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US Falls Behind In Hypersonic Weapons Race After Another Failed Test

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US Falls Behind In Hypersonic Weapons Race After Another Failed Test

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Originally published on ZeroHedge

America is lagging behind its international competitors in the hypersonic weapons race. This week’s test provided more insight into just how badly the U.S. is behind. 

Bloomberg was the first to report the Common Hypersonic Glide Body atop a two-stage missile booster that failed after an “anomaly” occurred during launch at the Missile Range Facility in Hawaii.

The booster failed to ignite, which would’ve accelerated the rocket in excess of Mach 5, at which the glide body separates and uses speed and an unpredictable path to strike targets without being detected by the most advanced defense shields in the world.

US Falls Behind In Hypersonic Weapons Race After Another Failed Test

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“While the Department was unable to collect data on the entirety of the planned flight profile, the information gathered from this event will provide vital insights,” said Pentagon spokesman Lt. Cdr. Tim Gorman in a statement. He didn’t provide additional details about the failed test.

Gorman said officials would use data from the rocket’s failures to correct the issue for future tests.

Even though the hypersonic weapons program has experienced multiple “fight test anomalies” over the last year, the spokesman was confident the delivery of the weapons to modern battlefields would occur “on target dates beginning in the early 2020s.”

The previous test of the glide body ended early when the booster rocket failed, which prevented the missile from leaving the launch pad. The Navy and Army have jointly been working on developing hypersonic weapons.

US Falls Behind In Hypersonic Weapons Race After Another Failed Test

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The Air Force has also been working on a hypersonic weapon. After several failed tests earlier this year, the service successfully tested a hypersonic missile off Southern California in May.

It’s no secret the U.S. is falling behind the hypersonic weapons race as the largest military in the world, in terms of size and defense budget, has yet to field hypersonic weapons.

Meanwhile, Russia (see: here) and China (see: here) have completed successful tests and or fielded super fast weapons on the modern battlefield.

The Biden administration recently revealed a new trilateral security pact between Australia – United Kingdom – United States (AUKUS) partnership, a move to “accelerate the development of advanced hypersonic and counter-hypersonic capabilities.”

The takeaway is the U.S. is lagging behind the competition in fielding hypersonic weapons as threats of spillovers from the conflict in Ukraine are undoubtedly rising.


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To be honest if this conflict in Ukraine has shown anything it’s that US equipment is sub standard. This may be the reason the US does not want a direct confrontation with Russia, they choose proxy wars instead. Look how badly their “patriot” system performed ( not to mention their abysmal performance in Afghanistan)


NO! What this is proving is that the elites will never strike each other. These weapons are harmless to them because they only attack civilians and stupid people who enlist in their militaries.

Putin and Biden will never strike each other. They are not afraid of these weapons.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

Dont compare inept globohomo usa to Hetero Russia,you come across as desperate yet weak:


Most of these people working with the MIC and US politicians lack a genuine patriotism but rich in corruptions was one of the reason they could not match the Russian hypersonic technology ,


they care for nothing but money that’s spearheading them to an implosion…


SF had messed up my comment, can’t complete it.


And why the fuck that these apammers and scammers are freely posting their shits over here?

Work AT Home

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

Kindly donate to southfront and post here of your factual contribution to free press!


Genetically inept beings,on a scamming ponzi fuckfest,like as if reality ain’t richer anyway!


This is because American military industries care more about profit than performance. They know US will buy whatever they make, if it doesn’t work US military will bring it back, get it fixed and then it will be even more expensive because it’s “upgraded”


“Remember, gentlemen, this country will be ruined by corruption.” (gangster Jack, 1987)


“The Pentagon wars” (1998) is another great movie on the theme.


This was on the news a couple of days ago -after all the USA propaganda -yes we have it ! -no they don’t and for those that don’t know RUSSIA already has ANTI-Hyperglide/sonic missiles designed and active.


Who cares? They will only be used to kill civilians and stupid troops. The elites are not in danger.

Screw Russia and the U.S. elites. Birds of a feather who would never harm each other.


America “cares ” about its prestige. No German rocket scientists to help this time.


