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MARCH 2025

US-led Collation Airstrikes Kill 36 ISIS fighters In Deir Ezzor. Intense Fighting Continues In City

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According to opposition sources, 36 ISIS militants were killed as a result of US-led coalition airstrikes on an ISIS HQ at the Arba’een St. in the city of Mayadeen in Deir Ezzor’s countryside.

Aws Al-Ansari, a former commander of Jund Al-Aqsa and a Norwegian terrorist, was allegedly killed in the airstrikes. A Tunisian terrorist Abu Al-Hayjar and a Saudi terrorist Abu al-Walid, high ranking ISIS commanders with a bad reputation, were also reportedly killed.

In Deir Ezzor city violent, clashes continued between the Syrian Army and ISIS in Rushdiya district where, according to local sources, ISIS shelled civilians with mortars in Tawba Mosque, Adnan Akkab School, and Al-Wadi Street. Syrian Air Force jets bombarded ISIS positions inside the city and its surroundings.

According to opposition sources, ISIS fighters have started fortifying Mayadeen City in Deir Ezzor’s countryside as a result of the Syrian Army’s advances on the eastern fronts and the increasing bombardment of the region by the US-led coalition.

US-led Collation Airstrikes Kill 36 ISIS fighters In Deir Ezzor. Intense Fighting Continues In City

Some reports suggest that the American Coalition is planning an impending offensive on Deir Ezzor province considering that Mayadeen is now ISIS’s most important remaining stronghold in both Iraq and Syria after their loss of Mosul and the imminent collapse in Raqqa.

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Everyone is coming for you now Isis it’s brilliant seeing them dead,there getting what they had been putting out for three years. They done a lot of bad shit so proud all they foreigners from Europe are getting killed so they don’t come back and the one’s let’s hope the they jailed or killed by any means possible!!!


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The tide is turning :))

Expo Marker

The US chase to Deir-ez-Zor is not over, as the US has moved the New Syrian Army to the Syrian Democratic Forces areas, so that ethno-religeous tensions continue, and Iran will not be able to gain allies and stop Israel.

However, Issam Zahreddine and the Syrian Army will not allow this plan!

John Brown

Don’t worry, soon the Turkish army will launch an all out attack on the Kurds and they will be retreating throughout the South and East of Syria including Raqqa and Tabqa to defend their front lines in the North of Syria against Turkey. So the Kurds and the USSA will have softened up Raqqa mostly bombed the civilians to ethnically cleanse it for the Kurds but now the Syrian army will be able to take Raqqa with minimal losses.

G Dean VanGaya

Kurds are Syrians. ‘Rojava’ or the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria is comprised of direct democratic councils in every town almost. The co-chair of the whole federation is an Arab tribal area. Assyrians and Syriacs are also chairs at various levels, and have their own brigades fighting in the YPG/YPJ. Tev-Dem is the heroic center of Syria! YPG-YPJ are Syrian heroes who instead of digging their own graves, took U.S. arms and drove Daesh out of Syria! Do you want direct democracy for Syrian? Or do you want a Turkish occupation?!?


Kurds and their sympathizers *say* that they’re Syrian, but *behave* as if they’re anti-Syrian proxies of the aggressor. In the Middle East, which should one believe?


The definition of anti Syrian is ????

The kurds and present allies have stated they are NOT in rebellian against the government. In fact, they stated repeatedly they consider the SAA to be the lawful army of the Syrian state.

On the other hand, they are not allies of the repressive, undemocratic and sectarian alawite Assad family dictatorship. The endorse an undivided Syria, democratic, secular, multi ethnic, within a federal setting with internal autonomy for all minorities, including for themselves.

In their turn, they consider Assad Syria to be a proxy regime for external powers, notably Iran.

There are points that can be made for both sides. It is high time for serious talks between SDF and Assad.

Btw, some of the trolls here were saying what kurds are complaining about given that Assad has given them so much autonomy. The Assad family, the Syrian ARAB Republic, has given kurds totally nothing except many prisons.

