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US Forces Are ‘In Process’ Of Deploying Air Defense Systems To Iraq: Central Command

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US Forces Are 'In Process' Of Deploying Air Defense Systems To Iraq: Central Command

Capt. Issac Gipson of Biloxi, Mississippi, stands in front of a Patriot missile battery of the 5th Bat. 52nd Regiment of Air Defense Artillery at Camp New Jersey in the Kuwaiti desert, March 17, 2003. (AP/Jean-Marc Bouju)

The US is in the process of deploying air defense systems to Iraq to protect US troops in case of a potential Iranian attack, the head of U.S. Central Command General Kenneth McKenzie said on March 10.

“We are also in the process of bringing air defense systems, ballistic missile defense systems, into Iraq in particular, to protect ourselves against another potential Iranian attack,” General McKenzie said.

Earlier in 2020, the Pentagon announced that it was planning to get an Iraqi permission to deploy Patriot missile defenses into the country to better defend US forces.

The US military buildup followed a military escalation with Iran in the region. On January 3, a US strike assassinated Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Qods Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units in Bahdad. In response to this act of the agression, Iran carried out a missile attack on US military bases in Iraq on January 8. After this, the US military continue its military buildup in the region with an increasing scale.


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US air defenses are a joke, considering their emphasis is overwhelming air superiority, that air superiority has been reduced greatly by EW and robust ballistic missile force than can render airfields inoperable and limit the air sorties flown.


If you missed it, the US has many hundreds of bases beyond Islamist Iran’s effective missile range, capabilities and numbers. Hey, do note that the US can send lots of bombers from even the US if needed. And do note that the US has a thousand times the numbers of missiles to respond in kind. And do note that there is Israel with its own ability to flatten Islamist Iran and provide a base for the US if need be that the Islamist Iranians know would be suicidal to massively attack. Islamist Iran better hope this doesn’t come to it or there will be nothing much left of it as a functioning country and society. Oh, did I mention those tactical nukes both the US and Israel have locked and ready not far off the coast of Iran?


“And do note that the US has a thousand times the numbers of missiles to respond in kind.”

No. They don’t . There are 2 surface to surface missile systems. Tomahawks and ATACMS. Neither are produced is massive numbers and both are pretty mild in terms of effectiveness. The US put their money where the MIC wanted it, manned aircraft.


US currently has no tactical ballistic missiles, yea, cruise missiles which are not very effective.


Certainly nothing like the Iskander.


LOL…sure. Your big bad Iranians are way better than the US and Israel in terms of weapons. Oh, and don’t forget both the US and Israel can put tactical nukes on most all their missiles and deliver them with most their planes and even firer them from artillery.


LOL…and apples to apples. YOU list a side by side comparison of US and Iranian weapons systems. Come on. You’re the expert. Do it. Oh, then add in the Israeli weapons. Oh, and then put tactical Nike war heads in them. Guess in total it might be a million to one if it comes to all out war. And you damn well know it. There won’t be much of a functioning Iranian country or society left.


I’m responding to your point, child. You were wrong. Accept it graciously rather than attempt move the goalposts.


You floggeds got nothing these days to compete,all talk and evil nothing good,this is why you merchant cia floggeds in no position of leverage,as putin flicked ye long noses, leppar liar messiah:


LOL…you’ve overdone your Vodka binging again, Igor.

Assad must stay

Hey Jesus I missed u man

AM Hants

Thought they were thrown out of Iraq? So now they provide Iraq with systems that are proven to be ineffective?


They have been quite effective in Israel. But, yes, so much for the Iraqis throwing the US out.

Pave Way IV

The U.S. will never leave Iraq. We occupy it as a kind of vassal state. It’s war booty to the U.S., nothing more. We purposely kept the ‘new’ Iraqi army weak, useless, under-equipped and divided so they can’t boot us out. Same with the security police – both are worthless against either the US or ISIS. Worst case, the US might pull some troops out of Baghdad (don’t hold your breath), but isn’t leaving Iraqi Kurdistan or Anbar… ever.

