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US forces leaving al-Tanf…and Syria: Russia remains in the Levant

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US forces leaving al-Tanf…and Syria: Russia remains in the Levant

Written by Elijah J. Magnier: @ejmalrai; Originally appeared at his blog

Russian advisors visiting the Syrian capital Damascus are confident that the US forces will pull out of al-Tanf and will also aim to completely withdraw from north of Syria (al-Hasaka and Deir-Ezzour) in the next six months.

According to top decision makers based in Damascus, the US President Donald Trump is pushing his administration to approve an already prepared total withdrawal plan. Despite Trump’s limited knowledge of foreign policy and being unaware of the consequences of his decisions in the international arena, however, he found no convincing elements – said the sources, who asked to remain anonymous – in the presentation by his administration where US forces could benefit from the continuation of their presence in such a hostile environment and without suffering hits in the future. Trump’s biggest fear to see the US special forces deployed in the north of Syria and in Iraq returning to the country “in plastic bags”. He would certainly find it hard to offer any explanation for the US occupation of the Levant after the defeat of ISIS (the “Islamic State” group) or what remained of it in Syria and Iraq.

Moreover, Trump noticed that the hostility against its forces in Iraq was growing: Iraqi security forces (Hashd al-Sha’bi) vowed revenge on the US following the destruction by unknown jets (believed to be Israeli) of their command and control position on the Iraqi-Syrian borders with specific orders to stop and destroy ISIS terrorist groups  crossing into Iraq.

US forces leaving al-Tanf…and Syria: Russia remains in the Levant

The sources believe president Trump is not ready – despite his passionate support of Israel – to see US forces paying the price of a game Israel has excelled in playing for decades. Israel is used to accepting hits in exchange for the consequences of its action against its neighbours.

Russian sources involved in the preparation of the Putin-Trump summit, expected this month in Europe, believe the Russian President can offer enough guarantees to the US president to leave the Levant before US gets caught into the Syrian-Iraqi quagmire. The key to attaining this objective is for Trump to hold enough elements to guarantee the safety of Israeli – to his mind – with no Iranian or Hezbollah forces deployed on the disengagement line of 1974. But of course Russia cannot offer any guarantee that Syria will not claim back its occupied territory in the Golan Heights.

Actually, Damascus is not concerned with offering any guarantees to Israel. Nevertheless, since the central government doesn’t need friendly foreign units deployed in the country once all of the Syrian territory occupied after 2011 is liberated (including the north), the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad can guarantee the control of the Syrian army throughout his country. The only exception remains on the borders between Lebanon and Syria, where close collaboration with the de facto forces on the ground is needed by both sides to prevent the smuggling of weapons and the passage of jihadists across the borders.

Russian considers that the US and Israel have accepted the defeat of the “regime change” goal in Syria and that this failed attempt, after over 7 years of war, strengthen the “Axis of the Resistance” despite billions of dollars invested to break off Syria from this “axis”. Moreover, it is aware that it was the Obama administration that allowed ISIS to grow without timely intervention to stop it, creating a local force, in Iraq hostile to the US.

US forces leaving al-Tanf…and Syria: Russia remains in the Levant

The American establishment fears that its presence in Syria on the borders with Iraq will create more damage to the US-Iraqi relationship which is still “under control” with Prime Minister Haidar Abadi in power. The threat launched by Kataeb-Hizballah Iraq against the US forces and mentioned by Lebanese Hezbollah leader Sayed Hasan Nasrallah has created serious concern among US military personnel and within the political leadership, whose objective is to avoid the 2003-2011 experience (being attacked by both Sunni and Shia during the US occupation of Iraq).

