The launch of Switchblade on 6 April 2018 during a Robotic Complex Breach Concept assessment and demonstration at Grafenwoehr, Germany. (Photo by Sgt. Gregory T. Summers, U.S. Army)
The Biden administration is considering providing Ukraine with US-made AeroVironment Switchblade miniature-sized loitering munitions, two congressional officials briefed on the matter told NBC News on March16.
The officials told the outlet that the White House is currently considering supplying Ukraine with Switchblades, as part of a new package of military aid. However, they noted that no decisions on the matter have been made, yet.
There are two available variants of the loitering munition, the Switchblade 300 and the 600. The 300 was designed to target personnel and unarmored vehicles. It has a range of 10 kilometers and an endurance of 10 minutes. The larger 600 was designed to destroy armored vehicles, like battle tanks. This version has a range of 80 kilometers and an endurance of up to 20 minutes.
Both the Switchblade 300 and 600 are equipped with optical guidance systems. The miniature kamikaze drones can be programmed to automatically strike targets, and can loiter around their targets until the time is right to strike.
The US have been stepping up its military support for the Kiev government since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine on February 24.
The Switchblade system is known to be in service with the US Special Operations Command. Last year, the UK also invested in the system.
US special operation forces used Switchblade 300 loitering munitions extensively in Syria, not only against ISIS but also against government force.
The Syrians hunted down these munitions with shot guns and hand-held jamming systems. They were even able to capture many of them in an excellent condition using just fine nets. Some of the captured Switchblade munitions were handed over to the Russian military.
A US made “Switchblade” tactical UAV, found in Syria. pic.twitter.com/H6eA1raWJ9
— Tal Inbar (@inbarspace) November 4, 2015
The US will likely end up supplying Ukraine with Switchblade loitering munitions. The system poses a real threat. Nevertheless, the Russian military will likely use the tactics we saw in Syria to neutralize this threat.
It already happened, Scooby. The Russian Special Forces were lit up like a bonfire down in Kiev. They loved it so much that they couldn’t stop screaming for more.
You lost it again. Did someone paint beards on You Barbie girls👩
Jenny, the whole Ukrainian 95th Para Brigade was destroyed last night. This was the core elite Ukrainian unit in the Donas basin. They got smashed by artillery.
callate judio de mierda
My my, such an intelligent comment. Erudite. Like the indiscriminate violence against Ukrainian women and children committed by Russia. Birds of a feather flock together.
The cockroach Putin liberator doing his Nazi lunatic impersonation.
Those were ukrobots tho. They are even selling their own dead to make some profit.
Actually Scoobs, the most able and professional Ukrainian Army unit in Donbass Basin – the Ukrainian 95th Air-mobile/Para Brigade – got destroyed last nite. An unprecedented Russian shelling barrage all nite decimated them. The Brigade was destroyed by morning. Gone.
Oy gevalt…My precious baby killers 😥
Hope at least the CIAisis advisers got out. What? Just got the message. They are toast too. Double oy oy…
Some verification should be needed. So far I find nothing by my search.
Ur looking in wrong place. Look at geo-strat websites not the Google-MSM.
That’s the big difference between Ukranian reports and Russian reports. They don’t spoonfeed baby food to their units by pretending that they’re winning. Because they don’t compromise the integrity of their forces by pulling that type of fake Russian propaganda garbage. Everyone knew that unit was in trouble since last week. You’re not saying anything I don’t already know.
So Scoobs, you are admitting the Ukrainian 95th Air Para Brigade, who were basis of Ukrainian forces strong-point in Donbas Basin got destroyed in 8 hours then.
Scoobs, the entire Ukrainian 95th Airmobile Brigade, possibly the most combat effective Brigade in the entire Ukrainian Army was destroyed last night. Russian artillery and missiles killed most of entire force. Z & V
You mean Zhitomyr, Scooby. The Russian cockroaches are trying to level the entire city of Zhitomyr. You have to be a little bit more specific because you deranged lunatics are very well known for inventing facts. Your fantasies tend to become a reality in your minds.
Scoobs, don’t Bogart that joint my friend. When the end of the party is nigh, you don’t want to be that last guest who failed to read the goodnight and goodwill signs. The US Consulate and its Neo-Con party in Ukraine are over.
Z + V Baby!
It means that you have no confirmation. You just invested it out of your deranged demented head, Scooby.
so Scooby raped you? poor troll
Yamil I have miniature suicide dildo ready for you here babe. Rabbi Goldenberger said he can penetrate deep into your valleys and whilst I take care of your dirty mouth 🍆🍆😘
Ron is a provocateur trying to make himself and those that support him bad.