The only reason we might pull a few token troops out of Baghdad is because my leaders were busy over the last couple of decades building out a loyal, obedient, CIA/Mossad-lapdog Iraqi Intelligence apparatus and surveillance state. Iraqi Intelligence thugs infest and control everything in Baghdad. They’re the enforcers and liquidators for the CIA and US State Department if any Iraqi politicians get too out of line. The Iraqi government never had a say in the matter, and the U.S. basically ignores the Iraqi Parliament because they depend on the government and military to enforce their decisions (and Iraqi Intelligence is there to prevent that from ever happening). That’s what we meant by ‘rebuilding Iraq’ – full-spectrum dominance over the Iraqi state.

The Barzani Mafia is already well-bribed and owned by U.S. interests. Barzani doesn’t trust the U.S., but he will obey us as long as he remains the Kurdish Mafia King.

Baghdad/government, Kurds… the only other piece of the U.S. partition plan is Anbar. That’s where the huge Ain al Assad Airbase is located and that’s where we train thousands of anti-Shia/anti-Iran/anti-PMU head-choppers (under the guise of anti-ISIS operations). That’s the current front line observation base in Israel’s (and the U.S.’s) war with Iran. That’s also the blood-for-oil pipeline route to Israel. God gave all the Iraqi oil to Israel, I guess. I never saw the memo.

AM Hants

However Iraq doesn’t want the US there and neither do the US tax payers.

Pave Way IV

Yep. We should probably do something about that. It’s starting to piss me off.

AM Hants

Ditto. Just cannot get my head around the arrogance of Washington DC and pure lack of respect to sovereign nations.

Raptar Driver

Shinar. This is Biblical man.

Pave Way IV

The drunkard Noah passed out in his tent – naked for some bizarre reason. Poor Ham drops by to say hello, and instead sees his naked father and his penis and laughs about it. His homophobic brothers had to walk into the tent backwards to throw a rug over the degenerate wino without gazing at the dreaded organ. No sense of humor, I guess. Noah curses Ham’s son because… I don’t know… wine hangover? Small penis? Embarrassing tattoo he got in the navy?

Yes – this explains a lot about the world today.

Raptar Driver

You would be drinking heavy too if you had to build an ark to save the physical world from itself. Yes and your ignorant comment explains a lot about you.

Pave Way IV

He was done building the ark – this was after the deluge. And while I respect any religion’s belief in the truth or specific details of these accounts for whatever reason, I reject any religion using their particular interpretation of to justify religious bigotry or racial apartheid-ism in any form. Besides, Noah wasn’t God. Since when did Noah have any magical super-powers to curse all his grandsons offspring, or anyone else for that matter? This was what he willed to happen, it wasn’t just a prediction. In either case, willing this or foreseeing it would only be within the powers of God, himself, and I don’t recall him being involved in this sorry fiasco at all -or- giving Noah any super-powers. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Raptar Driver

Yes, that is why I used the past tense. Noah was the last of the great Patrarcks

Pave Way IV

An all powerful being is sitting there one day by himself (or herself), and decides to make the universe and mankind… to worship and obey him.

That’s not a loving god, that’s a f’king pathetic psychopath.

An all powerful being makes humans with intelligence and curiosity, but forbids mankind from knowing some secret stuff for some reason.

That’s not a loving god, that’s a f’king pathetic psychopath.

Man does what he’s genetically programmed to do: seek knowledge, eat apple, etc. The vindictive creator then throws his worship-pets out of Eden and torments them for an eternity for their disobedience.

That’s not a loving god, that’s a f’king pathetic psychopath.

So many of the all powerful being’s worship pets fail to worship and ‘obey’ him that the all powerful being decides to mercilessly kill them all with a flood… except for a few select breeders – man and animal – to see if the new crop behaves and worships him.

That’s not a loving god, that’s a f’king pathetic psychopath.