On the other hand, the US establishment is asking Russia’s support for the “deal of the century” initiative related to the Palestinians. Russia believes this is a US-Israeli manoeuvre to exchange Syria for Palestine, and that it is unrealistic. Russia has no power to impose on the Palestinians a stillborn deal. Moreover, if the Russians deploy regular forces in Syria and put Assad out of the “Axis”, the Russians will be holding a dead card. The importance of Syria is due to its borders with Israel, its connections with the Palestinians and to both Iran and Hezbollah. If Russia takes away this privileged position of Syria in the Middle East, Moscow would be controlling a country with no leverage.

Both the US and Russia know that Trump is impatiently waiting for his establishment to agree the pullout of his forces from Syria. Therefore, there is no need for any concessions that Russia is not in a position to fulfil. Moscow wants to keep a good relationship with Washington – as many Russian officials have conveyed to both Damascus and Tehran. Moreover, both Russia and the US are aware that Syrian and Iraqi resistance forces need only one objective to pursue in the coming years: attack the US forces.

Proof read by: Maurice Brasher

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Feudalism Victory

TRUMP 2020

David Bedford



2020 is a long way off, and no American President has gotten a second term, without starting a war.

Lena Jones

Surely you mean: ‘no contemporary American President has gotten a second term without starting a war on behalf of israel’.

Feudalism Victory

Trump wants peace to develop economically. But he has to wrestle his deep state parasites into submission first if he can.

Hell win his second term on an expansion of his peace platforn.


Like I posted so many times in the past. US has no way to try to remain in Syria. It’s just militarily stupid

David Bedford

America is militarily stupid, they haven’t won a war in a long time


True, but winning a war has never been on the american agenda. Creating chaos- this has been their goal.

Tommy Jensen

………………and weakening the country by destroying infrastructure to create need for International dollar loans. Winning is profitting, not conquering.

Wise Gandalf

They won all of their wars in lat 50 years. Only in somalia the military action was fiasco. But this was no war! Also in vietnam won the military phase, only the political phase lsot. By you, heters hated mainstream media cosed the political loss. the mighty ussr had no chance againt usa and also lost the cold war.

David Bedford

the USSR only lost the Cold War because you filmed the moon landing in a Hollywoodesque fashion and the whole world bought into it.

Robert Hitchens

“Only the political phase lsot”

Warfare is the continuation of politics by other means. To lose politically is to lose decisively. The US is a big loser.

Wise Gandalf

usa is the big winner. korea, cold war, panama, iraq1, iraq2 …


“It’s just militarily stupid”

When has that ever stopped the US?

Wise Gandalf



Right…like when Reagan admin put marines in Beirut after being warned not to. That was genius, ask the families of the dead marines.

Wise Gandalf

This is not war.

You can call me Al

P.1ss of troll or inbred dumb foooook.

PS You are blocked.

Wise Gandalf


Richard M

When has “stupid” ever dissuaded Washington elites? They aren’t the ones paying for the stupidity. No matter how many peasants spill their life and blood in the desert sand, the elites keep raking in the jackpots.


you think we follow what you say in here?


The sneaky israhellIs ,by bombing the Iraqi forces were trying to get Americans more involved in fighting Iraqi Syrian and Iranian forces by getting them the blame for the cowardly ,deceptive attack.But it didn’t work out as planned, so the satanic zionist israhells will have to find another way to get their puppets to fight and die for them.Watch out for a big False Flag attack,to blame Syria.


Israel was most likely tying up loose ends.

Lena Jones

Yeah sure the yankles will pull out – they have to: the ‘regime change’ project in Syria that’s inspired by the terrorist jews has been nothing but a failure, rendering the israelis geopolitically weaker at this defeat: now they find Iranians at their borders etc.

Begs the question here: have the yanks learned to STOP being israel-firsters yet?


It SEEMS, on the surface to be GREAT news, however I am sensing a RAT in the house somewhere. I learned many years ago. in my youth that when something seems to be “Too GOOD to be TRUE”, it usually is (TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE). Am I just an old CYNIC?

Well then,…………..

Why is no one talking about Palestine? Is all QUIET on the “Western Front”

Is the SELL-OUT of Palestine to those FAKE JEWS, the price for PEACE???


learned many years ago. in my youth that when something seems to be “Too GOOD to be TRUE”, it usually is (TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE). Am I just an old CYNIC?

