March 2, 2017 – A door gunner from Joint Task Force Iraq’s Tactical Aviation Detachment keeps watch during a CH-146 Griffon helicopter flight near Erbil, Iraq as a part of Operation IMPACT. (Photo: U.S. Combat Camera)
On September 22, local sources familiar with the situation in the Euphrates Valley told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that helicopters of the US-led coalition had evacuated several ISIS commanders from an area near the town of al-Marashidah in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside. According to the sources, the terrorists were taken to an unknown destination.
The pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) confirmed the SANA’s report claiming that the terrorists, who had been evacuated, were spies of the US-led coalition.
The US-led coalition and its proxies, mainly the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), are currently conducting a military operation to clear the ISIS-held pocket in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside. This explains why the coalition would evacuate its spies or even foreign fighters who may be relocated to other countries.
In the last two years, Syrian pro-government and opposition sources accused the US-led coalition of evacuating dozens of ISIS commanders from eastern Syria. However, the coalition has never acknowledged these claims.
Should we be surprised? and as for chances of any of this being published in American, British or French Media? Zero! I wonder if, in fact these ISIS Commanders are US Military Personnel?
The western medias are much more informed then most orthers almost all the time.
You are learned its no and apperently not able to look Yourself. I read here, its a roumor, and as I see it , it fir well in SDFs actually are taking the last ISIS pocket and by that, they as usual try to throw dirt on it.
It should be the opposit. As a minimum SDFs has killed many,many from ISIS.
the western medias are not informed.
the western medias serve corporate agendas, hence tell whatever their owners force them to tell.
sdf has lost any trace of credibility from the moral standpoint the second they accepted to act on israel’s and us behalf.
they managed to become dirty in a single instant, when they put their own economic interests ahead of the common well-being of entire Syria.
For this reason, they belong in the footnotes of history.
So whats the latest news from Denmark of high importance .
i don’t know nor care what you are talking about. there’s no significant news from denmark on both main/nonmain stream media i normally look.
I could add some of low importance got 15 mio. Video yesterday.
hahhahhahha xDD
Huh ??? I suggest you begin again!
So whats the latest news from Denmark of high importance ….
A father of two children accused of incest by the Kindergarten.
A degenerate European pseudo-democracy run by freemasons and inbred royals
The latest news from Denmark of high importance is that there is most definitely something rotten in the state of Denmark. :-)
The SDF adopted ISIS & other former Headchoppers as New Members..as this SDF-movie shows
Its registrated as total fake all over the whole world. It soon will reach Your slow mail area too.
Here more Proof… https://www.google.nl/amp/s/www.globalresearch.ca/james-mattis-allowed-the-isis-terrorists-to-escape-from-raqqa-smuggled-out-of-syria/5620058/amp
ISIS Headchoppers became SDF https://youtu.be/RNLYblzUM0A
The LAST ISIS Pocket ??? Oh Good! This means Trump will soon announce the departure of US & Allied Forces from Syria! Chance would be a fine thing ………..
(SOHR) confirmed the SANA’s report claiming that the terrorists, who had been evacuated, were spies of the US-led coalition….
Spies..?! You mean Operatives….Trainers…Instructors….Special Forces…Intelligence…CIA…Mossad….They try to safe as much of their Headchoppers as Possible…. the remaining Headchoppers will be Adopted by the SDF under condition that they shave their Beards…
They were spies. Someone is needed to overlook the butcherregime and its bombing of those civilians who refuse to vote for Assad´s dictatorship. They were replaced to spy in other Hitler regimes under Operation Inherent Resolve Freedom.
If true, they should be spy commanders.
Russians are playing “Warganes” again. Well try some Tic-Tac-Toe.
So far I believe nothing about it. SANA normally not even know, whats in front of their troops and often not aroiund and behind of them as well.
You never know. More inf. pls.
Here even your Hebrew Brothers admit it:
I’m sure they were spying and causing mischief for the coalition since quite a few did manage to contact them after becoming disillusioned with ISIS. Many were turned off by their cruelty while others were pissed off at seeing their initial high salaries get whittled down to nothing as the caliphate went broke. This group must of been a trusted bunch since they were able to sneak out together to get picked up in one of the US Army’s quiet helicopters. The SDF snagged a British ISIS volunteer trying to sneak out of Hajin. He was a pharmacist in Britain so probably was promised a big salary by ISIS that dwindled down to nothing over the years.
