The Syrian president was at the top of Trump’s hit list in 2017
Trump admitted during an interview on Tuesday that he considered assassinating Syrian President Bashar al-Assad but was persuaded not to go ahead with the idea by senior US military officials.
Making the remarks during an interview on Fox News, Trump said the proposal was debated at the White House in April 2017, after reports of an alleged chemical gas attack surfaced.
The alleged attack, said to have been conducted in the north western Idlib province near the village of Khan Cheikhoun, was widely reported in Western media as having killed approximately 80 civilians was immediately attributed by Western politicians and corporate media to the Syrian armed forces.
During the interview Trump confirmed that it was then Secretary of Defense James Mattis who talked him out of going ahead with the plan.
“I considered him (Assad), of course, not a good person. I thought about trying to eliminate him if I wanted to, but Mattis was against it. Mattis was against most of these things… I would have preferred to eliminate him… Everything was ready but Mattis did not want to do it.”
During the interview Trump added that he thought the former military general was ‘overrated’. LINK
Retired Marine Corps General Mattis served as head of the Pentagon from the beginning of 2017 and left the post due to disagreements with Trump, resigning (or being dismissed) in December 2018.
After that, a letter of resignation from Mattis to the President was published, in which he recommended that Trump find a Minister whose views would be more in line with his own. Some media reports stated that Trump regarded this as a personal attack against the background of a difference of opinion over the withdrawal of US troops from Syria. As a result, the President announced that Mattis would step down earlier than planned. LINK
In 2018, Trump had emphatically denied claims by veteran US journalist Bob Woodward that he had ordered the assassination of Syrian President Bashar Assad, claiming that such an operation had never even been contemplated.
Speaking during a White House briefing in September 2018 Trump had stated of claims made in a book written by Woodward titled “Fear: Trump in the White House”:
“Not at all. No, the book is fiction. I heard somewhere where they said the assassination of President Assad by the United States. […] The book is total fiction, just like he wrote in the past about other presidents.”
The book claims that Trump had ordered the Pentagon to arrange the assassination of Assad after a chemical weapons incident in Syria’s Idlib province on 4 April 2017 that killed about 80 civilians and injured 200 more.
While the Syrian opposition and a number of Western countries accused the Arab country’s government troops of carrying out the attack, Damascus denied the allegations, with Assad stressing that his government had never used weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons, against the Syrian people.
The Idlib incident was used as a pretext for a US missile strike against the Syrian military’s Ash Sha’irat airbase on 6 April 2017. Trump described the attack as a response to the Idlib incident, while Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denounced the strike as a violation of international law. LINK
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons later issued a report that generally supported the US claims, however it later emerged that evidence had been suppressed or altered by officials charged with directing the investigation in order to promote predetermined conclusions. LINK
Eat shit pro-American cunt. Those who were really poisoned by Russia are dead and without any traces left. All the others were only staged false flahs and Western publicity psi op against Russia staged manly by CI-MI6 and German BND Western Ukrainians are lowest of the lowest in Eastern Europe you US and German ass kissers !
You are poisoned by Russia and still farting.
and a very smelly one probably his main menu is consisting of high-fiber foods..gross…
Farting and shitting right into your toothless Western Ukrainian mouths !
Shitting what, still have American been cans from WWII?
Whatever I shit and fart into your mouth you like it always !
Don’t you love how we shit on each other moms and they don’t get us banned? That’s why I appreciate this site owners :)
Well that’s all they have left since they’re the poorest country in Europe. Thank FSM Belarus didn’t suffer the same fate.
The way they “develop”, soon they’ll be catching even on African countries.
lmao..there are pretty funny memes about putins tea ritual at internet..this is my favourite.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3e7f824af4d77c049d7a4b014d315d02ba19da37064aac5c4a1576327b9c870.png
My favorite joke is where Erdogan challenges France and EU, before
he bends over and gets butt f**k from EU.
Did you invade Sirte the way Erdogan have promised?!
erdogan have not promised sirte..check your facts asshole…eu is bending off meanwhile…immigrants are more dangerous than 200.000 kg warhead..