No You are not… it is Something Everyone always Should Keep in the back of their Mind… They always led us to Believe their Deception… Everything should be considered as a Possible Smokescreen…


Remember what happened to your Brethren.

NOT ONE TREATY has been observed by American Governments which, (Governments) were always RULED by Freemason and Jews, SUPREMACISTS, all

I am assuming, only for argument sake, that the TREATIES were even legitimate UNDER Common Law, in the first place

To Wit: How does one( Europeans and Brits for example) wander onto a land, which is obviously INHABITED and say NOW this land is ours !!!

Without GUNS they could not have and they KNOW that.

THAT is what the European Jews have done in Palestine, just as in the America, Africa and Australia

What is the WORST and IRONIC PART- The INVADERS considered and called the INHABITANTS, the “Savages”

Chutspah is spades


Always Blaming Others… never taking Responsibility or saying: Sorry for my Evildoings… that is like a True Supremacist… a Gulag-Slavetrade-Denier…that is how you recognise them…


They Used Divide & Conquer… there were more than 800 Tribes in North America alone… many of them were eachother’s Enemy… So they set Them up against eachother Handing Out Guns to both Tribes… used them as Scouts for the Army..because without these Scouts they never would have Found them..(the Hunter Gatherers moving their Camps all the time….They Killed all the Buffalos by giving Bounties & Handed out guns to ALL the Passengers (including the Kids) in trains to Kill them for “Fun”…big Laughs When you saw those Creatures Crippled or Wounded on the Ground… This was All to Rob the Natives of their Source of Food…And during Treaty signing it Was a nice Moment to Hand Out Blankets Infected with Smallpox as a Gift… When the Whole camp had Died from the Diseases the Army could Simply Pick up All the Blankets and Hand them Out in the Neighboring Camp Again….This is How the Devil Operates…He has Won on Earth…For Now…


I am very aware of all you state.

You can call me Al

SO did I, when I married the wife.


Never get Married is my advice hehehe


Marriage is only an agreement, in most cases, between a Man and a Woman to do certain things together, as PARTNERS.

Gavin Hansen

where was you 13 years ago. lol


It isn’t for them, war crimes don’t have a statute of limitations. These guys can still go to jail 50 or even 70 years from now.


My concern is-“Will They”?

Lena Jones

Don’t worry Freespirit – the Axis of Resistance is prepared for ANY trickery by the enemy fuckers and they, the Axis of Resistance, very much remain focused on their OWN liberation plans for the WHOLE OF THE LEVANT, INCLUDING FIRST AND FOREMOST: LIBERATION OF PALESTINE. This is the ONLY thing they live for: this is their unified goal – not an inch less the the WHOLE will they accept – and they have a goddamn good shot at getting what they want too.

The Axis of Evil, after all, masterminded and engineered the Syria war as a means to delay the inevitable: israel having to confront the Axis of Resistance inside and outside of israel mano-to-mano. The diabolical jew project IN SYRIA failed and now the genocidal talmudic lunatics are back to square one: coward jews having to face REAL men enemies, not unarmed women and children in occupied territories.

Say, I think you might enjoy the archive of articles on this blog here – very much on the same page as you: https://platosguns.com/


I DON’T like it……I LOVE it so thank you Lena, where has this site been and how have i missed it :-)

It makes sense from some hints I have been getting from my Irish REBEL mates and family, in Ireland ( The REPUBLIC of, NOT Northern Ireland which is British)

I am out of the ACTIVE “loop” ,relatively speaking, because I am considered too old to fight now .They are wrong as I keep VERY, VERY fit, have never forgotten my GUERRILLA warfare tactics, from our battles with the British and can keep up with most 20 year olds. The hints I am getting are that they( Irish) are involved with what you call the “Axis of Resistance”, or something of their own, in the Middle East, which is supportive in an active manner, Either of which is great news.

