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MARCH 2025

US Military Killed ‘Couple Hundred’ Russians In Syria Strikes Pompeo Claims As Trump Considers New Attack

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US Military Killed 'Couple Hundred' Russians In Syria Strikes Pompeo Claims As Trump Considers New Attack

Illustrative image: Reuters

On April 12, Mike Pompeo, the CIA director nominated to be US State Secretary, claimed that the US had killed up to 200 Russians in airstrikes conducted against forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the Euphrates Valley in February.

“In Syria, now, a handful of weeks ago, the Russians met their match. A couple hundred Russians were killed,” Pompeo told lawmakers during his confirmation hearing in Washington.

The US-led coalition carried out strikes on Syrian government forces in the Euphrates Valley, near the city of Deir Ezzor, on February 7. Since then multiple media outlets and “experts” have speculated that “hundreds” of “Russian fighters” (private military contractors) were allegedly killed in the strikes. However, the provided numbers were hardly confirmed by any evidence.

The April 12 remarks by Pompeo were the first public statement of a US top official arguing that these rumors are true. Syrian experts already described Pompeo’s claims as a propganda stunt, which clearly shows the growing tensions between the US and Russia over Syria.

Meanwhile, the US and its allies are still considering a possible attack on the Syrian government over the alleged chemical attack in Syria which took place in the town of Douma on April 7.

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A bit stupid title, at the moment. :(


SouthFrontards (Putin cheerleaders & russophiles) are looking stupider by the hour due to their idiotic comments. US/NATO PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE AT THEIR BEST: Russia’s strategy in Syria is already proving to be a total failure since all Assad forces, IRGC, Russian mercenaries and Hezbollah are now forced to seek shelter (while abandoning their current positions) due to the impending US/NATO attack. Just the simple threat that Tomahawk cruise missiles are on their way is forcing the Russian dysfunctional-coalition to irreversibly alter their plans, leaving behind all the military gains they have achieved in recent months.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Today they are fighting vs ISIS in Deir Ezzor-Sukhna…meanwhile ISIS navy want to launch cruise missile vs SAA…

Aurelio Ferdinand

Yes indeed Mr brilliant psychologist Wanklord, well said, you’re so right on the button, because you’re apart of the pentagon war strategy panel, bravo!


Are you mentally retarded? So you love your military assets to be bombed and put at risk just because of pride?

Come on , stop posting in this forum as you are like a kid .

That’s being prudent stupid.

Now do you notice? Now Trump is backing off saying attack not certain when he was sooooo obviously going to attack telling everyone in the world .

Russia has put their foot down and Syria says they are ready for war with US …

Has your kiddy friend replied? No.

Give up wanklord this site is not for you . You get high blood pressure being here


Know someone else talking in similar way: http://disq.us/p/1rlxdrn


The story I get is that our (US) missiles have gotten so smart they will prioritize and find the most dangerous and threatening of targets. tRump said oh f…


US missiles are probably smarter than Trump… a brick is smarter than Trump (*Jihadi Don – his new name)

Hind Abyad

And your name is ‘Not a Lion’..


Neo- (prefix): Prefix meaning new. From the Greek “neos”, new, young, fresh, recent.

George King

Reminds me of a joke! Three hobos walking down the railroad tracks and one pulls out a match box and rattles it. One of them asks him what he had in the match box? He replies I have some smart pills to which the other one questions as if they are any good at making one smarter.

Absolutely! He offers him one for a dollar which he proceeded to eat. After awhile he says that he does not feel any smarter upon which he was offered another for a dollar that would surly do the trick. After some time passed he said you know those pills smelled and tasted like little rat turds to which the response was, see there you are getting smarter already!

Russie Unie

Ferme ta gueule petite salope de yankee ! Tu vas voir de quel bois on se chauffe nous autres patriotes français ! Ta salope de cimetière de Colleville en Normandie, fais bien gaffe car nous Normands, on va l’exploser un de ces 4 ! Les yankees ne sont qu’une bande de PDs, terroristes, trans, violeurs ! A bon entendeur … Si tu as un neurone qui fonctionne pour comprendre le français (mais j’ai un gros doute !)

Don Pagani

Lol@seek shelter. SAA and RuAF been killing US and Western troops in Eastern Ghouta, the real number amounts up to thoundsands that makes the US insane.