John Brown

I had hoped the kurds would want democracy as you say but now they appear to want to be the willing tools of Israel ready kill, rob etc their brothers.etc.for Israe,l so they are becoming the bad guys, ISIS 2.

Wahid Algiers

The “Rojava” kurds 2015/2016 have decided to be back stabbers to their own homeland by taking the support of world criminals (US and Israel).

G Dean VanGaya

They could’ve taken ISIS shovels to dig their own graves instead. Would you prefer that?.. Or take US arms to expel ISIS from Syria and institute direct democracy by and for Syrians in all the towns they took?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Syrian Kurds are violating rights and have majority councils of Kurds when they are the minority and they ambitions will be ended . They can’t act like terrorists by ethnically cleansing when they do that they become criminal terrorists and the US can’t protect them . The Russians told Afrin Kurds that they will be left on their own if they choose the US over Syria . The problem is Kurds are just gypsies and allied themselves with US boots on the ground before officially announcing anything . There are 3 airborne units in Syria that I know are there for nearly 2 years 2 of them . The SDF Arabs are the ones bleeding while Rojava hide and do fake fighting .

G Dean VanGaya

The Tev-Dem have councils that are mostly Arab actually. Like in Mabij, it’s 71 members Arab, only 42 Kurd. At least they have local councils federated nationally. It’s better than the Ba’athists. You are simply spouting hate and propaganda as far as I can tell Terra Cotta. The first Federal level co-chair of Rojava was an Arab tribal leader. You simply haven’t read up and are repeating false hoods. To talk about Kurds not doing the hard fighting is rediculous.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sounds way too much a communist society , the Arabs have to give their oil to support the Kurds . There are too many foreigners like Chechens and Saudis now being accepted into the Rojava while they force Ezidi and Aramaic and all the minority people to be Kurdified . This is barbarism nonsense leftover from the old days and ways from the Mongols.

Many who were forced to be Kurdified are finding out they are different races of tribes , you are the one repeating the old falsehoods . The world thrives on self identity it is one of the basics of secularism our individuality are what makes us united and not divided . The ways of the Mongol is gone and they should realize that .

Afrin will be part of Syria since they see the folly of declaring a Kurdish Canton , puts them at odds with Turkey and Syria doesn’t have the manpower to help . The blockade is only on arms with the Barzani since they transport oil from there to Iraq daily .

G Dean VanGaya

Well they just told the SAA to get fucked. The SAA is weaker than the YPG, so maybe that is a mistake to not take the fairly neutral out. But gid damn, do you gotta admire the balls on these people to be staring down a million man army and give them the finger on the principle of the people can do for themselves and don’t need to cower at centralized power.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They said nothing of the sort else Russia would withdraw all support they are there as a favor to Assad and have no ties to the Kurds .

G Dean VanGaya

Actually, Damascus took %40 of Syrian GDP from Eastern/Kurdish Syria’s super rich oil, cotton and grain fields, and kept the Kurds from even owning land in return, let alone grow their own vegetables or have a Syrian passport. So ya, it was domination and now the Kurds are armed to the teeth and can graciously insist on a cooperative economics.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Syrian is paying all the government wages and those are Syrian national resources . Gypsy Kurds are new to the area what do you expect and less then 5 % of the population , please don’t refer to the 60’s when 20,000 had their Kurdish Governate cards taken away , gets really pathetic. Difference the Kurds have taken away all Arab and minority identity cards and gave them papers . The US has even stated the Kurds after receive no further help from them and all the weapons will be taken back .


The “Democratic Federation of Northern Syria” , is a name creating confusion . Federation is a word that applies only to a sovereign nation . A more correct definition of ” Rojava” would be the ” Democratic Autonomous Province of Northern Syria ” . No Syrian has a problem with Kurdish or Arabs taking arms to fight ISIS , or any jihadist group threatening the nation , but to allow the US to set up bases within Rojava , is to ally with the enemy . The US has funded this war against all of Syria , they have used Turkey and Saudi Arabia to supply troops and arms , all documented by US government agencies . Syria has 23 distinct ethnic groups , they all require a free Syrian state .

G Dean VanGaya

Well, SAA has US and Turkish bases in it’s territory. Are they traitors to Syria? I think so.


