A convoy of US forces armored vehicles drives near the village of Yalanli, on the western outskirts of the northern Syrian city of Manbij, on March 5, 2017. Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty Images
On March 5, US forces stormed a crossing on the Euphrates River in southern Deir Ezzor, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The crossing, which is located near the town of al-Hawajidz, links the government-held western bank of the Euphrates River with the eastern bank, which is controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
The London-based monitoring group said that a patrol of the US-led coalition took over the crossing after forcing local workers and civilians out of the area.
The crossing has been closed for a while now. Previously, the crossing was used to move people and goods between government and SDF-held areas. Crossings on the Euphrates River are usually used to smuggle oil also.
US forces maintain a large presence in the SDF-held part of Deir Ezzor, mainly in the al-Omar oil fields. Earlier this year a new airstrip was built in the region.
The US takeover of the al-Hawajidz crossing is likely meant to end the shipping of goods and oil to government-held areas. Washington, which controls most of the natural resources in northeastern Syria, has been waging an economic war on Damascus since the outbreak of the crisis in 2011.
Enough, I no longer buy anything from the Coventry tailor, they are all MI6 tissues mixed with highly improbable accounting.
You should try Hugo Boss instead of Coventry . . .
Thank You. I hope You keep distance too.
Who the hell has given the yanks the right to ride roughshod over independ countries? They will go down in flames. Curse them.
All ready are,just printing money and fake stocks and ripping others off stops them from being the new gen 4th world culture,wtf 4th world? Fake x n sht!
What a stupid comment
LOL perfect…..please stay put at the al-Hawajidz crossing…….that will be easy target practice for the resistance……….undefendable
ps. 1.5km from PMU and SAA frontline…..ggggg
Another no sense.
you can’t even spell nonsense right you brainless imbeciIe.
United thieves of America in action..
Interesting article here,i hope the Russians are serious because its been a long time coming,should have happened years ago,and threaten those US criminals while they are at it. https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/russia-threatens-israel-with-violence-over-syria-involvement/
1, 2, 3, and 4 are frying in Hell. The SETF shitbag Mouaz Moustafa went to ground in the US of A
I doubt it. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out by now that Russia (at least its current administration) does not have what it takes to protect its allies or even itself. After years of repeated aggression by Zions without any response from Russia, I do not foresee a change in behavior from Russia.
Never go full retard…
Israel is losing the war.
of course they are and soon they will be homeless and destitute into their diaspora 2.0 of 5000 years.
Was it today or yesterday :)
But it takes rocket scientist to figure out what Russia has done for Sy past five years with minimum effort, if 70 planes striking 3-5 sorties per day are considered minimum. Not to mention spetsnaz members KIA for Sy inflicting devastated blows to ISIS too. Not to mention Syria express, humanitarian aids, multiple convoys extracting headchoppers from dense populated areas to avoid civilian losses. To win a war, a man needs to win a hearts first!!! Look at the USAF campaign carpet bombing of Al-Raka! Classic example how to loose a war! US lost Sy with leveling Al-Raka, just as they lost Afghan, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, SR Yugoslavia, … omg when they was the last time they won a war after WW2, and this one was won by Red Army to be honest.
Obvious You dont understand Syria and Raqqa at all. You npt even has an idea about it and who is and was there.
I will not waste my time trying to tell You anything at all.
Jens, why are You jumping in Your mouth? Did You forget how Al-Raka looks now? Leveling city where months passed gathering killed civilians is gentle for You? Guess what, I wish place You’re living gets the same gentle medicine. Don’t care what language, faith or color, was there, the point is, the city is leveled to the ground. The very same thing happened in Iraq. Killing one ISIS and ten civilians is a huge price. I don’t want to be liberated same way as those poor civilians were.
Nice bike Jens. Eco friendly and excellent for excersise. However, according to the shape of tires, You don’t use it much.
UNICEF is given even people there, which should have been grown up long time ago, that kind of exelent transportation. No fuels is needed. Its too smal for bringing in bombs.
Very good for local transporation in urban areas.
“After years of repeated aggression by Zions without any response from Russia, I do not foresee a change in behavior from Russia.”
