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US-led Coalition Deployed Armored Vehicles, Artillery In Deir Ezzor Oil Fields – Report

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US-led Coalition Deployed Armored Vehicles, Artillery In Deir Ezzor Oil Fields – Report

US armored vehicles on the key M4 highway in Syria’s northeast, via AFP.

On January 10, the US-led coalition deployed fresh reinforcements in al-Omar oil fields and the CONICO gas facility in southeastern and northern Deir Ezzor.

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 25 trucks carrying supplies entered northeastern Syria from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region through the Semalka border crossing before heading to US-led coalition bases in Deir Ezzor.

“The trucks, which were escorted by armoured vehicles, were carrying logistical supplies as well as heavy weapons, including artillery and armored vehicles,” the monitoring group said.

Around 500 US troops are still present in northeastern Syria. These troops are supposedly “guarding” key oil fields and countering ISIS.

A day earlier, a 7-year old child was killed when the US-led coalition fired mortars at his house by mistake during live fire drills at the CONICO base. The child’s mother and brother were injured in the incident.

Recently, the northern and southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside saw a series of protests against the Syrian Democratic Forces, the US-led coalition main proxy group in northeastern Syria. This coincided with the increase in ISIS attacks.

The deployment of heavy weapons in Deir Ezzor indicates that the US-led coalition is planning to stay in the region for the long term.


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Oil thieves doesn’t want to stop stealing.. United Thieves of America..

Fog of War

” Around 500 US troops are still present in northeastern Syria. ”

500 my left foot. Its in the thousands.

John Wallace

Most of those will be contractors who don’t count as troops.

Zionism = EVIL

This is a good read, imagine any country’s soldiers whining like little Americunt cowards:

U.S. troops survived a barrage of missiles from Iran. A year later, they’re still coping with it.

The U.S. soldiers scrambled from one bunker to the next, stumbling past charred wreckage, 30-foot-wide craters and puddles of diesel fuel. A barrage of ballistic missiles had briefly knocked some of them unconscious, and more were on the way.

Maj. Alan Johnson struggled to focus after absorbing the monstrous blast waves of several explosions, including one that missed his bunker by about 60 feet, he recalled.

“I still have anxiety,” Johnson said. “I still have recurring nightmares of incoming — just that sound of those things coming in.”

The United States stood at the precipice of full-scale war a year ago when Iran launched 16 missiles at U.S. forces in Iraq. Eleven struck Ain al-Asad air base in the western part of the country, another landed outside the northern city of Irbil and four malfunctioned, the military said.

After months of escalating confrontation, Iranian-backed forces had laid siege to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad about a week earlier. The Trump administration responded a few days later by launching a drone strike in Baghdad that killed an Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani, a longtime U.S. nemesis.

Facing the gravest international security crisis of his presidency, Trump suddenly shifted gears. “All is well!” he tweeted within hours of the attack on Jan. 8, 2020.

A year later, service members who endured the attack described how close the United States and Iran came to greater calamity.

No U.S. troops were killed despite Iran’s use of weapons that were each about 40 feet long and carrying 1,600 pounds of explosives, more powerful than any weapon launched at Americans in a generation.

But 110 survivors were ultimately diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, some requiring long hospitalizations and intensive therapies at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center outside Washington. The military disclosed the injures days after the strike, saying that an earlier Trump announcement that there were “no casualties” was based on the best information the Pentagon had at the time.

In reality, 29 services members, including Johnson, were injured seriously enough to receive Purple Hearts in the strike, which the Iranians called Operation Martyr Soleimani.

The attack left some with feelings of anger and helplessness. Survivors are still pondering a night that increasingly seemed overlooked in a year that went on to include the coronavirus pandemic, a fraught national conversation about race and one of the most contentious presidential elections in American history.

“I can’t think that anyone has walked away from this without some sort of effects, psychologically or emotionally, because of how traumatic the event was,” said Lt. Col. Johnathan Jordan, the operations officer for an Air Force unit present that night.

