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MARCH 2025

US Government Openly Advocates Destroying Russia

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US Government Openly Advocates Destroying Russia

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The US government commission urged for more support (clearly implying actual support exists already) to separatist movements inside Russia and in the diaspora.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Last week, on June 23, a United States government agency under the name Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, better known as the Helsinki Commission, held a Congressional briefing titled “Decolonizing Russia”. Democrat representative from Tennessee (D-TN) Steve Cohen opened up the presentation, during which he claimed that the Russians “have in essence colonized their own country,” arguing that Russia is “not a strict nation, in the sense that we’ve known in the past.” Casey Michel, who authored an opinion piece in The Atlantic last month, titled “Decolonize Russia”, was also present at the meeting. His op-ed seems to have been the impetus for the highly controversial briefing. According to Michel, “decolonizing Russia” is not solely about “partitioning” and “dismembering” the Russian Federation, but about an “authentic commitment to anti-imperialism.”

The panel discussion participants urged the US to give more support (clearly implying actual support currently exists already) to separatist movements inside Russia and in the diaspora, and specifically mentioned Chechnya, Tatarstan, Dagestan, and Circassia as the possible candidates for “decolonization”. Siberia was discussed separately and, according to the Commission, it is to be divided into several republics. During the (First) Cold War, the US, a premier imperialist power, sponsored numerous separatist groups inside the USSR. Thus, this is most certainly not the first time prominent figures in the political West have adopted a hard line towards the Russian Federation, seeking ways to dismantle the Eurasian giant, just as the political West did the same to Yugoslavia over 30 years ago.

What is significantly different nowadays is the blatantly open and public call to do so. Apart from being highly controversial and dangerous, as Russia isn’t yet another helpless country the political West can destroy and kill millions of its inhabitants with impunity, but a military superpower which can easily turn its rivals into a radioactive wasteland in minutes, to suggest Russia should be “decolonized” is exceptionally hypocritical, especially coming from the pillar of (neo)colonialism, the US itself. Since its unfortunate inception, the belligerent imperialist thalassocracy invaded and dismantled numerous countries, reducing them to rubble and turning them into almost perpetually failed states.

After the dismantling of the Soviet Union, the infamous Bush-era Vice President Dick Cheney was seeking to carve up Russia and divide it into several smaller states. In 1997, former Reagan-era US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski even published an article in the Foreign Affairs magazine, proposing to create a “loosely confederated Russia — composed of a European Russia, a Siberian Republic, and a Far Eastern Republic.” Thus, once again, this isn’t a new state of affairs. Prominent political figures from the US have been advocating this for decades. The issue is, while they’ve been doing it on a personal basis, not in their capacity as government officials, in this particular case, we have a US government commission openly calling for war, as their blatantly bellicose statements can only be interpreted as such.

Michel, the author whose op-ed inspired the panel discussion, stated that “Russia continues to oversee what is in many ways a traditional European empire, only that instead of colonizing nations and peoples overseas, it instead colonized nations and peoples over land”. He lamented the US failed to use the break-up of the USSR to dismantle Russia itself, complaining Western support for separatist movements in the Russian Federation “did not go far enough”.

“These are colonized nations that we consider to be part of Russia proper, even though, again, these are non-Russian nations themselves that remain colonized by, as we’ve seen yet again, another dictatorship in the Kremlin,” Michel said.

Once again, he insisted that the meeting was not simply about advocating for the “dismemberment and partition” of Russia, but was supposedly motivated by “genuine opposition to colonialism and imperialism”. The very idea Michel supports “genuine opposition to colonialism and imperialism” is deeply comical, as he has spent years smearing the anti-imperialist movement in the US, while ridiculing and (ab)using the term to demonize the governments of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia, all of which have spent decades fighting off a very real US aggression. Still, Michel brazenly styles himself one of the world’s most vocal supporters of a unique form of “anti-imperialism” that just so happens to advance the interests of the genuinely imperialist political West, in particular the US.

Naturally, none of the participants mentioned anything about the fact the Russian population, although mainly composed of ethnic Russians, still has around 20% of numerous other ethnic (Tatars, Buryats, Kalmyks, Bashkirs, etc) and regional identity (Cossacks) groups, who have been living side-by-side for well over a millennium, that is, several times longer than the US has existed. Also, unlike the US, which occupies the land entirely conquered from numerous Native peoples, tens of millions of which have been slaughtered, precisely in order to steal their lands (with their descendants now living in reservations), Russia kept the indigenous populations it incorporated (usually peacefully, again, in stark contrast to the US) intact, with their lifestyle, religion and cultural heritage shielded by the government.


