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MARCH 2025

US Embassy Helps Russians To Vote YES On Constitutional Amendments

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US Embassy Helps Russians To Vote YES On Constitutional Amendments

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On June 25, the vote on amendments to the Russian constitution started in all the 14 administrative regions of Russia’s Far Eastern federal district, according to state media citing regional election commissions and administrative bodies. The official vote is scheduled for July 1, but authorities opened polling stations a week early to stop overcrowding amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The proposed amendments will allow to strengthen the system of governance and limit a president’s rule to two six-year terms in total, rather than two consecutive terms, (allowing Vladimir Putin to potentially participate in the next presidential election). Besides this, they will introduce economic changes needed to provide Russian citizens with an additional social and economic security, an affirmation of Russia’s “faith in God”, and entrench the definition of the marriage as a unity of a man and a women. These conservative (both social and economic) moves go contrary to the neo-liberal agenda promoted by the so-called ‘united West’.

On the same day, the US embassy in Russia, central Moscow, raised a LGBT flag alongside with a US flag on its building. This move likely directly ordered by US Ambassador to Russia John J. Sullivan and was designed to demonstrate the US official position towards the current constitutional vote in Russia.

It is an open secret that the majority of the Russian population is against the official promotion of LGBT and neo-liberal values that became mainstream in the West. Even in the biggest cities like Moscow or Saint Petersburg, the number of people supporting so-called ‘neo-liberal’ values does not exceed about 5%. There is a Russian federal law “for the Purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values” that bans LGBT propaganda among people under 18yo. In these conditions, the move of the US embassy could be described as an intentional provocation.

At the same time, the voting on amendments to the Russian constitution also caused mixed feelings among residents of Moscow, Saint Petersburg and some other large cities that just recently experienced often strange and contradictory actions of local authorities in the conditions of the COVID-19 crisis. This included the increased administrative pressure, including various fees, and the drastic electronic surveillance measures employed by Moscow authorities. A one more point of contradictions is that the proposed amendments will allow Vladimir Putin to participate in the next presidential election potentially allowing him to lead Russia until 2036. These factors are behind reports that a part of Moscow residents has opted to not participate in the voting. There is also a segment of uncommitted voters. Nonetheless, both these groups support traditional values and the definition of the marriage proposed in the amendments.

Over the past weeks, Russian citizens have been able to follow the situation in the United States, where LGBT activists were supporting left wing and black rioters. The June 25 action initiated by the US Ambassador will motivate a part of uncommitted voters to support the conservative changes to the constitution.

In this situation, the US embassy decision is a foolery or an agitation trick in support of the “YES” vote. Mr. Putin should thank US diplomats or even give a state decoration to Mr. Sullivan.


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Concrete Mike

How cute, us can interfere in russian elections and no one bats an eyelash.

Harry Smith

With this kind of interference I would say give us more. :) Photo of LGBT flag over US embassy is in all Russian pro-government media. USA can’t do more to encourage the Russians to vote for the amendments.


The LGBT eyelashes are all smudged with makeup. The crass US virtue signalling has bitten them on the arse :)


I hope Russia’s pro Family pro Christian amendments pass. The other socialist amendments, not so much.

Harry Smith

There are not only socialist amendments. There are amendments which deny for Govt workers, senators and congressmen to have real estate, green card and bank accounts outside of Russia. This is crucial for USA which corrupts govt workers all over the world.


Sounds good. I didn’t mean to imply that all other amendments were socialist.


I support the Russian people against those neo-liberals scums that want to destroy every place they come to, luckily Israel and Russia are the exceptions while the West are on their knees and can’t even control Black people riots in the U.S or Muslims riots in Europe. Who knows? we might see more cooperation between the countries if Putin wins, Israel has the right to annex the Jordan Valley like Russia did in Crimea. Anyway, the Israeli and the Russian police forces are trained to deal with those scumbags, we don’t allow anarchy.

Lone Ranger

You are spot on with this one.


Thank you Ranger, this is how we treat left wing liberals scums here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V3ocHSWXxk

Lone Ranger

Libtards are worse than nazis.