Now you’re telling me that one of his obedient, worshipping breeders, Noah, was given psychopathic god-like powers to do with as he saw fit. And the only account of him using those powers was to curse his grandson’s offspring for an eternity because his son saw him naked (or disrespected or disobeyed him or whatever).

See, if I was a psychopath and sat around for decades thinking about the best way to amass power and control over everyone else to exploit them for my own benefit, I would create a god who was the exact same kind of psychopathic degenerate. Then it’s just a matter of beating the ideas of subjugation, helplessness, worship, punishment, rewards and obedience into the peons with religion. I mean… who are the little people to argue with someone who claims to have divine knowledge of the nature of a psychopathic God?

Sorry, but my God created me in his image, and he’s not a pathetic f’king psychopath. He didn’t create me to worship or obey him, he doesn’t punish or reward me and he damn sure doesn’t have forbidden secrets that I am not allowed to know. It’s all in my DNA – he didn’t build a slave.

I only have a problem with the claimed decision-making of someone you many recognize as God. Why? DNA, again. I was programmed to survive by staying healthy and defending myself, family and fellow human beings against diseases. Psychopathy is a disease – I am programed to repel or destroy it. No offense to your ‘God’.


Didn’t the American father, mother, sons & daughters indulging in mutual incessant under LBGTQ glory when they see the drunk dad?


LOL…So much for the Iraqis kicking the US out.


These are juicy targets for 4gen warfare. Easy to hit, high value and hard to defend.


Always the Ziojew filth with the most retarded trolling ever, those JIDF paymasters of yours are wasting it all.


Iraq is a shithole, the U.S should deploy whatever they want to protect their forces and make Iraq pay for it too. How’s that for a comment?

Furkan Sahin

Saudi is lose war Houthis have win war haha lol :D

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

Soon the USA will step in to help the Saudis and then (houthis have LOSE war). How is that?

The US is already in to help, they’re deployed in Aden, but they won’t be able to stop the Houthis from capturing that, like Marib, so go cry elsewhere Wahhabi Jew


Like they have won in Afghanistan! Bombing funerals and wedding parties is your way, man on man your fat, overweight boys would be eaten, perhaps literally, by the Houthis. No, best stay at home and stay safe.

Kenny Jones ™

Don’t try to argue with this zionist, you can’t win

Furkan Sahin

I swear if the Houthis have their own full land they will win against Israel

Kenny Jones ™

Yes but for now I think it’s about the important parts of the land, the big cities like Marib and Aden and the oil fields, who cares about the desert near Oman

Kenny Jones ™

You should keep an eye on Iraq in May-October. This may sound odd now, but still do it ;)


What’s up Kenny? long time no see. I must admit I missed you, you are a ray of light in the comments compared to the deluded mentaly psychos here. Anyway, last time we talked I told you Gantz will win and he did, 62 seats vs 58 to Bibi. But “suddenly” 3 Knesset members from Gantz’s coalition decided to defect to Bibi’s coalition, they literally stole our votes. All is not lost yet, Gantz can still be the PM but it’s just harder now. And about Iraq, I don’t really care what’s going on there as long as no U.S soldiers die, but I do think U.S policy vs Iran needs to change after their missiles attacks. I also think we’re headed to a regional conflict, I might be wrong but atleast Hamas and Islamic Jihad will finally disappear :)

Kenny Jones ™

No US soldiers die? Wahaha, that’s exactly what’s gonna happen, good old roadside bombs will expel them from Iraq and Syria too. Do you know why May-October? 100 year anniversary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraqi_revolt_of_1920 First the British, now the Americans, history repeats itself :)


Well Kenny, the U.S are not the British bro, I don’t think it will be good for Iraqis to hurt U.S forces again. But sure, if they wanna start another insurgency they can do it, will it be worth it? you tell me.

Kenny Jones ™

The US was expelled in 2011 in the same way, IEDs, what has changed now?