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Joseph Ball

Many of us genuinely believe in self-determination for subjugated nations in the USA and the UK. The only good thing about the moves to ‘decolonise Russia’ is we might get an outside ally in the form of Russia. In America, Native Americans require independence. Much of America was seized from Mexico in the Mexican Cession and the return of this territory is an existing radical demand that needs to be made more mainstream. Many Afro-Americans such as the Nation of Islam have called for the creation of separate state in America for black people: https://new.finalcall.com/2021/07/13/slavery-suffering-death-its-time-to-separate-from-white-america/

While the language about ‘segregation’ may be unwise, we should also note that a separate state for African Americans in the USA used to be a communist demand. Black people all around the world would support such a state and it could become an international movement. The Russian authorities need to reassure black people that they are the friends of those of African heritage and not associated with far-right or racist ideology.

Here in the UK, the nationalist population of Northern Ireland continue to lack self-determination and are effectively being intimidated into remaining in the UK by loyalist threats. A united Ireland remains the only solution.


The African people already know Russia is their friend -many black Africans in Russian universities and colleges and are being trained in Russia .Its America that has the massive problem but even people in different US States ridicule each other -Tom Petty had a song that complained about the way he spoke- Southern Accents. Not born in the USA ?–Foreigner then .Village thinking.

Caitlin Morris

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Last edited 2 years ago by Caitlin Morris

Time to decolonize Europe and Ukraine of American lackeys. Ah, that’s what this War has just begun…

Adam Kafei

I’m all too happy to let Northern Ireland go, I can’t think of a single way Britain has benefitted from having it, not to mention all those adverts that exclude Northern Ireland, why would they want to be part of Britain? But, I think it’s time English independence was also considered, why should the N-Irish, the Scots and even the Welsh get recognised independence movements and their own legislative bodies but England gets no such recognition and has to abide by whatever the British government dictates?


Already happened -Tory party said nice things to Northern counties and they voted Tory.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia
Adam Kafei

Unfortunately they were also reminded that the Tories keep their promises as often as New Labour does. I’m afriad that doesn’t count for much.


The criminal puppets installed to leadership in the bankster occupied lands of America are Satanic Masonic Zionists. They troop to the inhumanity and genocide of the black nobility’s fiscal counterfieting fraud empire. They are duplicitous traitors and psychopaths who seek to destroy Christanity world-wide and enslave humanity.

You can’t think of these evil creatures as being human anymore, they’re so far gone calling them lizards like David Ike does, actually makes more sense, of a species of senseless murderers and thieves.

If any empire needs dismantling, it’s that of the black nobility, the banking cartels, the Zionists, the Masons, and the bloody pedophiles of the WEF/NATO/WHO/UN whore houses.

Never has an entity under the name ‘United Nations’ been so devoted to war and the destruction of nations, humanity would do itself a favour to dismantle and remove the UN, it’s a complete and utter failure for doing the opposite of its stated purpose.

The UN is kinda like vaccines…it’s the bad medicine no one needed before it was created, and no one benefits from it currently, and we’d save ourself a great deal of misery if we stopped using it immediately!



Well the Texans are demanding a vote on Independence,maybe Russia should send a few Smerch and Tos-1 missiles to help them throw the American occupiers out,they could pay the Mexicans to get the weapons over the Rio Grand into America,how about that.

hunter bidé lab pork !

The Freaky terrorits lgtbs izzis nazis faraway in their still land from the indians are in acid and mushrrons !!!!!!!!!!! they should implode and devolve the land to the indians that they murderer and kill like urubus abortions !!!! Another abortion talking like an abortion but is alive !! F Then all……………digital parazites m f lgtbs terrorists nazis !!!! Print more money and make an abortion Abortion !!!!

tommy tranny sawyer

I advocated for penis removal—surgeon told me his wife had bigger penis, so gave me silicone breasts


Lgbtia+ agenda is working…. Yes!!! Soon I could be a dolphin and have my own customized passport says Mr Biddet OldDiaper Biden

WT Baker

Let’s not forget “Global Britain’s” role in this. Without the Brits influence imbedded in the Trans Atlantic Special Relationship over many decades, the US would have never become what it is today.

hunter bidé lab pork !

The Lizard Queen of Nazis Pedos!! The Pedos !! The Psico digital Pedos !! The Bidens Crime Gang Family Of PEDOS !!! The ONU of Pedos The Nato of Pedos !! The Eu of Digital psico Pedos !!! The USA of Gangester Pedos ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ok no List OF PEDOS !!!!!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

they really need ABORTIONS to DEAL WITH PEDOS !!!!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

did i Forgot the WHO of terrorist african super PEDO !! And The WEF of Super dracul digital Bolchevic Gang Of PEDOS ??


Russia should’ve had realized it’s been their intention long ago.


They did and since 2014 they’ve made strides to detach their economy from the EU and also start to produce what is needed for their military and civilian population in Russia. They have used more artillery shells than the US currently has and are producing enough to keep up with the pace. The US outsources so much of it military ammunition components that in an all-out war, it could not do the same.

