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MARCH 2025

US Military Redeploys Troops From Iraq To Afghanistan – Reports

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US Military Redeploys Troops From Iraq To Afghanistan - Reports

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The US military is redeploying some of its forces from Iraq and to Afghanistan following the formal defeat of ISIS in the Arab country, the Associated Press reported on February 5.

According the Associated Press quoting Western contractors at the base, some of the US troops started their withdrawal over the past week. The groups of soldiers reportedly leave the base on daily flights.

However, it is unclear how many troops will be redeployed.

CBS News contacted US military spokesman Col. Ryan Dillon over  the issue. Dillon did not deny the report. However, he said that the US-led military coalition’s presence in Iraq “will be conditions-based, proportional to the need” and determined “in coordination with the government of Iraq.”

In November, the Pentagon released a report saying that there were 8,892 US troops in Iraq as of late September.

Following the reports, Iraqi government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi said that “the battle against Daesh [ISIS] has ended, and so the level of the American presence will be reduced.”

Unconfirmed reports circulate that the US will withdraw about 60% of its troops from Iraq. This move will allegedly leave a force of about 4,000 US troops in the country.

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Afghanistan must take care of their own neighbours. See the world map thoroughly and then decide that what Afghan government is doing.

The presence of Zionist terror network, their forces and intelligence from Israel, US, UK and other European states in Afghanistan is in fact a big threat to the nations of all surrounding countries that is Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia. Wakeup. For one Afghanistan the Afghan government cannot sacrifice the nations of all surrounding countries. Zionist have no religion and they are brutal.

Pakistan have done the same mistake 40 years ago and join US and therefore there were instability and non stop suicide explosions in Pakistan for 30 years. Now the same mistake Afghan government is repeating. If Afghanistan want to be developed and prosper then they should kick out all foreign forces and their intel. ————————————————————————————————————————————–




Zionist Terror Network Israel in Palestine control Saudi government and the rest of the whole world. Yemen: On the brink of starvation – BBC News Washington sponsoring Zionist Terror Network by US$10billion each year. The judgment day is very close on them.

1. The Largest Humanitarian Disaster. 2. 8 Million People Hungary. 3. About 11,000 people killed. 4. About 50,000 people injured. 5. Entire villages and towns have been demolished and erased from the earth.

Russia, China could open blocked on Houthis, send them humanitarian support and rescue them from Zionist Saudi butchers. ————————————————————————————————————————————–



Empire Files: Israeli Army Vet’s Exposé – “I Was the Terrorist”





The Ultra Orthodox vs. The IDF: Israel’s Other Religious War The Zionist terror headquarter Israel have been built by non-Jews. They have no religion. They abuse Jewish religion. Ultra Orthodox Jews who campaign against Zionism and demand for the immediate dismantling of the state of Israel.

For Netanyahu:

I can’t believe people are still making a ridiculous right of return argument. Israel is a stolen land. The Ashkenazis had no right to it as the UK did not own the land to grant it. Israelis are by label Israelis not by religion. Most Israelis are of European decent and are not Jews and Israelites. Moreover, the Torah forbids the formation of a Jewish State. The true Israelites were cursed and scattered and are not to return to the Holy land until commanded by God. They are in exile. ————————————————————————————————————————————-


Jew baby rapers:




New York City: 10,000+ Jews Against Israel (U.S. Media Blackout) Ultra Orthodox Jews who campaign against Zionism and demand for the immediate dismantling of the state of Israel.

Tens of thousands of Jews protesting against the existence of State of Israel in NYC… On June 9, 2013, tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews assembled on the streets of New York City to protest against the existence of the State of Israel, and to condemn it’s current evil decree to draft yeshiva students. The mass demonstration took place in Federal Plaza Square in lower Manhattan, where a huge platform had been set up for several hundred rabbis and leaders of communities. In front of the platform were seated hundreds of prominent and esteemed people, while the rest of the square was overcrowded with the tens of thousands of participants. ————————————————————————————————————————————–


Jew baby rapers infecting children with venereal disease, brain damaging and murdering them:



– Controversial circumcision ritual led to infant’s death from herpes, says death certificate –



Zionist terror headquarter Israel indirectly attacks Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc through Trump, Erdogan, Salman, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, FSA, SDF terror groups…. All these countries that affected should set up their own joint counter terrorism army forces and intelligence organizations to identify these terror elements and bring them to justice. ————————————————————————————————————————————–


Afghanistan must take care of their own neighbours. See the world map thoroughly and then decide that what Afghan government is doing.

The presence of Zionist terror network, their forces and intelligence from Israel, US, UK and other European states in Afghanistan is in fact a big threat to the nations of all surrounding countries that is Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia. Wakeup. For one Afghanistan the Afghan government cannot sacrifice the nations of all surrounding countries. Zionist have no religion and they are brutal.

Pakistan have done the same mistake 40 years ago and join US and therefore there were instability and non stop suicide explosions in Pakistan for 30 years. Now the same mistake Afghan government is repeating. If Afghanistan want to be developed and prosper then they should kick out all foreign forces and their Intel. ————————————————————————————————————————————–


Who is this fool.. What are you even saying are effin drunk or just mental retard..

BTW stop spamming the comment section.. Mods ban him for spam

Pave Way IV

Locate dropdown symbol across from Rob’s name (over on the right edge of comment column). Pick ‘Block User’ option. Rob’s personal soap-box and comment wallpapering disappear for you.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Should do the same for Molehills.


More likely avoid being attacked by anti US forces if there is a major fight. Forces in Iraq would be easy targets .

Russia new S400s , US/Israeli exercises, tensions everywhere, Iran had said get out or force out… who knows.


The US gotta protect the freedom of poppy fields… It’s a matter of “national security” for them, isn’t it?


Garga, you tinfoil hat conspiracy nutjob! They’re there to bring freedom and democracy to Afghans and defend the American values. Thank them for their services!


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The US is spread thin and getting it buns handed to it in other places. So much for world domination, in order to maintain the Grand American Strategy. Besides, those troops are not going to amount to a tinker’s damn, fore the seas move against the our intentions in Afghanistan.

It strikes a similarity with the Roman occupation of Britannia. ……… and how is that proceeding these days? Limits were reached and the retreat begun, decades ago now. From my perch, it is not about the daily news bite. It is the vista granted by looking down the long road already traveled, which gives light into the cloudiness of our future. I wish well to all.

You can call me Al

Exactly how all empires fail.


I ask you to check the facts. The fall of the Roman Empire had nothing to do with Britannia, the Romans sat around 400 years on this island. A waste of time, nothing else.


Hey MichaH, you missed my point.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Them leaving Iraq slowly only to move troops and equipment to Syria and troops to Afghanistan leaving a reduced contingent in Iraq, then other countries should announce their withdrawal also.


Moving US troops out of Iraq is wise as the government has politely asked them to go . Those left behind face a very tough crowd , their odds are not good . Afghanistan another 16 year plus operation is this war , or just guard duty on the opium production . 137 billion wasted on “regiem change” in Syria , what is it , over 2 trillion wasted in Afghanistan . National security is being able to have funds available for “the Company” . No wonder poppy cultivation rose 80 % after the US returned .


These endless Jew wars to advance Jew world order hegemony conquest are exactly what America firsters voted against.






You can call me Al

Run you scum; destroy whole cities and do nothing to rebuild.

I hope the spirits of the murdered innocent, haunt you for the rest of your vile pathetic lives, you Yank vermin.

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