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MARCH 2025

US F/A-18 Super Hornet Downed Syrian Su-22 In Attempt To Stop Government Advance Against ISIS In Raqqa Province

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US F/A-18 Super Hornet Downed Syrian Su-22 In Attempt To Stop Government Advance Against ISIS In Raqqa Province


On Sunday, a US Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet shot down a Syrian Air Force Su-22 warplane near Ja’Din in the western part of the province of Raqqah.

Ja’Din is located in the area south of the town of Tabqah controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The Su-22 was supporting the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advance towards the ISIS-held town of Resafa located at the Ithriyah-Rusafa-Raqqa road when it was downed by the US warplane.

The Syrian Defense Ministry said in a statement that “This attack comes at a time when the Syrian Arab army and its allies are advancing in the fight against ISIS terrorists who are being defeated in the Syrian desert in more ways than one.”

It added that the US attack was aimed to undermine the government forces effort against ISIS terrorists.

In turn, the US-led coalition argued that the Su-22 dropped bombs near SDF fighters.

“At 6:43pm, a Syrian regime SU-22 dropped bombs near SDF fighters south of Tabqah and, in accordance with rules of engagement and collective self-defense of Coalition partnered forces, was immediately shot down by a US F/A-18E Super Hornet.”

However, the SDF-SAA contact line is located just north of Resafa. Thus, “near SDF fighters” could mean that the warplane was just supporting SAA troops operating against ISIS.

In this case, the US move is another attempt to draw red lines for the internationally recognized government of Syria. Washington sees successfull SAA operations against ISIS as a threat to the US influence in the war-torn country.

The American side unofficially confirmed this saying in the statement that  the Coalition does not seek to “fight Syrian regime, Russian, or pro-regime forces partnered with them, but will not hesitate to defend Coalition or partner forces from any threat.”


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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US has always acted as ISIS air force nothing new there , but being this blatant is again nothing new the difference is more eyes are watching . People have become awakened by their constant flagrant violations international law and UN charters , articles and gen. con. this law breaking must stop .


Another cowardly stab in the back by the ISIS air force. The Zio-whack jobs in the US, goaded by their Israeli masters are getting more and more desperate . . .

Colin Oskapy

Thankfully they did lose 7 of their homosexual brethren in a warship off Japan. Trump the Zionist.


Again, may GOD Himself powerfully intervene on behalf of the Syrian people and govt and bring radical destruction to all weapons of those illegally operating in Syria and put all on a sickbed (with conditions that daily worsen) iuntil they LEAVE Syria.


headhunter888 What is Russia doing about protecting the Syrian Military?


Hope the pilot is OK. Russia will perhaps give a new updated SU-25 to replace it. USA endgame in Syria and wider Middle East is eventually coming, they and proxies losing on the ground and more pockets and encirclements are being formed.


cortisol Syria needs S400 under its own control to shoot down US “Terror Axis” jets.


oh ok if I suggest it, I am dumb but if you copy paste what I said, its good idea. Wow


mark123456 Was testing that reader for opinion, yours is already known.

The response came back as:

“…but shooting down USA jets would certainly cause full scale attack. I think better idea to Russian jets strike near Raqqa…”

It all comes down to: 1. Russia will never give S300 or S400 to Syria. 2. Russia will not give air defence to the Syrian military. 3. Russian jets will never defend Syrian jets in No Go Zones.

Result: The US has established a 55 km No Go Zone around Al Tanf.

Now Raqqa No Go Zone

There will be more US No Go Zones that will be established in Syria.


”Was testing that reader for opinion”

Just saw this now so excuse me for the late reply, but better late than never.

You are so full of crap lol.


I agree some battery systems in back of front lines wouldn’t be a bad idea just to let them know they’re there, but shooting down USA jets would certainly cause full scale attack. I think better idea to Russian jets strike near Raqqa for a while.

SDF border area is the only place Pentagon can even make crappy excuses for attacking Syrian planes. Anywhere else they have absolutely no excuse.


No, it would not cause a full-scale attack.

U.S. foreign policy is astute. It it Russian foreign policy that is brain-dead, sorry.

