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MARCH 2025

US-led Coalition Claims Syrian Forces Conduct Build-Up In Euphrates Valley

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US-led Coalition Claims Syrian Forces Conduct Build-Up In Euphrates Valley

US Army Col. Ryan Dillon

Government forces had been conducting a slow build-up east of the Euphrates River, near the area where US troops were deployed, US Army Col. Ryan Dillon, a spokesman for the US-led coalition, told CNN on March 20.

He claimed that the coalition keeps a close eye on the development and is ready to defend itself.

Over the past few weeks, mainstream media outlets have released multiple speculations that Syrian government forces, assisted by alleged Russia-linked private military contractors, are preparing to attack positions of the US-led coalition’s forces.

These reports echo the US PR campaign in February 2018 when the MSM was claiming that “hundreds” of alleged Russia-linked private military contractors were killed in the US strikes on government forces positions in the province of Deir Ezzor.

Since then, the MSM has been methodically fueling rumors about a possible open confrontation in the Euphrates Valley.

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Michał Hunicz

The ZioWahhabis want to create a buffer zone for the Greater Israel, look at its map.


But, but , , , I thought that was our 51st state. The US has to protect its own God Given land doesn’t it??? It’s not like we’re gonna pretend to love and support these Kurdish people for our/their own humanity just for now and then throw them under the bus like we always do, is it?


Without cowardly Kurds , US has no ground forces to be of any use. See how the Kurds abandon Afrin.


I see them as cowards since the day they left (ran away..!) after promising to protect those innocent Izadis women, children & elderly from isis without any kinda weapons to protect themselves after killing all their men.. These are the pariah that Assad had been feeding & protect after given them space to live all these while..!


That’s exactly what it is.. the oils are extra bonuses from the masters to their slaves..!


So what? The Syrian forces are legally entitled to be there. It’s the US forces that are illegally present in Syria. It’s the USA that is committing the Supreme War Crime by attacking a Sovereign State without provocation.


The US has claimed all land east of the Euphrates, that’s one helluva long front. The good news is, they will need to spend a hundred billion to defend it. Meanwhile irregulars will come in through Iraq, and shoot them in the back. A totally moronic plan by the US, but let them waste their money and blood.


“The US has claimed all land east of the Euphrates…”

Incorrect, the US has claimed all the land east, west, north and south of Washington DC.


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The Washington forces in Syria and Iraq are illegal. Bang the US corrupt forces asses. Don’t waste time on US morons.


Both the Iraqi and Syrian governments have told the US to remove their military units from their countries. Of course, months later the US is still building bases in the two countries!


That’s good news, so Joe go home and fuck your wife. Otherwise you may die there (in Syria) and this not a world problem just a burial business.


Well look forward to see how Russia and Iran responds with their SAMs … and how easy it is to finish off the US forces. It would be a day to reckon …

Russia had said they are willing to sink even the US ships ….. no joking this time.

So you go home and f…k whoever … it is better and safer than be in Syria or back in black coffins.


Sorry, the “Joe” is “GI Mad Joe” not you personally.


Ok point taken

Wahid Algiers

Get the US troops fucked in the whole world. Chase them and purge them out.


Just imagine … Syrian forces strengthening their own army in their own country an illegal force start complaining.

It is understood sooner or later US forces would be driven out … no other possible solution as a country is more important than a few bombs.

Once Russia/Iran /Syria /Hez stands up to US, US forces will withdraw without a fight they cannot win.

This time make sure the air is well protected with SAMs and planes …. planes like A10 would be easy targets . Most Russians killed previously were from these old planes

I don’t think US want to risk even one plane shot down.


I wish, but wouldn’t bet on that. The evil minds behind the curtains controlling the US are super-mad and don’t care a dime abt US people or soldiers or planes or innocent families of the region, 3.5 million died since Iraqi wars and counting. If disturbed, they may create some chemical lies and go all the way in.


seeeeeee….. they say nothing about Afrin…


Afrin is a gone case..! Those gypsies was supposed to accept the offers in the first place.. and due to their idiotic, stupidity & arrogant is what makes the muricunts Yankees got hold of Al Tanaf & TSAF starts the olive branch operation..! So, go and tell those ungratefools gypsies to dropped dead..! My only sympathies goes to those innocent civilians who got caught in between whom does not even supports those ungrateful terrorists..!


Syrian forces mobilizing in Syria–and this coming so soon after Russian forces exercised in Russia. When is a good US officer supposed to get any sleep!? And on the topic of US officers: is it possible the Pentagram awards promotions based on how good a guy looks on TV? You seldom see a Russian with that Uebermensch mug.


