Russian soldiers guard a pier where two Ukrainian naval ships are moored, in Sevastopol, March 5, 2014.
The State Department told Antiwar.com ‘Crimea is Ukraine’ when asked if the ban on using HIMARS on Russian territory applies to Crimea
Originally published by AntiWar
The State Department on Sunday implied that Ukrainian forces are allowed to use US-provided High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) against Russian targets in Crimea, which Russia has controlled since 2014.
When the US first announced it was sending HIMARS to Ukraine, Biden administration officials said they received “assurances” from Ukrainian officials that the rockets won’t be used to target Russian territory.
When asked if the ban on Ukraine using the HIMARS to target Russian territory applies to Crimea, a State Department spokesperson told Antiwar.com, “Crimea is Ukraine.”
“The United States does not and will never recognize Russia’s purported annexation of Crimea. We will continue to stand up against Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war against the people of Ukraine,” the spokesperson said.
On Saturday, a Ukrainian intelligence official said that Ukrainian forces should start attacking Russian facilities in Crimea and suggested US-provided HIMARS could be used for such strikes.
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy chair of Russia’s security council, warned Sunday that if Ukraine launched attacks on Crimea, it would mean “doomsday” for Ukrainian leadership.
“Should anything of the kind happen, they will be faced with a doomsday, very quick and tough, immediately. There will be no avoiding it. But they keep on provoking the general situation by such statements,” Medvedev said, according to Russia’s Tass news agency.
Medvedev also said that the fact that Ukraine and Western nations don’t recognize Crimea as Russian territory poses a “systemic threat” to Russia. “If any state, either Ukraine or a NATO country, thinks that Crimea is not part of Russia, it is a systemic threat to us,” he said.
The HIMARS the US has sent to Ukraine are equipped with munitions that can reach targets up to 50 miles away. The rocket systems could be outfitted with longer-range rockets, but the US chose the 50-mile range and sought assurances that they won’t be used to target Russian territory over fears that such attacks risk escalating the conflict.
But since Russia considers Crimea its territory, any attack on the peninsula would be a major escalation and would risk provoking a response from Moscow.
Mr. Medvedev should already start with the doomsday above the Presidential Office of Kiev, because Ukrainian Nazis are shelling Russian territory almost daily, in Belgorod for example. So the Nazis already crossed that red line long time ago.
I think the Russians see the border attacks as something to be expected. Long distance strikes on Crimea is another matter entirely, possible only because the war criminals in Washington are providing not only the equipment, but the intel to do so.
Lijian Zhao 赵立坚
China government official NATO should apologize to Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, to the 900,000 lives lost to the wars, and to the tens of millions of refugees.
China should do same thing for the many more millions killed by themself. Ypu can start with 1000 killed and go on. Its millions.
Crimes commited against humanity are unforgivable.
We all know it here.
You are highly incorrect. The option is because Ukraine is not there.
USA didnt invade Ukraine. And why only mention USA. EU has just given Ukraine 500 more mio Euro. We want and open Europe with normal trade and devellopments.
We will never accept Russia acting like that and will help Ukraine to have own choises.
“We” LMAO. It’s just you by yourself you Ethiopian IQ inbred mamzer jew.
USA overthrew the government of Ukraine and replaced it with one of their own choosing they then set up bases and supplied it with NATO weapons and trainers over an 8 year period. Ukraine didn’t have any choice in this.
Eight long years of preparation and still failed to deter Russians to enter the fascists territory.
And they also gave legitimacy to the UkRop Nazis to murder the Russian speaking population in Donbass and Lugansk regions.
Every one of those US officials and their EU vassals should be brought to account for their part in promoting and facilitating the genocide of Russian Slavs, I do feel their judgement will come, if not in this world, then surely in the other place, they will have giant spikey pineapples thrusted down their arse by Mr. Satan.
I don’t know what kind of sickness you are suffering ,Then wait till the sarmat is sendet to you and you will accept it ,eu is not prepared for any kind of war particulary not against russia ,you don’t even have Idee what is the different between ukraina and russia it is the same countrie
No matter how hard you try to believe your delusions.. It would remain unchanged as delusions.
Say what?
Correct. But these attacks are like tiny bites bothersome but not dangerous. An attack on the Crimean bridge is a different matter
Yes. The water supply for it very much too.
If any Russian city or Crimea is targeted by NATO assholes, it will immediately elicit a tactical nuclear response and Mr.Medvedev who is considered a mild peacenik explained it this nightmare scenario in very precise words. It will bring “Judgement Day” to the Zio-Nazi regime. The Jew bastard Zelensky is already facing a Slavic insurrection in the AFU ranks and has now burrowed deeper in the basement of the Americunt embassy in Warsaw.
On another uplifting note, finally two Iranian senior national security advisers have confirmed that Iran has the bomb or at least turn key capability. So much for these barking NATO scum. President Putin is in Tehran today meeting with his resolute Persian allies. Global power has really shifted to the GOOO GUYS!
I have my sunclasses, a good chair and some whisky leftover. Which direction is it. I live in Denmark.