If Russian foreign policy were as astute as U.S. foreign policy, Russia would supply Syria with nukes under a programme of “nuclear sharing”.


I felt the same way initially More, until I realized that Russia reacts very slowly, unlike the Us, which reacts on the moment, sometimes almost vintictively. Russians are grand chess masters and their plans extend in a mulidimensional way toward reaching certain short and medium, then long term goals. But don’t be fooled, Russia will reach a point where she will respond with limited retaliatory force, but not enough to open a Pandora’s box..just enough to put the aggressor off balance…



Hear you and accept your ideas

In the meantime the Oded Yinon Plan appears to be taking place in Syria.

The slow assistance from the Russian Military results in continuing deaths and injuries of Syrian people, destruction of Infrastructure, economy trashed, etc. War, Conflict and Chaos.

Bear in mind Putin has called for immigration of Israelis (excluding Muslims) into Russia to run businesses, etc.

Putin also considers Netanyahu and Israel as best friends of Russia.


I’d think it was a set up. Americans told SDF to advance to a village they saw ISUS vacating. SAA is deliberately NOT informed that SDF has advanced. SAA bombs what maybe only an hour before was an ISUS position; the unwitting Kurd officer calls HQ saying they are being bombed. Message is relayed to a loitering F18 to splash the offending SyAF plane. An AMRAAM is released from a safe distance and the 60/70s SU22 aircraft doesn’t have a chance. This is a typical US disproportionate response. The stated necessity to protect SDF on the ground assumes the SyAF was bombing the Kurds DELIBERATELY. Was it? Didn’t anyone in the chain of command think that it might be accidental bombing in a fluid frontline? Are they that stupid? Of course not. That is why I think it was a set up to create a further conflict between the Kurds and the Syrians. A deliberate provocation to create hostilities. I imagine that the flight safety protocol will be cancelled again making it very hazardous for US planes to make sorties in Syrian space. From US it is precisely the sort of response that will burn your own hand. Trigger happy. It is sheer incompetence. You’ll see in the next week how they will lose. Of course they will try to bury it in a forest of BS statements. Should be fun…


who would inform SAA that SDF advanced onto the village?


SDF leadership, soldiers showing lots of flags, waving at Syrian aircraft, using prearranged signals, using telephones and walkie-talkies. It is in everyone’s interest to keep each other informed. SAA is less of a problem because there is a huge shooting going on wherever they go. But if ISUS vacates a village and the SDF just quietly steps in… well who’s to know that they’ve done that? You know they were told “Go quietly, you don’t want to alert ISUS to your presence!” Next thing, a Syrian bomb drops nearby. They were set up. Of course US psyops experts in the SDF areas are putting it about that the Syrians want to come and “kill you kurdish boys and girls!” So they put everyone on edge. They are trying to manufacture a conflict between the Kurds and the Syrians.

Alex Black

Its possible i suppose that there was some SDF in the village, but the entire story is suspicious, and will have much worse consequences for the kurds than the Americans. the deep state will take a shit on your lawn and move on to the next fire, but the Kurds will have to live with Syrians for a long long time. If the situation continues to escalate, it may not be so long.


not sure i buy that, wouldnt it be the SDF trying to set up SAA by doing that?


Cui bono? In whose interest is it for hostilities to begin between the Syrians and the Kurds? Not the Syrians’ obviously. If the Kurd controlled area in Syria has only a minority of Kurds, they will struggle to hold it (if they try) after the war. It makes sense for them and the Syrians to treat it as a bargaining counter. What sort of local autonomy can the Kurds expect when they retire to majority Kurd areas? They will need protection from Sultan Erdogan and they would be daft to expect it from American Caesar.


Attrition47 Stop your loser Khazar style Hasbara trolling. Expect a response.

John Mason

tend to agree with you, that F18 would have taken at least 10 minutes from takeoff to launch that strike. 10 minutes on a bombing mission is an eternity, normally takes 3 minutes to find target and release the bombs. A setup as you suggest is on the mark.

Alex Black

unless the jet was in the air on combat patrol. but your view is not impossible

Kim Jong

First: regain Deir ez Zor and the eastern provinces. Then: kill the kurdish rats and their “protectors”.


now all SDF and US forces are fair game for SAA i think yes?