Erdogan didn’t send all those reinforcements for tourist site seeing only ! Because they cost LOT of money Turkey every day! And Sirte was only key objective for oil export – so what the fuck he was “promising” than?!! Turkey – Erdogan has FAILED in Libya !
So Turkey will spend lots of money and stay LOSER AS USUAL with not liter of Libyan oil?!? You effing amateur and your feeble attempt to cover defeat!
You can tell your fairy tales to little children!!!
You and your illegal “immigrants” ex terrorists are not threat to the EU elites who are behind the replacement of the population anyways. They just pretend to be against that (because of their own population) while they are 100% for those emigrant terrorists to come to EU just like Soros and super rich Jews who finance all that!
While EU population will start riots and fuck them off away from power positions replacing them with new leaders that will not take any more bullshit blackmail from 3rd rate country like Turkey.
there is a vast difference between wishing and promising..he wished sirte true but after egypt-uae-france’s possible intervention he stopped..what do you think we are army of Anubis or what?eu population can not f.ck them off besides immigrants breeding with speed of v-twin engine after 2035-2040 they will completely change the demography of europe and you know that..we had hundreds of construction machines left there,uncompleted construction contracts and tripoli is a bouncing point to niger so on..
Just keep masturbating on your Otoman “change the demography”empty dream. There will be no European Caliphate bollocks except in the heads of some fanatical idiots like yourself. That population will not be anything else but mixed up Hodgepodge population that US has now but all the same a EU population (able and willing to kick Turk ass any time they go against their EU interests). You will not leave only your “construction machines left there” but also many peaces of military hardware it seams. Maybe it is time that somebody gives some medication to Erdogan before informing him that Turkey is not World Super Power that can fight 3-4 wars in the same time?
ı am not fanatic like you prick.you are the one perceiving putin and assad like your father,god…of course there will be no europen caliphate you dimwit..no that population will always be pressure point at the hands of somebodiesyou have to get used to it..Turkey is not World Super Power but a country with steel balls and what kind of 3-4 wars are you talking about minor?ıraq,syria,libya these are chewing gums not serious war-machines like israel,russia or iran..
For me as long as Assad can piss every day in your favorite Turk soup from above he is my official half-god.
As for Putin I would not mentioning him since Turkey is not in the same ligue with Russia and Erdogan with Putin as leader either. Your 3-4 wars would turn in quagmire quickly if there would be any incident with Greece… That could start war with full backing of the France… In that situation EVERYBODY would kick your Turk ass and hard from Kurds to SAA to Haftar to Greeks ! What “population pressure” you failed excuse for brain?! EU is highly bureaucratic society difficult to get in motion, but once you piss them off totally, they’ll keep kicking your Turk butt for next 50 years for same old reason!
All your argument about strong Turk position is self proclaimed “still balls” that nobody have ever noticed Turks to have in long history of military defeats !
ı felt asleep..you have problems with come-backs..
Must be your famous self declared “still balls” that are making you sleepy. For the moment Haftar haven’t seen single one of those “still balls”
because we havent entered a war…haftar,pkk these are all operations not war..The situation on the ground is still in haftars favor at tripoli in fact tripoli is 100%under control of haftar and ı am living in a parallel universe.He left pantsirs,mi helos and t-72 tanks just to deceive media..
I don’t know which “parallel universe” is that but it must be full of bullshit. You have no Sirete and you have ZERO OIL, the only true reason you came to Libiya ! End of story !! Do not vast my time , with your bullshit children stories!!
you stucked with oil..grabbing sirte wasnt high-priority for us…you are pushing your opinions to me as confirmed facts..ps:rumours that qatar will construct ahuge Lng storage facility.
You are boring the shit out of me with your bollocks comments and pretending! As far as I am concerned and another 99% of non Turk peolpe…. This is dominant logic: As long as Turkey doesn’t rob Libiyan oil you are losers in that war! And that is the FACT today, that you have ZERO OIL !!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!
