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MARCH 2025

US Establishing Military Facility In Oil Rich Area In Deir Ezzor Province – Reports

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The US is reportedly building a new military facility in Syria. According to reports, the US-led coalition facility under construction is located near the al-Omar oil fields in the province of Deir Ezzor.

Syrian pro-government activists see the US military activity in the area as an attempt to consolidate cntrol over the largest Syrian oil fields.

The video below allegedly shows two US-led coalition Blackhawk helicopters consolidating the US presence in an oil-rich area:

Considering the US attempt to keep its military presence in Syria as long as possible, Washington may see the Syrian oil and gas resources as a useful tool to gain an additional financial revenue from its occupation of eastern Syria.

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Alejandro Bonifacio

gringos go home now!


We are here only to fight Isis they proclaimed – nothing but a bunch of criminals

Acko Manah

Yeah fight Isis why did Obama and Hillary create them. Noble prize my foot Europe is an embarrassment on humanity


Nobel was an early member of the MIC, the peace prize has always been a sick joke.

You can call me Al

Kissinger received it….you couldn’t make it up. The same as Tony Blair being the highly paid “Middle East Peace Envoy” AFTER HE RUINED IRAQ with Bush.

Acko Manah

When I was a kid we respected the West. Because of its free and honest press. Because of non corrupt politics. How wrong we had been. Or is this a recent thing. Anyway west turned out to be more rotten than CCCP and the worst of our home brewed corruption. But we knew our government was corrupt. People here as so d*** stupid they don’t get it at all. They just watch the excrement and approve it gobbling it up like the fat filled burgers they eat as so called dinner.

Langaniso Mhlobo

What a true honesty so outspoken.


The West has always been corrupt. You just grew up and became acquainted with reality.

Vanessa Russ

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Washington will never leave Iraq and Syria until their asses properly burned by these oils.

Acko Manah

Yeah. Norway is sick as is Sweden. Bunch of hypocrites sitting on their high horse. I knew one Swede who demanded I “condemn ISIS”. I told the idiot I am from Iran and that is the nation fighting ISIS the most. Not like Sweden who is actively supporting ISIS and sending its citizens to join it. What a bunch of trash. Judging me as if I have any say in the whole thing. The dam* racists have a vast vacuum in their heads where a brain is supposed to be. Lord save us from West Europe.


Why did you expect something different ?


ISIS is not a threat to the West. A bunch of false flag attacks my ass. ISIS threatens the natives where they operate. ISIS is a threat to Nation States in the Middle East (or what is left of them after criminal US/NATO ops). ISIS is a threat to Iran, Syria, and thats exactly what US wanted. Aim is to fragment the nations to smaller ”statelets” and like given on this news, extract oil for free, without tax or cuts to the state it belongs to. What has been going on last decades in the middle east, afghanistan, yemen, libya syria, iraq etc are crimes against humanity by the so-called civilized nations; heartbreaking and simply insane.


Not only insane, but inhuman & inhumane, yes? John Doran.


exactly. shame on them civilized(!) countries. colonialism mode still ”on”. on another note; france getting billions of colonial taxes every year from poor africa.

Hulusi Akar



why does the graphic below look like the ISIS Amaq News Agency? are they ISIS? (Cause they look alike).


Now putin has no excuse. do something. fast.



Pave Way IV

I’m pretty sure this is just CENTCOM’s afternoon ‘ISIS commander’ shuttle service to and from Deir EzZor. The morning shuttle is usually just one Blackhawk. Head-choppers like to sleep in when they’re not killing or looting. The afternoon shuttle sometimes has a carton of American smokes on board – very popular with jihadis that having the jones for an ultra-prohibited cancer stick. Snackbar! It’s all the door gunner can do to keep the line orderly after the bum-rush to the chopper as soon as it hits the dirt.


The US is training ISIS fighters in eastern Syria for new destabilisation projects across the globe. All in the name of fighting against them, of course.


After All where do you need your Military-Industrial Complex for if you haven’t got an Enemy?

Acko Manah

Yeah and then the damn thing will turn on the West. Making life hell for all of us. All to pay homage to Israel paranoia. Ruin the world so some paranoid minds from ex Soviet Union get their yayas.

Shuja Pasha

Iraq’s air defence has actually shot down multiple US aircraft to smithereens carrying weapons and ISIS terrorists.

leon mc pilibin

ISIS wearing their proper uniforms.And showing off their air force.




