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US-Led Coalition Stops Monitoring Stranded ISIS Convoy

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On September 8, the US-led coalition announced in an official statement that it suspended its operation to monitor the stranded convoy of ISIS fighters and their families upon a request from Russia.

According to the statement, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies captured the area where ISIS convoy is stranded at 7am GMT on September 8.

“The regime’s advance past the convoy underlines continued Syrian responsibility for the buses and terrorists. As always, we will do our utmost to ensure that the ISIS terrorists do not move toward the border of our Iraqi partners,” Said Brigadier General Jon Braga, director of operations for the US-led coalition.

US-Led Coalition Stops Monitoring Stranded ISIS Convoy

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On August 29, around 300 ISIS fighters and 300 civilians from their families’ withdrew from the Western Qalamoun region, according to a deal between ISIS and Hezbollah. The deal included moving the fighters and their families to the Syrian al-Bukamal city near the border with Iraq.

In its statement, the US-led coalition stressed that the Syrian government and Hezbollah bear a full responsibility for the safety of the civilians in the convoy.

“From the start of this situation on Aug. 29, we have placed responsibility for the buses and passengers on the Syrian regime, who in conjunction with Lebanese Hezbollah brokered a deal with ISIS to move its terrorists into Iraq,” Said Brig. Gen. Braga.

The situation is still far from being solved as the US-led coalition insists on not allowing the convoy to enter ISIS-held areas in Syria. In the end ISIS fighters in the convoy will likely find them self-forced to surrender to the SAA.

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Brother Ma

Arrogant fcuck! He says ” we have placed responsibility on…” as if he actually consulted with Syrians. And who asked you and empowered you to place? Maybe a request would be polite.


The US military officer has no shame these days. They are too brainwashed to realise the concept and are no better than their proxy terror gangs who threaten world peace today.


Blub :)


I am glad you are dismayed as well Lumen.


Takes skill to pull off irony online


my classmate’s mom makes $86 /hr on the computer . She has been unemployed for 10 months but last month her check was $21386 just working on the computer for a few hours. read this article




Todays US military are no longer military men, they are politicians in military clothing. They will do and say anything that might get them a promotion. They are amoral and ROW mean nothing to them. Subterfuge is a way of life for them. From the failure of illegal plans, false flags, slaughter of civilians, destruction of civil infrastructure, lying to the American public, systematic denial of medical services to vets, denial of maladies due to service, inflated matériel costs, equipment that does not meet criteria, lack of equipment and on and on. When will the public see the reality of what is really going on? Well, if the MSM and CONgress get their way …never. But make no mistake, Israel will always get their share, which is continually growing.


The world is on the cusp of great change not seen for hundreds of years I think. The fact that we live in the first generation that has been able to exchange opinions , ideas and images from around the globe with those of all creeds faiths and languages ( with the internet translation tools ) in seconds is a huge threat to despotic regimes everywhere.

The US/Israeli Zionist control is now in the spotlight as never before. They hate this fact and use the child’s mantra of ‘ Don’t you dare look at me’ in response.

Bill Wilson

Yep! That’s why the USA is #1 and fuckin’ Russia is way in back with Putin sucking donkey dicks with Assad and Tayyip!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

US is sucking Israels dick and it shows in this entire conflict as they allow Israel embroil them in a war they can’t win. US will always be number 2 like going to the bathroom which is about right. The US has no industry nothing resembling one in the near future 3rd rate military equipment they can’t even develop their own technology they need to get it from the NATO alliance as usual.

Brother Ma

I am visualizing a southern redneck with a piece of straw between his teeth.


No, this is a well paid denizen of the swamp Trump was going to drain. NOBODY is this stupid. If the A-hole was serious, he’d be wanting an investigation on why the so much superior US cruise missiles Trump fired off at the Syrian base failed so miserably. But no, he’s never mentioned that, has he? Nor has he mentioned that in the 4 years the US fought IS, they only got stronger. Hmmm. Well, that’s what happens when you bomb empty desert, instead of the ‘enemy’. Either the US military is fantastically inept or they are completely criminal.

Brother Ma

Well there you are.good points zman.

roger temple

Wait until Russia and China pull the plug on your worthless dollar. Trust is all that holds it up, and trust in the US is fading away fast. Bye-bye.