What are you imitating American’s now?! For them every war or invasion is called “operation” or ‘intervention’ even when those “operations” last for years!
because true term… war is between states ..these mentioned are warlords and terrorist groups…
Nobody buys your bollocks explanations, not even you…. Just keep pretending as if I give fuck about your little Turk fantasy stories… This is END of conversation because you are dead BORING !
ı swear to god or light whatever you are boring,unoriginal,copy-paste…TRİPOLİ İS BELONG TO US NOW AND FOREVER…
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha maybe only if you all abandon Constantinople and Turk territory and ask for Libyan citizenship !
Your with using migrants as a weapon…your a fucken barbarian, no better than saudi or al nusrah.
but we are sub-humans didint you know that?
You said it not me.
If you feel like a subhuman thats not my problem, i aint here to teach you the philosophy behind fascism, you can hold your own dick on that one.
I stand by my initial statement, you represent the barbarians, that use migrants as a weapon.
We are all.brothers and sisters, and I will.never turn my back on our collective humanity.
I dont worship the dollar like you do, so im quite a bit more objective than you.
Thats how i can see you and your country being used as pawns in an imperial game.
So basically Turkey is getting used like a prostitute, you and all the other millions of turks.
no dear..you said already
Good one!
thanks but yours was more inspiring…
It’s not mine. The artist painted the ‘fishy’ feel very well.
maybe Novichok….
Polonium. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e2ab91a4d03e8fdca20452c4734f34062ee1847bb737bcf1990281cf2e7beb0.png
Oohhh… He looks so threatening! Is it spiked by Novichok?
I’ll drink that… This stuff not only doesn’t kill, but also it makes you more beautiful with great hair.
Sickening. I consider Trump a political serial killer, just like every single member of the American deep state. No MAGA 2020 will fool me. But this, Trump just took things to Scissorman’s level.
I hope Syria and the rest of the “true” Middle East get their revenge.
Syria is a basket case … its military in tatters …
Israel would wipe the floor with Assad in 2 days … ROTFL
That’s why Israel attacks through Lebanon and hides behind commercial passenger aircraft using civilians as human shields. Such brave men …
Israel attacks … without fear … ANYTIME they want … whose gonna stop them?
It’s a rhetorical question cuz NO ONE has stopped them … eh?
“Israel attacks … without fear … ANYTIME they want ”
Attacking women and children doesn’t count. Check …
Eat shit and die – then eat shit in hell you sick degenerate.
Laughable … it was the Syrian Arab/Muslim slugs that were crying out for Peace and a ceasefire … lol
Suck it up … vomit breath
Lead sandwiches is what they’ll be eating whole …. pmsl
Possible..hundreds of professional bounty hunters wandering in middle-east… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1c1d87dd0ddfb8f2e090574ceaf2eac9b4c0afdec7739815ce39b8af744a352a.gif
These are not the droids you are looking for…
Boba fett is a member of clan-based ethnic group mandalorians not droids…jokes aside Trumps head must bounce off the concrete so it may knock some sense into him about another countries.
If he did that, we would be seeing a much more fractured Syria with competing warlords. That wont bode well for Israel or the rest of the region. These terrorist nests must be broken and crushed lest it further export itself.
“If he did that, we would be seeing a much more fractured Syria with competing warlords. That wont bode well for Israel or the rest of the region.” – I agree. I think all the jihadists in Syria, Sunnis and Shiites, need to be expelled so that Syria can be rebuilt in peace.
One can safely assume that it never occurred to the brainless Trump that he could also be a target and his off shore assets also. Start that caper then it will be free fall for all. Trump is a confirmed coward and that is the language of a coward playing the role of a big shot because he happens to have some power. Delusional and a definite certified nut case.
Agreed, it’s making me curious to see what happens between November 3rd and January 20th. Highly doubt that Iran has forgotten about Solemani, and this behaviour of Trump only justifies Iran’s defense and revenge.
When one finds out that someone is after you you do have a choice; hide or get in first.