Thegr8rambino Agreed and seconded. Iran should also fire its missiles from west Iran into the Israel controlled US led “Terror Axis”.

John Whitehot

It’s amazing how you keep suggesting people and even countries what should they do. It’s also amazing seeing that they NEVER do what you suggest, quite the contrary.

Your comments should be taken as an example of which is the wrong course to take for the counter-terror axis.


John Whitehot You are a Hasbara – Terror Axis troll that comes out to play on Saturday evening after Sabbath.

Fact: Iran can help Syria by wiping clean Terrorist enclaves.

Russia can clear out the “Terror Axis” very quickly but refuses to so so.


John Whitehot Isn’t it time for your Talmudic prayers? LoL:)))

John Whitehot

expect trolling-storm of indignant “Syria supporters” asking for tougher action against the US and then bitching about how Syria and Russia are too weak and fearful to respond to US acts of aggression.


John Whitehot Written like a proper “Terror Axis” Hasbara troll.


Are you really as stupid as you sound? Let’s see if you can understand this…Hasbara trolls(you)condemn Russia and Syria, denigrate their tactics and demean their soldiers and trivialize their accomplishments. Pro-Syrians (most everyone else) root for Syria and Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. They are happy when the Syrians win and pissed when the west lie and murder. They are also glad that they don’t willy nilly do something that will enable the west to expand the war, this just makes you mad…so who’s the terror axis troll? Syria and Russia will get even, just not the John Wayne knee jerk way you call for. Believe it or not, the real world is not a US western movie. Of, course, I have to scold myself for asking my first question…certainly you’re not, but the pay is good, eh?


zman “…(you)condemn Russia and Syria…”

You are writing stupid nonsense as usual.

Never ever have ever posted against or condemned Mr Assad, Syria or its military.

Russia is condemned on the following grounds:

1. Russia will never give S300 or S400 to Syria. 2. Russia will not give air defence to the Syrian military. 3. Russian jets will never defend Syrian jets in No Go Zones.

Result: The US has established a 55 km No Go Zone around Al Tanf.

Now Raqqa No Go Zone

There will be more US No Go Zones that will be established in Syria.

2017 Facts: Israel freely attacks Syrian military in Damascus, Palmyra, etc. Syria airbase attacked by US. Syrian Air Force jet is shot down. Syrian military convoys are wiped out. US led “Terror Axis” embedded and loose all over Syria.

John Whitehot

you forgot the single, most important “fact”:

Russian/Iranian intervention changed the course of the war, and “zionist” enslaved jihadists have been destroyed.

The rest is the usual mantra you folks keep repeating ad-nauseam and I’ll answer to it (again) it in one simple, basic statement:

Your ragheaded heroes made 1000 step back and 1 forward. You talk about the 1 step forward they made and present it like a defeat for the Counter-Terror Axis.

This is the most basic, asinine form of war propaganda, something that probably places you in Israel, or among Israel ruffians.


John Whitehot You are writing fantasy.

You are a Hasbara – Terror Axis troll that comes out to play on Saturday evening after Sabbath.

Fact: Russia can clear out the “Terror Axis” very quickly but refuses to so so.


John Whitehot

This downing of a Syrian Air Force jet was carried out by the Putin – Lavrov “Our Partners”.

Any mention of Russian weakness / feebleness / cowardliness in Syria will have the loser Hasbara / Terror Axis trolls on the attack demanding:

Let’s do things more slowly in Syria.


Tudor Miron

Exactly. As I mentioned before this is the new agenda of this brave “internet worriors”


Tudor Miron “… “internet worriors”…”

Written like a proper Khazar “Terror Axis” Hasbara troll.


Yeah, More is leading the charge of idiots. He keeps repeating the same old lame shit. He’s so stupid that he doesn’t even realize his comments are backwards. He wouldn’t know military strategy if it hit him in the face.This alone is proof that he gets his talking points from McCain.


zman “….He wouldn’t know military strategy if it hit him in the face…”

Your ideas apply to you and have caused the following on Sovereign Syrian territory:

The sign of military weakness due to lack of Russian support: Syria airbase attacked by US. Syrian Air Force jet is shot down. Syrian military convoys are wiped out. US led “Terror Axis” embedded and loose all over Syria.