That is what’s know as a ‘consistent foreign policy’. The Russians set their objectives in 2015 and they are sticking to the mission.
Back in 2015 pundits were saying that Syria would become a quagmire for the Russians just like Iraq and Afghanistan is for the USA. Russia hasn’t taken the bait …. they’ve stuck to their objectives without mission creep.
Thats what the nazis said,then again what would any cia agent know from sht to its blanket? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15b51dc7e8095da4ab81cbf548c3eabec4439fb7ce2f31bc40e962f5dee2861e.jpg
Very optimistic but unrealistic. Its no russian priority. They might even dont have that capasity.
I don’t think so. This thing: ‘Russia has threatened Israel with readiness to attack IDF fighters.’ well they did the same two weeks ago, and ‘the threat’ lasted for just one week. It’s all bull – those are arranged masonic wars, and the outcome is predetermined:
‘ “In August 1938, Bonnet, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was entertained at Bordeaux, and at the dinner, Mandel, who was the Deputy for the department, sat next to the President of the Court of Appeal. After the meal, the magistrate went up to Bonnet and said: ‘Mr. Mandel has just told me that there has got to be a war, and the sooner the better. . . .’ Mr. Bonnet recalled that France was in a low state of military strength. ‘I know that,’ replied Mandel, ‘but the democracies only prepare for war after they have declared them. Therefore we should begin them.’ “His plan was implacable but logical. He and his friends were indeed well aware that France would have a hard fight following a declaration of war, that she would lose many men, and might even be provisionally conquered. At the worst, she would be invaded, but she has an empire. Her army might have to capitulate, but the government could emigrate and continue the struggle from Africa . . . and later, after final victory, France could be resuscitated with whatever remained of the French. Such was the plan which had been thought out by Mandel, the brains behind Reynaud . . . and in 1940, supported by Lebrun, Jeanneney and Herriot, they did in fact urge the government to emigrate.’ Page26 https://www.resist.com/Onlinebooks/StateSecrets-Poncins.pdf
Ever since Lavrov and Kerry negotiated over Syria the current situation strongly suggests that an agreement was struck with the US that they can occupy East of the Euphrates, Turkey the Northern section, the jews have Golan and Russia with Assad the remainder.
Not at all. Check below Your bed blanket again.
Probably a punishment for the strike on oil facilities by Russian missiles. This is really going to hurt Assad.
Punishing who? The US tax payers who are paying to protect oil smuggling by the PKK … a recognized terrorist organization or the Syrian women and children who are going without heat?
It doesn’t mean that I approve of America’s move to prevent oil reaching the Syrians. Syrians are being forced to buy their own oil, probably at a higher price than they should. SDF is not a legal entity and will soon be dealt with. The U.S is in a difficult position in Syria. Cooperating with the SDF means giving up Turkey. We’ll see which one the choose in the end.
I agree. Thats why Biden will try some changes according Erdogans.
Some more – none enemy – would give both more free soldiers and military capasity. Turkey seemes to be in a lack of money as well.
So a guess might be Biden gives them some money.
Maybe. It appears like Biden would work more closely with Erdogan than Trump did. First, he cancelled U.S arms sales to Saudi Arabia. And now, he’s negotiating with the Houthis and leaning on Riyadh to end the war. Saudi Arabia’s behavior has pushed Turkey to Iran’s side. That certainly undermines America’s plans to contain Iran. None of the Arab countries can successfully contain Iran’s destabilizing influence. Only Turkey can do that in the region. It has both the intel and military capability to not only contain, but also disrupt Iran’s moves in the region (Erdogan is a Sunni by heart, and I’m sure he doesn’t like what Iran’s militias are doing to the Sunnis of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan). Unlike Saudi Arabia, Turkey also wants the U.S to have a nuclear deal with Iran. Because there are economic benefits in it for Turkey, and because Turkey doesn’t want to be saddled with millions of refugees from Iran in the event of war with the U.S. First and last, the Biden administration has no option but work closely with Turkey in the region. America would be the greater loser should relations go further downhill.
Again someone very much worried for the USA taxpayers. Assumptons too. PKK are in Turkey.
