An F-16 Fighting Falcon takes off from Incirlik Air Base, Turkey in support of Operation Inherent Resolve Aug. 12, 2015. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Krystal Ardrey /Released)
Late on August 23, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) struck facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in the northeastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor.
The strikes were a response to two attacks which targeted US forces in Syria on August 15. Back then, a number of suicide drone struck a garrison of the US-led coalition in the southeastern area of al-Tanf. A salvo of rockets also hit the coalition’s Green Village base inside al-Omar oil fields in Deir Ezzor. Both attacks were blamed on the IRGC.
In a statement, the CENTCOM said that the strikes on IRGC-affiliated groups in Deir Ezzor were personally ordered by President Joe Biden.
“Today’s strikes were necessary to protect and defend US personnel. The United States took proportionate, deliberate action intended to limit the risk of escalation and minimize the risk of casualties,” Colonel Joe Buccino, CENTCOM Communication Director, said in the statement. “The United States does not seek conflict, but will continue to take necessary measures to protect and defend our people.”
Syrian news sources said that more than three US strikes targeted weapons depots and a training camp in the outskirts of the town of Ayyash in the northeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. However, no casualties were reported as a result of the strikes.
The Syrian government has not addressed the US strikes, yet. However, Iran denied having any link to the facilities struck in Deir Ezzor.
“The U.S. attack on Syrian infrastructure and people is a violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The sites targeted had no links to the Islamic Republic,” Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said on August 24.
It’s worth noting that the August 15 attacks on US forces were reportedly a response to a series of Israeli strikes that hit Syria a day earlier. The strikes killed three Syrian soldiers and wounded three others.
IRGC-affiliated groups in Deir Ezzor were already expecting a US response. The groups didn’t strike back, likely to avoid any further escalation. The strikes will not likely deter these groups, which were hit by the US and even Israel on several occasions in the past.
US is stealing Syrian oil daily via Turkey and they are scared that the resistance against this illegal US occupation will only increase as Iranian footprint in Syria grows daily. The resistance militias must start inflicting real casualties on the US occupation forces in the region.
Why are those oil convoys not being blown up 24/7?
Secret deal in effect with Syrian protectorate.
Iran is weak. After all of these years, they haven’t hit Israel once. Russia is the real power in Syria. Putin is waiting patiently as western governments become weaker with each passing day. Americans and Europeans have had enough of their corrupt governments, and as more of their friends and family die from the vaccines, they become more and more angry. As their food supplies are sabotaged, and their rights are taken away, they become more angry. As their money is taken and send to the scumbag Zelensky, they become more angry. Western governments are losing power every day. Putin is watching and waiting. If Putin doesn’t move against Zelensky in Ukraine, and the US and Israel in Syria, then whomever replaces him will.
You think Iran is weak because they haven’t hit back at israel, but called Russia strong for waiting patiently, do you not see the contradiction in that sentence? Israel wants Iran to respond, that’s why Iran hasn’t.
True, but many Iranians have been killed, two senior officers were killed just yesterday and Iran has to act. People think that the Zionists are a “superpower”, believe me they are nothing but all bluff. The point with bullies is that you have to hit back or they just escalate. When I was around 10 years old, two bigger bullies at school used to bully me and push me around. One day, I decided that I had had enough, when one of bullies was walking out after school I ran fast and hit him on the head with a rock and then kicked the shit out of him, he whimpered like a girl and his buddy just froze. I simply walked away and they never even made eye contact after that. Moral of the story is that he who dares wins. Iran and Syria may take some losses, but the Zionists will fold as their child killer IDF is only used to killing unarmed Palestinians in their homes. The Zionist bastards are even scared of entering Gaza, let alone fight in the streets of Damascus. Most asymmetrical warfare chews up manpower due to ATGM, drones and ambushes, look at Ukraine and Russia is “superpower” and bogged down after 6 months. You think the Zionist cowards will fight for 6 months? most will be sitting in Europe and Cyprus after a week of missile attacks.
The Zionist scum simply have no strategic mass to fight a long war. Why do think the Americunt assholes bribed Sadat?
You have a memory. In 2006 Israel entered Lebanon, got its ass kicked and ran away, Gotta give the pussy Jews credit for knowing they’re pussies and not continuing the losing fight. And as always, Israel takes another tactic, and that is getting gentiles to fight for them.
Correct,we learn that lesson early in life if we know whats good for us,same happened to me at school but not after i came into the classroom one morning and smacked the Bully around his head with a telephone directory,end of problem.
This whole “just wait until the Westerns rise up” narrative, repeated over and over, is completely preposterous. Westerners are lalrgely ignorant of the world (especially Americans), but the only ones truly dissatisfied are the weakest and worst adapted to Western life, precisely the least likely group to have any importance.
Western global hegemony is supported by Westerners, both those who know nothing of it and those who know a great deal of how the world works. Only the ones who know just a little are angry.
The West is a big theme park. The golden billion who live there get access to high technology, social services, supermarkets, consumer goods, multimedia, sexual deviance, and every aspect of a high standard of living that is simply not possible for everyone else to have.
Westerns know that, while distasteful, the CIA and its friends are ultimately the only reason they get to live in that theme park and not in Brazil 2.0.
ordered by “president” Corrupted mf pedo Biden !! Biden doesn’t ordered nothing he doesn’t know where is is anus or is brain !!! ORDERED BY PSICO PEDOS Terorists !!!!
its a good excuse to have a senil pedo corrupted cia abortion giving is anus to the world !!!!
lgbt in Oregon can hit my anus if I pay 20 rubles
Its time the US gangsters in Syria got the Al Asad treatment.
amerikant impotent and pitiful—no culture except sodomy…uncivilized ugly self hating robots
They deny so they don’t have to retaliate. Cowards. I’ll see what they’ll do when missiles and rockets start landing in Iran from Iraq.
Russia should be more proactive seeing as being slow and delicate will not save us from madmen who want nuclear WWIII and decimation of life on earth.
Будет ли это разумно и есть ли у страны возможность при нападении регулярными войсками страны гамбургера напасть на принадлежащую им по праву территорию, перейдя берингов пролив и конечно же завоевать. Потому что, если страна гамбургеров пойдет в атаку на соотечественника на поле битвы страны с двумя цветами.. Это будет момент, чтобы вернуть его собственность…. Простите меня, если я не освою все возможности… .В том числе атомные….