Preparing for attack

Almost immediately after the strike on Soleimani, U.S. troops across the Middle East started preparing for possible Iranian revenge.

Air Force Tech. Sgt. Samuel Levander, a crew member for a Special Operations aviation squadron temporarily assigned to Al Asad, said civilian employees hired to cook food on base even stopped showing up for work.

His unit began assessing how many people they could pack into their aircraft, a CV-22, if a quick escape was needed.

It was Jan. 7 when the severity of the threat became clear: Iran wasn’t planning to attack with rockets, which can kill a couple of people at a time, but with much more powerful missiles launched from miles away across the Iraqi border.

Jordan said he and his commander, Lt. Col. Staci Coleman, drew up a plan. Half of the 160 airmen they oversaw would leave on a C-130 with Jordan leading them, she decided. The other half would stay with Coleman, hunkering down in bunkers.

“We were expecting just total devastation at that point,” Jordan recalled.

Elsewhere on the base, scores of U.S. Special Operations troops prepared to leave on three CV-22 aircraft, each with 24 seats. Levander’s team calculated they could pack in many more, ultimately removing 194 people, according to an award citation first reported by Air Force Times.

Others had to stay.

Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Noal Yarnes took cover in a fortified structure, telling the airmen under his supervision to bring their gas masks — just in case. The missiles, he knew, were capable of carrying chemical weapons.

Johnson, working with soldiers on another part of Al Asad, decided to record a video message for his son, Jack, now 7. He wanted to leave behind some last words, he said, just in case “something bad happened to Dad.”

‘Incoming, incoming!’

The airfield was quiet as midnight arrived — “almost like a ghost town,” said Tech. Sgt. Bryan Moody, part of an Air Force security forces team on duty.

Moody, a member of the Kentucky Air National Guard, and his colleagues drove around in an mine-resistant truck, making sure the base was secure. Other troops stood watch in guard towers, vigilant in case a ground attack also materialized, while nearly everyone else left on the base sheltered in place.

The warning rang out over loudspeakers after 1 a.m.: “Incoming! Incoming! Take cover!”

The first missile exploded at 1:34 a.m. about 100 yards from the mine-resistant vehicle that Moody’s team was driving, casting debris on the hood. The reinforced doors were blown open by the concussive blast of missiles, which landed about 300 yards away but sounded much closer, said Staff Sgt. Drew Davenport, another member of the team.

Johnson, assigned to an Army aviation unit, huddled with soldiers in an aboveground shelter. With open-air sides and sandbags covering concrete, the bunker was designed to stop smaller rockets — not missiles.

Johnson has no recollection of the first three blasts, and believes it is because the third briefly knocked him and other soldiers in his bunker unconscious. It had landed about 70 yards away.

The fourth exploded about 300 yards away. The fifth and sixth missiles whooshed in about 40 seconds later — one 120 yards away, and the other just 60 feet. Johnson tasted “ammonia-flavored moon dust” on his teeth before he lost consciousness again.

Rescues amid chaos

Elsewhere on base, new dangers erupted along with the fires.

During a break in missile volleys, Moody and the rest of his team decided they would be safer relocating. They drove to a spot overlooking the vacant airfield, cut their headlights and waited, Davenport said.

The plan seemed to have promise — briefly. As more missiles streaked through the sky, the airmen braced for impact. One missile exploded about 150 feet away, a blast wave washing over their truck as fire, smoke and debris belched into the night air.

“I didn’t even have time to be scared,” Davenport said. “I was just so pumped full of adrenaline. I remember that mushroom cloud and that bright red, orange color vividly. It was one of the wildest things I’ve ever seen.”

Four missile volleys lasted more than an hour, one coming about every 15 minutes.

During lulls in the barrage, their team and other security forces rushed to check on others on base.

Among those in need of help were two soldiers trapped in a guard tower that was on fire, Moody said. A missile had landed nearby, and they were unable to climb down from their 12-foot-high perch because of the flames.

