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MARCH 2025

US-Led Collation Destroyed 40 Vehicles That Tried To Approach Convoy Of Evacuated ISIS Fighters

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US-Led Collation Destroyed 40 Vehicles That Tried To Approach Convoy Of Evacuated ISIS Fighters

© AP Photo/ Burhan Ozbilici, File

On Sunday, the US-led coalition announced that the 17 buses that are carrying ISIS fighters and their families who have been evacuated from the Western Qalamoun region are now between al- Sukhnah town and Humayma village in the eastern Homs countryside.

The US-led coalition also announced that it bombed many ISIS fighters and vehicles who attempted to reach the convoy.

Army Colonel Ryan Dillon, a spokesperson for the US-led collation, said that collation warplanes killed 85 ISIS fighters and destroyed 40 vehicles of ISIS that tried to reach the convoy.

Colonel Ryan Dillon also denied that the collation air dropped food and water for the trapped civilians in the convoy. The collation said that the Syrian government did provide aid for the civilians in the convoy.

In its statement the US-led collation emphasized, that it will continue to block the convoy route towards the Syrian-Iraqi border. Moreover, the US-led collation claimed that it “offered” solutions to save the women and children in the convoy to the Russian side.

US-Led Collation Destroyed 40 Vehicles That Tried To Approach Convoy Of Evacuated ISIS Fighters

However, the US-led collation said that it will “take action” if the convoy moves. However, this will be done “without harming civilians”.

Last week Hezbollah agreed to allow about 300 ISIS fighters and their families to withdraw from the Western Qalamoun region on the Syrian-Lebanese border to al-Bukamal city on the Syrian-Iraqi border.

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Divesh Kumar

So far so good


if its true its good news…..it will be the first time that the US has killed ISIS fighters and destoyed vehicles….usually ,for the past 3 years it strikes eampty buildings in the middle of nowhere, killed a lot of trees and snakes etc.

That Guy

Killing snakes is a good thing though.


They’ve been feeding the snakes all along


Not for the snakes, unless “snakes” is code for Salafist/NATO/Israel terrorists then it is a good thing for them, they become “martyrs”.

คงศักดิ์ วงศ์ชูศรี

Include cockroachs.

Brother Ma

Good news indeed but other writer said that US bombed ISIS when they ran from Tabqa dam and would not fight.how ironic,they always said that Stalin was a brute for having Red Commissars shoot defecting or running soviet soldiers and us nato does the same thing!


they did the same thing with the buses leaving teh Libanon area..they stopped them in the middle of nowhere…..they will starve to death…..thats a lesson isis has to learn…..’we didnt pay you for nothing…retreat is not an option’

Brother Ma

Thanks xristos. yep, all ISIS cuthroats to fight and die- like Dirty Dozen Movie ,with John Cassavetes,telly savalas ,lee marvin and donald sutherland etc – as we only need success not live witnesses.


right no witnesses…..who knows what they will say if they are approached by the media?


This is a strange situation. It seems that ISIS is unwanted, I wonder why? :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f40083df617c2720c431f153666c3db649c2f05a27c2378dc6b62d4df217c6bb.jpg

Brother Ma

Non fighting ISIS are like teats on a bull…useless! Who wants witnesses who can sing like canaries once the war is won by Syria and its allies?

Miguel Redondo

This bombing has an side-effect. Probably desired by the US. The ISIS fighters which stay in the Uqayrabat pocket now will fight to the end. US has jeopardized any future deals between Syrian Gov. and ISIS about evacuations.


There will never be deals with ISIS they are all going to die!

That Guy

The Kurds had such deals with ISIS, why shouldn’t any other party do the same ?

Sam Cru

The US bombed those ISIS fighters too, after they left Tabqa dam.


Yeah, because they ran. Same thing here. It’s a message. Stay and fight to the death or run and be slaughtered by your masters.


Because they are Isis ?

Tudor Miron

You did deals with ISIS all the time from their arriving on the scene. “Goyems know” :)


Not true.

Tudor Miron

What is “Not true”? Lol! You guys still think/hope that Goyems DON’t know? Than I’m starting to understand the reasons behind US establishment actions during last 20 years. :)


Everything from tin foil users.

Bill Wilson

LOL! You got that right!


The US regime has no right to dictate Syria, not even to enter it.


Syria is looking for trouble dealing with Isis.


Uhh, they’ve been dealing with ISIS quite well actually. It’s the US that seems to have trouble dealing with them.


