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MARCH 2025

‘US Justice’: Black Mobsters That Killed 59yo Father Of Family In Baltimore Got No Real Penalty

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The justice in the modern United States looks this way:

In September 2019, two black mobsters (16yo and 15yo) attacked and killed a 59yo white father of a family, John Weed, at the Great Frederick Fair in Baltimore.

“On September 20, Weed was enjoying the fair with family when he was approached by the 16-year-old boy and his 15-year-old brother and their friends. The 15-year-old and another teen asked Weed for money. When he said no, the teen’s kept asking him for money as family members pleaded for them to leave him alone.

The teen ended up punching Weed in the back of the head. As Weed tried to confront the 16-year-old, his 15-year-old brother punched Weed with such force he immediately lost consciousness.

The teen then spat on him while he lied on the ground.

Weed ultimately died of his injuries the next day in Shock Trauma,” baltimore.cbslocal.com reported.

In August 2020, it was finally revealed what penalty the killers got. Judge Julie Stevenson Solt ordered the 16yo mobster to be placed on probation with conditions, including anger management, while the 15yo attacker was ordered to be placed in a long-term behavioral modification program. Therefore, the life of the 59yo man appeared to cost almost nothing from the point of view of the court.

Meanwhile, in New York 49 people were shot during the past 72 hours only amid the continued anti-Trump and pro-BLM protests across the country. Bulletproof vest sales soared amid the increase of violence. They are already up 80 percent this year.

This is how the modern US ‘democracy’ run by the pro-minotrity, neo-liberal local elites looks like. It is easy imagine what would happen if the neo-liberal agenda takes an upper hand in the entire country.


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The zionist regime that rules the US is glad that Americans are too busy slaughtering each other in the streets while the CIA and Pentagon do their best to make the rest of the world a living hell as well.


There’s also the problem of “child” crime. In a society where people are conditioned to mindlessly celebrate and adore “free” greed and consumerism, underage criminals killing people to steal their wallets or cars often go unpunished because “children’s rights”.

Death penalty should be egalitarian without age, class or gender distinctions. But if you see Ziocorporate global terrorist war machines CEOs and financiers go unpunished, these young killers case shouldn’t be too surprising.


Fuck you, we don’t support the BLM piece of shits. Get your facts right, the nigger that killed that poor man needs to be on his knees and shot in the head.


Wow, I finally agree with one of your poasts, at least regarding your POV and not the reality on the ground here.

I think I’ve upvoted one or two of your poasts before, just because of sheer comedy value; but this one is genuine.

However, the man you are responding to is correct, “our” zionist government doesnt think our lives matter, and by ‘our’ I mean non-criminals, particularly Whites.


The facts are that these Jews and their Zionist associates are running the insanity here. And the vast majority of the protesters causing problems are white, not black. All of whom have been brainwashed by the ziomedia and ziogovernment insanity for their entire lives. http://esau.today/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/jews-6-media.jpg


Why are you protecting the nigger motherfuckers? you cry about the BLM but then saying no it’s white people not black. Most of them are black, the white anarchists that cooperate with them also need to be shot. No one is running anything in your sick country, only you do it to yourselves. I can only imagine what would have happened if they had tried to do it in Israel, oh man that could be a sight to see. One thing I promise you, the riot police would break each one of them into pieces. You’re all bunch of cowards that let some Antifa terrorists do whatever they want, learn from us how to deal with it.


One’s in jail for manslaughter, the other is out on probation. I don’t know the particulars of who did what. People get jail time for manslaughter and probation for minor assaults here every day. Your Jew society engages in identical crimes against non Jews on a daily basis. Particularly settler land thieves. Here they usually get prosecuted, in Israel they don’t.

You’re ignoring the Jew msm near monopoly and disproportionate involvement in other control functions of society in the US, and claim that they’re not orchestrating and supporting the anarchy. All that it shows is that you reject quality proof and reality. When you add non Jew Zionists to the mix. It’s obvious to any rational observer that Jews and Zionists are the main part of the problem.


How about all of the cops who murder people and get off in a corrupt system, would you kill them also? There are plenty of cases in Israel of murder by the police of a victim who wasn’t a threat. Probably more per capita than here in the US.


That is how we treat with riots In Jerusalem, look and learn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TD4bOk2rdo


In most instances it’s a city government problem, not a police problem. The police in some cities are handicapped by the city governments. There’s also the issue on not prosecuting caught criminals. If they weren’t being prohibited from doing their jobs properly, and the prosecutors did their jobs properly. The rioting wouldn’t be a problem.


You need to keep chaos going on at home to keep your options open to promote your terrorist global Ziocorporate war profiteering machine and “new world order”. Russian aspirations to be “partners” and have trade inter-dependence with Western trash in human shape is only the result of the influence of that same global Zioterrorist forces on the Kremlin and Russian governance.

The Ziocorporate terrorist EU is barely less chaotic because their mass-migration schemes and social engineering are rather more recent that US ones. Maybe Sweden will lead the way and take a “diverse and tolerant” outlook towards its most troublesome demographic groups.


It would be very stupid for an American to not stock guns and ammo this times.

Ivan Freely

There’s a shortage of guns and ammo believe it or not.


Aren’t you killing each other fast enough?

Ivan Freely

It’s still too slow. There’s a lot of dead weight in the nation that needs to be purged.


If only those entitled to free stuff would get a free gun, that would clean much of the garbage


Rich bastards?


Those already have guns, try again.