To help them, the Air Force team backed their truck up close, allowing the soldiers to leap down on top of the vehicle instead of hurtling all the way to the ground, the airmen said.

Elsewhere, a contractor who suffered a serious eye injury needed help.

A medic, Spec. Robert Jones, hustled to pull him to another bunker, Johnson said.

Jones, now a sergeant, was later recognized for his actions with an Army Commendation Medal for valor.

Wading through disaster

Even with the attack over for hours, there was little movement on the base at daybreak.

Levander said his crew’s CV-22 flew over the base early that morning. Virtually no one had left their bunkers yet, and hangars were still on fire, he said.

When he and his colleagues returned to their living area, they found soap dispensers blown off walls, lights hanging askew, and electric generators that had stopped.

He and several of his teammates were later recognized with the Distinguished Flying Cross for their efforts.

Soldiers who had survived in bunkers were hesitant to leave them, even after an “all clear” message went out. Some were crying, Johnson said. Some were whimpering. Others were vomiting.

Johnson, a flight surgeon, asked if anyone needed medical attention. No one said yes, prompting the initial report to the Pentagon of zero injuries that later was announced by Trump.

“The fact was, everyone had these symptoms of traumatic brain injury,” Johnson said. “But those symptoms were insignificant compared to what we went through all night.”

Service members began receiving testing afterward. Patients with the most significant symptoms were evacuated from Iraq. Johnson was diagnosed with a brain injury and spent weeks receiving physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, ocular motor therapy and psychiatric care in Germany.

He eventually returned to the Middle East to complete his deployment.

Davenport and Moody said they did not suffer any injuries. But they wonder how America moved on so quickly.

“It’s kind of disheartening sometimes,” Davenport said. “Some people don’t even know it happened.”


John Wallace

Very good. Also proves that they were told before the attack and that the results made Trumps shit his pants as the video shows when he came out afterwards to say no one hurt. He got the message , fuk with us and you will get more than a bloody nose. Wow.a pilot awarded a DFC for flying out personal before and then flying back in the morning when it was all over. No wonder everyone is a hero in the US forces.

Zionism = EVIL

2,500 of the lardass losers, but they will start taking casualties soon.

Jens Holm

Lira inflation.


Frankly, stealing oil is turning out to be more difficult for US criminals.

Jens Holm

I`ll say up to 1000.

William D

Biden is not committing more forces to Syria, but to entertain your thought process…….Trump abandoned moral principles to defend oil fields, leaving a security vacuum. Any losses suffered by American troops would in the effort to reassert our moral authority Trump had abandoned.


Democrats and some Republicans threatened to impeach Trump if Trump removed uSA troops from Syria.

John Wallace

Trump ordered troops out which they did leaving a number of their bases to be taken over lock stock and barrel by Russian and SAA forces. Plenty of videos showing that. Then many if not more troops returned to Syria from Iraq where Iraq was screaming they were not allowed to be in Iraq. A lot of new troops were “contractors” which don’t count as US forces alive or dead. Plenty of video’s showing them at various wells with non functioning ” donkeys ” I think you call them.. guarding people looking at how to get the wells back into production. Every time Trump tried to reduce troops anywhere he was thwarted by those that really control the government. I can’t remember who it was that told him the troops had been reduced but failed to tell him they just went straight back in.


Thanks for the memory jog.

John Wallace

@ just me . Which fact don’t you agree with or are you just downvoting the truth you don’t like.


