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MARCH 2025

US Military Strikes Killed Over 100 Syrian Troops – MSM

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US Military Strikes Killed Over 100 Syrian Troops - MSM

FILE IMAGE: AP Photo/Petr David Josek

Mainstream media outlets are spreading reports that the February 7 airstrikes of the US-led coalition killed over 100 Syrian Army troops allegedly involved in the attack at the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the province of Deir Ezzor. MORE ABOUT HERE

For example, POLITICO reports (SOURCE):

In a major clash the U.S.-led military coalition in Syria has killed more than 100 troops allied with the regime of Bashar Assad — after some 500 soldiers backed by tanks launched what appeared to be a “coordinated attack” on a headquarters of rebel fighters being trained by American advisers, military officials revealed late Wednesday.

The combination of air and artillery strikes came after pro-regime troops attacked the compound of the Syrian Democratic Forces in Khusham, Syria, according to a military spokesman.

One SDF soldier was wounded, said Col. Thomas Veale of the Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve, the command that is directing the battle against the Islamic State terrorist group in Iraq and Syria.

The pro-Assad forces were supported by artillery, tanks, and rockets in an attack that began late Tuesday and lasted into Wednesday morning local time.

U.S. officials declined to provide details on the military assets that were used to beat back the assault, which nations they were from, or the number of advisers in the area.

It’s interesting to note that all reports about “100” killed Syrian Army troops are based on claims of some unnamed “military officials”. The US-led coalition itself provides much less information about the incident. These claims are likely a part of the wider propaganda campaign aimed against the Damascus government and its allies. The goal is to increase tensions between the Syrian Army and the Kurdish-dominated SDF amid the ongoing Turkish military operation in Afrin.

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Nigel Maund

Time for Russia to equip the SAA with MANPAD’s and PANTSIR’s and level the playing field.


Doubt Russia will do that or it will anger the Americans.

So far Russia has been trying very hard to be friendly to US in spite of all those sanctions, attack on their bases or even their planes with manpads.

The US are still ‘partners’

John Whitehot

you aren’t able to get it right.

So far Russia has followed its policy without renouncing to its cornerstones.

Dialogue is at the basis of laying the conditions for peace to endure.

Trolls instead tend to try inflaming people’s opinions, against who, surprise surprise, Russia of course.

I have no respect for these persons, my hope is that they’ll rot, together with all the hypocryisis and intellectual prostitution that has been the trademark of all NATO and US foreign policies of our time.


Not really.

If you looked at the maps, this is a case of Russia pissing on the cornerstones that Russia has basically renounced a long time ago.

The fight against Islamic State is a blatant lie. All the parties ought to stick to the U.N.S.C resolution 2170 of 15 August 2014. Basically, only the U.S.A. is grossly violating it.

Hoping for their rotting is useless, one must first kill them!

al quaida

You are simply a troll trying to do what the US is doing – stir shit up.

John Whitehot

imho, there’s only one, changing names.

take note: those with names expressing a nationality, a political idea or a group are normally trolls that need to make people really belonging to that group that some of their peers think and say certain things.


Indeed, I openly admit that that is exactly what I want—to do exactly what the U.S.A. is doing—a tit for tat measures against the U.S.A.

Like a Russian program of nuclear sharing with Syria modelled after the one in Western Europe.

John Whitehot

“This dastardly attack is a clear end of Syria’s territorial integrity”

first prove it ever happened.

And you calling me the troll is the premium bs for the day.

Somebody should run concordance software on the comments of your various persona and prove how many fucking nicknames, nationallities and ideals you’ve taken up.


Since when a “cornerstone of policy” is your expression, you pathetic troll?!

That word was known and used since the Middle Ages! Art thou trying to say that thou hast been trolling ever since then, giving the impression thou art an eternal troll? :-P

You had better get out of the kitchen, if you cannot stand the heat!

John Whitehot

wtf are you talking about?

you’re losing the ploy.


So, you have even failed to grab it! :-D

Because, well, it is like I described in my first response to you. All that is really needed for fun is rereading it, again and again.