The list can go on, etc.

eric zweistein

Here we go. Now that Zion’s proxy forces, aptly named (CR)ISIS are all but beaten, cowardly Zion has to come out of the shadows and reveal its true colors. Good so!


Oh do shut up you antisemitic tosser.


Attrition47 Get back on the road to Tel Aviv, you are a loser Hasbara / Terror Axis troll.


This downing of a Syrian Air Force jet was carried out by the Putin – Lavrov “Our Partners”.

Any mention of Russian weakness / feebleness / cowardliness in Syria will have the loser Hasbara / Terror Axis trolls on the attack demanding:

Let’s do things more slowly in Syria.


Free man

More when I read your posts, I have a feeling that you think you are living in a computer game. WW3 is not a computer game. The millions who will die are real people.


Free man

Can’t write in your Yiddish language so in English:

Trolls like you from “Terror Axis” countries demand a long slow war in Syria which slowly destroys Syrian lives and the Syrian economy.

At the same time also demanding that Syria is not allowed to be defended from the “Terror Axis” countries like the US, NATO, Turkey, etc.

Bottomline there will be no WW3.

The Neoconservatives and the US would be the losers in a nuclear escalation even if accidental, apart from the deaths it would cause the global financial markets to collapse.

The Neoconservatives who lose Israel and Money would be wiped out financially and it would take them 20 or 30 years at least to recover.

Free man

More I know your opinions and I do not agree with them (forgive me for not responding to the issues of Yiddish and the “Terror Axis” countries ). Putin and Assad are both wise leaders who achieve the unbelievable in Syria. Patience is precious.


Free man Last night did research on Secrets of War: Cold War – The Strangelove Factor.

Your ideas about WW3 are fantasy which you and the Terror Axis trolls promote to scare weak gentiles.

There is no chance of WW3 if Russia shoots down a Israel controplled, US led “Terror Axis” airplanes over Sovereign Syrian Territory.

The Neoconservatives and the US would be the losers in a nuclear escalation even if accidental, apart from the deaths it would cause the global financial markets to collapse.

The Neoconservatives who lose Israel and Money, both would be wiped out financially and it would take them 20 or 30 years at least to recover.

Free man

You write all the time about WW3. I’m glad you came to the conclusion that this is a bad idea.


Free man “…You write all the time about WW3….”

Not at all, it is Hasbara and “Terror Axis” trolls who write that there will be WW3 if Russia shoots down US “Terror Axis” jets in Sovereign Syrian Territory.

John Mason

Rather concerning that Russia is sitting on the fence, the rumours that the US and Russia have made a secret deal seems to be true. Very disappointing and a major let down by Lavrov’s comment that the US and coalition should respect Syrian sovereignty. One would have expected something stronger from Lavrov like “US get out from Syria or we will shoot down your aircraft and bomb your illegal bases in Syria”. Russia is now all talk and no action.


What difference have the US-Turkish attacks on the Syrian air force made to the liberation of Syria from the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers? Nothing so I don’t expect the Syrians and their allies to change their approach.


Attrition47 – The loser Khazar / Hasbara / Terror Axis troll on the attack demanding:

No response

No action

No change


John Mason Any mention of Russian weakness / feebleness / cowardliness in Syria will have the loser Hasbara / Terror Axis trolls on the attack demanding:

No response

No action

Let’s do things more slowly in Syria.



Funny, thats what most of the rest of us think about you. You want full scale war and complete chaos in the mid-east. You’re nothing but a US troll, instigating shit and continually talking crap. The Russians and Syrians have done quite well, but you want them to do something as stupid as the US does. The WW3 you mention is what you are wanting. When it comes to cowards, you’re right up there with the best. If you’re so smart and brave, when do you leave for Syria to show them how smart you are?


zman You are living in your own world of fantasy opinions.

Bottomline: The US has established a 55 km no go zone around Al Tanf.

Now Raqqa.

There will be more US No Go Zones that will be established in Syria.

Why: Putin- Russia is too feeble to do anything about it.