The US has been waging a covert war against Syria since 2006 , trying to destabilize it internationally , coup bribery attempts etc. , and actively since 2011 , using proxy armies of jihadists , be they ISIS or Al Qaeda , they don’t care . They fund and arm them via Saudi Arabia and Qatar , Turkey delivers the arms and allows the jihadists to train and enter Syria . The SAA , like the Kurdish are hero’s , together they have crushed many, many thousands of barbaric Wahhabi jihadists . But to think that the US forces , or Turkish are “friendly” is to be blind or extremely uneducated . Now that the jihadists are almost beaten , the US is trying to drive a wedge between the Kurds and the government , they can then use the Kurds as their new “boots on the ground” . The American objective is to fracture Syria , and to establish a base from which to attack Iran . The US does not care how many people die to achieve this goal , be they Kurdish , SAA , Lebanese , Iraqi , Iranian or Russian . Traitors to Syria ; any who side with America in this war against Syria .

G Dean VanGaya

Everyone knows that Daesh and Al Qaeda are U.S. proxies. A friend of mine just had US senators tell him last month in D.C. that the US will drop the YPG as soon as they can. No one is ignorant to these facts. The Kurds had a choice, take shovels from Deash to dig their own mass graves, or take arms from the US, which has given them the lightest arms only, and no humanitarian or economic aid. Here is a shovel Ronald, start digging your and everyone you know, mass grave. Or here, take this AK and laser pointer to guide bombs in on those who are in front of you waiting to make you dig. Do you ask who the AK is from? Not me, and I’m an overly principled dick. For once the CIA backed a revolutionary leftist group instead of a maniac right wing psycho and the world has a participatory, feminist democracy now because the Americans think they can eventually throw anyone around they want. Will you fall for their superiority and presume that all that can happen is what the Americans want, or can someone use the imperialists right back for the purposes of a revolutionary alternative? If you do nothing but arm chair analyze and complain, I guarantee you, the imperialist, zionist, globalists will keep on winning. But the YPG are staring down the million man Turkish army and just told them to go f*ck themselves because the people don’t need to prostrate before a centralized autocracy every time. I’m standing with them and their US guns.

Justin Ryan

Hey, this is exactly what i believe will happen. Ive been saying this for many months now in the comments!

Wahid Algiers

Issam and his SRG and Hezb will pulverize any threat from this side when they would try to get a piece of DE City. He and his comrades will stand until the expedition forces arrives in the next 2-3 weeks.

Andrew Pate

I am getting more confused than ever how is the US flying over parts south of the Euphrates river without being shot down by Russian S400’s regardless whether its ISIS or not I thought it was a non US coalition fly zone.

Daniel Castro

It wasn’t stated by russians they would down coalition war planes, they said they would be tracking these planes as targets, so if they do some shit again they will indeed be shot down, if they are bombing ISIS then it is OK.


But notice that this is the second line of rhetorical defense already. Originally, the Saker stated “just being tracked will be so scary to the Americans that they won’t dare to fly at all west of the Euphrates”. Give it another two weeks, and the statement will be something like “Americans may fly if they’re mostly bombing ISIS”.

One might even argue that the loyalists could live with such a cat-and-mouse game, as long as those two weeks see major progress on the ground. For now however, the American message of the Sukhoi shootdown, “Tigers don’t get to advance beyond Resafah”, still stands.

Daniel Castro

“just being tracked will be so scary to the Americans that they won’t dare to fly at all west of the Euphrates”

I’m not the Saker.

Of course muricans are forcing their hand yet again, after all they want a pretext to start a war, so the russians are not giving one to them. Downing an airplane which is bombing ISIS is stupid, however if the american pilot receives an order to down another syrian airplane, or bomb SAA troops, he will know that completing that order could mean a s-400 missile on his tail.


Fair enough the Saker’s comments are his own. But this notion that the US are lusting for all-out war over Syria… for me it’s the framing of people who have been successfully intimidated. You send some meat home to them and suddenly, for the first time in years, the Dark Throne comes under severe domestic pressure to explain what the hell they’re doing again in Syria; it’s not like Trump is swimming in political capital in Washington.