… and obtain a CCW license, also join something like USCCA to obtain CCW insurance…

Fog of War

If Whites really had privilege in the US, those two simians would be hanging from the nearest tree.

Ivan Freely

This is the result of broken families and out-of-control welfare system. The nation is finished and it will get much worse. I also noticed that the Judge is a woman. The penalties would have been much worse if a man was in charge.


Out of control justice system and innate lack of impulse control are also a cause of this monsterous behavior.

Fog of War

No, its the result of genetics.


Why you forge your body and learn defense,thus no more black problem (period)

King Cliff

The law is the law,tou can’t charge a 15 year old as an aldut in some states..im African and nowhere bias when it come to things,truth is is not fare and the man should have gotten justice. The same its not fair when white police officers get away with murder and the same way its not fare how the system has been terrorized African and Hispanic in every way you could such as economy politically and within the justice system. If you really in the fair side of things and understand American history then you could see all the endless crimes that have been done by European Americans against African Americans,how can the government label all African political groups as terrorists but they never went after the kus klux Klan so much crimes have bee done against Africans and yet there have been no justice…Yes this kid deserve to be punish for they cirmes but there way more in the white community that got away with crimes cause the system let them.So be fair on your articles


In Maryland, these scum could have been charged as adults.

They apparently didn’t even get any jail time.

Had roles been reversed: white youths beating a 59 year old black man to death, the punishment would have been far more severe.

Racism against Whites is codified into US law at the federal level and on down. See ‘affirmative action’ and ‘minority set-asides’, for starters.

If you think the KKK and other far-right White racialist groups haven’t been aggressively prosecuted by FedGov, then you know very little about America.

Also, White suspects are more likely to be shot by police in US than Blacks, on an individual basis.

You are mostly parroting easily refuted left-liberal platitudes here.


I’m not sure that the juvenile issue made a lot of difference. The one who plead guilty to manslaughter is in prison. The other one who plead guilty to assault got probation. People get probation for assault all of the time. Though if this perp has a bad record probation might not be justifiable.

“the 15-year-old was ordered to remain in a juvenile detention facility to complete a behavioral modification program”

– Teen charged in deadly Great Frederick Fair assault to serve probation –


Fog of War

Shut up with your revisionist BS. The fact is certain racial groups act this way no matter what nation they’re in. Even nations with no history of ” racism ” or ” slavery . How would you explain that Afro apologist ?

Icarus Tanović

Who knows what is behind this? Anyways, does anyone remember what happened to, say, Rodney King? And to uncountable others, sf? Indeed Black lives matter. Anyways, how many blacks loose theirs lives in Somalia because of American aggression there. We all have seen the film, but true facts, never have been presented.


The Judge should be removed and the case retried so that justice is done.



You may have seen ‘ShadowGate’, but if not you will be dismayed.


People hang for the sort of treason shown in the video. If what’s in the video is even partially true. This data drain needs to be shut down and people need to go to jail to restore national security.


Sadly the populations of the West, along with other likeminded countries are effectively in decorative fish tanks owned by the elite’s.

Such elites control 100% of the environment in the fish tanks and take pleasure in watching ‘fish fights’.

Nothing short of a biblical flood that gives the fish an opportunity to swim away as the elites drown and become fish food can alter this, I think.


Good analogy. I stopped watching TV 30 years ago. And live in the suburbs away from a city center. I’d move to the country if I didn’t have to work in the suburbs. People vote with their feet. Right now Seattle is dying, and other major cities are dying. Maybe that’s a good thing. The dem run hell holes are going down the tubes from mismanagement. And those that are run better aren’t.

I try not to get depressed by the current situation. Because that’s not where I want my head to be at or how I want to lead my life. If people want to drink the poison Jew msm Koolaid that doesn’t mean that I have to. I try to provide a positive example by not drinking it, being successful, and demonstrating to others that there are alternatives to the establishment insanity.


It’s the media and our education system that have programmed black people to hate white people.


Negroes are not meant to live in urban societies. They are meant to enjoy the good life on the savanna :)


Preferably on savanna’s surrounded by barbed wire and minefields :)

Peter Moy

For the degenerate, mentally destroyed, violent, criminal element in the US, a delousing is long overdue. Only a downright stupid, apathetic, deranged criminal justice system allows the social chaos that currently exists in what the daily propaganda calls the greatest country on this planet.


In my opinion the chaos and violence is deliberate, its all about Divide and Rule.

AM Hants

Was it a democratic State, with Soros appointed Attorney Generals? Seems they get a bonus for taking out any colour people, babies, children or the police.


It is Soros who is in effect paying bounties for violence. NOT Russia or Iran. :)

AM Hants

Plus, any money he lays out, for regime change, he gets back, plus more from tax payer funded NGO cons. We actually elect morons to take our money and hand it all over to Soros and friends. No wonder so many wish to get on the Govenmnt gravy train, whose first stop is Pedo Island and a Soros goodie bag.


And even the bottom feeders of the government gravy train become indebted via mortgages etc, and as they are unlikely to find work outside government, they carry on ticking the boxes to pay their outgoings and nod as they waste time in their largely useless jobs.

Councils and quango’s throughout the country are full of such unproductive people.

cechas vodobenikov

civilized peoples not not need to meddle in American affairs—these uncivilized children destroy themselves—BLM : nearly 200$ million from US corporations, CIA ford foundation, 33 $ million Soros…yes they do offer a credit card for the idiot me too dumbest amerikans—this is revolutionary for amerikans, plywood windows

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