AM Hants

Together with the fact, they had no legal right to be in Syria. The US can dish it out, but, does not like being on the receiving end, when it comes back. Were they more concerned with their Forces or their mercenaries?

They cannot even acknowledge their deaths, one because the US tax payer would not accept it and two, they should not be in Syria.


US NATO psychological warfare = delusion……or mental illness. Delusion will not prevent US carriers and destroyers to end up in the bottom of the Mediterranean sea. Trump blinked when generals told him about the Russian distributed lethality in the area and the casualties it can inflict.

Russie Unie



Please tell me you KNOW the Normans are VIKINGS?

John Whitehot

they are actually indians, whole humanity came from there.

Java Ape Timelord

Viking means pirate; so no the Normans were not pirates, they were originally from Denmark and Norway. They were not Vikings.


They were a bunch of dirty sh*t. The worst after Genghis-Khan.



Yes, great idea. Insult 37,000 allied troops (British, American, Canadian) that died recapturing your country (France) from Nazi Germany to open a western front that your country was unable to defend for two weeks. What a pathetic post. Russia was at total war at the eastern front and this attack enabled the collapse of the regime along with Russia’s ability to hold on to the front. This attack was coordinated amongst the allied powers to close in and strangle the Nazis. I’d like to see you storm the ‘Atlantic Wall’ gunned by MG42’s or hold on to Stalingrad.


Hey Wanker…buy a rope & hang yourself please…you would do the world a favor…Another brainless idiot gone…You got to have a pretty useless life, selling your body to your Khazarian Masters for a handful of Shekels…To me you are nothing but a low life Traitor…I spit on people like you…hidin’ behind your phone…do you like it..? When you push on COPY/PASTE/SEND…it must arouse you…Little pathetic fucktard..soon it’ll be friday 13th…your Karma will get you bro…believe me…

j. jaxson

lots of folks will be seeking shelter . its harder when your aircraft carrier has been hammered by a barrage of missiles though.

j. jaxson

i suppose the ocean bottom is shelter. usama is down there and turned into a dolphin.

AM Hants

USS Liberty and look how Washington DC and the President of the day, showed no compassion, whatsoever. A friend, wanted to blame another nation, for a false flag, took out the ship, most of the crew, and the President of the US, wiped it under the carpet. Who would want to serve such leaders?

Java Ape Timelord

Also do not forget that USA refused to evacuate USA citizens from Yemen at the start of the illegal invasion of Yemen; guess who did evacuate these citizens, Russia.

Shylo Duffy

I believe they’ve not been silly enough to put all their eggs in one basket..Russia is yrs ahead in weaponry…I always will remember Putin word to the Americans saying next war he said will be fought on their soil…I’ve no doubts whatsoever that Putin will be true to his word..This won’t turn out the way the US thinks it will. Besides it’s not their children dying..they’re family will be in their underground mansions while every one dies, including us perhaps. Either way get right with the Most High…


Have you ever read up on the Russian Sunbird missile? It is capable of sinking an aircraft carrier without having a war head. Just by kinetic energy, size and speed. The worst part is that it is unstoppable and even worse than that is it is 3 generations obsolete… and we want to go to war with Russia???

John Whitehot

there is no sunbird, probably you mean the Moskit, “Sunburn”, and it has a 350kgs warhead.


Yep Sunburn… Sure it has a warhead, but for reference of how utterly dangerous it is, it has enough kinetic energy to sink an aircraft carrier unarmed.

John Whitehot

i think it’s a little exaggerated.

the missile weights much because it needs to transport enough fuel to reach a particularly high velocity, and iirc, it even has solid-fuel boosters strapped onto it, to accelerate faster.

the system may well be done to make the warhead explode inside the target, but when the target is reached, much kinetic energy is expended as the missile has burnt its fuel, thus its weight.

No carrier can be sunk that way, they have an hilarious amount of reserve buoyancy due to the large empty volumes inside them.

The Sunburn was probably conceived as a “revenge” weapon targeting Harpoon launching ships: being much faster than the AGM84 and a little longer ranged, a Soviet ship (or SAG) that was targeted by those missiles could fire a Sunburn in return, and sink them before the Harpoons would reach them.

No worries though, there are plenty of ways to sink carriers.

These days everybody talks missiles, if I were the Russians I would had put a certain number of advanced bottom mines on the sea floor. If an attack is launched from the sea, the mines would be “awaken”, right when the US or UK ships and subs are over them.

