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US-led Coalition Reportedly Kills Dozens Of Women And Children In ISIS-Held Hajin (Photos)

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More than 40 civilians were killed when US-led coalition warplanes carried out a series of heavy airstrikes on the ISIS-held town of Hajin in the middle Euphrates River Valley, according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.

“More than 50 airstrikes were conducted by international coalition warplanes on Hajin in Deri Ezzor countryside yesterday,” Amaq said in a press release on November 9.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) confirmed ISIS’ claims and revealed that a large part of the victims was women and children, some of them were family members of Iraqi jihadists.

Last month, the US-led coalition committed a similar massacre in the town of al-Susah, south of Hajin. Back then, the coalition claimed in an statement that it had destroyed a “defensive fighting position and command center.”

The US-led coalition’s main ally, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), halted its ground operation against ISIS in the Euphrates Valley on October 31 following a series of setbacks. This likely forced the coalition to step up its aerial operations in order to prevent ISIS from expanding in the strategic region. However, it appears that civilian lives are not being taken into consideration.

Aftermath of the US-led coalition airstrikes on Hajin:

US-led Coalition Reportedly Kills Dozens Of Women And Children In ISIS-Held Hajin (Photos)

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US-led Coalition Reportedly Kills Dozens Of Women And Children In ISIS-Held Hajin (Photos)

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US-led Coalition Reportedly Kills Dozens Of Women And Children In ISIS-Held Hajin (Photos)

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US-led Coalition Reportedly Kills Dozens Of Women And Children In ISIS-Held Hajin (Photos)

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US-led Coalition Reportedly Kills Dozens Of Women And Children In ISIS-Held Hajin (Photos)

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US-led Coalition Reportedly Kills Dozens Of Women And Children In ISIS-Held Hajin (Photos)

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US-led Coalition Reportedly Kills Dozens Of Women And Children In ISIS-Held Hajin (Photos)

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US-led Coalition Reportedly Kills Dozens Of Women And Children In ISIS-Held Hajin (Photos)

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H Eccles

“This likely forced the coalition to step up its aerial operations in order to prevent ISIS from expanding in the strategic region.”

Really?? Looks like it was the civilians being targeted.. and not ISIS..

You can call me Al

Yep. It sounds like this is some US article.

Dawa IS

Bloody murderers always targeted ISIS civilians in Mosul and Raqqa. Study history.

Jens Holm

Yes, good facts about it compared to many lies.

Jens Holm

And if not, You blame them for being passive and even ISIS supporters.

H Eccles

you know.. you should get out more often, perhaps meet people and get some social interaction in your sad life..

Jens Holm

Thats probatly what You do, learning the same dirt from the same kind of illiterasy as You represent well.

If You read history books from fx Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq all would say, that You not even live at the same continent.

But all is true, for thats what You learned in school. That why SDFs try to make an at least more sober history book. People should know what is facts and constructions having the same context.

It even split up inside those countries and Israel in the local version is just as bad.

You fight against each other, because You lie for each others as if its an art itself. You certainly make social interaction hip hip.

H Eccles

either you like spewing incoherent drivel.. or you’re just a jewbot who needs a software upgrade..


US and UK regimes both are butchers and terrorists. They have butchered millions of children around the world. These both are cancer disease. God protect whole world from these evils. Ameen.

Jens Holm

If they was butchers for real, You wasnt here.


I am from America and these morons migrated from Britain and have butchered our grand parents and have taken our land. You are sympathizer of child butchers.

Jens Holm

Most americans did not migrated from Brittain at all. They also was not even born, when those killings went on.

I am sorry for, how things was at that time. It was in another context.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

With not enough boots on the ground the US has no option but to bomb Isis relentlessly, the risk to civilians has now taken second consideration to the possible consequences of an Isis breakout and resurgence, the shame would be too much to bare. 4600 Isis fighters escaped the US’s victorious northern campaign and are still lurking in the shadows somewhere, from the total estimated 5000 Isis fighters they fought against, the SDF ony captured or killed 400 fighters, letting the rest just melt back into the countryside, [probably hoping they’d head south into SAA territory], but I suspect a lot of them are now heading to Hajin where all the actions happening. Last week the US was using incendiary bombs here against Isis without a leaflet drop to warn the endangered civilians beforehand, but the Iraqis did, they dropped leaflets before they, with just a little help from the SAA, did the same the US is doing now [no incendiary though], does the absence of a leaflet drop before the US Bombing signify that they were responding in panic to an Isis breakout at the time, or just simply the US doesn’t give a hoot about the innocent Arab population they bomb alongside Isis, just as they appeared not to in Raqqa. Also I didn’t hear one complaint from Trump about the SAA assisting the Iraqis containment effort, when they shelled Isis positions in US controlled territory at the Iraqis request, I wonder why, maybe he was actually grateful.

Jens Holm

Its was 275 from ISIS, which escaped. The rest was civilians only. It also was a trade and SDFs got Raqqa for it.

