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MARCH 2025

US Forces Abandon 4th Military Base In Iraq. CENTCOM Confirms Deployment Of Patriot Systems

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US Forces Abandon 4th Military Base In Iraq. CENTCOM Confirms Deployment Of Patriot Systems

US Patriot missiles file image

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) officially confirmed the deployment of new Patriot missile systems to Iraq.

In a statement on April 2, Bill Urban, a spokesman for CENTCOM confirmed the deployment, saying the US military would not provide further status updates on the movement of Patriot missile systems into Iraq for security reasons.

“The US military continues to coordinate the effort with its Iraqi partners,” he said, adding, “The Iraqi Government is well aware of our collective need for air defense protection of service members within Iraq”.

Additionally, Pentagon spokesman Commander Sean Robertson said that “for operational security reasons, we are not providing status updates as those systems come online.”

The deployment goes contrary to the position of the Iraqi Parliament that demands the US withdrawal from the country.

US Forces Abandon 4th Military Base In Iraq. CENTCOM Confirms Deployment Of Patriot Systems

The second name of the al-Habbaniyeh base is al-Taqaddum. Click to see the full-size image

Meanwhile, the US military continued regrouping its forces in the country. US troops already withdrew from the bases of al-Qaim, K1 (Kirkuk), al-Qayyarah. On April 4, US forces are set to start withdrawing from the 4th base – al-Habbaniyeh, located in the province of al-Anbar.


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Daniel Martin

“The deployment goes contrary to the position of the Iraqi Parliament that demands the US withdrawal from the country“

The arrogance and disrespect for the Iraqi parliaments demands can’t be more vivid then this. Must be a hell of a “partnership”

Free man

Only the Iraqi government has the authority to ask foreign forces to leave Iraq. The Iraqi government led by the pro-American prime minister didn’t request it. So if the Shiite pro-Iranian militias won’t attack Iraqi army bases in which there are coalition forces, nothing will happen. The mullahs regime don’t understand that the Americans don’t know how to bullshit. If threatened, they are preparing for war. Although the Iranians and their militias are just barking.


You got to understand that war with Iran will not be a walk in the bark! It will be ten times worse than Vietnam for the Americunts and could easily evolve into WW3.


Free man

If Iran and the pro-Iranian militias continue to threaten the US and then attack the US forces. Learning from past experience, What do you think the Americans will do? If you think they will run away, then it is worthwhile for pro-Iranian militias to continue attacking Iraqi bases. I think the Americans will fight and kill 100 times their number of dead. And destroy everything along the way.


Americunts may kill a few civilians like women and children here and there as they always do but they will die too and will eventually be forced out with their tail between their legs!

jade villaceran

did the iran just bomb us bases in iraq? trump will retaliate but nothing happened? who’s barking now?

Toni Liu

Kill thousand of them will never resolve their main problem which is as Iraq occupier that need to be removed by force or political

Free man

Trump is headed for the presidential election. I think he wants to leave Syria and Iraq. He said in the past that the US shouldn’t be part of the “stupid wars” of the Middle East. But if the pro-Iranian militias attack the US forces, Trump will respond with great force. Any other respond would lead to his loss in the election.

Swift Laggard II

they are running away from afghanistan. you need to come down to reality my friend


On the contrary, BOTH parliament and prime minister (former PM and interim PM) asked them to leave, but since they are not “pro American” let’s ignore them. This new guy, Al-Zarfi or whatever, by unconstitutional order of Barham Salih is not PM yet. He has to gain the parliament’s vote of confidence first. We’ll see what happens next.

If American forces do not leave Iraq by civilized and well mannered request of Iraqi parliament, PM and people, perhaps they’ll try something more fitting to the manner of Americans. I doubt Iraqis need our help in that regard.

Free man

I think you are wrong in both cases. The Iraqi army, for the most part, is pro-American. You guys are promoting a war that Iraq doesn’t want or needs.

Séamus Ó Néill

Not even Americans are pro-American….they are loathed and detested the world over !

Free man

Have you already applied for a Green Card ? It’s funny how a lot of people “hate” the US but will cut their right arm for an American citizenship.

Séamus Ó Néill

Why would I want a “green card”, If I wanted to walk knee deep in excrement, I would just go down the sewers. I am what your username says….a free man, carefree and exceedingly happy. However I do get annoyed that the human race still vomits up low life parasites, capable only of murder and destruction…..but Karma, in all its glory, is fast approaching both Israel, America and and a few others !


Well, you’re free to think whatever you want, BUT: Iraqi army or armed forces -be it pro-US or pro-Iran- has no saying whatsoever in that matter. Iraqi parliament has (which it did ask Americans and co. to leave Iraq), Iraqi PM has (which he did too) and Iraqi people have (which they did).

