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At least 15 women have been killed and many others wounded as result of the so-called US-led coalition’s air strike on a mourning procession in the Iraqi province of Kirkuk.
“Fifteen women were killed and another 50 wounded in a raid that targeted a Shia place of worship at Daquq,” AFP quoted local official Amir Huda Karam as saying.
Other local sources also confirm the report.
Keep accusing Russia and Syrian bombing civils, what they do better?
The Shia of Iraq just get slaughtered by USA and Takfiri kook. The Shia of Saudi Arabia serve as workers / rejected person’s by Sunni and House of Saud.
Shia need to wake the @! Up and stop being so feeble mind and hesitant. Iran watches the Shia get pummeled and goes on and on with weirdo rhetoric about The Valiant vs the Satan’s.
How about YOU and your Army of 500,000 get off your @ss and defend….rescue your people!
Why did Russia even get involved ?
How about that for a war crime, John & Boris?