These commanders taking off should throw the ISIS leadership into disarray, especially if this bunch were in charge of setting up defenses.
they probably evacuate their own personnel embedded with isis.
not “spies”, but military advisers – green berets for example have an astounding record of serving among jihadist militants.
aside the usual mischievous and lurid US behavior, this could be a sign that they know that isis is close to the end.
no worries for all the zio-lickers though, there’s always al-nusra to equip, train and lead on the field.
These commanders are US forces that disguised as terrorists. The ISIS number is increasing in Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya etc.
Yup – all along jihadist’s use of balaclavas not just to hide identity when committing war crimes – equally conceals faces of NATO special forces operating alongside terrorists.
Well well well…”local sources familiar with the situation”. A bird just whispered me that this is exactly how low quality fake news sound like.
You probably want to take your meds if you’re hearing birds talk. If the reporting offends you are free to go back to where they report “real” news like what foreign sources unfamiliar with the situation think.
Its so coneveniant for Damaskus this is correct. SDFs has used months for taking that pocket. If its over, they have to blamed for something new like helikoptering ISIS spy commanders.
We see the same evil indfame patterns all over.
RAQQA: Haha they cant take it, 2) they only take deserts and hamlets 3) They let many 1000 ISIS soldiers escape 4) They kill and bombarde with no limits 5) They block for Assads from north 6) the take the oilfields west of Tabqa 7) They shoot back, when we shoot random SDF patrols on the ground 8) 4000 heavy armed ISIS soldiers are allowed to leave for nothing.
Even the most non thinking would see, that 4000 heavy armed ISIS soldiers never would have given up Raqqa.
AND at Aby Kamal we have seen Russians even using american videogames as facts.
So take some random from that Goveerment ownet and runned SANA source and that area of Syria has to have cofirmations – random.
You and others here behave as You are the most important part for the rest of the world. Itsw for You, but learn, that billions in the world also think their region shoukld have pages on the newssites.
We cant bring alll about Yours. If we did that, we should do it for rthe rest of the world.
And we do have a free press compared to Your SANA infactions = Only one oppinion is alllowed. That why we try to change things among others.
And we do have all the newsssites, You have – almost – fx we have this. Is Live update not more then fx Syria.
I once tryed ro read ALL sites. I gave up. So much information and for more then 24 hours a day even You are relative well informed as me using Internet fast and mainly well for background.
It would be nice for me to know if You know the 3 most things which happend the last 24 hours in Denmark. After all we are 5,5 million and thing we are important too.
The SDF adopted ISIS & other former Headchoppers as New Members..as this SDF-movie shows
The Inited States of America Released 3500 ISIS Members in Raqqa after they carpetbombed the Whole City…
Even we like swine in Denmark, You never will come in. I sometimes wonder why swine are all over the world exept from where You are too.
You are the Filthy Pig in here….a Treacherous Whore for your Masters…. Go Suck Satanyahoo bitch…get some $hekels for your Beer tonight…you are pretty f*cking useless in here…and wipe your mouth…
Yerrh, nice to talk with each other having all Your behinds out to the world. Even with no trousers, Your holes cant see us.
You are toally manipulated and do not understand most of the world at all. And worse You not even are allowed to try and ignore the reasons for so many things escorted by Your Great Leaders.
Keep on talking Bullshit… go back to your own kind Cockroach…your agenda ain’t mine…know thy self…know thy enemy
How to not to make gold, will be Your next.