I reckon that media savvy and presence do play a role in selecting PR spokesmen. The Pentagon learned the hard way in Vietnam that you have to muzzle, control and massage reporters to get the information you want. And they have employed those lessons EVERY SINGLE TIME SINCE.


It’s their country to begin with you American twat


Someone please remind him that the country he is in is called Syria, and syrians have every right to build up anywhere they wish. It is their country. It is the US coalition buildup in Syria that is wrong and illegal. Distorted reality…


In their own country? how dare they?

Langaniso Mhlobo

Syrian forces have the legitimate right to build up we’re ever their want in their country.If USA is claiming to fight ISIS why are their so against Syrian army soldiers development .

Langaniso Mhlobo

All terrorists and Kurds must start attacking USA bases because USA exploit them.


You dream a lot.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Shut up stupid Trimp puppet.


These muricunts are retarded psychopaths..!


The US, Israel and our planet need to be dejudified to create a better world for humanity:



So what, imperialists? The US regime has no right to look at Syria’s internal affairs and the less to meddle with and so much less to agress Syria militarily.


This is the way to create a better future. Dejudification in Europe, the near east and north Africa 1945 to 2010:



Here’s a bad joke that you will probably like.

Question Why didn’t Hitler kill all the Jews?

Answer So people would know why he killed Jews.


Even in the US where I live 82% of them live in 10 states, mostly the north eastern seaboard and California. Most Americans have figured out that they’re a problem. And that’s growing significantly with the internet and all of the information about what they really are and what their history is. The constant drone of Jew propaganda as they try to dominate our culture is repulsive.

Outlawing Judaism isn’t a cure all for humanity’s problems. But it would remove a big handicap and create a much better civilization here.




In the other 40 states the number of Jews drops rapidly:



All that you have to do is look at Israel and the US, where 83% of the planet’s Jews live, to see what’s wrong with Judaism. And why humanity would be much better off by outlawing Judaism and dejudifying the planet.

John Brown

Richard D use this on the Chomsky lovers. Noam Chomski the evil racist supremacist Jew says he works for the CIA and the Pentagram military. Nothing beats the voluntary confession. http://scienceandrevolution.org/blog/2017/1/13/chomsky-at-mit-between-the-war-scientists-and-the-anti-war-students Although he sometimes understates MIT’s military role, Chomsky has never made a secret of its Pentagon connections. Referring to the 1960s, he explains that MIT was ‘about 90% Pentagon funded at that time. And I personally was right in the middle of it. I was in a military lab. If you take a look at my early publications, they all say something about Air Force, Navy, and so on, because I was in a military lab, the Research Lab for Electronics.'[2] http://scienceandrevolution.org/blog/2017/4/17/jfj2jfrzwl7ff5wt40kdkagvt8akda Chomsky approved of the appointment of his fellow MIT academic, John Deutch, as head of the CIA. Until then, Deutch had been No.2 at the Pentagon. These are Chomsky’s reported words: https://libcom.org/history/john-deutch-chomskys-friend-pentagon-cia This surprisingly favourable attitude to Deutch was confirmed in an interview that appeared in the book Class Warfare in 1996. When asked about Deutch, Chomsky said: https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/conspiracy/Noam%20Chomsky%20-%20Class%20Warfare.pdf ‘We were actually friends and got along fine, although we disagreed on about as many things as two human beings can disagree about. I liked him. We got along very well together. He’s very honest, very direct. You know where you stand with him. We talked to each other. When we had disagreements, they were open, sharp, clear, honestly dealt with. I found it fine. I had no problem with him. I was one of the very few people on the faculty, I’m told, who was supporting his candidacy for the President of MIT.'[2] What is particularly interesting about all this is that other anti-militarists at MIT had a rather different attitude to John Deutch because of his long-standing role as a Pentagon adviser. Deutch headed two Pentagon panels on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. Along with Alexander Haig, Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld, he was also an influential advisor on President Reagan’s Scowcroft commission, which recommended the deployment of the MX missile in 1983.[3] Then, when the Cold War came to an end, he became very concerned that the US military was turning away from nuclear weaponry by, for instance, removing tactical nuclear weapons from ships and submarines.[4]


If you go to “disident” Jew’s sites like Chomsky’s and Unz’s you find the Zionists are bad Judaism is good lie and diversion from Judaism’s evil and Jew’s crimes.