Dublin still flies the Palestinian Flag, in case you did not know and although I am, Atheist, I was ceremoniously, in the Mosque made an “Honorary” Muslim, given the name “Farooq”, for telling the truth about Islam and not the B.S. from most “Useful Idiots” in Western Countries

I know how I never seen this site before-You have not been spreading it with every comment you make. I shall, starting today as I hope you will:-)

Lena Jones

The Axis of Resistance against israel is the brother of the Irish Axis of Resistance against the English: both enemies are cut from the same cloth – the evil-bastard cloth!

I love that site, Plato’s Guns. Hope the owner/writer of the blog keeps writing her good stuff forever :D



Gavin Hansen

So is it the English you hate and are against or the Israelis/ Jews?

Lena Jones

I’m definitely NOT okay with ALL arrogant, klepto, terrorist, colonialist bastards.


From an American viewpoint, in a word…NO. We’ve (our scum government) decided to become Israel. The common person just hasn’t figured that out yet. South Carolina is going to be the first US Israeli enclave.


Argentina is Becoming the New IsraHell…When the American Economy Collapses (orchestrated)… you can find them in Argentina…They Know America won’t be a Good Place to be by then…


You should see the laws passed in South Carolina. The US citizens are now regarded the same as Palestinians. Serves us right.

You can call me Al

Even in the UK now, we can be brought to cells, if we critisise the hooked noses.

Feudalism Victory

To find out whos in control find out who your not allowed to criticise.

You can call me Al

Are they inbred, low IQ, hooked nosed POS ? or from the US of effing A?

ريتاج السلفية

Yet you want to ruin other movements who fight against the globalist idea and western capitalism, you will get what you deserve scumbags clearly your nations are full of dumb people and only the top 5% is doing all the hard work for you http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x53ujy7

You can call me Al

THE LINK IS FALSE – you total ****. You have no idea who I am, I shall hunt you down you US paid freak. F. off now.



Probably Neil Barron or one of his Bitches…

Joe Kerr

To find him, try the Israeli embassy.

Feudalism Victory

Dont need your alliance. Islamic types are snakes in the grass only good for cannon fodder like in ww1 with lawrence of arabia or the syrian war where they fight for greater israel.

ريتاج السلفية

The west if full of cripples, less or more brain damaged retarded people finished by consumer society and lack of religion, stupid TV movies and accepting homosexuality as something not punishable by death and further intoxicated by alcohol or other drugs a way of life that was inspired from the cattle waiting for slaughter – own death without God and further life in the hereafter. You society is so sick that i predict your fall in the less than 150 years now only the sane top 5% are doing all the work for you

Feudalism Victory

Its a cycle. Things will change. We will come back.

Hisham Saber

Listen, after its all said and done, there wont be a safe place on the entire planet for the ‘ chosen ones’ . We simply have to put all their males on one big island, all their females on another big island, ship them food , whatever, but patrol the area vigorously, so no escape, or males and females get together and bake new chosen ones. After three or so generations of this, they will have become extinct. And the human race will then be able to truly progress, in peace and harmony.


Don’t forget about the Freemasons… they are their Back up…. Hidden in every Corner & in the Dark… Hard to find & Recognise… and thus Treacherous…expect an attack from the rear… Unity is what we Humans Truly Need… By Division they’ve always won…This is what they fear the Most… They have tried to divide us… it did not Work… that is a GOOD SIGN…Never forget we are Brothers.. it can only Grow… time is on our side..

George King

Knowing and recognizing the common enemy brings brothers together with actions to resolve their dilemma/s. Only after defeating those that plot against them will advancement of civilization blossom once again.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” –Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C.


I keep that one for it is so True… Every aspect of what he was talking about back then… Has become an Art in the World of Today…..

Gavin Hansen

interesting idea. Which Islands?


They picked a lousy spot – unless the Rothschilds will forgive the IMF loans when the ‘chosen people’ finally take over.