We don’t have any large forces engaging with them.

Bill Wilson

The Sissy Arab Army couldn’t do jack against ISIS until the Kurds and Coalition forces sapped the strength of ISIS.

Gary Sellars

…then why doesn’t the US target IS forces besieging DeZ? or hit them at Ma’dan? or hit them in Qalamoun? or hit them in that small isolated IS pocket adjacent Zio-occupied Golan and surrounded by US-Jordanian backed “rebels”?

The US isn’t serious about fighting IS except where their proxies like the SDF whores can take over the territory. They simply want to balkanise Syria and use IS as the excuse.

Brother Ma

Too right!


Because SAA and rebels is close by ? The us is very serious about fighting Isis but we can’t help it if the people we train and arm run with their tails between their legs the moment Isis attacks.

Red Tick Alert

Yank troll.


Don’t worry, your nation might make it to the top some day.

Mik Moore

bullshit, tell that to the families of the Syrian soldiers killed at Thudrah Mtn by the US airforce in support of ISIS. (Israhell Secret Intelligance Service)


Mistakes happen, especially when you have sketchy Intel from the ground. ISIS stands for Islamic state of Syria and Iraq.


Well, that never stopped them before. Remember all the ‘accidents’? The SAA and allies are far better off if the US stays out of it…it lessens the possibility of more ‘accidents’ and ISIS being rescued.


No US airstrikes help.


Really? Why are they still ferrying IS from traps? Dropping supplies to fighters? This is a message to those that would surrender or flee the conflict. The bit in their report about ‘rules of conflict’ is a fucking joke. How many civilians, not ISIS families, have they slaughtered in Raqqa? In Iraq? How about the rules against attacking civilian infrastructure? They couldn’t care less about the ‘rules of war’.

Brother Ma



You don’t know that they are Isis there is no reason for the us to aid Isis we made it clear we are out to get them.

Red Tick Alert


If you are retarded, I apologise; but where have you been the last years ?.


But I don’t wear tin foil hats ?


Really. Boy, either you’ve drank the kool ade or you’re a troll of the highest order. No reason to aid ISIS…yeah, and the US, KSA and Israel didn’t create ISIS either. No wonder the rest of the world thinks all us US citizens are brainwashed idiots. Well guess what, people like you are now beginning to be the minority…and it’s about time. The only thing the US military is good for is lying through their teeth and slaughtering helpless civilians. Ever see the videos of US choppers flying into war zones without being fired on by ISIS? Ever see the pix of Insane McCain lolling about with ISIS leadership promising them support? Spin that.


We don’t slaughter civilians, no organised military in a democratic first world nation is going to do that. ISIS is nothing but remnants of the Iraqi insugency and is composed of previous Iraqi military personal that now morphed into a religiously based terror organisation.

Bill Wilson

Assad did business with ISIS (bought oil & gas & electricity, sold them stuff, too). Everyone else did business with ISIS if they wanted to pass thru or buy-sell goods in the regions under their control by paying road tolls, sales taxes, getting permits, etc. That’s how the HTS and other rebel militias get their funding.

John Brown

Yes Miguel Redondo you get it! Anything to slow the SAA down.

Bill Wilson

Fuckin’ SAA has no balls for fighting ISIS so does nothing until Daesh has withdrawn from the region. Even then the SAA needs the elite forces to drive out the few Daesh squads left behind to perform rearguard actions. Sissy Arab Army is well known for laying down and pulling up their skirts when attacked by Daesh, HTS and other militias manned by real men!

Gary Sellars

That was ALWAYS the US intention.

Brother Ma


Red Tick Alert

Yep, just said the same thing above before I read your comment. Fucking Yanks.

PS As a side issue, why didn’t the Russians / Syrians take the Yank planes out ?.

Miguel Redondo

Because than the propaganda would say that Assad and Putin stay in cahoots with ISIS. But this bombing is a clear sign that US and Israel are loosing at all fronts.

Red Tick Alert

In England we would go further and say “losing the plot”.


They are especially losing the propaganda war. Israel is shitting down both pant legs. Go Hezbollah! Go Iran!

Miguel Redondo

One more sign that US & Co are pulling out.


when the British scuttle their position than things are going really ugly for them.

Red Tick Alert

I said this to RI readers and I hope you don’t mind me saying it again; but the Brits literally did sweet FA in Syria; a couple of sorties in the 2 x planes that were there and that was it.