They would then launch a torpedo each and explode under those ships keels, probably right in the moment they are still firing tomahawks and hence are unable to conduct reliable ASW defence due to the noise they’d make.

It would be a devastating response, without much risks for Russian air and sea crews and bearing a particularly heavy psychological toll on the attackers.

Kell McBanned

Sunburn SS-22 or P270 Moskit, old now they have even better stuff.


Shylo Duffy

Ya ok!


WOW after reading your stuff I’m afraid I will become too stupid to find my way home.

AM Hants

Really? I thought it was Trump that was saying he might never do it?


Wankgaylord cannot look more stupider: you are just a raving, drooling imbecile – yesterday, today, and tomorrow – until the day you die. Soon hopefully.

Robert Ferrin

No he’s just a troll from the Ukraine kissing his masters ass…


The Lord of Wankers?

Hind Abyad

The Lord.


of wankers


Get lost J€wish HASBARA-g@rbage. You “Hollywood”-BS doesn’t match to the reality on the front. Who was that? POMPEO? That is a f*king ballooned animal like Donald Trump, lies like Pinocchio. CIA -scvmbag, even that sh*t-hole CNN is more credible than POMPEO.

Ah what?.. US air-strikes killed a few hundred .. RUSSIANS? :))) Well, Mr. Harbara-dvmba##, it seems that the US Air-Forces pounded their own Chechen-mercenaries hired by the CIA in that so-called ” Free Syrian Army”.. I guess Putin will send “many thanks” to Pompeo ;) Now f*ck-off, go W@NK your dirt somewhere else.

Kell McBanned

Oh cool a Ziobot



perfect and truthful title


Without Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, SDF and PKK terrorists bastards this world will be a better place for living. After ISIS and Al-Qaeda pockets the next will be SDF and PKK both in Syria and Iraq.

Pave Way IV

But it accurately reflects the current US .mil/.gov PsyOp task, Luutzen: have the US mainstream media continue to condition the unwashed masses to accept the idea of “…the US military is killing Russian soldiers in Syria…” like it’s not a big deal. Desensitization. It’s a very popular Israeli/British technique – they taught it to us.

“The April 12 remarks by Pompeo were the first public statement of a US top official arguing that these rumors are true.”

The ‘public statement’ part is important, not the ‘rumors are true’ part. Pompeo is maintaining the conditioning. Some other US Top Official might call the rumors false next week. It doesn’t matter, as long as the underlying message is repeated. It’s only important that Joe Sixpack in the Midwest is left with some vague notion that the US is already killing Russian soldiers in Syria. Everything the psychopathic Israeli-firster fucks in Washington do has a purpose. Usually evil, but that’s just my cynical opinion.

Tudor Miron

This trick if desensitization is often alled “Obertone window”

Pave Way IV

Overton window to us yanks. It pairs well with learned helplessness and deferment of all moral responsibility to the government. I guess its part of being exceptional.

Old US servicemen might recognize this as BOHICA.

Brad Isherwood

Way to many Pro Russian websites are pushing Propoganda that it’s acceptable Trump missile strikes Syria…….just as long as Putin gets prior notice.

Appears Syrians will be made to play Russian Roulette again.

Americans will watch CNN for ships firing Tomahawks. Some will be jammed or deflected….killing innocent Syrians. Syria loose more old Soviet era junk aircraft.

Merrika will cheer… Trump will be Presidential again

Pave Way IV

Syrians are not human, so it’s OK if they die. Especially if they support the evil Assad ‘gasser’ regime. Russians are not human either, but they have nukes. But we’re already killing Russian solders in Syria, so it’s no big deal. At least that’s what I think CNN told me. Maybe it was 4-chan – it’s hard to distinguish them nowadays.


lay off the zio-crack, it rots the brain

Pave Way IV

But I live in the US. It’s the only thing on the menu.


hehe… agreed, it’s hard to find anything else besides more zio-crack in the so-called “marketplace of ideas”, because the market itself, is being run by the zio-crack drug pushers.


Bullsht! there is cocaine + cappuchino too?


I think that the US forces are keeping their distance. If Dr Strangelove gets what he wants, it will be the auxiliary nobodies who will do the dirty work.

Java Ape Timelord

try “Way too many …”.

