Russian forces are using high-tech equipment to jam drones and block battlefield communications — and forcing the U.S. to scramble to catch up, Paul McLeary argues in the article named “Report Russia’s Winning the Electronic War“. It was published at Foreign Policy on October 21.
Accordin to the article, the reason of worries is Russian equipment like the Krasukha-4, which jams radar and aircraft.
The Krasukha-4 broadband multifunctional jamming station is mounted on a BAZ-6910-022 four-axle-chassis. The Krasukha-4 counters AWACS and other air borne radar systems. The Krasukha-4 has the range for effectively disrupting low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites and can cause permanent damage to targeted radio-electronic devices. Ground based radars are also a viable target for the Krasukha-4.
Paul McLeary cites Col. Jeffrey Church, the US Army’s chief of electronic warfare and deputy to Army Cyber Command’s chief, Ronald Pontius, who claim that the problem is dealing with falling budgets, a lack of EW equipment and a force that is shrinking by tens of thousands of troops.
Church says that the US has only a few hundred soldiers — a fraction of the EW forces that are fielded by potential adversaries like Russia and China.
In turn, big bad Russians don’t have problems with budgets, equipment and people:
“They have companies, they have battalions, they have brigades that are dedicated to the electronic warfare mission,” Church said in an interview with Foreign Policy.
Indeed, if we believe the article, the US has srious problems with the electronic warfare. But it’s hard to forget about “independence” of the US media. So, we could make 3 conclusions:
- Yes, it seems that the US has faced some concerns over the Russian high-tech equipment.
- But it’s more important that the US military chiefs have started a campaign to raise the US military spendings using “the Russian threat” for this goal.
- The campaign aimed to create a myth about the Russian military threat in the American public opinion has been continuing.
America once upon a time was good, and without Russia loaning John Adams son the money for America to help liberate themselves from the evil-Zionist-UK, their would have never been an America. America has fallen from grace. America went from being founded upon God and His Son, to making war against all Monotheist. The USA should fall naturally. Such a shame, yet the way it should be. From its ruins its true Patriots such as Ron Paul will rebuild a more moral nation, which shall be anti-Empires once more. And mind its own business.
amerikkkans was never good just a myth, created by attacking always defenseless countries and geniciding whole nations. Now they are desperately, looking for a deep hole to hide in.
But is a good time, they face the music.
If i recall my history correctly. The accusation goes for China, Africans calling themselves the Moors who first invaded Europe and enslaved and genocided some 9,000,000 indigenous European tribal peoples. The same can be said for Babylon or shall we call it Iraq? The same can be said about Israel. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and so on. Tribes from Asia invaded and genocided the indigenous Solutreans and Clovis peoples. Then they genocided each other in endless wars. The Cherokee and Apache were always killing every other tribes they could find.