Tommy Jensen

I also support the human rights to not being shot.

Harry Smith

Don’t get twisted about Jordan valley. Quo licet jovi, non licet bovi. Anyway you will be sacrificed for 3d temple so relax and enjoy the golden days.


I’m not worried at all, a man knows in his heart when he is right and what is the right cause to fight, and the Jordan Valley is worth fighting for anytime.

Harry Smith

The Jordan valley means they started the procedure. Do you know that Hitler was financed by Jewish banks and rich jewish families successfully escaped nazzis without major losses? They sacrificed non-religious Jews and religious sects which were outside of their paradigm just to fit prophecy of “sacred fire” which is holocaust in Greek language. They will sacrifice most of you for demolish the mosque Al Aqsa. So don’t be fanatical. Enjoy the time with your family and friends and be aware of the messianic cohorts.

Black Waters

Dude whether you’re right or not about prophecy and shit, it doesn’t matter, what it’s really happening is that the political party in Israel wants to expand their occupied territory, all what it follows it’s mundane.

The biggest trigger of this situation it’s that the dollar died and they want to replace it with something even worst to control the plebs.

The FED keeps printing fictional money without pause, this it’s an unavoidable situation, at the same time USA doesn’t want to lose their “privileges” once the dollar it’s gone, so they are already trying to blame somebody for this or creating a new enemy that justifies their printing money machine.

You need to add to the mix delusional corporations wanting to create a “technological” revolution, where people’s privacy doesn’t exists anymore (which it’s kind of right now), nor freedom of thinking, truly crazy times were psychopaths are abusing and taking advantage of the situation.

Harry Smith

Well. Looks like we both read same books like Attali’s ” Lines on the Horizon : A New Order in the Making ” or Soros’s “Crisis of the Global Capitalism”. But your mistake is false view on initial intent and the consequences, at my point. The trigger is Pax Judeica while the dollar decline is consequence. They need to destroy USA and China to move the global center to Jerusalem. If you want to discover more, dig some info about messianic Jews and Evangelicals believes in rapture. BTW, the brand new world is described in open sources. They didn’t hide it. Google for the “Welcome to 2030” from Davos forum.


Fake Israel will be destroyed along with the rest of this sinful world. Then true Spiritual Israel will inherit the coming Kingdom while the fakes will writhe in outer darkness and the wicked will burn to a crisp.


lol fake Israel, you mean fake Palestinians who are Jordanians and they will return there someday.


No I’m talking about Fake Israel. The nation of Israel lost there covenant through disobedience and therefor lost that land. The Old Covenant was annulled legally with the death of Messiah and by his blood the New Covenant was ordained. The New Covenant is with Spiritual Israel which is made up of all who REPENT and keep the testimony of Yahshua. Fake, U.N. created, Israel is only trying to usurp Yah’s ordination and lay claim to what is no longer theirs. That land is not an everlasting possession since it will be destroyed along with the rest of the world. New Jerusalem and the coming Kingdom are the everlasting possession.


Lying as always, Ziojew cunts and the Brutish empire fabricated the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine based on lies and deception after all. And ISISrael is an LGBTQUFJDI liberal rainbow flag stronghold, it’s one of the reasons they call themselves, laughably, the “only democracy in the Middle East”.


Read some history before you comment, I might take you more seriously if you do.

Brian Robson

Zionist, your fake state will be pushed into the sea and you will receive justice.


Okay Brain, when do you come here to push me to the sea?


How is it that white Europeans can claim they are ” Semitic ” when it is actually the Palestinians who are true Semites. And how can Eastern white Europeans claim that ancestrial land inhabited by Arabs for thousands of years as mysteriously their land and attack the unarmed Palestinians through sheer terror, mass evictions and outright mass killings.

The illegal shapeshifting Zionist enemy had its first Prime Minister, the Father of the Car Bomb, and officially the first Terrorism in the Middle East. He and another creature blew up the King David hotel killing dozens.

Or that snarky bitch Gilda Meir who advocated mass killing of innocent Palestinians.