John Brown

Yes you are right they are the phony controlled opposition. the tactic is right out of Machiavelli’s “The Prince”. also see “the 48 Laws of Power they like to use. Remember; “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

John Brown

Because he was ordered to do so and to create Israel and tens of millions of Goyims which he did, and to allow the Nazi Jewish army of 150 k plus troops to kill all Jews who would not go to Israel. part 1 Nazis and racist supremacist Jews allies forever with identical race laws. When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine. https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805

Hitler’s Jewish Army https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.602868 https://www.haaretz.com/cau… At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. read more: https://www.haaretz.com/cau… A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star Chelsea Handler confronts dark family history as she undergoes a televised journey of self-discovery By YIFA YAAKOV 10 August 2013, 5:27 pm 80 American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler realized her family history was no laughing matter last week as she underwent a journey of self-discovery in an episode of TLC’s Who Do You Think You Are, which was aired Tuesday. In the episode, Handler, who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/

John Brown

part 2 Racist supremacist Jews = Nazis Hitler followed the Rothchilds orders in implementing the holocaust on any Jews who refused to move to Palestine as per the Havara pact with the help of his 150 k plus Jewish army. . So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board me or Anja??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/ Racist supremacist Nazi Jews role role in running the Holocaust. American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

John Brown

Part 3 Part 1 In the 1930es Hitler cooperated with his Zionist friends – who had a good time in Berlin! – to drive Germany´s Jews to Palestine with so much success that when although in 1933 there were 505.000 Jews in Germany in the census 1933. By 1941, another 300.000 had emigrated with Hitler´s accept in 1941. And 150.000 Jews were soldiers in Hitler´s army.So the Jews to persecute in Germany were few! But there were many more in Poland, where they were disliked. We have seen how Walther Rothschild was the driving force behind the Balfour Declaration 100 years ago – in 1917, Rothschild promised to draw the US into WWI if the UK would guarantee that the Jews would have a homeland in Rothschild owned Palestine. Rothschild´s US agent, Jesuit Edward Mandell-House, managed to persuade Pres, Woodrow Wilson to join that war. Mandell-House wrote the Versailles Peace Treaty without German participation in a way that WWII was inevitable Israel is Rothschild´s land. Already in 1829, the Rothschilds had bought Jerusalem. We have seen how the Rockefellers (Jews) and the Rothschild Federal Reserve of the US as well as their Wall Street (Anthony Sutton) even funded Hitler and via the IG Farben ran death camp Auschwitz by means of forced Jewish labour. We have seen that Hitler was a Jew,probably even a Rothschild. Most of the top Nazis were Jewish We have seen how Jewish Rothschild´s agent, Jewish George Soros, betrayed Jews in Hungary and took their possessions – even calling this “the happiest time of his life”! Another confession! Nothing beats the voluntary confession Anja! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PUDmLCkgNc Therefore, the following is a logical sequel of Theodor Herzl´s diaries. Rudolf Kastner, the Zionist leader in Hungary, made a deal with Adolf Eichmann. another confession!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MekIiTzQaaQ

John Brown

part 4 Confession! American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Confessions! Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

John Brown

part 5 The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine. https://www.haaretz.com/jew… Hitler’s Jewish Army confession! https://www.haaretz.com/cau… At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. Confession! read more: https://www.haaretz.com/cau… A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star. Confession! So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/

John Brown

part 6 DID THE JEWS IN HITLER’S ARMY CAUSE THE ‘HOLOCAUST’? Rigg’s research also shed light on stories surrounding the rescue by German soldiers of the Lubavitcher grand rabbi of that time, who was in Warsaw when the war broke out in 1939. Joseph Isaac Schneerson was spirited to safety after an appeal to Germany from the United States. Schneerson was assisted by a German officer Rigg has identified as the highly decorated Maj. Ernst Bloch, whose father was a Jew. Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police (Ordnungdienst) and concentration camp guards (kapos). So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism? “If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.” During World War II thousands of Jews served in the Wehrmacht, many awarded the Cross for Bravery. Jews serving in the SS. Were they also in the Gestapo? As ‘Gestapo’ is an abbreviation of “Geheime Stadt Polizei”, meaning State Secret Police, Sources: William D. Montalbano, “The Jews in Hitler’s Military,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 24, 1996. Tom Tugend, “Grad student uncovers Jews who fought for Adolf Hitler,” Jewish Telegraph Agency, Dec. 26, 1996. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.

