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MARCH 2025

US-Led Coalition Is Blocking Implementation Of Hezbollah-ISIS Deal

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US-Led Coalition Is Blocking Implementation Of Hezbollah-ISIS Deal

A convoy of Islamic State fighters and their families begin to depart from the Lebanon-Syria border zone in Qalamoun. Photograph: Omar Sanadiki/Reuters

On September 1, Colonel Ryan Dillon, spokesperson for the US-led coalition, announced that the US-led collation has managed so far to block the implementation of the Hezbollah-ISIS deal.

According to Dillon, buses with ISIS fighters are still trapped in an area under the control of the Syrian government.

“It [the ISIS convoy] has not managed to link up with any other ISIS elements in eastern Syria,” Dillon said. “We are continuing to monitor that convoy and will continue to disrupt its movement east to link up with any other ISIS element and we will continue to strike any other ISIS elements that try to move towards it.”

According to many sources there are 300 ISIS fighters and 300 civilians in the convoy. It’s believed that both Hezbollah and ISIS are still committed to fulfil their parts of the deal.

The Hezbollah media wing in Syria announced that ISIS handed over the bodies of two Hezbollah fighters who been killed in a battle against ISIS previously. The two fighters were Rami Bassam al-Asa’ad and Rabia’a Afif Ulaiq. The bodies reached Lebanon on September 1.

US-Led Coalition Is Blocking Implementation Of Hezbollah-ISIS Deal

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US-Led Coalition Is Blocking Implementation Of Hezbollah-ISIS Deal

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The deal will likely be implemented. Many believe that the US-led coalition is now just putting on a show to exploit this deal for its own benefit.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had similar deals with ISIS in Manbij and Tabqah towns. However, the US-led collation insisted that it was not part of it. What is known for sure is that the US-led coalition did not stop it.

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The US regime has no say on things outside its own territory, the more that it illegally supported so many terrorist groups in Syria (as it in Afghanistan in the 80ies) .


The US-led coalition is currently transporting ISIS fighters to northern Afghanistan. See the Afghan Report for today.

What a truly DISGUSTING bunch of people they all are!


The US is dominated by a mongrel race of degenerates.. Zionists.


while others are being dominated by a mongrel race of degenerates.. antisemits. who gives a crap about this?


Those of who have learned the history of the mongrel zionist tribe and the pestilence that has always followed them around the globe.


I’d like to see some evidence for that. I believe the US to be capable for a lot of things, but so far all I’ve seen is a line in a SF article that says ‘according to some reports’. That’s not evidence, that can be fake news.



Alt., google: Afghanistan unmarked helicopters

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This has been reported in other sources so never discount anything until you have fully researched it as this can be seen as just more of comment attempting to discredit than be insightful.


that “other” sources just c&p this bullshit is still no evidence. :)


Big BS.nothing else.


The US is supporting ISIS now directly in Afghanistan with weapons, logistics and even ( unmarked ) helicopter transport. The US planners are not bright enough to think of this strategy. It was used to good effect by British East India Company and the British Government of the 19th century when the British flooded China with Drugs that caused the ‘Opium Wars ‘.


Let’s be honest. Dispite bloody US has no rights for such actions. That deal was the most stupid idea I’ve ever seen…


Had your brother been one of the soldiers or bodies they got back – would you still say that?


I support IFFighter saying. Yes, if my brother is one of the terrorists who have been destroying my country and my community, I will still say that.


Lebanon and Hezbollah soldiers were captured. They wanted them back. Alive or dead. If one of those captured soldiers was your brother would you still say the deal was a stupid idea?

Now instead of being a crass ass and waffling on about about if your brother was a terrorist just answer the question. Yes. No. FFS.

Me. I think the deal was worth it – especially as their American masters then bombed them and the ISILs waiting for them.

Solomon Krupacek

stupid deal


Yes. It would be a VERY stupid deal of anyone was looking to get you back.

Solomon Krupacek

death for all isis and you, their advocate!

Solomon Krupacek

dont persoonalize the discussion, commie!!!


Why not fascie, death of brother is always personal. Except your brother I suppose – he’s just …. tumbleweed.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Hezbollah like many groups would like to have their bodies back many Governments and Armies have done this in the past and will continue to do so. Just understand that many families in many cases have wanted to have family members back in cases of mass murderers etc. and everyone does understand they want the closure. The not knowing for many is very difficult and stressful this is the same worldwide and not exclusive to the US or any other country.

Hope that can bring you to some understanding in regards to this and not to discount something like this as they are more commonplace than you think.

Solomon Krupacek

they have. like russians bombed isis leaving raqqa.


“The deal will likely be implemented. Many believe that the US-led coalition is now just putting on a show to exploit this deal for its own benefit.” ———— Yes they are. But on the upside, any ISILs they kill here they can’t transport to Afghanistan!


In the midst of having the presidential residence of Syria threatened, of having the most powerful nations in the world conspire to carve up the Syrian state, and to witness the open state building being promoted by tptb, it is disheartening to see that President Assad has lost his sense of humor. Did no one in Syria even think of sending the copitulant ISIS troops/civilians on to Israhell?? We do know that the Israelis have helped Salafists with their medical needs before?!? If refused, Assad could look perplexedly into the nearest camera and ask, “Do the Saudis know how Israel is treating their fellow Wahabists!?!”

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US is the biggest HYPOCRITE and full well knew all the details of all the SDF negotiations as they were actually negotiated by US military and spokespeople, since ISIS didn’t trust the assurances given by the Kurds alone. The deal will go through because they have no choice since the faux rage is backfiring and exposing them as liars, hypocrites and propagandists.

Solomon Krupacek

the yanks told from now they will be good boys :)


Manuel Flores Escobar

Send them to israel..surely they will receive medical cares a be fed!…by the way US war criminals did nothing when ISIS convoy gone towards palmyra or another Syrian part west of Eufrates!

Floyd Hazzard

All this from a party that is in Syria illegally. Countries of the world must surely be recognising this beast for what it is. I don’t think too many unaligned will be rushing to entertain them going forward all things considered. They are bullies that think they can just do as they like because their guns are bigger.

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