Here is how you make Gold You just Steal it…Real easy…
https://www.rojakpot.com/united-states-stole-iraqi-gold-oil/ https://www.google.nl/amp/s/awfulavalanche.wordpress.com/2016/01/10/who-stole-143-tons-of-gold-from-the-libyan-people/amp/ https://www.google.nl/amp/s/www.globalresearch.ca/hillary-emails-reveal-nato-killed-gaddafi-to-stop-libyan-creation-of-gold-backed-currency/5594742/amp https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/01bbca9016708e49eb794782dc39e5626f77c14c388439e56d58865a156b3ba7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c7eff2a534bf2d2e7f268754653b6cebdf20a6e490c18286bdbd166cbd6110e0.jpg
https://youtu.be/bIx2Bq2txMU scripted
ISIS never had left Raqqa having 3500 or more heavy armed soldiers. Even that makes normal people into, its a fake … And it was and are.
You are a Fake…a Filthy Traitor…
3500 ISIS soldiers never left Raqqa. Those were civilians even they did not have white helmets.
Bring on more of your Nonsense… https://www.google.nl/amp/s/www.globalresearch.ca/james-mattis-allowed-the-isis-terrorists-to-escape-from-raqqa-smuggled-out-of-syria/5620058/amp
Right, I take my sources from a talking bird, you take them from your moma’s pussy which is familiar with the entire local situation.
what a fuckin surprise…. wrote about these numerous nato taxis before, and all i got was the typical cursing……nato has been doing this(beiing the taxi for islamists) for decades,the bosnia war, where nato transferred islamists including al-qaida to the front lines…the afghanistan/USSR period where nato helped with logistics,arms and taxi rides for verious groups including the famous us intelligence man bin -laden etc….currently in syria, nato is helping ALL jihadi groups including HTS(al-qaida) and ISIS in idlib or al-tanf area or deir-e-zoor area. ALL big outragious bs….and the people of these nato countries are busy sniffing cocaine,drinking booze , smoking cannabis,watching porn,watching NFL,premiere league or what ever other GAMES the elite have for their moronic populations.sooner than later we will all have to pay the ultimate prize for this behavior of NEGLIGENCE.
You are very strong being that infected and still alive.
interesting soliloquy.
You realize that by supporting ISIS, you are leaving yourself open to charges of supporting terrorism, and a lot of waterboarding at a CIA secret prison?
You say.
You are like Islam allow to lie – But You do it all the time as if it was written You have to.
If You would be so kind to be sekulars, You would see, that religion and politics is not the same as a military comment.
You fight enemies much better, if You know them. Your comment say and confirm why SAA has many 1000 extra killed and Syria has lost for billions extra.
ISIS are very good guerilla infantery for advance hitting hard as well as being gone in 50 sekunds(tghey bnow are reduced).
Thats whats wrong with You: You put all in the same pot. Only PYD/SDFs in the whole Syria sees this and are for diving things in pieces, which can be handled.
You keep Yourself underdevelllopment, when You have a religion or a culture like that.
I am mainly with what CIA does even the last 2 Leaders has been a little strange and probatly low in some matters. If they should come I will make coffee to them -or a beer if allowed.
Fine they are not nice guys as long as we are on the same side :)
^ He writes as he waits for the latest Fortnite patch to install.
What a surprise (not). Frankly there would be no ISIS if not for Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Gulf States, and the US.
The SDF may receive US aid, but they’re far more than proxies. Unless, you would count the Asad regime as Russian proxy. In that case…
When the US sees syrian oil…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f0dd1990dda2d4f72107dfc714246afceb08701f1c341027af1127c30f2fddc.jpg
More like :
Everyone to it’s own.
helicopters of the US-led coalition had evacuated several ISIS commanders from an area near the town of al-Marashidah in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside. According to the sources, the terrorists were taken to an unknown destination.
The destination is Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya and other unknown areas.
the Zio slave CIA agenda for a new Sunni-stan, led by Saddam’s old Ba’athist military leadership, continues. Eastern Syria, and then western Iraq all the way to Baghdad, to serve as their bulwark against Iran, just like Iraq was for them.
fake news!
Well Well Well,who would have guessed that would happen?
US Biowarfare Exposed, Staged Protests In Syria, US Deficit Explodes, Israel/Saudi Arms Deal & ICC
Off to Libya now … show must go on…
or Afghanistan.
OO claims that when they wrote War Pigs, they were not aware of its Anti-War narrative nor the Yanki war of aggression in Vietnam. How pathetic is that? Especially when Gezzer states it was written first and foremost as an anti war song because of what was happening in Vietnam.