Another way of looking at it: the war you fear started at least two years ago. Russian diplomatic facilities (i.e. sovereign territory) have been bombed in Yemen, and repeatedly shelled in Damascus–both by US proxies. Just 2~3 weeks after Obama’s SecDef threatened Russia with terror attacks, the tourist plane came down over Sinai. And did Russia shoot down a NATO plane or was it the other way round. It just doesn’t *feel* like war to us, because only one side is shooting.

Moscow hasn’t even reciprocated to Obama’s last-minute property thefts and diplomat expulsions. Not saying the Russian Navy should sail for Washington, but dealing with your enemies exclusively through appeasement emboldens them “Let’s push a little bit more, we’re almost there”.

Daniel Castro

“Just 2~3 weeks after Obama’s SecDef threatened Russia with terror attacks, the tourist plane came down over Sinai. And did Russia shoot down a NATO plane or was it the other way round.”

Of course these attacks are almost certainly supported by CIA, however they are executed by 3rd parties, so it isn’t a direct attack by USA. This is quite different from having NATO using all the capacities they have to bomb syrian infrastructure into the stone age.

The fact is the west don’t need to invade Syria to seriously cripple the syrian state ability to defend itself, if they go into a bomb campaign certainly KSA, Turkey, and the other usual pundits would pour another ten of thousands jihadists back into syria, then russia would have to make a choice between start world war 3 for Syria, or let it fall… It would be a very hard choice of course, because letting syria fall right now would mean the victory of the zionist NWO, making it much harder for Russia to defend itself in the future, and the jihad would return to russian territory.

So, yeah, there is a real chance of ww3 starting over Syria, then it’s best to exercise caution and not fall for western provocations.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Tigers have been on leave for a week 3 days , the US will be shot down if they stay at Taqba since they are there illegally and they don’t have a leg to stand on .The play now is to counter towards As Sukhana and then encircle and siege it, then flank from Palmyra direction while pushing ISIS to As Sukhana and closing the circle , ISIS fights they die in the desert . The Tigers will go east and then cut north with Russian fighter cover and some Russian troops with Terminators and air defense . This should be interesting how the US wants to play it .

Andrew Pate

So it all okay for Russia to bomb ISIS in Iraq too as long as they dont interfere with the coalition planes.. Strange rules when you play war games with your most desperate enemy. Talk about confusion. I think we got to look at the alterative motive like removing Assad.

Daniel Castro

Russia isn’t a rogue state like america and their NATO allies.

John Mason

Russia is only monitoring/targeting West of the Euphrates River. US are staying on the Eastern side.

Cyriak Papasissis

Al Mayadeen is just West of Euphrates , but the Americans may have been flying East of it , in unsupervised airspace , shooting their rockets from there. Anyway , the Americans are in a wild goose chase in Eastern Syria , ferrying NSyA recruits to al Shaaddadi by helicopter. They won’t achieve anything in the long run , except from protracting the pain , suffering and bleeding of the Syrian people , while showing to the world their land-grabbing & resource-looting instincts , thereby increasing the political awareness of the public opinion in the West , and the public distaste for such policies. They reveal themselves for what they really are , their ilk . The Empire has no more clothes.

Andrew Pate

So Russia can now go over to Iraq and set up its own deconfliction line and the US would be very happy about that? I am under the impression that the US is illegally in Syria and has no ones permission.

Justin Ryan

The russian’s said they will be targeted but not necessarily shot down! So far no US personal has killed a Russian nor has a Russian killed any US personal!

If that happens, we are all in deep shit! Why are people so eager to see the Russian’s shoot down american aircraft? This is something YOU SHOULD NEVER WANT TO HAPPEN!

Andrew Pate

I agree but the big question is why is America there in the first place and this situation would never have to occur?


If you are really interested , look up “Genie Energy Ltd. ” ( NJ ) , The US – Israel Energy Cooperation Act (2007) , and read J. Assange’s book , ” WikiLeaks Files” , (2015) , all based on Freedom of Information and other US government files .