Trolls demand: The trolls on this readers forum demand: No response No action Let’s do things more slowly in Syria. There will be WW3

John Whitehot

wow, 55 KM (!!), cut out from the rest of Syria, AND with their rear cut out from the Iraqi side. You should find a way to enlist and specifically ask to be deployed there, since your non-troll miltary analyst mind suggest that they are in a good position.


John Whitehot “…wow, 55 KM (!!), cut out from the rest of Syria,…”

You are a Hasbara – Terror Axis troll that comes out to play on Saturday evening after Sabbath.

Russia can clear out the “Terror Axis” very quickly but refuses to so so.


This is the reasoning of people who have been successfully intimidated. The US shooting down Syrian planes over Syria is not, apparently, “risking full scale war”: such actions are now normal. Whacking the offending planes, even when it is a limited, proportional reaction, would for some reason however be “risking full scale war”. Accepting this double standard seems to mean that the Kremlin has internalized the doctrine of the Chosen People–in which case, why even bother and not let the US just take whatever they want?

John Whitehot

This one finally turned, it was pretty much in the books.

Free man

Unfortunately this was expected once SAA was approaching SDF. Perhaps the Americans felt threatened. Also expected. SAA and SDF should be smart and not “right”. The SAA has no chance against the Americans. And the SDF will remain in Syria with the SAA when the Americans leave.


I dont care about whom did what, and why, we all know why, but the raving bonkers Monkey running the White Hoes is behind this, I cant understand the delusional babbling coming from anyone else, about Wankees, they are simply evil creeps.

What pisses me of is the Russians representatives whom is doing their best to back stab their own credibility, and trust, where they cowardly creep in behind the American wet dream of full spectrum dominance, I dont know what they do in Russia but I ges some of them are probably pathetic drunkards, drooling something about Not poking the Wankees, coward creeps.

Watch the Russians flee home, with their tale between their legs, because the Duma pack of delusional drunkards thinks this will save them, huh, Ruskies, yeah, for an while, but I ges the drunkards dont give an f…. since they will not be killed, but just some million Russians and whom the f…. cares when their own is roiling around and whine like wimps, thinking they will save them self, qujones thinks like that, only rotten corrupt souls is unable to see whats coming, and they really that bloody stupid. I sit an await an full scale invasion of Syria, that one is coming, and the Russians knows it, and they will flee and run home. There is ONLY one kind of response that would be fitting, is to blow every f…. flying piece of shit with an Wankeestan label on, down from the sky and take out the Carriers to, one sweep and they are all gone, the rest of the “force” will do nothing, but again, the Russians blinks, stupid people, because so far it was an home run, Ruskies, the real deal begins now when the wankees are backed into an corners, and somehow Russians MP is already giving up and is ankle grabbing in front of Uncle Scam and the Kosher Nostra, where the insanely stupid Trump rules, and how on earth is it possible to think something will change with an full blown idiot in charge, you are brain dead, Trump is just an whore, cheep Israeli Bitches, comes in buckets.

Trump is the sole reason for this, the pathetic “deal” maker have no problems with lying, cheating and downright evil, this man is dangerous to humanity, the only “good” thing is that this Monkey will ruin the banana republic.

No, stupid Russians, remember this, the day it comes to you, with all the flip flopping, back stabbing and downright cowardliness, will be remembered, that time, you will be totally alone, why bother when we have no idea of where You are, Russians, trust, is more vital than ever and right now you are killing even that, all by your self. In fact the same is going to the stupid Wankees.



S300 pls, or even S75/ S125 is enough. Install them there and in homs near palmyra and near tanf!



S300 or any similar air defence system will not be allowed to be used by the Syrian military to protect Syrian Sovereign territory.

Putin is best friends of Netanyahu and Israel, just an example, Putin wants (non Muslim) immigrants from Israel to settle in Russia.

Because of Israel’s insistence, Russia delayed delivery of the S300 (paid for in advance) to Iran.

Even the kit Russia delivers to Iran and Syria is “Monkey Kit”, faulty, malfunctioning or obsolete.


best friends of netanyahu, lol its called diplomacy. chill out



Which part of Putin’s bend over for Netanyahu diplomacy did you forget to mention:

No S300 or any similar air defence system for Syria.

