Is this a sign of the rapprochement?

Federal Security Service headquarters © Oleg Klimov/Getty Images
TASS reports:
The US authorities eased sanctions against Russia’s Federal Security Service. Such information is contained in the General License No. 1 posted on Thursday by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Treasury Department.
According to the license, “all transactions and activities” with participation of the Russian Federal Security Service, prohibited earlier by executive orders of the US President, are authorized with certain exceptions.
Russian Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has declined to make a statement on the United States’ decision.
“First we need to understand what it is all about,” Peskov said. “If we turn to the rocket engines matter, we will see that our US counterparts never impose sanctions that could damage their own interests.”
praying this is a start
barrowsron This is the start of Russia’s defeat unless Mr Putin stands up against Trump in Eastern Ukraine.
Oh come now you have no knowledge of what’s going on behind the scene nor the name of the players,your like all the rest of the Putin bashers arm chair generals who think you have it figured out when you fail to even understand the problem…
Robert Ferrin
Changing the US President does not change Neoconservative policy.
The Neoconservatives control the US, their goal is the downfall of Mr Putin as well as the fragmentation of the Russian Federation.
“…the name of the players…”
Start with Robert Kagan:
You can go and shoot all neocons. Show us, how brave are you!
Solomon Krupacek “…You can go and shoot all neocons. Show us, how brave are you!…”
You love being a Drama Queen, LoL:)))
Trump is playing Mr Putin for a fool and coward with a mini carrot and big stick approach vy starting a serious military escalation by Ukraine on Donbas.
This is so called lifting of sanctions is insignificant as the limit for the financial transactions allowed is US$5000 per year.
Unfortunately Mr Putin is both a coward and a fool until he shows willingness to call Trumps bluff by wiping out the Ukrainian heavy tanks and armor that has entered the ceasefire areas of the Donbas in violation of the Minsk accord.
Trump doesn’t care about Ukraine, dude …
Trump is master of double speak.
Yesterday the new Trump appointed US Ambassador to the UN strongly condemned Russia for the aggression in Ukraine when it was the other way around, the Ukraine Military was attacking the civilian Russian population in Ukraine.
Bullshit! No changes. The FSB is now responible for import duty. Therefore is allwed to contact the personal responsible for this 1 single thing.