The Evil Empire has a lot of time, money and training invested in these Orcs. It’s like a trained fighter pilot whose training costs millions. When the plane crashes he ejects and rescue copters are sent in.
Just imagine if one of the ISIS Black Hawk choppers crash landed and the bodies of Arabic speaking terrorists and American speaking terrorists were inter-mangled. Would be very bad PR.
what news agency would report such a thing?and if they wanted to the cover up would be so quickly that noone would even have time to tweet such a thing……we would just learn from official us voices that a heli crushed somewhere in the middle of nowhere…..probably in Germany while in joint drills…..
That should keep Guantanamo busy for a while…
Yes Gitmo another thing the US stole. Such a long history of crime, but they don’t have the staying power of the Jews.
A short helicopter ride to Al-Tanf and then onto the next destination, which is either the next hotspot in Syria, or a holiday in Europe. These so called spies for the coalition are a mixed bag, some of them are nothing more than paid thugs, some are US/coalition government operatives working alongside the terrorists, and a few are even true believers, trying to play the US/coalition for everything they can, whilst reluctantly cooperating with the US/coalition to achieve their mutually beneficial agendas. The last pocket of Isis in US controlled territory is about to fall, and all the high value operatives stationed there, are being relocated before the final onslaught. If they were trapped there they would most likely be captured by the SAA, and then sing like canaries to save their skins, something the culpable US/coalition can’t afford to happen, hence the helicopter rides. Most people wrongly believe that Assad’s winning the [US/Israeli instigated] civil war in Syria, but that’s not the case at all, it’s still at a stalemate no matter what the territorial and military picture tells us. The military phase may be winding down but the political war is still raging at maximum intensity. The US still has a few tricks up it’s sleeve and will now be playing those cards for their maximum gains, the termination of the Idlib campaign at the request/demands of Erdogan are proof positive of this reality, and Israel’s lack of inhibition, concerning the safety of Russians in Syria is another [14 dead Russians]. No ones scared of Putin at all, it’s the exact opposite, they’re all goading him into action, thumbing their noses at him and daring him to respond, but he hasn’t even once. That’s not how I expected the coalition world leaders to act with the second most powerful leader in the world, and him to react to them. I condemned Putin for not putting Russian boots on the ground from the very beginning of Russia’s involvement, and I was right to do so, that simple little thing was the precursor for all of Putin’s problems since. The other world leaders took that to be a sign of weakness in Putin’s resolve, and for their own benefit and the detriment of Assad, have successfully exploited his rightfully perceived lack of resolve ever since. I was hoping he was going to prove them all wrong this time, but sadly no, he’s folded yet again, Erdogan’s taken his measure and found him lacking once again. So now we have a stalemate in Idlib that has no end in sight, at least not an end that a sovereign Syria would be happy with, and we also have an emboldened US, that is actually beefing up it’s personnel and infrastructure in Syria, not scaling down and leaving as Trump stated they intended doing. I’m starting to see something happening I don’t want to see, a divided or partitioned Syria. Will this be Putin’s less than glorious legacy for Syria, or will he instead finally grow a backbone and do what he should have in the first place, just stand up to the bullies and give them all bloody noses. Probably not, he hasn’t so far and looks less likely to do anything now, a 3 way split of Syria is looking like the most likely scenario, which I think would be just about the worst outcome. For the price of limited self autonomy, the Kurds have offered Assad the world. They’ve offered to kick the US out and return all their controlled territory to Syrian sovereignty, they’ve offered to kill the Turks in Idlib and Aleppo, which they’re already doing without NATO or US intervention [no other pro Assad fighters can do that, not even the Russians], and they’ve promised not to split away from Syrian sovereignty ever again [not with Erdogan on their doorsteps and the US unwilling to stop him]. There are a lot of other things they’ve promised Assad, but the 2 I just mentioned, make me believe that ‘limited’ self autonomy for the Kurds won’t be too high a price to pay, for Assad to retain a complete and unfractured sovereign Syria. It’s starting to look like the last viable option to me, now that the Idlib campaign is seemingly dead in the water.