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US & Iran Clash In Northeastern Syria

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US & Iran Clash In Northeastern Syria

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US & Iran Clash In Northeastern Syria
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US & Iran Clash In Northeastern Syria

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Tensions between Iranian-backed forces and the US-led coalition in Syria have escalated into a limited confrontation, in which both sides sustained losses.

Fighting broke out on August 23, when the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) struck positions of Iranian-backed forces in the northeastern governorate of Deir Ezzor.

Four F-16s and four F-15s carried out the strikes. The fighter jets hit nine positions of Iranian-backed forces near the town of Ayyash in the northern Deir Ezzor countryside with nine precision-guided bombs.

The strikes caused some material losses. The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported that six Iranian-backed fighters were killed as a result of the strike. This is yet to be confirmed, however.

The Syrian government did not comment on the strikes. Meanwhile, Iran denied any link to the positions struck in Deir Ezzor. Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said that the strikes were a violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

US strikes were meant to deter Iranian-backed forces who were accused of carrying out the August 15 attacks, which targeted the US-led coalition’s Green Village base in the al-Omar oil fields in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside and al-Tanf garrison in Syria’s southeastern region. Attacks were a response to the August 14 Israeli strikes on Syria, which killed three soldiers and wounded three others.

Iranian-backed forces were not deterred, however. On August 23, they attacked the US-led coalition’s Conoco gas plant base in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside as well as the Green Village base with rockets.

CENTCOM acknowledged that the rocket attacks wounded a US service member in the Conoco gas plant, and two others in the Green Village.

The US response was swift. AH-64 Apache attack helicopters of the coalition destroyed three vehicles and weapons of Iranian-backed forces in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside late on August 24.

CENTCOM said that the helicopter strikes killed two to three Iranian-backed fighters. The Arab media said that some of those killed were in fact Iranian members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. However, these claims remain without proof.

Iranian-backed Syrian and Iraqi forces maintain a large presence in the government-held part of Deir Ezzor in order to counter ISIS remnants and pressure the US-led coalition, who occupies all key gas and oil fields in Syria’s northeastern region.

The limited confrontation between the US and Iranian-backed forces in Syria came amid reports of progress in the talks on the revival of the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal. Confrontation could drag on for days or weeks, as both sides are apparently trying to demonstrate to their allies that the return to the nuclear deal will not affect their other policies.

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That’s the Jews saying no way to Russia and Iran from becoming a gas cartel. Didn’t take long.

hunter bidé lab pork !

the “jews” chozenites parazites of satan always talks with the anus of others !!! and cry and lie and lie and cry !!!


So nice


Iran Syria Russia can all CLEAR out the US and Turkey can help. instead of targeting bits and bobs, just clear them out until they run into Jordan.

Joe Bidet Is A senile Pedo

Time the Americunt oil thieves were sent home in body bags. Maybe Assad should recruit the Taliban as mercs. to do the job!


the Taliban, ISIS, alQaida, BLM , Antifa are all CIA assets…the CIA is nothing more than a pitbull on the leash of the communist international banking cartel, Hitler and Stalin were cousins they were both son’s of the Rothschild’s…Nancy Pelosi is Hitlers daughter, Angela Merkel, Dahlia Grabuskyte, Theresa May and Ann Dunham are all sisters whose mother was Eva Braun…these women are all daughters of Adolph Hitler…Barack Obama is Hitler’s grandson…the CIA is Fascist, they are homosexuals and mass murderers…the EU and NATO are fascists..Obama’s entire administration were nothing more than a gang of nazi blackshirts…they established a fascist government in Kyiv via Euromaidan and Right Sector…these are all nazi fascist fronts that have held powerful political influence throughout the Balkan peninsula since WW 2… just look up Stepan Bandera and Transnistria…the CIA was established after WW 2 under Hitler’s mandate..they absorbed much of the SS …the Bush’s, the Clinton’s and the Obama’s are all CIA… Operation Paperclip

jens holm

Anyone wants a blow job? I accept rubbles as payment.

poko molo

will you remove dentures


“Iranian backed” is propaganda speak


Exactly You are quite right


It is time for Muslims across the globe to unite in fight against division between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Nazi Jews who are running the American military-industrial-banking complex are dividing Muslims and pushing them to kill each others while they are stealing their natural resources – oil and gas. Divide et impera.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ibrahim

Islam is the bastard child of the Vatican…rape, mass murder, bestiality, homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexual orgies, slavery and cannibalism…which in turn all goes back to Baal Worship which is devil worship… Cannibalism is a composite of two Coptic words Kanna-Baal it means Priest of Baal …Baal Worship was established by Nimrod the son of Ethiopia who built Babylon and the Tower…the city was originally called Shinar until Jesus destroyed their wicked tower…Babylon means confusion …babble…the Babylonians in the Bible are the Ethiopians, the Egyptians, the Canaanites and the Phoenicians were all the brother’s of the Ethiopians….they were the sons of Ham the father of the black race…they established in the earth, black supremacy, slavery, genocide, bisexual orgies and human sacrifice..ie…cannibalism every false religion in existence came from Baal Worship at Babylon

rat sawyer therapist

Persians exposed lgbt amerikans–many injured died…in 20 years lying amerikant archive will reveal truth

USA#1 satan

my therapist lgbt Sawyer like torture—she good amerrikan


What can they do? Stupid americans

Marcus Chapman

Here we have two countries that have no business in Syria to start with. Cry me a river when they kill each other. Haul your ass home and problem solved. Neighter of these two parties are innocent.


I could not read the whole thing, once I got to ” The Syrian Observatory for human rights” This is well known to be just one man who left Syria in the early days of the chaos. This one man has made a living providing that title to so many claims. Typical garbage that can not be validated and never is. There was very similar DPRK “source” that was used for years by US media and that was two kids in Michigan who created a ” official” dprk source. Media used them long after it was known it was all fake.

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