That’s right, and they will feel our Iron fist on them everytime they do terror attacks. You can’t do shit.

Black Waters

First time that i agree with you partially at least in a long time… but i’m not so sure about Jordan Valley.

There’s a difference there, Crimea had like 90% russian population and a referendum was passed because people voted to protect them from the Neo-nazi regime of Petro Poroshenko (which now is under zelensky because the Azov battalion still active, same with the foreign mercenaries) yet many countries under U.S pressure negated to recognize Crimea as part of the Russian Federation because of fear of consequences… while you are doing an annexation of something that don’t belong to you in any way.

To me looks like you want compare two different situations to get support for something that you don’t deserve. I still remember Bibi in Eurovision promoting the LGBT agenda when it’s still was useful for him.


Look at this map and tell me it is not ours: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_ancient_Israel_and_Judah#/media/File:Kingdoms_of_Israel_and_Judah_map_830.svg

Black Waters

Okay, now without sourcing Wikipedia, c’mon man, it’s completely biased and even worst, it’s for primary school kids.

Surely you may have some other sources, but dont bring me that bullshit. I even dispose to give them a look, i’m not just saying it for the sake of it.


Why do I need to prove that we ruled this land even before Islam? it’s a known fact and we lived on this land till we were exiled in 70 AD, and the Jordan Valley is part of our historic land. As for me, I am an Iraqi descent so I have more rights here than the Arabs who stole it.

Black Waters

The people who habited there is no more, Israel is a creation of Rothschild he says that himself in an interview (the old creepy jacob rothschild says that in an interview), probably you can still find it in YT. So cut the shit with the religion bullshit with me.

Your conflict with Iran and all your neighbors countries it’s fictional, in the sense that you’re creating problems with them as an excuse of expansion, nothing to do with religion since Zionism is a political issue, so stop using jews as a cover up and even worst victimizing yourself for every crap when we know what the political party (the real one) intentions are.

Same goes to the U.S gestapo, trying to create problems where there’s none just so they can justify their pedophile pseudo elite existence.


It is a territorial dispute, you can’t seperate our politcal movement and other religious/ historc reasons to take it back. We will claim back what is rightfully ours, at all cost.

Black Waters

Isnt rightfully from anyone, and even less from a fictional state, it’s an excuse for invasion and expansion, you can trick some dumb americunts or arabs (well, the last ones are pretty aware nowadays) but it doesn’t work on educated people.

Lazy Gamer

A lot of people around the world cant separate their political movement with their religion…. So if they come to a point where their religions are completely against each other, do we accept that in the name of their God, they kill each other?


No other people have faced what we Jews faced over the centuries, and yes that is our land by history, religious and political reasons. We Israelis don’t care what the world thinks, we do what is good for us.

Lazy Gamer

Kingdoms have come and gone. Nations can come and go. From a religious perspective, there is no more covenant since Israel lost its way and its people were scattered. This is a bloody path you will be walking on, you will be losing the country’s soul, making your people more unsafe while the situation is fluid and the future is uncertain. You really want to give the world more reasons to hate?


‘Antisemitism’ – or the persecution complex- is good for the jew; it keeps them distrustful of the goyim and increases their ingroup loyalty. Where it doesnt exist, they will conjure it.


nah the jews have brought all misfortunes on themselves by their relentless thievery and murdering and lying for more than 2000 years and deserve whatever comes their way – typical annihilation since 10 million jews stand no chance against the rest of mankind.


It’s not rightfully yours.


Actually, Jews have been a big problem for the rest of humanity way, way before Zionist reared its nefarious head. Zionism was adapted around 1893 I believe, while Jews have been exiled and/ or expelled 108 times, from 87 countries, provinces, states since 250 A.D. Cartilage, up till 1948 A.D. Arab countries.

These diabolical Talmudists brought down the good, sober people of Babylon, then, not satisfied, and on the run(as always) they were welcomed by the Persian King and his people. Before long, they subverted the weak minded King by way of a bitch from hell Esther, and the pimp Mordichia, and caused the King to murderously turn on his people in a total paranoid driven frenzy that saw about 80,000 innocent Persians dead.