Fraud german scientists,seens it were the soviets and french whom mainly had the brains,nazis used a typo low iq wanker to make out it invented the moon,but in reality it were nothing more than a basic college educated harvard twunt,with elon musk bezos attributes= SCAM!


No future in fascism not your lgbtq loser bum,indeed you been outclassed by heteros for ever,gimp!

Bob Dole

This is absolutely ridiculous. A top-Secret weapon development program is being reported on by the main stream news. Up to the moment developments, complete with slick graphics and nearly every relevant detail of the project. This would never happen unless it was being permitted from the top.

You have to ask yourself, “Why is the main stream news giving us this information?”

We are being manipulated by people who intend to depopulate and enslave us all. The New World Order is emerging from the shadows. The leadership of all our countries are working towards this “Great Work”. There is a war being waged against the ‘Useless Eaters’ of planet Earth, which in their eyes is nearly all of us. World Government and the end of freedom and liberty. It’s ‘Their’ planet, and they don’t want to share it with us anymore.


If it makes you feel any better it was published on a USA-technical website-not all Americans are “red-necks ” -young people have had enough and are fighting back in the USA.

Bob Dole

I don’t agree. If the pentagon did not want this information to be published it would not be published. And if it were leaked out, such as the deployment list of soldiers in space, it would get heavily censored and quickly erased from public memory. Bloomberg would not be writing articles about it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bob Dole
Bob Dole

And this Young vs Old narrative you are buying into, this is how our rulers bring about generational change, which they guide every step of the way. Don’t be so naive. The only fighting you are doing is fighting for a world where you will be enslaved or slaughtered.


Come on Bob since when did the “Great ” USA -owner of the world admit its failures -give me a logical reason ?-Naive -who are you kidding ? I am in constant touch with many USA .org websites and have been for years -the young have organised strikes for labor unions although labelled “commies ” -and won.

Last edited 2 years ago by Donnchadh

I live in the U.S. and the “young” have done nothing but fight for abortions and homosexuals because they are all Hollywood indoctrinated retards.\

Labor unions are the most socialist liberal institutions in this country. They are extortionists who have way outlived any real usefulness they had.


Live in America and don’t know about Staten Island Amazon unionize ?


Congratulate your reicht cia/nazi sect,now enjoy your rewards huge hyperinflation and massive refugee dumps,and have nothing but very sad! What you get for messing other countrys,infact no one cares about Trump/biden What have you built since 911 hey? fuk all just nazi wannabe dumb goy kunts!


Exactly they keep people in fear and divided by any means while they kill civilians and stupid enlistees but never each other.

All elites need to be killed.


You got all kinds of assault guns,yet none of you had the balls to even cap a tranny let alone anfita of soros,you did nothing about Trump either,this is why too little too late!


Dude you got a serious problem,but if you can’t deal with the truth Russia is Superior,maybe you ought to join the lgbtq party and take part in your government abortion fuckfests too, not my problem,life is good,see I defended my freedom,not even a single shot fired,but it helps not to hang about with certain people whom assumed God owes them hypersonics!


Why don’t people wake up??????? It’s only ridiculous because you don’t understand the goals!!!

All of this is to keep civilians in fear and control YOU. They will never use these weapons against each other. Putin will never strike Zelensky, much less Biden or any of the other causes of war just as they will never strike Putin.


Putin does not owe your nor your kind anything,Putin is the man you certainly never dared to be, Problem yiddie child without the cause!


Who gives a fuck,they are not going anywhere and I refuse to share any part of my world with any of these low iq stooges,they can’t cut a proper deal fuck them all,meantime life is good seeing Russia deal with these begotten inept sodomised fascist twunts who don’t have what it takes to lead any life by themselfs!

Last edited 2 years ago by BRITAIN LOVES BIO-LAB-AIDZ
hunter bidé lab pork !

They should use a Fake Pcr naziovidiotic text and put then in the Anus !!! PEDO TERRORISTS NAZI IZZIS are good implonding the WEST !!! F OFFFFFFFF NAZI LGTB ABORTIONS PARAZITES !!!


This means absolutely nothing. Hypersonic weapons are not the game changer everyone thinks they are. They are just new toys for the elites to get people excited about.