‘Reality’ is of course the antidote to ‘Propaganda’ and for decades the USA has been able to create her desired reality ( As Stated by the State Dept Spokesman in reply to a question at a briefing a couple of years ago ).

This has only been possible with militarily weak opponents and without the stand of Russia , would have been the situation in Syria today.

The US establishment is in a great panic now in my opinion as the US terrorists are being rolled back and even fighting amongst themselves :)

John Whitehot

Florian, actually is “perception of reality”.

Sadly Americans have had that f**ked up for good since 911.

It’s not difficult to force a certain “reality” over a person that has been terrorized into stupor, and also has the utmost need to believe that its “democratically elected” representatives are only tools in the hands of hidden cabals.


Thanks for that John. I was in a rush and my typing skills are not good :) I will correct it .

Nigel Maund

Good comment FG. The Deep State = Anglo American Zionist Bankster – Corporatist Cabal of megacrooks is being exposed more and more with every passing day of murder, genocide, assassinations, paedophilia, embezzlement, financial crimes, illegal eavesdropping, coercing Government spy agencies for their own use and benefit to rig the US Presidential Election and bring down an elected President, sellling the largest US uranium miner ot the Russians, running totally bogus and criminal “charity organisations”to loot billions of US$, pay for play deals and the list of crimes is almost endless. Why the US populace is not on the streets in a State of Complete Revolution beggars belief and shows how dumb, misinformed , brainwashed and brain dead the US citizenry reallys is. They are all sleep walking into a hideous dictatorship that will make Hitlers Nazi’s look like a Sunday school outing. If anything the UK is even more dumb than the Yanks. A for the French they’re beyond hopeless. So, the Cabal is worred because they’re not totally completed with their global takeover yet and they;re scared the populace across the planet may yet wake up and finally go mad with rage.


Your catalogue of US crimes could not have happened without the complete subversion of all the legal agencies in the US of course and that is the key to absolute tyranny.

The constant flow of propaganda that good Credit Scores etc are assets and badges of honour that are necessary to be included in the American/ EU dream is all part of the process of theft from The People. The more money that chased any item , the more the item costs. Its akin to a Pyramid Ponzi Scheme.

The result is that The People flock to borrow money and volunteer themselves to be enslaved by debt to bankers who virtually create the money out of nothing.

Nigel Maund

WEll said! Totally agree FG!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes the same criminal cabal looted billions from Russia with their criminal fronts as they do this all over the world, with barely any checks to them.

Nigel Maund

The Rothschild’s as per usual and their coterie of fellow thieves.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No the US business cabal which has more than the Rothschilds. Look at Browder who was defrauding along with HSBC in Russia , that man was broke and guess how he created all those Ponze schemes. Hundreds of millions in dollars stolen through fraud. Billions stole via the 90’s of Elstin and the White House.

AM Hants

What is the Russian version of partners and a lot different to what we class. Diplomacy and sarcasm, the Russian way.


Yeah, but Russia still tries really hard to be friend with the US, and this is retarded. You gave them a chance and they refused it. Now grow some balls and tell the US to fuck off. Just LOL.

AM Hants

Diplomacy, does not make friendship. Russia are also fully aware of the body count, should they wish to do their worst.

Patience is required from us armchair gossips, as we watch events unfold, without having any idea of how it will all end, apart from hope.


I don’t know, i’m really starting to lose faith in russia.

Now we will see Russia’s reaction when the ukronazis attack the donbass. If Russia doesn’t react, and react HARD, then it’s really over.

AM Hants

There is a Russian Presidential Election, in just a few weeks time. So many cyber trolls, getting paid, to post soft psy-op comments.

Ukraine, if they violate the Minsk II Agreement (which they have never respected), by going full force in Donbass, allows Russia, in accordance with international law, to come to the rescue of the people in Eastern Ukraine.

What was it that the 1994 Budapest Agreement stated? Article 5 I believe, Russia can defend her people, from attacks by non-nuclear or nuclear nations.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

US is no ones friend in this world and least of all it’s citizens.