We promote nothing because we (as Iranians) have no saying in that matter. What we have is to say “if you attack us, we’ll respond” which we did and it’s the least we could do. But to some people this is promoting war, not the actual preparation for war and the saber rattling which the US is doing.

Free man

” we (as Iranians) have no saying in that matter.” – The orange man doesn’t think so. And probably this time he’s right.


The orange man doesn’t think so. And probably this time he’s right.

Oh yes!

There’s high chance that the dude who told more than 16,000 lies since he became president, tells the truth this time. Yeah, fat chance!

Source? WAPO and The Hill and as you can see, none is from the dreaded “Mulla regime”. :)

Free man

Maybe you are right and Iran stopped its proxy war in the Middle East after Suleimani was droned. But unlikely.


you would have to ask Taliban mike if they stopped the proxy war …… oh that’s right, he died.

ivan cohen

iranians, yemenis, and many other arab sovereign nations will help iraqi to send home the axis of evil, the most terrorist entity in the world (after a terrorist born nation as israHELL)


Hello, rate my nude photos please absolutely free – https://tinyurl.com/un4co3u


A bit porky…


Why can’t they just LEAVE?


ZOG says no…


Iraq is a Globohomo vassal state, the Iraqi government is free to vote for anything but Globohomo holds the veto.


Long Live The Resistance! Down with Globohomo!

Assad must stay

why is US withdrawing but then deploying patriots waht the hell is going on? not that patriots are that effective but still its weird

Jim Bim

The US is not withdrawing it`s troops, but redrawing most of it`s troops to the new mega base in Kurdish Iraq.


This reorganization of forces is happening in order to concentrate defense systems in several key areas instead of dozens altogether mitigating casualties since you now only have to protect just a couple places. Moreover this will allow for American armed forces to reduce overall footprint in Iraq so they don’t face being cut off from each-other if the PMUs and other organizations start to let the missiles fly.

If I’m not mistaken there is talk of a CRAAM radar being deployed in Iraq with more CIWS type weaponry being flown in as well. So we could see CRAAMs, PHALANXS and other point-defense systems pop-up all over Iraq where Americans are present rather shorty, if not already.

Officially speaking all these reorganization and shuffling of assets and troops is being done in order to better defend against missile attacks. Unofficially though, I think there will be a rather massive round of escalations coming soon between Iran-Iraqi PMUS and American forces.

Traiano Welcome

“concentrate defense systems in several key areas”

Otherwise known as “Getting squeezed into a corner”. Once an occupying force cannot dominate the entire country it’s the beginning of the end. This is because opposing forces get a chance to grow and dominate in the unoccupied spaces.

Swift Laggard II

More than a decade ago, i read a prominent thinker whose prognosis was that the series of wars known as the gwot would fail miserably, because in the 21st century occupying other distant nations would be terribly expensive in blood and dollars. Afghanistan proved him right, the first occupation of iraq proved him right, DJT proved him right when he acknowledged the us has wasted more than 7trillion usd on these wars, thousands of fatalities, and tens of thousands of permanently disabled troops, all with nothing to show for it. Iraq round 2 will be no different whatever you deploy.


We can only hope that sanity prevails over insanity in Washington but my optimism regarding the prospect of American forces leaving Iraq willingly is by all means practically dead.

When you hear rumors of C-RAMS, PATRIOTS and other large systems being flown in with more heavy equipment coming in the idea of a peaceful exit doesn’t make much sense any longer.

Free man

Americans are just reorganizing their forces. You guys don’t understand what’s really going on. The pro-Iranian Shiite militias are threatening Americans. So the Americans are preparing for war. The Americans don’t know how to bullshit.


Neither the Iranians and their allies!

Americunts are already warned. Watch:


Free man

One controls only what he does. When one shoots at another, one should expect a response. When one shoots at another who is much stronger than him, one should expect a disproportionate response.


There is an easy solution for this with zero deaths for anyone: AMERICUNTS MUSTTT LLLEEAAVVEE!

Free man

I hope they leave.

Xoli Xoli

This is Persians very humble and patient.Currently with old by the Almighty until appointed time to be release for fulfillment of last biblical prophetic scriptures. USA Babilon is about to be destroyed completely and forever.

Traiano Welcome

They’re retreating. The Americans are not going to be able to sustain further war in Iraq. It’s the beginning of the end for them, given the economic and social problems about to explode due to Covid-19.


That one is easy. When you need to air defense it takes a lot of resources and there very expansive. Then it’s better to cut the number of bases that needs to be protected. The USA coalition isn’t withdrawing only streamlining operations to coup with current threats.