YPG-SDF-PKK are all part of the Kurdistan Workers party … a group recognized as terrorists by the USA, EU and the UN.
On one hand US taxpayers … as well as danish and Canadian taxpayers … are paying to fight these terrorists. On the other hand US taxpayers are paying to arm and support the very same terrorist organization they are also paying to fight. Even that great supporter of the NATO alliance the Atlantic council admits the SDF and PKK are two arms of the same organization.
Do I actually have to explain how tricking taxpayers into paying to both arm and fight the same people is wrong?
Your throat is going to hurt from all jihadist d1cks and Erdogan’s feces you swallow every day….
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c11b097ad76d18b8a1ce8fbf2706d21db85daf9257fa392c130938ebf1882639.png https://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2021/4-march-all-crossings-between-sdf-and-governmentirgc-areas
the yankee-twats must be seen doing something or the other, like storming a river crossing which maybe doesn’t have any more significant importance. the important thing is that the disunited states of dumbed down fucks can’t afford any more significant operations in the area, skint as they are, and all this spells trouble for the sdf, which will be the first to be hung out to dry. the end game is clear, the dumbed down fucks will be expelled from syria and the kurds brought back as tenants in the borderland by iran, iraq, syria and then turkey.
It seemes as You dont know the main tool for reducing Assads are nothing comming in and out. Very strange You dont know that after years.
And You continue in the same track telling USA and SDF has different agendas – BUT You forget none of them support crime and ISIS.
“All Crossings between SDF and government/IRGC areas have been closed”,
“The Oil Trade between SDF and Assad government is currently at a hold”,
The squeeze has started, Biden will now use extortion to further weaken the Syrian Governments economic viability. Hopefully the SDC may object to what their US masters are doing, because unless the US makes up for the loss of stolen oil revenue, they’ll suffer just as much as the Syrian Government will, and that will create internal divisions that Assad can hopefully exploit.
The U.S will simply find new markets for the oil, most likely in Turkey. You and I once debated Russia’s ability to invade Turkey even if it wanted to. I let you persuade me that Russia would actually be able to do that. But upon a deeper research yesterday, I discovered that Russia CANNOT invade Turkey even if it wanted to (whether from Syria or the black sea). I have absolutely no doubt that at this very moment, Turkey is armed with at least 2500 km missiles (I’m now sure about this and can prove it to you). It also has high-precision missiles that will stop any invading force dead in its tracks. Not to mention the formidable navy, which my research shows, is capable of halting, with its high precision anti-ship/submarine missiles, any Russian advances in the black sea. There is also the over 300 fighter jets which proved to be more than a match for Russian planes in Syria (when they shot down a number of Syrian air force planes last year). The Turkish military is also very professional and highly alert. I used to think that Russia could take Idlib by force from Turkey if it wanted to. But now I’m pretty sure, the Turkish military can not only halt but also roll back any Russian/Syrian/Iranian advance on Idlib. I’ve researched recent Turkish military tech advances, and one particular weapon is of interest to me: A high-precision missile with a CEP of less than 10 meters. The missile works with recon and attack drones that designate targets for the missile to strike, but can also function independently. Such a missile was used with devastating effectiveness early this year when it target and destroyed a Syrian battle tank in what SF described as an attack by a mysterious object. And talking about Russian nuclear weapons, I am also convinced based on my research that Turkey is armed with biological weapons to compensate for the lack of nukes. So if Russia nukes Turkey, then millions of Russian will be killed with biological weapons. So after looking at all these factors, I know for sure that Russia would never risk a fight with Turkey over Idlib. Hence, Turkey can occupy Idlib for as long as it wants to or even annex it altogether, and nothing will happen. The Assad supporters who thought Idlib is a soft target because of the absence of U.S forces are mistaken. Turkey is fully capable of militarily defending Idlib not only from Assad, but Russia and Iran as well. To this end, the Feb/March 2020 attack by Turkish forces in Idlib achieved three goals: First, it punished Assad for killing and injuring Turkish forces. A disproportionate and very painful punishment. Secondly, it sent a clear message to Russia that Turkey will not shy away from a war with Russia should Turkish forces be attacked in Syria. Thirdly, it clearly drew a redline that all pro-Assad forces in Syria were careful not cross since then.