Iran’s assets have been hit 100’s of times by the IDF/IAF …
Iran is a paper tiger … lol
Paper Tiger? The Iranians bombed a US airbase, an event that has not occurred since World War II, and the US rolled over and took it like a good little bitch.
If you JIDF lackeys are so confident why don’t you bomb Iran proper? The answer is you won’t because you’re afraid of getting pounded by a big uncircumcised Iranian meat stick. The fear is so thick, it’s obvious.
Muslims circumcise their meat stick … goy
They copied the Jews … eh?
Hey Sauron. How’s it going? Wrong sock puppet again. I guess you would know about Iranian meat sticks when your’re face deep in them. ?
Muslim religious practice … goy
He is just puppet like all others before him. As long he kowtow’s Jew interests he is protected by the Swamp. His challenge against MIC and “wars” is just electoral PR stunt. As soon as he wins he will forget everything about ending the wars anywhere and pump even more money to MIC and Pentagon. Only extremely naive people see him as not being part of the system. If they didn’t have something on him from the start, of his criminal and pedo activities he would never get even close to be elected as candidate let alone to be elected president. Having Jew as his main patron is not coincidence or his choice. Last independent US president was JFK.
He has tools in his tool box … whomever targets Trump or US assets will be destroyed … hello?
… and one of those tools is named tzatz.
non sequitur
Nope, logic follows perfectly.
Flatulating has never harmed anything just leaves a bad odour and that is all what the US is capable of doing.
Hubris … I like that in fools
How generous… He would have been good friends with Mussolini…
There is endless list of those who wanted to kill Assad!
You all wanted to kill him but Assad will outlive you all you motherfuckers and Syria will be free while US will fall apart as failed Empire in disarray with riots and even civil war!
The day is not over yet. Things can still happen before sun down.
Yeah of course…that “day” lasts already 10 years !
farcical —too incompetent to kill Fidel despite numerous attempts
Assad stooge … are you wearing your ruby red slippers?
While your comments are a pile of shit always, I was only missing your pretentious “next” that amuses me immensely!!!. It sounds so funny how much you are full of yourself. Every time I see your “next” I ask myself ; Is this man for real ?!?
Assad is the BOSS :-)
Assad is ‘dead man walking’ … full stop
Trump to join the list:
Why are all the bad guys always so angry about the good guy?
‘good guy’ … Assad ? pmsl
Assad the butcher of Damascus was spared for a reason … eh?
He won’t be spared again …
Keep telling yourself that. Any day now …
And Asma and the kids … all in body bags
No one gets out alive
Kill women and children? What a man you are …
@tzatz:disqus is not a man, not even theoretically. He’s not even an animal. He’s a cowardly, sick piece of shit.
Just flag that terrorist piece of shit.
SF is way too tolerant, but advocating murdering children is something that should/must be sanctioned. He should be banned permanently. From this world.
Says the supporter of Assad, the Butcher of Damascus whose responsible for the murder of 500,000 Syrian Arabs …
Asma and the children will not be spared … their mutilated bodies will be viewed by ALL …
Count on it
Says the buttlicker of Netanyahu, the real Butcher of Syria and entire middle East, responsible for all death and destruction in Syria, Palestine, Lebanon…
Ooooh, I’m sure Assad is sooo scared now, some fat dumb cocksucker is threatening him on internet, you must be the first one ?
So why don’t you try to kill him? You pathetic piece of shit. Go join ISIS and die like a real terrorist instead of shitting from you filthy mouth all day long in your basement. Huh little bitch? Because you are a worthless little sissy coward. You are nothing, a failure even as a troll. A dumb little turd.
And you’ll die like a coward in your filthy basement, from coronavirus and cancer, alone in your piss and shit… your mutilated and decomposed corpse will be eaten by your poor hungry dog, your only ‘friend’… no one will even notice you died, same stench as always.
Operation Timber Sycamore, Daesh, and HTS had nothing to do with the deaths? How much do you get paid by the JIDF for being a tool?
“next” ?
Kids? You sick terrorist piece of shit.