Xoli Xoli

This Patriot are going to be given to Turkey while some will be use against Syria defense on Israel attack on Iran.Erdogan have made secret undercover deals with Washington.The are tremendous secret plan on Iran attack after upcoming april may meetings.It is severely orchestrated by Pompeo and spearheaded by Pence.Trump is right this coronavirus is nothing.It is a biological flu triggered by 5G radiation waves.It suppress oxygen and stimulating runing nose and cause diarrhea. It actually suppress operation of human nerve system.Becarefull for up coming global force vaccine immunization. It is when their will forcefully inplanting microchip.Capitalist worldwide will resign and dissapear in underground bunkers.Some will in the excused of being infected and quarantined hidden a gender go in underground bunkers.Get de ionized tablets and switch of modem and destroy network towers and station.

Traiano Welcome

The patriots are there to guard the retreat. It’s going to take a while to move men and equipment out of Iraq, they’ll need to cover their asses on the way out …

Assad must stay

they are useless, theyve been proven useless many times lol


Who do you really think Patriot (from all kinds of air defence! available) was installed to protect, US forces in Iraq or Israel in case US and co started an aggression against Iran/resistance?

The answer is not that hard.

Free man

What a complicated and unclear sentence, to say what? If you guys and your sectoral militias stop threatening the US and stop shooting at Iraqi bases that host coalition forces, nothing will happen.


But also if let alone ME won’t shoot at Americans

Free man

I agree that the Americans should leave Syria and Iraq. But I’m also realistic.

Shia man

So let them steal the wealth of the country and create groups like isis is okay mr.realistic

Free man

Do you want another war in Iraq at this time? Why do you think you know better than the Iraqi government?

Xoli Xoli

There is nothing like new war USANATO and proxies are already at war.Therefore out of fear of information leak in case of suppression their fire very prominent Roosevelt weapon carrier Captain.If other countries which their are against could have done this.Then western media and Pompeo plus associates could have praise such really brilliant captain.

Free man

There is no democracy in the army. One does what his commanders tell him to do. If not, he is fired / thrown in jail. I think the Corona crisis is an opportunity to stop wars, and fight against the Corona together. There will be a lot of time after the of crisis ends for humanitie’s stupid wars .

Shia man

I’m pretty sure the Iraqi government voted to expel US troops. Do you know better then the Iraqi government? No one wants wars but if it’s forced upon us so be it.

Free man

“I’m pretty sure the Iraqi government voted to expel US troops.” – NO. It was the Parliament.

Shia man

I didn’t know parliament isn’t part of the government You need to stop spewing false statements you can’t keep fighting the truth with lies forever how old are you boy you sound dumb

Free man

In a democracy, Parliament is the legislative arm, and the government is the executive arm. But apparently this is not the case in religious totalitarian countries such as Iran.

Shia man

in the US the executive branch and legislative branch are both part of the parliament. Suck on a fat one

Free man

So you still think the parliament is part of the government?

Shia man

In the US the executive branch and legislative branch are both part Of government.

Free man

If you upvoted yourself, you are probably right.

Shia man

No you could go search this up I’m pretty sure information is free on google.

Xoli Xoli

Sorry Chain man you are wrong.


Of course for simpletons every sentence is complicated.

That wasn’t complicated I hope, was it!?

Free man

You write like “a wise man” . In a forum where English is not the main language of the majority, to say the least.


I guess they should kneel and Bob like you do for the ZOG

Free man

No, they should be wise.

Séamus Ó Néill

Is anybody threatening the US in the US. Go home to your own cesspit, somebody might like you there !

Free man

I’m home thank you. I have no intention of flying to Iraq.

Séamus Ó Néill

Well in that case get your mercenary murderers back home !

Free man

I will check with accounting on Monday. But I don’t think the company employs mercenaries.

Séamus Ó Néill

I’ll not get involved in semantics but a “mercenary” is a soldier of fortune, a person primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics. These are not patriots, these are not men enlisting in the defence of their country….America is not under threat…..these are mercenaries, no ifs no buts !

Xoli Xoli

True and obvious it is there to guard when Satanyahu out of desperation goes ballistic very soon.If Erdogan scrap the deal with Putin then he will get two.

Traiano Welcome

They’re installed to cover the long, slow, retreat. Patriots in Iraq are not going to help Israel in anyway.

Lone Ranger

Bon Voyage… Safe journey home.

Traiano Welcome

To covid-19 …

ivan cohen

the hunt for westerners became everyday more serious for american colonialist-zionist-fascist-infamous-criminal-shameful behavior, then it’s time to regroup and cover……

ivan cohen

and we will see soon helys going to escape all that rats, as seen several times in vietnam and other failed ammerrecan operations

Traiano Welcome

‘Tactical Retreat’

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