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MARCH 2025

US Expert Says Ukraine Can Hold Out For Only 30 Minutes Before Capitulating To Russian Military

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US Expert Says Ukraine Can Hold Out For Only 30 Minutes Before Capitulating To Russian Military

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Kiev becomes increasingly frustrated it is not receiving the Western support it wants.

Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst

In the event of armed clashes, Russia will defeat a significant portion of Ukrainian military units in less than an hour. The New York Times wrote about this possibility in consultation with King’s College London PhD Candidate and US Marine veteran Robert Lee.

“If Russia really wants to unleash its conventional capabilities, they could inflict massive damage in a very short period of time,” Lee said, adding: “They can devastate the Ukrainian military in the east really quickly, within the first 30-40 minutes.”

According to the newspaper, some officials in Kiev share the same view. The head of the Intelligence Service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, General Kirill Budanov, said that in the event of a full-scale conflict without the support of Western countries, defeating Russia in a hypothetical war is unrealistic.

The General said that the Ukrainian military would be neutralized very quickly, its leadership would not be able to coordinate defenses, nor would they be able to supply the frontline. In such a situation, frontline commanders would have to fight alone without the possibility of reserves.

“They will hold up as long as there are bullets,” General Budanov said. “They’ll be able to use what they have in their hands, but believe me without delivery of reserves, there’s not an army in the world that can hold out.”

His frustration with the West is evident as he urged for immediate aid to assist the Ukrainian military against Russia, stating: “They need to decide, either we’re allies as they declare — and in that case allies help one another — or they need to say that this is not exactly the case. If the civilized world wants to avoid catastrophe — and this will be a catastrophe for everyone — we need military technical support now, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, not in a year. Now.”

Moscow has repeatedly denied the allegation that it is preparing to invade Ukraine and attributed the false claim to NATO creating a justification to place more military equipment near the Russian border. However, this has not stopped American media from pushing the false allegation that Russia is preparing to storm Ukraine, without provocation, with up to 175,000 troops.

One senior Ukrainian military official, who spoke to the New York Times on the condition of anonymity, said that if the West failed to support Ukraine, the military would open its weapons depots so Ukrainians can take whatever they want. In addition, General Pavlyuk noted that Ukraine had up to half a million people with military experience that will “start a partisan war” if they do not receive Western support.

“Eight years have passed and there are very many people with military experience who are prepared with weapons in their hands to fight,” he said.

Unfortunately for Kiev, US President Joe Biden ruled out last week the deployment of American soldiers to Ukraine. None-the-less, there are more than 150 US military advisers in Ukraine, a combination of Special Forces and the National Guard, according to two US Defense Department officials.

In last week’s video call between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Biden, the American president warned that economic sanctions imposed on Russia after 2014’s reunification with Crimea would be intensified if a war broke out in Ukraine. Although what the repercussions might be were not revealed, the New York Times believes that Biden will not commit significant military assistance beyond what has already been provided to Ukraine.

Kiev is yet to realize that the US has little interest in resolving the Ukrainian crisis. The US knows full well that Crimea is now a permanent part of Russia and that the Donbass situation can only be resolved through peace initiatives which Kiev has no interest in pursuing. From Washington’s perspective, especially as they pool more resources into opposing China, having unresolved conflicts on Russia’s borders will suffice as it is a relatively costless exercise (retrospectively speaking) that ensures permanent pressure against Moscow, thus allowing the US to concentrate more on opposing China, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.

It does not mean that the US has become disinterested in opposing Moscow, particularly in Eastern Europe, but it also does not mean that it is willing to invest so heavily in the Ukrainian military that has no chance of matching Russia’s military might in the short and medium term. It appears that Washington wants to maintain a Cold War against Russia knowing that it cannot defend Ukraine if a war breaks out.

If a war is to occur, it could see Donbass become a part of Russia like Crimea, or it could see the Donetsk and the Luhansk People’s Republics receive official state recognition from Moscow like in the cases of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. For the US, any of these two potentialities is far worse than the current status quo, hence why it prefers for the current situation to be maintained then see the emergence of another conflict that Ukraine has no chance of winning, like in 2014.