Tudor Miron

Whats wrong with you? In each and every one of your posts you’re mentioning men genitals. Sounds like an obsession or something. Your trash talking makes you look absolutely miserable. Moderators, is there some sort of ignore function on this site? There should be a way to get rid of moronic posters that resort to personal insults.


You can block him. I’m not sure if that blocks replies to his vomit.

Tudor Miron



Go blow a dead goat idiot.


See what I said above, “Bill”, or “Shlomo” or whatever?


It’s like the responsibility Assad has for any gassings, Hezbolleh supply trains or for anything landing in Israel.


Nota bene: They say: “pro-regime” or “regime forces”, instead of the Syrian armed forces, for they are the army of an internationally recognized state. Such is the NATO-speak designed to discredit the legitimate Syrian state…


That is still debateable. Nevertheless, the regime (and their partners) has made some points by making great success against ISIS

Bill Wilson

What great success? The SAA ran away from ISIS until the coalition and SDF got them severely weakened.

Brother Ma

And what did your iraq army do after fifteen years of training by you types. With fifteen years of training ,i would have had my four year old nephew heading the joint chiefs of staff.

How useless are you nato types?


NATO has a couple of things going for it – first some pretty impressive resources. Second it’s not fighting at home – so the civilians get to see parades and honors and victory – and ‘feel’ protected. Thirdly they are fighting a ‘foreign’ enemy that is far-less well endowed and they can get away with ‘tactics’ that would have the back home folks – particularly Europeans – howling if they knew.

Lastly, there aren’t enough NATO personnel getting killed to cause ‘upset’, as opposed to generating ‘interest’. In that respect it’s a really good war.

Brother Ma

All telling points.


HAHAHAHA…now that’s funny. The coalition attacked IS for 4 years and accomplished NOTHING, except to make IS stronger. What a liar.


What ISIS appears as next should be telling. They can’t have a caliphate in western terms of that power ie a physical one. If the west knows where it is they can and will hit it. A ‘tumor’ of some sort will first ‘upset’ the body and second, require more self-destruction – both of those are valid objectives for ISIS. We could be about to see terrorism aimed at causing real destruction, rather than newspaper headlines. The headlines will follow.


SDF is in a completely different region. Try again.


They – just like a large number of Syrians – were just like any other regular forces – disbelieving how bad those ISIS (FSA) fuckers really were. They were trusting to that ‘Muslim protection for Muslims’ that the US has perverted into another sectarian war.

Once they realized that the gunmen were up to no good, most Syrians – including many of those who fled, ‘turned’ on them. Some didn’t – and they’re being dealt with now.

Brother Ma

Of course.this has been biggest muslim on muslim killing in a long time.

I cant wait to see those fat ignorant wahhabist- heretic saudi waddlers gone.

And of course these neo ottoman fsa cutthroats- thats why the west called them terrible turks one hundred years ago.

Problem is our leaders dressed these goons in suits and convinced average joe that they were moderate and political islam and all that crap!

Carol Binkley

Bill, you’re very very confused. But sometimes, confusion is good. KiraSeer


I was going to cut you some slack, but you’re a lame-arse troll with his head down the Foxtel toilet

Tudor Miron

How about your country regime? How many points did they make when they instigated a covert war against people of ME? When they organised, funded and armed ISIS? Start to prepare for fruits of multiculturalism that your regime is pushing down your throat. “Karma is a bitch”(c)


Ai vazut jidanu’, cum mânca c*c*t? ;-) Gunoi platit de Avigdor Lieberman, care este Zionist extremist si Min.de.Razboi in Bibiland. Ala se ocupa de plata cainilor latratori.

Carol Binkley

Debatable by whom? An American? That should tell you all you need to know. KiraSeer


Halt’s Maul, Bibi-Jidow

Red Tick Alert

“In its statement, the US-led coalition stressed that the Syrian government and Hezbollah bear a full responsibility for the safety of the civilians in the convoy.” ……whahahaha, the are not civilians, they are terrorists – blow them the hell up Syria or Hezbollah with a joy.