Muhammad your Prophet

Yeah, the US government is forcing the Putin cockroaches to use Linux software. How old is Linux now? Like 20 years? That’s how obsolete the shitty Russian army is.

Muhammad is your Goat

US was unable to defeat goat herders in Afghanistan lol


Ooooo man you definitely not nothing about something and comment to show us you are moron… The issue with LINUX is that BigTech in USA get all mayor Distributions ten years ago and added some loopholes and tracking inside the Linux Kernel… Off course all major distribution are compromised….. You should use your own build Linux Kernel Version and never use Western Repositories to update

GTU-UK284Hdumb p00fs FULLOVIT

x86-pae is the future,x64 is for lacklustured low iq high wastage airheads without a single clue!

Muhammad your Prophet

Yeah, and why didn’t they use it all along and are only switching now that nobody wants to go anywhere near Russia?


Seriously now, are you a real prophet ?

GTU-UK284Hdumb p00fs FULLOVIT

What do you know about computing,incompetent low iq degenerate sub 14gbps win 10 weakling!


Well, Russia-China are 20 years ahead of USA-UK in military technology my friend. USA is hardly testing its hypersonic missiles what Russia did 20 years ago. “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION”.


You sound like a retard, Linux is a variant of Unix and is ubiquitous in the field of commerce and industry. Your smartphone (Android, MAC OS), your digital devices, your internet portals are most likely to have Linux derivatives built into them.

You make light of something you don’t understand, please crawl back under the stone whence you came before the sunlight gets you.


Less hackable. That was the intention and it seems it’s working.


LOL! Well, China Joe seems to be failing on all fronts if destroying Russia is his goal. It appears to me that destroying the US economy and way of life is his actual goal and so far, it’s the only policy of his that he has had any success with. The sanctions will hurt Russia in the short run but as they pivot their exports to the 2/3rds of the world’s countries and population that don’t support the sanctions, the sanctions long run affect will be to make Russia stronger AND sanction proof in the future.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

China joe should have picked a completely different career, he is an abject failure as a politician, i cant think of a scorpio who is

Uncle Ozzwald

Steven COHEN. Every single time.

Sad that Putin is a J.ew.lov.er like Trump.

GTU-UK284Hdumb p00fs FULLOVIT

The only jew lover is zelensky,are you gay dumb or just both?trump is a loser Putin certainly aint,grot!

Florian Geyer

I often feel that I have stumbled across a Libtard Lunatic Asylum where the long established meaning of Words that are being translated into the Opposite of the long established meanings of words.

The Khazars and their Fellow Travellers are corrupt, cruel, and duplicitous.

Money and Wealth are the drivers of power that can be benign or tyrannical. The Khazars are Greedy andTyrannical, and always have been.

Essentially, the Khazar empire of lies and deciept has always been a Ponzi Scheme that is now crumbling. The Fiat monetary system of the West has lost all of its power and now the vast Money Creation by the Western central banks is creating hyper inflation in all their vassal states.

The Khazars have currently looted most of the world and ONLY the total theft of Russian lands can prolong their global Tyranny for another ‘hundred years’.

The Russian Federation will never submit to be slaves and only Russia has the powerto fight the Khazars Western Janissiary’s and WIN.

Slava Rossiya.


Which translates to… It’s a good day for U$ TO CHECK OUT… And we’re ALL IN on using the EU as the initial targets and “buffer” for Russia’s Sarmat(s) and Bulava(s)…

And as I always love saying this… I would not want to be Joe Biden’s handler(s) on the back end of that decision if they have the bunker and manage to survive it… As the people taking care of them down below will be mighty pissed when there is no more “lea$ure World” up top anymore!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
GTU-UK284Hdumb p00fs FULLOVIT

Usa will be choked to death,if anything by their own lgbtq sodomised poisons,God Bless Mother Russia:


Keep trying to destroy Russia, and very soon you will find USA-Europe totally destroyed.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Totally true


Biden and the EU know very well if Russia feels threatened, it will start by launching a Poseidon on the UK to terrify the rest of the cabal.

hunter bidé lab pork !

The only thing USa are destroying is USA and off course is lgbts climate changers BBB friends of terrorism EU of a small gangsters urubus !!!!

mike l hutchings

the Atlantic powers are in the process of destroying America the same way they did Germany, and Russia will be no different. they’re vision of what the world should be is seen through the lens of lawless freebooters that run the UN AND unaccountable for their actions. the opening moves were military but just as important Is the attempt to isolate Russia like they did Germany by removing them from western culture. Germans abroad helped the allies and when they were no longer needed, they were rounded up and their businesses taken over. they were erased and Russia’s fate will be no different. WW1 and WW2 took down the Hapsburgs and broke up a heart land that Germany was growing into and then they destroyed Prussia and broke the back of Europe and occupied it, and they are still there. Russia is the next victim of the single pole world order. they will dance on the grave of western civilization without a thought for the evil they have done and shatter like a pane of glass when they’re own people pull them down. the revolution will start in America and Russia needs to be there for us. MAGA

USA Evil Empire

They dare to talk about colonization???

