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MARCH 2025

US Forces Simulate Defending Taiwan from a Chinese Invasion

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US Forces Simulate Defending Taiwan from a Chinese Invasion

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The drills conducted by the US Army’s Special Operations Command simulated combat against the PLA

Originally published by AntiWar

The US Army’s Special Operations Command (USASOC) simulated defending Taiwan from a Chinese invasion in the latest example of the US military preparing for a direct war with China.

According to Military.com, the drills were part of the USASOC’s annual capabilities exercise, or CAPEX, which took place at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The soldiers simulated being inserted into Taiwan during a Chinese attack.

It marks the first-ever use of Taiwan as a scenario for the annual exercise and demonstrates the US Army’s shift away from counterterrorism to preparing for wars with major powers.

Military officials leading the drill explicitly named China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) as the enemy, which Military.com said was “an unusually direct move, given the military’s hesitancy to overtly suggest conflict.”

Lt. Gen. Jonathan P. Braga, commanding general of USASOC, said in a speech ahead of the exercise that China, “in accordance with our national defense strategy, is our true pacing challenge out there.”

An unnamed Green Beret officer told a crowd during the drills that he was “going to receive a brief from my boss giving us a task to conduct an operation to counter the PLA on the island of Taiwan.”

President Biden has said several times now that he would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack, breaking from the decade-old policy of strategic ambiguity on the issue. In September 2022, Biden was asked explicitly if, unlike Ukraine, he would send American men and women to defend Taiwan from an invasion. He replied, “Yes,” and the White House didn’t walk back the pledge.


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Psionists slaves of America

What’s the point of all this simulations if in the end the treasonous Israel-First AIPAC slaves in the government, in the intel and in the military always get their AAS kicked e.g. Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq etc, etc, etc. If a few thousand barefoot TalibanGoatHerders only armed with AKs beat the crap out of them how do these neocon warmongers expect to take on China.


Taliban have no lives and some instaces they are not considered human, they have no economy to suffer from no living standards. They are like isis. As a human how gard is it for you to get rid of cockroaches in your house, impossible right they will keep on coming unless you use chemical weapons, but you can burn your neighbors house and business down making him go bankrupt. Same concept. China is alive only because the west buys and invests there, no western money no china.

Biden has AIDS in his mouth

I’m wondering how fucking jew arseholes like you wonder into this news network. Continue sticking you head up your arse and soon, like Americunts, it will be cut off by China and Russia.


I have no bias when it comes to Russian war, i understand it and to a degree i support some of its actions in the grand scheme of things but when it comes to China and the analogy some idiots put out here i have to point to some facts on the ground.


Come again mate !!?? Have you not passed grade school history or did you have any history in your shithole of educational system !! China existed before they discovered the shithole called America !!


Man I don’t know if I should laugh or cry at pitiful replies i get in this shithole, China was starving to fucking death, its communist ideals and mass population was aon a brink of one fo the worst famines and poverty in recent memory the only reason it was saved was becuase the west invested in it for its cheap labor and the authorities were smart enough to take these opportunities.

Doesn’t matter at fucking all on all levels if America was founded yesterday! fucking hell i take the rights of the founding fathers of that place over any shitshow communist Alla akbar Islamic idelogy from Iran to Pakistan to shithole middle east anyday anytime. Go ask the chinese were they prefer to live! that’s why they are all flooding the west first chance they get!

Aye Mate??! Fucking hypocricy here is sad as fuck.

Wayne Gabler

How many of your relatives are Dutch Slave Traders? Now that you bring personal morality into the open?


Less than those africans who sold their brothers and sisters to us, hey at least it lasted for less than 300 years and we ended it with many africans living in far better standards in the US as slaves than they ever hoped to in their native countries as so called free tribes running away from genocidal zulu tam tams who killed more of their kind than ww1 combined. Oh on the other hand slavery is rampant in China, iran, africa and arabia to this day and back in the day they fuckin castrated the slaves at least the dutch forefathers had the decency to spare their balls. Fuck off with your socalled morality you will lose on that front when you start comparing bitch.

Last edited 1 year ago by Guest

before jewish slavers arrived to the dark continent 70 percent of the economy was based on twin moderators of slavery and human meat

Chris Gr

It was not the “goat herders” only. Iran and Pakistan, along with the money from Qatar, helped those new Taliban factions to govern in Kabul. And China doesn’t care about those aforementioned countries at all. They just want to be the number one economic power in the world. And they will compete with India in the end.

Psionists slaves of America

US GDP nominal: 26.85 T. China GDP nominal: 19.37 T. India GDP nominal 3.73 T. China GDP (PPP) 33.01 T. US GDP (PPP) : 26.85 T. India GDP (PPP) 13.03 T. I doubt we’ll see india surpass the US in both Nominal and (PPP) GDP in our lifetimes. China will soon surpass the US in both Nominal and (PPP) GDP.

Chris Gr

It is not only about GDP but about the population.


it’s about iq and population


also iq china 105 america 100 india 70


Now they need to find an idiot to invade Taiwan so they can further impoverish America for their global empire while making billions off of weapons..

Peter Jennings

The USadmin is playing at war they will never win. Whilst the US has been bullying it way around the globe wasting other people’s resources, the Russian people have been busy designing and building things which work well beyond their initial design. The US is way too far behind to be a serious contender. Years of waste and corruption has given the US a a banana army. So much so that the admin now hires terrorists to do their fighting.

Biden has AIDS in his mouth

Correct 💯

Chris Gr

The enemy of the US has been always in the Pacific. The enemy of the Europeans has been always in the Middle East/North Africa. That’s the difference.


China should attack the US as they go into Taiwan and say it was defending Taiwan from an American invasion.

Uncle Ho

They simulate walking around in high heels too…to please the pedo Miley


It’s the only thing they can do “simulate ” !!


Yup, just about time for China to cut off Taiwan completely fro sea and air. US has no intentions but to bleed it to death like Ukraine.

Wayne Gabler

China should just invade the western 2/3 of Australia and let NATO burn itself out trying to recapture ‘the Outback’.

Wayne Gabler

How many minutes in was the ‘white flag raised’ or is the mission to destroy Taiwan, so there is nothing left of any value?


Mission is probably to try to steal the tech and rescue the important staff of tsmc and then blow everything up before retreating.

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