Nigel Maund

The Russians do not approach matters directly but employ the asymmetric oblique approach taking US planners by surprise as proven to date in Syria. Revenge is a dish best eaten cold. Careful analysis generally provids the best answers after all options have been considered. Doing what your enemy expects in never a wise move. The US is a highly duplicitious enemy and its word is utterly worthless.


They have taken everyone by surprise this time. Especially their allies. Soon to be former allies, as you will see. No doubt that the people in the Balkans are watching this…

The U.S.A. has never bragged about a war crime it has not perpetrated.

On the other hand, Russia has made many false promises and many declarations that have turned out to be worthless idle talk.

AM Hants

Fortunately, in their own covert way, the US is so easy to read, where intelligent, intelligence agencies are concerned. They always follow there one and only script. Good luck Russia and Syria, from the UK.

Jim Martin

Glad to see that you are suddenly an expert. Can we have chips with that?

Nigel Maund

Spent plenty of time watching what Russia does versus people’s expectations.

Boris Kazlov

Russia’s approach is too convoluted and docile, I don’t think they are being cunning, just not realizing that this is a fight to the death.

Nigel Maund

Watch this space and we’ll see pretty soon what the response will be. I don’t think the so called “partnership”” will last very long, and, in fact, was never there anyway. There is quite simply too much at stake for Russia, including, last but not least, two new bases at Tartus and Letakia. The Russians are careful chess players. The US “”Deep State” go on doubling down on their mistakes constantly raising the stakes as they now have no choice left. So, IMO we”’see soon enough and expect to be surprised.


Well let’s wait and see. So far no one dares to challenge US and all past threats by Assad, Iran and Russia are really hollow

Maybe Assad can find the courage to rebuke US as he is the legal guardian of Syria, not Iran or Russia. He is sooooo timid by all standards.

My take is that Iran will kick the US out no matter what as no sane people will allow an enemy right next to them and avowed to challenge Iran.

Just don’t think US has the power to defeat Iran in Syria no matter how many planes US has even if Russia chose to stay out .

Nigel Maund

You Yanks are all the same. You expect an immediate counter response matched by action. This is not the way the real world works as this level. The stakes are sky high here and any quick and ill thought through response to massive provocation by a desperate US Deep State and Israel seeking all out war in Syria, so they can achieve their nefarious objectives of Balkanising and controlling Syria and deposing Assad with their Puppet, would not produce the desired reposte. Wait to see in a week or so’s time and you may get a surprise. Sadly the US, Israel, UK and NATO are now on the wrong side of history; i.e, the opposite to that of WW2. The US was never a Democratic Republic but at least it had some freedoms. Now it is run by the most evil and cynical group of people this planet has ever seen. If there is a God, he will not be supporting you guys any more.


We have already seen the response.

Lavrov merely said that the U:S:A wanted to partition Syria.

Well, coming up with a response that is worthy of a mentally retarded child who has just woken up from a year-long coma… ought to tell you the state of affairs in which this whole thing is!

The Russians are cowards who speak in a pretentious way, make false promises, give false hopes, then reneging on them retreating to the point of no retreat, then, when they are cornered, expending tens of millions of their lives out of desperation in much the same suicidal manner as the Islamists whome they are fighting… and this self-defeating (almost suicidal) culture becomes a source of their national pride.

No wonder that the rest of the so-called “civilized world” thinks that they are sub-humans, when they constantly act like they are…

Indeed, the U.S.A. has just raised its stakes and threats to the 2 bases and possibly even more… and the Russians have responded that: ” no problem, we are ready to swallow even more shit this meekly”.

Nigel Maund

Oh no you haven’t – not so fast! You’re expecting the Russians to act immediately. They simply do not do that. Look at how they reacted to the Turkish shoot down of the Su 24M last year. Everyone expected a military response. What came shocked the Yanks and unhinged them. The same will happen this time. Watch this space.

Boris Kazlov

I am really angry about this ass-kissing attitude ot Russia. Just atlk from Lavrov and Sakharova in retaliation, as if USAIPAC cares about what russkies say.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well there are more to the airstrikes being said apparently the YPG/SDF had made a deal to trade Conico fields to Syria for the goodwill gesture of allowing convoys through. Well apparently local “ISIS” Deir ez zoir Military council” wasn’t happy and ordered the strikes.

