Forty nine military helicopters have been dispatched by the US to Germany in order to confront Russia.

The UH-60L and UH-60M Blackhawk helicopters staged outside of the vessel, Endurance on Feb. 11 (Photo: 16th Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs / 1st Lt. Mark Schneider)
The US has dispatched 49 military helicopters to Germany in the framework of the NATO’s Atlantic Resolve operation, which is conducted to confront Russia, the press service of the Pentagon reported.
The UH-60 Black Hawk and CH-47F Chinook helicopters from the 10th Aviation Brigade of the US Ground Forces were delivered to the German port of Bremerhaven through the sea. Trucks and other collateral equipment were also dispatched to Germany. Other 20 vehicles should arrive next week. The total number of military personnel will be 2,000 people.
Military hardware and servicemen will be deployed on a rotating basis on bases in Germany and Eastern European countries in accordance with a plan of the operation, which is conducted by NATO “in the light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”
Earlier, in the framework of the operation, the US dispatched 87 М1 Abrams tanks, 144 M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, 18 M109 Paladin self-propelled howitzers and 4,000 soldiers to Eastern Europe.
The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that it is the first time after the end of the Cold War, when the US Aviation Brigade appears in Europe, and described the situation as “not good” for Russia.

Maj. Gen. Duane A. Gamble, commanding general, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, speaks to reporters during the arrival of helicopters at the port of Bremerhaven, Germany, Feb. 12 (Photo: 16th Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs / 1st Lt. Mark Schneider)

Spc. Krystal Patterson, transportation management coordinator, 635th Transportation Detachment, 39th Transportation Battalion (Movement Control), surveys the vessel (Photo: 16th Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs / 1st Lt. Mark Schneider)

Soldiers from the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, begin unloading equipment off the vessel, Endurance (Photo: 16th Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs / 1st Lt. Mark Schneider)

Soldiers from the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, assist in offloading their UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters from the vessel, Endurance (Photo: 16th Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs / 1st Lt. Mark Schneider)
Confront Russia??? How laughable is this! Russia has never started a war in Europe and has no intention of doing so now. However, the International Banking & Corporatist Cabal want a war soon to cover up the financial holocaust about to break in 2017 – 2018 which they have caused in their brazen rape and pillage of the EU, USA, Canada, Australia and other economies around the world and their ceaseless wars for petroleum resources to underpin their control mechanism – the otherwise worthless US$
The story is simple, there are leaked documents backing this up (Brittam leaks).
Russia has not much export other as gas and have gaspipes to Europe. Saudi Arabia doesn’t, unless it goes through Syria via Turkey (still in running for EU membership). USA works for Saudis for various historical reasons.
The fact there are more clean electrical alternatives and pushes there is more need to get profit from oil &gas.
Assad is backed by Putin as he is the only one holding the implosion of the Russian economy at bay because he won’t allow Saudi gaspipes. Downing planes and terrorism to stage support for Syria intervention and to anhilate Assad hasn’t worked as Russia started revenge bombing the terrorists (which many suggest are funded and hence Syria Is a proxy war game) and won the vote of citizens around the world while Obama kept picking his nose.
The fact the EU keeps the anti Russian rhetoric, and Hillary kept pushing for this.. Shows there’s huge interest to get a finale in Syria that has been brooding for quite some years now. The political shift, however, will hopefully change the tune of the left strategy and the fearmongering and warmongering hopefully dies.
Russia has never started a war in Europe
Finland, Romania, Czechoslovakia68, Hungary56, etc. You are also no angels. It has reason, why you do not have friends.
Other believer amateurs ‘ll face disappointing reality
US hostility to Russia is an unvarying “constant” because Russia, irrespective of its system of government, resists US policies aimed at achieving world hegemony and because the US wants to control Russia’s immense natural resources in order to seal its hegemony. If it came to a confrontation between NATO and Russia one can place a sure bet on Russia annihilating NATO.
Are they able to fly !? What was it again 2/3 of the Navy F 18 are no fly worthy due to maintenance and spare parts , it would be nice to compare the maintenance intervals of a mimi 8 and a blackhawk , Mimi 8 according to experience has no or not worth to mention maintenance interval
My sister is in the Belgian army, logistics. They’re sent to “international training missions” in the region clearly to provoque and show power but are told these are non-risk training missions. I think this is EU provocation for US interests.
49 more skeet targets. That’s what this amounts to. Confront Russia, what a laugh. When will the majority of people finally ‘get it’?