I see myself as fried chickens. How many minutes is it.
Iran has confirmed no such thing. Much as You can read and has ears, but You cant understand. They are almost able to make a socalled dirty bomb.
So what I’m a paid shill. I can spew bullshits all day if I get paid. I need money for d1cks. No one would fvck an old hag like me if I don’t pay.
Most likely its done by the russians themself. They need it for legalizing, what they do.
I absolutely agree with you Peter and am sure that most of SF community also feel the same sentiments regarding this matter, Moscow should stop playing the timid REACTIONARY strategy but move actively forward to achieve its set objectives at all costs.
Those of us who despise the US and UK attempt to balkanise Russia solely to steal the great wealth of Russia in order to survive the de-facto bankruptcies of the US/UK.
IF President Putin had ordered nukes to erase the UKIE capabilities at the start of the Russian Special Operation the HATO monsters would have been able to go to their Full Retard Mode and declare war.
President Putin’s Strategic Patience has enabled Russia to show the world that NATO is the worlds greatest aggressor and murderer of many millions of civilians across the globe.
The majority of the countries that both, hates and fears, the US/UK are now supporting Russia in the Quest to have equitable trade relations with all who wish to befriend Russia.
NATO countries have to realise that stealing other peoples wealth is getting harder to do.
Slava Rossiya
Well said. Somehow I don’t think that Hato/Nato and their masters will ever stop trying to steal the wealth of other nations, or stop killing people all over the world to do it. Its not in its nature to do so, and for that reason this evil beast, this destroyer of nations and killer of millions of innocent people across the globe for the last 70 odd years, needs to be destroyed itself. The dragon needs to be slayed, perhaps Putin is the St George of our times.
I think Putin and Russia leadership are scare and afraid of NATO and US
I’m pretty sure it would do more than “risk provoking a response from Russia”
Yes it would do more than risk a response from Russia, it would make both the USA and Kiev a legitimate target and all hell would break loose.
Russia will give a 24 hour notice and simply wipe all Kiev Nazi hovels off the face of the earth if even a single missile hits any Russian city. The dumbass Poles should be careful too as Warsaw will be another ghetto again soon.
And we as usual are sitting duck less clever then You.
A single missile. Ha ha. So You are a hobby or what ?
If anything You just motivate us harder. You are still in local old days. Poland. Ha ha dummy.
Putin had personally invited the NATO troops in public to join the party in Ukraine and promised a welcome treat they could hardly forget the rest of their lives.. If ever they come out alive.
We all know that. So what.
Not even nukes can hit him. Richeburg and others might be immune. We can make a try.
Yes please! Death to JewSA and Israhell!
We will see. If they want Moskva to be a lake, its fine with me.
What’s so scary about Russia that the US trying to avoid.. Oh I remember now that they’ve got nothing to match the potential fury of hypersonics.
I don’t think Medvedev is joking. I hope Zelensky doesn’t think he’s joking. If they hit Crimea, Zelensky won’t even be safe in Warsaw.
We dont care what You think or not.
I wake up excited every day, because I want to see them try to hit Crimea or the bridge and get annihilated by Russia.
Stop talking to yourself, you’ve been doing this for 20 years noone buys it anymore
Warsaw would be completely decimated together with Zelensky being vaporised just like what the NATO has done to Afghanistan that cuddled O bin Laden.
It needs to be understood that the economic-financial collapse of the West is facilitating the entropic behavior of Wash.D.C., London, and Brussels. NATO is in the maelstrom and refuses to understand its physical principles. They refuse to see the errors of their thinking process. The way out of further death and destruction, even thermal nuclear war is there but the US stubbornly and blindly clings to their failed axiomatic assumptions.
Thats right. We collapsed the dollar and even the Euro three times last week too to support it.
Most people here run around naked to learn to take next winter better as well. We are shaved all over and recycle masks. We have learned that from muslim men and women.
Biden himself was in Saudi Arabia himself. USA might do it as well. The ones with no maks in USA will be shot.
They don’t refuse to see any of that. It’s purposeful destruction, part of the jewish WEF agenda to collapse our normal world so they can take over.
That’s why the purposeful destruction of food processing plants is happening as well as the attack on farmers.
It’s a controlled demolition just like the WTC towers on 9/11.
No way in hell that the U.S. or Ukraine would attack Crimea. The U.S. would never give the green light to blow up the Crimea Bridge because if they do then Russia can and will formally declare war on Ukraine and invade with anther 300 thousand Russian troops and an additional 100,000 Chechen Berserkers and the war will end in a week then Russia will most definitely take every inch of Ukraine. That would completely ruin the U.S. money laundering and weapons racketeering scam against the sleeping American sheeple who are getting swindled of hundreds of billions of dollars soon to be at least a trillion dollars. The U.S. wants the war to keep going as long as there are Ukrainian cannon fodder conscripts left to thrown into the war furnace.
300,000 troops???? MORE LIKE 1.6 MILLION TROOPS and they won’t stop at Kiev either but at the ENGLISH CHANNEL. Russia has only used at most 130,000 to 190,000 troops rotated through on a continued basis so in other words they are destroying Ukraine with less than a 1/10 of their available force and that is not even including another 2 million troops once mobilization is started. =Z=
It’s far better to sit and watch as NATO countries destroy themselves from within.