Apparently the Russians are going to provide air cover since they negotiated this deal between the SDF/YPG and Syrian Gov., my guess the US is pissed at this move.


Any link to show the deal YPG did with SAA on the oil fields?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

So far it is what is being stated by various pro gov. and opp mi. are saying seems there are always hidden motives.

Boris Kazlov

Not gonna happen, Russia too chicken

Nigel Maund

Let’s see shall we? ………Predicability is not the mark of modern Russian thinking and strategy. Tell me this in two to three weeks time?


If it is true that 100 soldiers have been killed then there is no more excuse esp for Russia to keep quiet and still tell these US killers as “partners”.

Just wait how Iran and Russia will react.

John Whitehot

“If it is true ”

Which is not, unless the US are preparing an invasion of Deir Ezzoir by their goons.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That is something that hasn’t escaped my mind as both the SDF/Kurds and the US were smuggling in ISIS from the north side of the Euphrates and had been discussing an attack on Deir ez zoir City. The al-Iqsba Oil fields is where a group of “ISIS was operating and attacking from , well they turn out to be US and YPG/SDF troops disguised as “ISIS”. This is where the mortar and artillery fire came from, so looks like US tells a lie to invade from there, when they were already doing just that.


You are right.

Joe Doe

Russia need stronger leadership. Putin and his friends in government has weaken Russia and therefore, Russia become punching bag


I disagree with you but understand where you might be coming from.Putin hasn’t weakened Russia but I think is a bit too level headed.Putin must realize he is dealing with demons in the US (literally..these arent people) and act decisively in Syria as he did in The Crimea when the homeland was being threatened.. There reaches a point when laws dont apply anymore


Syria isn’t Russian homeland and time is running out for the US empire. Can the US afford to maintain the Eempire for another 5 years? 10?


Who said Syria was Russian homeland??? Why do you people always try to deliberately misrepresent people’s words


Yes Syria is not Russia home land , but without Syria aka Assad, Russia will be at the mercy of America And Nato.

Russia owes Syrian people more. Do not be mistaken


IF Russia will react. Just lol

Langaniso Mhlobo

Russia will bring new S400 and deploy it and go for lunch break with their western partners.No action after satisfaction.Surround and sanction and still siding with real enemies.


Agreed. For show only and then sell to China, Turkey, Qatar etc.

But really the S400 is not proven yet.

Langaniso Mhlobo

I have never see that oil and gas containers can take down 10 fighters jets.Proven during December attack second attack Buk and other anti aircraft guns were used plus manpads from deployed troops on strategic positions.


Russia will not even muster up enough courage to come up with a worthy verbal response at the United Nations Security Council! I mean, one that would soberly sum up the state of affairs, recall the relevant resolutions (e.g. S/RES/2170), the Charter of the United Nations, and point the finger at the criminal member.

That is the reality and the sad state of things!

Langaniso Mhlobo

Nonsense useless rubbish Security Council the joke of all time.Russia must stop attending meetings to this shithole centre and preparing for eventualities to come.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Very obvious and true.Not with sexually starved and stress good books seeking Putin and Tortoise eyes Lavrov.Only Nebenzia can stand up for Mother Russia with local strong Russians and restores its dignity.

That foolish mouse and cat issues will end.Beating behind the bushes will end.Rubbish immediate useless time wasting meetings will end.First Results and then talk if cooperation materialize. .

Travis Kelso

You think they will deploy the S400 missiles before or after their only aircraft carrier sinks in the Mediterranean?

Langaniso Mhlobo

Just before for decoration. After the only carrier sinks their will run to UN Security Council under Putin and Lavrov comand knowing nothing will happen. Just to drive fear under under non nuclear states just for Comback to milk them the poor weak countries.


Russia will not act at all, will just say US should not have done this and is “secretely” very pleased as Assad has been shown he should heed Russian opinions.

Iran will be furious, have much rethorics and will not be alble to do anything, other than urging Assad to seek confrontations.