John Brown

part 7 In any fair court that actually listened to real evidence (from sources such as the Israel Times, the Jerusalem Post etc.) it is very easy to prove the Nazi racist supremacist Jewish alliance and that it was mostly the Nazi Jewish army that killed Jews as part of that alliance, under the orders of the Rothschild’s, killed Jews unless said Jews moved to Palestine. The Rothschild banks even seized the financial assets of Jews in Swiss banks which is also well documented, of German Jews etc. killed in the holocaust for refusing to go to Palestine. Learn some real history and hand get copies of Jews selling blacks, The Secret relationship between blacks and Jews all volumes and some confederate Jewish money with the Jewish faces on it, to prove racist Jews ran the South, 95 % of the slave trade committed the black holocaust of 400 years of slavery 100 million killed, rape, etc. It would be so easy to beat you by doing just that. See the Nazi Jewish Pact of steel the Havarra agreement by which Hitler created Israel. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e5142fdf79f086ca4e3a87561def9b6b5a7e5c1a08933959cf5dbf361c50987.png

John Brown

part 8 To put the size of Hitlers massive, huge, Jewish Nazi army in context, the size of the entire British Armed Forces – by numbers today is around 144,000 trained active personnel. Comprising British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines and the Royal Air Force – the Armed Forces is a huge operation, So Hitlers massive, huge, gigantic Jewish Nazi army which ran the holocaust was bigger then the entire UK armed forces which are ranked as the 5th most powerful armed forces on the planet and the Jewish Nazi army was bigger then that 150 k to 144 k for the UK . Please explain how the Times of Israel and Haretz etc. are lying about this and are anti Jewish along with 60 minutes etc etc etc. It should make for a good laugh for all on this board. Is Chelsea Handler lying?? Look at the excellent evidence you can get from the Jewish press. Don’t take my word for it! To all Goyims on this board if you don’t already I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel as I do – in order to get a full understanding of what they (Anja and her master race) routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. See below nothing beats the voluntary confession. In 100 Days, A New Jewish Elite Rises Under Trump Read more:http://forward.com/news/national/370369/in-100-days-a-new-jewish-elite-rises-under-trump/ It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things (like the Jewish Nazi army of 150 k running the holocaust etc.) that would never make it into the American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, empire, their rantings of hatred and racism for all Goyim and bragging of their murdering millions and millions of goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, German etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed “We must not forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,” Plocker started out by saying. He went on to make a number of startling confessions: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ce223dc12d9b8a258530fcfb67dbeba80b4d26071cb6501f3df9d2675c9a307.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f


“Government forces had been conducting a slow build-up east of the Euphrates River, near the area where US troops were deployed, US Army Col. Ryan Dillon, a spokesman for the US-led coalition, told CNN on March 20.”

So,Colonel,, my question is, why is that your business, considering you have no RIGHT by Natural; Common and UN laws and mandates, to be in Syria in the first place???

I’m waiting

AM Hants

Did not realise that the US was part of Syria. So why are the squatters upset that the owners, are moving in?

Langaniso Mhlobo

Trump is a very stupid war gangster.Soon Obama wil return.Obama has three brains black and white brain and devils brain.When his in USA he talks nonsense about other opponents.If he meets them he talks nice thing.When he flew back he order attacks to Pentacunt.

Langaniso Mhlobo

USA become world economic power house through reading and stealing, killing Africans.

northerntruthseeker .

More pure and utter bullshit coming out of the criminal US scumbags..

The reality here is that the US is trying to use this LEGAL buildup of SAA forces (if there are any at all) to justify more “attacks” on said forces….

And what about the illegal US building of yet another “base” on the eastern side of the Euphrates? Why are these US scumbags not questioned rightfully on that illegal and criminal act?

Alejandro Bonifacio

cry littje girl, cry

Langaniso Mhlobo

Russia and allies should not allow USA to kill Syrian soldiers enemore as their have already lost not of experience soldier’s through USA terrorism in Syria.

Fred Dozer

Very little news on this, but it would mean war. [ltr]Russian Defense Minister Vladimir Shamanov said on Monday that it was necessary to consider the possibility of closing Syrian airspace in the face of countries that do not have official authorization from the Syrian government.[/ltr] [ltr]Syria accuses the international coalition of undermining its sovereignty and demanding an end to the US presence on its territory[/ltr] [ltr]Sputnik. “According to my experience, it seems very important to stop the ambiguity surrounding Syria. We should carefully consider Colonel Ivashov’s proposal to close airspace over Syria to all foreign countries, except those who are allowed to do so, and this step will be important and new to replace,” Shamanov said. Peace in this unstable region. “[/ltr] [ltr]Earlier, the head of the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Parliament, Constantine Kosachov, said that the actions of the United States and its partners in Syria could lead to the deterioration of the situation in this country, and this is linked to the possibility of Russia expanding its war groups in Syria.[/ltr]



Like it was any of his business in the first place, the US is an invading, illegally occupying force. They simply have no business being there. Their justifications are illegal. The world can never trust America, What a pathetic moron.

Muriel Kuri

This time I hope Russia defends Syrian soldiers and it’s contractors if they are fired upon. No more Mr. Nice Guy.


Hope dies last. After syrian soldiers.

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