Yes that’s probably what will happen, the US will just sell the oil to Turkey via legitimate means, instead of smuggling it into the country as they’ve unsuccessfully been trying to do, thanks to Russian ballistic missiles successfully destroying 200 trucks. I do remember that conversation but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have said ‘invade’ Turkey, or ‘invade and occupy Turkey’, I’m sure I would’ve said obliterate Turkeys air defenses and offensive ballistic capabilities with superior missile and air capabilities. Yes the Yildirim 4 [still in development] does have a 2,500 km range but it doesn’t carry a 480kg warhead like the earlier versions do, they use the same missile body and launch vehicles as the earlier versions do, so therefore the warheads have to be smaller on the longer range variants. In other words they might have long range but they’re not much more than a big firecracker when they hit, and they’re slow. The Russian equivalents travel at Mach 7 to 10 but the Yildirim only travels at just over supersonic, so it’d be much easier for Russia to hit a big slow moving target like the Yildirim but next to impossible for the Turks to intercept the high velocity Russian missile. Which brings us to air and ballistic defense systems, the Russians have the most comprehensive air and ballistic defense system in the world, Turkey only has the S-400’s that the Russians kindly sold them, they don’t have any of their own, and the patriot systems that Spain and Italy deploy in Turkey are practically useless anyway, so Russia has the massive advantage in both ballistic offenses and ballistic missile defense capabilities. If push came to shove Russia would risk a fight with Turkey for 2 reasons, 1, If Turkey tried to close the Bosporus straights for any reason, 2, If Turkey threatened the Russian naval base at Tartus in any way. There might be other reasons they’d possibly go to war but I’m sure the 2 reasons I listed would definitely be a catalyst for a war. Yes Idlib is a problem for Assad that apparently has no solution other than political one, but I’m not so sure it’s entirely due to your claim Erdogan drew a red line that Putin wouldn’t cross. And just remember Erdogan signed the March 2020 agreement that stated the Russians could control all the areas south of the M4 highway and the Turks would control all the areas north of the highway, resulting in a 60 km enforced safe zone with a 30km safe zone north of the highway and 30km safe zone south of the highway. Which means Assad has every right to liberate the Al Ghab plains, Erdogan said he could when he signed that Russian/Turkish agreement, so don’t assume the front lines are completely static, they may even change without a fight.
Turkey’s 2500+ km range missile project is completed. And it carries much more than 480 kg payload. It’s also fast and enjoys good accuracy. You probably expect to see Turkey display its missiles like the Iranians do. You tend to always want to compare militaries and draw conclusions on who’s likely to win based on the specs of their weapons. I know that Russia has the best missile tech in the world. It has bigger, faster, and more powerful missiles than Turkey. But that doesn’t mean Turkey’s missiles won’t incapacitate any Russian invading force. It just means Russia can impose a prohibitive cost on Turkey in the event of a war. But the reverse is also true. Russia cannot hope to hit every military formation with those long-range missiles. such missiles are strategic weapons. What’s important to me is Turkey’s ability to deter any Russian aggression. And with the current Turkish capability, that deterrence has been achieved. The tech gap will close slowly, until they even surpass Russia, for example, by building a fifth generation fighter that outperforms Russia’s su57 (the su57 is still fraught with technical problems). I’ll contest your claim that Russia would fight Turkey should it try to close the Bosporus straights. Russia can only do that if it has a hope in hell of reopening the straights. But with such a formidable naval asset that the Turkish navy has built over the past few years, there is no hope of Russia ever being able to reopen the straights, unless it got help from the Europeans. Russia has a formidable navy, but it simply cannot suppress the Turks to the point of reopening that straight. Hence, Russia will not declare war over that. I agree that if Turkey attacks the Russian port in Syria, Russia will retaliate. But I must remind you that any retaliation will be measured and not taken immediately. Because Russia wouldn’t want to escalate into an all-out war. No doubt Turkey’s attack on Syrian forces last year clearly defined a redline. Turkey had never attacked Syrian forces directly with the intention to kill and destroy so many. The Syrian airstrike that killed 33 Turkish soldiers came after Russia’s patience over Idlib ran out. Assad would never have taken such a risky move without the approval of Russia. The result was several hundred Syrian soldiers dead and over 100 military equipment destroyed, including Syrian jets. That was indeed a redline. Imagine what would’ve happen had Assad killed a lot more than 33 Turkish soldiers. The consequences would be nothing short of a severe weakening of Assad’s armed forces. The recent missile strike on oil smugglers in Syria will likely lead to more economic consequences for Assad. The U.S isn’t going to take it lightly. reports tend to suggest that Turkey an America are working towards reinstating their cooperation in Syria. If this happens, you can be sure that Assad will pay a much bigger price for the missile attack on oil facilities. I do feels strongly that Turkey has a right to Syria’s oil as long as millions of Syrian refugees rely on Turkey for their survival.