Gavin Hansen

Ever been in the British Embassy In Argentina? Full of pamphlets about anti-Semitism. It’s not a problem in the UK. No one cares about it. It’s no more a problem than taking the mick about Gingers ( no-offense intended). So why the need for all the pamphlets?


Americans are the New Indians…


Lena Jones

You mean South Carolina is the first to be ass-raped in public by israel.

It’s happening right now actually, and worse: South Carolina is enjoying the rape.

Give your own version of the holocaust in South Carolina and you go straight to jail now. Only the (shady) jewish narrative is allowed. Full fucking stop!

Tsk tsk… so truly sad to see America’s starry fabric shredded to shit by the jews.

Hisham Saber

They have even changed public school curriculums and text book so U.S. students learn more about Anne Frank, Schindler, than they do about Washington, Benjamin Franklin et al. Noahide laws, based on the Talmudic laws are replacing the constitution and due process.

FEMA camps dotting the countryside, razor wire electric fencing, inter-linked by the U.S. railroad infrastructure, north-south lines, and east-west connectors. Soon Americans that violate the new to be released and enforced laws, like anti-Semitism,-hate speech-, resist the new laws, stands up for his/her rights, doesn’t give up their weapons peacefully, will all be placed on box-cars to said camps. Many in Arizona and New Mexico, Nevada. Out of site, out of mind. Soon, things will escalate , leading to another Bolshevik style terror campagn againast the U.S. populace, all orchestrated, planned, and carried out by the ‘ chosen ones’ , as prescribed in their insidious and outright diabolical Talmud.

Tommy Jensen

And you were sitting with open mouth letting them do it, paid for it and smiled………..LOL.


They already tried to divide Americans… with the Help of Soros Paid and Supported Antifa… Black lives matter… what they wanted was stir up trouble.. like in Syria… Iran… Ukraine… Libya… they want others to start… so they can blame them for bein’ the Bad Guys… Army or Security Forces can kick in…to secure the situation and bring “Peace and Stabilisation”…Afro Americans, Whites & Hispanics Fighting eachother would be perfect…


Joe Kerr

Curiously, there seems to be a concomitant budding of anti-Israeli candidates, at least on the Republican side… and as the U.S. economy hits the skids, expect a backlash and this budding to grow into a forest with nooses on every tree branch, as the sedated Usanians finally wake up to who was behind 9-11 and the destruction of their country. If so, what’s coming will make the Spanish Inquisition look like a Sunday picnic.


If they let it Happen…Let it Happen… You can tell the Lemmings that there are Cliffs straight ahead… If the Lemmings keep running…Let them… they have chosen that road…

Hisham Saber

That’s the state where the infamous Nikki Haley is from. Its also the second state in the U.S. that has punitive laws against anybody, or entity that adherer’s or supports the Boycott, Divest, Sanction Movement against Israeli made products.

Tim Müller

Although their, the Jews, participation is significant, one has to UNDERSTAND that Isr** is a PATTSY for the GLOBALISTS TOO!

Carol Davidek-Waller

It’s not the Yanks (the American people) that are the problem but a handful of wealthy old men with illegitimate power and impaired judgement that are as much a problem at home as they are abroad.


I will believe it when I see it. Not a second earlier. The US government is like the Israeli government. Their motto seems to be ‘How can we make things worse?’

But if it were to happen fun news for the Kurds then, They’re about to get yet another meeting with a bus shaped object they are very familiar with. And it couldn’t have happened to a bunch of nicer guys. Well….., that meeting was about to happen anyway. Be it under a deal the US makes with Russia or with Turkey.


I believe Trump wants to get out, but I don’t think the US Government wants to get out. The CIA will probably stay, because they are a law unto themselves.


Trump wants to act like he is trying to fulfill his election lies, period. If he was on the up and up and not Israeli controlled, our embassy would not be moving and those missile attacks would not have happened. The CIA IS Israel today.