All the immigration and gender nonsense is creating complete chaos.
The clown 🤡 needs to be put down. Down with the 🤡.
When the Clown 🤡 has to admit the war is lost, NATO COULD END UP GUTTED.
There is a good analysis in the Middle East Eye, how the Jew media and Anglo warmongers have created a cult around their corrupt Jew puppet Zelensky who has brought sheer misery to Ukraine.
Russia-Ukraine war: The West must stop its unconditional support for Kyiv by Alain Gabon
Money and weapons shipments from western states to the Zelensky regime are only helping to escalate the conflict, with devastating global implications
Time to strike back against the Madman Putin…time to take the fight to russian soil…
Just try hohol
Guess it is ok little people are dying everyday…got to show restraint to please the “partners” who steal everything that isn’t tied down.
I already has an 2 Armatas in my garden. So I have to have a bigge garden or what?
Actually its only one. Some refugee children and their mother lives in one of them. We have just installeda coffee machine for them.
They are ahppy. Next time they might vote for Putin too.
Yes, the UKIE government and army does indeed indeed steal all that is not tied down’. The UKIE’s also attempt to steal what IS tied down as well.
Slava Rossiya.
yup, and Iskanders can hit Helsinki if they want to all day long. think twice before you burn all of your citizens for selfish gain or someone else might do it for you.
The Biden Administration is full of psychopaths. No other way to state it. Crimea ceased to be a part of Ukraine after the Black Messiah engineered the 2014 coup, and its residents voted to join the RF.
I’m bet the Pootie is watering his mouth waiting to say like dirty Harry: “go ahead make my day”.
He will be erased Arnold
Zelenskyy isn’t really a Ukrainian president but a U.S. State Dept employee.
Israel Mossad employee*
Thats right. Next week it will be their state number 51. The Russians already retreats to east of Ural.
Russia could always start knocking out western intelligence assets that assist Ukraine in targeting of Russian forces using western supplied weaponry.
They should shoot down all of musk’s satellites, he has joined the conflict by allowing his satellites to be used by Ukraine, declare most of the the black sea an exclusion zone any aircraft, drones or ships will be assumed to be hostile and are liable to be destroyed. It’s insanity to allow NATO targeting aircraft to fly with impunity.
Hopefully russia works up the courage to do that someday
No they cant.
Ukras dont care.
Please let this happen. I want to see Russia directly confront JewSA and beat them.
I do too but i have a feeling they will just hit a few targets in ukraine and complain and condemn the west and call it a day, i hope im wrong tho
Seversk taken, Avdiivka Nazi cowards asking for permission to run home to Kiev after 24 hours of bombardment. The kike puppet Zelensky’s victorious retreats just keep coming!
The US is not implying. The Ukrainian forces are already saying it. The Putin cockroaches have depleted their entire reserve forces. It’s a matter of time before their presence in Crimea becomes unsustainable.The special moronic operation has left Crimea wide open for the taking.
Put down the crack pipe you JIDF moronic troll. Ukraine will not be taking diddly squat back from Russia, Ukraine is F U C K E D, it’s that simple. No money, economy in ruins, no airforce, no experienced combat troops left in any branch of their armed services.
The only thing the JewSA & the EJew should be sending Zelensky is a fork because he is done!
They’re not implying it, asshole. They’re doing it.
i think till the last ukro is pedo gay zelonsky nazi jew terrorist !!!
or pedo Joe is an ukro lgtb ??
so its too much climate change !!! we got to change the sex of pedo Eu gays corrupted nazis of covid !!! greta !!! the Pope !! the queen of nazis !!! the Wef has to eat all the bugs by the anus !!! and so on F it All !!!!
Guterres polutes a lot should change sex quickly or somebody will put dynamite in his anus !!!!
“Unprovoked Russian aggression”..hmm.. where was Victoria Nuland in 2014? Giving out cookies in Maidan, but the Nato sharpshooters had their own. Well.. this might just make the Russian s to take all of Ukraine, I guess that is what Medvedev meant.
if ukraine attacks crimea,its over for kiev…
Not just Crimea. Nuke/hypersonic number 1, will be directed at the UK and nuke/hypersonic No. 2 will go to the US, as a thank you gift.
go ahead and try it and then you will see what a Russian military Offensive REALLY LOOKS LIKE. Go on NATO try it and see because it will be the last thing NATO sees before their fiery death. =Z=
Can’t post again SF.
The US state dept are such liars. It’s a wonder anyone believes their nonsense.
We currently have a failing empire, if the US regime was an empire, run by liars, cheats, and criminals. What could go wrong eh?
I could only post half of my comment. Something is blocking the rest from being posted.
So, the high-precision weapon of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the village of Kamyshevakha, Zaporozhye region, hit the temporary deployment point of the Nazi formation “Right Sector”. Destroyed up to 200 militants. So they are now called “in Hell Sector”.