Brad Isherwood

Way 2 many…. : )


Your denigration of ordinary, everyday, decent civilised people does you no credit (even if they are American). How many working class Americans watch such horse shite on telly anyway?

Pave Way IV

The ordinary, everyday, decent civilized people in the US usually don’t spend the day inflicting pain, misery and death on others in some misguided effort to ‘help’ them. Yet we legally empower representatives, acting on our behalf, to do exactly that. Over and over again. It’s not like it’s a one-time mistake. This has been happening my entire lifetime.

At what point do the little peoples’ responsibility for the monsters they create end? “But we were tricked!” only works once or twice. “But the government kept it a secret from us” doesn’t absolve the people from responsibility for that government’s actions. Likewise, “What could we have possibly done to control our mad dog government?” is a pathetic mea culpa.

If you don’t have your vicious dog on a chain and it runs around mauling the neighborhood kids day after day, then who, exactly, is responsible? Are you still a ordinary, decent, civilized person if you don’t do something about it and hope someone else will take care of it? Would I be denigrating you for pointing out your irresponsibility?

“Stop criticizing me for my vicious dog that bit your kid – I’m not a bad person!” Do you realize how insane that sounds?

To your second question, this API survey from 2014 is still relevant:

“Television news organizations are the most popular news source for Americans. Whether from the TV broadcast or the station’s website, 93 percent of Americans say they used some kind a TV news operation as a source of news in the last week.”

I’m kind of curious about your question. Americans consume a lot of news (telly or otherwise). Being oblivious to world events or indifferent to them certainly isn’t from lack of exposure. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/435c39d877819ab1b3fca5d01a92d9513f9e9d7f069fbd05768d6e6668a35726.jpg


What you wrote, and exactly like you wrote it, again and again: as long as there is the claim you live in a democracy (which Americans may have more doubts about than Europeans; you’ll know this better), voters are responsible. Otherwise, the whole concept is meaningless. Anyway, the Dark Throne has never hesitated to pulverize civilians in Yugoslavia, Palestine, and Latin America with a curt “That’ll teach them to vote the wrong way.”


Since the US isn’t a democratic state (what is?) you shouldn’t feel guilty about the Washington barbarians, they aren’t your fault.

Pave Way IV

“Stop criticizing me for my vicious dog that bit your kid – I’m not a bad person!” Well, I can see the point I was trying to make there was completely lost on you.

It’s my country – I’m responsible for everything it does anywhere on earth in my name. I own it. All of it.

And only a psychopath would absolve themselves of responsibility for their psychopathic leader’s actions and dismiss the pain and suffering inflicted on others as “not my fault”. If that’s what you meant by “ordinary, everyday, decent civilised people”, then fuck them. THEY are part of the problem. THEY are monsters as much as the Washington barbarians they enable.


It isn’t your country; you aren’t Arapaho or Cheyenne etc and the US isn’t a democracy.

Dawn of Svarog

spot on Pave… that is exactly what it is about..


Trump regime says f*ck UN charter resolution I ask from those bastards why they left East Ghouta..


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV-Hf6II_p4 BREAKING: Putin – If Russia Disappears, So Will The World! If Russia attacked then whole world will be disappear.

John Whitehot

it’s fine to me, since it would mean enslavement of mankind by zionists, the same suckers that think they can probably live forever.


What? Reminding people that Putin gave the greenlight to Trump to exterminate elite russian irregulars- and then afterwards had the Russian Press BOAST about the murders by saying they “deserved to die” because they chose to work under Assad’s direct orders, not Putin’s.

Unlike most of you football hooligan type supporters here, I notice and absorb EVERY action by our side. I thus know when Putin behaves well, and when he behaves badly.

When Putin allowed the yanks to slaughter russians in Syria, and when Putin allowed NATO (Turkey) to invade Syria with a massive spearhead force, I knew our side was finished- it was just a matter of time and circumstance.


I doubt it.


The Truth About the Russian Deaths in Syria


Hundreds of Russian soldiers are alleged to have died in U.S. airstrikes at the beginning of February. Reporting by DER SPIEGEL shows that events were likely very different.



you must understand. wagner group =/= russian army. in media make them equal. mistake. russians were killed, but nor nmembers of russian army.


And that matters why, troll? These elite irregulars were working for the LEGAL government of Syria, and had previously helped save the people of Novorussia when Putin refused to invade. They died when Putin gave explicit permission to Washington to launch their strikes.