I agree Russia will just pay some lip service which means Russia is not A reliable ally only thinking of their own interests and not the Syrians’.

Not true Iran cannot do anything , it’s just that it’s not the time as yet.

If it wants to take action which I am certain they will if US does not move out voluntarily. Iran had the muscle in it’s backward to do that.


We will have to wait and see though. Iran cannot strike from their own country as they do not border Syria anywhere near.

Striking from Syria will make their position dubious too and they lack heavy arms there. Their airforce is a technological relic, US will not be very impressed.


Existing forces in Syria is sufficient, but can be easily replenished as Iran had a corridor and no air Force can do anything about it like HoChee Minh trail in Vietnam.

History has proven in Lebanon what foot soldiers with poWerful ATGM can do. No need Tanks but with UAV plus SAm system ate more than enough. U S cannot even send soldiers nor be supplied by air as Syrian SAM will ensure that.

No US can easily be forced out even with Russia chickening out if they cannot be forced out legally thru UN with Nikki’s vetos

And when it is taking away a big chunk of Syria not even Assad will survive Syrian anger So a fight is a certainty and US would make a major mistake again.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There was 25 militia killed and civilians numbers are generally added by the US to call them soldiers , but very critical day of the year with 100 deaths from terrorist attacks including the US airstrike which what it was.


This 100 killed is just MSM propaganda. Action on this front is a big mistake (it can wait). :(


Some SAA and Allies coming from locals. Guess who turn their guns towards civilians in those parts. Unfortunately you really wouldn’t be able to reel in every animosity against the US occupation forces.


Oh wow now we’re openly participated in the Syrian civil war by defending ‘rebels’. Who was it again will leave once the ISIS defeated ?


As I have mentioned before in this Middle East war the US, Israel, Turkey, Saudis are united against Muslim nations in Palestine, in Syria, Iraq, in Yemen or in Afghanistan etc. Kurds, Syrians, Palestinians and Yemenis does not know this. They also trying to join Pakistan in this Zionist war but Pakistan shift towards Russia and China because their bond their is very strong, Washington know this.


Its now clear that first Al-Qaeda and ISIS attack and then after that US attack is clear indication that Washington has deep interest in Syria to take it from Syrian nation and create another Palestine or Yemen.

Tudor Miron

I would restrain from taking it to “face value”. Especially losses (100:1) and what happened overall. US MSM and US mil officials are well known BS spreaders so I would wait for more reliable sources.

Rakean Jaya

Agree with you Tudor, my opinion is that this ’news info’ is just a propaganda or just a disctraction from real news about another failed Israel attack arround Damascus.


The Pentagon never brags about a war crime it had not perpetrated.

Most likely, the Syrians and the Russians are so deeply in shit that they cannot even respond.

And if they do respond, it will be mostly unreliable anyway, something like cowardly presenting that nothing has happened, because they have already proven themselves to be pathetically unreliable.

Balázs Jávorszky

Why are they in shit? The SAA with rather minimal Russian, Iranian and Lebanese help is winning in ever front against the “opposition” (externally funded marauders). The various imperialist forces have to intervene directly to slow them down, like here, or the Turkish “observation posts”, or the recent Zionist air strike.

Tudor Miron

Why? Because this fella wants us to believe it is so igniring the fact that Syrian war maps show red areas grow day after day and thats in a country completely written off a couple of years ago.


“That fella” just wants you to take a long and hard look at the map!

The false pretense that U.S.A. is peddling is utter bullshit, the U.S.A. attacked the Syrian troops that were poised to fight the Islamic state!

That speak for my theory, not yours. The fact that they have not even responded, is more than telling. That simply means that they are deep in shit for years and years to come. I was not speaking about some trifle colour changes on the map, I was speaking about the fact that a half of Syria was being run by Syria’s and Russia’s arch enemy… and they will not even muster up the courage to come up with anything more than a reply that resembles that of a child just woken up from a year-long coma!

They have just written-off their country, if it is of any interest to you… Letting a half of their country being run by their number 1 arch-enemy, who had been hostile to them for almost 70 years, without even saying a single resolute word…

… that means “deep in shit” in my book, dude!