David Bedford

And Americans think the world hates them for their ‘freedoms’. lol


Cognitive dissonance has to express itself somehow. ;-)


The US public only understand stupid US wars that o enrich US corporations when their sons and daughters return home in body bags :)

Wise Gandalf

thanks to god, UK has only armchair soldiers :)))


U.S. & IsraHell You are the Terrorists! Let us see if this was all just Part of Your Bigger Plan… For now: Pack your Bags & Fuck Off…

Gregory Casey

And so say all of US!!

Cedric Hunter

Wonderful. The Americans are about to make haste and cut their ever increasing losses. Good. The Kurds were on their way to losing their gains to the Turks and the militants are surrounded anyway. When Aleppo was liberated the way slid over to President Assad and nothing has changed for the worse for him. He has victory in his reach, no need to cut deals with anybody. Their terrorists anyway

Igor Dano

what has Obama to do with this? this is and was a war on behalf of Israel, the whole activity is, was financed by DOD DOS and CIA. and in the three institutions, no president has ANY power. However I agree, that Soetoro is a murderous marxist-anarchist-rasist.

Jan Tjarks

It might be that Trump wants to do that, but not the deep state with the CIA, it is not willing to give up their kingdom of terror in the middle east.


Or the Drugstrade…Heroin in this case….

Jan Tjarks

Just another business field of the CIA, somwhere the black cashboxes have to come from.


The Ones in Power are a Criminal Organisation…They want a Monopoly on Everything…just like the V.O.C.. the Dutch Burned the Banda Islands & Killed its Inhabitants for the Monopoly on Nutmeg.. it can be Any Product… if they want it they take it…

We can not Trade without War, nor can we maintain War without Trade…

Jan Pieterszoon Coen

Jan Tjarks

Trade without war is possible, the issue is, that we are using the wrong system. Exchanging goods is important, as else those who starve wouldn’t be able to feed themselves.

We would be surprised as much as the Mongols, when they plundered China back then. They thought Chinas economy would collapse, it didn’t. Barely anyone knows why, nor understand the implications. The Europeans had to use a lot of violence in order to be succesful in China. These days China unsurprisingly returns to its former glory, as they themselves adjusted to the European violence, but with their own culutural background. In India we see a similar development, just the Indian way.

Another similar issue is the golden middleage, which had important differences to our current system, which usually gets called capitalism, but in the end is artificial scarcity. A very important lesson for those who want to understand the causes of today.

It was the Europeans who brought down all these systems which were working for milleniums in other parts of this world, due to their limited understanding, ignorance and greed. We are living in a time of normalization, where it becomes visible again. But it still is a long road to go before enough people understand the real issues at hand.


It would be nice if this change would happen Peacefully & Without Implementation of a Worldwide Social Credit System because things still look the same… The Implementation of the New World Order…Nothing has Changed Yet… Smokescreens & Makebelieve… Follow the Money… Where is the Gold..? Not in American Banks… so America will Fall… Who will be the New Emperor or will there be None? And Even more Important: Will this Emperor be Righteous & Just… with Dignity & Honour… or just One that Rules with RFID…?

Jan Tjarks

Who cares about gold, we can’t eat it and it is only useful in electronics in minimal quantities. Else it is a waste of time if not turned into some hopefully artful pieces to support the creativity of humans.

If there is nothing to eat, neither gold, nor the fiat money nor the fiat coins will change anything about starvation. We currently have people dying due to starvation, even though we produce a quarter more of food than required. Money is an illusion, nothing else. The majority of the people won’t understand that, as they are blinded by the systems they live in. This is the reason why I pointed to China or the golden middleage, they are important lessons in their own respective ways.

With the fiat money we already have a world wide social credit system. It is very difficult to create something worse than what we currently already have.

With the end of the unipolar world we will see no new superpower, but several new imperialistic powers, a normalization back to the old empires. However, all of them will be able enough to destroy others, while not being able enough to control others. We are doomed to peace, or we are doomed to fail as a species.