You think killing American soldiers is what will make them leave? almost 20 years in Afghanistan, thousands of dead soldiers yet they didn’t leave till they signed a peace deal with the Taliban. I mean, yes PMU can make them bleed just like Hezbollah can make us bleed, but Trump can go crazy and wipe out entire places in Iraq as a retaliation. It will give Iraqis nothing only serve Iranian interests, just like they use Lebanon for their interests. Which is why Hezbollah won’t kill Israeli soldiers like in 2006, PMU can make the same mistake against the Americans.

Kenny Jones ™

Then I will speak to you at the end of 2020


Alot depends on who will win the U.S November elections – Trump or Sanders. I still think that attacking U.S soldiers directly is a bad idea…but it’s only me.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

Next iranian missile attack will be completely foiled, considering the most recent one was almost foiled by itself (50% of the missiles failed to reach targets, self-destructed mid-flight)

My stone slinger could intercept missiles better than the yankee patriot

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I’m sure Iran will help remove them as a national security threat to Iran.

klove and light

please STOP with childish stupid moronic sentences……… yES the USA is pure Evil, but if you believe that IRAN can get the US focres out of the Country you are totally brainwashed……….

There is JUST ONE possibility to get US Forces out of iraq………

The UPrRISING of the IRAQI Population,,,, meaning concrete, that the CIVILIAN Population MUST BESIEGE the US bases and the US embassy, not letting anybody IN or anybody OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Problem here by is, that them zionits know that to, and are doing everything possible to DEVIDE the Population into sunni and shiite and kurds and the various Clans that still hold immense power in middle eastern countries!!!!!!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Iran already achieve the feat in 2011 when Obama was forced to withdraw the bulk of the U.S. military presence, leaving behind just a rump force.


The US Zioterrorists are hard at work trying to kill the Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran axis of anti-Ziowahhabi terrorism. Zionist, Ukronazi and Wahhabi/MB types are in turmoil like the global casino markets so this kind of moves will become more frequent. There’s no much time to be treating the US-led greedy Ziowahhabi terrorists like “partners”.

Concrete Mike

Hah 2 months too late suckers!

Wont change a damn thing on the ground, just keep wasting money abroad usa, while your home.infrastructure crumbles.

Assad must stay

its the ghost of the soviet union striking back from beyond the grave lol

Dick Von Dast'Ard

U.S. Pentagon appears to have transferred a few thousand ISIS to Afghanistan and a few thousand GI Jolene from Afghanistan back to Iraq.

Assad must stay

gi jolene hahahaha


The obvious right answer would be for the US/Zog to pack up and leave Iraq and Syria.


And Europe,Ron.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

Not a chance, Iraq’s oil belongs ONLY the the Iraqi People, not the Mullah Regime or Syria and its backers. Also US presence in Iraq deters the Mullah proxies from threatening Israel and occupying territory where they don’t belong

Assad must stay

and iran and its allies keep saying it will force them out since soleimani died but nothing is happening wtf?

klove and light

dont ever underestimate the wickedness and evilness of satanic zionism…..

for all the donks here…as i pointed out dozens of times the last YEARS……..

THE U.S.A. will NEVER leave IRAQ. THE U.S.A will never leave Afghanistan

ps. they are still in Germany,Japan,Italy 70years+ after the war

they are still in Korea 60 years+ after the war

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews, the houthi Slogan, the bravest of the brave


If Iraq truly gives a green light for this then their government should be overthrown by the people of Iraq immediately and all collaborators of the occupation should be executed.


Probably irrelevant… Iranian missiles as it turns out are quite good versus look what happened to oil plants in Saudi defended by these same AD systems.

Peter Jennings

The Iranian admin are relying on long term diplomacy and trust to forge alliances between their neighbouring countries. The US sending more death to Iraq will only make the Iranian viewpoint all the more convincing. The US should have learned their lesson in Afghanistan.

The US are in Iraq so they can attack Iran and Syria when they choose whilst plundering the oil and anything else they can get their hands on. Iraqi’s have begun to understand the future realities. They fought for Saddam but their hearts weren’t really in that fight. Continued US aggression may just create a monster that bites them.