JP Leonard

Pompous Pompeo. Stand tall, hard fall.

Russie Unie

200 … A jewish lie like the 6.000.000 for the $hoah !


Yes, spreading the lie of “six million deaths” in the Nazi camps is a two billion dollar industry for the Zionist, just like murdering the Palestinians and selling their body parts to their unhealthy Zionist friend around the globe is also a two billion dollars industry. There is no soul or shame attached to these things that plague our world– the money loving, murdering Zionists


Less died- at least far fewer russians. But how is THAT a comfort? The yanks did not attack until contacting Moscow and getting EXPLICIT permission from Putin!

Albert Pike

From that lie only 1 million counts, because only those did live kosher enough to be considered ac. halacha, jewish enough to be burned for God (I don’t get it what type of God that could be, who’s good will requires nonsense like that – but what do I know). https://www.timesofisrael.com/ny-rabbi-not-even-1-million-jews-killed-in-holocaust/

Therefore 5 more to go, for that missing 6.letter. Would it be better to call it a day, and turn around to become a normal part of humanity? Surely to become a Hindu or Buddha follower would make life easier – but what ever, you could still do the Mitzvot stuff – just stop burning yourself…

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

“An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. Pompous and Massive Butt should learn the meaning of this ancient law.

Jozsef Osztronkovics

As usually the Zionist israeli sick puppet so called us the real name ISIS terror regime is full of bullshit thy fanning the newer ending war where only the rich zionist is the winner and the thousands of life being lost for Zionist greed and profit

Gregory Gregory

A semi-literate buffoon like his boss, Trump.

Russie Unie



Since he’s now responsible for the murder of others around the world there will be NO catch and release.

Robert Ferrin


AM Hants


Zionism = EVIL

Russia should have responded in force after the Deir Azzor incident with Wagner Group. US cowards got emboldened. This time hit them hard in east Euphrates valley where they are training the headchopper terrorists. The French and UK poodles should be hit first as they are totally impotent.


Draining the SWAMP à la Russki ;)


Drain the SWAMP à la Russkis


This is called projection. Hundreds of Amis were killed in East Aleppo, Palmyra, Dayr aw-Zawr and now they claim: No, we killed Russians!



but this is fact, tht they bombed so much russian mercenaries. they acted withiout russian permission. from 2016 the wagner group is nit liked in russia. russian army tokk back all heavy equipments. and arms. from that time only the syrian government gives them arms. that means, they are only poor infantry.

Tommy Jensen

American won, do never doubt that. America cleaned ME for ISIS, America made peace and democracy in Iraq, US won 1/3 of Syria, liberated Libya for Ghaddafi who always were hunting local girls and US killed hundreds of Russians. Pompeo is an American winner man.

j. jaxson

he might be the pope too. he smokes crack in the bathrooms at whitehouse.


Worlds big enough for Putin & Trump to meet & figure it all out. Peace & viligance to Syria from US

Neo Onh

There are/were not 200 russian pmc in all os Syria, let alone in one place. I think the verified number was -two- (2), duo, dos, zwei, deux, två, and four wounded. Now, the real US losses in Douma, Aleppo and other places may well be 200 ! he, he

Tommy Jensen

US probably made a revenge attack because their own US/UK sSpecial Force were killed among radicals.


The true figure was FAR higher than 2 but much lower than 200. But each dead Russian was murdered by Putin, for the yanks did not dare to attack before contacting Moscow and getting Putin’s permission first.

Putin’s people admited this in the Russian press afterwards, and said the irregulars suffered the fate of any russian in Syria who refused to take direct orders from Putin.

Art Best


Putin is a crypto-Jewish traitor collaborating with the Jews and the Americans.

Art Best


Even the Russian fighters said that hundreds of them were horribly mutilated and killed in that battle.


Mike Pompeo barehanded killed more then 1500 Bloodthirsty Russians in Hand-to-Hand combat…this All American Hero defended the last Euphrates ISIS-Stronghold, in a desperate attempt to keep U.S. Influence in the Region…




Saddam and his nation were innocent just they invaded Iraq for Israeli migrants. Now they want to invade Syria for terrorists Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and PKK.


Trump, May and Macron like witches deluding the world by fake chemical attacks in Syria to make it reason to invade Syria.