That applies to you as well. Still saying that Trump tried this or that and blaming everything on DS, the very DS neocons he put in his admin, at this late date? Moving troops out of the areas you mention was to give ally Turkey an excuse to continue attacking SDF, guarantying further chaos in Syria, without the US being in the way. Look at those areas, they’re still chaotic, which was the goal. Then he furthered the fake animosity between US/Turkey/Israel. Troops didn’t leave Syria, they just took over the oil fields…to protect them from our ISIS proxy, while Trump gloated over the stealing of their oil. Continuing to believe in non-existent 6D chess is ridiculous. And yes, he did increase troops in Syria, as well as jumped on the ‘Assad gasses his own people’ crap, sending all those beautiful, marvelous and fantastic missiles into Syria, not once, but twice in his first year. Then personally threatened the OPCW and ICC (we know where you live)? Trump was personally involved in Soleimani’s assassination, but that was to prevent a war. One that his BFF Bibi threatened? None of US troops in the ME have come home, they’ve just shuttled them around. Did DS make Trump ditch JCPOA? He blathered about doing just that before he was elected and every Zionist loving member of CONgress flocked to him. Whose fault was that?

Jens Holm

I agree the Turkish version is tempting, but I dont think its true.

Jens Holm

Thats correct. It has names such as damage control and low profile.

And yes, they and several others also use outsourcing by contractors fx for transportation.

So many of Your troops are not troops at all but logisitics, which just are able to defend themself. True some might be older soldiers as well and some do fight.


News to me. I’ll have to look for that.

Just Me

It is fantasy and not reality. Trump increased US troops and terrorism in Syria and Iraq.

Jens Holm

Yes, but its also true in the Trump election campaign, that he would make all Americans leave.

So now USA still has the boycut and for good reasosns also name it as protection against ISIS.

By that its a kind of both and not fx double standards.

Jens Holm

The structures are like that.

Trump can order this and that, but the warcomitti has to finance things.

In some matter the US miliatary forces are much more independent from their Leaderes then many other military forces are.

It was very visible in WW2. Mongommery was i almost dayli contact with Churchill and Churchill tryed to make the Brittish point of Views by his party(fx taking Berlin).

Eisenhower in contrast was a part of the military system. He was given the job to kill as many germans as possible and partly to destroy all enemy facilities. Rosewelt and Stalin did not decide details apart from some coordination with the Russian front in attack and defence modes. Eisenhower here was chooser of methods.

They gave him freedom to find the best way themself.

So there is no real lie. Americans actually has retreated away from half of the SDFs but the oil blocade is the same.


Trump? Moral principals? OK.


Looks like trump-pompeous blame everything on china,allready came back to flogg ’em (assflogeds) Not only proven it was not invented nor first sourced from china,but china exports to usa in 2020 to usa alone increased by a whopping 22% to rub further insult to their wounds,trump absolutely failed to contain china,despite china being the first to be hit by his legions virus (americunt oligharchs)

Zionism = EVIL

Well kids, the Americunt losers are very upset as the Iranian drones took out a whole oil theft convoy. This is just the beginning.


Biden isn’t President yet and you’re already blaming him for something that hasn’t happened yet? There’s no telling what Biden will do, but likely he won’t be all over Bibi’s goober like Trump.

viktor ziv

Biden was vice president during Obama, right? And Obama was the one ordering US foot on Syrian soil. So, once Idlib is secured by SAA, Turkey retreats after crushing YPG, time will come for those uninvited foot to be removed. Beside, LRcaptain wrote big …IF… not blaming.

Jens Holm


Potato Man

The fact is US is losing money so they are tipping in anything to cover their cost. They want Kurds morons to take more money from Syrians…it wouldn’t do them any good.

Jens Holm

Kurds are Syrians too.

If not the Syrians should leave Aleppo and Raqqa provinces

Just Me

US is a nation of thieves, murderers, cowards and petty criminals, so stealing is part of the perverted DNA.

Jens Holm

You cant steal from lazy bum people hardly producing anything. Syria only has some daded for Christmas :) Maybee the gas can be exported to sniffers.

Just Me

Biden is the perfect sleaze bag for the deep state. It was Obama that attacked Syria and then made it official policy to arm and train the Salafist terrorists under Turkish tutelage.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No what they were planning is this,

“SDF’s Self Defense Units have advanced 2 KMs into the no-mans land between SDF areas and the Iranian/pro-Assad forces controlled areas at Jadidat Akaidat and have captured the Quarry area”


I wonder why they want it, more buffer?

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