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US Generals also said their men have similar statistics to women soldiers. The US has faith in no one, lol


Russia will not invade Ukraine. They will surely defend their sovereignty if attacked. Any attack on the Donbass region Russia will support unofficially as they did in the past. Mostly by supporting useful military gear, firearms, ammunition and other means of small mobile systems to suppress the attacking forces. They won’t stand in the way if volunteers crossing over to help the people of Donbass. The MSM will lie anyway about anything, but at least they will never have any solid proof of any kind of a invasion like before. And the Ukrainian army in its turn will be defeated again and will lie about the numbers of people they send to die, like before. It is all a show to paint Russia as an aggressor to justify more sanctions, as anything before simply did not work out. Russia did not suffer any of the consequences the West hoped they will. Because there is nothing more they can do, they will just try to do this again. This is already a failure and the goals will not be achieved. They may stop NS2 but will have to freeze for that. Gasprom in future better sell their gas to others and simply refuse business with hostile countries. Only short term, with reduced volumes and at a much higher gas price. That should do it. EU is totally dependent on Russia’s energy exports. They already know it better but the bureaucrats won’t be the ones sitting in the cold.

Last edited 3 years ago by TopGum
Raptar Driver

You maybe correct but that just won’t cut it this time.


Why so?


This is a BS story. The REAL Reason the US will not “invest” militarily in helping out Ukraine is because none of the Poodles (UK and France) are too willing to help because it will lead to their extermination and they dont want instability in Europe either and if the US goes it alone, the US will have its own A$$ served to it in a war with Russia on Russia’s borders and perhaps have New York turned to glass by a Russian Hypersonic missile before it can say “Yankee”.

Last edited 3 years ago by YankeeGoHome
peter mcloughlin

It is true the US had to concentrate its forces against China, but a “Cold War” type stand-off with Russia does not recognize that the nuclear powers are moving towards global conflict, something they managed to avoid during the real Cold War – that era of peace. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/


The “nuclear powers” are not moving towards Global Conflict, its only the Western Globalist Cabal who wants this conflict as it believes it can win and subdue China, Russia and the rest of the non aligned world and have its New World Order ONE world government. No one else ramps up crises or invents crises except the West and its poodles. New anti Russian and anti China fake news are invented daily to start this conflict. In the reality, its too late. China wont stand by if Russia is attacked and vice versa – not because they are best of friends, but simply because if the one falls, the other’s next.The West really has no credible technological military advantage over either Russia or China.

Last edited 3 years ago by YankeeGoHome
Lone Ranger

Finally a realist. Thats how long it would take before a salvo of supersonic cruise missiles take out the RADA, CIA HQ, and every big military airfield. After that, Ukraine is toast.

Frank G

you forget about ammo depots, C&C centers, bridges, rail roads, com centers, front line equipment/soldiers, equipment depots, etc…

Lone Ranger

Once the HQs and airfields are toast the rest doesn’t matter. You won’t be able to coordinate or get stuff from point A to point B. There also will be EW, even EMPs are possible. Frontline troops will run out of ammo within hours. Georgia fell in 5days in 2008. And since than the Russian military has increased its capebilities by multiple order of magnitude.


Ukraine needs to focus on feeding and heating its people and stop all this nonsensical war rhetoric. They have been used and abused by the west and now they are poorer than Albania. Put food on the table and gas in the furnaces.

mike l hutchings

unless Nato is ready to go all the way…their Sabor rattling is a distraction to cover for a weak ass Biden. can you think of a scenario where it would profit Russia to attack the west? this is all bullshit


Nato won’t go all the way because half of Europe would be devastated if they did,the Germans don’t want to commit suicide,although not sure i can say that for the stupid Polish leaders.


The best outcome US is hoping for is to provoke Ukraine to attack Russia, for Russia to react, defeat Ukies army, kill thousands of nazi soldiers, to annex most of Ukie wonderland (so they dont have to feed them) so they will have the reason for Europe to completely cut relations with Russia, to have a reason to fuel world wide antirussian hysteria and to sponsor nazis terrorist groups in the annexed ukie land..

The dont give a flying shit about ukies as nation, their lives or well being. Those biorobots are just a tool (meat for the grinder) in their war to destroy Russia…

Hunter Biden

They don’t need to provoke, they directly command this so called Ukraine since the Maidan putsch. Clowns from Kiev don’t dare to go to bathroom if CIA not approve. So if they attack Donbass it will be only because their masters ordered them to do so. It’s sad to see that people living in Ukraine are nothing but cattle, perhaps not even cattle go to slaughterhouse so easily.