Justin Ryan

You want to know the real reason or just the reason they tell us? I would be happy to fill u in al the details! But yes its to do with energy resources and energy markets, containment of Russia and trade routes! Then there is the Israel thing too!

If u dont know anything about this, ill tell u but its so long to explain sometimes hahaha

Petro L.

Let’s hope none of these animals are able to escape back to Europe or elsewhere.

John Mason

let’s hope they do and create chaos, especially to those states that created this war. Let them have a taste of their own medicine then maybe they won’t repeat regime changes and terrorism sponsorship in the future.

G Dean VanGaya

They already have escaped back to Europe. They were met at the airports by European intelligence services and welcomed back for their service.

Pave Way IV

So ‘the Coalition’ (of evil) finally bombs ISIS, but not in Deir EzZor city where the SAA is fighting them. They bombed ISIS holed up in Mayadeen/Mayadin which is about half-way between Al Bukamal and Deir EzZor. The U.S. seems particularly psychotic about preventing Syria from regaining any stretch of the Euphrates river. This is AFTER the U.S. intentionally bombed damn near every single bridge across the Euphrates from the Tishreen Dam all the way down to Al Bukamal.

We already know CENTCOM has land-theft orders for all Syrian sovereign territory east of the Euphrates, so they can’t even risk Syria getting across their own river. I don’t have much hope for Deir EzZor or Al Bukamal because they both are potential weak points in the U.S. land-and-oilfield theft. I’m afraid the U.S. will simply steer every last remaining head-chopper to either of those two cities in a last-ditch attempt to steal them as well. I seriously hope the Iraqi PMUs come across the border soon to help the SAA take back eastern Syria.


Yes this still hangs in the air, I don’t understand the triumphalism of so many here. The coalition side have their own difficulties, I guess mainly with the supply of cannon fodder. SDF may call it a day, especially if Turkey squeezes them from the north. But the moderates still have an intact reputation of doing whatever they’re paid to do. Whatever else one thinks of the US, they’d find the required airlift capacity if they put their mind to it.

Iraq cannot be relied on: they have great difficulty (military and political) just clearing ISIS out in their own slice of paradise.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The problem that has been happening with the PMUs is that ISIS has heavily invested in slowing down them on their way to Al Qaim . ISIS sent troops from Syria there to that region . The PMUs had a major battle with them and inflicted heavy casualties on them , they won the battle . The problem in Iraq is the Barzani Kurds sending their forces to Syria and not enough troops to do much . Iraqi Army is getting the run around from the US which is impeding any help in securing the country .


Thanks for the clarification but is the first “problem” you mention even so bad. The way you describe it, they’re drawing away defenders from Syria who won’t be available at the battle for T2 etc., and who ish’allah will soon have shot their last bullet. That is, PMU is still fighting for the greater cause even if they’re not seen in Syria.

G Dean VanGaya

Barzani is blockading the Syrian Kurds. He is not sending anything to fight in Syria. The PMU was mostly slowed down in Sinjar by Barzani.


The syrian air force also bombed bridges across the euphrates….

To be honest, there is a huge list of reasons why US support will end after raqqa, and the latest statement by mattis essentially confirms this: “we’re going to equip them for the fight. If they have another fight and they need, you know, the light trucks that they’ve been using … we’ll get them that.”.

There’s alot that can be seen in that statement, but first: Trump does not confirm this, in fact, he has said nothing about the kurds at all except a passing statement while on the campaign trail: “they are great fighters”. Syria is a “all the glory” and none of the down side issue for him. All he wants to do is claim victory over isis, and leave.

The fact that mattis does not say anything about “us forces” and only talks about material/equipment support in a post raqqa/isis syria is telling.

Wahid Algiers

Hope so. Never trust the US. Never trust Israel. So never trust USrahell.


How many Syrians should still be buried before people learn it’s never about what the US says? After the April cruise-missile strike, Trump himself went on the record “we’re not going into Syria”. Since that time, the US has announced deconfliction zones (i.e., free-fire zones) and successfully enforced them.