The Yildirim 4 is still in development, it doesn’t have high speed, and it can’t carry the same weight payload it’s predecessors did, the original Yildirim 1 had a 480kg payload with a 400km range, but the Yildirim 4 has a 2,500 km range and uses the same body design and size all the other Yildirim variants use. So to get the extra range they have to cut back on the payload and sensors, that’s why they’re still in development. Eventually Turkey will use the knowledge they’ve gained from the Yildirim rockets and replicate that technology on a bigger missile platform, one that can carry the right amount of fuel to cover the 2,500km range, and carry a 480kg payload, maybe even increase speed. Russia has at least 5 to 10 times the amount of weaponry and equipment Turkey has, that’s including aircraft, missiles, tanks, artillery and other vehicles, and they have hundreds of tactical bombers which Turkey doesn’t have. The navy and personnel are a different matter with Russia only having a slightly better capability and strength than Turkey. The Russians denied they were the ones responsible for the attack against the Turkish convoy but that contradicts all other independent witness statements. independent sources claim the Syrians initially stopped the convoy with an airstrike, and then the Russians followed up by dropping a bomb on the buildings the Turkish soldiers where hiding in [to avoid the air attack], that’s what all independent sources say, and I tend to believe them over the Russians on this particular matter. As you know I don’t think the Turks have any right to be in Syria, let alone steal their oil, so again we have to disagree on certain things.
I’ll take time to explain to you (with proves and logic) why Turkey’s missile program is far more developed than you think. But I’m busy right now.
I also believe that Russia is responsible for the attack that killed Turkish soldiers. Whether it was by Assad’s or Russian forces doesn’t matter. Russia runs the show on Assad’s behalf. Erdogan’s visit to Moscow was to get straight with Putin. Turkey would let this one go without attacking any Russian soldiers, just to avoid a bigger war. But this situation should not repeat itself. Otherwise the consequences would be dare for Russian forces in Syria. I’m 100% sure after that incident and Turkey’s reaction that, should Russia ever again kill Turkish forces like it did in February 2020, Turkey will directly strike and kill Russian forces in retaliation. There can be no doubt about this whatsoever. And I support Erdogan on this policy. Bullies need to be stood up to.
And what makes Assad the legitimate owner of Syria’s oil? As far as Turkey and its supporters are concerned, there is no legitimate government in Syria until the Syrians choose a leader in a transparent way. Period. And not even Russia can reinstate dictatorship in Syria.
Much depends on Biden’s Syrian policy, which is still unclear. If Biden decides to restore cooperation with Turkey after reaching a deal over the Kurds, then Assad will be removed in the end. But if he chooses to continue the balancing act between Turkey and the SDF, then Assad will have a few more years to hold sway.
Personally, I pray for a cooperation between Biden and Erdogan in Syria. Not because Syria will become a Muslim Brotherhood stronghold, but because the war will end and Syrians will decide who rules them (Muslim Brotherhood or not).
I look forward to your explanation as to why the Yildirim 4 can outperform the Yildirim 1 using the same size rocket body. Both delivering the same payloads but having vastly different maximum ranges, it should be a good explanation, maybe Turkeys developed a new highly efficient fuel for the variants to use, maybe that’s what gives them the extra range.