No matter what thats a huge strategic and historical defeat of Russia. The West successfully created another Poland on russian soil ,even more insane and russophobic and more servile towards the West (if thats even possible). Wrong politics since Lenin onwards.


No loss to Russia – only loss to the Poles and the Ukrainian people. The West will abandon them in their hour of need, as usual


Lets start with sanctions first. Russia is not interested in annexing anything. Too much pretext for the West. Just defeat Ukrainian forces and give them a real taste/scare. But it will not happen. Even the US is aware of that. Same way when Iran struck US base in Iraq with their missiles in revenge for the wrongful assassination of Soleimani, who was under diplomatic status. US did nothing about that. They are all talk and walk. They went too far and had to accept the outcome.

Last edited 3 years ago by TopGum

Iranians went even further and assassinated two US officials involved in planning Soleimani murder and not a tweet in the West about their liquidation.


There was a “jens holm” once here. But he had way better grammar than you do.


nope. the real jens actually says “Iam” not “I am”

andre zulu

what would putin do if war starts in belarus…???

Lone Ranger

Same as in Syria. Russia would protect it, they have a legal defense agreement.


Stop those Nato gangsters from taking over.

Peppe il Sicario

Sorry but I hold the rights to the Jizz Hole moniker.


The Russian will definitely destroy they military installment in the east Ukrainian conflict border with ease but they will also need to make out all the air defense and military installment all over .

Lance Ripplinger

An all out war between Ukraine and the Russian Federation is such a preposterous notion. In a theoretical scenario, the Russian military would establish immediate domination of Ukraine’s airspace. Ukraine has no air defenses or air force that could even begin to slow down Russian air operations. The Ukraine army is poorly equipped and trained, with mostly underpaid conscripts. Ukraine itself is one of the top 3 poorest countries in Europe. Several million Ukraine refugees would flee the country in such a horrific scenario. Russia would be a pariah on the world stage, and economically be cut off completely by U.S. economic sanctions. I highly doubt the Russian people are interested at all in going to war. Likely, you would see mass protests across the country. As an American, I am so sick and tired of the neocon warmongers and the Military Industrial Congressional Complex. The U.S. shouldn’t be providing any “aid” or otherwise to Ukraine, or any other country for that matter. Who cares what happens to that crap hole of a country. Let Russia deal with Ukraine with diplomacy, like they have been trying to for years now.


Seems resonable. I just honestly doubt people in Russia would protest in such a case. A nuclear power has one unthinkable option, no one would dare to go too far seriously pocking them. As Putin said it before, if you know that a conflict is unaviodable, you make the first punch and you make it is so powerful, the opponent will not dare to punch back. Russia does not make many threats. It simply does not need to. Only weak and insecure governments do.

Ivan Freely

“…so sick and tired of the neocon [and neolibs] warmongers and the Military Industrial Congressional Complex. The U.S. shouldn’t be providing any “aid” or otherwise to Ukraine, or any other country for that matter.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Raptar Driver

Russia needs not to in inflict massive damage. The cobbled together Ukrainian army will simply defect.




Actually the US is referring to how long the Ukrainian men can withstand sustained violent anal intercourse while drunk on the front line.

Arch Bungle

“… in the event of a full-scale conflict without the support of Western countries, defeating Russia in a hypothetical war is unrealistic.”

Should read:

” … in the event of a full-scale conflict WITH OR WITHOUT the support of Western countries, defeating Russia in a hypothetical war is unrealistic.”

There, Southfront, FIFY!

Miltary Genius

hahaha more than 3 minutes more likely. The Uki hohols are corrupt and cowardly and most importantly Ukraine is part of Russia anyway and the 80% of Ukrainian population wants reunification.


Russia has put the neocons back in the bag.

The end

Imagine all these beautiful Ukrainian boys turned into dust in first 30 minutes. I cannot wonder about stupidity of western and Ukrainian leadership. Being a soldier in Ukrainian army these days is truly a committed job.


Maybe Jens will send some Gay Danes to help Ukraine

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