Because they have just renounced a half of their country without saying even a single word!

That means that are as deep in shit as they could possibly be!

Balázs Jávorszky

They havent renounced anything and they have repeatedly condemned the US and Turkish and Zionist actions. Furthermore, they were in deep shit in 2015 but now… if you havent noticed any change, Im sorry for you. And yes, you re probably a provocateur.

Tudor Miron

I can’t even say if this propoganda or something. For now the fact is that “someone said something” so I prefer to wait for more information regarding this events (if they even happened).

George King

Surprising this is being reported in MSM (an act of war) unless of course it is a feeler as to how the US citizens might respond to a US attack full frontal in the East Syrian proper. I still think that an allied clearing operation (might not include Russian assistance as it will not be needed) using M7 & trajectory from the south ISIS area in Syria up past and to include the ISIS area in Iraq through Syrian held Hasakah to Qamishli at the Turkey border. This will be a response unilaterally to both foreign occupying forces and the Kurdish solution not only in Iraq, Iran and Syria but also acceptable to Turkey as well..


Its all in the last sentence. Mis-direction.

John Whitehot

i don’t know but this whole news seems suspicious to me.

the way the info is presented, it appears to be an outright lie, or a large exxaggeration of some minor event. We’ll see in the next days what shapes the issue takes.


The Pentagon never brags about a war crime it had not perpetrated.

Most likely, the Syrians and the Russians are so deeply in shit that they cannot even respond. And if they respond, it will be mostly unreliable anyway, something like cowardly presenting that nothing has happened, because they have already proven themselves to be pathetically unreliable.

Balázs Jávorszky

Why are they in shit? See above.


You seem to be a little bit confused my friend.

John Whitehot

we can only imagine what the amount of sh*t some people has to eat daily does to their brains.


In a way you are right. I remembered last time US hit SAA ‘mistakenly’ iran, Russia and Syria issued a severe no more warning. If no action this time , can rest be assured all warnings would be like Assad’s hundreds of warnings to Israel

All bull


This is clear 100% US war crimes in Syria.


Sorry guy, defending oneself against an attacker is only a warcrime in Turkey, nowhere else. Not even in Syria.

AM Hants

US ‘Defensively’ Bombs Syrian Army, Kills 100 of Its Soldiers Pentagon estimates it has killed 100 Syrian soldiers in Deir Ezzor… http://russia-insider.com/en/us-defensively-bombs-syrian-army-kills-100-its-soldiers/ri22470

BREAKING: US claims aerial attack on Syrian ‘pro-regime’ forces… http://www.fort-russ.com/2018/02/breaking-us-claims-aerial-attack-on.html

No declaration of war. No UN authority. No invite, by the legally elected, democratic Government of the sovereign nation, to come and invade.

Yet, more US War Crimes and what will the UN have to say? Besides protect their US team?

Remember when the US and friends took out over 60 Syrian Forces, in the same area, a couple of years ago?

US strike on Syrian army was an intentional provocation – Churkin, Russia’s UN envoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=371IZ3klKWE&t=19s

Obama administration ‘regrets’ Syrian military … https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=seKYakhu6dc

Is it coincidental that the US has run out of money, today, to pay their Government workers and Government bills? Including their Forces. War crimes and they will not get a bonus at the end of the month, but, possibly no pay.


This definitely calls for an escalation — sending Russian nukes to Syria and establishing a program of nuclear sharing with Syria.

The same as in Western Europe. Simply following Western standards.

A jolly good way of demonstrating to the U.S.A. that this time it has gone to far and actually undermined its own security and the security of its allies. You probably know what I mean.

The Israelis are quite smart and influential people to tell the Murricans to back down and withdraw… or else… This time, the Syrians and the Russians have nothing to lose, while the Murricans and the Israelis and are have a hell lot to lose.

It is as simple as that.

John Whitehot

the videos are from the Obama era attack and have nothing to do with today’s claim wiseass.