Where is hamster to suck Pussin dick now ?? XD.

hamster will disappear just like dutchnational has dissapeared.

Acko Manah

Colonialism at work. Not wanted; unwelcomed it moves in a sovereign nation. Without shame or any human decency. And the pathetic Europe just nodds yes … is makes me sick


US are not going to leave Syria now for years – this is a defacto partition.

Acko Manah

US is like herpes but once you get it never goes away


No, the US is broke, their whole empire is about to collapse. Thousands of American troops will be stranded in foreign lands, and the locals will pick them off one by one.

Acko Manah

Yeah it is sad because most the troops are black or Hispanic. Not bad people but the leaders are garbage

Joao Alfaiate

Not true. Most EM in the US military are white guys from rural areas. And it’s not that easy to get in: only about 30% of the population between 18 and 25 are “qualified”. Many are too fat, have been convicted of a serious crime or fail the drug test.

Acko Manah

Ok I am not going to debate it. You get my point I hope. The place is rotting to its core. I am in tears to see this place inflict its hate onto others. Why is it that Syria must suffer this? A bunch of good people who were living their lives. Then USA happened. Now half of them are displaced. Misery of cannibals thanks to Barak A*hole Obama and his second in command Hillary. I am sorry but I am sick of it. Why can’t USA leave people to be in peace. Why does it have to make people miserable: why?

Joao Alfaiate

Having spent a fair amount of time in Syria I can only say I agree with you.

In my view this is all about Israel. Any country, regime or party which is opposed to the Zionist enterprise is going to be targeted by Uncle Sam because Israel Firsters here have tremendous political power here. That power is the result of wealth and the willingness of individuals to use their money to buy politicians. It also helps that Israel’s friends have huge influence on how things are reported and interpreted by newspapers and TV here.

Trump campaigned on a less interventionist foreign policy and specifically not getting involved in the Syrian civil war. But the guys with the fat wallets want Syria and Iran busted and you see what’s happening.

About the future, I can only say American politics and support for the Zionist entity are unlikely to change. The only hope I see is BDS. The politicians are bought men. Can individual citizens make a difference? I’d like to think so but I don’t know.


Yes BDS, when they go so far as to make it “illegal”, you know it hurts.

Acko Manah

You are right it is about Israel. In their paranoia they turn neutral people to enemies. They don’t realize most people just want to live and be left alone. I am from Iran. The vast majority of Iranians don’t care about Israel. But in the paranoid minds of Israel Iran is some kind of danger. Like all their other neighbors. They think the world revolves around them but it doesn’t. Iranians don’t care one way or another. But they think the whole world hates them so they mess the world up. Result is the world turns against them. It is a self fulfilling prophesy.

Trump betrayed his supporters. People wanted America and Trump gave them Israel. The end will be when US runs out of $ and the machine stops. Then Israel will face the harvest of what it has sown. Ruined Libya; ruined Lebanon; ruined Iraq and courted Saudi the single most rotten government on Earth. Good job guys really great job you idi*** then they will whine and run to mommy and daddy Europe and USA to beg for help. If they just stopped ruining lives nobody would be against them. But they cannot get the simple idea: live and let live.

Joe Dirt

Countries go bankrupt when they are conquered. For now USA is Rich!!!! $$$$$

Acko Manah

I don’t know how European trash look at themselves or sleep at night. The absolute worst garbage humanity produced. Total and utter excrement. Now they don’t even reproduce … The lost all of their will and souls. Bad seed will go rot away.


Well. Europeans (unless east Europe) are colonialists and moralists. Only stupid people think they are all nice. Especially, the stupid from the third world think that Europe is the continent of “human rights and democracy”. XD.

You can nothing against stupidity.

Acko Manah

Europeans truly suck


Everybody sucks. Europeans suck. Most of them (unless east Europe) are terrorists hidden behind good acts. The third world people suck so much as well and are so stupid.

Acko Manah

Yeah but songs sucking is fun. Europeans are killjoy

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

You both are really the stupid suckers of that blog.

Langaniso Mhlobo

No fight you both are so wright and honest with your self.

Joe Dirt

Because Europeans wants to see another Caliphate! Muslims make me sick!