I always get chastised for this – “The Brits, my Countrymen ditched the Yanks along time ago”.

Good times ahead Miguel, good times.

PS Maybe tries to hit NK, but they will be annihilated SO quickly (by China and maybe Russia), it will almost be embarrassing to watch.

Get the beers in.


They didn’t take the bait of firing on US planes. It would have caused a distraction and unnecessary escalation, as you should know by now. The Russians and SAA have kept their heads down and got on with business…destroying ISIS and Al Qaeda. The US tactic failed as can be seen in the results thus far. Why haven’t the US continued to attack SAAF? Because they knew that they couldn’t hide it and the possibility of being shown to be vulnerable to Russian defenses if push came to shove.

Red Tick Alert

Excellent answer and spot on.

You have learnt well – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2yIkDVs0cA


The US allowed Isis fighters to go further east from taqba and raqqa before. This is a new policy decision.

They are free to start a new policy of no more Isis evacuation deals. But it would be a surprise if they applied it consistently against the SDF as against the SAA.

I’m sure we’ll see the advancing SDF take towns that were abandoned by ISIS and no one will admit a deal was made.


The only reason they were not attacked before is because it was a tactical move at reinforcing IS in DeZ and putting their other proxy in their place, which was the US plan. Saving their and their families skin is not what the US wants to see. Should the SDF start to run or collude with the SAA/Hezbollah, all bets are off. The US has screwed the Kurds before, it won’t bother them to do it again…and again …and..

Moussa Saab

This is just complete madness, Hezbollah agrees to save IS who surrendered and deploy them somewhere else but the U.S has to show no mercy in a deal they have nothing to do with.


Sure they have. Bukanal is relatively close, less then an hour by car, to where US special forces are and any IS within Syria and Iraq is a legitimate target for the coalition.


US forces in Syria have NO legal mandate to be there. They are invaders.

Brother Ma

I agree they are legit targets but it is very hypocritical to not honor surrender terms hesbollah organized.i dont care if usa hates Hezbollah ,usa should honor surrender terms as a sign of solidarity of anti- isis coalition.

Bill Wilson

The USA considers Hezbollah as a terrorist organization so don’t have to honor any agreement those pig dogs make with other terrorist groups.

Brother Ma

Yes but us meant to be in a isis killing coalition so to kill more isis you need to have general strategy where all pull in same direction.

Kurds in syria were considered terrorists by usa unril recently as well…now they are pals.

Alex Black

Wont catch me crying over dead ISIS fighters, but there is a bigger principle at play here. By allowing the US to veto SAA deals on their own soil, Syria is giving up sovereignty. I am not sure what exactly can be done without Putin’s interference.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The possibility of women and children and doctors and nurses and ambulances those 40 vehicles has never dawned on everyone, nothing is ever black and white in these situations as they have wounded in those buses . The probability is high for Doctors an Nurses and ambulances since they are by occupation required to help the wounded and injured no matter what.


And maybe exactly this is why those busses and ambulances were not bombed but only the road they wanted to take and a small bridge.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That is exactly why they bombed the exchange vehicles , you seem to be more naive as this is just a distraction. This will take longer and they want to tie up the SAA and Hezbollah. The US has screwed over all negotiations for the SDF also by this tactless decision, now they will have to fight them even harder. The US has screwed themselves in this also since this stunt will likely backfire.

The SAA has advanced despite the threat and message from the US to it’s ISIS proxies, just figure Iraqis should return to their homeland and not reside in Syria in buses.


Indeed. The US military do not seem to have the ability of analysing the consequences of proposed actions any more. Perhaps this is because all the nations they have looted and destroyed in recent decades have not had the power to kick back and the US has been able to operate with impunity. So, no thought process has been required. Just shoot em up and pat each others backs.


The US military planning only goes 5 minutes into the future…like the congress’ economic planning. Lets make $5 now and forget it’ll cost $20 down the road. It’s called immediate gratification, the only thing important to the US anymore.


Yes, its the planning of a conman.


We are fortunate that the US Military studies the military philosophy of John Wayne and the A Team and not that of Sun Tzu.

Brother Ma

Too true!

Bill Wilson

You dumbases are the naive ones! Assad is intentionally wasting Hizbollah lives at the fronts to reduce their numbers for the Jews!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You are the idiot both Hezbollah and SAA are dying , more Syrians are dead and there is no wasting of life all have sacrificed to save others who can’t save themselves.