Don’t worry, you sick terrorist piece of shit, Assad will live much longer than you, they’ll laugh while you rot in your cheap, shallow grave.
Assassination is the default position of the Mafia……………..And what passes itself off as diplomacy in the US.
Spot on. Also Nobel Peace Price is a joke, I mean Kissinger got one too after millions of dead Vietnamese and Cambodians…
even murder of khashoggi with chain-saw,machettes to pieces doesnt make any sense to them,all you have to do give your fat bribe to congress,thats all..running business Al Capone style..
You have to murder millions to get a Nobel Peace Prize. Trump wont get one because he hasn’t murdered enough people.
US in Ukraine has declared war on Russia, they funded neo Nazi’s in Kiev to overthrow a freely elected government and then went about blaming Russia for the destabilisation. As we know from past experience, Washington will pursue its strategy relentlessly while shrugging off public opinion, international law or the condemnation of adversaries and allies alike.
The pattern, of course, is unmistakable. It begins with sanctimonious finger-wagging, economic sanctions and incendiary rhetoric, and quickly escalates into stealth bombings, drone attacks, unlawful detention and torture, massive destruction of civilian infrastructure, millions of fleeing refugees, decimated towns and cities, death squads, wholesale human carnage, vast environmental devastation, and the steady slide into failed state anarchy; all of which is accompanied by the repetition of state propaganda spewed from every corporate bullhorn in the western media.
After all isnt this how it happened in Iraq, Libya, Afganistan, Syria etc etc etc
That all coming to an end now thankfully. The Empire is crumbling. No matter who will win the elections, they will be busy at home for quite a while. While their economy is on lifesupport, and losing in Syria, Lybia, South China Sea, Venezuela. Ukropnazis will go belly up one week after Sugardaddy does. EU and IMF wont bail them out anymore without U.S. pressure.
I believe once the Ukrainian army and airforce started murdering people in Donbass and Lugansk Russia should have gone in full blast,time will tell i i was right.
“Let all you murdered rest in Peace”. Thats why its called a Peace Prize.
u missed the worst crimes of Nixon –Indonesia, Chile, Papua New Guinea
Also the Military coup in Greece,that was Kissingers Baby,good news is it can’t be long before that fossil is going to Hell,the rat is too scared to die because he knows he will need a fireproof overcoat.
It is not a joke, the Nobel Peace Prize are awarded only great worlds terrorists…
So much talk about russian meddling to US elections. On the other side it is OK if you declare interim president or assassinate an elected one. Maybe we sholud measure democracy in octanes?
So the qualifications to be president of the US, include being a murderer, a war criminal, a thief, a coward, a paedophile, a rapist etc, etc…what a degenerate, amoral, satanic cesspit the bully nation has become.
There has never been an American president like Trump. Assad is smart enough not to threaten, not like soleimani.
been many uncivilized under socialized US presidents like trump—all liars and immoral murderers—try Andrew Jackson, Jefferson, grant, etc—a nation of fake people, incompetents
Do you want Trump, Pol Pot, Hitlery, PedoBiden, Ilse the Shewolf from Auschwitch or Liberace as your President?? Your free democratic choice!
Moronic, lying scum and whore of Israel. Quite a guy.
i wonder if he got the assad must go curse lol
There hasn’t been one single worthy Nobel peace prize winner for a long time now, but that could change if Trump actually wins the prize this year, because if he did he’d be the first person to get it and actually deserve it in a very long time.
No new wars started under Trump’s tenure,
An end to the buildup of tensions between North Korea and South Korea/US, Trump and the Israel’s agreement to allow Assad to remain in power pursuant to resolution 2254, A political/peace deal with the Taliban, The new deals with Bahrain and the UAE, though unpopular with most SF readers, overwhelmingly popular with the world majority,
And the withdrawal of US forces from north Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan,
I know he loses points for the treatment of Syria, Iran, Palestine and Venezuela, and possibly even China too [though I’m not so sure about Iran and China anymore], so I know he’s not a hero by any means, but when he’s compared to the last half a dozen US presidents, he’s a saint, at least militarily, fiscally he’s a terrorist to some.