No good deed goes unpunished!

Then they really played a number on the Egyptians who gave them hospitality and let them in. Only to treacherously betray the Egyptians and helped a very brutal, irrational and barbaric people known as the Hyksos rule Egypt with a bloody iron fist , and the Kyksos henchmen who adminstrated the bloody rule, were none other then the Jews. That’s why as soon as the Egyptians overthrew the Hyksos, It Was Payback Time , and the rest is history. Then the Greeks and the Romans too were brought down one after another. What they did to Rome was very similar to what they are now perpetrating on the U.S.

Naive Muslims of the Islamic Empire didn’t know how diabolical these people were. Even installing a Jew as Foreign Minister. Soon the Empire became exhausted with wars all over the place. Just like Rome and the U.S. now.

The longest living Empire in the history of the world was the Byzantium Empire, which lasted roughly 1200 years. They did so because they enacted, and totally enforced three laws. Breaking them was execution.

1 – No Jews in Government 2 – No Jews in Education 3 – No Jews in Finance


Black Waters

Interesting comparatives.

Lazy Gamer

lol on Esther and Mordecai. You may be right there.


Not true. A REAL Jew is not a threat to anyone and understands their place in this world as God has ordained.


Arabs are the real Semites, and Arabs have been around way before Islam or 70 B.C.


I bet your some kid, or teenager who doesn’t know very much.


I know alot more than you, why do you hide it? I can tell you’re a muslim.


Yes and it was GOD who exiled you for your stiff necked disobedience. Taking it back was not an act of God but of the synagogue of Satan.


It’s not yours. You have no rightful claim. Especially not from God as so many of your western false Christian supporters claim.

cechas vodobenikov

a specious argument—this claim regards all nations where territories have exchanged sovereignty numerous times….we cannot rearrange boundaries according to some convenient date in time…border disputes exist among man nations in South amerika, Africa, Asia, even Europe—N Ireland, Tirol/Italy, Georgia Armenia/Azerbijian, Ukraine, Poland, former Yugoslavia. when one linguistic/cultural group is denied social participation, these antagonisms worsen—the Hungarian govt is furious w Ukrainian prohibition to teach school in any language except Ukrainian…will the USA cede all territory to Indians?


The U.S. does not claim a God given right to it’s territory. Although some have cited the false “manifest destiny” to justify their expansion. Israel, or many in and who support Israel, actually believe that the land “belongs” to them by God’s decree. This is a false narrative. Also there are many who support Israel because they think the “Jews” are God’s chosen people. This is also a false narrative. In the OT the nation of Israel was chosen to be a holy nation of God but they never achieved that status because of their constant stiff necked disobedience. That is why that physical covenant was replaced. Now it is Spiritual Israel which is made up of all who repent and become obedient to God through understanding given by His Son Yahshua Messiah. Israel is Spiritual and the coming Kingdom is everlasting. The land over there is NOT everlasting so it is not the promise that God has given to True Israel. Those who claim it belongs to them by God’s decree are trying to retake that which was taken from them by God. And they have done it by deception. It does not “belong” to them Scripturally, only in the fact that they conquered it via U.N. recognition does it belong to them.

cechas vodobenikov

all politicians will sometimes promote what is expedient—netanyahu leads from behind…the Israeli public is polarized and divided along religious and ethnic lines…perhaps this is why the require 3+ billion $ from US each year

Lazy Gamer

Russians were not aiming for the long run in Crimea and Ukraine. I guess they dont have an answer to the allure of more money.

Harry Smith

Bolton wrote in his book that Obama promised to Putin to stop the Ukraine scenario if Putin will stop his expansion on the South and East of Ukraine. But then Obama changed his mind. Like Dostoyevsky wrote “all those forces that want bad for Russia but always leading it fir good”. Without Ukraine there was a real solidarity in NATO and Ukrainians thought until now that Russia stops Ukrainian developments. Now EU thinks about it’s own army which is not subordinates NATO and Ukrainians are getting the vaccine against West values. The longer USA will be present in Ukraine the better for Russia it will be. 3-5 years more and Russians will be met by Ukrainians as liberators.