Pave Way IV

Jesus, Max… CENTCOM has two (that we know of) fixed airstrips for resupply. Those are not going anywhere. They have always had their sights on the long airstrip at Tabqa for the largest U.S. transports. The YPG supposedly signed a 10-year ‘lease’ for Tabqa with the U.S. – we are building out that facility as I write this. The Kurds and YPG have nothing to do with it – they will disappear under the treads of Erdogan’s tanks and the U.S. won’t lift a finger. The U.S. doesn’t care WHO claims northern Syria – as long as that someone gives the U.S. illegal permission to be there. YPG? Erdogan? Hell, ISIS? The U.S. doesn’t care.

Do you think Trump will disobey Israel and just pack up and leave after Raqqa and the end of ISIS? My country, the U.S., has already promised that we would be the permanent Syrian occupation force to insure the safety of Israel. Kushner will convince Trump that the Kurdish stolen oil pipeline is crucial to the energy security of Israel. I doubt Israel is the ONLY reason we’re staying there, but we are… period.

Trump and the treasonous Pentagon can yap all they want about ‘intentions’, but we’re never leaving Syria. It will be disguised as a ‘U.N. Peacekeeping Initiative’ just like how NATO and the West guarded Israel’s stolen Golan land for them for forty years.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Heads up the UN has not declared any peace keeping mission and are not likely under the circumstances . That plan not what they conceptualized , they will try a chemical attack but that is not likely going to work . The case of crying wolf too much comes to mind .

The OPCW has no authority to do a proper investigation , too many bloody agents working as members . NATO is dying a slow death so it won’t be any real help in the future , Israel will have to mind its P’s and Q’s in the future .

There were only 3 countries that played a key role ,US,UK,France now they are looking to their own futures , Corbyn could become Prime Minister and that would shut down Israel , Macron is looking forward to an EU army with Merkel et al . They want to turn Cyprus into a protectorate to lose its statehood must suck with all the corruption there .

Pave Way IV

Agree, but you’re using logic to explain why Israel ‘must’ do or not do something. I can only shrug my shoulders and offer up fifty years of history to the contrary and Israeli arrogance backed by the U.S. deep state.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The only problem is both are on Tenuous ground with the UN and neither have been more reviled by the world today than 50 years ago . The US deep state is at its lowest point currently , no one gives a shit what they say anymore . The world is quite frankly a different place and no longer support the Deep State madness .

Seems the Think Tanks can’t even gauge the public anymore , the threshold for bullshit has been reached. Just think of what George Carlin said about the US it’s full of a lot of Shit !

Pave Way IV

Peak Bullshit… who would have thought?


“Do you think Trump will disobey Israel” Yes. And he already has. Remember when he was first elected and told israel not to start building those settlements? Kushner and the Israelis do not have as much power as you perceive, and there is evidence of it.

The pipeline is dead. The Qatar issue killed it(along with saudi arabia). There are no other active pipelines in kurdish controlled areas. They truck it to turkey or act as a middleman for isis(even now, despite the raqqa battle raging, there is still oil flowing)

You talk about airstrips and such and yadda yadda yadda, all illegally held as hell, all potential issues that could comeback to bite you on the ass especially when re-election comes up.

In the end, kurds are politically toxic. Not only do you have turkey, but you also have the iraqi’s, syrians, iranians, and lastly, the russians who do not desire these people to be… “around”… None of the kurdish crap was authorized by congress. It’s all a obama BS plan as well. All of this potentially comes back to haunt trump if he continues the BS, especially after there is no reason to be there.

Pave Way IV

“…Remember when he was first elected and told israel not to start building those settlements?…”

Seriously? All the repeated gushing and butt-kissing Trump did for Israel during the elections, and you remember that one, meek ‘suggestion’ for them to curb settlement building? What an oddly, selective memory. In more recent news:

Emboldened by Trump, Israel pushes on with East Jerusalem settlement plans

Israel’s rightwing government appears to have been emboldened by the pro-Israel stance of the Trump administration, which has been far more muted in its criticism of settlements than its predecessor.