The witches of US, UK and France have invaded Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Ukraine etc by their buddies Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, SDF etc have done massacre there for grabbing their lands and now Russia are trying their best to stop massacre there and liberate these lands from these witches.

Greg Mundy

Are you ready for WWIII, we invaded Iraq over lies of WMDs, now the Anti- Syrian rebels attacked children and lied saying it was Syria. Trump is the new Bush. https://www.amazon.com/Truth-About-Gregory-James-Mundy/dp/1986670600/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1523214266&sr=8-3&keywords=the+truth+about+911


They are all Rabid Psychopaths… Dangerous ones…Look at ISIS and you’ll see the realistic picture of them…they Created them as their Headchopping Satanic Self-Images & Alter Egos


Yes, and 6 million jews died in the concentration camps. Mr Pompeo should get out more.


These neoconservative psychopaths like Bolton, Haley and Pompeo are salivating over this showdown aren’t they. These people are sick in the head.


Wow I think the mass njews services write Pompas’ speeches for him.

AM Hants

Even Mad Dog, is stating the fact that there is no proof it even happened or what was used.

How would the people of the US handle a few of their destroyers, and more, lying as fish food and entertainment on the Med Sea Bed? Not a good look, for election time? Especially when they know the US had no reason to be there and Russia gave them plenty of warnings. Not even the MSM, could hide the story, let alone absorb the anger. Knowing all involved, who sent the Forces to their graves, were guilty of War Crimes. Doubt, the average US tax payer would accept that, now would they?

Promitheas Apollonious

Well………. they accepted TSA- FBI-CIA- Home land security(allegedly), for their own protection and another 50-60 agencies whose main purpose is to treat them as terrorist until they can prove other wise.

Not to mention SS (social services) that at will taking their children away and is over 16 million kids from the age 2-18 forcefully drugged in schools, with behavior modification drugs. To mention just the surface of what they have accepted up to now. People that in their majority have a single digit I.Q.

Not to mention that all evangelikas are dead set pro israelis………… I dont even think beside 1-2% of amerikans will react and the rest with their 2-3 seconds thinking span will not even register it. And that is your average tax payer there. People who live like zombies trying to make it until next day. I think they be more worry if they can not afford few 6 packs of beer daily, rather what is happening out side their immediate surroundings.

AM Hants

It is the same in the UK. Sadly.

Tudor Miron

Couple hundreds my ass. Met their match. This is from CIA dorector at the time. Sounds like vague and unprofessional report. I’m sure that if asked for proof he will say that social media was his reliable source.

Why don’t he tell him about dozens US specops lost in Syria during last couple of months. Why don’t he openlyy admit “Guys we managed to kill 5 or so privateers and one general! But we lost the war, sorry.”


It’s absolutely clear that between 0-10,000 men were cleared. It is indisputable.


We (US) are trying to prove that fixing our military problems is not quite like having your dog fixed.


The cool-headed General Dunford is still in command of the US forces and doesn’t want war with Russia. He has to placate the neocon lunatics telling him to attack on one hand, and Gerasimov on the other who he is also in constant contact with. He gets along well with Gerasimov. There will not be a world war as long as he remains in command.

Concrete Mike

Good to hear my man. These 2 chat more often than we are told. Thank god someone can stop this non sense.

Juan Babil

If true Russia should charge an additional $200 million to get American astronauts back from the International Space Station and give the families of those killed a million dollars.


Oh… Mr Tough guy talking. And… right when you’re going to turn tail on the missile strikes.

This video below will tell you exactly how tough the US is. In this hilarious video below, Trump attempts a drive by shake down of Syria’s Assad. But, Putin is standing in back of him. Syria’s Assad throws a rock at Trump to scare him off. https://www.facebook.com/RussiaInsider/videos/2075917336011832/ …


Pompeo’s wet dreams and fake news (his expertise)… Pompous Pig is psychopathic, violent and degenerate even more than Bolton. Swamp.

AM Hants

How is that going to go down at home. He is bragging at killing around 200 Russians, whilst attacking those loyal to the President of Syria. The US are not only there illegally, but, also stating they are fighting the Forces of the Democratic Sovereign Nation. Now how does that work in relation to international law? If that is his sales tag – well, he cannot complain when a lot of US kit, with personnel attached, finds itself lying on the sea bed, as nothing more than fish food and entertainment for the marine life, Do those members of the Forces, seriously want to serve leaders like that? Get out whilst you can, so comes to mind.

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