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US Is Kicking Off First Round Of Sanctions Against Iran, Preparing For More

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US Is Kicking Off First Round Of Sanctions Against Iran, Preparing For More


The US is going to enforce a full range of sanctions against Iran, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared on August 5.

“The United States is going to enforce these sanctions,” Pompeotold media after a summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Regional Forum in Singapore.

Pompeo added that Iran would not be capable of going around the unilateral sanctions. He also explained the US decision by claiming that the sanctions reflect the will of the Iranian citizens.

“This is just about Iranians’ dissatisfaction with their own government,” he said. “And we want the Iranian people to have a strong voice in who their leadership will be.”

On August 7, a first round of the US anti-Iranian sanctions is kicking off. This round includes a universal ban on Iran’s access to the US dollar as well as prohibitions against the Iranian trade in gold and other precious metals among other restrictions. A second round of sanctions is set to be employed on November 4 targeting Iran’s oil exports and other issues.

Meanwhile, the European Commission announced that EU companies will continue doing legal business in Iran under the protection from Brussels despite the US sanctions.

“The lifting of nuclear-related sanctions is an essential part of the deal – it aims at having a positive impact not only on trade and economic relations with Iran, but most importantly on the lives of the Iranian people. We are determined to protect European economic operators engaged in legitimate business with Iran, in accordance with EU law and with UN Security Council resolution 2231,” the European Commission stated on August 6. “This is why the European Union’s updated Blocking Statute enters into force on 7 August to protect EU companies doing legitimate business with Iran from the impact of US extra-territorial sanctions.”

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The population of the USA is about 5% of the total world population. Israel’s population is 0.11% of the world’s people.

Who is more important? The 0.11% or the 94.89% who are neither Israeli nor American? The 5% are the useful idiots who provide the tax revenues and work their butts off to ensure that the USA can give Israel billions of dollars in high-tech weaponry that they use against their own population (in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank) and neighbouring sovereign states (Syria, Lebanon).

It’s high time that we reverse the roles on Israel and the USA. Shun both countries, boycott them, place a travel ban on all travel to and from the USA and Israel and refuse to trade with them until they choose to be good citizens of the world. Why the hell should we all be forced to kowtow to the Zionists of Washington and Tel Aviv? What has Israel ever done for OUR benefit?


You know Pompeo has only the very best interests of Iranian children in mind as he prepares to destroy the economy that feeds them.


Yes. Their motto is “Give us democracy, or give us death”.

Please, Americans, stop trying to export “democracy”. Your fellow peasants in Iran also deserve a chance to live in peace and raise healthy children to adulthood.

And please tell your fellow Americans that Iran does NOT have nuclear weapons and never has had any. That is a FACT.

dez nuts

We are not even a democracy, we are a republic


That’s also a stretch. Oligarchy is more like it. Certainly, the Electoral College creates the situation where some people’s votes are more important than ordinary people’s votes. You can call what you have a Republic and you can even say it smugly, but to think that you have more “freedom” than the rest of humanity is delusional.


Its even worse, anyone living in a majority blue or red state who is of the opposite political opinion might as well not bother to vote, as his vote for a president, senator or congressmen basically goes into the trash. And your political party will not even bother to campaign in your state, thinking its a waste of resources.

Richard M

If Trump believed the media he would not have bothered to campaign in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or for that matter anywhere because Hillary’s chances to win were 99.97%


But Trump does not believe the media, and he probably felt those blue states were up for grabs. Then again how much did he campaign in those states that did remain blue? Like New York and California?

There’s probably more republicans living in those two states then in most red states combined. And yet their opinions and votes do not matter. They might as well not exist.


You misunderstand the role of the electoral college, which was created merely to ensure that all parts of the country had an equal say in their government and that the heavy urban areas in the East and West of the country couldn’t run rough shod over those living in between. Other than that, in agreement.

Richard M

You’re correct that the idea was to prevent urban areas from dominating unfairly however, Electoral College dates to 1787. So no west and no “in between” existed.


“So no….”

True enough and it went through a few iterations as well. Good catch. I mixed the past with the present as I was thinking of a map I had seen recently showing the differences between the populous east and western regions vs. the “in between” when I made the comment. There’s been an outcry by those population centers to eliminate the electoral college in order to impose their will on the rest of us, which I oppose.

Richard M

California is called The Land of Fruits and Nuts for good reason!


You’re right there. It’s the primaries where you see the value of some votes being elevated. The “super-delegate” thing. The registered voters are supposed to have a say in whose name is on the ballot, but clearly, the DNC thought that they knew better in 2016.


“super-delegate” is a Democrat based thing. Republicans don’t have such a thing, however, both parties are pro-corporate, pro-empire and thus anti-American as far as I’m concerned, since nothing they do benefits the people of America, the benefits only go to themselves and those in the top tier pushing empire expansion.


The sooner that more Americans reach that conclusion, the better. There are many Democrats who foolishly think that defeating the Republicans in the next election will reverse the direction that America is going in. Why? The problem is the Military-Industrial Complex and both parties are 100% behind that.

The American Empire will fall. Nothing will prevent that from happening, but there’s a choice. Either voluntarily give up trying to exert hegemony over the world, or be utterly destroyed culturally and economically as the Evil Empire implodes. It’s not my fertile imagination at work here. It’s happened to every empire in history. The British and Europeans quietly surrendered their empires and survived the experience. Will America do the same?


I agree with much of what you said, but I don’t believe Empires die without a military fight. The US empire is indeed on the way down and all of these sanctions are a stab at trying to hold on. So the real question on everyone’s minds is: will the Planet expire under a mushroom cloud? I wish I could state that there’s some intelligence somewhere in the Deep State collective and not just an organ filled with psychopaths.