Black Waters

You are right, but the U.S propaganda machine will call it an aggression while the U.S has all Europe occupied with their bases.

Black Waters

And i want to add this, the average U.S citizen it’s really dumb and malleable like pewter or bubblegum, most of them are the same people taking down statues, truly savages believing that they are so “progressive” when they don’t even know what progress is, the young generation of americans are the most savage uneducated creatures on earth, they are the same people attacking their own kind.

And some of those savages of the modern age still in their illusory distorted mind believing that they have a “democracy”, some of those are fully fleshed “anarchists” that also don’t even know what anarchism is, destroying and burning private property is VANDALISM.


We do have a democracy. You don’t understand that we are seeing the fruits of democracy. And since every country seems to want democracy it will be coming to you too. It just wont happen as quickly since your history of immigration is different. Democracy breeds socialism and socialism is against God.

Harry Smith

Please allow me to suggest you to read the article described here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obrazovanshchina


wrong – crimea is for the long long haul to the dismay of the yankee-twats, left holding the short end of the stick – western ukraine. what a larf.

Rhodium 10

There are Gay pride parade in Tel Aviv and also Feminist movement….Jews media support neo liberals globalist agenda!..so you dont support nothing!


Don’t confuse me with the media, I know the media is very pro liberal and against conservative values. That is not me.

cechas vodobenikov

here u r correct—media everywhere is hyperbolic and selective—I have little respect for most media, even much of Russian media is superficial —there re numerous pro west liberal media—novaya gazette, Moscow times, the worst

cechas vodobenikov

there are homosexual parades everywhere—irrelevant to me…all male hair dressers in Russia are homosexual—nobody cares—they have never complained to me about harassment—and I ask


After the U.S. , Israel has the biggest. ( per capita/ratio) LGBTQ parade in the world.

And just to show you where priorities lay, this disgusting parade is on the same day as the International Al – Quds day. Where millions of Muslims march, and how to take down the illegal shapeshifting Zionist entity and free AL – Quds ie. Jerusalem.

Heck, I bet half the IDF are LGBTQ.


There is no Al Quds, enter it into your little brain.


Man, you don’t know “Israel” do you. Fake Israel is a bigger abomination than the U.S.


Where is Palestine? I missed it on the map.


I didn’t say anything about Palestine. Take your straw man somewhere else.


Unlike Russia, your country hosts huge queer “pride” parades.

Jews are getting tainted by the poz they helped unleash…

Other than that I think you earned an upvote, at least marginally so.

cechas vodobenikov

there r small homosexual parades only in Moscow—they receive little attention, except from US media

Lone Ranger

If Russia would do that in the U.S., politicans would be foaming from their mouth. Russia should erect a statue in front of the U.S. embassy in Moscow displaying a Mom a Dad and two children holding hands. I think the U.S. Ambassador would get a stroke within hours. :)

Zionism = EVIL

Check out the faggot flag at the Americunt embassy ROFLMO.

Lone Ranger

A pic more worth than a thousend words…

Black Waters

The U.S imperialism showing his true colors.

Zionism = EVIL


cechas vodobenikov

Russians could care less that amerikans celebrate decadence–Pitirim Sorokin distinguished 3 sorts of societies: metaphysical, ideological, sensate. he described USA as a sensate society—decadent, immoral …amerikans require immoral leaders to conduct immoral wars

Tommy Jensen

This prove that the United States never interfered in Russia with Regime Change operations and colour revolutions, but only contributed to freedom, human rights and peace for minorities, which Russia deny their own population until this very day with Gulag.

William Bowles

Hmmm. I think you live on a different planet to me.


You should write a book about your deep insights Tommy, you can get invited to Atlantic Council!

