land, an German 2.0 the 3 world shithole edition. There will come an time, where you will be forced to do something much more radical, or die of as an waisted old whore, sucked dry and nobody cares, and those that do benefit, have and will continue to do so indefinetly until you take your land back Iraqis witch means you have to burn everything they have down to the ground, and throw out the Yankikes. I dont pay much attention anymore, because as long the Iraqis is more ocypued with raping and plundering their own, I see nothing for new that is something that can improve the present situation, nothing at all, only assliking of the invaders.


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