Erdogan’s visit to Moscow, not Putin’s visit to Ankara, that was very telling.
When Russia attacks the oil smuggling convoys that are arriving in Turkish occupied areas of Syria, they risk hitting Turkish soldiers every time they do, and they’re currently escalating their attacks not winding them down, that’s also very telling.
Bullies you say, but Assad hasn’t invaded any countries, he doesn’t pay mercenaries to go to other countries and fight, your hero does that. Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Azerbaijan, Stealing Cypriot oil and gas, Partnering with the Muslim Brotherhood, Locking up more than 80,000 Turkish citizens since the coup attempt, every one of them must have been pointing a gun at Erdogan, all 80,000 of them. We have a different opinion on what defines a bully.
Elections make Assad the legitimate owner of Syrian oil, no one ever complained that Assad was running crooked elections before the rebellion started, not even Erdogan, who used to be friends with Bashir and Asma once. And Assad invited the UN to monitor the last few elections in Syria [not supervise], so you can’t get much fairer than that, the UN should’ve taken up his offer, refusing to monitor the election wasn’t acting in anyone’s interests except for the Syrian opposition.
How Biden and his administration deal with Erdogan is very dependent on how Erdogan deals with Putin, if Erdogan deals harshly with Putin Biden will bend over backwards to accommodate Erdogan, if he doesn’t deal harshly with Putin Biden will deal harshly with Erdogan.
I take the opposite path, I want Turkey to get out of Syria, Iraq, and Libya, but maybe not Yemen, and I’d like to see the Muslim brotherhood designated a terrorist organization by the UNSC.
After today, I’m going to close my Disqus account. It’s taking too much of my time. “Erdogan’s visit to Moscow, not Putin’s visit to Ankara, that was very telling.” Theirs nothing telling about Erdogan’s visit except for the arrogant minded. What he did was brave. Putin would not be able to take the embarrassment of going to Turkey to help deescalate a dangerous situation. A deescalation that was also good for Russia and Assad himself. But what I find telling is that Turkey kept Putin off Idlib for almost four years, and nothing’s happened. What I find telling is Putin signing agreements with Turkey over Idlib despite knowing that Turkey has no intentions to let Assad take it back. What I find telling is Putin not retaliating for the death of hundreds of Assad’s soldiers, over 100 tanks and armored vehicles burnt, and two fighter jets, all supplied by Moscow. Russia actually did nothing despite those attacks setting back Russia’s mission in Syria.
“When Russia attacks the oil smuggling convoys that are arriving in Turkish occupied areas of Syria, they risk hitting Turkish soldiers every time they do, and they’re currently escalating their attacks not winding them down, that’s also very telling.” The fact that no such mistaken hit on Turkish soldiers occurred is even more telling. The Russians know exactly what they are hitting. They do so with utmost caution, and that’s why there’s been no mistakes so far.
“Partnering with the Muslim Brotherhood” Actually, it’s much deeper than that. We perceive a deliberate effort to keep Muslim countries weak. With the rise of Islamists in Turkey, this situation is no longer tolerable. Islam and Muslims will rise from their current position of weakness to that of strength. No sanctions threat, military threat (whether by Russia or the U.S), coup attempt, dictatorship, or any other thing will make us back down, even if it means actual war. If you ever see Erdogan back down, do not mistake it for surrender. Every action is calculated and strategic. The ultimate goal of restoring Muslim glory is non-negotiable and must be reached. So, call it whatever you want – Muslim Brotherhood, terrorist, Salafist, Islamist, Extremist, Fundamentalist, etc. We don’t give a fuck, and I think you should have figured that out by now.
“Bullies you say, but Assad hasn’t invaded any countries, he doesn’t pay mercenaries to go to other countries and fight, your hero does that” My hero is brave enough to lose elections in Istanbul and other Turkish cities. My hero participates in elections with a wide representation of the Turkish public, and his party loses over 200 seats to the opposition. This is something Assad and his backers haven’t the courage to do until now. Which lunatic holds an election in war time? Millions of Syrians are internally displaced or live as refugees. “no one ever complained that Assad was running crooked elections before the rebellion started” You’re being hypocritical even by Western standards. How can you openly claim that Syria was/is a democratic country? I think you’re an Arab living in Australia. Your parents certainly are not Australians. You are probably linked to the Assad family, or at least a family of one of the beneficiaries of the Assad regime. If you believe Syria is a democratic country, then leave it at that. I don’t have the time to debate such an obvious matter.