Putin wants (non Muslim) immigrants from Israel to settle in Russia.

The kit Russia delivers to Iran and Syria is “Monkey Kit”, faulty, malfunctioning or obsolete.


heard you the first time, thats just your opinion. Go bark elsewhere.


mark123456 Continue living in your fantasy:

“…S300 pls, or even S75/ S125 is enough. Install them there and in homs near palmyra and near tanf!…”


ok mate, population of 6bln+ on this planet, sometimes ppl have different opinions. Try not be so obnoxious next time. Have a nice day, sir.

Alejandro Calero

Completamente harto del gobierno estadounidense y de gran parte de sus ciudadanos. Se meten en todos los conflictos buscando solo su propio interés. Dicen luchar contra el terrorismo cuando realmente lo financian y apoyan de todas las formas posibles. Asco, de verdad. Puro asco.


I told you. Assad should have wiped out the SDF, FSA and other “moderate” rebel groups before he worked on ISIS. ISIS was a distraction. He had six years to do this. He didn’t do anything.

Too late now. US military is stronger than Syria’s. Guess Assad will have to settle for a partitioned Syria.

This is the problem with weak leaders. You get invaded by the Big Bully.

Bad news for Iran. Iran will lose a good ally. Syria won’t be able to do anything in the event of the US attacking Iran. Syria will have its hands cut off after the US and SDF finish sweeping through the nation.

Assad was stupid. You study ISIS for a few hours. You will know it’s a fake manufactured group. You know its purpose is purely strategic.

It’s too cartoonish. The beheadings are too theatrical. The Zionist media focus on it is over the top.

Assad got defeated by smart Israelis. Israelis barely lifted a finger throughout the 6 year war but they’ve won the war.

They have captured half of Syria. They have the oil-rich north.

They can keep Assad busy for years fighting insurgents if they want. If they get the US to attack Iran, he can’t help Iran. If they attack Hezbollah, he won’t be able to help them either.

Can’t say I feel too sorry for Assad. He had SIX YEARS to work out what was going on and what he had to do — wipe out SDF and FSA. Now he lost half of Syria. He should never have become the leader. He should have stuck to working in eye hospitals. His brother or a general should have become the leader of Syria after his father died.

Golan Heights is gone forever too. The Israelis will be drilling for oil there soon.

Russians won’t do a thing. They don’t want to fight with USA over Syria. And as I said, Assad had six years to wake up and do something about the invasion. Any fool could see that the US would ally with the moderate rebels and take over Syria, as much as they could grab. It wasn’t Russia’s responsibility. Assad, as leader, should have seen the strategy of the Zionist Axis and thwarted it. He even had Hezbollah and Iran’s help to do it.

And whatever land SDF capture, they’re not going to give back to Assad EVER. He is a FOOL.

I feel bad for the Syrians. I wish they had had a better leader during this time of crisis.


tigbear Syria is led by a “Council of Four” that represent the Syrian sectarian groups led by Mr Al Assad.

This has happened because Mr Bashar Al Assad trusted Putin and the Russians. Putin has no interest in protecting Syria, he is all words and no action.

In 2010 Syria put its trust in Putin / Russia and was betrayed which is why the Terrorist and the “Terror Axis” countries are loose all over Syria.

Facts: Putin – Russia helped Syria at the last moment, Oct 2015 to December 2016 to prevent the fall of the Syrian government and building of the Saudi Qatar oil and gas pipeline.

Since Jan 2017 to prevent the building the help has been reduced.

2010 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2011 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2012 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2013 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2014 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2015 – January to September – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2017 – Minimal Russian help for Syria


May all people of faith earnestly pray that GOD cause severe malfunction and even destruction of every plante helicopter, tank, armored vehicle, gun-mounted pickup, TOW and other missiles, rocket systems and every gun of every soldier and pilot illegally operating in Syria. Pray that He put every soldier and pilot illegally there on a bed of sickness and that the sickness daily worsen until the arrogand and destructive illegal invaders leave Syria.


jamespadgett You have a good sense of humor, LoL:)))


The Israel controlled, US led “Terror Axis” trolls on this readers forum promote WW3 to scare weak gentiles.