Decolonize America. Free the world from evil.

Last edited 2 years ago by USA Evil Empire

Putin said that Russia will “knock out teeth” to anyone who tries to “bite off” something from her

The President is confident that Russia will continue to be contained, since many opponents simply do not need such a country. NOVO-OGAREVO, May 20. /TASS/. Russia periodically faces attempts to “bite off” something from it, but it will knock out the teeth of anyone who is going to do it. This was stated on Thursday by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Pobeda organizing committee.

According to him, some publicly dare to say that the Siberian wealth supposedly unfairly belongs to only one country. “It’s strange to hear such things, especially in public, but they sometimes sound,” Putin said.

“Everyone wants to bite us somewhere or bite something off of us. But they must know, those who are going to do this, that we will knock out everyone’s teeth so that they cannot bite,” the president stressed. “This is obvious. And the guarantee for this is the development of our armed forces,” he added.

The head of state pointed out that Russia has a colossal potential. The country’s territory remains the largest in the world, he recalled. “146 million people seem to be not so many compared to those countries where hundreds of millions of citizens live, and even more than a billion [population]. But it is still considered a lot,” Putin stressed.

According to him, the same thing happens at all times: as soon as a country becomes stronger, there are immediately reasons to limit its development. The President recalled the statement of Emperor Alexander III about Russia: “They are afraid of our immensity.” At the same time, some people abroad consider Russia too big even after the collapse of the USSR, Putin noted.

According to him, the Soviet Union “is nothing but historical Russia, only [it] was called differently, and the ideological content of the state was, of course, different, but from a geopolitical point of view it is historical Russia.” “Even after one-third of the potential has been lost, Russia is still too big for someone,” Putin stated.

Russia will continue to be contained The President is confident that Russia will continue to be contained, since many opponents simply do not need such a country.

“No matter what we do, no matter how hard we strive to satisfy the appetites of those who are trying to restrain us, the containment will still continue, because many of our opponents, as we will call them, simply do not need a country like Russia,” said the head of state.

“But we need it, we need it, our people, the citizens of the Russian Federation need it. And we will do everything to not only preserve, but also strengthen and strengthen,” Putin added.

To achieve such a strategic goal, according to the president, “everything must be done to preserve the memory of what happened in previous years, the memory of those who defended our Motherland.”

In this regard, the head of state noted the importance of the work of search movements, activities to revive the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland, adding that sometimes this work is associated with a certain danger.


While their own society collapses into degeneracy and civil unrest, they have the ignorant gall to advocate the overthrow of a stable and righteous country like Russia…..

helene matz

degenerate decadent scum

Stephen Obi Emekekwue

WHY?!,Why are the Russians Still being so restrained by President Vladimir Putin?!.My Guess as Good as any is They Want the U.S. to Make that clear open move!.”That’s Direct-intervention in Ukraine”, 🚫 NOT-PROXY as it is Now!!. OKAY NEO-CONS-LIBERAL LUNATICS DO IT AND WE WILL ALL LIVE TO SEE AS WELL AS SOMANY WHO MUST DIE WORLDWIDE, WHEN THAT HAPPENS.BECAUSE THE RFR AND CCP-PRC, CSTO-SHENGHEN TREATY PACT ARE MORE THAN CAPABLE OF ENDING THIS AMERICAN IMPERIALIST BULL SHIT ONCE AND FOR ALL!!.The U.S. Needs to be Completely Destroyed in a Way that Will Make Nazi Germany and Japan in WWII Look Lucky!!.AMERICANS BE READY FOR YOUR EXTINCTION 💀☢️⚡⚖️✔️‼️.OR GET RID OF THESE NEO-CONS-LIBERAL SWINE EVEN IF IT MEANS A 2ND CIVIL WAR!!.


The Falklands, NI, Gibraltar, our tax havens overseas, lets decolonise them too and we can kiss Scotland bye bye! Hawaii and Alask, lets decolonise them. And France should stop its terrorism in Africa and stop controlling their money. Parts of Spain and France want to breakaway. Texas may actyually be breaking away too!

Przemysław Abramowski

I am Polish and I am saying: Hold on Russia! Dismantling of Russia… what an idea, my mouth gapes. Look at the map of Tsarist Russia in 1914, they’ve been dismantled already! And one thing these people take as a non-fact is that Russia might actually dismantle them faster… enough nukes for that. But no no no, Russia will not do it, so we can safely dismantle them using some other means! I can’t believe what I’m reading…

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