They will never be used against anyone except civilians and retarded enlistees just as the weapons are already used for.

The elites like Putin and Biden will never use these weapons against each other no more than they will use nukes against each other.

All of these weapons are to keep you under control or kill you if needed. These elites are not against each other, they are against us.


You mean AMERICA always bombs WEAKER countries than itself -900 US bases worldwide -never ending wars -don’t target Russia as the same as the USA that’s VOA/Atlantic Council thinking.


Yes and Russia is the same. That is why we will never see a real war between Russia and America. At most it will be a depopulation war where Putin and Biden sit safely while civilians and stupid enlistees get slaughtered.

I don’t see Russia bombing their “real enemy”. I haven’tseen Russia bombing anything but weaker countries too.


Fullovit,you pathedic subsonic selow dementy uneducated musk fan goy,tranny dump!


Your posts mean shit,neglect the fact how accute and effective Russian missiles are gives the impression your nose is outta joint, worse yet assume god owes you a living where in reality you did absolutely fuk all to defend what you ought to have done since birth for example where you fkn well live,so enjoy the fruits of you cowardness and incompetence and don’t you dare try to insult the more astute far better educated grown up adults who know too well know of your bio-lab weapons you vile utterly evil degenerate sodomite up ye fekn cakewhole gimp USA IS THE SPENT FORCE! You pathedic lethargic subsonic weaklings,pfft!

Last edited 2 years ago by BRITAIN LOVES BIO-LAB-AIDZ

How could Russia shoot these down if they start to work?


With S-500 constructed to intercept hyper-sonic and medium range ballistic missiles and with A-235, which is faster than bullet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PhQK_Qqhmg


If russia can shoot down their own in testing,they can also shoot down anything else,usa cant and shant achieve hypersonic status,they would need trillions to try in vain to suceed see usa wasted trillions on useless programs where as russia certainly didn’t hypersonics are the most expensive to succeed see! Don’t let the nocando msm poof suggest these can be had for millions,they cant,but sure russia can manufacture them in the droves,because they did infact invested trillions without msm gibberish crap!

Last edited 2 years ago by BRITAIN LOVES BIO-LAB-AIDZ
helene matz

too maany macsh1ts and nazo fries rot the brain yeeha plus a dash of bidet sauce what can go wrongwrongwrong

helene matz

they should try hot air balloons there is lots of it in the landof the fruitcakes himarsofthefreaks

Evil Empire

They should resurrect nazi von Braun to help them again. They obviously can’t make a rocket without him.


hahaaaaa I was just thinking that. We took all the Nazi rocket scientists and now that they’re all dead no fresh talent has been imported into the country. The empire is collapsing, get the champagne bottles ready. On the bighter side of news, our opiates that we give our citizens are still the most addictive and we lead the world in obesity, autism and medical bankruptcy.


Correction,french/soviet scietists, nazi was a cia wank,eg musk/bezos fake x,nazis are cursed liars!


Von braun is a cia wanker,usa never made it too the moon,so much about your great subsonic nazi pigs!


It’s time to admit that the U.S. has fallen behind. No need to be in denial. This is what happens when you invest more time, effort, research and development on LGBTQ androgynous body armor instead of focusing on real military advancements. And just wait until the F35s are used in a dog fight against a Russian fighter jet. Those fat overpriced American hamburgers with wings are going to heat up and the engine will blow in mid air. 1.5 trillion dollars spent on the F35 fighter jet program, typical American squandering of tax payer dollars.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Peter Jennings

The USMIC, caught with their pants down. That’s where decades of cronyism and corruption get you. No amount of back slapping with solve the problem. By the time the US and its nato poodles have caught up, Russian and China will already be on hypersonic Mk3.


And also have (factual heterosexual Spartan battalion) PUT The END TO Athenian hellywood MYTH, once and for all,God Bless Mother Russia and her Hetero battalion of brave christian warriors,amen!


Genetic disorderly cia/nazis not in their genes to muster brilliance so they had to fake all moon landings.


Cia/soros/lgbtq vile fed reserve sewer rats will cry in rage….. CHECK…MATE! Enjoy hyperinflation weapon now usa! (cia creeps)

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