Black Waters

Gulag? What time in space you came from?

cechas vodobenikov

the little fascist CIA girl again lies—Sachs admired that amerikan promoted “shock therapy” was unwarranted intrusion and increased poverty in Russia—your fascist Clinton spent hundreds of millions to elect the alcoholic Yeltsin —even Pew observed that his approval rating was less than 10% you r a despicable immoral liar—like all amerikans….the least developed society on earth “only the least developed societies punish widely and severely”. Durkheim…no nation in the western hemisphere nor any European nation permits capital punishment—-u functionally illiterate robots do…you incarcerate more per capita than any nation in history; in the past 15 years we have closed 40 prisons and halved our incarcerated population,,,,,perhaps if you copulate with your mobile phone you can learn how to feel—peace for minorities? LOL—-you are burning and vandalizing your cultural desert—expected in an empire near collapse

Lone Ranger

At this point I start to think you are ironic. Nobody is that damaged :) Thumbs up.


of course he is – ironic that is.

Me&Myself None

So, Putin is bribing the Russians with social and economic changes in order to fool them into voting for the amendments in the constitution that will allow him to serve the deep state and Israel for eternity.

William Bowles

But how can Russia equate LGBT rights with neoliberalism? That’s crazy! The battle for equal rights for gays etc, started long before the neoliberal agenda even existed. Can I remind readers that the first country in the world to legalize homosexuality, equal pay for women, contraception and abortion was the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was Stalin who reversed such progressive moves.

And as I understand it, homosexuality is NOT illegal Russia, only its ‘promotion’, which is probably just as ridiculous, being gay is not a lifestyle choice! I might add, I’m not gay, in case you think I’m promoting homosexuality.

Frankly, I think the Russian state’s response is dictated more by the West’s use of LGBT as a propaganda weapon against Russia. It’s Russia protecting itself from what it sees as massive propaganda war by the West against Russia using LGBT as one of the weapons and exploiting a century of anti-Communist (read anti-Russian and frankly racist) propaganda, viewing ‘Slavs’ as inferior and uncivilized, peasants, just as Hitler did during the Great Patriotic War. The ‘untermenschen’. My grandparents left Russia in the 1890s and came to the UK and my relatives in Russia were all but exterminated during the war. These are events that we in the West are almost completely oblivious to. Imagine living in a country where EVERY family lost at least one family member during a war. I think all these things inform Russia’s view of things and its desire to protect its own culture from the predations of the West and unfortunately LBGT is one of the casualties of this war.

After all, homosexuality was only legalised in the UK in the 1960s and many women STILL don’t have equal pay or rights with men here.

Rhodium 10

Homosexuality is a mental disorder accord Soviet Union laws


It is an abomination according to God. And according to God so are those who try to justify homosexuals.


completely and utter nonsense.

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol, you don’t have to BE gay to promote homosexuality. Also the “pay gap” is directly correlated to the hours worked gap and the risk assumed gap. You’re right about women not having equal rights though, our societies flout anti-discrimination laws to give women undue preferential treatment in every sphere of life.


Yes it is a choice. There is no gene that makes the anus a sexual organ. If Russia doesn’t pass this amendment then they will also soon have homos teaching children their deviance and silencing anyone who speaks true Christianity, Just like in the deviant U.S.A. The unequal pay argument has been thoroughly debunked. Pay has always been determined by ability and hours worked.

William Bowles

You don’t deserve a reply


Then why did you reply? LOL.

Rhodium 10

The Flag of United States of GayAmerica…

Alberto Garza

no wonder why the united states has fallen into decadence .

Train to Hawaii

Crush the demon infected “State Department”.

Domenic Patrone

I don’t see what business any of that is to America.

Domenic Patrone

Perhaps Russia should make some comment on it’s Embassy as to what a violent, self-destructive, and racist place America is. I’d appreciate that.


Always knew that ambassador of cias nothing but an immoral p00f,sad part if russia don’t fk it off, many innocent people will die from this incestive disease know to mankind,seens everythings relative! Pretty much saying “we the uinited states respect no others law of the land nor familys + children, what a vile act by the nwo/phaedoqueers!


The United States of America Is the great Satan. It is a cesspool of deviance, corruption and anti-Christianity. Living here is more and more like living in hell. Rev_13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

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