The US were only squeamish about bombing the convoy and killing everyone in it because the world is looking.

chris chuba

So it’s okay to destroy Syrian infrastructure.

Hmm… maybe someday someone will bomb Rt 80 and the GW Bridge because they don’t like some deal we made. Of course the U.S. will never give the Syrian govt, a nickel for the damage they have done here as well as for the other bridges, roads, and power plants, refineries we have destroyed.

Brother Ma



There are also reports of pregnant women also there. Killing pregnant women is not a good PR move. That only works for the Israelis…and only at home.


Having given then Safe Passage it is important that the SAA gives these people, despicable killers as the fighters are, food, water and shelter until the agreement can be honoured. They must of course be kept securely as well.


Yes, honoring an agreement goes a long way in dealing with anyone. They might even decide to change sides…or convince those fighting elsewhere to reconsider their US alliance. In a war for ‘hearts and minds’, this is gold. The US is only known for backstabbing and throwing anyone, including allies, under the bus…they are NOT to be trusted. This is something the Kurds need to pay attention to…they are next, in case they don’t know it.


Can you imagine what the Pentagon, KSA and Israelis would do if the rest of IS decided to throw down their weapons after seeing how the US treated their comrades? Wouldn’t that have quite a reverberation in Ukraine? It would be a race downhill for US and Israeli hegemony after that. Possibly the method behind the madness? Would not surprise me at all. It could put an end to all the US/Zionist plans everywhere. Trust is a valuable commodity and the US/Israel is bankrupt in that store.


The Kurdish leaders are in the pockets of the US and Israel and only care about themselves. They make good bum boys for the US degenerates.

Brother Ma

True but Syria cannot do anything about it at moment.

Bill Wilson

There isn’t a Syria anymore, just that dumbfuck Assad and a myrid of private militias.

Alex Black

Typical terrorist troll comment. Have you seen the map?

Tudor Miron

Mark my words – this is bigger than it looks on the surface. What is happening is Hesballah is winning on a much more important front/priority – ideological.

It’s like: “Your CIA/Israel masters abandoned you. They promised a lot but all you got is death for their interests. We’ll give you a chance to save your woman and children because our intent is actually saving human lives, not taking them”. From the other side they hear “You can’t deal with anyone without our permission. You supposed to overthrow Assad so we can have Syria but you failed – time for you and your families to die”. Active war (Priority #6) is going to end one day. Fight for the minds and souls is ongoing long after.


Dream on.


Lumen , I have read all your replies here and they all push the US agenda. I must therefore assume that you are a US or Jew troll.


yep he is! And I’m sure he is proud of it! Another war the US has lost! Worst super power in history!

Red Tick Alert

That’s a little harsh – they allegedly beat Guatemala (which I doubt).


Actually that was Grenada. In Guatemala we just send in SOF or Blackwater types to kill those that would oppose the corporate plantation agenda.

Red Tick Alert

Damn – you are correct.

Give me credit for having the correct first letter. LOL


Spot on!

Brother Ma

I could not say it better.

Red Tick Alert

What is Hezbollah and the Kurds teamed up ?, now that would be interesting.


If the Kurds don’t want to end up getting the same treatment as IS, they’d better come to that conclusion. But, they will have to go to the Syrians, not Hezbollah. Hezbollah is there at the invitation of Syria, Kurds are not. If the Kurds think that they are going to be allowed to take traditional Arab land, they are quite mistaken. At least that is my take on Assads statement that Syria intends to take back ALL Syria. If the Kurds continue to follow the US, they will be on the smelly end of the stick after ISIS is dealt with, which is looking to be much sooner than the US and cohorts thought possible. All Syria has to do is sit back and let Turkey take care of the Kurds…once they are dealt with, Turkey will return their troops to Turkey…Syria and Russia will see to that…or they can ally with the Syrians, promise to return to Kurdish areas and live in peace. Of course, this means that they could also end up being US targets in the short run.

Brother Ma

well said .Could not agree with you more apart from Turkey coming out of Syria.What if Russia sells out Syria and doesnt push Erdogan out of Syria once it is over.You know because Turkey and Russia are now pals? How will Syria push them out? It will be more conquered land like in Occupied Cyprus.


Russia does not forget. They know the Turks are not to be trusted. Russia has a long history with Syria, not Turkey. Syria is also an economic key for Russia. Russia has already shown Turkey that they can do without them. Russia depends more on Syria and Iran than they do Turkey.