Its no wonder so many ignore You are born as human being if you dont behave as such.
Because of Your low importance, You only can be used for shooying target practice for bow and arrow and as a hobby in weekends. .
You will never know the joy of being a nazi tranny. You punk.
Yes please
Great kabbala terrorist
Weren’t those the exact same crappy Houthi drones the Putin cockroaches were boasting about not that long ago, Scooby? The big difference is that the 600 aren’t really all that crappy, aren’t they?
In their fortified base at Avdeevka the Ukrainian 95th Air-Mobile/Para Brigade got fucked last night. They were destroyed. They got Scooby snack-fucked by all nite artillery and missiles.
A Krasnopol a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗
Eh you nazis have gone senile too? The article talks about american drones, not russian ones. I see, you are losing the war and with it even your minds.
This Southfront article was talking about the Russian ones. Jesus, what a fucking moron. Scooby, where the fuck do you find these idiots? https://southfront.org/russian-army-has-begun-to-employ-loitering-munitions-against-ukrainian-forces-photos/
Two to three dicks per day helps Yamil come out to play 💩🍆😘
crappy Houthi drones?, the crappy Houthi drones put aramco out of bussiness for two weeks, and the patriot missiles of your American lovers were useless, idiot!,
I said crappy, crappy CRAPPY!!!!
So from MIG 29 we are now down to this next week they will be thinking of sending paper planes.
To be honest. No major difference. Obsolete Mig-29A poses no danger to the RuaF.
Those Migs not even fight RuAf iddi. If they have any more left its for ground attacks.
I think I overdosed on LSD again. Need a lil nap nap
You are upside down in importance. So far the Ukras are doing pretty well. Ukras do kill tanks and equipment dont they by their UFO system.
I name their weapons as UFOS because the big and great Russoian army, airforce and navy cant even block for them.
where you found that information? nikelodium?
Necessity is a virtue HAHAHAHAHA
Next time they will launch virtual jets in a virtual world, called Virtual Banderastan.
Another source of big money for the ashkenazi US ruled military complex. In Syria the shotguns were preferred to shot down those crap flying drones. But big numbers may cause looses for the russians. Only to get proper intel, wait proper moment and drop some laser guided 1000 kg bomb on the right train.
In Ukraine too. The crappy Russian ones.
shutguns yes and now i have to go with that in sweden
Weapons and munitions come in pallets and crates from west – via Poland/ Slovakia/ Hungary – hit convoys crossing border. The western trucks with “humanitarian aid” are full of munitions. Everyone learnt these NATO tactics in Syria.
Das gab es schon in Jugoslawien. Das LTG 61 der Bundeswehr flog Waffenkisten der ehemaligen NVA bis nach Sarajevo. Anfangs wurden die Grünen Holzkisten weiß lackiert und bekamen ein Rotes Kreuz. In Libyen wurde das wiederholt.
A lot of humanitarin aid is comming in. Ukra older conskripts are comming in. The roads and trains are full of refugees. Weapons and ammo too.
Workers at Pisa airport in Italy stopped a load of weapons to Ukraine. Pisa is near the infamous Camp Darby, where drunk american slobs leave and at night go around trying to rape girls. These worms are despised by everyone in Italy.
Oh and the weapons were package as Red Cross humanitarian cargo.
No surprises! US used Italian air bases to attack Yugoslavia in 1999. Bombing Belgrade and Podgorica. NATO is not good for Europe, it is a means for US to occupy and control Europe : (
Tactical weapons won’t alter strategic reality. Russia will win. The vindictive losers in US just wants to make it as bloody as possible.
I dont think thats the point. The more days and months the better Russia will collapase.
The same Russia that is ready to launch a new currency and international settlement system in the EAEU area? The same Russia that has all the resources imaginable and only needs to stop the flow of gas to destroy the EU? Is this the Russia that should collapse?
If you are so strong boyo, start by paying your monstrous national debts. Oh you cannot, because you don’t have real money.
Invert your statement and you have accurate assessment of the US-Consulate-run-Zelensky Regime.
no it won´t, keep playing video games.
Did I say Russia? I meant the crumbling americant empire. My hormone injections… Sovvy.
I will send my paper plane too. Those pesky ruskies will learn. I already painted swastikas and black sun on the wings. Slava Ukraini.