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

You really are stupid believing that the serious writing isn’t only the expression of its jalousy. serious is a quebecer that ate his new girlfriend recentely. That gives purity among the corruptionof its entendment. The blood he is drinking allows him to continue the kill of school childrens at Drummondville. His name is Françcois Bruneau and when I go along to find why he still roaming his stolen car in the city shouting at everyone it could innerve from its perversity, they (him and its brother Michel Bruneau) ly all night long at the back of their home and masticate slowly somme kind of food, laying terror amid inhabitants. All I can do is to knok at their door and asking them to stop legally; which scares and sucks a lot. I would prefer to kill them, what is risky to me. But 6 years ago I made them stop with formal menaces to them at home. Last week, I found back ot them the path of the last woman to be kidnapped with a suzuky red plated 454 h40

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

US is destroying pathetic Europe and they are bending over backwards for it and why the US is destroying all it’s allies nations , they don’t give a shit about it either all the useful idiots have run their course.


England is destroying Europe using the US and sanctions against Russia.

Who runs the US after all?


Well that’s at least a positive thing England is doing….get rid of these Selfappointed Dictators (which were Losers in their own countries, but were Kicked Upstairs) in Brussels… then Europeans can Create their Own European Union….with elected representatives…..


Those folks run the U.S. But Ssshhhttt see no evil, hear no evil….



Dont think that Russia will work for Syria. Russia and USA are just sharing Syria just like they used to share Germany, Korea, ….

“Head of Russia’s General Staff General V. Gerasimov held a telephone conversation with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General J. Dunford to discuss situation in Syria, Syria’s Ghouta and issues of mutual interest.”


Russia never shared Korea, the US offered Russia half of Korea, but Russia doesn’t enslave people like the USA. That’s what USA stands for, United Slavers Association. Once a slaver, always a slaver, fkn Nazis.

Actually your constant diatribe shows how scared you really are, don’t worry, nobody will enslave Americans, you are useless, and worth nothing.


Scared of what ?? It’s just that I don’t buy the shit that Putin is the “savior” or that China is the savior. People who think like that like Assad have their country, cut into three parts and destroyed.


Yes I know the US steals countries, and enslaves the inhabitants, the USA has always stolen to survive. But now their time is up, this is all a trap, and America is walking straight into it. Syria is merely a battle, the war is much bigger than Syria.


USA can do whatever she wants. Nobody will complain. And those who complain have no power and will be crashed.

And Russia will do nothing. China will do nothing.

Enjoy your meal. Hopefully, I die young.


I hope your wish is granted.

Joe Dirt

“…but Russia doesn’t enslave people like the USA.” ?????? I suggest you review Russian history a little bit more before you start spewing such rhetoric.

Acko Manah

I have never read one intelligent post from you


The time has come for the SAA to set up undercover resistance in occupied Syria. It will be another Big step up, from where they are now. Unfortunately, it is one they have to make and one they will have to plan and execute over years if necessary. The Yanki MIC will only listen when the American people say Enough. Yanki body-bags returning home might take time as the Yella Press will write as say whatever lies it is required to write and say. Yanki combat troops and technical personnel will have to be targeted relentlessly. A few hundred of those new Russian Manpads would come in handy right now. So, President Putin think it is time to Man-up and supply SAA with Manpads and whatever other equipment SAA require to take out the head-chopping puppets and their puppeteers


Yes, in the fullness of time, first secure western Syria, then make lots of noise at the UN, then start picking off the American choppers tanks etc. If the US has to fly in supplies, and cannot export the oil they are planning to steal, they will go broke very quickly. Sending the US broke, has been the Russian/Chinese plan all along.


I’m sure Iran could assist with that it has the experience with Hezbollah. Remember Lebanon in 1983 when the marine barracks were bombed


Something Big like that sends a terrifying message. The French took a big hit too

Joe Dirt

Russia does not care about the SAA! lol :D Jokes on SAA! Russia and USA are working together! :D

Brad Isherwood


Joe Dirt

Hate the Jews?


USA can do whatever she wants. Who will stop her ??? Nobody.

But, I don’t care. I will make no offspring. But, most of you have surely offsprings and your children will live in a global dictatorship.


The world will be overpopulated, less and less food, low quality food, water more and more polluted, global dictatorship, no freedom, …. XD.

It’s better to leave the earth before it’s to late.