“…Kushner and the Israelis do not have as much power as you perceive, and there is evidence of it…”

You may be right. I’m automatically inclined to believe they are so that clouds my judgement. I blame the red pill and the last decade, but still waiting on this ‘evidence’ to the contrary you speak of.

“…The pipeline is dead…”

The Kirkuk-Haifa oil pipeline? Hey – give a tin-foil hat his due. You can’t claim my conspiracy theory is dead when nobody has ever really acknowledged it. Have you ever heard anyone else talk about it? The Qatari pipeline is unrelated except for the potential route, but I’ll agree that it’s mostly history. But not because of the fake Saudi-Qatari fight. There are other mechanisms at play with the gas pipeline.

“…You talk about airstrips and such and yadda yadda yadda, all illegally held as hell, all potential issues that could comeback to bite you on the ass especially when re-election comes up…”

Whoa… did you actually read that after you wrote it? This is the U.S. we’re talking about. We gave weapons to head-choppers, killed SAA troops and Tomahawk’d their air base… and you think Trump would be worried about a few little-known illegal airstrips? No, I don’t think so. Trump is only worried about aluminum coffins coming back to the states – that always looks bad during a re-election.

“…None of the kurdish crap was authorized by congress…”

Hold the presses – I must alert the U.S. public. Imagine the outrage!

“….All of this potentially comes back to haunt trump if he continues the BS, especially after there is no reason to be there…”

Back at ya: “Trump does not have as much power as you perceive, and there is evidence of it.”


Yea. And ALL the candidates pandered to them for the votes… Trump was no different in the pandering… It’s standard procedure to pander to the isralis, along with the blacks(that trump also did), asians, etc etc… There really is nothing new here… I can’t find anything on your pipeline, so toss a link… The qatari pipeline, which is essentially the biggest reason the syrian war was started is DEAD. Hands down there is no reason to continue fighting the war after isis is snuffed out. Attacking unknown towelheads in the middle of nowhere is one thing… Stealing property is another. “Possession is 9/10ths of the law” is the old saying. And that brings us to the next point: Congress. Eventually, the never trumpers and the democrats will come down hard on trump after isis is defeated as this was never authorized and they will use it as a ace-in-the hole(one of many if this continues). “Trump does not have as much power as you perceive, and there is evidence of it.” That may or may not be true. He may not be in control of the neoconlibs.. or he may be backing them… The answer will be most apparent once raqqa falls…

Pave Way IV

There is really nothing on the Kurd pipeline. Something I hashed out with the oil guys around the time Barzani was building his Iraqi oil theft pipeline to get around the Iraqi/Turkey metering station. I’m sure him and Erdogan’s son were behind that. In any case, there is huge incentive for Barzani to build a pipeline through Syria (Kurd territory) and Jordan, and he will be readily backed by Israeli and U.S. oil mobsters. The Syrian Kurds potentially have a nice source of revenue from transit fees and have several small refineries stolen from Syria (outside Tabqa, for one).

Israel will do anything to have oil refined and going out of their Haifa port – there’s millions in profit to be made and they are obsessed with controlling the tap. This is in addition to the Iraqi/Chinese pipeline to Aqaba. They also want an alternate source from their offshore oil fields stolen from the Palestinians (in case they get blown up by someone). Israel will get the U.S. (me) to pay for most of the Jordan-Israeli leg of the pipeline – no way are they going to pay for it themselves.



Much too late for any of that now, they might as well go with “Plan B”: Underwater pipe of some sort, if they ever thought of that… For some reason, their behavior doesn’t seem to show that they have. Maybe someone should fire off an email to benny?

G Dean VanGaya

true, and you could have a little faith in pretty well the only revolution in the world – TEV-Dem

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The NSyA is to small and needs heavy investment in troops from the US , they will kill more pro government supporters . The US seems very complicit in these schemes and almost encourage it, appears they still have headchoppers . Linda Graham and partner McCain might be sabre rattling hard for it . Trump looks scared shitless after realizing the Missiles Russia and Iran sent are more accurate than US missiles .


It is all about sealing the Eastern part of Syria (parts of the frontier with Iraq included) and splitting the country so that the Assad government loses any influence East of the Euphrates river (in Hasakah, etc).

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