Hard to see those troops taking Danue, Elbe or Rhein.
In danemark we use dildo drones powered by rotten fish in vinegar. Its supidupi advanced. It even can vibrate on the right places.
Not Jens Holm Denmark.
They gave Youris unused brain to Laika
Jens needs one.
Danish tranny 💞 Azovnazis
Not Jens Holm Denmark.
They gave Youris unused brain to Laika…
It learned to say mijav before it was fried.
I asked for a no fly zone, WWIII and thermonuclear holocaust and all I get is a toy drone? Go eff yourself Langley. I quit. Look for another best President 😈💯
Hahahaha, that would a great t-shirt Hahahaha…
Look for another Leader of the World 😈💯
Yes. We keep Minsk 2.
Those are not toy drones at all.
You forget the rest of Our support.
Just as Zelinsky is elected to ake care of Ukraine Biden is for USA. So many americans not even know where it is and dont csre very much.
We know the problemes in Ukra as well as Russia and Belarus well. I will remond You Ukra also has not kept Minsk 2 for years.
Im out of captagon. Langley isn’t picking up the phone. Willing to trade Azov troops and javelins for some drugs. Dont let me wait too long or I will bomb myself.
Im sure USA dont need drugs.
USA is a big tradepartner for Ukraine.
What does Ukraine export to USA?
The keystone of Ukrainian exports to the United States were ferrous metals and articles (61.4%), fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin (5.7%), ores, slags and ashes (4.8%), nuclear reactors and boilers (2.6%), machinery, electrical machinery (2.3%) and aircraft (2.1%).
Nuclear reactors exported from the Ukraine to the US? Westinghouse was exporting US reactors to the Ukraine.
surrender and vacate ukraine of yourselves. Just go away to poland already. so ukraine can be peaceful again like pre 2014 maidan. your fake president is hiding in the basement in us embassy in poland.
Actually Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Germany and several others should be moved East. The Russia should leave to Russia.
It makes no sense to go back in time as You do. If anything Ukrain should go back to Denikin in 1923. Here Russia just before that even as the only one lost WW1 three times.
Old maos and history books shows it well.
Im batshit crazy 😈💯 Certified lunatic. Best President ever ✌️💪😎
And your friend Biden is Leader of the World ✌️💪😎
A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗
So far its told as consider. Thre are too many roumers and creations.
They migh have store many of them and are easy to bring in by an airplane. But can they use them well?
racist nazi homo senile Jens continues self humiliation
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡
Zionist Israel is much worse than Assad
Surely Russia knows they are at war with the U.S. Ukraine is just the battle ground. As long as Russia allows the U.S. to fight with their proxies they will just get bogged down and lose just like Afghanistan.
Russia, you had better start hitting your true enemy or they will sit pretty and watch you suffer.
amerikants lost in Afghanistan; USSR defeated muhjadin—u an arkansas hillbilly learn history from CNN
Three Hercules arrived in Grafenwoehr, 20 minutes ago. They took off from Ramstein. US-Army 3x. The flight altitude was less than 2 kilometres from Ramstein to Grafenwoehr.
Probably my evac flight. See you suckers at Langley Best President ever 😈💯
New batch of mercs? Let’s fry them as soon as they put their dirty feet on ukrainian soil,
As they always have done. Putting fuel to the fire. Afghanistan, Syria (creating ISIS), Libya, Yugslavia (Taking one party as friend and arm them). Conflicts they like. Peacekeepers? Well we all have proof what peace means to them.
Then Russia will supply loitering drones to Iraqi shia militia to attack US assets
A Lot of tax paying money is going to waste in Ukraine,I mean every military personnel or anyone with some sort of understanding of military warfares knows the Ukrainians military stand no chance. The Russian control the sky,they have saterlite observing Ukraine and they could stile anywhere in Ukraine without being in the airspace. I can see our convoy of weapons going to enter Ukraine with the Russian military notice it ,if it by civilians car then we could see area around the nation that border Ukraine being bomb.i could use some of that money then seeing it being waste in Ukraine for a lost cause.
amerikans prefer 50% inflation—now saudis will accept yuan from China for oil goodbye usa economy
Too late Biden. The Ukraine is basically a triangle of major cities to the east. And Russian forces are concentrated on the triangle arc – Mariupol, Odessa and Kiev. The west is just a shit-stan west of the Dnieper. With provinces that arguably may or may not belong to Poland, Hungary and Romania.
They must be taken out on the ground before they’re active