With Trump re-elected the heat once more will be on Iran with the aim of enabling the Zionist dream of ‘From the river to the sea‘. Little by little bit by bit With the body count rising. Then of course there is the plan to destabilise Europe with a continuing flood of economic immigrants, both occurring concurrently- what joy!

Xoli Xoli

USA were requested to leave why would their deploy system. It is actually for Turkey. Because bankrupse USANATO and Turkey wants war.


Did the Iraqis agree to this:

“McKenzie did not provide specific information Tuesday about the movement of air and missile defense capabilities into Iraq, and none of the lawmakers asked him to expand on his announcement. It was not clear precisely when such defensive systems would arrive in Iraq or where in the country they would be placed.”

– CENTCOM general: US is moving air and missile defense weapons into Iraq –


klove and light

booooo woooooo LOLOLOLOL

Houthi Forces just entering MARIB City… WWWWWWWWWWWWWooooooooWWWWWWWWWWW

now that will cause sleepless nights for the Zionist slaves of the house of Saud and the child rapists of UAE

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

and they will be encircled and destroyed by the superior Royal Saudi Army

Concrete Mike

Bwahahahaha yo dogg. Whoever sells your crack is the finest dope.dealer around!

The Objective

It looks like another civil war is about to start in Iraq. The Iraqi security forces are doing all they can to prevent the re-emergence of ISIS, but it is doubtful if they’d succeed. The U.S now publicly states that a regime change in Iraq is necessary.

America’s very aggressive steps in Iraq is as a result of the the militias that Iran has trained and armed in Iraq.

It looks like Iran’s training and arming of independent armies in other countries will soon usher in massive destruction upon Iraq as the U.S mercilessly tries to destroy these militias.

IRAN, please leave other weaker countries out of your war with the U.S. Stop turning sovereign nations into a battleground between Iran and the U.S. Don’t you see what your strategy of training and deploying proxies is causing in these countries? Death, destruction of cities, refugees, and civilian suffering in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq. If you had kept your distance from these countries, they wouldn’t be in such a jam. Why won’t Iran face its enemies directly instead of training and arming proxies in other countries? Do you seek permission from the legitimate governments of these countries before creating your proxy armies? Would you like it if another country created a proxy army in Iran to fight its enemy on Iranian soil? You claim to be an Islamic nation, but your strategy of warfare is quite unislamic.

Iran knows how evil the U.S and Israel are. They won’t mind massacring a million civilians just to destroy a thousand proxy forces. Why risk the lives of these innocent civilians by inviting an American attack on their country? At least show some morality.


Does Iraq even have legal control of its airspace, meaning air traffic controllers and all say over who flys where? USA never stopped Turkey from attacking Kurds in Iraq.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

These Patriot-PAC3 systems will protect all US troops in Iraq/eastern Syria from Iranian/Syrian/Russian ballistic missile/cruise missile and drone attacks with over 95% interception rates, as proven by Israel since the 1980’s, Saudi Arabia since the 90’s till today, and plenty of other allies


lol they are for protection against enraged iraqis who want the occupiers gone you dik

cechas vodobenikov

r u really this stupid? even US experts claim no more than 30%—iron dome can’t even intercept most unguided katusha rockets….your ignorance amuses….SA patriot systems—the best trash amerika has produced, was unable to intercept Houthis drones….u r obviously a stupid amerikan…”amerikans live in a thicket of illusions–they demand illusions about themselves”. Daniel Boorstin

Assad must stay


cechas vodobenikov

Iraq demands that all imperialist amerikans leave—permission will be denied

John Brown

I bet the systems will be destroyed on the ground by Iraqis.


Patriot missiles? How terribly frightened everyone must be.


that is for protection of eastern kurdish state (israel 2-a). western kurdish state (israel 2-b) on Syrian soil is also loading but heavily delayed due to Putin.


For the sake of the soldier I hope this is not the same model with they deploy on SA which is pretty much useless.

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