“Locking up more than 80,000 Turkish citizens since the coup attempt, every one of them must have been pointing a gun at Erdogan, all 80,000 of them.” The arrests are still ongoing. These 80000 are not pointing guns at Erdogan. They are pointing guns at Islam. We and them cannot coexist for long, no matter how hard the West tries to empower them. There are actually more than 80,000 such enemies of Islam in Turkey. And the coming of Erdogan is a blessing. Gradually, these dogs of the Western world would be put in their rightful place. So, complain all you want, but I think pro-Western forces in Turkey are weakened beyond recovery. Their last hope was the military, but now we dominate that as well. It is the Turkish people who want their Muslim identity back, not Erdogan forcing it on them.
“Assad invited the UN to monitor the last few elections in Syria” Yeah, that would have given him some legitimacy. I haven’t heard of a country at war holding elections. Did the over 4 million Syrian refugees vote?
Biden can rant all he wants, but Erdogan has him by the balls in Syria. What’s Biden waiting for? He should withdraw U.S forces in N.E Syria and let Assad and Russia take those lands and the oil back. Why is he dragging his foot on that? Turkey is ready for any outcome in Syria. If Russia and Assad succeed in dismantling the SDF (and I think they will, given the chance), that’s even better for Turkey. It’ll help solve the Kurdish problem. But the consequences for U.S policy is grave. The U.S can’t afford to let Syria fall back to Assad and Russia. If the U.S decides to cooperate with Turkey to topple Assad, then Biden knows what to do. And that’s a more welcome option for Turkey. But whichever way the wind blows, the SDF must go. The only other alternative is for a permanent U.S military presence in Syria and permanent problems with Turkey.
“I take the opposite path, I want Turkey to get out of Syria, Iraq, and Libya” Turkey’s mission has almost succeeded in Libya. Turkey prevented another anti-Muslim dictator in Libya (a remarkable achievement for the Muslims). The Libyan PM just got the vote of confidence he needed to steer Libya towards elections. The PM also says the Turkey-Libya maritime deal is in Libya’s interest and should be maintained. If Libya’s democracy succeeds, they will never forget how Turkey prevented dictatorship for them. And most Libyans will be grateful for that.
With the Libyan problem now almost solved, more attention should be given to Syria. Hopefully, any elected Libyan government should build their national defense fast enough so that all mercenaries will leave the country. That’ll free up Syrian fighters in Libya to return to the tougher battleground in Syria.
what’s happening today is all about keeping Muslims weak. But this will not be allowed to continue.
Sorry buddy, I’m going to have to close my Disqus. It’s a big waste of time.
Before I close my account, I want you to know something about the Turkish missile program. First, Turkey is a signatory to the missile control regime. Secondly, the West is looking for any excuse to impose U.N-sanctions on Turkey, so Turkey is not about to go public about its missile program. But you can be sure that whatever the Pakistani missile scientists know, Turkish scientists also know. They have no secrets between them. So a good starting point for analyzing Turkey’s missile tech know-how is to study Pakistan’s progress, which is very much supported by the Turkish defense industry. Lastly, Turkey and Iran have been enemies for centuries. Turkey made it clear that if Iran went nuclear, Turkey will too. What makes you think Turkey will sit on its hands while Iran builds a missile arsenal? You probably want to see Turkey openly test 2000+ km missiles. But this is highly unlikely to happen as long as Turkey’s economy still largely depends on the European market. Because its not at all necessary to do the tests on Turkish soil. So if you see Pakistan test a 3000 km missile, you can be damn sure Turkey has that technology as well. Turkey announced a missile program since 2012. But nothing much is heard of it since then.
This is actually my last reply to you. I have better things to do with my time rather than argue politics with people everyday.