Trumps a peace dove that can take on a warhawk and knock it out of the sky as easily as a falcon can knock out a dove.
‘No new wars started under Trump’s tenure’ – hmm … since we are a country of psychopaths, maybe this should be considered exceptionally good behavior to be rewarded.
I’m fine with this but the ‘start no war’ pledge has to also include a prohibition against bombing strikes and political assassinations. It dumb luck that we avoided a war w/Iran. If a single U.S. soldier had been killed in Iran’s retaliatory missile strike there would have been a war. Iran gave us 5 hours to evacuate the military base and the only thing we did was put our soldiers into foxholes. Who was the moron who ordered that?
Tell you what, I’ll let the U.S. do drone strikes in Africa or ‘terrorists’ who hold no govt rank. I can’t expect U.S. Presidents to be completely civilized. You can kill civilians and Imams and Christians and still get the Nobel Peace Prize.
A prohibition of targeted assassinations is an excellent idea, I agree, but sadly it isn’t something I’m expecting to hear from the US just yet, but maybe some time in the future hopefully. With no new wars there’s even less reason to want to assassinate anyone, so it’s a start at least. And the Palestinian issue is something Trump needs to do some soul searching on, he needs to balance his opposition to Iranian influence in Palestine with the humanitarian rights of the majority of the Palestinian people, the US is way behind the rest of the world on that front too. If Trump’s as dumb as people assume he is he must be the luckiest moron alive, and I don’t believe anyone’s that lucky, he’s tiptoed through minefields of North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Iran, and he’s come out unscathed, – so far. So he’s either luckier than all the rest of us or smarter than all the rest of us, personally I think he just thinks differently to ‘most of’ the rest of us, and very differently to the loudest voices we usually hear from, that’s why he comes across as a moron to some.
Less people are dying now due to US aggression than there has been for a long time, and if anyone other than Trump had been responsible for that they would’ve been lauded a hero, but Trump isn’t being lauded a hero for it, and that makes no sense to me.
I don’t think the prize is a reward for doing good, I think it’s more to do with avoiding unwanted deaths due to military hostilities, and that puts him light years in front of any of the closest rivals for the prize.
The only person worthy to win a Nobel Prize for anything in recent years is Bob Dylan. The rest of your comment is total bullshit.
I never liked his music or his voice and hated his lyrics too, so I’d much prefer to listen to a boring Trump speech than listen to a Bob Dylan song, and I’d bet my life he was actually a closet homosexual, no thanks. Why do homosexual people hate Trump so much, is he a threat to the LGBTQI movement, or don’t they want him to stop all the endless US wars, what is the real reason for their unadulterated hatred of Trump. Trump wants to do exactly the same thing Putin did in Russia way back in 2015, he wants the US to have the same laws Russia has, that’s why the homosexuals hate him so much, Putin paved the way and Trumps following in his footsteps, Trump for president and give him a lifetime presidency.
I don’t know why, and the reason is because The City of London wants it this way. US Government is a puppet Government owned by the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal at The City of London. The two party political system in US is an illusion, created to divide the people, and keep them divided. Both “political parties” serve the Zionist Banking Cabal exclusively. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “All wars are bankers wars” ? These are the bankers. Rothschild heads up the 13 tribes that own the whole damn world. With few, but notable exceptions. Dylan is best known for his song writing, not for his music in particular. It’s an acquired taste. The songs he’s written, that other’s have recorded, and had mind blowing hits is what he’s famous for. His son has a band now, and he’s not half bad. “The Wallflowers”
The incompetent in chief speaks to spite Mattis, gossip from mischievous and irresponsible wives, who treat the murder of a Head of State as if it were just an unknown name.
the only difference between trump and other US presidents is that he doesn’t pretend to be civilized….”the difference between an American conservative and the liberal is that the liberal is more deceptive”. Malcolm X
Thats how its done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz4A-WJXLMQ