A Corporate…Governed by British Royalty


“Governed by..”

Zionists who setup a satellite operation in the Middle East.


But the Cousins of Queen Elizabeth could always Play for President…

Bill Wilson

The Ottomans welcomed in the Zionists since they were the only ones willing to invest $$$ in that piece of shit territory.


You’re not even that, you are a oligarchy. One with ruling family dynasties, like the Kennedy’s, the Bush’s and the Clintons.

Bill Wilson

Your comment is the funniest one I’ve read today! The Kennedy’s are has-beens that no one pays attention to anymore. Same thing goes with the Clintons, who finally been recognized to be political whores whose sole intent is to gain wealth thru their connections. Nobody complains about the Bush’s since they made their money honestly and kept quiet about the administrations that followed them.

Richard M

Clinton/Bush are both Globalist swine. They have misruled for decades.


““And we want the Iranian people to have a strong voice in who their leadership will be.””

Here’s a thought…. The Deep State could turn off the propaganda machine through it’s corporate mouth pieces, give Americans facts which would allow the people to have a strong voice and practice real democracy by throwing all of these Deep State operatives (like Pompeo) out of any influence over the US government.


Pompeo has Wet dreams of CarpetBombing Iranian Children….

Richard M

So does the Evil Walrus, Bolton.


Maybe he wants to beat Madelaine Albrights record of 500,000 Iraqi children dead (a price worth it she said).




This will lead to the quicker destruction of the zionist evil empire.Sanctions will blowback in their piggy faces,as the world unites against the Kosher Nostra warmongering zionist banksters.


Rage against politics, not religion please.


Zionists, The Vatican, Zio-Christians, Inquisition, Witch Burning, Genocides in the Name of God…Religion? What Religion…


Zionism, as weaponized Judeo-nationalism for militant empire is totally fair game just as Nazism as weaponized Christo-nationalism for militant empire is fair. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Budhism, Atheism etc. as religious cultural belief/disbelief structures are not fair if not weaponized against others.

Religions, though far less so than guns, are very easily weaponized mental and social structures, so we need verbal deliniations, like Zionism vs. Judaism to point out the dangerous forms of thought without telling people what they can believe in their own life. But, when religion and nationalism/racism link up to politically or militantly hurt others, we must recognize it and it must be fought.

I personally believe that all religions are bunk, but recognize that many good people have also worked to build up those mythologies for important reasons. Ultimately, though, they are a construct for the control of weak minds by those with more power.


Good post…religion should be a guideline…just like the Books… Religion is a Personal thing for everyone anyway… if there is hatred preached in any those Books… they either take the hatred out or the books should be destroyed…. Not out of Censorship but in that way they can no longer poison the Minds of Children…


But, tragically, those books have been fossilized into our cultures. Editing is controlled by the most reactionary wings of the three religions.


I’m absolutely tired of hearing the time worn BS about helping the “fill in the blank” people.


I am sure that the Iranian people will be really happy when the currency of their country becomes comletely worthless


They can get through it all with other trade system including goods with goods they did with Russia. As long as the oil well and natural gas reserve is sitting in their lands there’s no killing on their buying capability.

Bill Wilson

It already is worthless. They’ve been scrambling to exchange it for Yankee dollars.


US and Israel both are terrorist demons. Go and sanction whole world nobody care.


Except, our US dollar/banking system controls the world’s markets.


Not for Long anymore…it will be a Big relief when the Petro-Dollar is Ditched…


Even for ordinary Americans. With no money for occupations and foreign wars, the people just might end up with a normal (if such a thing exists in this world) government which works for them instead of a few greedy human rights violating war criminals.


Negotiations worldwide will become different too…as long as I don’t get confronted with Social Credit Points, More NKVD-STASI-MOSSAD-CIA practices, More HAARP, More Surveillance, More Wars & Destruction everything is okay with me…the Folks in Control the Last 100 Years are a Bunch of Complete Psychopathic Retards….


The world markets by paper currency. Iran would not buy US and NATO weapons. These are useless. Iran could sell their oil and gas into open markets and can buy any product from open markets. These countries are one block (Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, China etc.) They are against demons US, NATO states, Israel, UAE and Saudi Arabia).

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Those US unwarranted sanctions against Iran injure the Iranian people. Pompeo is not telling the truth when he says this helps the Iranian people. Causing economic turmoil in any country is an act of war. The US Zionist government is helping their brain child the Zionist atheist Nazi government of Israel. Conservative America does not support the US not following the US and UN laws.


No Pompeo is tell the truth … as he is like a kid talking .


….. “This is just about Iranians’ dissatisfaction with their own government,” he said. “And we want the Iranian people to have a strong voice in who their leadership will be.”….. Is this guy so batshit crazy he believes this, or has been on Neal and Bob duty so long to Israel that he can’t speak without a puppet master whispering in his ear?

Lazy Gamer

Msg to the dissatisfied iranians. The sanctions are going to affect them also, so rather than lose their continued protests, you have this.


US talking like kids really. Ruled by kids …

You can call me Al

Kids of Kikes ?


A lot of parents go pretty far out of their way to prevent tantrums with their 2-year-olds.


US is going to play the game sanction alone, “”The European Union is enforcing the so-called Blocking Statute to protect its firms operating in Iran from looming US sanctions against the country.

I think EU has had enough of US whims, Turkey, India, China will buy oil from Iran using euro or yuan, making the dollar meaningless.


“This is just about Iranians’ dissatisfaction with their own government,” he said. “And we want the Iranian people to have a strong voice in who their leadership will be.” Ha, ha was a fu*king idiot.

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