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MARCH 2025

US, Kurdish Allies Virtually In Open Confrontation With Syrian Army, Says Russian Diplomat

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US, Kurdish Allies Virtually In Open Confrontation With Syrian Army, Says Russian Diplomat

AP Photo/Hussein Malla

Originally appeared at TASS

The US and its Kurdish allies have come close to an open confrontation with the Syrian armed forces, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

“The US military continues to occupy a 55-kilometer area near Al-Tanf, which has become a shelter zone for the remaining members of ISIL [the former name of the Islamic State terror group outlawed in Russia],” she said. “The Americans conducted defiant actions on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, where they came close to an open confrontation with the Syrian army seeking to support their Kurdish allies,” Zakharova added.

She pointed out that “the Americans have been provoking Turkey, sending arms convoys for the Kurds through its territory.” “In return, Turkey continues its Operation Olive Branch against the Kurds in the Afrin area. The fighting is fierce,” the Russian diplomat noted. According to her, “terrorists from the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group continue aggressive provocations in the western part of the Eastern Ghouta de-escalation zone, particularly shelling Damascus and killing civilians,” she added.

Turkish officials have many times stated that the delivery of weapons to the Syrian Kurds is one of the key reasons for deteriorating relations between Ankara and Washington. Turkey says that the United States is making a mistake delivering weapons to the People’s Protection Units (YPG) as it believes they are linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), designated as a terrorist organization by Ankara. Turkish authorities say that the weapons provided by the US may be used against Turkey.

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As long as the Kurds remain a terrorist force operating against both Turkey and Syria, I welcome their journey into the much deserved after life.


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leon mc pilibin

The Kurds will be used to fight against Turkey,,thats the long term plan of the zionists thieves,thats IF they get their way in Syria.Its up to the Turks to decide who to trust,Syria and Russia,or the same cabal that destroyed Iraq,Libya,Afghanistan.



Samantha Green



Running a country is NOT EASY ! Unless you’re beloved child of Israel who were funded fully by the rest of the West.


No Israel is too small a country to influence anything in ME. Big mouths yes, actual ability to influence anything no So far correct. They could only talk big but action no


Neocon psychos are desperately trying to provoke a US shooting war with Syria and by extension – Russia – before Putin’s re-election. I’m predicting very “colorful” 2 months ahead of us.

Mario Ceva

There is not reaction from Russia for the elections.


And what will you write after elections???

Mario Ceva

I can tell the reason that I think is possible for Putin Russia reacccion ( or lack of reaction). I dont know what will happen after election.

Samantha Green

I think one reason the US is not defending Afrin is because it is too close to the Russian bases. It looks to me like they know that a conflict with abortion banning Syria should not provoke a conflict with abortion rights defending Russia unless they go near the bases, which they do not plan to do or they would have defended Afrin.

Pave Way IV

Despite the number of tactical air bases the US has in northern Syria, it still relies on Iraq air and sea ports to bring in most of the heavy stuff. Large US arms convoys for the Kurds cross the Tigris into Syria at Faysh Khabur every few days. Turkey knows this, even though “Turkish authorities say that the weapons provided by the US may be used against Turkey.

FFS, they are, and Turkey is watching it happen. Why on earth do they keep whining about it? Do they expect the US to be shamed into stopping the arms shipments? And who is going to sympathize with Turkey – a nation that’s using Saudi-Wahhabi head-choppers as a proxy army to invade Syria and fight the Syrian Kurds? One kind of hopes the Kurds march north INTO Turkey and grab some of their land and resources. That would teach those whiney bastards (although I doubt it would shut them up).


She is telling right that Washington is provoking war against Syrian nation by using their proxies and keep controlling Syrian land illegally.


US, France and Israeli terrorists have prepared another chemical attack on Syrian nation.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3gKz-5SyPs Yemen Explained: Saudi Coalition, Houthis and Famine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npk7tfKyXok Yemen: On the brink of starvation – BBC News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzgKd1cl8Ow How the Saudi Blockade is Starving Yemen

This is a real holocaust.

1. The Largest Humanitarian Disaster. 2. 8 Million People Hungary. 3. About 11,000 people killed. 4. About 50,000 people injured. 5. Entire villages and towns have been demolished and erased from the earth.

Russia and China could help to open blocked on Houthis, send them humanitarian aid. ———————————————————————————————————————————-


Is it accurate to call a spokeswoman a diplomat but apart from that, Ms. Zakharova does her job about as well as can be expected. But you have to understand that Americans DON”T CARE if you draw attention to their bestiality–much of the time they’re bragging about it themselves. Talk alone is going to solve nothing.


“The US military continues to occupy a 55-kilometer area near Al-Tanf, which has become a shelter zone for the remaining members of ISIL [the former name of the Islamic State terror group outlawed in Russia],” she said.

you, ruskie, first should eliminate the large isis pocket in homs/dez. THIS IS THE SOURCE and shelter of isis jihadists!

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