But that seemes totally removed from You non – errrh context.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m not referring to the campaign to take back Raqqah City, the recent campaign in parts of west Ar-Raqqah province, Al-Hasakah and northern Dierez Zor is what I’m referring to, the US’s latest push to destroy Isis in their territory. Hajin was the second and smallest of the 2 pockets with an estimated 1500 fighters and the larger pocket to the north had an estimated 5000 fighters, both the US and Syrian government estimates were the same so there is no dispute to the 5000 figure. It took the SDF and the Iraqis just 4 weeks to clean out the 5000 in the north, but it’s been over 4 month and they can’t get rid of the 1500 here at Hajin. If you had any real knowledge about what’s going on in Syria you would have recognized from the figures I quoted exactly which campaign I was referring to, but you didn’t, I think you should pay more attention to what’s really going on before you comment, I do. I find this war to be the most important war in the whole history of our world, full stop, even far more important than WW2. If Xi Jinping/ Putin/Trump win this war I won’t have to wear a dress, if they don’t I will, but I’m sure you have no idea what I’m talking about, and even wonder what the hell I’m talking about when I say that Xi Jinping, Putin and Trump are all on the same side in this war. There are wars within wars, and even wars within the wars with wars, you might think this is just one war your’e watching unfold, but you’re not watching very well.

Jens Holm

I am sorry for taking another area. I do not believe most of those given numbers at all.

True I as almost anybody else dont understand most what happens at the last pockets. Fx 5.000 cleaned out cant be true at all. They might have moved those troops to somewhere else fx the pocket and well known earlier fx Sukna and T2.

I have no numbers but estimate up to 2000 from ISIS dide. Thats the gab. Was there 5000 or less. If 3000 is there, where are they.

I have seen so many estimates, so I kind of feel, how many the troops are, where they are as well as how they are.

I also see the Vulcano area. Those ISIS there has not only been very good in mobility, they have regained by outside support several times and not only as we saw yesterday some 4 tecnicals.

I am patience in the final defeat of ISIS and do not care listening for all those many guessings about what happend in that pocket. I mainly comment about what in my oppinion can be true and not as well as about the everlasting skizzofrenias like blaming SDFs not to take it being carefull = Friends with ISIS, and when they hit hard and kill civilians too, thats wrong too.

Why listen to people, which know less then me and only have evil comments whatever SDFs do.

Why listen to You is the whole point. None of You stop and try to make peace unless the counterparts obey crawling in the dust as second class citizens.

No wonder mu Goverment say something like: As long those ants dont bother us, its fine – But if they do, then give all some extermination. I am not like that, but I understand it.

You never stop. Do You.

Right now 5 armies are lined up in Idlib, and even so You blame Israel, zionists, USA, westerns and SDFs for it.

Where is the victory. Is it 15 millions not being at home and 1 million corpses and everything in ruins.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If you want to know why there is a war here at all you have to go all the way back to 2006 in Russia where it all began, just after Putin proposed introducing 2 simple little laws, and just before the MSM mounted it’s campaign to start demonizing Putin, and not long before the Saudi’s proposed their pipeline to the EU, and just after those laws were introduced, the MSM went into overdrive and started demonized both Putin and Russia, soon after that Iran was put back in the bad books for no good reason, and then after all of that, the war in Syria began. Yes a lot of people have died in Syria and a lot more have been displaced, not 15 mill, that’s a lie, it’s more like 6 mill, look with your own eyes and don’t trust the UN or other crappy lying organizations, they always over or underestimate the numbers to suit themselves, what you should be finding out if you truly have real compassion, is why is there a war here at all, it was just about the last place in the world a war was inclined to happen, but it was forced on them by someone. 2006 and 2011 are the most important dates concerning this war, and you have to look at what was being imposed on Russia in Russia against their will to get the right answer. In all my posts prior to the Daraa/Quneitra campaign I predicted a max of 100,000 displaced persons, and said most of them would just be the terrorists and their families, I also predicted minimal casualties and a campaign that would be over in no time, but the UN was predicting figures of between 275 and 325,000 displaced people, terrible civilian casualties and a prolonged campaign, I was about as right as I could be about everything I predicted, and the UN was as off as it could possibly be, I suggest you start doing what I do, and start thinking for yourself instead of just trusting anything you read by anyone, even me. Cheers.


Nothing has changed it would seem since the US flattened Raqqa and basically treated anything that moved as ISIS. Since ISIS does not employ the services of the White Helmets no videos of the effects of US airstrikes gets posted online, causing outrage. As the White Helmets are a US/UK funded organization this makes perfect sense.

It seems odd that ISIS, which has the knowhow and insight to use the power of social media to its advantage, advertising every military fart it makes online, does not utilize the suffering of civilians by US airstrikes to its advantage. I can only speculate that it knows it won’t make any difference, as the Western MSM only froths at the mouth at the suffering caused by others, never the West itself.

Jens Holm

Well, You are odd Yourself and just repat Yourself as some parakite or old tape recorder.


So ad hominin attacks rather then address what I said? My, seems like someone has hit rock bottom. Hope you can make it back up to the high ground.

H Eccles

Jens Holm lives in his parents basement. He doesn’t get out much so he hangs around this site all day long making dumbass comments..


The zionists love civilian body counts,filthy warmongering scumbags.

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