Try a coffin.


Very good idea. The coffin is the better creation ever just after the bed.

AM Hants

No invite, just come to pillage and rape. Seriously hope they get more than they bargained for and learn a major lesson. What will the UN say, as they are illegally in Syria?


UN was hollowed out a long, long time ago. As Princess Haley said recently if we don’t get a UN mandate we will go it alone or with our friends. Or words to that effect

Acko Manah

I got a question: am I the only one who thinks Haley is sort of hot? I mean I am a man and mostly ruled by my di**. She is a shit but also attractive. Be honest does anyone agree with me?


She looks like she is riding a Broom when it’s Full Moon….to be honest…

Acko Manah

Ok. I respect your opinion sir! I think if she got some real fun maybe she wouldn’t be so evil?


The Evil is closely monitoring her when she speaks….just another ventriloquist’s dummy..

Acko Manah

She got to be careful with the broom. I mean it can have some issues if it goes in. Err I apologize for my indiscretion and am deeply ashamed for my words.


Yep. & judging by the sh1te coming out of her face, that broomstick was rammed up her jacksy & she’s loving it. :) John Doran.

leon mc pilibin

So you are into trannies?The WH is full of them.

Acko Manah

Yeah I like’m hehehe

Acko Manah

Dear Sir,

There is no reason to insult people of questionable gender. Just because someone don’t figure out if they are man or woman doesn’t make them evil. It is actions that make people evil not “dool avizon la pate”


If they are illegally in Syria…. can’t you do basically anything you want? In the U.S.A. You are allowed to shoot a Burglar inside your home….. Isn’t this practically the same?

Joe Dirt

WAR 101: You don’t need to be invited when starting a war! :D


AM Hants

They make a habit of gatecrashing, to pillage a nation.

Joe Dirt

WAR 101: Someone always get rich off of War.


And, not only, humans have polluted soil, water and earth but also, the space. Just look at around the Earth, you find I don’t know how many satellites. I ever don’t know how they don’t collide and how one can pass through this sateliite garbage layer.


Save some money for your coffin. Take a coffin with all the options. It’s your lastest buy. You want to be confortable when you will rest in peace.


Pro-government Syrian news? I suppose that the people who are giving us this info are living and working with the same guys we bombed a little while ago? Of course they say the US just wants the oil, but reality is that it’s a little about the multi-million dollar facilities and a lot about how the Deir ez-Zor militia shelled Americans.


Pro-government news are more reliable than american ones. So, stop polluting the space with your garbage sateliites to broadcast shit evberywhere.


Reliable?!?! We were trying to kill each other not to long ago, you might as well get info from the Taliban. You just want an excuse to complain about the US government.


Don’t you invite the Talibans to the White House ?


No, pro-government sources are just as credible as any other western ones. Propoganda comes from both sides. Only dumbass people think they are outsmarting the western propoganda by running to the pro government propoganda and claiming it’s reliable facts.


Absolutely false. When did the syrian government lied ? The syrian gov is by far more reliable than USA.

Joe Dirt

Syrian govt is sooooo reliable that the Syrian people revolted against it’s own govt!!!!!!! :D :D :D


Did you notice that when you give advices to people, they start going after you ? XD. When I said to dutchnational that Turkey will win in Afrin and that kurds better give Afrin to Assad, he was deluded and though that I was telling shit. Now, he is crying.

Just like when I was telling to someone who smoke not to smoke. He said that it’s not my business and what I care. XD.

It’s just like when I say that in the global dictactorshiop, you will all loose your freedom and become zombies. It’s highty important, but people don’t seem to understand how the battle is important.

Just like when the earth will be overpopulated, water polluted and food will have no more quality, air pollution, you will all be zombies. And all the pollution you eat, you drink and you breathe will make people very sick. And instead of reparing the real problem (pollution and enslavement), people will make futur politicians and doctors (crooks) very richs. XD.


And also what makes me laugh is that people who prefer not to care about nature and destroy everything (basically people like Trump) like to make money by destroying the planet and then, they go buy big houses surrounded by trees and forest. XD. Isn’t that funny ?

That’s why it’s better to cut the planet into two part : the responsible one and the not responsible one. each part stay on his side.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Just like the goddamned Israelis… Illegal invasion, illegal occupation, then steal natural resources.