The ensuing chaos in the world as such is no coincidence, it is the old superpower which tries to delay its downfall, as that fall will be deep and hard. The moment the USD implodes the time of the unipolar world is over latest, but probably before.

We already see the attempts to lock down countries, to close down economically, closing down socially too. Everyone in his own little jail to seperate people, the thousands of years old principle of divide et impera is still up to date.

This is what we as humans have to prevent, we have to understand that we cannot let the oligarchs divide us. The oligarchs are plenty and they only care for their own interests, no matter wich empire they live in.

Wise Gandalf

the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad can guarantee the control of the Syrian army throughout his country.

Syria is NOT HIS country, Syria is country of all citizens. The author saw only dictatorships in his life.


Not exactly, Israel has been selling the mineral rights and building houses in some parts of Syria. I thought you of all people would recognize that Syria is really the property of Israel?

Wise Gandalf



Trump is pursuing his agenda, he said he wants to be out of Syria…..Mattis and other neocon mules disagreed, Trump holds the executive power to do as he wishes, pushing unproductive neocon policies out of the way. Trump said he wants to have good relations with Russia, the establishment howled at the concept, only to have a big time neocon (Bolton) go to Moscow and make arrangement for the summit to be held in Helsinki.

What wee see here is Trump having more time to assess himself instead of putting out fires created by lying neocons, Democrats and MSM, and bending the will of the neocons to agree or be compatible with his agenda.

S Melanson

Your point about sending Bolton to Russia is an important one. Trump sending an envoy to set up a summit with Putin would have been savaged in the MSM and portrayed as caving in to Russia. But sending Bolton! With Bolton’s reputation, any attempts by the MSM to portray the hawk of hawks trip to Moscow as a mission of subservience would have been laughable.


Tommy Jensen

Good one :-D.

You can call me Al

It means nothing, they asked the scum like the Saudis, eremites and other Countries to replace them as they will.

I dont care, they will be eliminated anyway by the heroic Syrian, Russian, Iranian, Lebanese and Palestinian heroes.


Now we know the reason why US is in a hurry to leave Syria!!!

Iran may close the Straits of Hormuz and event of war US soldiers in Iraq and Syria are dead meat or held hostages.

They are clearing out as they cannot defend the areas


Ah. The Straits. The accursed choke point.


Isn’t this the usual precursor for an escalation? The US is pulling out stories, followed by yet another false flag? After the extraordinary efforts to subjugate errant middle east countries it will be interesting to see how those countries guarantee their own future. All the “good” guys have really accomplished is to educate the whole world as to their evil intent.

As there always seems to be an element of illegal drug use fueling their evil escapades this narrative needs to become common sense. If you want to be rebellious and start a revolution using drugs will not help the process. The drug trade pumps money into psychopathic criminal enterprises and weakens the forces that could, easily, foment positive change if they weren’t so busy destroying and debilitating themselves and their families. Addiction is a key part of divide and conquer empire building.

Art Best

Never forget.

USA=ISIS Jews=Muslim terrorists

Tommy Jensen



That is the picture.


Good on Trump. Best case scenario. Hope it happens.

Joe Kerr

Trump doesn’t give a damn about Israel, just Adelson’s cash and the power of AIPAC. Take those factors out of the equation and Israel’s finished.

Carol Davidek-Waller

In spite of all that Pentagon bluster, the U.S. is forced to leave their terrorist training camp. Besides being illegal, it cannot be defended. The whole point of the Russians coming to the aid of Syria is not to control the country itself but to restore Syria to the Syrian people. Something the deep state with its unhealthy ties to Israel and its penchant for imperialism cannot grasp.

pippo pluto e paperino

Yankee go home – Greengos go home


The USA should be removed everywhere in the middle east. Given the right circumstances, the Israelis might ask them to leave as well.

Gavin Hansen

Yet again. Not on the news.

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