There is no chance of WW3 if Russia shoots down US “Terror Axis” airplanes over Sovereign Syrian Territory.

The Neoconservatives and the US would be the losers in a nuclear escalation with a strike on London or NYC even if accidental, apart from the deaths it would cause the global financial markets to collapse.

The Neoconservatives who lose Israel and Money, both would be wiped out financially and it would take them 20 or 30 years at least to recover.


US-led coalition’s support ISIS ! this is terrible , Russia have too destroy this terrorists bastards…


invernes “…US-led coalition’s support ISIS ! this is terrible , Russia have too destroy this terrorists bastards…..”

It will not happen, the people you mention are in the words of Putin and Lavrov: “Our Partners”

Garry Compton

Common on Russia – You shot McCain out the sky in North Vietnam – just wing a couple of US jets, let the pilots bail out and they too, can become War Heroes and have a coosh/kosher government position.

Garry Compton

Assad IS the only Moses in the Middle East – because he can honestly say – “Let My People — Go “.


The SyAF really cannot do much at present about USAF. But in bigger picture, US have lost their proxy regime change war, and are in process of losing their, back up, three way partition Plan-B war. The US has spent a lot of money on this project, going back a decade prior to 2012, and are notoriously, very, bad losers. The US is currently pushing well past all accepted boundaries of international legal conduct, inside of Syrian territory, to try and salvage something of their partition scenario. That means stopping SAA from major moves eastwards, and it was very clear that the SDF crossing over to south bank the Euphrates, way before their Raqqa objective was completed, was all about attempting to blocking the Tiger Forces drive eastwards out of Aleppo Province toward Iraq. The US is the petulant bully here, and, just as when confronting any bully, the SAA must be very wary of taking any premeditated bait here, not to be drawn into dangerous scenario made of the bully’s timing. Whereby any SAA response can be used by the US to expand its aggressive actions inside Syria, using faux-outrage to justify greater action, ruthlessly stoked by compliant US MSM. The Russians for their part are the frustrated adults in the room, watching the US throw increasingly regular direct provocations at SAA, and yet grasping that it is all about systematic results on the ground, and that these must be consistent and hard won in conjunction with SAA’s capabilities, without getting too sidetracked with all the US peripheral bullying. Incidentally, bullying is itself an interesting area – psychologists argue it reveals someone operating from a pathology of weakness not strength – and is maladaptive and unsustainable form of interaction in a given circumstance.


I completely agree. Syria/Russia will respond in their own time, at a point where it will make a difference. To give in and do as the enemy wants is not strategy, it’s falling for the bait. They haven’t gotten this far by falling for western traps.


zman “…Syria/Russia will respond in their own time, at a point where it will make a difference….”

Fighting a war in slow motion.


Russia is condemned on the following grounds:

1. Russia will never give S300 or S400 to Syria. 2. Russia will not give air defence to the Syrian military. 3. Russian jets will never defend Syrian jets in No Go Zones.

Result: The US has established a 55 km No Go Zone around Al Tanf.

Now Raqqa No Go Zone

There will be more US No Go Zones that will be established in Syria.

2017 Facts: Israel freely attacks Syrian military in Damascus, Palmyra, etc. Syria airbase attacked by US. Syrian Air Force jet is shot down. Syrian military convoys are wiped out. US led “Terror Axis” embedded and loose all over Syria.


DJ Double D

This, above all is a complete Slight on Russia. It goes to say something like: ‘Come on, this is what we can do, do something to us if you can’. But what they get is same stuff: ‘Russia suspends flight coordination with US and its allies’. And as we know, it will be reopened in few days. Complete Nonsense.


As someone said on another forum: when Putin and Lavrov talk about “our partners”, going by the evidence we should assume they’re speaking the truth. Seems the Kremlin are willing accomplices in the partitioning of Syria. Worldwide, the US gets a big slice of the pie, the Kremlin elite gets a small slice. In the short term, that seems to suffice for them. That in the longer term, Russia will have no allies left–I don’t know, the Kremlin critters may see themselves safely retired in London and Nice when the worst comes to pass.

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