Brother Ma

Lets hope for that then.

Bill Wilson

What? The only thing Syria has that Russia needs is a modest port for a naval base. Otherwise, Turkey was a major buyer of Russian grains and manufactured goods with Russia importing quite a bit from Turkey in return. Tayyip screwed that up by slapping extreme import duties on Russian grains with Russia doing something similar in return. Russia can give a rat’s ass about Assad, Hezbollah and the Iranians as long as they have access to their naval port and nearby airbase. Iran doesn’t provide much financial aid to Assad. They lend Syria $1 billion a year which goes a long way for civilian needs in a Third World economy but ain’t squat for financing a fairly modern army engaged in a shooting war.

Red Tick Alert

Who are Hezbollah fighting when they are not fighting is Syria. Once you get that, please read my original comment again.


We are only getting the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Syrian Government to SDF relations. I can be rest assured to presume there is a massive collaboration effort through the Russians to facilitate a speedy unification of Syria after ISIS is over. There is already good evidence to suggest this such as deals in NE Syria (SDF territory) to share oil revenues between the governing bodies. My other presumption is that Russia has tremendous political experience in formation of federations and the collaborative relations between autonomous regions within a federal government. Overall the situation in Syria is in a positive tone.

Bill Wilson

Fuckin’ Kurds will kick SAA’s ass! The Sissy Arab Army lays down and pulls up their skirts when ever ISIS attacks! It took Syrian elite forces to drive out ISIS and even then only after ISIS had withdrawn the bulk of their fighters and equipment. The SAA is only good for riding herd over cowed civilians. Assad and the KUrds have a deal. The SDF is keeping law and order in Rojava so Assad can have more forces available elsewhere. You do need to leave behind forces to keep control plus run civil affairs once territory is retaken. Assad’s been scraping the bottom of the barrel for recruits so probably is doing the same trying to find replacement government workers since those with any brains fled the country long ago..

Manuel Flores Escobar

US alowed more than 2000 ISIS terrorist to leave from Raqqa to fight vs SAA in DZ , Homs and Hama…US credibility = 0.

Bill Wilson

Assad allowed ISIS to withdraw from Aleppo and other provinces to avoid fighting them so has no credibility either.


Hard to believe any news from USA, even more when they do not show any evidence. I prefer to wait for alternaltive different sources to see whether or not this is something to worth analyzed. Just take into account always “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.”


Hezbollah is so generous spending some ISIS Terrorists to iraq. im sure iraq is very happy and will remind this act of goodwill.


Your sarcasm is hardly very intelligent Lumen , but then you are a ‘Legend in your own mind’ so I am willing to make some concession for your disingenuous scribbling’s.


Previously at beginning of Mosul campaign Iraqi based ISIS operatives moved in large groups across border from Mosul into Syria and onto Dier-Ezzore and Palmyra…it is hardly a static theatre. Will take the gist of your comments as merely intellectually lazy Hezbollah bashing.

Gary Sellars

US forces targeting IS rats in a barrel instead of fighting IS when they were a serious clear and present danger….

Hezbollah does the hard work and the US cowards seek the “glory”…

Brother Ma

Only way to read this i reckon is that US is killing two birda with one stone ,like others have said.To ISIS hating civilians in comfortable homes in West US looks like a hero.To actual ISIS it is a warning,” dont surrender and keep fighting otherwise we will have no need for you and so have to kill you” why woyld US want ISIS fighters who wont fight anymore to live? Better a dead witness than have uncomfortable exposes on cnn ,fox in future!

Bill Wilson

Assad tips off the ISF when ever the Hezbollah pig dogs get a weapons shipment from the persian swine.

Mickey Dee

Meanwhile, the US is airlifting ISIS terrorists to Afghanistan to fight against the Taliban.

Graeme Rymill

The Iraqi Government has every right to be upset with the Syrian Government over this move. Giving safe passage to hundreds of ISIS terrorists to near the Iraqi border is not the act of a friend.

Red Tick Alert

I agree to a certain extent, but I am a sceptic and as such, I think that the US bombed the buses to keep ISIS in the area. Why didn’t they let the scum board and then bomb them ?. Something is not right here.


Nah, it’s fine. They can be shelled and rocketed more efficiently in the sparsely populated east-Syria west-Iraq wastelands than the more populated and diverse Lebanese border.

Red Tick Alert


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