One does not need permission by anyone to defend ones forces being attacked, even when the being there is in itself legally debatable

AM Hants

Guess you are no expert, with regards international law?


And you are? Anybody has a legal right to selfdefense in any situation.

AM Hants

Not when they are the invaders. There again, you do find the biggest bullies are the loudest screamers.


As proven here by many commenters

George King

You are not confused, you are a product of stupid or hubris and I am beginning to doubt any coherent rational coming from you. This is why I ignore you for the most part. The UN resolution is in regards to a sovereign nation state to protect itself when attacked. To be able to make such a statement on your part as the US being a nation state under attack from little ole Syria within its own borders is straight from the theater of the absurd. This of course applies to any NATO or other organization because their actions are war crimes against a sovereign nation, this is not disputable!

jim crowland

Well done USA! Mass murderer Assad cannot get way with murdering democratic forces…..




President Assad’s forces do NOT ‘murder ‘ their enemies as the US is prone to doing.

The SAA engage the US terror gangs in lawful combat.

Jonathan Cohen





Let’s wait for the official SAA report before believing anything from the US


I agree

Travis Kelso

Yes because State run media always gets to the truth.

Joe Doe

Russia under Putin become only punching bag and nothing more. Yes, they can bomb some ISIS and HTS, but can’t protect and stand up for friendly nation like Syria and others. Syria has been bomb by Israel and now US coalition and Russia as done nothing and this will continue, as Russia under Putin lost respect. I addition, every time Netanyahu meets with Putin, couple days later Israel bomb Syria and lately Putin meets Netanyahu very often

al quaida

You are a pro US troll


Trump, Netanyahu and Erdogan should stop pushing Syrian nation and their allied security forces out of their land. Trump, Netanyahu and Erdogan should not covet to the land of Syrian nation. ——————————————————————————–


I have listened the speeches and conferences of Washington politicians and of Moscow politicians. I founded big differences in both. The Moscow politicians are polite and too great in attitude and on the other side the Washington politicians look like that somebody have freed their d-o-g-s. They should be in prison behind the bars.


In Syria there are continous false flag FSA, ISIS, AL-QAEDA and SDF, YPG attacks on Syrian nation. They have also used false flags chemical attacks on Syrian nation. It indicates that how much Washington, Talvive and Ankara are covet in Syrian land.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

As far as I am aware the RF MoD has not labelled the SDF as a radical Islamic terrorist group, (albeit debatable whether U.S. SF’s that are training them are or not?) so not likely to intervene.

The real showdown shall be between the U.S. backed SDF and the TAF with their proxies.

Bulgarian God

Russia/Asad are weaklings ! They never responded to US attacks. Just punching bags or sitting ducks, hahaha…

Garry Compton

And Buger aria is such a great super power – LOL All they make are weapons for ISIS.

Travis Kelso

Right, because its easy to respond to a kill ratio of 100 to 1


Cannon fodder. Perhaps the world’s cheapest army sacrificed 100 men

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Soon as western Syria is liberated by the SAA, the new settlement shall start, and then the U.S. possibly loses Turkey from out of NATO.


Turkey getting itself out of Nato or being booted out is long coming.

I would be willing to wager a sixpack of good beer that Turkey will be out of Nato before the end of 2018 if it continues on its present course.

Travis Kelso

Yes turkey can spend billions of $$ revamping their military and align itself with Russia which’s economy isn’t even the same size as Texas. Or even better they can have all of their NATO equipment blown up in Afrin so they can buy new ones.


If somebody gives them credit, maybe.

Alejandro Bonifacio

gringos are cowards , they just attacked when they have the advantage


If Putin doesn’t react to this then he’s officially a fucking pussy.

John Whitehot

and you’re officially around your 300th nickname.

Langaniso Mhlobo

That’s how the name starts.Pu….

Langaniso Mhlobo

Syrian legitimate government troops are fighting for liberation of Syrian territory and land.Who is uninvited USA/NATO fighting for and who are their liberating.Instead of attacking sovereign troops.USA must pull out without preconditions from sovereign country.Is this rubbish white monopoly centre callef UN security council only mean for terrorists USA/NATO.

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