Brother Ma

Their headchopping proteges are civilians yet syrian soldiers are just green blips on a computer screen in the qatari base..thats how inhuman they are.

P.s qatar must be bitching that they have to host us there when the us is stirring up so much trouble for them via their saudi proxies.


Well, then I guess that you believe that Hezbollah and the Syrian army officials, who made the deal, are all liars. The US statement is only to put the onus on the Syrians for their safety…before they attack them, one way or another. The Syrians consider IS families to be civilians, not combatants and have given them and the fighters free passage to the east simply to get them out of the western area they want to get secured. After the convoy gets to the eastern part of Syria, their safety is up to them. Most likely, surrender or die. But for now, at least the Lebanese border is secured, which was the primary goal. The US knows this well, but is trying to send a message to those that would surrender or flee. The effect is similar to what happened in WW2 when Nazis killed US prisoners, US forces deemed it better to die fighting than to die after surrendering. Just the effect the US is looking for. But it looks like the US may have given up after the Russians made a request to the US not to monitor them any longer. But I will have to see proof of that before I believe anything the US military of liars has to say.


“In the end ISIS fighters in the convoy will likely find them self-forced to surrender to the SAA.” This is a very strange story: The ISIS convoy to no where. And why should I feel sorry for those that shot endless women and children in the back, while they where trying to flee from ISIS held cities to safety ? :(((


It is not about feeling sorry for the ISIS fighters and their family’s , it is about honoring a deal made by the Lebanese Army and Hezbollah with ISIS . Prisoner exchanges are a normal part of warfare . What is unusual , is for a third party with no legal ground , to stop the exchange .

Bill Wilson

Hezbollah was expecting $$$ for allowing the exchange and the coalition’s actions nullified theat agreement so they don’t get jackshit out of the deal.


Actually it was the Lebanese Army that gained the most from the deal , 7 or 8 troops returned , Hezbollah only 2 or 3 . Assad would not have allowed the deal if it was just a cash gab .


Pay no attention to this shills crap. He’s only here to stir shit. He fails every time. The fact is, this was to secure the Lebanese border, no more no less, the troop exchange was a welcomed side issue. BW only mentions money, because that is what his terrorist clan is all about. Honor? HAHAHA.


You are right , a secure border with Lebanon is a real deal , well worth the trouble . The US is not happy their gun runners have left , and felt they had to show it .


Does your alternative reality have a name?


And the “prisoner exchange” was for the dead bodies of POW’s that ISIS murdered right after they were captured? There is no such thing as a live POW held by ISIS.

Tudor Miron

Yes, they are. But that doesn’t mean that we have to be like them.

Brother Ma

I agree ronald but these isis arw probably chinese turkistanis ans other central asian types. It would be too embarrassing to show the world usnato fostering chinas enemies with fat paychecks ,new homes toyota trucks.


Putin has stated that there are also a lot of Russians (proper) and Russian Federation people there as well. He does not want them coming home. The Chechen President has also confirmed this.

Tudor Miron

Very well said. But it is more than this. This is about winning on much higher priority front – ideology. As I said before – all those that got persuaded by their zio masters into killing each other for devilish ideas now start to see that they are nothing but cannon fodder doomed to die by their masters. Russia and SAA is showing that despite terrible atrocities, they still treat them as humans and fight to stop violance contrary to US/Israel that work to increase violence and bloodshed.


Yes this is the right thing to do.



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Gen. Braga has to stay away from the pipe since Abu Kamal is in Syria and not Iraq , what is good for the goose should be good for the gander.Like to always return things to their rightful owners these Iraqis should go home to Iraq they are not Syrian.


What about the airstrikes? The US has claimed to have been ‘eliminating’ ISIS personnel should they remove themselves by a ‘safe distance’ from the civilians on those buses. They claim to have effected 40 such ‘strikes’.


LoL.. they got stuck in their own little ‘prison camp’ in the middle of the desert…


A lot of MOSSAD-Jews and US-CIA sh*t-eating TROLLS around here ;-)

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C-cU1cLV0AIR7qG.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEE9oFaW0AEw2NZ.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C-7iltxXcAAsIKx.jpg https://www.newyorker.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/140901_r25391-848.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFIMU8qXgAEEe2D.jpg

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