And that’s why capitalism doesn’t work. If you look carefully, capitalism is the synonym of stealing.

People make you think that capitalism is Bill gates or Apple or whatever. But, you can’t have 1 billion Bill Gates. Someone makes something big and it’s a great and rare achievement. But, people think that they can all be Bill Gates. XD.

Bill Gates is rich because people buy his stuff that they really need even if Linux is free but not for everybody.

But, 99% of people who make huge amount of big money are thiefs or crooks. That’s why, now, USA is stealing syrian oil. Even Trump said that USA should have remained in Iraq to steal oil from iraqis.


An honest & well regulated Capitalism is the only system in history to have provided progress for the many: honest competition produces more & better goods & services at cheaper prices. Crap companies go broke, efficient companies prosper, in competition with others to keep prices keen.

Since 2008, piss-poorly run Big Bankster Cartels were deemed “Too Big To Fail” by our spineless bought & paid for poxy politicians. This is Big Business more powerful than govts. This is Fascism.

The West we now live in is the ROTHSCHILD CENTRAL BANKSTER WESTERN EMPIRE. IT’S A FASCIST EMPIRE. The UK is the fast rotting brains. Rothschild Zionist Israhell is the permanent spur towards wars & the mad U$Asylum Empire is the mad attack dog on a chain of debt in the Banksters’ hands.

John Doran.


It’s called national-socialism. You can’t rely on honesty of people. If you rely on regulation, it’s not capitalism no more, it’s socialism.


Then what do you rely on? Machine guns?


If Assad says something, there is 99% chance, he will do what he said. If Trump says something, there is 99% chance that he lied.

USA is not reliable. Never ever trust USA.

Joe Dirt

Never trust Serious! :D :D Serious the Kremlin troll! :D :D


C Trumpom, STO PRO.


People think that USA was in Syria only to “fight” ISIS and then USA will leave Syria and go back home. XD.

Do you think that USA implemented all this strategy to leave now ? XD. USA is building military bases, in SDF land and has basically stolen half of Syria. USA will share and operate the natural ressources making some american CEO very rich.

That’s the truth.


This is what empires in the great colonial tradition have always done


Yes, if they can, but they will be thwarted, and Syrian oil is only the consolation prize. The US planned to pipe gas through Syria to Europe, as long as Russia holds the coastal strip, the American pipeline cannot be built. At the same time, the Iranian pipeline cannot be built whilst the US holds eastern Syria. Afghanistan was also about an American pipeline, and if Uncle Samuel can’t defeat the Taliban, he has no chance against Syria Russia and Iran.


Remember that USA was in Afghanistan only to fight Ben Laden. XD. Now, they have a permanent military base + a dozen of NATO bases.

I don’t know if people are seeing what it’s hapening or are only talking to talk.

Joe Dirt

USA was in Afghan to stop the Russians!

Acko Manah

Huh? Why would anyone want to go to Afghanistan is beyond me. All the Afghans I know want to get out.

Joe Dirt

The few Afghans you know don’t represent the majority.

Afghanistan is just a region, it’s not a real country. Regardless, USA, UK, India, Pakistan, China, Iran, and Russia understand the geopolitical importance of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan has more value than just drugs.

Acko Manah

You can go there if you want. The one good thing is cheap opium. Otherwise the place sucks massively

Joe Dirt

Afghan does suck! USA is there ONLY because of China, otherwise we would leave.

Acko Manah

Give it up man. I am from Iran and Afghans all want to go to Iran. I told you the only good thing there is cheap opium. Not it isn’t worth it. Your choice. I ain’t going. If Americans are gluttons for punishment go for it. Who am I to stop you? If China wants to go there: let them. They’ll get sick of it. Just like CCCP and Alexander and the rest. The place sucks man! Only an idiot will leave USA to go to Afghanistan. But don’t let me stop you go for it!


The mad U$Asylum Empire wanted Afghan poppy fields for CIA heroin plot to destroy the youth of the world. There are other reasons, but that’s a biggie. John Doran.


You wanna know the truth Jakob? The Taliban wanted to be paid transit fees for the TAPI pipeline, the US thought it would be cheaper to invade, stupid is as stupid does.

Joe Dirt

Countries go bankrupt when they are conquered. And for the Taliban thinking they could challenge the USA, they(the Taliban) got the MOAB! :D

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